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View Full Version : Tsunamis kill thousands - Crucial needs in time to come:

31st December 2004, 09:06 AM
This is a tragedy that has claimed the lives of over 100,000 (still soaring) innocent human beings. All it took was a couple of hours. Many more are injured & hospitalized. Millions are displaced in their own country. These people need help to recover in Short & long term period.

My Heart goes out to many people disposing whatever limited resources they have (Money, Volunteer their physical time, giving their Skills & expertise….). Please devise a method so the waste is minimized & help is maximized in reaching the victims of this tragedy.

The recovery stages for many will be in different phase:

1) Immediate assistance to provide the basic need ( Food , Water , Temporary Shelter & Medicine to those injured )
2) Prevention of diseases: next few days are critical to stop the spread of diseases that can kill even more people (Cholera, malaria, dengue fever could take hold unless medical supplies reach appropriate affected areas in time).
3) Financial support due to loss of lively hood – This could take a generation in certain families to recover if the primary caregiver had perished.
4) Most important being the Implementing a Alert System (giving at least 3-10 hours notice) in Place and Minimize or Prevent similar tragedy of this proportion from happening again.

So our help as ordinary people could be to provide immediate assistance in stages 1 and 2.
But we also need to keep the pressure on various Governments & International Organizations to stay focus on funding & assisting the larger scale long term Projects in time to come.
I request other knowledgable hubbers to provide more valuable inputs thinking long term as well.

Let us improve our awareness of this Great Universe & we owe it to ourself to help others in greater need than us .

Thank You

31st December 2004, 11:51 AM
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