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1st January 2005, 11:47 AM

Weather as a Force Multiplier:
Owning the Weather in 2025

A Research Paper

Presented To

Air Force 2025


Col Tamzy J. House
Lt Col James B. Near, Jr.
LTC William B. Shields (USA)
Maj Ronald J. Celentano
Maj David M. Husband
Maj Ann E. Mercer
Maj James E. Pugh

August 1996


2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government.

This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only.

This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared for public release.


Mad Max
1st January 2005, 06:56 PM
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3rd January 2005, 01:36 PM
With all the electronic weather control mechanisms and thousands of under water nuclear tests, many feel that there's man's hand on this deadliest tsunami attacks.

iyarkaiyai vella ninaithu appavi uyirgaLai panayam vaikkum kodooramum, suyanalamum manithanukkE uriya kEvalamaana gunam.

Some say the rain is being turned on and off by an irritated and vengeful God. In reality, however, it is Man who is playing God and doing the dirty work. None of this is illusory or accidental, for there is powerful and compelling evidence that the bizarre weather patterns of recent years have been - to a very large degree - engineered, controlled, and influenced by both the Russian and American governments. It's all based on the works of the super mind of Nikola Tesla. The search for the mastery of the elements that began with Nikola Tesla in the late 1800s, involving the transmission of electrical energy through space, has now become a reality.

The US Patents office so far has issued patents for;

- a method increasing the likelihood of precipitation be the artificial introduction of sea water vapor into the atmospher, .

- a system for irradiation of planet surface areas.

- a weather modification method.

- a sattelite weather modification system

In 1978, the United States launched an experiment which created a downpour of rain over six countries of northern Wisconsin. The storm generated winds of 175 miles per hour and caused fifty million dollars damages.

Russians, to date, have completed nearly 30 of the huge transmitters which emit signals primarily in the very dangerous 10-Hertz range, otherwise known as Extreme Low Frequency (referred as ELF system). The technology again is based on the brilliant work of the peerless electrical genius, Nikola Tesla. These huge transmitters that form high-pressure blocking systems that can change weather patterns around the world. ‘ELF’ waves started in the early 1980s and strange weather patterns began to occur with unusual droughts, flooding and storms.

Considering the danger involved with such mechanisms, that may be used for hostile purposes, in 1977, a UN Treaty against "weather modification for hostile purposes" was signed by the United States and Russia.

In spite of signing the UN Treaty, the United States continues its work in building a huge weather experimental complex called HAARP, in a remote part of Alaska. :cry: :cry: :cry:

4th January 2005, 02:48 PM
Tsunamis and Underwater Nuclear Testing

An undersea earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale with its epicenter about 160 km from the northern portion of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia on Sunday, December 26, set off the gigantic tsunamis that devastated coastal south-east Asia.

It was the largest since the 9.2 quake in Prince William Sound in Alaska in 1964 and the 4th largest in the century.
Scientist believe that compression between the Indian and Burmese tectonic plates which caused the undersea earthquake.

The quakes perhaps have been set off by another quake of about 8.1 on the Richter scale on the other side of the plate about 900 km SE of the coast of Tasmania on Thursday, December 24, which caused no serious damage however. The causal relationship is not proved but the time sequence is striking and some seismologists have considered it quite possible.

The other disturbances that can cause tsunamis are landslides or explosions such as under water nuclear testing.

The United States has conducted 1,054 tests of nuclear devices between July 16, 1945 and September 23, 1992. Before 1962, all the tests were atmospheric (on land or in the Pacific or Atlantic oceans) but overall the majority - 839 - were underground tests.

From 1966 to 1990, 167 French nuclear test explosions have been performed on two atolls in French Polynesia, Morurua and Fangataua. Of the 167 tests, 44 were atmospheric. Atmospheric explosions were carried out until 1974, but only underground tests after that. The underground tests have been conducted at the bottom of shafts bored 500-1200 meters into the basalt core of the atoll. Initially these shafts were drilled in the outer rim of the atoll. In 1981, most likely due to the weakening of that rim, the tests with higher yields were shifted to shafts drilled under the lagoon itself.

The short term effects of underwater nuclear testing include geological damage and the venting of gaseous and volatile fission products into the biosphere. Nuclear tests, the applicants say, can cause landslides and did indeed cause a major underwater landslide at Mururoa in 1979, when a nuclear device was exploded after jamming half-way down its shaft. “ Such accidental explosions are likely to cause a giant submarine landslide which may demolish parts of the island and could create a tidal wave that may itself damage coastal installations on other islands nearby ” - says Dr Summerhayes, Director of the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences in the United Kingdom.

The Mururoa Landslide shifted at least one million cubic meters of coral and rock and created a cavity, probably 140 meters in diameter and produced a major tidal wave comparable to a tsunami, which spread through the Tuamotu Archipelago and injured people on the southern part of Moruroa Atoll. French authorities initially denied that any mishap had occurred and declared that the tidal wave was of natural origin, but in a publication in 1985 they did acknowledge "the accident of 25 July 1979".

Since the geology of Mururoa is already unstable due to large-scale fracturing caused by previous tests, further major landslides are likely. Such landslides in the past have given rise to tsunamis causing coastal damage in areas as far away as Pitcairn and Tahiti and endangering residences. They can also release radioactive material into the sea, with catastrophic effects on the food chain in an area such as French Polynesia where fish is an important part of the diet.