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21st February 2008, 02:13 PM
A maestro’s life scripted
Thursday February 21 2008 12:05 IST
Express Features

Director Bharathiraja, music maestro Ilayaraja, Kundrakudi Ponnambala, Nalli Kuppuswamy Chetti and Suki Sivam at the book launch.

IT was certainly a special ocassion. Music maestro Ilayaraja’s life had been compiled into two publications and the stage was shared by both the music maestro and ace director Bharathiraja. The audience sat through the long speeches and enjoyed thoroughly the anecdotes and real life stories which formed them.

The books titled ‘Isaignani Ilayaraja’ and ‘Adiyaar Adiyotri’ were published by Kavitha Publications. Speaking at the function, the chief guest, Kundrakudi Ponnambala Adigalar, said that writers should live according to what they write and be role models. ``Ilayaraja has achieved fame, wisdom and music. But he didn’t care about all these. And it was Bharathiraja who brought out our village life in films,’’ he added.

Director Bharathiraja received the first copy of books from Nalli Kuppuswamy Chetti. A Natarajan, Suki Sivam, R Azhakapppan, Sharada Nami Aarooran and Chokalingam; all addressed the gathering and were extravagant in praising Bharathiraja and Ilayaraja. The speeches being informal by nature, left the audience bursting into laughter at many occasions.

The event, organised by the Brahma Gana Sabha, was held at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mylapore, on Tuesday evening.

Link: http://www.newindpress.com/NewsItems.asp?ID=IE920080221014409&Title=Chennai&rLink=0

21st February 2008, 02:18 PM
I already expressed my thoughts about IR's biography. It looks like my dream comes true :bluejump: :boo:

Anybody purchased these books?
Who are the authors?

I guess, among two books Isaignani Ilaiyara will cover his music travel and Adiyaar Adiyotri will be on his spritual travel.