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View Full Version : Any fans of ERICH SEGAL?

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Topic started by Prabha (@ on Tue Feb 26 00:46:34 .

MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD is very popular and i think its been made into movies in hindi and tamil too!



2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Read only love story and olivers story.
Both of them were good.
Witty,intelligent and superbly narrated....

Is CLASS good enough ??

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Yes i feel class is good, sentimental!

Its bout 5 members of the Harvard class. Their story begins in a time of innocence ..
and thorough 25 years of life and reality, passion laughter, women in their lives,..
climaxing in their reunion at which they confront thier classmates....

With what they were, ...What they go thorough.... and what they are now.
Very emotional novel that completely touches u. One has got to read it.
Takes you back to College LOL.

I guess it also won Literary prizes down in Europe.

Yet my first choice is always

DOCTORS. I was obsessed with that character BARNEY LIVINGSTON for quite sometime.

I feel one develops emotional attachments with any character, who shares his or her
childhood with us. We tend to live with the character, and grow with them through the

Btw, It was me who started this thread, just took a different name later.


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Doctors, was one of "the" best that i've read in a long time, Mr.segal has truly captured the live, the essance and the nuisance of the things that doctors, go through to be what they are and how they were prepared to face the harsh really of medical science, by the way the movie/mini sereies was good too, esspecially the potrayal of Dr.Bennet Landsmann (AKA. Abraham Lincoln Bennet)
he was sort of my hero. He being colored and all was able not only keep up with his white peers but managed to surpass the expectation of himself.
Laura Castellano, was truly an inspiration to women folk almost everywhere, that the medical line was not only for the male.

truly a very well written book.
i hope that Mr.segal writes some more of this type of book.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hai friends,
How about 'Acts of Faith' ?


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
i loved all 3 segal's books i read
- love story, - doctors, - th class.

this guy is great :-))


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
i´ve only read "love story" but thats the greatest book i´ve ever read1i htink its a sentimal book.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

I am reading 'acts of faith'!

I would post my review on the same later. Too much of jewish customs to digest!!!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
hi,iam very interested in the film of only love (the american one).its sooooo great.
but pity i dont know the name of the actors.besides if there is a certain site about the film inform me plz

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
hi,iam very interested in the film of only love (the american one).its sooooo great.
but pity i dont know the name of the actors.besides if there is a certain site about the film inform me plz

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hey Guys

Read The ONLY LOVE - As ggod as, sometimes better than Love Story.
My favourite Segal's work

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
segal is good

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hello everyone *
My mum read 'Love Story' once upon a time and it has lived within her heart ever since. I , however cannot get my hands on this masterpiece :(
and await eagerly the day our paths finally cross.
I have had the utmost pleasure of experiencing 'Doctors' and 'Only Love' which completely took my breath away.
Mr. Segal's depth of mind and soul takes my breath away ...

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
In "The Class" what I liked was not the just, it was the picture of an ideal filled America. Unlike today when both that country and the ideals they live for are both in jeopardy.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hey guys,
I'm a final year medical student and let me inject you with something;my kudos for anything Segal.Believe me when I say I'm a proselytiser of all my friends.(now they all walk around as Segal zombies,waiting to gulp down all his other works).The most inspiring and motivating aspects of his works point to emotion raw and uncut.Like a raw carbon fossil.The character portrayals carry with them the most profound amount of depth that comes from someones deeply forrowed forehead.(for that matter his cortex too).He has inspired me to pursue my education with a higher cause,and raise my standards.If only everyone read Segal.They could get easy jobs.Proffessional shrinks?.Just kidding.
Anyway my all time favourite characters in fiction are created by Segal.
Thank you for acknowledging the considerable number of Indian fans out there.(I originally came across this while searching for tamil sites for my mom.;))

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
segal is just great and i loved doctors ,the most.having read it three times ive developed a great affinity for barney livingston.the potrayal of characters were awe inspiring and stupendous.im looking forward to read all of his novels.ive been reading many authors all these days but doctors has left a deep cut-impression in my heart.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Dear friends!
I read only 2 books of Segal- love story ,
man, women and child.
It's fantastic!
In Russia there is no another books. Help me please. Where I can get the text ?

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
what about prizes? sumthing to do with a child prodigy and nobel prizes. and of course has a variety of interesting relationships-the segal trademark

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
what about prizes? sumthing to do with a child prodigy and nobel prizes. and of course has a variety of interesting relationships-the segal trademark

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
i have read love story, man, woman and child, only love, and acts of faith. to me, the most outstanding of all were love story and acts of faith. in acts of faith, i realized that whatever be your religion, your own individual connection to your creator is the thing that matters most, and that love is a manifestation of this connection. erich segal has outdone himself in this book. do read it!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Have you ever heard of Prizes, written by Erich Segal? I can not believe that nobody heard of that novel? Was it translated into other languages?

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
I have read ALL of Erich Segals fictional books. I read THE CLASS first and it has remained my favorite although I read all eight books in a continuous cycle. Acts of Faith is a good second with such an intruiging look at how various religions intertwine. DOCTORS is also a close third with such a wealth of medical reference one almost feels like a doctor (great reading for those of us with medical educations)!

I cannot wait for the next release!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
i like all his works.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Loved every book of him .
Especially love story.
Great fan of his. Whats he coming up with next?

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
i love all erich segal's books. i missed 'only love' though. prizes, the doctors, the class are among his best for me. love story is beautiful too both in book form and movie. (jen is such a smart aleck but cute, awesome character) i salute you mr. segal for such a brilliant fiction writer. i'm looking forward to read new novel. more power to ya!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
i love all erich segal's books. i missed 'only love' though. prizes, the doctors, the class are among his best for me. love story is beautiful too both in book form and movie. (jen is such a smart aleck but cute, awesome character) i salute you mr. segal for such a brilliant fiction writer. i'm looking forward to read your new book. more power to ya!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
I am currently working my way through his novels. The Class mesmerized me, and I didn't think that Doctors could possibly be as good. But it was even better! Now I'm reading Acts of Faith, and I think every book is better than the last.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hi All,
anybody who have full Love Story file (pdf or word, etc) written by Erich Segal???
Could you send it to me as soon as possible flowwing my address: anhvuntc@yahoo.co.uk
or if you know the webpage that content it please tell me.
thanks for this help.
"Love Story " is the best novel of me.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Anybody know the webpage, where I can download or can read online the full content of "Love story" novel written by Erich Segal, please tell me or send it to me following my address: anhvt@hotpop.com Thank you very much.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
I have read "love story" , 'Oliver's Story" , "The Class" and have now also read "Acts of Faith".I like his books.But i think he repeats himself in the books and they r predictable after u have read one of his books!!!!!!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

i Love his works...and j.k rowling!!!
DOCTORS, THE CLASS, and LOVESTORY are my favorite!!!!!
i have read DOCTORS when i was still in High School...and I love it.. . it captured the heart of everyone even those who are not in medical profession...I myself once a medical student and indeed it tackles all the obstacles and triumphs on the road to be as such...Now I am a doctor..i still read it over and over again...it is a book..every doctor should read!!


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

i Love his works...and j.k rowling!!!
DOCTORS, THE CLASS, and LOVESTORY are my favorite!!!!!
i have read DOCTORS when i was still in High School...and I love it.. . it captured the heart of everyone even those who are not in medical profession...I myself once a medical student and indeed it tackles all the obstacles and triumphs on the road to be as such...Now I am a doctor..i still read it over and over again...it is a book..every doctor should read!!


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

i Love his works...and j.k rowling!!!
DOCTORS, THE CLASS, and LOVESTORY are my favorite!!!!!
i have read DOCTORS when i was still in High School...and I love it.. . it captured the heart of everyone even those who are not in medical profession...I myself once a medical student and indeed it tackles all the obstacles and triumphs on the road to be as such...Now I am a doctor..i still read it over and over again...it is a book..every doctor should read!!


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Erich segal is a master of relationships. He knows how to entangle them and he himself knows the keys. Be it a parental relationship, be it a sibling relationship, or be it a consummation relationship, he has outdone every1. Acts of Faith has some of the marvellous relationship features when man feels close to his parents and when he doesn't. When a man has no1 to confide in, and when there is no1 who cares for you but still there are people other then your family who care for you. A great relationship king, is Erich Segal. Doctors, The class, Man Woman and Child, Love Story, Olivers Story, Only Love, Prizes all his works have based theme thats just relationship.

I m a writer too. Erich Segal is my god father. I wanna write like him. Thanks to him for all his great works. I want him to write forever.

__Jas ( jas_ahuja@rediffmail.com)

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
i have read the love story but part of it is advanc to me --a china student

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Love story is excellent masterpiece, no body can forget that. I feel eveyone shud read this book who beleives in this concept.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
I'd like to find out about the history of this author. any link ?

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Don't be surprised by receiving an email from a stranger like me.
I saw your words in " any fans of Erich segal?"I know you wrote them in April but may i help you something? and i give you this adress.
But i wonder why you don't buy this novel when you want to read it. The truth is that owning a valuable book is more interesting than wasting of time to look for in online and especially. The price of this book is too cheap( because it's very short)

http://martin.puaschitz.at/arbeiten/pdf/englisch_love_story.pdf (http://martin.puaschitz.at/arbeiten/pdf/englisch_love_story.pdf
If you want to know more about myself , please click here
Bye bye

your friend
Mai Thuy Phuong
( don't waste of time to worry because life is so short)

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
I've read Doctors and The Class... Loved them both... but I must say that The Class is my absolute favourite... I can read that book any number of times...

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
it's not just a novel,it's a love story of two hearts of the age of 70's.it so heart touching and full of deep emotions that one can't just remain unperturbed by this masterpiece of the master of relations "erich segal".
my eyes were full of drops ,while reading last wto chapters of the book,and i was feeling every emotion like everything was happeneing with me.
read it and feel the effects ,my friends.you will never foget it.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
I have never liked book.... but as soon as i read "love story" it captured my heart. It is an amazing masterpeice. By now i have read it about 67 times. They way that segal describes the situation. solves it. just soo amazing. i am lookin forward to realding his other books. i am currently reading the class.. amazign as well.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
This website provides no good information! I tried to get information on Erich Segal in the 1970s and here pops up "Any fans of Erich Segal", well of course, I'd love to find out info on why or how people love him so much! Get information on him, if so I will be on this website fom now until the projct is due(1-18-04)....Hope you read this and take it into consideration!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
hi , I'm really charmed by Erich Segal's books and it's very important for me to contact Mr Segal, to write how much I treasure His Stories, I'm wondering if any of you know His e-mail adress or any other way to contact Him??

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

Part of Segal's success is cos of his style of writing. A novel's success is never limited only to the storyline or the plot..

Segal's got an amazing vocab.. which is hardly a surprise cos he teaches literature at Yale, Princeton and Harvard. On a lighter note, if you plan to prepare for the GRE Verbal, pick up and read Doctors.. you won't need to go thro' Barron's!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
The Class is my favourite.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Just loved love story,

A great traditional wrought story of iron resolve and it opened gates in a classic reproduction of tolstoy's anna karenina which put the components of my parts into perspective.


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
does anybody know where i can find biogrphy of erich segal or smthing like that?

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
is there a sequel for DOCTORS .. i just heard it from my friends plzz inform me if anyone know abt it

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
I have read a lot of books and i will never forget "love story"... nevermine his other books.. they are predictable...

But if you say otherwise lets discuss it... e-mail me....

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hello All,
Please help me with one small problem, I do not why I decided to contakt with You but,
I am searching Erich Segals biography but still nothing found from web.
Do You know where I can find his biography or at least some information about his life were he is born also childhood and went to school?
Thank You in advance for Your help


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hi, I love segal's books, particularly Oliver's story and The Class.Characters are so alive as if things are happening with reader. I did not find love in real life, but found in his books. I read these again and again.For me these are most beautiful thing in world.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
hi my name is mario duavl and I live in quebec city (trois-rivieres) and I should do a litteraly critic about erich' love story and in this works i want to know the boigraphy of erich i hope you can help me

truly yours

mario duval

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
hi my name is mario duavl and I live in quebec city (trois-rivieres) and I should do a litteraly critic about erich' love story and in this works i want to know the boigraphy of erich i hope you can help me

truly yours

mario duval

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
i love all of his books.but i have questions that is same from others.i want to know his email add and his biography.thanks

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
I too am adicted to Eric Segal's writings. I have read all his so far novels. According to me Man Woman and Child is the best. He inspired me a lot. I too am interested in creative writing. Now I am working on an English novel inspired by people like Segal, Ken Follet,Archer, Grisham etc. I would love to talk to people interested in modern literature and classics.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
ERICH SEGAL is not one of the best but best writers of his time and our time too. No book uptill now has been written like LOVE STORY. Segal's love story is a book which makes you believe in love if you dont believe in it. The most magnificient writer who has understood the depth of a husband and wife relation as he has done in MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Erich Segal is my absolutely favourite author. I've read all his novel that were printed in Poland (where I come from, betcha don't know where it is!)My personal favourite is Doctors. I was just charmed when I read this, and I immediatelly fell for Bennett. Poor chap, really. But anyway, please contact me, if U wanna talk. Lookin' forward to all the responses!!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
there's absolutely no doubt that he is a master of relationships.....i read his class last night and found it superb....anybody interested to any character can mail me saikatg2000@yahoo.com

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Not to name one of his books out of the few many he has written............lemme tell you if relations matter to you and romance is appealing ........there's none other than Erich Segal, who can actually shower your soul........Gawd!!! he is simply great with his writings...........Just wish he had more to offer

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
i've read all of erich segal's books. 'Doctors' is my number one favorite. i'd also want to read his biography too.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
VALUE="LW:231;L:http://www.forumhub.com/fh_eng. (http://www.forumhub.com/fh_eng.


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hi! I'm from Argentina and I has to read Man Woman and Child for University. It`s an excellent story... I loved it!!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
doctors is simply superb......eric segal is a master at describing relationships....i have read doctors 5 times in the last 5 years.... a must read!!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Doctors is real class..its a very nicely written novel which anybody who has gone to a professional college can relate to. Acts of faith is also a good read.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
hi surabhi

i have read all segal novels including the worst
feel gr8 that u r also a big fan of his novels.
he is just a great .


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
i have read all segal novels.
i need some novels ,but r not available here.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
My name is Anamika Sandhu.
I live i New Delhi-India.
This Love story was so amazing that i started crying when the book was finished.
This really sets me in pain

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
This was the first ever love story that made people cry.
This was absolutely wonderful.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
This is Tushar Srivastava from Delhi.
Hats off to the master of relationships.

Love Story was awesome, The Class, Prizes and Doctors were fabulous.

The best i guess was Man, Women and Child ( the book from which Shekhar Kapur was inspired and thats how the Bollywood movie "Masoom" came into being)

I didnt like Oliver Story that much, but then who am i to criticize the great man.

Guys tell me if i have missed any of his novels.


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
the 1st book i read from erich segal was "prizes" & that was 10 years ago. since then, i've been a certified fan. i think he's really smart & not like other authors who stick on 1 topic. "love story" is THE love story to read, "the class" is definitely the college thing, "doctors" is truly THE BEST, & "man, woman, child" is deeply inspiring for all families. i wish erich segal would write forever!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hi Tushar
Have u read Only Love? Thats an amazing book.... Acts of faith is also very good.... U missed these 2 books...i guess.....


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hi all,

Have you seen this movie "Love Story" directed by Arther Hiller in 1970. The movie was actually made before the book was written. Needless to mention, the story writer for this movie was Erich Segal himself. Later he penned downed the book with the screenplay of his own in his mind.

Also, this movie was nominated for 7 academy awards. The CDs are available across all Planet M stores in India.

Thanks and Regards.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
mail me at


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

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2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
doctors is a fabulous book..its a must read for an erich segal fan..u can pick the book from any circulating library and you will not be disappointed...

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hi, i am from Kolkata, India. Eric Segal is my fav author. I have read all his works, "Acts of Faith" being my personal favoutite and "The Class" my second favourite. He has this unique style of portraying the complexities and helplessness in relationships. He is simply a genious.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Yeah, rich Seagals books are too good. Why don't you guys try Harper Lee - To Kill A Mocking Bird.
It's a really good book. A must read.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
i have just read segal's love story...i just want to know a complete list of his works

can anyone help me


2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Till my date with Jennifer(Love story),
novels,their chachters,were all about fantasies.
To confess,i have enjoyed my stay in their
dreamland but none ever inspired me.The way
Erich Segal can make his charachters out of
people around us attracts me most.'Acts Of Faith'has introduced me to a different world but
not to the author still.SOMEBODY HELP

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
If someone has any information on the biography of erich or something about him please write to me... Thank's

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
erich segal is one of "the best" writers i have known. he novels are touching and heart felt and have brought tears a lot of times. his novels are celebrations of love and life. thanks to him.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
erich segal is one of "the best" writers i have known. his novels are touching and heart felt and have brought tears a lot of times. his novels are celebration of love and life. thanks to him.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hi Selvaraj,(if this reaches you ),I am as inspired and moved as many others by these modern writers and their works.nice to know you are writing on the same lines.I am as much interested as a begginer should be in creative writing but i am still restricting myself to articles and some small works . One i want to write(and i really do) is an imaginary interview with the author.Can you please help me with some information about him or a mail i.d ?

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hi Selvaraj,(if this reaches you ),I am as inspired and moved as many others by these modern writers and their works.nice to know you are writing on the same lines.I am as much interested as a begginer should be in creative writing but i am still restricting myself to articles and some small works . One i want to write(and i really do) is an imaginary interview with the author.Can you please help me with some information about him or a mail i.d ?

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
I have never read such wonderful stories until Erich Segal's works. The Class is my fave!!!

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
hi my name is Shandy and i come from China,my first book by segal is the"love Story"and i found it a wonderful one.i always remember "love means you don't have to say you're sorry ever."and then i read "doctors" and"men women and child".i am eager to read more ,could anybody tell me how to download an e-book or read it on line?many thanks.

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
Hey guys, can u help me out on this...I read a Segal some 7yrs ago and came across this-"Sero te amavi, est pulchtrido, et tam nova..."
Now I forgot which book it was and what it meant n what language...Help me out pls guys

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
hey agustya here's the answer for your query:

"Sero te amavi, pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova, sero te amavi!" (Late have I loved thee, o beauty ever ancient and yet so new, late have I loved thee!) St. Augustine, Confessiones

2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
I'm a great fan of Erich Segal. Love Story, Acts of Faith, Man Woman & child, Doctors....i've read them over and over again. Now i wanna read The Class. This is my beloved's favorite. But I'm unable to get it. Will anyone do me the reqd favor.

Rajeev Ranjan
Ist Floor, SG-86
Shasri Nagar
Ghaziabad. INDIA. 201 001
Cell no. +91-9213130981
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