View Full Version : Quest of spirituality and pOli sAmiyArkaL

18th April 2008, 01:29 AM
Spiritual quest has always been part of the human make-up. Even among people who don't believe in God, there had been always questions like 'whether life has a purpose' (why are we here, why so much crime / suffering, is it possible to know the future, what happens at death etc.) Even many who are strong believers of the theory of evolution have at times wondered whether there was one original cause at all or whether there was a law-maker behind the laws after all. (A nice example - the famous writer Sujatha, please refer to his quoted article about "obituary column" in his obituary thread). Often such evolutionists are also altruistic (defying survival-of-the-fittest theory), philanthropic etc.

Unfotunately, there have always been some smart humans who use this quest of spirituality in human make-up to their selfish advantage, by claiming themselves to be 'sAmiyArs'. At the same time there are many others who try to educate people on spirituality without any kind of selfish interests.

A typical average person is baffled as to how to identify the real spiritual guru from a pOli. Today's newspaper has this horrible news of one person with such claims committing a suicide along with his lover:

What are the views of hubbers as to the identifying marks of a good spiritual guru? How to avoid pOlikaL? (Please don't side-step into any controversy related to religion / caste etc. as the Hub forbids discussion in those lines)

18th April 2008, 04:12 AM
What are the views of hubbers as to the identifying marks of a good spiritual guru? How to avoid pOlikaL?

Well, the only way to be absolutely sure of avoiding "pOlikaL" - don't trust any of them!!!

The question is - why do you need to put your faith in a "guru"? I mean idolising someone - whoever it may be - is dangerous. I prefer to learn from people who are willing to admit to their flaws - I'm willing to admit to my own weaknesses - rather than people who claim to be spiritually "wiser" and "intellectually" superior to me. I don't trust anyone dressed in saffron (or for that matter, any other colour) robes.

A sportsman can by guided by a coach, but he cannot improve his standard unless he actually does the hard work himself. A coach can show the way, but it's up to the sportsman to do the work. But a sportsman who carefully studies himself, learning from his own mistakes (and also from other people's mistakes) doesn't need a coach. Likewise, if you can carefully learn to find your way in life by yourself, and also learn from other people's experiences, there is no need to turn to a spiritual "Guru".

In the field of medicine, currently the philosophy is "evidence-based medicine", i.e., when making any decision about treating patients, look for evidence. Don't use a treatment just because the professor thinks it's the right treatment, or because the textbooks say that it's the right treatment... of course, usually, the professor and the textbooks are right, but the only way to be totally sure, is to look at evidence obtained through carefully designed research studies and clinical trials. Likewise in life, learn from successful people - people who have proven themselves through their actions, rather than "gurus" who have achieved nothing, though they may know how to talk using grand ideas which are usually impractical.

We can learn qualities such as discipline from sportsmen, we can learn dedication from scientists, we can passion from artists, etc. etc. If any guru can achieve anything useful for others, then we can take them seriously - not until then.

18th April 2008, 06:18 AM
What are the views of hubbers as to the identifying marks of a good spiritual guru? How to avoid pOlikaL?

I will not say there is no need for a guru at all! That would go against every scripture! The Guru-Sishya parampara is one of the most sacred, most holy relationships and it is not for me to denounce that and say there is no need for a guru whatsoever.

Yes there have been spiritual greats who have had no "human" guru but even they admit to either life itself or God Himself as the Guru.

Such being the case how do we identify the correct guru? Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi, one of the greatest Jnanis of the last century - who never posited himself as a guru - defines the Guru Lakshana (characteristics of a guru).

He would often say "If your mind attains peace in the presence of a Master, then know him to be the Guru".

Thus, the only qualification is whether the so-called 'guru' is able to bring peace of mind to you. He is not one who gives endless spiritual discourses, not one who keeps disciples busy with revelation after revelation etc. It is one who, by his mere presence, can calm the unruly mind, and allow the so called disciple to delve deep within himself. After all, isnt that what spirituality is all about - calming the raging mind and looking within to discover the PEACE already present?

Oh, but if you want worldly favours, parigarams for griha shanthi, solving marital problems, financial problems etc etc...then there are dime a dozen ready to give you advise. If you seek a guru for only worldly benefits, then you probably cannot complain being ripped off and made a fool of.

For that goes against the very basic tenet of spirituality. The Guru is not for attaining worldly benefits. The Guru is someone who can show the path on the spiritual quest. he can give advise, and help you along discovering your own inner truth. That is all.

18th April 2008, 07:25 AM

Thus, the only qualification is whether the so-called 'guru' is able to bring peace of mind to you. He is not one who gives endless spiritual discourses, not one who keeps disciples busy with revelation after revelation etc. It is one who, by his mere presence, can calm the unruly mind, and allow the so called disciple to delve deep within himself. After all, isnt that what spirituality is all about - calming the raging mind and looking within to discover the PEACE already present?


18th April 2008, 10:00 AM
On similar terms with Bipolar and Badri, I would just like to add these.

As both Badri and Bipolar have hinted at, The Guru (literally meaning - 'remover of ignorance', one who leads us to Enlightenment) need not be a person. We may find Him in all beings, including ourself ( in the sense of following good qualities in every being). But being in the physical world, I should say there is hardly anything more blissful as being close to one's Sath-Guru physically.

Following Swadharma, with passion and non-attachment, doing some form of selfless service regularly, and having an irresistible thirst for true spiritual understanding and growth; all these will lead one to one's own Bliss, whether it is by a Guru(physical) or not. It will also keep one away from any of these pOli Saamiyars, or any other miscreants. Its Natural law, and Life eventually brings to one what one truely and deeply desires.

Moreover, it is always said to the earnest seeker: Never go searching for a Guru. He will come when you are ready.

Love and Light

18th April 2008, 01:58 PM
As meant by Badri beautifully, A Guru is one who gives peace of mind.

A Guru in its true form cannot be expected to solve any probelms overnight or perform miracles. He is there for us a solace to our problems and he will guide us to the right path in the turbulent of times. He initiates and conducts us to Godly ways. In his merciful presence, we get confidence and strength.
He helps us to introspect and become a better soul by refining ourselves. Even if we are not near him physically, his omniprescence in our thoughts will make us righteous.

Anbu was just right. A truthful seeker will always have a Guru waiting for him.

18th April 2008, 08:32 PM
>>The question is - why do you need to put your faith in a "guru"? I mean idolising someone - whoever it may be - is dangerous.<<

Bipolar, I think accepting one as a guru does not mean idolising. (Actually that is the main problem with the naive public, idolising some pOli sAmiyar as avatar of God and getting into trouble).

Interestingly, the statment "the only qualification is whether the so-called 'guru' is able to bring peace of mind to you" could easily be misunderstood by some to be idolizing the person. Probably for Divya in this news, suruttu sAmiyAr gave the "real peace of mind":-)

I think we can refine the initial discussion question into a number of questions now:

1. Do we need a spiritual guru?
2. If so, what are the qualities that one should look for in the guru as an individual (not really our own emotions like "I get real peace in his/her presence" etc)?
3. Once a guru is identified, how far should the dependency go (and also the relationship)?


18th April 2008, 08:52 PM
>>A truthful seeker will always have a Guru waiting for him.<<

wrap07, unfortunately there are too many waiting for him and some of them are outright frauds:-) Most people do not care much about the questions in my first post during their day to day life (especially if they are too busy in their material profession etc). However, when some tragedy strikes or a major life-event happens that results in a change in situation or even to cope with anxieties, start thinking in these lines and look for some support / help.

When someone is at such a vulnerable condition, though the person is earnest in asking sincere questions and seeking honest answers, he may also be emotionally unbalanced and end-up as a price-catch for one of these frauds. I've seen even some of my high-tech colleagues ending up spending lakhs on such characters when they are in turmoil but before they realize and come out, ever bitter knowing they've got cheated.

Is it not better to at least have some idea / criteria during a mentally stable period that if ever such a need comes up, one doesn't make a poor choice?

I think one has to seek a guru when not in a crisis:-)

18th April 2008, 08:58 PM
>>I think one has to seek a guru when not in a crisis:-)<<

Again, I don't necessarily mean a physical person. As posted by some above, the guru can actually be an "it or they", not necessarily he or she.

18th April 2008, 10:07 PM
>>A truthful seeker will always have a Guru waiting for him.<<

wrap07, unfortunately there are too many waiting for him and some of them are outright frauds:-) Most people do not care much about the questions in my first post during their day to day life (especially if they are too busy in their material profession etc). However, when some tragedy strikes or a major life-event happens that results in a change in situation or even to cope with anxieties, start thinking in these lines and look for some support / help.

When someone is at such a vulnerable condition, though the person is earnest in asking sincere questions and seeking honest answers, he may also be emotionally unbalanced and end-up as a price-catch for one of these frauds. I've seen even some of my high-tech colleagues ending up spending lakhs on such characters when they are in turmoil but before they realize and come out, ever bitter knowing they've got cheated.

Is it not better to at least have some idea / criteria during a mentally stable period that if ever such a need comes up, one doesn't make a poor choice?

I think one has to seek a guru when not in a crisis:-)

app, i was mentioning about a stage where a person has better control over emotions and he deserves a Guru for better enlightenment. Those persons would never fall for frauds or wrong elements. They can easily identify the same.

Your observations about people seeking guru when not in crisis
is idealistic and to be appreciated. But, when one is happy and peaceful , who is bothered about Guru or any other thing. That interest is only for the people I mentioned above.

18th April 2008, 10:10 PM
>>I think one has to seek a guru when not in a crisis:-)<<

Again, I don't necessarily mean a physical person. As posted by some above, the guru can actually be an "it or they", not necessarily he or she.

If some one is capable of understanding himself and solving his own problems and able to lead a perfect life, he himself is a Guru for him and he has no need for searching elsewhere.

Yes, even a book which ignites thoughts may be a Guru for somebody and it is acutally the case for some well known philsophers.

18th April 2008, 10:18 PM
>>Those persons would never fall for frauds or wrong elements. They can easily identify the same.<<

While this may be true for a number of people, the contrary has also been proved to be true. Even when a person is not in crisis but apparently quite stable, need not be an expert in this area (just plain innocence / ignorance), which someone can take advantage. Another thing, it's very difficult to predict when one can lose that precious thing called "balance":-)

18th April 2008, 11:11 PM
>>Those persons would never fall for frauds or wrong elements. They can easily identify the same.<<

While this may be true for a number of people, the contrary has also been proved to be true.)

app, When someone is on the right path and righeous and in the process of enlightment, he cannot fall for these things unless and untill he is back to normal souls like anyone of us who are prone to normal feelings like ignorance etc. :)

You are right about people losing balance at anytime and that has destroyed many a good thing in their lives.

Your anxiety about people being taken advantage of is quite right. But, the rot is in every field.

19th April 2008, 09:51 AM
We could go on and on talking about this and many other issues. I think that the lack of balance/faith in people which seems to be behind this problem probably has a far deeper cause than imagined by me before. Whatever the problem is, the below is an universal solution to find the 'right' path for anyone, suggested by one of my physics teachers to me directly.

1. Eating Well. Balanced food in quality and quantity. Enough information about it is available nowadays.

2. Sleeping well. Again balanced, in quality and quantity. 5-6 hours of deep sleep routinely is a must for most of us.

3. Doing physical/mental exercises regularly.

4. Some form of regular selfless service.

5. Meditating on the thought ' I should be influenced by whatever is best for me ' .

These are nothing new, and every Guru in one way or the other has said these. The point is that after 5-6 years of trying to understand the process/techniques of spiritual seeking now, I am still quite convinced that these techniques are necessary and sufficient for removing all sorts of confusion in life and becoming content. In fact nothing more is needed for an average person (I am assuming one has sufficient finance to do all the above. Clearly for what has been suggested, extravagant amounts are not required).

In the process of doing all these, all negative aspects in oneself are rooted out, and Life becomes a moment-to-moment experience of Bliss and Peace. The process itself might take lifetimes to deliver enlightenment (depending upon the person), but its a sure shot method and one can feel the difference within an year of regular practice. Moreover, no religion, no particular God is required for this. One is infact led to one's Highest bliss by this process and that may be anything from atheism to monk-hood.

Unfortunately though, most people (spiritual seekers too) miss these basic parts, ultimately these add to the chain reaction and cause more confusion than clarity.

One clear and obvious way to steer away from Poli Saamiyaars is to be aware of whether he/she is making one dependent on him/her or is making one independent and non-attached irrespective of any benefit they may provide to him/her/their organisation. No pOli saamiyaar will ever suggest the above points to anyone(even if He/she knows) because they obviously signify independent practice. However, without a balance of mind this awareness is ought to be not easily available.

Love and Light.

30th April 2008, 07:38 PM
Eating well, sleeping well, exercises, self-less service & meditating to be influenced by the best - all these are definitely related to one's good physical / mental health and will surely contribute to a measure of inner peace (though not total).

However, I fail to see how these will relate to "spirituality". Specifically, when someone wants to know answers to questions like "what is the purpose of life", for e.g., IMO, the answer has to come from a source other than oneself. In other words, all of our questions won't get answered by ourselves howmuchever balanced we are and capabale of thinking deeply. We depend upon other sources to tell us. (Obviously those sources should be superior to us in such knowledge and not pOli's).

1st May 2008, 10:10 AM
Eating well, sleeping well, exercises, self-less service & meditating to be influenced by the best - all these are definitely related to one's good physical / mental health and will surely contribute to a measure of inner peace (though not total).

However, I fail to see how these will relate to "spirituality". Specifically, when someone wants to know answers to questions like "what is the purpose of life", for e.g., IMO, the answer has to come from a source other than oneself. In other words, all of our questions won't get answered by ourselves howmuchever balanced we are and capabale of thinking deeply. We depend upon other sources to tell us. (Obviously those sources should be superior to us in such knowledge and not pOli's).

Not really. Spirituality => Balance. Balance of mind-body, and soul. (Although belief in the soul is not a requisite, with practise one will become aware of it and cannot avoid it.) Practising what I had posted will deliver this balance. ( I can say with this with surety because it has been tried and tested by many I know personally and myself to an extent. Its just the Bhagavad Gita's Karma Yoga principles in different words..probably practised before that too )

But why does one need it anyway ? Spiritual Masters have always said that all answers to all spiritual questions lie within, and the mind is merely a veil which covers this inherent Knowledge. Purification of the mind ( and the body too, because the body-mind are irrevocably linked together ) removes the dirt on this veil and makes the inherent Truth within oneSelf very clear.

No outside sources are necessary, although practising these will definitely draw whatever help is required from all possible sources. But then spiritual masters have also always said that there is really no 'outside'. The outer world is merely a reflection of the inner world. And the more clear one is about oneself, the more clarity there is about the world out there.

For the observers, it 'seems' spiritual clarity or confusion too, seems to be imposed from the outside. But for the spiritual aspirant, it becomes clear within some time of saadhana that its all a reflection of the inner process. Hence the difference between 'inner' and 'outer' for the spiritual aspirant slowly blurs, and when he/she is a realised master, there is no difference at all.

Love and Light.

2nd May 2008, 07:49 AM
1. Do we need a spiritual guru?
2. If so, what are the qualities that one should look for in the guru as an individual (not really our own emotions like "I get real peace in his/her presence" etc)?
3. Once a guru is identified, how far should the dependency go (and also the relationship)?

1. Yes. A guru is an absolute must. If we can find the truth ourselves, then why are we not already realised? Therefore it becomes clear that we need something or someone to reveal the "self-evident" truth. Note I say self evident because the Truth is always before us. And we only need the Guru to come and say "Behold, this thing that you have been seeing every second - this is the Truth. All this time you saw it without knowing that it was what you were seeking all along. Now you can know it to be the destination"

The Guru need not be a human being necessarily. All Universe can be the Guru like it was to Dattatreya.

2. Peace is not an emotion. You can kid yourself with everything else but not Peace. You can tell you yourself you are happy and even believe that to a certain extent. Happiness, sorrow etc are subjective emotions. But not peace. You can know when get peace. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to tell an anecdote - a child told its mother before going to bed, "Maa wake me up when I have to use the bathroom". The mother said, "I dont have to, you will know it yourself." Similarly one can know when one is peaceful. It is not something that you can fool yourself about.

But that said, there is one other qualification by which you can know a Guru. Adi Sankara defines the Guru as being "ahethuka daya sindhu" - the ocean of compassion that doesnt seek a reason to be compassionate. If your "Guru" accepts to be your guru and guides you solely out of the immense compassion he feels for you, then know that person to be the Guru. Again compassion is something that one can know when one sees it. Yes, people can fake it for a while but not for too long. Does the Guru expect anything in return for their Compassion? Then it is not ahethuka (without a cause). Compassion is their nature. The river is full of water because that is its nature; not because of what it will gain by being full of water. Ice is cold because that is its nature; not because of what will come of being cold. Thus, the true Guru is full of compassion not as a natural consequence of who they are.

3. There are 2 questions in this. One on the dependency and the other on the realationship. Let me first answer the second. The relationship between the Guru and the Sishya is supposed to be holy. It is supposed to mirror the true love between a mother and child, combining with it the single pointedness of the lover for the beloved. In that sense the relationship is as pure as what a child feels for the mother and as intense as what the lover feels for the beloved. Look at the careful mix of the two - there is lust in the latter, purity in the former. But there is absolute one-pointedness in the latter and not so much in the former. A child can love its mother but once it finds a beloved the mother sort of gets tossed out of the window. Therefore the relationship between the Guru & Sishya must combine both these aspects - Pure love and One Pointedness.

Now for the first question on Dependency. What is the nature of this dependency? No Guru can grant Jnana on a platter. The Guru can only show the path, give instructions. It is upto the disciple to tread that path and reach the goal. The Guru can give the map, but cannot undertake the journey for the disciple. That is left to the disciple alone. Therefore the sishya must depend absolutely on the Guru for instructions i.e. have firm faith in the Guru's words and instructions. Then the sishya must have absolute dependency on their own efforts or Sadhana. Combined, they will yield the ultimate result of Moksha or liberation.

Once more I will reiterate. I have written all this in the assumption that you are seeking a guru to achieve the Ultimate Goal of Eternal Peace and Liberation. If you wanted griha santhi, marry the girl of your choice, get a promotion etc. then you are knocking the wrong doors!!

4th May 2008, 03:38 AM
Good points anbu_kathir & Badri. Though there may be some disagreements in details, it's pretty clear that to seek a "spiritual guru" for mundane things is probably the main reason for pOli's to sprout and if at least one person shuns seeking for such things, the purpose of this thread is more than served:-)

4th May 2008, 10:13 AM
The relationship between the Guru and the Sishya is supposed to be holy. It is supposed to mirror the true love between a mother and child, combining with it the single pointedness of the lover for the beloved. In that sense the relationship is as pure as what a child feels for the mother and as intense as what the lover feels for the beloved. Look at the careful mix of the two - there is lust in the latter, purity in the former. But there is absolute one-pointedness in the latter and not so much in the former. A child can love its mother but once it finds a beloved the mother sort of gets tossed out of the window. Therefore the relationship between the Guru & Sishya must combine both these aspects - Pure love and One Pointedness.

Among others, Badri sir, for this I humbly salute you and all Guru-shisyas who have lived before, who live now, and who will live ever after. :clap: :notworthy:

May such immeasurably beautiful relationships blossom across the planet in aplenty and may all have the delight of participating in them. :)

Love and Light.

4th May 2008, 07:39 PM
Very nicely articulated and put forth by Shri Badri.

4th May 2008, 08:59 PM
The Guru need not be a human being necessarily. All Universe can be the Guru like it was to Dattatreya.

I totally agree with the above statement.

I'm no philosopher, nor am I a wannabe spiritual guru... but I can say, from my own life experiences... there's a very common mistake that a lot of people make... they think that the material pleasures in this world can give happiness... they are sadly mistaken... material pleasures can only give temporary or transient pleasure... and what is the definition of happiness? Is it a state of excitement, exuberance or exhilaration? Is it the kind of feeling you get when you're watching a match on TV, and the team that you support wins the match? Is it the kind of feeling you get when you've just bought yourself a new mobile phone or a motorcycle? Is it the kind of feeling you get when you've bought a new house? Well, how long would such a feeling last?

And another, equally - if not more important - question - what is sadness? Why do we feel sad? What does the feeling achieve? Of course, emotions provide us the motivation to act sometimes - we try to follow those things that make us happy, and we try to avoid those things that make us sad... but is it correct to think that there is an easy way to find eternal/permanent/lasting happiness in this world? The nature of this world is such that nothing is permanent - and that is common sense, I didn't need any religious scriptures to tell me that - and so, as we live in such a world, where even life itself is not permanent, we cannot find lasting "happiness" in this world.

Peace of mind, now that is a different thing. It is the absence of such things as desire, fear, worries, anxiety, anger, hatred, etc. If we can see clearly the pointlessness and absurdity of such mental attitudes, then we will find true peace of mind. E.g. even now, in the twenty-first century, gold is valued quite highly in India. I've never understood why. What is gold useful for? Petrol is vastly more useful that gold - petrol can be used as an energy source. Even coal and wind are enormously more useful, yet they are not so expensive. But gold has a certain sentimental value in India, and hence it is so expensive. But to me, it seems really absurd. Likewise, with all things in life, we attach to them more value than they really merit, because we fail to accept the simple fact that this life itself is only transient, so to chase after anything with any great fervour or zeal is utterly pointless; we can only find true peace of mind by freeing ourselves from desire. We can find a certain kind of non-attached pleasure by appreciating the beauty in the world around us, as long we don't aim to possess what we see - beauty that has existed before us and will continue to exist after us. But we cannot possess it. We can try to understand the splendour of the world and indeed, the universe, by studying science - when I read about things such as astronomy, I am simply astounded: there is a mind-boggling complexity behind everything, and yet there is a certain simplicity in it which scientists (physicists, mathematicians, etc.) are looking for, and they have had a degree of success - but most importantly, to me, such scientific knowledge is far more amazing than any religious scripture which may superficially sound supremely mystical and profound, and yet on close examination, is often found to be undecipherably vague.

It seems to me that whereas in the "West" (the scientifically and technologically developed countries of the world, including Western Europe, North America and parts of Asia-Pacific), when people have emotional/mental health problems, they turn to their therapists, whereas in India, people turn to their gurus!!! I would say again, what I said before, I don't think it's a good idea to idolise anyone. If I was suffering from anxiety or depression, I would perhaps turn to a trained, qualified psychiatrist/psychotherapist for help. Of course, just because someone is formally trained and certified doesn't guarantee that they are trustworthy. But I am more likely to trust a psychiatrist who is respected by his fellow professionals, since such an individual, in my view at least, has better credentials than a so-called spiritual guru. I would never want to be dependent on a psychiatrist in any way. If he/she was able to help me, I would certainly be deeply grateful, and I would hold him/her in high regard. But I don't think I would idolise a psychiatrist or a therapist the way some people idolise their "gurus". I wouldn't worship my psychiatrist, or carry a picture of him/her wherever I go - in my wallet, in my car, in my house, in my pooja room (well, actually, being an atheist, I probably wouldn't even have a pooja room).

I have some relatives who are followers of a certain famous "guru" in India. This particular guru appears to encourage his followers to worship his "slippers" and they wash his silver slippers (modelled on the slippers that Lord Ram is said to have worn) with milk, and they drink that milk. I personally think this is totally objectionable - a sad example of the kind of idolisation that I utterly detest.

So that's why I'm against spiritual gurus. In my view, the only way is don't trust any of them. If you're going to put your trust into anything, put it into science - at least science is open and constantly tested.

5th May 2008, 01:32 AM

>>E.g. even now, in the twenty-first century, gold is valued quite highly in India<<

Bipolar, gold is valued everywhere in the world:-) The reason is simple, it's scarce and is definitely very useful. For e.g. in Economics & Electronics, apart from being used in ornaments. (I'm an electronics guy and still I consider a lot of electronic stuff mfd to be less useful -even of negative value in a number of cases - compared to ornaments, which have both +ve & -ve values). Simply based on the fact that common folks in India use ornaments as their life-saving does not mean that the metal is not considered valuable elsewhere.


Now, can you elaborate a little on your statement, "If you're going to put your trust into anything, put it into science - at least science is open and constantly tested."

IMO, there are as many ignorants (even frauds at times) in the scientific community as there are pOli sAmiyArs!

5th May 2008, 03:29 AM
App_engine!!! Okay, you're right... gold is valued everywhere in the world.... but I haven't seen TV advertisements for gold jewellery in the UK...

Yes, I appreciate gold has applications in electronics, but I very much doubt if that is the real reason for the price attached to it...

I also very much doubt if the great bulk of gold that is mined around the world is used so meaningfully - if I'm not mistaken, gold is most commonly used for jewellery, which in my opinion, is immensely wasteful.

I (and most other people in the world) can live quite happily without ever touching a gram of gold in our lives, but humanity will struggle terribly (if we are not already struggling) without appropriate sources of energy (we are not very far from such a situation if we don't make serious efforts to tackle this problem). Yet gold is valued (in my view, at least) more than what it is really worth.

But never mind about gold, I just used that argument as an example. Gold is definitely not the root of all evil!!! Although, I would like to ask you why you consider ornaments to be of more value than electronic gadgets...

Given a choice between living on an island for a month without any electricity or a year without gold, what would you choose?

Anyway... you're right, there are many ignorant and even fraudulent individuals in science, no doubt about that... but in science, everything can be questioned... anyone can be challenged, asked to provide evidence for any claims they put forward... yes, it's true, sometimes this process is not conducted so rigorously, but at least the general approach is there - a general spirit of questioning everything... whereas with religion, often many religious "leaders" or "scholars" can get away with saying whatever they want to say, there's almost noone to question them. The general approach (never mind about the finer details) with religion and spirituality is such that anyone who asks questions is accused of being disrespectful... which in my view, is the wrong approach...

If nothing else, scientific theories can be tested through experiments... you can't do the same with religious/spiritual concepts... If you can test something experimentally, then it becomes science... then study it and learn it by yourself, you don't have to rely on a particular guru to reveal the truth to you... learn from the experiment, you don't have to worship/idolise the teacher...

5th May 2008, 07:26 PM
One last digression on gold:-)

You may want to check this excellent, authentic document on gold :

(login required, but registration is free as I've just found out, in trying to reply with some authentic facts, though I read about gold from time to time in the wall st. journal and other periodicals)

You may find it interesting that though India consumes more amount of gold for jewelry than USA, the retail value of the jewelry sold in USA is much more than in India. This document even talks about the "need for promotion" to sell gold jewelry - which you also mentioned in your posting. In other words, advertisements are to be blamed on businesses and not on consumers:-)

And I'm not a pro-gold person, BTW. OTOH, I'm gold-allergic (particularly mentally and in the case of ornamental gold, even physically):-) However, I need to admit that for many middle-class / poor families in India, ornaments are a way of "investing" as liquid assets. And one cannot reduce the psychological value as it provides mirth to a sizeable # of women, even if we discount the fact that some jewelry enhances external appearance for some. The negative side is obviously those demands in marriages, personal safety concerns, putting too much trust in wealth neglecting other serious matters etc.

If you gauge with similar criteria, a sizeable % of electronic gadgets could be termed total trash, video games for e.g. :-)

BTW, electricity is not equal to electronic gadgets. And for pure argument's sake, even if I personally don't want to live without electricity while I do live without any gold, millions of people have lived / are living without electricity which is not directly related to basic necessities viz. F, C, S.


5th May 2008, 07:34 PM
but in science, everything can be questioned... anyone can be challenged, asked to provide evidence for any claims they put forward...

If nothing else, scientific theories can be tested through experiments... you can't do the same with religious/spiritual concepts... If you can test something experimentally, then it becomes science...

I wish it's that way:-) May be that's the definition of science. However, in practice, I'm afraid it's not always that way, the simplest example being the answer to "origin of life" (or why not, even "origin of species":-) ) There may be big articles, journals etc. flooded with jargons / studies etc., but the simple fact is that this is something that cannot be tested "experimentally" because this is a thing of the past and cannot be reproduced in a lab - not yet :-)

So, IMO, science and spirituality will have to co-exist, each taking advantage of the other in further research and analysis.

6th May 2008, 07:12 PM
"அக்கிரம" சாமியார்:

13th May 2008, 10:52 PM
Similar story from neighboring state:

21st May 2008, 10:03 PM
One more from Aluva:

It's outrageous to read that someone can keep his gun, that too in a police station and fire at press. What's happening?

2nd March 2010, 11:34 PM
ok, the latest one telecast on Sun TV news seems to involve a popular sAmiyar - Nithyanandha engaging in intimate relationship with actress Ranjitha (with bedroom scenes shown on TV news). Some reports say he writes for Kumudam & AV :-)

Shows how cheats can be made great men by media and alleged-great-men can be dumped overnight as cheapies by the same media!

Good development! TN seems to have just too many pOli's around :-(

2nd March 2010, 11:36 PM
பக்த அன்பர்களுக்கு, அவர் சொன்ன கருத்து ஆன்மீக நோக்குல உங்களுக்கு பயன்பட்டுச்சுன்னா/புடிச்சிருந்துச்சுன்னா அவர் எப்பிடிப்பட்டவரா இருந்தா என்னங்க ? :P

Jokes apart, why does out reverence usually stem from abstinence/asceticism, unless he had earlier taken moral high ground on these issues and has now proved to be duplicitous ?

I don't know squat about his philosophy etc. சும்மா ஒரு general knowledge-கு கேக்குறேன் as he is the nth சாமியார் who has fallen out of grace.

2nd March 2010, 11:43 PM

I was waiting for someone to ask this question. Moral grace ellame naame namakku pottukitta "oru veli" thaan. I agree. and like what u say, when his spiritual messages are rightly delivered, only that should matter. After all, every aspirant would have a basic flaw or weakness in his character (not necessarily sexual based) which he continuesly tries to overcome or defeat and win over.

When u declare urself as a "guru" or "swamji" U are bound to have won over ur senses and cannot have basic flaws of gruhastha.

IF I remember right, there was a brahmachari (or swamiji) who actually fell in love with one of his devotee, he PROMPTLY gave up his sanyasa and married her. NOW THAT IS SOMETHING one should respect.

What matters is the MENTALITY of normal layman as "HOW A SWAMIJI" needs to behave. When that is not kept up, it amounts to "BREACH OF TRUST" in the name of religion or spirituality. and...that as far as my limited knowledge is concerned HAS TREMENDOUS negative marks.

2nd March 2010, 11:47 PM
Having said this, the video shows his eating habit and other general life style, which DOES NOT match up with the life style of an aspirant :|

ennavo ponga .. I kinda feel put off :D
ithanaikkum Ive listened to his speech just one or two times in podhigai and once on someone's recommendation I watched a video of spiritual talks.

I feel heavily sad with the current scenario in the world :( manase aarala :|

2nd March 2010, 11:48 PM
I think the popular belief in Indian culture is that sanyAsi's have left "iga-bOghangaL" and thus capable of dwelling on things of higher order, enlightening people on such "non-fleshy" things as interaction with the supreme being etc :-)

I think the same concept is found with the forced celibacy of clerics in non-Hindu religions as well. அதாவது, சிற்றின்பம் உட்கொள்ளுபவரால் பேரின்பம் பற்றிய தெளிவு பெற முடியாது என்ற சித்தாந்தம்.

(இது என் கருத்து அல்ல, காட்சி மட்டுமே. உலகின் 2 பெரிய மதத்தொகுதிகள் மற்றும் ஒரு சிறிய ஆனால் சக்தி வாய்ந்த மதத்தொகுதி என்று மூன்று கூட்டங்களால் மதிக்கப்படுபவரும், இறைவனிடம் நேரடியாகப்பேசி அப்படிக்கிடைத்த தகவல்களை எழுதியவருமாகக்கருதப்படும் மோசஸ்'க்கு மனைவியும் இரண்டு குழந்தைகளும் உண்டு)

2nd March 2010, 11:53 PM
Ithukku Eenda sanyasi vesam podanum :banghead:. Cheating.... Veru per vachukidalamE.

2nd March 2010, 11:56 PM

3rd March 2010, 12:12 AM


I got reminded of my Malayali friend's joke on institutions there (seminary-monastery-orphanage thingy)

3rd March 2010, 12:21 AM
Strange! If u just bother to search internet
there are videos and websites talking about the malacious practices of nithyananda, posted months / years back.


3rd March 2010, 01:27 AM
Andha aalu 'Kadhavai thira... Kaathu varattum'nu sollumbodhellam mild ah oru doubt vandhuchu... But Adha ippadi practical ah avaru clear pannirukka vendaam...

3rd March 2010, 06:11 AM
ok, the latest one telecast on Sun TV news seems to involve a popular sAmiyar - Nithyanandha engaging in intimate relationship with actress Ranjitha (with bedroom scenes shown on TV news). Some reports say he writes for Kumudam & AV :-)

Shows how cheats can be made great men by media and alleged-great-men can be dumped overnight as cheapies by the same media!

Good development! TN seems to have just too many pOli's around :-(

yoav. andhaalu aashram/temple ohiola dhaan romba pamous.
ange poneenaa kishnar, murugar ellorume avaru mooonji maariye iruppaanga. indha kanraavillaam USA la dhaan pamous. max devotees americans and NRIs dhaan. locals(in india) laam oru lecture kaettoma, free prasadam vaangunoma, bussa pudichu usiroda veedu vandhu sendhomaannu dhaanya irukkan.
NRI pasanga dhaan dollars per hourla dhandam katti azaraanungo.
Paavam charu bloglendhu avar padathai thookitaaru.

3rd March 2010, 07:15 AM
ok, the latest one telecast on Sun TV news seems to involve a popular sAmiyar - Nithyanandha engaging in intimate relationship with actress Ranjitha (with bedroom scenes shown on TV news). Some reports say he writes for Kumudam & AV :-)

Shows how cheats can be made great men by media and alleged-great-men can be dumped overnight as cheapies by the same media!

Good development! TN seems to have just too many pOli's around :-(

yoav. andhaalu aashram/temple ohiola dhaan romba pamous.
ange poneenaa kishnar, murugar ellorume avaru mooonji maariye iruppaanga. indha kanraavillaam USA la dhaan pamous. max devotees americans and NRIs dhaan. locals(in india) laam oru lecture kaettoma, free prasadam vaangunoma, bussa pudichu usiroda veedu vandhu sendhomaannu dhaanya irukkan.
NRI pasanga dhaan dollars per hourla dhandam katti azaraanungo.
Paavam charu bloglendhu avar padathai thookitaaru.

In a capitalist economy religion is also a business! :lol:

Look at all the temples they are building and the money spent on it ! :lol:

3rd March 2010, 10:00 AM
Wow. If this guy has a conscience, then living with himself anymore would be his greatest hell.

Idhai ellaam paakkanumnu namma thalai-la ezuthi irukku (as a metaphor only :P).

It is best to stay away from the self proclaimed people - andha kaalam elaam Ramanar-Nisargadatta oda mudinjuthu. The probability of finding a real person among those is tending towards zero today.

Guru brahma guru vishnu ... - indha shlokathai ippadi kevala padutharaanga :(.

Love and Light.

3rd March 2010, 10:28 AM
Btw who is that actress?! :twisted:

Some people say its Ragasudha who is staying in his ashramam.

Btw, last week Kumudham he said some thing like Pulangalai adakka koodadhu adhey samayam pulangalai nammai aala koodadhu, kudhirai kadivaalam pola irukka vendum.

Well :roll:

3rd March 2010, 10:30 AM
Thats Ranjitha. Innaiku dinakaran paperla padathoda potrukkan..

3rd March 2010, 10:31 AM
Btw who is that actress?! :twisted:

Some people say its Ragasudha who is staying in his ashramam.

Btw, last week Kumudham he said some thing like Pulangalai adakka koodadhu adhey samayam pulangalai nammai aala koodadhu, kudhirai kadivaalam pola irukka vendum.

Well :roll:Ranjitha.

3rd March 2010, 10:33 AM
Thats Ranjitha. Innaiku dinakaran paperla padathoda potrukkan..

Oh :irked: Andha lady-ku thaan kalyanam aachula, her husband is in army?

3rd March 2010, 10:45 AM
Wow. If this guy has a conscience, then living with himself anymore would be his greatest hell.

Idhai ellaam paakkanumnu namma thalai-la ezuthi irukku (as a metaphor only :P).

It is best to stay away from the self proclaimed people - andha kaalam elaam Ramanar-Nisargadatta oda mudinjuthu. The probability of finding a real person among those is tending towards zero today.

Guru brahma guru vishnu ... - indha shlokathai ippadi kevala padutharaanga :(.

Love and Light.

:) :|

3rd March 2010, 10:56 AM
Spirituality and "self realisation"


I feel so put off.

It happens cause ppl go to gurus seeking "SOLUTION" for material problems or desires and NOT TOWARDS "self realisation"

When u need self realisation, one would realise "GURU" would come to u, and this guru would probably be an ANONYMOUS quiet, SIMPLE living person in lot of cases. No big hype or big level talks owuld be marketed in MOST cases.

*DONT SEEK GURUs or swamis for material benefits. ask god. If ur karma desrves it it would be done. No MEDIATORS pls.

On the other hand if what u need is self realisation, SIT AND MEDITATE. CONQUER UR OWN SELF.


When u are a true seeker, right guru (remember a humble simple person), would come to u, u need not go to him.

3rd March 2010, 11:18 AM
http://images.google.co.in/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dhyanapeetam.org/Web/Images/Leaders/Tiruchi_Swami.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dhyanapeetam.org/Web/Leaders.asp&usg=__sFX0_GWVKwZb969eIF4_kfRZ-z8=&h=301&w=450&sz=36&hl=en&start=3&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=C5_OGuA_We19VM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dother%2BswamigaL%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%2 6sa%3DG%26tbs%3Disch:1

Just look at these pics!!!

Nithyananda with so many other swamijis including dayananda saraswathi, swami chidananda ramakrishna math, AoL , and much more.

None can place or identify a quack??????

3rd March 2010, 11:42 AM
http://images.google.co.in/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dhyanapeetam.org/Web/Images/Leaders/Tiruchi_Swami.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dhyanapeetam.org/Web/Leaders.asp&usg=__sFX0_GWVKwZb969eIF4_kfRZ-z8=&h=301&w=450&sz=36&hl=en&start=3&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=C5_OGuA_We19VM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dother%2BswamigaL%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%2 6sa%3DG%26tbs%3Disch:1

Just look at these pics!!!

Nithyananda with so many other swamijis including dayananda saraswathi, swami chidananda ramakrishna math, AoL , and much more.

None can place or identify a quack??????

Nithyananda might have had siddhis, idhellaam yoga practice panna varadhudhaan. Realization is a different thing.

Unmaiya irundha nimmadiya vaazhnthirukkalaam.

3rd March 2010, 11:48 AM
Nithyananda might have had siddhis,
idhellaam yoga practice panna varadhudhaan.
Realization is a different thing.

Unmaiya irundha nimmadiya vaazhnthirukkalaam.

Definitely yes. sidhi. most swamijis who claim they have power do have siddis.

realisation is not about sidhi and sidhu.

Thats why they ppl who want to quench desires or
sovle problems increasingly go to swamijis than to god, then...
As long as this keep happening, TIME AND AGAIN there is bound to be dissapointments to the general public on
what they seek from ppl who have siddis...and what they get.



3rd March 2010, 12:08 PM
ok, the latest one telecast on Sun TV news seems to involve a popular sAmiyar - Nithyanandha engaging in intimate relationship with actress Ranjitha (with bedroom scenes shown on TV news). Some reports say he writes for Kumudam & AV :-)

Shows how cheats can be made great men by media and alleged-great-men can be dumped overnight as cheapies by the same media!

Good development! TN seems to have just too many pOli's around :-(

:shock: :oops:

3rd March 2010, 12:36 PM
Ennaya poruthavaraikum spirituality-a theditu poradhey theva illa.

Be true to your conscience, work hard, give atleast 1% of your earnings to charity, love and celebrate God, be happy, read good books. enjoy your life, never hate anyone - I am doing this, ennaya poruthavaraikum idhu thaan spirituality, God is with me!

3rd March 2010, 12:42 PM
Ennaya poruthavaraikum spirituality-a theditu poradhey theva illa.

Be true to your conscience, work hard, give atleast 1% of your earnings to charity, love and celebrate God, be happy, read good books. enjoy your life, never hate anyone - I am doing this, ennaya poruthavaraikum idhu thaan spirituality, God is with me!


sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
3rd March 2010, 03:51 PM

இதற்காக சாரு எவ்வளவு பணம் பெற்றிருப்பார்? கூச்சல் நிறைந்த டாஸ்மார்க் பாரில் ஒரு உன்னத தமிழ் எழுத்தாளனை குடிக்கவைத்து சித்ரவதை செய்யும் தமிழ் உலகோடு அற ஆவேசப் பகை கொண்டுள்ள அந்த எழுத்தாளன் ஒரு பெருங்கனவோடு இந்த காரியத்தை விருப்பத்துடனே ஏற்றிருக்க வேண்டும். :rotfl: ரிசல்ட் காட்டிய பின்புதான் பணம் என்பாதாகக் கூட அந்த ஒப்பந்தம் இருந்திருக்கலாம். ஒப்பந்தம் குறித்து சாருவே தெரிவித்தால்தான் உண்டு.[/b]

3rd March 2010, 04:46 PM
Spirituality and "self realisation"


I feel so put off.

It happens cause ppl go to gurus seeking "SOLUTION" for material problems or desires and NOT TOWARDS "self realisation"

When u need self realisation, one would realise "GURU" would come to u, and this guru would probably be an ANONYMOUS quiet, SIMPLE living person in lot of cases. No big hype or big level talks owuld be marketed in MOST cases.

*DONT SEEK GURUs or swamis for material benefits. ask god. If ur karma desrves it it would be done. No MEDIATORS pls.

On the other hand if what u need is self realisation, SIT AND MEDITATE. CONQUER UR OWN SELF.


When u are a true seeker, right guru (remember a humble simple person), would come to u, u need not go to him.

eppadi patta oru uyartha nilayai(Guru), ippadi kevala padutharanga.
it is really disheartening to see such things. Degeneration is into
everything but this is more painful.

3rd March 2010, 04:53 PM

The pain is for ppl who ACTUALLY seek the truth and probably dont even have gurus or dont even seek or want one.

And then after every such scandal, spirituality and curiosity for the same is looked down upon by many because of lack of understanding.

And the highest purpose of life getting joked upon is very disturbing.

3rd March 2010, 05:01 PM
exactly SP. it is because of such unscrupulous elements. It has become a fashion to call anyone a swamiji or any self styled name without any of them possessing even an iota of qualities that are required. But, they are much sought after and well marketed.

3rd March 2010, 09:37 PM
yoav. andhaalu aashram/temple ohiola dhaan romba pamous.

ஓஹோ, அப்படியா? நமக்கு இந்த மாதிரியான தேடல் இல்லாததால் விவரம் தெரிவதில்லை :-)

மன அழுத்தம் நிறைய இருக்கும்போது மக்களுக்கு இப்படிப்பட்ட வடிகால்கள் தேவைப்படுகிறதோ என்னமோ...

4th March 2010, 07:06 AM
Just off the phone with a friend in media. The original CD runs to 6 hours of horrible un publishable gory things.
6 copies mailed from USA and SunTV was the first to take the decision to air it.
2 more actresses are involved it seems.
USAla panni irundhaa pinni pedaleduthu iruppaanga. Ippo haridwar pakkamaa nepalathukku patchi parandhudumnu pesikaraanga.

4th March 2010, 07:12 AM
I am not condoning it. I am rather sorry another "guru" has gone down the drain.

But, hold on....

Nothing illegal in what he did. He hasn't been actually charged with any violation of personal rights. It seemed consensual. No other women have come out with any accusations of rape etc or even breach of trust, including the actress in question.

Secondly, what an invasion of privacy! You cannot say just because a person has "come out" as a guru, he doesn't have any privacy left.

Rather sad, all around, whichever way you slice or dice it!

4th March 2010, 07:24 AM
I am not condoning it. I am rather sorry another "guru" has gone down the drain.

But, hold on....

Nothing illegal in what he did. He hasn't been actually charged with any violation of personal rights. It seemed consensual. No other women have come out with any accusations of rape etc or even breach of trust, including the actress in question.

Secondly, what an invasion of privacy! You cannot say just because a person has "come out" as a guru, he doesn't have any privacy left.

Rather sad, all around, whichever way you slice or dice it!



invasion of PRIVACY!

Nobody denies that. He can file a law suit against Sun TV. That will only take to him to his "spiritual grave". His believers will bury him alive if he admits it is him who is having fun!

4th March 2010, 07:28 AM
That's the pity! It is almost like a rape victim not wanting to come out and file a complaint, because it will only end up working against her!

Sad society that can violate a person's right to privacy, knowing they can do nothing about it!

4th March 2010, 07:34 AM
That's the pity! It is almost like a rape victim not wanting to come out and file a complaint, because it will only end up working against her!

Sad society that can violate a person's right to privacy, knowing they can do nothing about it!

Only such society believes in saamiyaar as God and that he can cure cancer. It is hard for him to "emerge or survive" in any other society but this "sad scociety".

4th March 2010, 07:40 AM
Ah! Well, since you put it that way, I must say I agree!

pavalamani pragasam
4th March 2010, 07:50 AM
Ennaya poruthavaraikum spirituality-a theditu poradhey theva illa.

Be true to your conscience, work hard, give atleast 1% of your earnings to charity, love and celebrate God, be happy, read good books. enjoy your life, never hate anyone - I am doing this, ennaya poruthavaraikum idhu thaan spirituality, God is with me!

:exactly: The same here! :)

4th March 2010, 08:11 AM
Ennaya poruthavaraikum spirituality-a theditu poradhey theva illa.

Be true to your conscience, work hard, give atleast 1% of your earnings to charity, love and celebrate God, be happy, read good books. enjoy your life, never hate anyone - I am doing this, ennaya poruthavaraikum idhu thaan spirituality, God is with me!

Sridhar: One percent of the income for charity from NRIs? You don't know much about them! They are the most stingy on earth. They will give to temples but not to charities ! :(

4th March 2010, 09:06 AM
Ennaya poruthavaraikum spirituality-a theditu poradhey theva illa.

Be true to your conscience, work hard, give atleast 1% of your earnings to charity, love and celebrate God, be happy, read good books. enjoy your life, never hate anyone - I am doing this, ennaya poruthavaraikum idhu thaan spirituality, God is with me!

கடவுள் என்னோடு உள்ளார் -ன்னு நீங்க சொல்ல , ‘கடவுள் உங்களிடம் தான் உள்ளார்’ அல்லது ‘நீங்க தான் கடவுளே’ -ன்னு நாலு பேர் ஏத்தி விட்டு நீங்க ஆசிரமம் ஆரம்பிச்சுடாதீங்க சுவாமிஜி :lol: [/tscii:c058d762e6]

4th March 2010, 09:08 AM
கடவுள் என்னோடு உள்ளார் -ன்னு நீங்க சொல்ல , ‘கடவுள் உங்களிடம் தான் உள்ளார்’ அல்லது ‘நீங்க தான் கடவுளே’ -ன்னு நாலு பேர் ஏத்தி விட்டு நீங்க ஆசிரமம் ஆரம்பிச்சுடாதீங்க சுவாமிஜி :lol: [/tscii:ca23b67e1d] :lol:

4th March 2010, 09:56 AM
I am not condoning it. I am rather sorry another "guru" has gone down the drain.

But, hold on....

Nothing illegal in what he did. He hasn't been actually charged with any violation of personal rights. It seemed consensual. No other women have come out with any accusations of rape etc or even breach of trust, including the actress in question.

Secondly, what an invasion of privacy! You cannot say just because a person has "come out" as a guru, he doesn't have any privacy left.

Rather sad, all around, whichever way you slice or dice it!

Well he dug himself a pit here - there is nothing sad about it.
He proclaimed himself to be a God, preached greatness, practiced skullduggery and invited powerful enemies who did this to him. We the on lookers are just lucky to be one more 'Fake guru' exposed. That is the way the slice gets cut in the cut throat society and there are no two ways about it.

4th March 2010, 10:08 AM

:lol: Nalla idea thaan, part time-la try pannalaam. Jannalai thira, velicham varattum-nu oru thodar ezhudhalaam-nu iruken. :mrgreen:

Raj sir,

1% charity-ndra yosanai kooda ippo thaan erpattuchu, recession time-la illa. :lol:

4th March 2010, 07:56 PM
When people adore somebody, fall in their feet, shower money etc, that somebody happily accepts "publicity" and doesn't crib about not having privacy etc, isn't it?

You cannot have the cake and eat it too.

If you want to be a celebrity adored by public and worshipped by millions, say good bye to privacy. Very simble:-)

If someone wants a reasonable amount of privacy, let him not "open the door" :-)

4th March 2010, 07:59 PM
I am afraid that doesnt extend to the bedroom, app.
To some extent, yes, if you are in public life, be prepared for loss of privacy. But you cant barge into someone's bedroom quoting that logic.

4th March 2010, 08:21 PM
But you cant barge into someone's bedroom quoting that logic.

True, Plum.

However, this character is supposedly practicing celibacy :-)

அதோட "கதவைத்திற"ன்னு வேற லட்சக்கணக்கானவர்களுக்கு உபதேசம் கொடுத்திருக்கார். அப்படி என்ன தான் இருக்குன்னு ஒரு க்யூரியாசிட்டில போயிட்டாங்க போல :-)

4th March 2010, 08:37 PM
These things happen because the matadhipaths of the traditional hindu religions (shankaracharyas, saiva's) no longer speak the language of the masses and are enconsced in practices and activities which masses are not able to relate to.

If the traditional swamijis went around enquiring about the kind of questions the ordinary people have and answer them and try to answer them, people will not go after these self-styled gurus.

4th March 2010, 08:54 PM
I am afraid that doesnt extend to the bedroom, app.
To some extent, yes, if you are in public life, be prepared for loss of privacy. But you cant barge into someone's bedroom quoting that logic.

Yeah, the saamiyaar should fight for his rights. I am sure he is going get quite a bit of support.

Let us see what he does next.

He is more like God himself. Why cant he fight and win???

4th March 2010, 09:41 PM
I think at present the only authentic well known guru would be Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. I have known him for around 20 years --- I am not his disciple --- since my college days. One good thing I like with him is that he never advertised. I attended a lecture of his in Madras University in 1992-93. After that he left my radar. I was surprised to see him again in a website when the internet age arrived. But even then his presence on the internet came very late.... and only now he is popular , though he was into this for the past 20 years. I think he is authentic. I sometimes even have doubts about Sri Sri Ravishankar , there are some rumours about him on the internet, but he looks above board as of now, but I think Sadhguru is a decent fellow.

4th March 2010, 09:48 PM
I think at present the only authentic well known guru would be Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. I have known him for around 20 years --- I am not his disciple --- since my college days. One good thing I like with him is that he never advertised. I attended a lecture of his in Madras University in 1992-93. After that he left my radar. I was surprised to see him again in a website when the internet age arrived. But even then his presence on the internet came very late.... and only now he is popular , though he was into this for the past 20 years. I think he is authentic. I sometimes even have doubts about Sri Sri Ravishankar , there are some rumours about him on the internet, but he looks above board as of now, but I think Sadhguru is a decent fellow.

I would say, if you go on the path of seeking a Guru - then put him to all the tests like Swami Vivekananda did to find his Guru. Doubt is like a sharpened knife that is the only weapon that a disciple has got. Any guru who insists on lowering the knife before interacting is someone who is a fake.
Remember the scene from 'Enter the Dragon' when Bruce lee teaches a kid kung fu and after a training combat and it is time to go, the disciple bows his head taking his eyes off and bruce lee hits him in the head and tells - 'never let your gaze move away from the opponent' - Even if it is your trusted Guru - be always open to doubts, cultivate them pose them - Only a true Guru would be able to face all the doubts and come clean.

4th March 2010, 09:52 PM
the only authentic

No offence meant to you or Mr Jaggi, but can you please highlight in what way he is the "only" ?

Also, while it's very easy to define 'pOli' sAmiyAr (means hypocrite - preaches one practices the opposite), it's not easy to define a real sAmiyAr (please refer the prior pages here or other related threads in this forum).

Since you're claiming someone to be "authentic", does it mean he sincerely believes in what he teaches and is also honestly trying to put them into practice? Even if that's true, that alone cannot make an individual automatically a "spiritual guru / sAmiyAr" :-)

IMO, a decent percentage of people do the same in various walks of life (including tons of moms in the kitchen, for e.g.) :-)

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
4th March 2010, 09:58 PM
கொலை, கொள்ளை, காமலீலை, கற்பழிப்பு என்று சாமியார்கள் அவ்வப்போது மாட்டுவது எல்லா ஆன்மீகவாதிகளையும் அவர்கள் மேல் மக்களுக்கு உள்ள மரியாதையும் கேள்விக்கிரியாக்கி விடுகிறது. ஆனால், இந்தியா என்ற ஆன்மிக நாட்டில் பல ஆத்மசாதகர்கள் வாழ்ந்தார்கள், அவர்கள் இப்போது அரிதாகி விட்டாலும் சிலராவது இருக்கிறார்கள் என்பது நிஜம்.

இந்த சமயத்தில் சத்குரு ஜாக்கி வாசுதேவ் நடத்தும் ஈஷா யோகா மையத்தை பற்றி எனக்கு தெரிந்த சில:-

காமம் தவறு என்று இங்கு போதிக்கபடுவதில்லை. இங்கு சாமியாராக வரும் ஒருவர், எதிர் பாலில் உள்ள அதே போன்ற சாமியாராக வரும் இன்னொருவரை விருப்ப மனம் புரிந்து கொண்டு ஆசிரமத்திலேயே வாழ அனுமதி உண்டு. ஜாக்கி அவர்களும் இல்லற வாழ்வு வாழ்ந்தவர்தான். அவர் மனைவி சில வருடங்கள் முன்பு, ஆசிரமத்திலேயே, தன விருப்பத்துடன் ஜீவா சமாதி எடுத்துக்கொண்டார் என்று தகவல். இவர்களுக்கு பிறந்த மடலும் அந்த ஆசிரமத்திலேயேஇருக்கிறார்.

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
4th March 2010, 10:02 PM
while most of the saamiyaars do not, or pretendt to keep away from ladies, jaggi wears jeans and coolers, and holds hands of pretty womans and dances publicly. another point of genuinety.

i dont know about other saamiyaars but hen it comes to isha yoga, all the money / fees they collect are given a bill eligible for Section 80C tax exemption

i too am not his follower but has a hope on him

4th March 2010, 11:21 PM
the only authentic

No offence meant to you or Mr Jaggi, but can you please highlight in what way he is the "only" ?

Also, while it's very easy to define 'pOli' sAmiyAr (means hypocrite - preaches one practices the opposite), it's not easy to define a real sAmiyAr (please refer the prior pages here or other related threads in this forum).

Since you're claiming someone to be "authentic", does it mean he sincerely believes in what he teaches and is also honestly trying to put them into practice? Even if that's true, that alone cannot make an individual automatically a "spiritual guru / sAmiyAr" :-)

IMO, a decent percentage of people do the same in various walks of life (including tons of moms in the kitchen, for e.g.) :-)

Well is not the "only" one, but among the gurus I know he seems authentic. As I said he never advertised even though he has been in this spiritual career for almost 20 years. He was never seeking for attention. Also as sakalakal vallalar points out his relationship with ladies is open and there are many other such small things which gives an impression of genuinety.

And I am not offended as I am neither his follower nor admirer, but I admire his honesty, and he looks like a good fellow.

As far as spiritual realisation he is like 99% of gurus , advaitic level of realisation, which is basic spiritual realisation and has not gone beyond that and like everybody in the world takes it to be the highest level of realisation. Well that is the choice he has made and good for him. Thats fine. He looks somewhat relaxed and unforced, something I don't find in Sri Sri Ravishankar(sometimes,not always). I have not met the kind of ppl who you see around SSR , who make some astounding claims about him. The followers of JV seem level-headed and I have not heard them eulogise their guru like the followers of SSR do. This has got something to do with how he deals with his followers. May be when he is as popular as SSR we may find the kind of adulation around him as we see around SSR.

4th March 2010, 11:27 PM
My statements about Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is neither a recommendation nor a defence of him. Nor is it a request/advice for anybody to become his follower.

If you follow him or his methods of Yoga and come to grief as a result of it, I am not responsible for it.

I just gave my opinion.

They are not to be taken as absolute facts.

5th March 2010, 11:57 PM
http://www.dinamani.com/edition/story.aspx?Title=%E0%AE%A8%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF %8D%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%A9%E0%AE%A8%E0%AF%8D%E 0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BE+%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%80%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF %81+%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%B4%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95% E0%AF%81%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D+%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%A4%E0%A E%BF%E0%AE%B5%E0%AF%81:+%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%AE%E0%AE%B F%E0%AE%B7%E0%AE%A9%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D+%E0%AE%A4%E0 %AE%95%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D&artid=206865&SectionID=129&MainSectionID=129&SEO=&SectionName=Tamilnadu

Police registering case against kAmiyAr.

6th March 2010, 12:46 AM
My views on the Nithyanandam issue:


6th March 2010, 09:15 AM
எல்லாம் சரி, எங்கே ஒளிந்திருக்கிறார் இந்த காமியார் இப்போது?

6th March 2010, 07:06 PM
The organizer of the filming seems to have come out in the open :

No signs of kAmiyAr coming out in the open yet...

7th March 2010, 01:49 AM
In the beginning I thought you misspelt "sAmiyAr" as "kAmiyaAr"! :lol:

7th March 2010, 05:22 AM
In the beginning I thought you misspelt "sAmiyAr" as "kAmiyaAr"! :lol:

N: kaami ranjithaa kadavai thiravaai

R: hm hm hm maatten uLLe vida maattene

N: thaagadhu ammaa thaamadham nee seivadhu

(with due apologies for A.M.Raja, Jikki and others ! :lol: )

pavalamani pragasam
7th March 2010, 08:50 AM

7th March 2010, 10:45 AM
I think at present the only authentic well known guru would be Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. I have known him for around 20 years --- I am not his disciple --- since my college days. One good thing I like with him is that he never advertised. I attended a lecture of his in Madras University in 1992-93. After that he left my radar. I was surprised to see him again in a website when the internet age arrived. But even then his presence on the internet came very late.... and only now he is popular , though he was into this for the past 20 years. I think he is authentic. I sometimes even have doubts about Sri Sri Ravishankar , there are some rumours about him on the internet, but he looks above board as of now, but I think Sadhguru is a decent fellow.

What is authentic abt them?..I mean Im not sure...U goto a civil engineer for constructing a home - now if he is having illicit relationship with a lady ....he becomes unauthentic?

the basic question is "what we expect from someone?" - if that is satisfied- he should be authentic for us right.What u expect from sathguru jakki vasudev is noway related to his personal life.

Now these guys were behind nithyanandha for long - because they have been benifitted by him in one way or other.Just because he was having illicit relationship with others - will those benifits fade away?

Unless he has raped someone or murdered someone - I dont think this argument holds any water.

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
7th March 2010, 10:51 AM
I think at present the only authentic well known guru would be Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. I have known him for around 20 years --- I am not his disciple --- since my college days. One good thing I like with him is that he never advertised. I attended a lecture of his in Madras University in 1992-93. After that he left my radar. I was surprised to see him again in a website when the internet age arrived. But even then his presence on the internet came very late.... and only now he is popular , though he was into this for the past 20 years. I think he is authentic. I sometimes even have doubts about Sri Sri Ravishankar , there are some rumours about him on the internet, but he looks above board as of now, but I think Sadhguru is a decent fellow.

What is authentic abt them?..I mean Im not sure...U goto a civil engineer for constructing a home - now if he is having illicit relationship with a lady ....he becomes unauthentic?

the basic question is "what we expect from someone?" - if that is satisfied- he should be authentic for us right.What u expect from sathguru jakki vasudev is noway related to his personal life.

Now these guys were behind nithyanandha for long - because they have been benifitted by him in one way or other.Just because he was having illicit relationship with others - will those benifits fade away?

Unless he has raped someone or murdered someone - I dont think this argument holds any water.

Vivs, U are not sure becos you don't know. As a matter of fact nobdy knows anybody is authentic. We all get to see somethings and decide/guess. We feel he is authentic. YOu dont feel becos you dont know. that's why we say he, Jaggi vasudev is authentic. Here authentic means no nithyanandha type of stuff.

7th March 2010, 10:55 AM

My question is

1.How does he becomes unauthentic if he was involved in the nithyanandha kinda stuff?

2.What people expect from his nowhere related to his personal life.

An engineer is authentic if he builds a home - full stop...dont go beyond...if ur expectations becomes fulfilled - move on.

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
7th March 2010, 11:07 AM
fine, but see what nithayanda said about his brammacharya, and see what isha foundation is doing

ungalaala departmentukke ketta peru..

7th March 2010, 11:10 AM
fine, but see what nithayanda said about his brammacharya, and see what isha foundation is doing

again my question is

Will the benifits that one expect or received from nithyanandha fade away if he is not a brammacharya?He has lied..OK!...but how does it anyway related to ur expectations?

He has taught yoga and meditation it seems and many have benifitted by it...He has lied as brammacharya..OK..but what we have to look into is actually "is he a good meditation or yoga teacher - is he authentic in it?" ..because thats what people expect from him right?

OK..I dont hink I can talk abt it further - because I am not sure how yoga,meditation etc is related to the moral values...it might be..so lets stop it here.

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
7th March 2010, 11:25 AM
vivs, enakky theriyaathu. but, spirituality is the ONLY department where, sex, samsaaram, illaram, elaborate eating, and lots of other comforts are sort of, to-be-rejected. so, some of us who are attached and 'feel' some other xyz ashram is trustworthy, and suddenly some premananda nithyanandha gets 's'exposed and everyone says, intha saamiyaarungale ippadi thaan.

btw, oorla, nalla yoga and meditation solli tharravangallaam neraya peru irukkaanga, for ex, the famous aasana andiyappan is not a priest and he lives in city, with his family

what nithyanandha did is equivalent to what happened in sankara madam and the other guy who did 'all' inside the karuvarai. nammalla pala perukku aanmigam na ennannu theriyaathu. and what this guy did is aanmeegathai asingapaduthuthal

7th March 2010, 08:19 PM

(Nithya claims he didn't do anything illegal)

7th March 2010, 08:32 PM
fine, but see what nithayanda said about his brammacharya, and see what isha foundation is doing

again my question is

Will the benifits that one expect or received from nithyanandha fade away if he is not a brammacharya?He has lied..OK!....

Lying is NOT ok! He could have said that I have had several girl friends and now I am dating with ranjitha.

I am sure people would have understood that he is just an average human being and he has sexual needs as well, and that kaavi is just his favorite outfit as it is good for the hot weather. :lol:

8th March 2010, 06:02 PM
fine, but see what nithayanda said about his brammacharya, and see what isha foundation is doing

again my question is

Will the benifits that one expect or received from nithyanandha fade away if he is not a brammacharya?He has lied..OK!....

Lying is NOT ok! He could have said that I have had several girl friends and now I am dating with ranjitha.

appo oorla ladiesoda sutharavanlam...stagela yeri ..

"indha paarunga..innikku naan indha ponnoda irukka poren" nu announce pannanumnu soldreengala?

8th March 2010, 07:34 PM
fine, but see what nithayanda said about his brammacharya, and see what isha foundation is doing

again my question is

Will the benifits that one expect or received from nithyanandha fade away if he is not a brammacharya?He has lied..OK!....

Lying is NOT ok! He could have said that I have had several girl friends and now I am dating with ranjitha.

appo oorla ladiesoda sutharavanlam...stagela yeri ..

"indha paarunga..innikku naan indha ponnoda irukka poren" nu announce pannanumnu soldreengala?

(London-la hyde park-nu oNNu irukku; that facility ingEyum Erpaduthi kudukkaNumO ennavO!)

8th March 2010, 08:17 PM
(London-la hyde park-nu oNNu irukku; that facility ingEyum Erpaduthi kudukkaNumO ennavO!)

Tamilnadu is another Hyde Park ! :lol:

8th March 2010, 08:24 PM

That's the whole interesting part about "spiritual" gurus and their customers. There are possibly no legal guidelines, unlike in the case of other businesses, because of the holy cow thingy attached to the trade.

If a business is entering into a transaction with its customer, there are laws that control / regulate it (even though they may have loopholes, can be interpreted in various ways making lawyers rich etc).

OTOH, if someone makes a very similar transaction in the name of spirituality, there may not be clear-cut laws / guidelines to regulate them, which gives all pOli's a free run on the money of ignorant people. OTOH, the same people who worship some today will burn effigy tomorrow because neither the product that is being sold nor the expectations of the customer are defined / regulated.

(For e.g. the seller can claim he is god and the buyer can demand that that god should not have sex)

8th March 2010, 08:25 PM
fine, but see what nithayanda said about his brammacharya, and see what isha foundation is doing

again my question is

Will the benifits that one expect or received from nithyanandha fade away if he is not a brammacharya?He has lied..OK!....

Lying is NOT ok! He could have said that I have had several girl friends and now I am dating with ranjitha.

appo oorla ladiesoda sutharavanlam...stagela yeri ..

"indha paarunga..innikku naan indha ponnoda irukka poren" nu announce pannanumnu soldreengala?

I am saying, God should not have sex with his devotees. :lol:

What is there to hide for God?

God should not keep secrets just like human beings, you see!

But just a yoga teacher can keep the personal matters unrevealed! 8-)

Are you saying swamy nidhyanadha proclaimed himself as just a yoga teacher, right?

Or you imagine everything? :lol:

8th March 2010, 09:32 PM
God should not have sex with his devotees :lol:
What is there to hide for God?
God should not keep secrets just like human beings, you see!

GOD ku rules poda neenga yarunga?


8th March 2010, 09:35 PM

That's the whole interesting part about "spiritual" gurus and their customers. There are possibly no legal guidelines, unlike in the case of other businesses, because of the holy cow thingy attached to the trade.

If a business is entering into a transaction with its customer, there are laws that control / regulate it (even though they may have loopholes, can be interpreted in various ways making lawyers rich etc).

OTOH, if someone makes a very similar transaction in the name of spirituality, there may not be clear-cut laws / guidelines to regulate them, which gives all pOli's a free run on the money of ignorant people. OTOH, the same people who worship some today will burn effigy tomorrow because neither the product that is being sold nor the expectations of the customer are defined / regulated.

(For e.g. the seller can claim he is god and the buyer can demand that that god should not have sex)

wonderfully put!

completely agree with every word!..

8th March 2010, 09:45 PM
My only worry abt this issue is - it may cause a bad image to a big religion and its original spritual leaders.

And the people who believed him as a GOD - how would they feel now - totally ripping apart a faith is brutal.

Jeyamohans articles on this issue are really gud.

8th March 2010, 10:02 PM
God should not have sex with his devotees :lol:
What is there to hide for God?
God should not keep secrets just like human beings, you see!

GOD ku rules poda neenga yarunga?


அதைக் கேக்க நீங்க யாரு? அவருக்கு சொந்தமா? :rotfl:

8th March 2010, 10:03 PM
God should not have sex with his devotees :lol:
What is there to hide for God?
God should not keep secrets just like human beings, you see!

GOD ku rules poda neenga yarunga?

அதைக் கேக்க நீங்க யாரு? அவருக்கு சொந்தமா? :rotfl:

amam :)

8th March 2010, 10:17 PM
அதைக் கேக்க நீங்க யாரு? அவருக்கு சொந்தமா? :rotfl:

amam :)

God knows how to protect, save himself. Please dont worry too much about God. After all you and me are human beings. We should not worry about God! :D

8th March 2010, 10:19 PM
அதைக் கேக்க நீங்க யாரு? அவருக்கு சொந்தமா? :rotfl:

amam :)

God knows how to protect, save himself. Please dont worry too much about God. After all you and me are human beings. We should not worry about God! :D

naan andha maadhiri edhuvume sollaliye :roll:..neengathan rules poteenga :lol:

ohh...ada ..I dont mean nithyanadhar there!

sakaLAKALAKAlaa Vallavar
9th March 2010, 09:34 AM
VIvs, i 200 % agree with ur 1st line, ithai thaan naanum silitrukken( in my posts )

but 2nd line, i don't care. Even sadhguru jaggi never claims he is god and he can solve all ur problems. kaavi udai potta kandavanayellaam yaar namba sonnathu??

9th March 2010, 02:42 PM
An ad in the latest kumudham reporter..

Adtha idhazhil irundhu... Athiradi ezhuthaazhar Charu Niveditha ezhudhum...


Pudhiya viruviru thodar aarambam!

12th March 2010, 09:36 PM
This kumudam fellows are stooping down to the lowest levels :-(

During their no-charge era, I registered and had a login. Now, I haven't been to their site for months (ofcourse they didn't care either, unlike AV, who keep sending me mails to subscribe etc).

I was shocked to see this morning a mail in my in-box from Kumudam admin with a huge pic of Ranjitha undressing Nithya - the male is "topless" and the ad goes on like sAmiyArin nirvANam exclusive etc.

What kind of magazine has it become? Are people still buying and reading this at home in TN?

14th March 2010, 07:42 PM
By authentic I mean doing what one says. One of the qualifications of the spiritual leader is celibacy. He should have practised it. But he did not. Had he declared right in the begining he is Lord Krishna and he has a set of Gopikas around him with whom he has sex, it would have been fine , none of the devotees faith would have been shaken.

But he did not say so.

So many people feel outraged by his actions.

14th March 2010, 08:18 PM
The ippOdhum-thalaimaRaivu-pOli has given an interview :


While the 'invasion of privacy' thingy is debatable and frequently telecasting bed room scenes to public is condemnable, the whole episode clearly underlines the foolishness on the part of many to worship a human as God!

15th March 2010, 05:13 AM

Perhaps the Alleged Cine-star BED-MATE Lady, for So-called Saint NITHYANANDA..

...is an HADI-THATTI.!

What is meant by... HADI-THATTI.?

...Here is the Answer.!.




15th March 2010, 03:49 PM
பாலியல் புகார் குறித்து நித்தியானந்தா நூதன விளக்கம்....

ரஞ்சிதாவுடன் ஆன்மீகரீதியான ஒரு ஆராய்ச்சியில் மட்டுமே நான் ஈடுபட்டேன். அதன் முடிவுகளை விரைவில் பக்தர்களுக்கு அறிவிப்பேன்.

:rotfl: :rotfl2:

15th March 2010, 03:50 PM
பாலியல் புகார் குறித்து நித்தியானந்தா நூதன விளக்கம்....

ரஞ்சிதாவுடன் ஆன்மீகரீதியான ஒரு ஆராய்ச்சியில் மட்டுமே நான் ஈடுபட்டேன். அதன் முடிவுகளை விரைவில் பக்தர்களுக்கு அறிவிப்பேன்.

:rotfl: :rotfl2:

:rotfl3: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :lol: :lol2: :lol3:

15th March 2010, 03:58 PM
அந்த முடிவுகளை நினைத்தால்தான் வயிற்றை கலக்குகிறது... :lol:

17th March 2010, 11:37 AM

uNmaiyil athu innum kooda piramaathamana interview. Anmeega aaraaichiyil irunthaaraam. bakthargalukku pidikkavillaiyenraal antha aaraaichiyai ithudan niRuthi kolvaaraam. :shock:


17th March 2010, 04:48 PM
அவரது ஆராய்ச்சிக்கு விடை எப்போது கிடைக்கிறதோ அதுவரை பலருடன் ஆராய்ச்சியை தொடர்வார் போலும். ஆராய்ச்சிக்கு பெண் பக்தைகள் தேவை என்று விளம்பரம் வந்தாலும் வரலாம். :!: :!:

22nd March 2010, 09:05 PM
[tscii:ce8fd6ec39]On the topic of pOli saamiyarkal, this article appeared in the Times of London last Friday:


An excerpt:

Despite his efforts, [Sanal Edamaruku] admits that people still go to the festival and continue to revere self-styled holy men.

One reason is that Indian politicians nurture and shelter gurus to give them spiritual credibility, use their followers as vote banks, or to mask sexual or criminal activity. That explains why India’s Parliament has never tightened the 1954 Drugs and Magic Remedies Act, under which the maximum punishment is two months in prison and a 2,000 rupee (£29) fine.

Another reason is that educated, middle-class Indians are feeling increasingly alienated from mainstream religion but still in need of spiritual sustenance. “When traditional religion collapses people still need spirituality,” he says. “So they usually go one of two directions: towards extremism and fundamentalism or to these kinds of people.”

Since richer, urban Indians have little time for long pilgrimages or pujas (prayer ceremonies), they are often attracted by holy men who offer instant gratification — for a fee. The development of the Indian media over the past decade has also allowed some holy men to reach ever larger audiences via television and the internet. “Small ones have gone out of business while the big ones have become like corporations,” says Mr Edamaruku.[/tscii:ce8fd6ec39]

pavalamani pragasam
23rd March 2010, 08:08 PM
Sun TV is at again! The prime time Sun News telecasts Kalki ashram's obscenities/absurdities/atrocities! Sickening! Why this weird desire to expose such a diseased section of society? WHY??????

29th March 2010, 12:17 PM

31st March 2010, 02:24 AM


31st March 2010, 08:44 AM
The sAmiyAr business is similar to politics business ...

1st April 2010, 02:42 PM
good one from Jeyamohan

:rotfl2: (http://www.jeyamohan.in/?p=6954)

5th April 2010, 09:55 PM

did you mean this one? :

pavalamani pragasam
6th April 2010, 04:26 PM
ippadi oru April Fool trick-aa? asaththal! :clap:

6th April 2010, 05:03 PM

did you mean this one? :


21st April 2010, 09:33 PM
Again in news (nithya arrested)


25th April 2010, 06:55 PM

"ரகசிய செக்ஸ் ஒப்பந்தம்" - இந்த மாதிரி அசிங்கப்பேர்வழிகள் இன்னும் எத்தனை பேர் மக்களை ஏமாற்றிக்கொண்டிருக்கிறார்களோ :-(

1st May 2010, 04:55 AM

Godman NITHYANANDA imprisoned..

...for NITHYA ANANDA (Eternal Pleasure}...

...in WOMEN'S CELL..!

Ah.! What a Great Swamiji Spiritually.!

...to attain NITHYA ANANDA for Self EMANCIPATION..!...

Hereafter the Swamiji may probably indulge in indepth probe and Research

...so as to further enlighten the BLIND Humanity towards Spiritual Bliss.!..

---Free from the Earthly Prison of Human Re-births.!

Now he is eagerly waiting for a New Untried Lady Prisoner... perhaps..


--by means of His Masculine Vitality.

...(Spiritually or ----.?)


10th May 2010, 03:50 AM
Church leaders prove to be as shady as the pOli sAmiyArs in TN. There were a few self-styled preachers who amassed wealth by cheating others / tsunami funds etc and were also scandalous (yObu saravanan, for e.g.) in the last few years.

Now this news talks about a bishop (now suspended due to stealing their funds) doing murder threats to a pAthiri and getting arrested :


2nd July 2010, 12:17 AM
டவுட் : இந்த மாதிரி ஆசிரமங்களில் மணமாகாத (மற்றும் மணமான) பெண்கள் என்ன மாதிரி "ஆன்மீகப்பணி" செய்வார்கள்? (http://www.dailythanthi.com/article.asp?NewsID=577241&disdate=7/1/2010)

4th July 2010, 08:34 AM
Next Expose - Mel Maruvaththur's corrupt practices (http://thatstamil.oneindia.in/news/2010/07/03/cbi-files-case-against-melmaruvathur-college.html)

12th August 2010, 09:53 PM
சாமியார்களிடம் மோசடி செய்த எஞ்சினியர் (http://thatstamil.oneindia.in/news/2010/08/12/chennai-engineer-arrested-cheating-ashrams.html)

Classic case of halwa to Thirunelveli...

13th October 2010, 11:11 PM
Next sensational case in TN :
