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4th November 2004, 02:28 AM
This is a thread to share wierd, scary, funny dreams, or just dreams that make no sense. 8)

26th November 2004, 11:29 PM
i had this dream where we all moved into a huge house where i got the smallest room....it was like closet size...and in that tiny room was another closet...which led to much bigger part of the house...but the dimensions of the house from the outside do not reveal such extra space....anyways the room is ever misty and is oldfashioned with lion-footed bathtubs and tapestries....anyways the first time i dreamed of it, it was quite sunny and bright and inviting...and quite beautiful...the second time i dreamed of it...the house was there but what turned out to be a murder mystery where the butler lived in the room i had and had killed and hid his overcontemptous master in the garage...and it was like a movie that played out...the last time i dreamed of the same house everything was crawling with cockroaches, dark, creaky, and gloomy and to top it off we were playing hide-and-seek and i no one could find me at all....

27th November 2004, 12:01 AM
A friend of mine told me this dream 14 years ago, its a hilarious one :D

There was a cable running over his house to his neighbor's home. he had always wanted to walk on that cable Blondin-style and reach his neighbor's place :D

So one day he had this dream - he had started walking on this cable and was halfway through when he looked down and had a big shock. Directly underneath him was a huge cauldron, with boiling water, it was seething with steam. :lol: he got alarmed and wondered what would happen if he fell. Which is what precisely happened!
But he managed to grab the cable with one hand and was suspended in mid air, holding for dear life. At that moment, he got a shock from the cable(hey, this is unscientific, you cant be electrocuted unless you're touching something on the ground but its only a dream!). So he let go of the cable and was plunging headlong into the boiling cauldron.

At that moment he realised he had fallen off the bed long back and now was lying awake under the cot :lol: :lol: :lol:

27th November 2004, 01:36 AM

intha ponnunga ennappA orey bayappadarA mAthiriyE ellAm solrAnga?!! :shock: :P

anga "Tales of the unexpected" pakkam pOgavE bayamA irukku! :P :lol: :lol:

too creepy these femmes!! :lol: :lol:

27th November 2004, 02:45 AM

intha ponnunga ennappA orey bayappadarA mAthiriyE ellAm solrAnga?!! :shock: :P

anga "Tales of the unexpected" pakkam pOgavE bayamA irukku! :P :lol: :lol:

too creepy these femmes!! :lol: :lol:

does this mean you couldn't go to sleep after watch Aalavandan...geno? how about les femmes dans le Hub sont plus interessantes... 8)
or that we have lots imagination...you and blah blah both should try your hand at replying to the unexpected stories or even the dream thread..look forward to it... :wink:

27th November 2004, 02:46 AM
:D interesting dream @ hehehewalrus

27th November 2004, 03:20 AM
Good that these ladies are watching out for ghosts in their neighborhoods rather than waste time watching serials :lol: :lol:

27th November 2004, 03:28 AM
im going to step on a lot of toes saying this...but cannot stand serials! :P

27th November 2004, 03:33 AM
does this mean you couldn't go to sleep after watch Aalavandan...geno? how about les femmes dans le Hub sont plus interessantes... 8)
or that we have lots imagination...you and blah blah both should try your hand at replying to the unexpected stories or even the dream thread..look forward to it... :wink:


'ALavanthAN" wasn't creepy! It was a fascinating tale of a schizho (which could have been better made or rather better edited) - with some masala towards ending! :)

And i didnt get this one :

>> les femmes dans le Hub sont plus interessantes... >>

yo umean i was trying to write in thamizh coz i thot you didnt know thamizh?!! nope i knew you know thamizh - so thats out of Q!

i was just plain rattled reading some of those "experiences" in the "Tales" thread!! :lol

And i was just trying to be funny (i messed it up i guess!) sorry no offence meant! :)

LOL @ hhhw!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

27th November 2004, 03:46 AM
hmmm looks like it was my sense of humour that wasn't understood...yes i agree with you about Alavanthan (thanx for the correction) i loved the comic cartoon bit...it was very innovative...
ohhh when you used les femmes i thought you had a basic understanding of french...sorry :oops: i just said why couldn't you think of the ladies are really interesting...:P :D

and no don't worry no offence taken at all..thought it was funny so thats why i replied...hope you thought the same thats all :D

27th November 2004, 03:57 AM
hmmm looks like it was my sense of humour that wasn't understood...

cool great! :)

yes i agree with you about Alavanthan (thanx for the correction) i loved the comic cartoon bit...it was very innovative...

Oh yeah!! that was brilliant!!!

Especially when the "writer" Kamalhassan says that "Nandhakumar" was inspired by the "Violence" of the Cartoon charaters - and he learns from them - iut was chilling in a way - that truth was really hard-hitting...we usually don't think of that kind of implications for the mindless violence that is depicted in those supposedly humorous cartoons...

ohhh when you used les femmes i thought you had a basic understanding of french...sorry :oops: i just said why couldn't you think of the ladies are really interesting...:P :D

Thanx for the french!!

yep all the "femmes" here are "interesting" i do consider so! :P
( except perhaps for you ppls lush imaginations in the "Tales of the unexpected" thread ofcourse!) - all femmes have been a whiff of fresh air in this new hub! 8) :)

28th November 2004, 03:30 AM
///les femmes dans le Hub sont plus interessantes... ///
Parles vous francais? Cool. Je parle francais aussi! A little. :)

28th November 2004, 03:36 AM
ignoramus surya
qui t'as renseigne que les Francais seulement parle le francais??? On peut trouver les parleurs de francais tout le monde, meme en L'Inde!!

28th November 2004, 03:37 AM
WOWOWOW! Don't attack me with french like that man, I just took one year in HS, and that was like 5 years ago.
:lol: 8)

28th November 2004, 03:57 AM
peace :)

28th November 2004, 08:31 AM
ignoramus surya
qui t'as renseigne que les Francais seulement parle le francais??? On peut trouver les parleurs de francais tout le monde, meme en L'Inde!!

hey davie so very cool you know french too? A little goes a long way...yeah im a bit rusty too...know much less than hehehewalrus knows..but BASICALLY what he said is that not only ppl in france speak french you can find french speakers in all the world, even in India....after all do you not have Pondicherry? :D

If im wrong i know hehehewalrus will make the corrections....won't you? :P

nirosha sen
28th November 2004, 09:23 AM
Okay!! I'm throwing a challenge to all those literary and history buffs in here!

So, you think we females are scary huh????? GO.......OD!! Perhaps, you would now be inspired to tell us.....


We await you Geno, Blah-Blah, Walrus, Davie, Sandeep et el, with
BATED BREA......TH![/b]

28th November 2004, 09:30 AM
Okay!! I'm throwing a challenge to all those literary and history buffs in here!

So, you think we females are scary huh????? GO.......OD!! Perhaps, you would now be inspired to tell us.....


We await you Geno, Blah-Blah, Walrus, Davie, Sandeep et el, with
BATED BREA......TH![/b]

way to go Nirosha! so far my asking of their stories hasn't helped.....blah blah had one in the oven for so long i think by now it's probably burnt to a crisp! :P

nirosha sen
29th November 2004, 08:35 PM
:lol: We await for you to scare the daylights out of us, Dear Scribes of the Hub!!!! 8)

30th November 2004, 04:56 AM
Come one guys! Hit us with some scary stuff. There was a scary story in another thread, I got creeped out. Something like that!

30th November 2004, 06:48 AM
i can spin quite a yarn but gentle Asin would be frightened!! :lol :lol

nirosha sen
30th November 2004, 08:45 PM
Do try the whole nine yards, Walrus!! Ergo, stop the procrastination and get your tail into my thread!!! 8) 8) 8)

We await your Royal Spookiness!!!
:wink: :wink: :wink:

28th January 2006, 04:43 PM

my dreams have either just reflected my worst fears or they tell about something that is going to happen in the future

i can always tell which is an ordinary dream and which is an intutive one with a lto of meaning ......

an ordinary dreams makes no sense and many times i dunt remember it till i am fully awake and in my senses ...

other dreams ... i wake up as though i am still a part of those dreams ...sometimes i find it hard to distinguish my dream from the real moment i am in .....

for example .....i have a really, really good friend in the UK....distance has never been a trouble for us ....we still kept in touch thru mail , c hat and even PHONE ....international calls ......but offlate .....he s got busy and so have i ...so we lost touch ...for sometime ...but we used to keep telling each other ....we ll get in contact again ....once our projects or ..watever...gets over.....
he s a very very very close friend and we both mean a lot to each other ...and breaking the friendship ...i cant even think about it ...

once after my exams i called him up ..but he was in a lab ...so he said he ll talk later ...
then again we n i called he was busy ..and three times he said the same thing. ...

i got very angry and thought he doesnt want to keep in touch
..i dint feel bad ...i jus thght ..he s a fool .if hes behaving this way ......i waited for his call for sometime and then forgot about it .....that nite i had a dream that we finally talk to each other ..and he tells me ..convincingly ...that it costs a lot to both of us and that at this point of time in our lives ..our studies matter a lot to us ....

the next day again the same thing happened
that nite i sent him a SMS saying ...i dunt care if u dunt care for me ...i knew it was rude ..but i was very angry too
that nite i had a dream in which i was in a crowded temple ..and in the crowd i couldnt breathe and i faint ......
wen i get to my consciousness ...the preist or some saint sees my palm and says...dunt mis judge people just by what u percieve...u never know the person whum u are trying to contact may also be contacting u without success...

wen i woke up frm this dream i discarded it as nonsense. ..
but the same day i got an sms from my friend in UK...saying i dunt knw if u are getting these sms...i sent many yesterday but u never replied ..i think theres some problem with my network ..many of my friends could nt contact me ......

I was flabbergasted reading this SMS

30th January 2006, 11:53 AM
I once dreamt I am a part of cosmic world. I found planets spinning at various speed around me. Excellnt combination of beauty, awe and colours.

COSMIC beauty is the right term.

Though the planets came near me, teased me, I never could touch any or grasp its nature.

it eluded me :shock:

30th January 2006, 06:11 PM
d o u ll think dreams signify somethin

1st February 2006, 03:46 PM
It was a good few years ago... We came that morning from Ooty to Chennai and we were heading to Tirunelveli that night. It was just mummy, my brother and myself. It was peak summer season and so we couldn't manage tickets on the train, so Dad put us on a "Thiruvalluvar" bus :) Because the bus was full we did not get seats together. I was on the last seat and my mother and brother were somewhere else.

I fell asleep because I was way too tired and dreamt that it was third world war and a bomb was dropped on a bunker under which my brother and myself were sheltered.

I shouted :lol: and at the same time a truck hit the bus and the bus stopped. It all happened the same instant... I woke up with a whole pile of glass pieces on my head but I was unhurt!

Tiruvalluvar did manage to send a spare bus and we were sent to Tirunelveli safely a few hours later!

1st February 2006, 05:02 PM
I had this dream-nay- nightmare only last week......I dreamt tat I was on my scooter & urgently wanted to go sumwhere...but can't rem. where or y...its jus tat I wanted to get there urgently, wherevr it was & I was driving rather rashly, very opp. to how I drive in reality! I was swerving thru a busy road & suddenly b4 I knew it, and went speeding towards a truck tat was entering the road from the right......it was a long, trailer type truck.....I applied the brakes only at the last minute & was abt to ram headlong onto the side of the trailer when I lifted up my right arm to shield my face.....and then of course u'd know wat wud've hap'd in reality! :shock: :oops: Tat was when I woke up! *phew*
I even checked my right arm to see whether it was fractured.....tat was a relief! :D
And believe it or not, a couple of nights b4, I had a far more pleasant dream....I dreamt tat I landed in Hyd'bad, all alone.......I can't rem. which area of Hyd'bad it was but sumhow I had the feeling it WAS Hyd. only! Jus then to my surprise, I saw a Vijai Super scooter (jus like mine! :)) in excellent condition parked nearby! :D And then, a young "couple" who looked very modern/hep went past me on an old blue/white Lambretta! :lol: I then found myself remarking to sum muslim passerby abt this & I rem. he said in reply "Hau (Haan/yes in Hyderabadi Hindi), idhar ab sab purane scooteraan ich chalarey...bahut hain aise gadiyaan...apku bhi hona (chahiye) kya??"..... :lol:
And then b4 I replied, I woke up only to find myself disappointed! :( :oops:

7th February 2006, 01:13 AM
hmmm i believe my dreams signify something !

Sanguine Sridhar
7th February 2006, 08:31 AM
I once dreamt I am a part of cosmic world. I found planets spinning at various speed around me. Excellnt combination of beauty, awe and colours.

COSMIC beauty is the right term.

Though the planets came near me, teased me, I never could touch any or grasp its nature.

it eluded me :shock:
You can see those things in real KM,You can feel it :D Just 3 Pegs :wink:

7th February 2006, 08:58 AM
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

7th February 2006, 03:44 PM
Beckham :D :rotfl:

Anyway....... (I think I would be the maximum user of this thread, since I dream EVERY DARN DAY :evil:)


I dreamt as though, my duaghter is late to be picked up, she is standing near the van stop, waiting for me to pick up. Somehow I miss it.

My maid runs and gets her, before which I switch on some lift button.

Surprisingly, the lift has NO WALLS on 4 sides. its an OPEN LIFT. I catch hold of the pulley to rise up. my hand is full of grease. Everybody is looking at me. I thought I would fall down. :sad:

Sooner I found my mother, and some ohter knwon ppl, waiting for me in ground floor, calling my name, saying how foolish to go in a lift with NO WALLS :shock:

I got down safely, to go along with them. THIS TIMe ALL OF THEM travel in a 'no-wall lift' while I watch them with gaping mouth, thoroughly confused as to WHY THE HELL WALLS ARE NOT THERE.

Thankfully my dughter and maid reached my house before all this chaos was out.

worse than SCIENCE FICTION huh?

damnnnnnnnnnn tiring :(

8th February 2006, 12:42 AM
I'm kinda getting worried a number of friends have commented that they have the "trapped on an island" dream and I'm in each of them :? ...the freaky thing is I'm the one who is calm and cool and actually doing something resourceful (finding food, comforting, building shelter)... :shock: when in reality i would be totally out of it :roll: :? :)

8th February 2006, 06:52 AM
Just shows the confidence your friends have in you. They are looking upto you.

8th February 2006, 05:19 PM
Shakthi: I used to be like you, dream every night and then wake up in the morning and trouble everyone by telling them my dreams, but now I dream occasionally... maybe once a month or less!

8th February 2006, 05:40 PM

how did u achieve it?

Ive dreamt 25 * 365 days. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I remmebred all those the next day morning.
9*365 I dismissed thinking I was too small to remember. (I might have remembered too)

Its a curse anou.

Sometimes dreams are GOOD. DIVINE.
Sometimes dreams are emotional and weird

3 TO 4 TIMES it was SCARY and traumatic :roll:

In one such dream, I WAS on the stage acting in a drama and someone came and STABBED me. Believe me THE PAIN WAS EXCRUCIATING, EVEN THOUGH I WAS DREAMING. The pain was sooooooooo intense. Even now I dread the pain I experienced mentally in that dream. :cry: I dont know what to call it.

Very occasioanlly 2 to 3 BULL used to chases me, I run with fear.

Rest were all normal dreams, no big deal bout it.

Some were even divine.

What ever SAID AND DONE........

dreaming and remembering IS A CURSE. :(
I am seriously cursed to go thro this. Everyday I try to read good things 3 mins before sleep, think good things,

YET i AM SCARED to sleep for the fear of dreaming.

8th February 2006, 06:02 PM
Hi yall! :)
Well, as for me, I've been getting too many dreams w/ old vehicles in them! :?
Except for one I had a few nights ago where there was a train in it instead! I dreamt I was travelling in a 2nd class AC (or was it 1st class?) compartment & it was done up quite luxuriously.......funny part is tat instead of the place where one of the lower berths shud be, there was a large IFB microwave oven! And even this wasn't the size of a normal oven but much wider, abt the width of an ice-cream freezer! :shock: :lol:
And only b4 I woke up this morning, I had another wierd dream where I was back in school & w/ sum of my old schoolmates there (altho this school in the dream wasn't my old school at all; I'd never studied here in my life!) ....we wer wearing white uniforms & I was telling my classmates tat it was my last day at school & I wud be going away.....altho none of them seemed to pay much attention to me......tats all I recall....! :)

8th February 2006, 06:32 PM
Lamby, IFB Microwave :lol:

Shakthi: For a start you have to work on going to sleep on time I guess.... I used to be a hyper child that could not sleep, I even had a name "raakodaangi"... don't ask me what it means :)

In the past few years though my sleep pattern (and food pattern) has changed quite a bit. I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime! I try to keep my mind blank when I go to sleep... I think that helps a bit as well! :)

8th February 2006, 06:39 PM
Shakthi: For a start you have to work on going to sleep on time I guess.... I used to be a hyper child that could not sleep
Hmm.....was it due to insomnia?? I think I hav it, most nites I can't sleep at all until say 1.30-2am (sumtimes even 3!) no matter how much try, lying on the bed.....which is y I wake up late in the mornings & feel tired most part of the day! :(

I try to keep my mind blank when I go to sleep... I think that helps a bit as well! :)
Hmm.....I guess it does but tat souns like one thing most ppl. (inc. me) find difficult to do! :(

8th February 2006, 11:22 PM
well keeping my blank would the hardest thing i ever could do...what i do try to do is tire myself out, either walking, workingout, reading, and if all that doesnt work you can try this:

it's quite simple and it helped me...it may sound silly but try it,

you lie in bed and get in a comfortable position, close your eyes and you start with your toes and tell yourself to relax them, try to feel them relax don't actually move them...and slowly work your way up...try to realize how soft your pillow, comforter, blanket, how warm,calm,peaceful you feel etc. but don't try telling yourself to relax your mind...it'll just start racing again...but yeah i hardly ever remember getting to my head i guess i notice how good i feel and fall asleep

Just try it even once...cause I don't want you to have to try medication as of yet.

8th February 2006, 11:27 PM
Hmm.......sounds interesting, Que! :D
Maybe I'll try it out now, as I'm gonna go to sleep now.....
G'nite/cyall later! :wave:

9th February 2006, 04:03 AM
Just shows the confidence your friends have in you. They are looking upto you.

really wow..never would have thought of that...i thought that they are seeing themselves and me in dangerous situations :roll: :)

Lambretta and SP do tell me if what i mentioned does help you sleep. Nitey Nite. :D

9th February 2006, 07:27 AM
it's quite simple and it helped me...it may sound silly but try it,

you lie in bed and get in a comfortable position and you start with your toes and tell yourself to relax them...and slowly work your way up...but don't try telling yourself to relax your mind...it'll just start racing again...but yeah i hardly ever remember getting to my head i guess i notice how good i feel and fall asleep

Just try it even once...cause I don't want you to have to try medication as of yet.

I've tried this & it does help... & workouts too help to a great extent...

9th February 2006, 07:38 AM
:shock: :shock:

I'm guesing that yall need to cut down on the mushrooms for dinner before going to sleep. :P

9th February 2006, 10:02 AM
:x I Hate Mushrooms! :x I'm not partial to the kind you're referring to either Surya :P

9th February 2006, 03:31 PM
[tscii:3da0a4553c]Daily I'll get dreams. My family and friends are frustrated on hearing my dreams. Thanks surya i can post my dreams here.

This is something different. I am not so much devoted to God but still I dunno y I got such a dream.

It was a raining evening. I was playing in the terrace of my house. My cousins were also there with me. Suddenly there was a bright red light in the sky. One saint with kaavi dress appeared there.his face was so bright and peaceful. I was left alone. My cousins were not there. On seeing him I was just running saying pochuda vandhittaru

Same scene repeated again – rain- saint -. This time also I ran away on seeing him.

Same scene for the third time but this time when I tried to run away he said Nillu

After hearing his voice I completely surrendered to him.

Enakku vedham kathu kudikkiraru. Yeluthu elam megathula yeludhi irukku oru complete silence bakthi enakkulla.

Ungakitta onnu kekkalamnu avarkitta kekkuren

Pesalai aana kelunnu soldra madhiri thalai aaturaru

Neenga yaaru yedhukkaga ennai thedi vandhu idhai ellam solli thareenga ungalai naan rendu thadavai insult panniyum marupadi marupadi vandhu enakku kolappama irukku

He didn’t reply. Aana oru china smile paakiradhu janani janani pattula vara saamiyar madhiri irukkaru

Naan poi enga amma, chithi elloraiyum kootittu varattumannu kekkuren

Mm nnu sonnaru

Avlo than kanavu kalanjiduchu. 3 years back vandha dream innum marakkalai


Sanguine Sridhar
9th February 2006, 03:40 PM
Ennanga Swathy? Baba pada kadhai maadhiri irrukku :? Nalla kaanuraanga pa kanava! :roll:

9th February 2006, 03:48 PM
Ennanga Swathy? Baba pada kadhai maadhiri irrukku :? Nalla kaanuraanga pa kanava! :roll:


9th February 2006, 08:24 PM
:shock: :shock:

I'm guesing that yall need to cut down on the mushrooms for dinner before going to sleep. :P

puriyave ella.Why mushrooms :?. Am confused :(.

9th February 2006, 08:42 PM
Is Surya talking about "magic mushrooms" ? :)

Lamby: I don't know if I had insomnia, it was just that it used to take hours for me to go to sleep :)

9th February 2006, 08:46 PM
It has never been difficult for me to sleep..I usually goto sleep with a book in hand.I read the book till I fall asleep and to me theres nothing more relaxing than reading a good book :).
SP,Maybbe you should try that..

9th February 2006, 08:53 PM
It has never been difficult for me to sleep..I usually goto sleep with a book in hand.I read the book till I fall asleep and to me theres nothing more relaxing than reading a good book :).
SP,Maybbe you should try that..
Yea I've tried tat & even browsing the net at nite often makes me feel sleepy.....but one thing- if I hav to do things like switching off the light/computer or adjusting the speed of the fan, instead of straightaway dropping onto the bed to sleep, I tend to lose the 'dip' I get! :(

9th February 2006, 09:00 PM
what you need lamby is a remote which controls all this.With just the press of the remote you could switch off the lights,fan etc :D.

9th February 2006, 09:02 PM
what you need lamby is a remote which controls all this.With just the press of the remote you could switch off the lights,fan etc :D.
but hey, wat if the remote doesn't work sumtime?? :wink:
Neways, gtgo for a while now, am doing the cooking at home since my mum is away this week, so i'm a bit pressed for time! :D

10th February 2006, 07:45 AM
Lamby: I don't know if I had insomnia, it was just that it used to take hours for me to go to sleep :)

Same here...

Sanguine Sridhar
10th February 2006, 08:01 AM
Yesterday i had a small,very small dream! I was browsing through a software company(I dont want to mention the name even it came in my dream :lol: ) webpage.I was watching the options they had Company Profile,About us blah blah I also saw an option called Database.When i clicked it,it shows all the datas of their company projects :shock: Including all tables,codes etc etc.. I thought "Seriyana Loosu pasangga" :lol: Today morning i realised it was a dream :oops:

10th February 2006, 08:11 AM
:x I Hate Mushrooms! :x I'm not partial to the kind you're referring to either Surya :P

I'm quite glad to hear that! :P I get wierd dreams too! Remember the one with the Indian and the hobo peeing on the wall while laughing to himself? :|

puriyave ella.Why mushrooms Confused. Am confused

r u familiar with the term, "Puff the Magic Dragon?"

And No it isn't the boy's stuffed dragon...:P

Is Surya talking about "magic mushrooms" ?

Athey thaan! :P

Becks Machi,
:lol: Dreamliyum ithu-va? :lol2:

I thought "Seriyana Loosu pasangga"

:rotfl: :thumbsup:

Intha Alumbukku mattum dream-le kooda korachal illa! :P :)

10th February 2006, 10:55 AM
Hmm.....well, I guess we cud talk abt our nightmares also here, not just dreams?
'cos only last night I had one tat made me wake up at 2am! :x
Twas abt one of my worst phobias- I was seeing my room here & there were lots of COCKROACHES in it! :shock:
They were running on the flor, on my bed & there was this big fat roach crwaling on the wall jus above my bed! One of them was abt to open its 'wings' & fly & I rem. backing out of my room & thinking of getting the mortein all-insect spray I recently bought! Then I woke up! *pheeeeewwwwwww* but I sitll jumped out of my bed & dusted it, assuming there really were roaches on it, even lifted off my pillow & shook it, w/out even switching on the light yet! :lol:
But this nightmare seemed to hav sum stress on me so when I managed to go back to sleep after a drink of water, I slept on until 9 o'clock this morning! :oops: :(

10th February 2006, 01:05 PM


10th February 2006, 02:00 PM


:banghead: , *puke* icon!

10th February 2006, 06:43 PM
Surya :lol:
Gotit now :oops :)

10th February 2006, 11:12 PM
I can really relate to that dream Lambretta...I hate spiders and they find a way to plague my nightmares as well...it seems so real..i wake up with such a fear and abhorrence that i don't want to touch them or them me :evil: :x :evil:

does this mean that the technique i suggested didn't help at all? Or worse let you fall asleep only to have nightmares :oops: Hopefully more hubbers like Dev do find it useful... :(

10th February 2006, 11:52 PM
I can really relate to that dream Lambretta...I hate spiders and they find a way to plague my nightmares as well...it seems so real..i wake up with such a fear and abhorrence that i don't want to touch them or them me :evil: :x :evil:
Yea u told me how once a prof. of urs encouraged to u to do a project w/ spiders hoping tat it'd help u get rid of ur phobia......only to worsen it, rite?

does this mean that the technique i suggested didn't help at all? Or worse let you fall asleep only to have nightmares :oops: Hopefully more hubbers like Dev do find it useful... :(
Um......to be honest, I havn't tried tat technique u gave yet, sorry! :oops:
Will try it out tonite now tat I'm going to sleep! :D
Ciao! :wave:

11th February 2006, 07:12 AM
Spiders are like the most popular phobia....:(

I've had that phobia ever since this huge kid in HS ate one in front of the class..:banghead: :banghead: Guess he's on the other end of the Phobia Spectrum...

11th February 2006, 11:15 AM
YUCKKKKKKK! *puke* icon!! :x
'wonder if tat kid was trying to get into Ripley's believe it or not....... :roll: :roll:

11th February 2006, 11:32 PM

thx for the suggestion.

would try for few weeks and let u know if it works :)

12th February 2006, 05:15 AM
YUCKKKKKKK! *puke* icon!! :x
'wonder if tat kid was trying to get into Ripley's believe it or not....... :roll: :roll:

Some guys will do anything to get attention from chicks...although I don't think this helped in a good way! :lol2:

12th February 2006, 09:25 AM
Some guys will do anything to get attention from chicks...although I don't think this helped in a good way! :lol2:
Yea, must've had quite the opposite effect in fact! :roll: :lol:

21st February 2006, 08:08 PM
Dear all,

I thought it would be great if we discuss various
aspects of dreams, Dreams supposed to reflect what is in ur sub consiousness.but what i dont understand is why do we see things, which we have never thought of before, what ever issues which has been dear to you, will reside in ur sub consiousness, but what about issues which we have never came across?

What causes dream? what state is our mind in when we see dreams?, I have also noticed that you have nightmares, when you sleep during day times, has any one come across this?

Shall we discuss this in details?


22nd February 2006, 05:26 PM

thx for the idea. I shall try and let you know. The 2 days i did, i did have PLEASANT DREAMS ATLEAST :D :thumbsup:

22nd February 2006, 05:38 PM
I have to share this :)

Last weekend we went out and came back quite late... I was very tired and slept as soon as I hit bed... I dreamt that I was walking around somewhere and my feet were hot... just my feet alone were hot :D

I seemed to walk in and out of the house and still my feet alone were hot...

I woke up only to find that my feet were on top of the hot water bottled :lol:

Normally the bottle goes between the sheets much before we go to bed so it is just warm enough.... that night we had put the bottle in just before we went to bed :)

I got up, moved the bottle out of the way and went back to bed :)

22nd February 2006, 06:01 PM
:rotfl: :lol:

Thats strange and intersting anou :lol:

I remember one dream my mom had.

I had my geography exam the next day (my board exam). I was ranting about how I had so much more to finish and how after my geo exam is done (last exam) I would throw all my books away, never to sight them atleast for a fortnight.

My mom had a short afn nap immy ( after this conversation) and was found chattering non-stop in her sleep with a panic striken face.

"no... dont flush away ur geography book in wash basin. YOU HAVE EXAMS TOMMORROW"

23rd February 2006, 05:30 AM
yeah my mom speaks in her sleep i remember sleeping beside my mom and her turning around and trying to touch my face saying "Don't cry _________,Don't cry"...I was like uhhh ok i'm just going back to my bed. :o

Oddly I remember the first ever time i saw my father cry, he started from bed and was sobbing that his mother had passed away, and that was when the phone rang to tell us the very same news :(

23rd February 2006, 02:15 PM
I have had many weird dreams. the weirdest (does this word exist?) of all was the one in which i'll not be able to walk on the floor. for every step, i'll jump up to the ceiling.

evvalavu kashta pattiruppen? romba tiringa irukkum :cry:

23rd February 2006, 02:34 PM
I recently had this dream of a tiger biting me... :shock: I went shopping with a baby (Dunno who it is!!!) ....on my way to the shopping centre I hear ppl talk abt the tiger which escaped from the zoo but I ignore it as a rumor & proceed...near the shopping centre I see the tiger coming towards me... By this time, there was noone on the road...I wanted to get away unharmed & run towards a bush nearby... just near the bush I fell down & by this time, the tiger is very close to me... I somehow save the kid unharmed but get bitten by the tiger... a nice big wound...:(

The funny part come after this... I go to the doc to get my wound dressed up & stuff... the doc asks me what happn & I tell him that a tiger bit me ... :lol: He refuses to believe me saying that Singapore is such a safe place & it is impossible for a tiger to escape from the zoo & come so long etc etc... I try to explain to him but he never lets me talk... I get very angry & shout at him in frustration & pain & get away without treating the wound...I get back home & by this time, press comes to know abt it & comes to me for an interview... :roll: & the next day this news makes the headlines... the doc calls me up for treatment but I decline his invitation... He now begs me to get treated by him as he wants some publicity... I finally agree & get treated... :lol: :lol:

Even after all these, I din't wake up...

23rd February 2006, 09:33 PM
aha , Naa evalavu serious-a oru kealvi keaten abt dreams, atha vituvitu summa ambuli maama kathai mathiri, naa antha kanavu kandean, intha kanave kandean nu solikitu irukeenghale, ithu gnayama??

24th February 2006, 06:48 AM

Read the first post... this thread is to share dreams tht one had... Athula nee vanthu oru serious post pannitu athuku naanga reply pannanumnu ethirpaarthaal athu yaar thappu?... :evil: :lol:

24th February 2006, 06:00 PM

24th February 2006, 11:08 PM
yeah my mom speaks in her sleep i remember sleeping beside my mom and her turning around and trying to touch my face saying "Don't cry _________,Don't cry"...I was like uhhh ok i'm just going back to my bed. :o

Oddly I remember the first ever time i saw my father cry, he started from bed and was sobbing that his mother had passed away, and that was when the phone rang to tell us the very same news :(

:o...That's amazing! I've heard of ppl having expierences like that! It's wierd!

PS: Why the _________? :P

25th February 2006, 03:27 AM
reply to ps: ___________ means my real name...my mom doesn't call me Querida/beloved most of the time...try farm animals and embarrasing nicknames :P

26th February 2006, 07:50 PM
My uncle and parents travelled in the same train.On reaching the destination my parents offered to drop him home....he accepted.
On alighting he told my parents"why don't u come in".They said we will ...not now but soon and they left.
After a hour my uncle called up saying please come soon as his son died in an accident.
Is this Co-incidence or intuition???? :?:

1st March 2006, 01:16 AM
I'd go towards intuition..but many'd prolly go towards Coincidence.

But it's a pretty big C-dence in what u said, and also in the case of Querida's father knowing abt his mother's death.

11th March 2006, 11:13 AM
I had the most disturbing dream this morning around 5am I awoke to hearing my mom going down the steps and drifted off...I dreamed I was on the bus...the same bus I always take to school and in my usual seat...I was sitting there and a person came and sat beside me...I didn't know if it is was a man or a woman...and I start noticing how oddly they are hunched over and how shabby and ragged they look and before I know it i feel a prick at my side...and I realize the person beside me just stuck a needle into me full of their blood! And I'm pleading for them to leave me alone and that it's their life and their lot and to please not hurt me and than I awake... :cry: :cry: that truly disturbed me that I actually couldn't go back to sleep.... :shock: :cry:

13th March 2006, 11:57 PM
Hmm......I jus cant explain this.....maybe I'm too sentimental.......?! :huh:
A couple of nights ago, I again had a dream abt our old house at Hyd'bad tat we sold! :| :?
I dreamt I had entered my old room, painted pista green, (wich it was at one time altho we had it repainted light blue later)....I rem. the whole house seemed to be empty, no-one else around, no furniture (altho in reality its currently rented out by the new owners, to the pollution control board as their office!)........
I was just standing there staring around the room......I rem. looking at one of the windows in my old room tat I'd always liked to keep open & wud even enjoy the sunlight drifting in thru it......I then kept looking around at the familiar mosaic flooring, if each slab/tile was in proper condition/clean......then I rem. moving away out of my room towards the main hall (living cum dining) wich was dark as it always was, having no windows opening towards the outside......again here I was checking out the flooring even tho it was rather dark.......
Jus then as I moved on I started talking to myself as if sumone wer w/ me! :oops: :shock:
Was telling "them" abt how I miss tat house, describing the way each room used to be kept & wishing my father never fell ill tat was mainly y we had to sell it.......tats all I rem. until the moment I woke up!

Neways, goin2 go shut-eye now......byE! :wave:

14th March 2006, 07:17 AM
that's good to know that you have such a good bond with the place that housed you and your memories...do you go and see the house often even after it's been occupied? Maybe you feel you have to voice your what ifs? Hope atleast writing it out helps you feel more glad about your dream and your reality :smile2:

Oh on a digression I just read that other day about this movie about this guy's journey on his Indian motorcycle and it got a good review..it was called "The World's Fastest Indian" it has anthony hopkins in it....thought you might like to check it out.

14th March 2006, 08:47 AM
that's good to know that you have such a good bond with the place that housed you and your memories...do you go and see the house often even after it's been occupied?
Yup, of course I do! Every time I visit Hyd. :)
As I said, one part of it has been let out to the Pollution control board! :( They did let me take a look inside once last yr, altho refused to let me take ne pics. of the house even from outside saying it was a Govt. office so forbidden etc.......! :x
The new owners had done a bit of renovation/modification soon after they'd bought it.....

Hope atleast writing it out helps you feel more glad about your dream and your reality :smile2:
In a way it does......! :)

Oh on a digression I just read that other day about this movie about this guy's journey on his Indian motorcycle and it got a good review..it was called "The World's Fastest Indian" it has anthony hopkins in it....thought you might like to check it out.
Hmm....sounds interesting altho havnt herd of this movie so far....btw, by 'Indian' motorcycle do u mean this make:

14th March 2006, 09:03 AM
yes by Indian motorcycle i do mean the make, not the race of the person riding it :D

14th March 2006, 09:07 AM
yes by Indian motorcycle i do mean the make, not the race of the person riding it :D
Even I didnt mean the race of the person but rather tat of the bike (ie., if it was an Indian-made bike) :D


14th March 2006, 09:20 AM
*DIG[Even I didnt mean the race of the person but rather tat of the bike (ie., if it was an Indian-made bike) :D

Uhhhhh,ummmm check it out for yourself :mrgreen: :


14th March 2006, 10:53 PM

*DIG[Even I didnt mean the race of the person but rather tat of the bike (ie., if it was an Indian-made bike) :D
Uhhhhh,ummmm check it out for yourself :mrgreen: :

Uhh, umm u dint seem to've got me- see I thot u meant Indian as in Indian-made bike...but later understood tat u meant the 'Indian' make! :D
Neways, tks for the link but cudnt view the site after entering......it seems sum addnl. plugins r needed.... :roll:
Ok.....nvr mind! :)


23rd April 2006, 09:57 AM
recently I've been having a dream of being in the airport and my relatives walking right past me, and when they find out it really is me that they are looking for, they look disappointed or even disgusted :( It keeps repeating and well I'm just a bit saddened about it.

23rd April 2006, 10:01 AM
Well my dreams usually depict what is going to happen tomorrow....before my car accident two years back i dreamt the night before that i will be hit by a car and it happened...me viewing the death of my grandmother was another dream that happened to me two months back before it really happened...but a strange premonition will be the day i was almost about to die due to severe fever..and i remember two guards taking me to a shivalinga..i stared at the shivalinga and begged him not to do anything...next moment i woke up i was sweating and my fever dropped...i usually have other dreams but they come in the wet dreams category so i will drop them for now.

23rd April 2006, 10:06 AM
I would like to state certain views about dreams...apparently our strong love for somebody/something or things that are registered in our mind as dear/bad/unforgettable are actually
"replayed" out when we sleep in a scenario way or something that we dunt expect. Our mind works in a way to depict our memories in something that we do not expect.

More about dreams is that there is a certain group of people who have the power to control their mind to choose dreams of their choice or what dream to come. And since dreams are a work of the mind, it is believed certain psychics or even ghosts communicate with the person through his dreams..in this case it is like a medium.

23rd April 2006, 11:59 AM
I would like to state certain views about dreams...apparently our strong love for somebody/something or things that are registered in our mind as dear/bad/unforgettable are actually "replayed" out when we sleep in a scenario way or something that we dunt expect. Our mind works in a way to depict our memories in something that we do not expect.
Exactly! I was (& still am) attached to our old house at hyd. tat we sold....wen I get dreams, I've often got those of our old house! But really weird ones.....abt things/situations tat were never so in reality.....
The last one I rem. was.....I was walking alone down the corridor at the back tat goes towards our back verandah/backyard....
Then I noticed a couple of taps sticking out of the wall at an angle (slanted sideways).....they wer both the "push-up" type tat u find in trains, sum cheap hotels, public bathrooms etc. (wen u push up the nozzle, water comes out).....these taps never existed ther or newhere in our house in reality!
Also water was flowing out of them continuously wen it was impossible in case of such taps!
I then looked towards the bathroom (used only for baths) on the right & saw the taps ther open too!
Tehn I herd sumone, a female voice, singing/humming a tune.....altho I cudnt see tat person, she sounded like a cousin of mine! I was wondering if it was she who turned all the taps open.......then I woke up!

More about dreams is that there is a certain group of people who have the power to control their mind to choose dreams of their choice or what dream to come. And since dreams are a work of the mind, it is believed certain psychics or even ghosts communicate with the person through his dreams..in this case it is like a medium.
:shock: Tats amazing to hear!

23rd April 2006, 12:26 PM
yes at times the love for such things like your house can make us dream various scenarios like this...if it is okay..can you tell me about how you lived in this old house of yours..ellei na paravalae

(PS. Antha female voice S Janaki voice ah ellei Chitra voice ah? rombo nalla irunthichi na playback singing leh introduce penniduvom.)

23rd April 2006, 02:02 PM
yes at times the love for such things like your house can make us dream various scenarios like this...if it is okay..can you tell me about how you lived in this old house of yours..ellei na paravalae
How we lived in tat house.....um, well, we wer happy enuff.....until my dad's health began failing......mainly y we had to sell the house....
Altho ther wer sum things I wanted done ther tat never hap'd! :(
Like I wanted a larger back verandah (like in sum old Madras houses).....also the staircase to be cemented w/ red oxide or red mosaic (again, found in most old houses! :D)....but these things never appeared in my dreams of tat house either....

(PS. Antha female voice S Janaki voice ah ellei Chitra voice ah? rombo nalla irunthichi na playback singing leh introduce penniduvom.)
Appidi onume illey....she (my cousin)has a rather croaky voice.....! :P
funny thing is how on earth she, of all ppl. appeared in this dream abt our old house.....:roll:
I dont think she'd even visited us ever wen we wer ther.....!
In a previous dream I had abt our house, wich I told abt here earlier, I was showing the house (wich was empty) to sum stranger......I didnt even see him/her or even bother whether they wer present ther! I jus went on talking, describing the house etc...!

23rd April 2006, 06:35 PM
Lamby sir...that is what our mind can do create a dream that contains our memories and mix it with the unexpected like how your cousin comes in...i hope i can study how this works...anaal muthalae yennodeiya mind fix pennunum..approm thaan mind studies.

29th May 2006, 11:38 AM
My Latest Dream..

Oru garden..
Suthi Marams...

Naduvule oru ponnu..
Kannai kasakindu patta Illeana...

Athannn.. apdi odi varanga...
Cut.. 7 am...

29th May 2006, 11:41 AM
My Latest Dream..

Oru garden..
Suthi Marams...

Naduvule oru ponnu..
Kannai kasakindu patta Illeana...

Athannn.. apdi odi varanga...
Cut.. 7 am...

ayyo... please continue your dream..raikkonen :P :P

i want to know what happened next...

29th May 2006, 11:43 AM
Entriichi pallu vialiktten..
Inniku nite 10 ku toonkitty
nalaiku continue panren

29th May 2006, 11:44 AM
Entriichi pallu vialiktten..
Inniku nite 10 ku toonkitty
nalaiku continue panren

yeah.... :P i can't wait to read it. :P

30th May 2006, 03:40 PM
wkddd.....i luv this thread

dreams dont come to me....i make my own dreams....obviously abt the cutest or buffest boy i'v seen lately :lol:

30th May 2006, 08:11 PM
Then shes running ...
running running...

sound ...
to Athaaa..

3rd June 2006, 05:00 AM
Then shes running ...
running running...

sound ...
to Athaaa..

:lol: :lol:

3rd June 2006, 05:00 AM
My Latest Dream..

Oru garden..
Suthi Marams...

Naduvule oru ponnu..
Kannai kasakindu patta Illeana...

Athannn.. apdi odi varanga...
Cut.. 7 am...

koduthu vachavanga. :P

3rd June 2006, 02:46 PM
yaru kodutu vachacavanga?

3rd June 2006, 04:59 PM
My dream:
I wld like to help poor students for their education both financial help and taking free tutions.
secondly, wld like to start a old age home :)

3rd June 2006, 05:23 PM
My dream:
I wld like to help poor students for their education both financial help and taking free tutions.
secondly, wld like to start a old age home :)
Your dreams will come true very soon :)

4th June 2006, 03:41 PM
My dream:
I wld like to help poor students for their education both financial help and taking free tutions.
secondly, wld like to start a old age home :)

Arthi : Nice dreams you have, all the best for them to turn into reality.

4th June 2006, 11:07 PM
my dream is to fly around the world. 8-) if its happend then i'll jumb on from ROcky Mountain. :?

5th June 2006, 05:49 AM
my dream is to fly around the world. 8-) if its happend then i'll jumb on from ROcky Mountain. :?

Hello Ma'm, dont worry your dream wont come true. But if you try then it may come... :) hehe.. so, you're ready to jumb on from ROCKEY MOUNTAIN huh?. GOOD LUCK. anga poi jumb panninavanga yaarum thirumbi vanthatha sarithiram illai.. :?