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View Full Version : Bharath - The Endgame - Need feedbacks

30th June 2008, 11:48 PM
I had been thinking about a theme for so long that the whole movie is running in my mind often. Until this day I did not sit down to write. Today I was free a bit and thought letme start it atleast. I need feedbacks from you all to know how's the plot and will it be superhit movie if made :P

From next post onwards....

30th June 2008, 11:50 PM
[tscii:0174215c48]BHARATH - The Endgame (or the Postlude)
Dedicated to Robert Ludlum

MUSIC: Maestro Ilaiyaraaja.
CAST: Rajnikanth, Nadhiya, Christian Fletcher? (Looks to match Dasavatharam Kamal)

Rain splashes with its thunderous clamor. Drops’ falling like pricking needles covers the screen, as two men are fighting shown from the top angle long shot, on a small bridge across Nile. The screen is filled with dusky bluish color to show its evening. The fight ensues for few seconds as two gun shots in succession are heard and both men falling on either side of the bridge to be washed away in Nile.

Camera Pans towards sky showing the rain with its sound of splashing still continuing and the voice of a Lady TV announcer cracks open with the Images of news papers shown having headlines indicating the following voice over… “In an ensuing fight between the two world’s most dreaded terrorists Vladimir Nabakov known as ‘The Eagle’ and David Michelangelo known as ‘The Lion’, both are believed to be dead as the Interpol is still searching for their bodies. The fight took Place near a remote place 50 miles away from Cairo along the Nile. Both were wanted by various world countries for their endless list of murders, assassinations and smuggling activities. The fight was supposed to be one to claim over the supremacy of who rules the underworld…. (Voice fades away…) the splatter of rain is still heard feebly.

Screen Turns Black with titles rolling “After 10 Years”

Rain sound becomes louder as Visuals in the form of Charcoal Rendering emerging out of the black screen with the credits starts appearing in the same rendered style. The visuals show bomb blasts, people running, missiles flying, buildings collapsing, dead bodies in a heap, assassinated persons falling, bullets passing etc., while the background sounds juxtaposes it with alarm sound, Bathing sound, beds creaking, cooker hissing, tea steaming, (Those activities that are common in everyday morning in an Indian household) voice of a lady (Bhargavi 35) “Its late please get up” voice of a kid (Aditya 9) “Amma please tie this shoe lace, Is my Tiffin box ready?” As a bullet passes through the screen, the sound of Cooker whistle blows up loudly and the screen opens up with the hand of a lady gently tugging at the shoulder of a man in deep sleep. He quickly turns around grabbing a pistol from under the pillow and holds it against the temple of Bhargavi as she drops the tea cup onto the floor.

His face is shown in close-up, full of sweat and taking Quick breaths and expressing surprise over where he is and what he upto is. The man (Bharath 40) dropping the gun on to the table nearby, recomposes his posture as he pulls on his wife to the bed and says “Sorry, It’s the same old dreams… I didn’t mean to”. She replies “Thank god I unload the gun and keep everyday morning, not knowing When Am I going to be killed by the same man I adore and love” and laughs blushing. Bharath starts cuddling over her chest looking up and says “How will I harm you Honey” starts sniffing her and continuing “Everyday you are looking new…Hmmmm...” Bhargavi Pulls herself away saying “Aditya is ready, letme go and send him off and you get ready soon” and walks out of the room. Bharath looks at her for few seconds expressing gratification and get up from the bed and walks following her.
Aditya still struggling with his shoe lace starts swearing which is cut-off by Bharath “Hey, wait my little darling lemme help you” He goes to him bending down and tying his shoe lace, then grabs his head and kisses. Aditya looks up to his dad and jumps from his stool and hugs him…Bhargavi walks in with the Tiffin box in her hand as the school bus honk is heard at their gate. As soon as Aditya grabs the Tiffin box and starts running towards the bus. (Outside climate is rainy season drizzling) Bharath turns around hugging Bhargavi. The love between them is evident from the closeness they exhibit. Bhargavi asks him to get ready soon as his students will be waiting and today his is the first period. He looks up at the clock surprised and rushes to the toilet.

Bharath dressed up smartly in a black trouser and a light blue shirt tucked in perfectly. He looks bald with a French beard wearing stylishly rimmed spectacles, carrying a lap-top on his shoulders, starts walking out of home as Bhargavi wave’s bye to him. He looks back sending a flying kiss and starts walking. (Description of the house elevation- Kerala styled architecture with a long verandah with and a long path winding from the gate to the verandah. Either side is filled with Korean grass, An individual home but not a large one) the sky has lit up a bit as sun shows up, yet its cloudy. As Bharath walks from the gate into the tree laden street on the footpath a soft piano is played in the background. (This Piano theme will follow the whole movie with various instruments and orchestration according to the moods). The walk is completed in 1.5 minute on screen showing Bharath walking at different locations in various shots. The walk indicates that every step is calculated while his eyes keep roaming from end to end over the space he treads. His expression, though showing just casual glances, deep down its cautious.

As Bharath enters the classroom the students stand up and wish him good morning. Bharath Placing his laptop bag on the table says “Good morning students, sorry Iam late”. He opens up the bag taking out the laptop and connecting it with the projector starts speaking “today we are going to discuss the topic of Mayan culture, its origins and decline and its comparison to the Dravidian Harappan-Mohenjedaro civilization”. The projected images of Ziggurat and anthropological evidences appear on the white board as he starts explaining the origins of the civilization. He speaks on length over the subject intended and completes it. A student raises hands as Bharath nods him to go ahead. He asks “How sure we to attribute Harappan culture to Dravidians? While now recent studies are showing it could’ve been Aryan civilization” Bharath replies “History as far as we know is based on few evidences and largely speculations, There could be mistakes on either sides or there could even be manipulations done to show a race superior to the other. But till date the evidences suggests it to be Dravidian. Let’s get back to Mayans as I pointed out Dravidian only for a comparison in terms of architecture and customs related to both civilizations widely divided across time and space.” He continues with explaining the mathematical precision with which Ziggurat was made while the bell rings. He shuts down his laptop saying “Class I want you to study on the theories of maths that forms the basis of Mayan Architecture on your own, in the next class let’s discuss about their gods who descended from heaven”. The class disperses as Bharath walks on the corridor. A girl comes along him telling ‘Sir I read the ‘Chariots of the Gods’ by Eric von Daniken, is it what we will be discussing next class? Do you believe it could be true?” Bharath replies “we are not going to discuss that book and I don’t have any idea whether it’s true or not, but it’s a good read based on speculative theory” and starts walking away.

Surprised at The gates open wide, Bharath walks towards his home, making it into a slow jog…As he enters the gate looking at the door open too, He starts running towards it, entering into the home, throwing away his laptop. Camera pans fast to and fro from right to left as the sounds of Bharath’s panting is heard louder. The house is in shackles with things thrown away indicating a struggle. He goes into the bedroom to see the same state. Keeping his hands on his waist he sees a bullet grazed across the wall. He comes back to the living room with full of anger and frustration, sits near the phone trying to be calm. As the wait continues tears swell up in his eyes rolling down on his cheeks. Placing his hands on the forehead he waits….the wait is accentuated by the theme music (Guitar Strumming with drums rolling to indicate seconds passing by) playing for an eerie mood. The music stops as the phone starts ringing (DTS - the ring should reverberate in the cinema hall). He picks up the phone panicked and Blurts out “Vladimir” A smile ensues on the other end, saying “Hm hm…David… I’ve landed”. Bharath concentrates over the sounds on the background on the other End and says “Airport - Bombay”. Other end replies “Brilliant! After 10 years you are sharper than ever… I like it, I want to play again, don’t be late, else you’ll lose your loved ones”. Bharath says in a roaring voice “This time it will be the endgame, Iam coming” Other end Replies “Save your roar…Lion! It’s a check, Iam flying” and shuts the phone down. Bharath Repeats while Placing the Phone on the holder “Iam Coming”…..

30th June 2008, 11:50 PM
[tscii:b0496af893]Delhi RAW HQ – Chief Director’s cabin
Bharath is shown full of anger and in a demanding tone asks the Chief Director of RAW (Atchutha Menon 55)
Bharath: How did he know, when I was promised that all secrets about me are buried deep?
Menon (with a sense of guilt): Iam clueless about this.
Bharath: There is a mole here.
Menon: I just have a streak of doubt over the retired Asst. Director Mr.Chandrasekaran which is a remote possibility.
Bharath: Where is he now?
Menon: That’s the reason I’ve a doubt. We don’t know where he is right now. He was last seen in Delhi Airport accompanied by his wife.
Bharath: Did you check on flight schedules and passenger lists?
Menon: Yes and his name did not appear on listed flights or chartered ones. We never thought to dig deep…until now you have turned up. We just thought he should’ve gone on a holiday not to be disturbed by anyone.
Bharath: Get me his file immediately!
AM picks his phone and instructs his secretary to bring on the file of CS.
Bharath: Do you doubt him only because he is missing….I Mean anything else!
Menon: Yes he was frequenting the covet archives section for few days before retirement.
Bharath Bangs the table getting up and shouting at his top of the voice “You mean to say you had my bloody records to be accessed by any tom-dick-Harry just like that!... You were the one who promised it will never be accessed!”
As the secretary walks in he looks at her nonchalantly shaking his head and staring at Menon. The Secretary (Poonam 25) keeps walking towards the Director while looking surprised over who this man is daring to shout at the Director of RAW.
Bharath grabs the file from her and ask her leave. She looks at the Director – He nods to her. As she is leaving and gets near the door, Bharath already opening the file and sitting down commands “Bring a strong coffee”.

Bharath is seen drinking the coffee and pouring over the file for few seconds (Actual length is more and it will be depicted with cut-shots showing first one cup then two cups empty near him and holding the third cup) He places the cup down closing the file and says “CS is in ‘Rio de Janeiro’. Menon with astonished looks asks “How do you know?” Bharath getting up says “It’s in the file read it carefully” Menon asks again “How to read in between lines is a skill I taught you, but I’ve gone through his file twice after he disappeared, but couldn’t find a clue!, Your reasoning and interpretation abilities are one I’ve always awed upon, that’s why I wanted you not to retire and continue your services for the country…” Bharath keeps walking away Telling “CS has taken 12 vacations and has done 15 operations during his service” turns back continuing “every time a different location” keeps walking away telling “find out where he visited twice and stayed longer” . A smirk crosses the face of Menon nodding his head in agreement.

Poonam walks in after Bharath is gone and asks her boss “who is he? Daring to command you at your own office” Menon replies “One more of my mistakes” and laughs telling “but the best of all mistakes I did!” Poonam not understanding a thing stands dumb looking at him. Menon “I need a trail to be set on him, Find out where is Sushma. Poonam Replies Yes sir and leaves the room.

Bharath is seen leaving A hotel (Detail to be filled in) now – ( His hair is full now wearing designer goggles clean shaved face, Dress is dark blue overcoat (unbuttoned) and pants with a half-white shirt inside) and immediately gets in a taxi, Instructing “keep driving until I ask you to stop”. Driver turns back with surprised looks while Bharath Gestures him to move immtly. The taxi moves and is seen from various shots near Connaught place - near Tilak marg and then at Palika bazaar. Bharath scanning around constantly, asks the driver to drop him at Karol Bagh. As the taxi is on the move and slowing down near Hanuman mandhir-Karol Bagh, Bharath throws a couple of hundred rupees on to front seat while opening and getting down and starts running on to the platform while cars and autos comes to a screeching halt due to a sudden disturbance. Bharath keeps moving fast as shouts from people are heard abusing him. He takes a left turn towards the market and gets into an auto telling him “Metro”. Driver replies “Pass mein hain saab paidal jaa sakthein hain”. He takes out a 100 Rs note and shoves it on him. Auto starts immtly.

Scenes follow- Bharath taking a ticket and running towards an about to start train. He just hops in as the doors close. A girl (Sushma – 28) is seen running towards the train and stops as it had started. Bharath alights at Tilak Marg and gets into an auto and tells “Connaught place”. Here he seems casual entering into an International Bank (Detail to be filled in). The interiors are plush and world class as Bharath goes to the receptionist and asks for to meet the manager. She asks “Do you have an Appointment” He Replies “tell him Praveen Majumdar is here”. She picks up the phone and repeats the same then nodding her head understandingly keeps the phone down “Sorry sir, He is waiting” and starts walking ahead of him showing the way. The manager seems walking towards them extending his hands and telling “Welcome Mr.Praveen! It’s been a long time” and takes Bharath into his cabin.

Cut (this scene may remind ‘Vetrivizha’ – but that’s how Ludlum has inspired many)
Bharath never giving an opportunity for pleasantries directly tells him that he needs access to his safety vault. Manager Replies “With pleasure sir” and gets up leading him outside his cabin towards a long corridor. They enter the safe locker area while manager asks him to enter the access code. Bharath enters them on the panel and a door opens up. Manager shows his hands towards the door and Bharath enters while Manager presses a button and the door is closed. Bharath walks along the central aisle looking at the long array of lockers. He abruptly stops when he reaches his locker. Extracting a key from his pocket he opens up the locker. A briefcase is found there. He opens up the bag and looks into it which is stacked with passports and many papers and amidst them a Gun. He shoves the gun to his back closing the briefcase and then the locker and walks out.

He is seen, getting out of the bank now and follows the routine of going around changing few vehicles, until he reaches the Delhi Airport. He passes the security test showing his ID card and gets a stiff salute from the guard and then moves on to wait in the lounge. He doesn’t seem to sit at a place and keeps shifting and moving. Until the announcement comes that the flight for ‘bombay’ is ready for departure. He moves towards the gate. But doesn’t notice Sushma keeping a distance and starts waiting in the same queue.

Bharath enters the Airport Security manager cabin showing his ID. The Security manager looking at his ID asks “How can I help you Mr.Sivaraman”. Bharath Answers “I would need few details about the flights departed yesterday from here and the complete passenger list, especially all passengers who are non-Indian Nationals”. Manager asks “Anything Serious, Sir”. Bharath Replies “Not at all, just a routine checkup on the Drug Trafficking, We have reasons to believe that some international group was involved in a dubious way yesterday”. The Manager logs in his PC and gets up from his seat asking Bharath to take seat now. Bharath Starts looking onto the monitor scrolling down. Time passes by and 5 cups of coffee are shown now on the table. Meanwhile the manger receives a call on his phone and speaks very silent while Bharath Glances up to him gesturing what. He says ‘nothing’ and moves away. After around 2 hours he gets up murmuring ‘Rio De Janeiro’ The officer overhears and asks ‘what did you say sir?’ Bharath replies ‘nothing’ “just get me on to the next flight to ‘Bangkok’ ” and smiles at him. (Actually I would love to explain the logic behind Bharath’s conclusion had this been a novel. But Being a movie some things are better left unsaid and leave the ‘Hero’ to deal with)

As soon as Bharath moves out of the cabin Sushma enters asking “Any Idea where is he flying to”. Manager Replies ‘Bangkok’ is where he is headed to.

A Globe is shown on screen with markers flying from Bombay 2 Bangkok 2 Tokyo 2 Toronto 2 Frankfurt 2 Rio De Janeiro.

Rio de Janeiro
Bharath is seen alighting from a flight (Now he has Brown colored long hairs flowing till his shoulders wearing Dark brown cargos, Boot and a cream color casual shirt loosely hanging on his torso, full hands folded unto his biceps, He has stubble on his face sporting a brown tinged Ray-Ban goggles carrying a Black color backpack - The theme music sounds blaring with Latino flavor - color tint of the screen is pale brown and it’s a sunny day). He hauls a cab and gets into it and tells to the driver “Leve-me para o mais barato do hotel, os meus orçamentos são limitados” for which the driver replies “Sim senhor” and then the cab drives through the freeway then entering into small lanes dodging from moving people, stops at a small hotel which reads ‘O Melhor do Rio’ . Bharath smiles at the Board and enters after dispensing of the Cab. He goes to the Owner + Manager + Receptionist seen smoking a cigar and asks “Eu preciso de um espaço para um ou dois dias, pagar muito cant”. For which he replies full of smile (that his hotel is always unoccupied) “I ter exatamente sala, que tem vista para a estrada, você vai gostar e que o preço é apenas 50 reais” Bharath replies “Ok Vou levá-la”. Bharath places 100 reais on his table which grabbed in a flash and he hits continuously the ringing bell calling out “hey Graciana vir aqui e levá-lo para o quarto com vista para o 205 não street.Open a janela e mostrar-lhe o ponto de vista” A girl aged about 15 comes running and shouting “próximos pai”As she tries to pull of the backpack off Bharath asks her to never mind and asks her to show his room. She starts walking up the steps ahead of him. As they reach the room she opes it going in. showing around the room she opens the window and asks him to have a look. Bharath views outside and sees a small lane that he came by and watches few kids playing in a distance with a football. Graciana starts leaving the room and stands hesitating at the door. Bharath turns back to look at her and she says “Você quer fazer amor a mim, dá-me apenas 20 reais” Bharath goes near her extracting a few notes amounting to 20 Reais giving it to her and then gently touching her head in a blessing manner saying “Você preciso estudar bem” Seeing her go off confused he closes the door and opens his bag.


30th June 2008, 11:52 PM

30th June 2008, 11:53 PM

30th June 2008, 11:57 PM

30th June 2008, 11:58 PM

30th June 2008, 11:59 PM

1st July 2008, 12:41 AM

1st July 2008, 12:42 AM

1st July 2008, 12:43 AM
Reserved :) final reservation i intend to complete it in 10 chapters.

1st July 2008, 12:44 AM
Now comments please which may prompt me to continue or drop the idea :oops:

1st July 2008, 02:55 AM
gud one. :D . pls continue