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View Full Version : Quentin Tarantino - The man and his movies

20th August 2008, 10:59 PM
Every one of us has at some point been in awe of this man's movies. In fact, the legend goes that in 1994 the most commonly asked question in the US was, 'Have you seen Pulp Fiction?' :D. From Reservoir Dogs to Death Prooof, the man has carved a cinematic style for himself that is hard to not fall in love with.

This thread is to celebrate Quentin Tarantino's Cinema as the world awaits with bated breath his next movie in production 'Inglorious Bastards'

Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000233/

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quentin_Tarantino

Biography: http://landofmovies.blogspot.com/2008/08/quentin-taranatinos-profile.html

Comprehensive Tarantino Sites:

Everything Tarantino: http://www.everythingtarantino.com/

Tarantino.info: http://www.tarantino.info/

You know there is a poll up there right?!

20th August 2008, 11:01 PM
Pretenders, move aside! The Master is back!! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Aarambame Asaththal!!

Quentin Tarantino angers Germans with film about slaying Nazis


'Inglorious Bastards' - shooting to start in October-November, to hit Cannes 2009 (hopefully)

Confirmed cast: Brad Pitt and Mike Myers.

Leaked Script? - http://www.imagenetz.de/fc95247f7/inglorious_bastards_script.pdf.html

20th August 2008, 11:03 PM
My favourite, in order:

Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill 2
Kill Bill 1
Jackie Brown
Death Proof

20th August 2008, 11:12 PM
Kannannn, Thanks and :notworthy:

A small contribution from my side. His interview to charlie rose where he speaks at length about Kill Bill. Kinda old one though.


21st August 2008, 12:24 AM
Thanks for the script link kannann. Looks sort of genuine :? Just skimmed through the document :)

Ok, here's my list in the order:
Pulp fiction
Kill Bill Vol 1
Reservoir dogs
Kill Bill Vol 2
Death Proof
Jackie Brown
His room in the Four Rooms :P

21st August 2008, 03:04 AM
A small contribution from my side. His interview to charlie rose where he speaks at length about Kill Bill. Kinda old one though.

Thanks very much, ajithfederer! (Though I realise that my chances of seeing anything of tomorrow morning are nil, sitting right in the middle of this video.)

21st August 2008, 11:12 PM
A small contribution from my side. His interview to charlie rose where he speaks at length about Kill Bill. Kinda old one though.

Superb interview Feddy!! One of the two people I always like to hear speak (other being Kamal :D). As I have said before, his love for movies is contagious. The way he goes hyperbole here when describing De Niro here (3 parts):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2Vg6up_IS0 (Part I)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0u4POopKo0 (Pat II)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERaqk2W7Vo0 (Part III)

I agree with Thilak about the last part, where his comparison of Keital and De Niro is not much favourable and could have been avoided.

The Pulp Fiction one referred to is here:
(The show is also available in the special features of Pulp Fiction DVD set)

The reference to dialogues in Charlie Rose show reminded me of this extract from Iconoclasts here:

To me, writing the dialogue is so easy, I actually feel sort of a fraud for taking credit for it, even though I’m protective of it; I feel like it’s some sort of God antenna.

About the car chase in Death Proof:

It’s cool, also, because I’ve never done a car chase before, and if I’m gonna do it, it has to be one of the best in the history of cinema.

His room in the Four Rooms
Aha!! Your least favourite room :D (I actually agree)

23rd August 2008, 01:28 AM
I voted for Death proof, easily the oddest tarantino narrative of all his films. The homocidal Paraphilia = Slasher theme, death proof car - slashing weapon. Stuntman mike - slasher, the genre's mandatory badass. How to make it interesting other than few cheapthrills with jump cuts, or shrieks from car crashes? Ensemble of tarantino-lines, spouted by Tarantinoesque characters (no surprise there). He develops them well, that you grasp any extra detail of the character (normally you wouldn't give a f-ing A in the genre). Though Mike is a stuntman in profession. So his actions are for the effect, no room for devaluing with a Rosenbaum rhetoric. But He has his weakness (expectedly a Tarantino villain), for example, he's a wimp without his car in full flow, and ravens on helpless girls on the opposite wheels.

The film has two mutually exlusive incidents(!) - the successfull first assault in texas with horror crash of girls, while the second attempt in Tennessee backfires - the ensuing en garde from the ladies, and the final coup-de-grace. The parts are sandwiched by a brief discourse between two cops (the sheriff and his accent is such a relief, for a moment you think he's kidnapped from a Coen's film), that's the leeway to purported Mike's condition. And, It's dopy to get started on Tarantino's idea of feminism, I wouldn't get there. Better seen as a progressive slasher film with a progressive denouement, in a Taratinoesque universe. You are more than likely of enjoying it.

It also has one of the best choreographed car chase. The final chase - locales, the cars, and the reactions is perverse Tarantino, with an intercourse symbolism. Some may find it amusing. Also, some of the reactions by the ladies (all related to filmmaking, another 'key' ingredient), is very flimsy in deed. The change of Rossario dawson's character is like the transformation of her barefoot outside the car window, to her boot axe-kick to the skull. :lol2:- Tarantino's 'natural born killer' mark II. You know, I could go on. unadulterated style. :lol:

23rd August 2008, 02:47 AM
Pretenders, move aside! The Master is back!! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Dude, I'm sorry, but Tarantino is the biggest pretender of all!!!!!!!

I'm really sorry, but Tarantino is the most ridiculously overrated film-maker of all time!!! His films may have some style, but he freely copies from other films - especially films from the far east... and then he claims that he's just doing a "homage"... His films may have style, but seriously lack substance... "Pulp fiction" and "Kill Bill" were full of crap... (although Samuel L Jackson in "Pulp Fiction" performed well... but that's because he's a talented actor...

I don't mean any disrespect... but come on man... Seriously...

Tarantino's films are nothing but cheap trash aimed at brainless teenagers who think things like blowing a man's head off, swearing (particularly using the n-word and the f-word), quoting passages from the bible, etc... are "cool"...

Seriously... there are so many other film-makers out there who have much films so much better than Tarantino's rubbish... Can't believe or understand the reason he's glorified as if he's some kind of genius...

23rd August 2008, 08:27 AM
Confirmed cast: Brad Pitt and Mike Myers.

Is he confirmed? He doesn't get it right on screen. I hope QT replaces with somebody else or makes him fit.

23rd August 2008, 11:31 AM
He is good film maker! his scripts/ and movies on the whole are highly Entertaining!
My Fav films :

Kill Bill 1

Reservoir Dogs

Pulp Fiction

OST's in his films also just rock :D

23rd August 2008, 01:43 PM
I agree that Reservoir Dogs was a good film, but one good film doesn't make him a genius.

I didn't like Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill. Those were mediocre.

23rd August 2008, 01:53 PM
I agree that Reservoir Dogs was a good film, but one good film doesn't make him a genius.

I didn't like Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill. Those were mediocre.

:thumbsup: & :hammer:

23rd August 2008, 02:14 PM
UngaLukku pidichchaa :thumbsup:, ungaLukku pidikkalenaa :hammer:??

Ennayaa nyaayam idhu...

23rd August 2008, 02:44 PM
UngaLukku pidichchaa :thumbsup:, ungaLukku pidikkalenaa :hammer:??

Ennayaa nyaayam idhu...

If you don't like, that's fine. :D
Take it easy, Bipolar.

23rd August 2008, 03:56 PM
LOL :D LOL.. Just joking man...

Lots of my friends are big fans of Tarantino, Kubrick, Allen, Lynch, Cronenberg, Scorsese, Spielberg, etc.

I think most of their films are okay, I just don't feel that they can be called "geniuses"...

I guess I am the odd one out...

25th August 2008, 02:29 PM
Bipolar, you call him many names but 'pretender' is surely not one of them. You just need to watch an interview to see him bubbling with passion about film-making, bursting with ideas, energy, film-history which he seems obviously struggling to channelize.

Thanks for the Charlie Rose interview Feddy. It was awesome. I have never seen such an elaborate Tarantino interview. Only sound bytes here and there. One of the best interviews ever. No false modesty but the humility of a well read person. He could talk about struggling to tame the flow of his ideas and yet not come across as supercilious.

The explanation of the dialogue writing process and the approval-as-a-viewer of his work in Kill Bill (action v dialogue direction) are among the best parts of the intreview.

I downloaded the Charlie Rose interview that came after Pulp Fiction. Hope to watch it tonight.

26th August 2008, 08:23 PM
Have seen only four

1) Kill Bill 1 (Awesomest...more later)
2) Kill Bill 2 (actually I was one of those who was a little disappointed with KB2 after KB1. And thought it was damn clever of Miramax to have split this into two movies. But still it is number 2 because as QT says, you can't really separate out KB1 when watching KB2)
3) Pulp Fiction
4) Reservoir Dogs (very reluctant vote....I saw it once, didn't find it engrossing at all)

Curiously the above is also the chronological order in which I saw the films. Expectation and all that.

26th August 2008, 11:13 PM
You just need to watch an interview to see him bubbling with passion about film-making, bursting with ideas, energy, film-history which he seems obviously struggling to channelize.

Well... yes, I saw an interview with him a long time ago... yes, he certainly seems to have a lot of passion for film-making... but that doesn't make him a great director...

I'm surprised you rate Reservoir Dogs at the bottom of your list... it's the only film by Tarantino that I liked... I haven't seen Death Proof... but even my friend, who's a big fan of Tarantino, said that the film was disappointing... so I don't think I missed anything by not watching the film.

I agree that some aspects of his films are good, but seriously, when I watch a film, I look for a plot that keeps me engrossed... Reservoir Dogs had such a plot, but I felt that his other films were completely lacking in substance...

I guess it's a matter of varying tastes...

27th August 2008, 11:47 AM
Well... yes, I saw an interview with him a long time ago... yes, he certainly seems to have a lot of passion for film-making... but that doesn't make him a great director...
Sure doesn't. I was only objecting to the choice of the word "pretender".

I'm surprised you rate Reservoir Dogs at the bottom of your list... it's the only film by Tarantino that I liked... ...when I watch a film, I look for a plot that keeps me engrossed... Reservoir Dogs had such a plot... Quite boring for me. I couldn't get interested in he heist, it going wrong, what happened to the colourful characters....when that is the case the gore sticks out like a sore thumb...or ear in this case.

I guess it's a matter of varying tastes...
..which brings me to Kill Bill 1.Which IMO is one of the finest films made.

I watched it in a lonesome balcony in Regal Cinema: South Bombay. (weekday afternoons are for grad students). Recommended by a classmate who was shocked I dind't know the name Tarantino.

It was a ride from the word go. From the epigraph to punchline.
The close-up shot of the bride being shot in mid-sentence is peerless in its abruptness. Great scene after great scene packed with great line after great line. I grew restless about the fact that I was a two hour commute away from starting a conversation about the film with my recommender.

The music, the pacing, the execution of stunt sequences apart, it was easy to be interested in the characters (mind you the film keeps you under wraps on what is it that she is avenging, or to be be precise what is it that led to the assault, which she is avenging).

The craft aspects, the chapterization, the distinct look,feel (pacing) of each of the chapters all apart, what I enjoyed was the nonchalance in terms of plot. (I guess this is what put lot of people off). A notepad and ticking off people is throwing the "what-next" of plot based storytelling at the viewer:D

The dialogues are not showy (as style over substance detractors imply) but really flesh things out. Eg. the conversations with Hattori Hanzo present so many shades of his personality. And some that just gasp at the inexplicability of it all "what she lacked in age, she made up for in madness".

Every subsequent viewing has not been about discovering new things. It has been about reliving the thrill of the intial viewing. It heads the list.

27th August 2008, 10:16 PM
Here's a funny short on cracking QT's films. (brazilian with subs)


1st September 2008, 09:47 PM
Quite boring for me. I couldn't get interested in he heist, it going wrong, what happened to the colourful characters....when that is the case the gore sticks out like a sore thumb...or ear in this case.

You don't have to. That's the point :D

All heist movies in noir settings more or less follow this three part plot structure - a motley crew planning the heist, the actual heist and finally the comeuppance of the characters. What Tarantino does - and does beautifully - is to turn this plot structure on its head and instead present us with a simple narrative on human behaviour when their trust and honesty is stretched to the most demanding limits. And he does this by doing away with the dramatic elements. The heist sequence is obviously the pivotal and most dramatic element of any heist movie!! In an act of supreme bravery, Tarantino chops out the heist sequence out of the narrative and cleverly relies on just dialogues to keep the viewer hooked. Now even the dialogues are nothing if they don't get the Tarantino treatment. Look at the opening diner tip sequence, where the swirling camera adds to the heady effect or the surreality of Tim Roth's rehearsal of his police encounter story to know what I mean.

Another reason RD works for me is because of the way Tarantino thrusts the brutality of violence on the viewer without even showing it. Most violence occurs off screen and still the potency and might of the characters' acts bursts out of the frame incessantly. In fact, the violence completes the virility of the all male group as I see it. Tarantino often compares the violence in his movies to moneyshot. If that's the case, RD is a porn fest!!

8th September 2008, 02:57 AM
Started reading the supposed to be leked script of Inglorious bastards. It is heck interesting and i finished reading 17 pages in less than 10 minutes. I had to stop myself from reading further :oops:

13th September 2008, 01:08 AM

Tarantino in Desperado :rotfl:

He definitely knows how to tell a story!!!.

20th October 2008, 02:18 AM
Tennessee Hillbilly- Lt Aldo Raine-Inglorious Basterd (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1078857/Pictured-First-glimpse-Brad-Pitt-forthcoming-Tarantino-World-War-II-epic.html)

20th October 2008, 02:22 PM
Revisited few scenes of kill bill 1

The whole sequence of crazy 88

Uma thurman travel via flight,licy liu travelling in the car with her people,the bride travelling in the yellow bike,the licy liu gang walking in to the club, and then the fight sequence!

Three soundtracks in this sequence and the way the sequence is picturised and choreographed :notworthy:

It gave me goosebumps and i dont remember any sequence in any film as entertaining as this whole sequence.

20th October 2008, 03:28 PM
Green Hornet - the soundtrack that plays when she is the bike in the yellow suit. Just out of the world :clap:

20th October 2008, 03:32 PM
Anime soundtrack is sublime, haunting and ironic for the circle of "revenge".

20th October 2008, 04:18 PM
Yeah...I that is a beautiful piece.
Another haunting one is the overarching piece: Lonely shepherd (comes first when Hattori Hanzo is making the sword), is also great. Flute and trumpet (?) playing the tune. :clap:

20th October 2008, 04:57 PM
Green Hornet - the soundtrack that plays when she is the bike in the yellow suit. Just out of the world :clap:

absolutely :clap:

9th December 2008, 09:38 AM
Maggie Cheung
November 28, 2008: News Bites

By APA Staff

Maggie Cheung joins Tarantino, Hollywood remakes The Host, and Sammo Hung fights monkeys. All this and more in the latest edition of News Bites.

Maggie Cheung to join cast of Quentin Tarantino's Upcoming Film

Maggie Cheung, one of Hong Kong's most respected actresses, has accepted a role in Quentin Tarantino's new film Inglorious Bastards, where she plays a cinema owner. Her lines will be all in French. According to The Hollywood Reporter: "Two story lines... converge: One follows a group of prisoners-turned-soldiers whose mission is to take down a group of Nazis, and the other follows a young Jewish woman who seeks to avenge the death of her parents by this Nazi group." Inglorious Bastards boasts the largest cast of characters of any of Tarantino's films to date. With Brad Pitt, Samuel L. Jackson, Diane Kruger and Mike Myers on board, Inglorious Bastards is currently filming in Germany and France. Hopes are that the film will be completed in time for release at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2009. --Kristie Hang

It's getting better and better :D

14th December 2008, 11:46 AM
wow!wonderful storyline !

happened to know that its michael madsen who was first offered the role of vincent vega but he turned it down and paved way for travolta!

wow...madsen would have rocked if he had played that role - pch - pulp fiction would had been even better

26th January 2009, 11:51 PM

Quentin Tarantino's World War 2 epic to open in August
Posted: 02 January 2009 1257 hrs

LOS ANGELES : Controversial - that’s the word which comes to mind when one mentions the name Quentin Tarantino.

And it's no different this time round as the film director will give audiences his take on World War II, in his soon to be released film titled, “Inglourious Basterds”.

And no, if you’re wondering, that isn’t a spelling error.

The director’s oddly spelled epic stars several A-list Hollywood actors including Brad Pitt, Diane Kruger and Christoph Waltz and is set to be released on August 21, it was announced on Wednesday.

Production for the film started in Europe in October 2008.

The story begins when Shosanna Dreyfus (Mélanie Laurent) witnesses the execution of her family at the hands of Nazi Colonel Hans Landa (Waltz) and manages to narrowly escape to Paris. There, she forges a new identity as the owner and operator of a cinema.

Shosanna’s plan for revenge soon converges with German actress and undercover agent Bridget Von Hammersmark (Kruger), and US Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Pitt), who organises a rebellion group of Jewish soldiers, also known to their enemy as “The Basterds”.

It has been reported that Tarantino’s “Inglourious Basterds” borrows from what are known as Spaghetti Westerns or Italian-made films from the 1960s and 70s that combine brutal violence and lyrical, fairytale-like qualities in a twist from Hollywood cowboy movies.

The film in itself, however, draws inspiration from the 1978 World War II movie “Quel maledetto treno blindato,” also called “The Inglorious Bastards,” from Italian director Enzo Castellari.

This will be the first film that the 45-year-old has directed single-handedly since his martial arts epic sequel, “Kill Bill: Vol 2”, in 2004, which grossed a whopping US$152 million world wide.

The American film director’s last project was a combined feature in 2007, called “Grindhouse”, made with director Robert Rodriguez.

While some critics may come down hard on Tarantino’s supposed trivialised and stylised violence, the director has a rather devoted fan base and has received numerous awards.

With “Inglourious Basterds” poised to be ready in time for the Cannes Festival this year, fans can only wait and see if Tarantino can strike gold once again with his latest film. "Pulp Fiction" not only earned him the Oscar in 1994, it also the snagged the Palme d’Or at Cannes.

Jointly presented by The Weinstein Company and Universal Pictures, there is no official date at the moment for the international release of “Inglourious Basterds”. [/tscii:e8bd9b87de]

13th February 2009, 07:06 AM
Inglorious Bastards Trailer (High Quality) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pel3GE97evA)

Guys, The trailor is out :notworthy:

13th February 2009, 08:50 AM
Inglorious Bastards Trailer (High Quality) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pel3GE97evA)

Guys, The trailor is out :notworthy:

Thanks Feddy.

Pitt :sigh2: :banghead:

13th February 2009, 09:14 AM
Pitt :sigh2: :banghead:
My thinking also same-yA!

13th February 2009, 09:24 AM
Inglorious Bastards Trailer (High Quality) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pel3GE97evA)

Guys, The trailor is out :notworthy:
Dialogues, score (sollavE thEvai illai) and I liked Pitt in those two minutes.

13th February 2009, 09:42 AM
Pitt :sigh2: :banghead:
My thinking also same-yA!

I had similar feelings of Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. Was surprised in the end.

Would still give the benefit of the doubt to QT of course. His casting has always been inspiring. But likes of Eli Roth (:hammer:) or Mike Myers in a film where you'd normally expect Tim Roth or Steve Buscemi. To hire Pitt is uninspiring, because QT is much more interested in "untapped charisma" of Madsen, Travolta, and likes. Rourke would do too. :P Pitt is damn boring in comparison. It's just me...

13th February 2009, 10:03 AM
Nerd/Thilak: The accent did not work for me.. but again it is just a 2 minute trailer. Pitt is usually pretty trustworthy in the hands of decent directors.

13th February 2009, 10:10 AM
Nerd/Thilak: The accent did not work for me.. but again it is just a 2 minute trailer. Pitt is usually pretty trustworthy in the hands of decent directors.

It's not just accent, the demeanor is not interesting.

13th February 2009, 10:21 AM
The purportedly leak script is true. Trailer is a testimony to that fact.

13th February 2009, 10:33 AM
Actually Pitt is tailor made for these mad man kind of roles. And thilak Eli Roth is a baseball swinging Nazi Hunter in the movie.

13th February 2009, 11:01 AM
Actually Pitt is tailor made for these mad man kind of roles. And thilak Eli Roth is a baseball swinging Nazi Hunter in the movie.

Eli Roth is a horrible actor regardless of what roles he does...

13th February 2009, 12:04 PM
Honestly no other Engilsh movie had me interested like this movie does.

Tarantino on world war 2 - against Nazis!

Trailor was OK!

13th February 2009, 02:16 PM
Thanks for the link Feddy. Will watch it later today.

The prospective of a QT-Rourke collaboration is of course exciting. But after so many false starts (PF, KB and DP), it almost seems like it wouldn't happen. pArpOm. BTW, why should we see the same set of Tim Roth, Buscemi and Madsen in every QT movie. Nadaga kuzhu madhiri..

13th February 2009, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the link Feddy. Will watch it later today.

The prospective of a QT-Rourke collaboration is of course exciting. But after so many false starts (PF, KB and DP), it almost seems like it wouldn't happen. pArpOm. BTW, why should we see the same set of Tim Roth, Buscemi and Madsen in every QT movie. Nadaga kuzhu madhiri..

No no. Sort of like, "why go for lame actors when you could have got better". As of now, excited to see Fassbender and Maggie Cheung.

13th February 2009, 06:34 PM
Thilak, I see what you mean :D. But, to be fair, I haven't come across bad acting in any QT movie (I find Buscemi to be a bad actor and it is only when he gets with QT that he shines). And, in retrospective, Travolta hasn't had as interesting a character as Vega before or after PF, so Pitt may not be a bad choice afterall. Maybe we will get to see a new facet of him.

Also, given the fact that QT 'presented' Hostel and his idea of furthering friendship is to star in each other's movies, his pick of Eli Roth was bound to happen :D.

13th February 2009, 11:19 PM
Just watched the trailer. Agree about Eli Roth's stoney demeanor. Still I say let's wait for the movie to find out what his character is. As for Pitt's accent, hmm not sure how Tennessee accent sounds like. The best part is towards the end - "Nein, Nein, Nein.." :lol:

"Every man under my command owes me one hunder nazi scalps" reminds me of Saul's demand of 100 foreskins in the Old Testament (which also reminds me of the rather exuberant song "Saul has taken his thousand foreskins and David has taken his ten thousands" in Joesph Hellers 'God Knows').

14th February 2009, 01:40 AM
You haven't seen war until you have seen it through the eyes of Quentin Tarantino

Enna oru Tag line :lol:

15th February 2009, 01:06 AM

A much better HD version.

16th February 2009, 10:08 AM

A much better HD version.
Youtube HD rocks!! ippayE thuNdu pOttuttEn. But Fall dhaanE release :(

16th February 2009, 10:43 AM
Cannes release first.


A much better HD version.
Youtube HD rocks!! ippayE thuNdu pOttuttEn. But Fall dhaanE release :(

20th February 2009, 12:53 AM

One of the Youtube comments says

"put this song in your ipod and play it every time you enter a building. it fits perfectly for whatever reason you entering a building for. wrting final exam, sign a contract, meet your in-law parents,..."

- Master of Entertainment :notworthy:

20th February 2009, 01:04 AM

One of the Youtube comments says

"put this song in your ipod and play it every time you enter a building. it fits perfectly for whatever reason you entering a building for. wrting final exam, sign a contract, meet your in-law parents,..."

- Master of Entertainment :notworthy:

Rephrasing it, put this song for any hero. It rocks. Al Pacino in Godfather, De Niro in Untouchables or De Caprio in Departed. It rocks. Surprisingly it works on even our own Rajni, Kamal, Vijay r Ajith. Just replace Billa's theme. :smokesmirk: It is kickass. Kill Bill's best track- Battle with honor or humanity. (And I love that chick on the left. Gogo Yubari or whatever :P )

20th February 2009, 01:06 AM

IB Trailor pathi neenga onnum sollaleeyae ?? :). PR, kooda missing :roll:.

20th February 2009, 01:10 AM
I haven't seen war. Have I? :P
What is Samuel Jackson's role here? AmA, namma thamiz padathukkellAm pAttu munnAdiyE varudhe, indha ingleesh padathukkellAm padam release-ku pala nAL kazhichu thAn varudhu? enna state government? enna central government?

Trailer's best part was the text in between and ofcourse the last moments. And, I like Brad Pitt.

From our blog:

Noticed that? Is it true?

20th February 2009, 01:17 AM

Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inglorious_Bastards) says Sam L. Jackson is the Narrator. Yes i too liked Brad Pitt. Another Tyler Durden kinda mad man role i believe :P.

Reading your blog now.

20th February 2009, 01:23 AM

[/url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inglorious_Bastards]Wiki[/url] says Sam L. Jackson is the Narrator. Yes i too liked Brad Pitt. Another Tyler Durden kinda mad man role i believe :P.

Reading your blog now.

Narrator-A. seri thAn. We'd get loads of the f-word then :rotfl: I don't think FC kinda role. I believe its gonna be something of 12 Monkeys/ Snatch typ I believe. :P

I certainly have to thank the hubbers for my their support to the blog. :D :ty: Thanks feddy!

20th February 2009, 01:30 AM

Simon Pegg talks IB

20th February 2009, 10:40 PM
Has any1 here read the script?

27th March 2009, 10:20 PM
Happy Birthday to quentin tarantino :)

28th March 2009, 09:22 AM


Anyone watched this? Looks promising!

28th March 2009, 12:13 PM


Anyone watched this? Looks promising!

its directed by takashi miike

have watched two of his films "koroshiya 1" and "odishon"

thidamana idhayam ullavargal mattume paarka vendiya padangal...the first movie is the most eccentric movie i have ever watched.

14th April 2009, 12:18 AM
[tscii:ce300b0205]Brad Pitt and Quentin Tarantino have a real Cannes-do—or, at the very least, Cannes-go—attitude about their new movie.

The box-office boys are set to bring their highly anticipated war epic Inglourious Basterds to the Cannes Film Festival come May. Per Variety, the movie will not only have its world premiere at the Riviera-based fest, but will also screen as part of the competition.

The Weinstein Co. has not commented on the film's selection, and festival organizers will not unveil the event's full lineup until April 23.

Tarantino already has a rich, and successful, history with Cannes, having taken home the Palme d'Or for Pulp Fiction in 1994. Ten years later, he retuned to serve as president of the festival jury.

Cannes, arguably the most glamorous of the world's film festivals, runs May 13-24. The film opens on Aug. 21.


17th April 2009, 09:53 AM

Mike Myers and Quentin Laughing.

13th May 2009, 05:38 AM


13th May 2009, 07:27 AM
I voted for RD.

AF, have you seen Death Proof? I like Kurt Russell and to see him in QT's film was heaven sent. And as you mentioned, the man is king in dialogue. Plus in this film, they resorted to old school style of doing car chase, no CGI, no blue screen. Very thrilling.

13th May 2009, 08:02 AM

Yes I have seen Deathproof multiple times and I am a fan of those car chase scenes.

13th May 2009, 08:16 AM

Yes I have seen Deathproof multiple times and I am a fan of those car chase scenes.

yaya! :)

the attitude of the girls(for that matter any tarantino charecter) is 8-)

13th May 2009, 08:22 AM
Yes, Viv. Who knew chick-talk can be so entertaining (you should listen to the real life one, you'd want to :banghead: and then proceed to cut your wrist, or the other way around depending on your preference :evil: )

13th May 2009, 09:02 AM
Yes, Viv. Who knew chick-talk can be so entertaining (you should listen to the real life one, you'd want to :banghead:

may be vellakaara chicks are that cool .. hehe

13th May 2009, 09:19 AM

QT's Acceptance speech for Pulp Fiction at Cannes in 1994. Damm hell he shows the middle finger there in the function :lol:

"I don't make movies that bring people together, I make movies that split people apart" 8-)

15th May 2009, 10:53 PM
What's with Cannes these days(?)
Aisuvariya Raai-a thodarndhu kooptu gauravikkaraanga. Abishek indha thadavayum irukkaaro? And Sharmila Tagore is in the jury i think!!

20th May 2009, 09:46 PM
Tarantino's Basterds is an armour-plated turkey (http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2009/may/20/cannes-film-festival-tarantino-inglourious-basterds)

Quentin Tarantino's cod-WW2 shlocker about a Jewish-American revenge squad intent on killing Nazis in German-occupied France is awful. It is achtung-achtung-ach-mein-Gott atrocious
Review of Cannes premiere. Indha murai kavuthuttaru pola irukke!!

21st May 2009, 01:18 AM

Easily the most expected film of this year. Pochaa :cry2:

21st May 2009, 02:28 AM
ayyaggoo :oops:

21st May 2009, 09:13 AM
Inglourious Basterds FILM CLIP #4: Jailbreak (HD) (w/ Quentin Tarantino intro) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XdyxbgInVI)

27th May 2009, 12:02 AM
Inglourious Basterds FILM CLIP #4: Jailbreak (HD) (w/ Quentin Tarantino intro) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XdyxbgInVI)

"I have an eye for that kind of talent" :lol:


"We aint in the prisoner taking business, we are in the 'Nazi killing' business. And business is booming!"

Atleast dialogue wise, I hope to be fully satisfied, no matter what the critics say :D !!

27th May 2009, 12:06 AM
Thanks Kannannn for posting this now. The other day the other clip links weren't working. So let me post them now





27th May 2009, 12:07 AM
I am seeing this movie no matter what others say. :D

Inglourious Basterds FILM CLIP #4: Jailbreak (HD) (w/ Quentin Tarantino intro) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XdyxbgInVI)

"I have an eye for that kind of talent" :lol:


"We aint in the prisoner taking business, we are in the 'Nazi killing' business. And business is booming!"

Atleast dialogue wise, I hope to be fully satisfied, no matter what the critics say :D !!

27th May 2009, 12:37 AM
Adhe adhe..

27th May 2009, 01:17 AM
Despite the split reaction to the film, Christoph Waltz received the Cannes award for Best Leading Actor, for his critically praised performance as the poetic SS colonel, Hans Landa. As it turned out, it was the only U.S. film to win any award in Cannes for 2009.


Woohooo :P.

29th May 2009, 08:27 PM

By Emma Jones
BBC News reporter in Cannes

Quentin Tarantino has made an eye-catching return to the Cannes Film Festival with Inglourious Basterds, an epic World War II movie set in Nazi-occupied France.

Tarantino swaps fact for pulp fiction in Inglourious Basterds, a comic revenge fantasy about Jewish freedom fighters bringing down the Nazis in 1944.

Brad Pitt plays Lieutenant Aldo Raine, the leader of a gang of Jewish-American soldiers operating in occupied France whose self-proclaimed mission is "to kill as many Nazis as possible".

They succeed in Tarantino's usual grisly-comic fashion, carving swastikas into the foreheads of any German soldier they do not scalp.

The plot culminates with an attempt to incinerate the Nazi high command - including Hitler, Goebbels and Goering - at a film premiere in Paris.

It's western meets war movie, with David Bowie on the soundtrack

In the words of Tarantino, it's "the power of cinema bringing down the Third Reich".

Once again, the US director has blurred film genres. Essentially it's western meets war movie, with David Bowie on the soundtrack.

And it becomes positively camp-operatic in parts - particularly in its portrayal of a shrill, semi-hysterical Adolf Hitler and British generals who could have been lifted from 'Allo, 'Allo.

Pitt may get top billing, but he's not the star of the show.

That honour goes to Christoph Waltz, an Austrian TV star who plays SS officer Colonel Hans Landa.

Comedic menace

So important was this character to the film, says Tarantino, that he considered scrapping the movie if he couldn't find the perfect actor to play him.

Waltz carries off comedic menace with aplomb in a performance that makes him a strong contender for this year's best actor prize

The film runs almost three hours and has a large international cast
This is not an American movie. Rather, it's Tarantino's homage to the European cinema he adores.

Indeed, there are so many scenes shot in French and German that an English-speaking audience will spend a lot of the film reading subtitles.

Some will wish there were a few more, just so they can understand Pitt's Tennessee-born, almost incomprehensible character.

Inglourious Basterds clocks in at nearly three hours, and its director could certainly have trimmed more of its flab.

This, and Pitt's character not getting the screen time he deserves, are the main disappointments.

It still can't touch Pulp Fiction, which won the Palme D'Or in 1994, but the reaction here at Cannes is that Quentin Tarantino has made a glorious, silly, blood-spattered return.

He is royalty at this festival - and as long as you can suspend disbelief and offence, he remains the king of trashy cinema.

Inglourious Basterds is out in the UK on 21 August.

13th June 2009, 11:08 PM
Wednesday, June 10
Is the Studio Planning to Sell Inglourious Basterds Short?
Last we heard, Quentin Tarantino was headed back to the editing room with Inglourious Basterds to do "an audience pruning cut" and possibly even add a scene. Now comes the rumor that The Weinstein Company, convinced that American audiences won't sit still for more than two hours, is demanding that Tarantino cut as much as 40 minutes from the movie.

Basterds premiered to mixed reactions at Cannes last month, and some critics suggested that the film contained too much talk and not enough action. Tarantino seemed pretty much mystified by that line of criticism. The fact that he is considering adding a scene suggests that he is unlikely to be happy about making such deep cuts.

On the other hand, the studio has been under severe financial pressure lately and desperately needs Basterds to succeed at the box office. Die-hard Tarantino fans, unmoved by such considerations, have already begun to weigh in on the matter, with one journalist firing off a response titled "Don't cut Inglourious Basterds, you basterds!"


22nd June 2009, 12:40 AM
Watched Death Proof again. Liked it better than the first time. Pure, unadulterated, non-stop entertainment with some brilliant dialogues. The film has all the ingridients of a Tarantino film but lacks substance :)

22nd June 2009, 09:20 AM

But the movie was meant to be without any substance....isnt it ?

22nd June 2009, 06:29 PM

But the movie was meant to be without any substance....isnt it ?
You are right. As a *Grindhouse* film it does justice to the genre. But not as a normal film, IMO. Its so not a conventional film.

23rd June 2009, 09:44 AM
Also, a nice return to good old fashioned car chase. No blue screen, no CGI.

12th July 2009, 11:50 PM

Inglorious Basterds Trailer Premiere HD [True HD]

A new trailer - :victory:

9th August 2009, 09:24 AM
Aug 20 is just 11 days away

:redjump: :bluejump: :smokesmile:

12th August 2009, 06:03 PM
Review: Inglourious Basterds (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jenna-busch/review-iinglourious-baste_b_254797.html)

I just saw a screening of Quentin Tarantino's new film, Inglourious Basterds, Friday night. I'm not covering the film for my usual outlets, but after what I saw, I couldn't resist the urge to put my two cents in. I know this is a pretty bold statement, but rarely have I ever been as satisfied with a film as I was with this one. That is not to say there aren't any issues, but I left feeling like I had a giant bowl of cheese and noodles. Not the fanciest dish on the menu, but more satisfying than a little salad or an over-sweet desert. (This will teach me to review on an empty stomach.)

The film is quintessential Quentin, with kick ass women, titles flashing across the screen, and multiple story lines that resolve into one. And violence. Brutal, unapologetic violence. Anyone who's read my reviews knows that this is certainly no issue for me. My unpopular philosophy is that not everything needs to be child-friendly. But that's an issue for another time. My point here is that you should know what you're going to see. No matter what praise I heap upon this film, heads are bashed in with baseball bats and people are brutally murdered. If that's not your thing, don't send me hate mail. You were warned.

The cast of Inglourious Basterds

Inglourious Basterds (Tarantino won't reveal why the title is misspelled) takes place in WWII, in Nazi-occupied France. A young Jewish girl, Shosanna Dreyfus (Melanie Laurent) is the only survivor when Nazi Colonel Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) shoots her entire family in their hiding place under the floor boards of a neighbor's house. She changes her identity and flees to Paris where she becomes the owner of a cinema. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) forms a group of Jewish soldiers who's sole purpose is to strike fear into the hearts of Nazi soldiers by killing them in imaginatively brutal ways. Scalping is a particular favorite. They plan a meeting with German actress/secret agent Bridget von Hammersmark (Diane Kruger) to carry out a plan to take down the entire Third Reich in one fell swoop...in a cinema. In Paris. Where someone else is planning revenge of her own.

The dialogue is continually compelling. Quite a feat for a film with half the dialogue in French or German subtitles. And the cast is strong across the board. Brad Pitt, horror writer/director Eli Roth, Samm Levine from Freaks and Geeks (being a geek myself, I can't help but bring that one up), narration by Samuel L. Jackson and a cameo from Mike Myers. And an international cast that includes compelling performances from Laurent, Kruger and Waltz, who is so charmingly slimy as Colonel Landa that you can't help but admire his cleverness while wanting to shoot him in the head. Pitt's performance as Aldo Raine is so funny, you wonder why the man never went into stand up. Oh, right. He's incredibly hot. Sorry. Truly, there wasn't a weak link among them. Particularly notable was Laurent, who continues the tradition of kick ass chicks in Tarantino films. I don't believe she spoke a word of English and yet her work was one of the best performances I've seen this year.

Melanie Laurent as Shosanna Dreyfus

Inglourious Basterds is presented in chapters. And each one takes you on a different emotional ride. Really different. The film opens with one of the most deliciously tension-filled scenes in recent memory, with Colonel Landa slowly questioning a French dairy farmer about whether or not he has knowledge of Jews hiding in the area. I found myself dragged into the story, wrapped up in the tragedy of it...and yanked right back out by Pitt's hysterical accent and dry delivery. And that, I believe, is why the film is so satisfying. The phrase "I laughed, I cried" couldn't be more accurate. It was a beautifully crafted emotional roller coaster which left me with no idea where I would end up. Tarantino takes you from a foreign film style to Kill Bill gallows humor, from film noir to slasher flick, and I enjoyed the journey.

A few little flies in the honey pot. Occasionally I found myself thinking that a few of the shots where a character's name is written across the screen with an arrow pointing them out could have been cut. The film is very long, and I probably shouldn't have had that giant bottle of water before I went in. A friend pointed out that the David Bowie song during one of the pivotal scenes may have been a bit too modern and out of place, though I've heard opinions on both sides of that argument. And there were a number of characters who seem to disappear without explanation. But whatever little flaws it has, if you are a fan of this style of film, you won't be any more surprised than I was to hear a chorus of "Wow" and "That was amazing" when the film is done. (You certainly won't be surprised by the number of times someone in your row trips over your feet on the way to the bathroom.) For a theater full of critics, there was an unusual amount of applause.

I'm aware that Tarantino's style is not for everyone. And the violence is definitely intense. But I haven't been more entertained by an action flick this year. And considering the number of explosion-filled robot movies, that's saying quite a bit.


Fun fact: Samm Levine, who plays PFC Gerold Hirschberg also plays the artist painting a mural of Hitler during the first scene in the Nazi war room. (uncredited)

13th August 2009, 10:20 PM
Thanks for the link LM :D. The reviews are so mixed. Last week's Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2009/aug/09/quentin-tarantino-interview) was again very much critical of the movie and Tarantino in general. Inime paarthuttu dhaan reaction - Saturday Preview'kku thundu pottachu :P .

13th August 2009, 10:30 PM
Tired of waiting. .. ... :(

16th August 2009, 12:07 AM
Nalla seydhiyo kettadho, seekiram paathutu sollungoo.

Thanks for the link LM :D. The reviews are so mixed. Last week's Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2009/aug/09/quentin-tarantino-interview) was again very much critical of the movie and Tarantino in general. Inime paarthuttu dhaan reaction - Saturday Preview'kku thundu pottachu :P .

16th August 2009, 12:34 AM
I was one of the 200 lucky Basterds :lol: to get into the US Premiere of Quentin Tarantino's new film "Inglourious Basterds". . Here is my review of the film


16th August 2009, 03:02 AM
First thoughts - a pastiche of Jewish persecution films, WWII war films and WWII spy movies, served in a way only Tarantino can. Without giving much away, I will say that the movie is almost on par with Kill Bill and were it not for the awful climax, it would certainly have moved a notch higher.

And take a bow Melanie Laurent and Christoper Waltz :notworthy: - the film clearly belongs to them and it would be fair to say that the European team beats the American team hands down (Eli Roth was irritating to say the least).

16th August 2009, 08:29 AM
Wow! :D

One week to go.

16th August 2009, 01:08 PM
Whoa. That's positive.

19th August 2009, 08:58 PM

[HD] Quentin Tarantino on David Letterman - 8/17/2009 FULL interview

21st August 2009, 08:38 PM
Wait is over. Time for the B a sssssss ttttttttterrrrrr dddddddsssss :twisted:


Sodhappaama irundha seri

21st August 2009, 08:40 PM
It's a masterpiece?

21st August 2009, 08:41 PM
When is it releasing by the way?

21st August 2009, 08:42 PM
Its releasing today here. By all probability will watch the movie today after work or definitely tomorrow.

Don't know when Nerd is watching.

21st August 2009, 08:44 PM
In chennai I mean. :yessir:

21st August 2009, 09:04 PM

Yahoo users : A-

The Critics : A-

22nd August 2009, 05:51 AM
pAththAchchu pAththAchchu :D :D :D

Sooberabbu. Brand Tarantino, thoroughly entertaining. Share Kannan's opinion that this one's not quite a Kill Bill. Film of the year, quite easily. Rest later. I am bisi man :cry:

23rd August 2009, 12:51 AM
Watched the movie yesterday.

Take multiple bow's Tarantino. You are the Master. Tarantino manages to keep it interesting till the very end. Acting from all the actors were very good and Kannann, i found ELli-Roth funny (intentionally). Shoshanna and Hans Landa :notworthy:. Pitt was 8-). Audience response was very good. Everybody loved it.

Bastards - Worth the hype and extremely entertaining

23rd August 2009, 12:54 AM

Soundtracks :notworthy:

25th August 2009, 12:54 AM
With regards to Eli Roth, I will give you funny AF. The entire scene where the band try to pass off as Italian was very funny and well made. But then his anger and fury felt very laboured in the rest of the movie - a grouse only accentuated by the intro the character was given.

The negatives as I see are -
1. The way Chrisopher Waltz's character turns towards the end - I expected a more direct confrontation with the basterds (or atleast with Laurent).
2. The easy access the Basterds have to the top brass.

Thinking back, the second point is what dissapointed me most. Given QT's presentation of IB as a 'wild west' movie set in WWII, I would have exptected more action from the Basterds. In fact, I would have liked the two threads to converge in this fashion - Laurent scheming against the Nazi leadership at the cinema, while the Basterds are forced to fight their way through a protective outer perimeter comprising Nazi fighting units.

25th August 2009, 08:16 PM
Many of my friends/colleagues who are not fans of Tarantino seem to have loved the film. Am yet to hear a negative opinion from anyone. And I hear the film gets better in the second viewing. Friday night 8-)

25th August 2009, 08:23 PM
Apparam edhukku padatha appadi pottu kizhichaanga, firstu?
Tarantino fans ku pidichirukka? I mean, general a therinja varaikkum?

25th August 2009, 08:27 PM
Rottentomatoes-la 86% irukku ippO. Ebert 4* kuduthuttApla. I think the film has satisfied all Tarantino fans. AFAIK.

25th August 2009, 08:44 PM
Rottentomatoes-la 86% irukku ippO. Ebert 4* kuduthuttApla. I think the film has satisfied all Tarantino fans. AFAIK.

Metascore seriyillayE!

25th August 2009, 09:16 PM
Metascore serrrrrrriiiiiiaa irundha dhaaan paapeengala :evil:

25th August 2009, 09:17 PM
:rotfl: :rotfl:

AF, ippadiyellam kekka koodathu :lol:

25th August 2009, 09:20 PM
Metascore serrrrrrriiiiiiaa irundha dhaaan paapeengala :evil:

That was my point. Nerd Tarantino padathuku edhukku idhaiyellAm pOduRArunnuttu...

25th August 2009, 09:26 PM
Ada CR annE kEttArubA. And generally the reviews for KB/PF etc. are more positive. Ada pOngappA! LM maadhiri neraiya pEru Inglourious Basterds pAthuttu review panniruppAnga :yessir:

25th August 2009, 09:26 PM
LM, :lol:

Venki, even i was kiddin :).

25th August 2009, 11:21 PM
Modhalla reviews ellam konjam kadumaya irundhuche-nu ketten.. :oops:

26th August 2009, 06:31 AM
I even lauv Jackie Brown. Talaivar-oda Where Eagles Dare ellam inthukku inspiration-nu sonnaaru QT. So, I would definitely like it. Haven't made it here yet :(

26th August 2009, 06:45 AM
Inglorious Bastards is freaking amazing :notworthy:

27th August 2009, 09:05 PM
Watch kill bill on sony pix now

29th August 2009, 11:20 PM
Watch kill bill on sony pix now
avaingaLum KTV mAdhiri AyitAnga.. pOna mAsam thAn pOttAnga

And, Egappatta TV promos-la they use Pulp fiction and Kill Bill tracks... though they are from elsewhere, I'm pretty sure they're popular only through Quentin's.

31st August 2009, 09:13 PM
One by two , 2 by 3 Madras to mettupalayam....padam alreadyy hittu.


31st August 2009, 09:44 PM
One by two , 2 by 3 Madras to mettupalayam....padam alreadyy hittu. :lol:

31st August 2009, 10:21 PM
One by two , 2 by 3 Madras to mettupalayam....padam alreadyy hittu.


31st August 2009, 10:39 PM

7th September 2009, 11:53 PM

Tarantino's Top 20 Movies Since 1992.

He mentions Fight club, Takashi Mike's Audition, Jont security Area (:D) and the Matrix (:P). Battle Royale's the first one. He also says Matrix would have been the official number two but for the sequels spoiling the first. I agree with him.

He mentions Memories of a Murder which is in my watch list and have heard some good wom.

P.S: PR, he mentions one woody allen film and M. Night Shymalan's Unbreakable.

8th September 2009, 07:34 PM
Saw the film again on Saturday. 80% full, standing ovation in the end.

Liked the film better but don't think it's as good as PF/KB. The film is so not about the basterds. In fact the basterds were the weak links if I may say so. The trailer was sort of deceptive. When I saw it for the first time I thought saaptars 3 and 4 were a little boring but liked them this time around. First chapter was amazing. Those 15 minutes, I don't know what was happening to me. I mean I could not take my eyes off the screen. Very very arresting. Only Tarantino fossible. And the tension he builds up in chapters 4 and the climax :2thumbsup:

Feddy/Kannan/others (Spoliers)
1. Why does Waltz let Shosanna go in the first chapter? And does he recognize her in the restaurant scene?
2. Why does Waltz kill Kruger? She got what she deserved:?

8th September 2009, 07:51 PM
He mentions Fight club, Takashi Mike's Audition, Jont security Area (:D) and the Matrix (:P). Battle Royale's the first one. He also says Matrix would have been the official number two but for the sequels spoiling the first. I agree with him.

He mentions Memories of a Murder which is in my watch list and have heard some good wom.

P.S: PR, he mentions one woody allen film and M. Night Shymalan's Unbreakable.

Audition.. yErkanavE synopsis padichittu unselect paNNittEn
Fight Club :thumbsup:
Anything Else...paakkaNumE
Speed- romba correctu...it was exciting back then
Unbreakable :2thumbsup: Best Shyamalam movie till date

He also says Matrix would have been the official number two but for the sequels spoiling the first. I agree with him.
:exactly: I haven't seen Revolutions.. Reloaded-E pOdhum pOdhumnu aayiruchu.

8th September 2009, 07:52 PM
Anything Else...paakkaNumE

I have it but discovered recently that its with Spanish audio :evil:

8th September 2009, 08:05 PM
Anything Else...paakkaNumE

I have it but discovered recently that its with Spanish audio :evil: :lol:

From VIP

Manivannan to Allakkai: seruppu thirudunA kooda size paathu thiruda vENAmA

8th September 2009, 08:26 PM
what is the full list? I can't access uteeb right now.

Battle Royale and Memories of a Murder are oriental mainstream films with its stylistic appeals and engaging narrative, the sort of films I could imagine being endorsed under "QT presents" and/or dvd introduction by QT. :D Audition is brilliant, and audaciously made trademark Miike gory-horror. I remember JSA, made by director of 'Oldboy' (a film more likely to be found in QT's list) but I prefer another film on Korean divides, Taegukgi.

Matrix should make into such lists, it shouldn't be treated as a surprise. I don't know how Wachowski brothers could have rewritten the next two parts. Reloaded is better than Revolutions as a singular film, but I believe the trilogy as such is excellent work. Fight club, it withered down in my estimation, but I could see why he'd have gone for it. Unbreakable is a brilliant film, it's Manoj Night's best as Pr has put it. Anything Else is nothing great, from my memory. I'd have to revisit it.

8th September 2009, 09:53 PM
1. An lonely teenaged girl who just saw the murders of her family right in front of her eyes. I remember reading that Landa telling it to his driver that the surroundings itself would kill her or she would itself die from the trauma. She is nothing but a harmless insect(to him) but he is proven wrong at the end.

(I Vaguely remember reading this from the original script that was leaked).

He definitely doesn't recognize her in the restaurant and even when he stops Melanie he says that he forgot what he wanted to ask her eventually saying that whatever he wanted to ask would have been something very trivial.

2. Even I have the same question. My only answer is he wants to surpass/supercede her in his negotiation with the Basterd's Top Command. That's the only possible idea that i could come up with.

Feddy/Kannan/others (Spoliers)
1. Why does Waltz let Shosanna go in the first chapter? And does he recognize her in the restaurant scene?
2. Why does Waltz kill Kruger? She got what she deserved:?

8th September 2009, 09:55 PM
Edhu andha brothers going to war ... andha padama?.

I remember JSA, made by director of 'Oldboy' (a film more likely to be found in QT's list) but I prefer another film on Korean divides, Taegukgi.

8th September 2009, 11:42 PM
Amaam! "Brotherhood of war"-nu tag kuda irukkum

8th September 2009, 11:46 PM
1 BATTLE ROYALE '00 ~Kinji Fukasaku [He said this as the 'my single favourite film since 93 that I really wish I had made it'

From here on in Alphabetical order:

2 ANYTHING ELSE '03 ~Woody Allen
3 AUDITION ~Takashi Miike
4 THE BLADE '95 ~Tsui Harks
5 BOOGIE NIGHTS '97 ~Paul Thomas Anderson
6 DAZED AND CONFUSED '93 ~Richard Linklater
7 DOGVILLE ~Lars Von Trier
8 FIGHT CLUB ~David Fincher
9 FRIDAY '95
10 THE HOST ~Bong Joon Ho
11 THE INSIDER ~Michael Mann
12 JSA ~Park Chan Wook
14 THE MATRIX ~Wachowski Brothers
15 MEMORIES OF MURDER '06 ~Bong Joon Ho
16 POLICE STORY 3 aka SUPERCOP '93 ~Stanley Tong
17 SHAUN OF THE DEAD ~Edgar Wright
18 SPEED '94
20 UNBREAKABLE ~M Night Shyamalan

9th September 2009, 12:00 AM
Thank you sid.

That's some list. He has diverse taste.

9th September 2009, 12:48 AM
He definitely doesn't recognize her in the restaurant and even when he stops Melanie he says that he forgot what he wanted to ask her eventually saying that whatever he wanted to ask would have been something very trivial.
That's what I thought too, but he orders milk :P

On the 2nd question, I am not too sure. I went and watched 2nd time precisely to find answers to these questions but :oops:

10th September 2009, 11:32 PM
Saw the film again on Saturday. 80% full, standing ovation in the end.

Liked the film better but don't think it's as good as PF/KB. The film is so not about the basterds. In fact the basterds were the weak links if I may say so. The trailer was sort of deceptive. When I saw it for the first time I thought saaptars 3 and 4 were a little boring but liked them this time around. First chapter was amazing. Those 15 minutes, I don't know what was happening to me. I mean I could not take my eyes off the screen. Very very arresting. Only Tarantino fossible. And the tension he builds up in chapters 4 and the climax :2thumbsup:

Feddy/Kannan/others (Spoliers)
1. Why does Waltz let Shosanna go in the first chapter? And does he recognize her in the restaurant scene?
2. Why does Waltz kill Kruger? She got what she deserved:?

Absolutely agree about the basterds link being the weakest. Matha thread'la irundha tension and drama idhula illa.

1. It is difficult to say why. As Feddy says, he perhaps thought it below him to kill a teenager. Andha restaurant scene is a bit of a puzzle. He does seem to pause at the most important moment and then continues as if he couldn't be bothered. My thought is, he has conducted his own investigations into her background and must have had his doubts. Milk is more like his trademark, I think, much like our protagonist in Clockwork.. (in fact, Kubrick would have been proud of the first scene :D). Or perhaps it is just a plot device to build more tension into the scene :?

2. The interrogation of Kruger is perhaps one of my favourite scenes in the movie. What an evil twist to the Cindrella story :notworthy: . Why does he kill her? Perhaps because he thought she was dispensible at that point (the allies have already landed in France and the end is near). And also because he was annoyed that she thought she could get away with her lies.

10th September 2009, 11:38 PM
pOdhum...thanga mudila...:twisted:

wtf is wrong, they wouldn't release the darn film in Indian theaters . :x

11th September 2009, 12:12 AM
I think its releasing here in october.. read somewhere. oct 2nd annaiku :P

11th September 2009, 12:25 AM
pOdhum...thanga mudila...:twisted:

wtf is wrong, they wouldn't release the darn film in Indian theaters . :x

:lol2: naangalum evvalavudhan poruthu paakaradhu? Discussion'kku aal venam?

11th September 2009, 01:04 AM
The interrogation of Kruger is perhaps one of my favourite scenes in the movie. What an evil twist to the Cindrella story

Mine too. Waltz was particularly impressive in that scene. The *thigh-tapping* was wicked but hilarious. The *Italian* scenes just before that scene, the constipated look on Pitt's face :rotfl:

And thanks for the inputs kannan. The milk thingi is confusing, he does not order milk for him, but orders it for Shosanna.

11th September 2009, 02:52 AM
Right right.. He orders a dessert for himself.

Not going much into the plot, my other favourite parts:

At the pub - Mexican standoff, only the guns pointed at each other's d*cks :lol: (in fact the entire pub scene was great)

At the cinema: Laurent smearing makeup on her face, as if preparing for war :notworthy:

At the cinema again: Larurent in the red dress walking over to the big circular window, striking one of the most impressive poses I have seen in movies of recent times.

Pitt carving the final swastika and declaring calmly "I think this might just be my masterpiece"

11th September 2009, 05:28 AM
That's more like a dialog Quentin wrote for himself and which perfectly fits Aldo's mission too.

Pitt carving the final swastika and declaring calmly "I think this might just be my masterpiece"

P.S: Adadada daaa Kannannn avatarum, signature-ume pottuteengale :notworthy:.

11th September 2009, 10:01 AM
I think its releasing here in october.. read somewhere. oct 2nd annaiku :P

Appadiya? :lol:

11th September 2009, 10:01 AM

Continue please. :D Naan October apram vandhu join panREn..

Avadi to America
28th September 2009, 12:40 AM
I even lauv Jackie Brown. Talaivar-oda Where Eagles Dare ellam inthukku inspiration-nu sonnaaru QT. So, I would definitely like it. Haven't made it here yet :(

jackie brown is absolutely briliant movie.... especially the casting of lead actress pam grier.....Ennaku equal hardcore Clint Eastwood fana irrupinga pola.....i recently saw changeling..... :notworthy:

28th September 2009, 09:01 AM

28th September 2009, 09:45 AM
jackie brown is absolutely briliant movieFinally another soul that liked it. Tarantino was definitely influenced by Elmore Leonard's story telling style and dialogues. Only contemporary (though he is 80s plus) novelist I read.
Ennaku equal hardcore Clint Eastwood fana irrupinga polanotworthy:Not equal, perhaps more :twisted: Avarai matthumthan Talaivar illana Guruji, Swamiji-nu koopudurathu! :D

Avadi to America
28th September 2009, 06:14 PM
jackie brown is absolutely briliant movieFinally another soul that liked it. Tarantino was definitely influenced by Elmore Leonard's story telling style and dialogues. Only contemporary (though he is 80s plus) novelist I read.
Ennaku equal hardcore Clint Eastwood fana irrupinga polanotworthy:Not equal, perhaps more :twisted: Avarai matthumthan Talaivar illana Guruji, Swamiji-nu koopudurathu! :D


29th September 2009, 04:26 PM
jackie brown is absolutely briliant movieFinally another soul that liked it. Tarantino was definitely influenced by Elmore Leonard's story telling style and dialogues. Only contemporary (though he is 80s plus) novelist I read.

QT admitted to have adapted Leonard's novels in his mind.People were going on about "Pulp Fiction" being the best Elmore Leonard film not written by Elmore Leonard. :lol: In the same Charlie Rose interview when he said that, QT also describes his casting process for the part of Pam Grier, and describes Deniro's acting in this film. :)

30th September 2009, 12:25 PM
Thilak, do you have the link to that interview? Appreciate it. PF is probably more violent version of Leonard's books. QT's films are heightened version of Leonard's crime novels. And I am always wondering why De Niro is in that movie, athuvum allakai to Jackson's character.

30th September 2009, 12:39 PM
I don't have access to it right now. It was in google videos. I'll get you a link later today.

QT wanted an actor who could render that role with body language. He sent over the script to Deniro & he immediately wanted to do it. QT had asked Deniro to have the body-language of a pile of old clothes for the part. :lol: In the sense, his character should be able to show nuance, its history. This character had been in jail for many years, and Deniro's performance is so great that the audience could make-out what he had been through & the past more often than not, shows up in one's demeanor. It also explains the levels of indifference & self-containment that Deniro's character is able to manufacture, against Jackson's girlfriend, played by Bridget Fonda. After QT's elucidation, I'm able to appreciate Bobby's part a bit more! :D

30th September 2009, 12:45 PM
Jeez...appadi ninaikkave illa. I suppose I should cut de Niro some slack :P and watch it again. But I don't mind doing so, great movie, wonderful book.

Bala (Karthik)
1st October 2009, 06:03 PM
Booked sirappu kaatchi ticket for tonight!

1st October 2009, 06:59 PM
Oh, releasing today?

Bala (Karthik)
1st October 2009, 07:03 PM
Yeah, saw the Ads in TOI. Some theaters are having a preview show at 9 tonight (i booked at Fame @ Forum Value Mall). Matra theaters la nalaikku nu nenaikkaren...

1st October 2009, 07:25 PM
Recently had the chance to watch....watched 'The Informant' instead :lol2:

Bala (Karthik)
2nd October 2009, 12:28 AM
Inglorious Basterds - Inglorious Basterds
[Not entirely unexpected]

What exactly is this film?

Is it a holocaust film? We've seen better. In fact, i would say we've seen enough for now! Actually, its a shame that this film touches on the holocaust!
Is it a WWII film? We've seen better.
Is it a Tarrantino ride? We've seen better

The Italian group scene was :rotfl3: and i swear Pitt looked 80% like Brando in the Godfather

2nd October 2009, 12:36 AM
Chennai la mattum illa idhellam remba over! irritating :banghead: :banghead:

Bala (Karthik)
2nd October 2009, 02:01 AM

I'm going to find a place that actually resembles, in one way or another, the Spanish locales they had in spaghetti westerns – a no man's land. With US soldiers and French peasants and the French resistance and German occupation troops, it was kind of a no man's land. That will really be my spaghetti Western but with World War II iconography. But the thing is, I won't be period specific about the movie. I'm not just gonna play a lot of Édith Piaf and Andrews Sisters.

mm...... ennamo po...

I can have rap, and I can do whatever I want. It's about filling in the viscera.[54]
Liked the soundtrack, which is the case with all his movies :)[/tscii:bd2579c491]

2nd October 2009, 09:39 PM

Did anyone post it here? QT's Top 20 movies since '92.

3rd October 2009, 06:17 PM
Recently, an article in The Hindu said that none of QT's fims got released in India because of its violence !!!Enna koduma. Then what about P.Veeran, SPuram etc... sutha hypocrasy.

Years back, there was an EDITED !!! version of PF which got released in Woodlands theatre and that too strictly for 5 days, which I managed to see (aana pala murai video tape-la pathachu - later in CD). Kill Bill was also released in Chennai. Andha writer vivaram puriyama ezhuditarunnu ninaikkiren.

12th October 2009, 08:03 PM
A tad late..

Inglorious basterds
- Massacre of history, triumph of cinema. :clap:

Like any QT film, it's a motley of genres with imaginative subversions. :thumbsup:

28th October 2009, 03:08 PM
Finally releasing in chennai this friday :yes: :mrgreen:

28th October 2009, 03:18 PM

28th October 2009, 06:22 PM
Finally releasing in chennai this friday :yes: :mrgreen:

Only noon show sathyam has planned :( . They could have gone in for 10 PM show

31st October 2009, 02:59 PM
Finally releasing in chennai this friday :yes: :mrgreen:

Only noon show sathyam has planned :( . They could have gone in for 10 PM show

3.45 pm @ Satyam & 10 p.m. at Inox.

9 am spl. show on Sat & Sun @ Inox.

12th November 2009, 07:03 PM
[tscii:782c02fd7d]Saw the movie y'day eve @ Chennai Devi Theatre. Obviously there were many cuts – thanks to the term, “ suitable for Indian viewing “ !!

Well, much has been said & discussed here and you guys know much better than me. But, whatever I’m going to register here, it will be more Visceral than Cerebral (Thanks P_R).

Firstly, it’s definitely a different film from QT. I say this because in his earlier films, it would be mostly like, “ Modhalla Veechu, appuramathan Pechu “ kind of scenes. Fine example is in RD – unable to bear Michael Madsen torturing the innocent cop, Tim Roth shoots him. Now, when the chief’s son (is he Sean Penn’s bro ??) comes in to the warehouse and enquires, Tim says, that guy cut the cop’s ears, shattered his face and tried to burn him alive. Immediately this guy turns towards the cop and says, “ Who, this cop ? “ and then goes Bang! Bang!! Bang !!! But here it is mostly long and interesting conversations followed by action, which I really enjoyed. I wouldn’t say it is unusual, because dialogues were an integral part of his films and they were famous too. I just felt that it is different. And, as it is usual for a QT film, the music was too good.

Be it any department in the making of this film, it looked to me that QT was in complete control. Right from the soldiers uniforms, their arms & artilleries, Hitler’s spacious and well furnished room, the tavern, the cinema hall, the French peasant’s little house – everything was amazing. Of course, it’s a team work, but I would say that the entire credit should be given to QT for bringing out all those nuances and minutest of the details perfectly on screen. :thumbsup:

IMO, this much of hard work is not required to make films like RD, PF etc where it is enough if the director concentrates more on stylish non-linear narration, excellent casting, great music and thrilling action sequences. But to make a film of this standard, the director has to be a well-read person, a man who has thorough knowledge about world history, World War, Geography, complete knowledge of world cinema particularly old b&w war films (the one that is premiered in Shosanna’s cinema is beautifully shot ), various languages – its accents etc., and our man undoubtedly possess all the above qualities, I believe. Who else could think of a story in world war backdrop told in spaghetti western style !! Brilliant !!!

A German war hero who loves films, his affinity for Shosanna and the subsequent tragedy are all beautiful line of thoughts. In fact, before the climax, when he enters the projector room hoping to have a good time with Shosanna , he is rejected by her, and finally both of them fall down dead killing each other, are all wonderful turn of events.

In the very beginning scene, Hans Landa very casually interrogates the French peasant, who is smoking a small pipe. Later, after getting the country man’s permission, Hans also takes out his pipe, which is really a BIG one, and starts smoking. Now, after looking at the size of the BIG pipe, the countryman slowly hides his small pipe under the table. Some of you must have noticed that there is a similar scene in KB’s “ Avargal “. When Sujatha is sick, Kamal visits her house. He brings with him some oranges which are the size of lemons and keeps it on a table. Later, Rajini comes there and he too brings some oranges which are really Big & fresh and keeps it on the same table. Now, Kamal slowly takes away his small oranges and throws in a basket. Is this what they call, “ Great men think alike ?? “ :)

Before that, in the same scene, after throwing a series of questions to the country man, Hans prepares himself to take down notes in order to make a record of it. The objects that he carries with himself – a neat leather bag, an ink bottle, pen & sheets of white paper – everything looked spic & span ! It was nice to see them.

Jayalalitha often use to criticize Karunanidhi’s propaganda’s as “ Goebbele’s pracharam “. Now here is the man, in this film !!! :)

The climax itself was brilliantly shot. The big b&w close-up of Shosanna scornfully looking at the Nazis and scolding them, the nitrate films burning, total chaos inside the hall, Eli Roth blindly shooting the Nazis, including Hitler himself and finally the powerful grenades going off !! And all this with a Spaghetti Western background music. Only with QT, such a scene is possible !!! :clap:

Now for the performances. My God !! Each and every character, right from the French country man, his young daughters, the Nazi who gets his head smashed with a baseball bat by one of the Basterds, the other Nazi in the tavern, who points out his pistol underneath the table, towards his opponent’s testicles, the bunch of people who are present there and having a blast – Maximillian’s father, particularly, Hitler, Goebbels, his lady translator (we saw her in Kill Bill, whose hand is cut off by the Bride), the soldier who loves movies, Shosanna, Hammersmack – every one of them is just superb. And, this is where, I think the director comes out really really successful.

Brad Pitt as Aldo Raine is just great with his accent and maintains his cool very well.

And, Christopher Waltz !!! What a brilliant performance !!!. This man makes it a pleasure, watching the film. Be it making reasons with his rat & squirrel story, meeting the grown up Shosanna at Goebbel’s office and drinking a glass of milk in one gulp, finding Hammersmack’s single shoe & hand-kerchief, later killing her ferociously, meeting Pitt & his friend, who are supposed to be “ Italians” , in the Cinema and suddenly switching over to Italian accent thereby surprising them, finally, making a deal with Pitt across the table – I simply enjoyed his performance throughout the film. :2thumbsup:

A fantastic & neat film with a B I G QT’s signature over it.

12th November 2009, 07:14 PM
Like any QT film, it's a motley of genres with imaginative subversions. He breaks the canons, and could render morbidity (WWII, and Holocaust, no less) in a whole new style.

Everyone talks about Colonel Landa, and Shosanna (no coincidence they are both appropriately cast with Europeans) and rightly so. But even Pitt's role is not bad writing or a casting mistake (he comes off well with half-arsed texan accent and an insensitive Nazi-to-Nazis. Landa taking a piss on Pitt's phony Italian makeover is Hilarious! Also, Basterds are no focal point. It's sort of like, the good (Shosanna), the bad (Colonel Landa) and the Ugly (Basterds) of a 'spaghetti WWII'. Colonel Landa like Angel Eyes(Lee Cleef) is a crafty bastard, and utterly dangerous that it takes no sweat to double-cross the employer & work out on his own! Leone's masterpiece broke traditional good-bad Western Dramatology into three-fold shades of Grey. QT subverts a different genre, and a scenario sacrilegious to certain sections. It's a challenging task. History is at peril, but art bestows liberty. QT makes no bones about breaking the rules.

Bala (Karthik)
12th November 2009, 08:50 PM
Like any QT film, it's a motley of genres with imaginative subversions. He breaks the canons, and could render morbidity (WWII, and Holocaust, no less) in a whole new style.

Everyone talks about Colonel Landa, and Shosanna (no coincidence they are both appropriately cast with Europeans) and rightly so. But even Pitt's role is not bad writing or a casting mistake (he comes off well with half-arsed texan accent and an insensitive Nazi-to-Nazis. Landa taking a piss on Pitt's phony Italian makeover is Hilarious! Also, Basterds are no focal point. It's sort of like, the good (Shosanna), the bad (Colonel Landa) and the Ugly (Basterds) of a 'spaghetti WWII'. Colonel Landa like Angel Eyes(Lee Cleef) is a crafty *******, and utterly dangerous that it takes no sweat to double-cross the employer & work out on his own! Leone's masterpiece broke traditional good-bad Western Dramatology into three-fold shades of Grey. QT subverts a different genre, and a scenario sacrilegious to certain sections. It's a challenging task. History is at peril, but art bestows liberty. QT makes no bones about breaking the rules.
Interesting post Thilak :thumbsup: my unflinching opinion on the film notwithstanding

13th November 2009, 01:34 PM
You are right in saying it's no better than any WWII films of past, or any QT films of past. The combination made it a unique experience for me.

1st December 2009, 03:19 AM

Nov 30 2009 7:02 AM EST

Quentin Tarantino Says Third 'Kill Bill' Film Will Have Different Title
'It would be Volume 3 of the story of the Bride,' writer/director tells us of the franchise.

18th January 2010, 09:43 PM

Hans Landa getting a golden globe. He has some good words for QT. He spoke very humbly.

18th January 2010, 10:05 PM
Very good speech. Makes perfect sense. Qt as the creative center of universe and how the rest are globes pulled by gravitation, revolving around him. I bet no American actor/actress would bother about poetic verses. I liked DDL's speech for TWBB, "sprung out of mad beautiful head of Paul Thomas Anderson". :lol:

26th January 2010, 11:13 PM
Christoph Waltz and Tarantino :clap:

Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor

Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Cast
Best Actor Award (Cannes Film Festival)

New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actor
National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actor

Boston Society of Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actor
Hollywood Film Festival Best Supporting Actor

Southeastern Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
Las Vegas Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actor

Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actor
Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor

Austin Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
Detroit Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actor

Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actor

Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
Houston Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actor

Toronto Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
San Diego Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actor

Washington DC Area Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actor - Motion Picture

Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture
Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role

Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture
Nominated - BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role[tscii:b2a0f5b308][/tscii:b2a0f5b308]

16th February 2010, 11:54 PM
“It’s wonderful,” he says. “Believe me I’m not trying to engage in false modesty, but James Cameron was really and truly a hero of mine. I’ll never forget the first time I saw ‘The Terminator’ at the Pacific Theater on Hollywood Boulevard. I’ll never forget seeing ‘Aliens,’ I couldn’t get into the first show, it was like the third show of the day, at the Avco Embassy theater and it was just one of the great film experiences of my life. And it’s really cool when he comes up to me and greets me like an equal, that’s really groovy.

“I’ve also always loved Kathryn’s work. I remember when I saw ‘Near Dark,’ I came home from working at the video store and I took a piece of paper and wrote, ‘Kathryn Bigelow, queen of directors,’ and she wrote the script with Eric Red, ‘Eric Red, king of writers.’ I thought ‘Near Dark’ was the shit! That murder scene in the bar, you have to remember, the 1980s was awful, and when that murder scene in the bar played, it was like, ‘Oh my God, what did they let happen!”[/tscii:737d9496c5]

Agree with him. But that said, I'd say he deserves it over both their recent films. But is it really in academy's purview. :cry:

17th February 2010, 09:34 PM
There are very less (No chance actually) chances of him getting the Best Director/Film Award this year. His best chance went away way back in 1994 for Pulp Fiction.

17th February 2010, 10:05 PM
He won best writing with Roger Avary (who shouldn't be underestimated, the boxer and gold watch storyline really tied together the film structure), which was a surprise, considering the violence, swearing, irreverence, and pop culture references. I think he has good chances of getting in future. He was looked as this wild, eccentric movie freak, L'enfant terrible. But slowly, the geriatrics at the academy realize the technique and are welcoming, even embracing him. He is no longer seen as this "outsider". :)

I understand for Qt to win best director needs a bunch of cinephiles who know a bit of film history, nuances and lineage of Tarantino filmmaking. QT's mise-en-scene incl. the number of farm cows, the calabash, 35 mm nitrate films, to rope-burn are scripted already. But requires equally great direction to produce the image that would evoke senses, and produce a magical effect. A fruition of this witchcraft is dependent on recepient's mind and sense, ultimately a memory, that Martin Scorsese captures perfectly in closing comments of a documentary,
It's as if movies answer an ancient quest for the common unconscious. They fulfill a spiritual need that people have to share a common memory. Yet I don't think the academy seem to have "got it", and controlled consciousness, in absolute sense. There is an aspect of academy's purview incapable of picking on the nuances and witchery of direction. Their criteria is really short-sighted and very instinctive. Sometimes a detailed discussion and brainstorming is needed *

In some respects, Qt is no different from Martin Scorsese. who also shares his encyclopedic knowledge and has a sense of auteurism. And for a New york non-Jew ( :P ), Scorsese wasn't going to get many favors among the majority of voters. He was ignored to extent of nonchalant preference, of inferior works and mediocre direction. For example, in year-of-whores (as it were memorably nicked by its host, whoopie Goldberg), Academy ignored Scorsese (Casino) for Babe(Noonan). Direction is a diff ballpark, well outside their purview.

But one thing that Tarantino has got over Scorsese, along with other modern auteurs like Coens and PT Anderson, is to write their own scripts. Of course, Scorsese picks his favorite scripts and rewrites it, according to his vision. But there's a big difference.

(* like with a handpicked jury and have them discuss, before casting the vote, so in many ways Cannes and Palm d'or is the ultimate award to hope for, and also the universal concept of it)

17th February 2010, 10:16 PM
Good point on Tarantino over Scorsese. He writes his own scripts. Something which is to be given a good weightage while choosing great direction/ors.

Rocky over Taxi is a blasphemy.

17th February 2010, 10:29 PM
But there are also a distinctive difference which the Academy needs to differentiate, is my point. Often times, there's a deviation to the script, rewrites (memorably the whole Chinatown climax), ad lib and improv (not necessarily lines, but angles, style, behavior, reactions, etc) on-set, which are all part of the collaboration, and others times, that Scorsese himself puts it, every director will experience accidents can be the source of extraordinary poetry and beauty. (which will definitely trouble P_R a bit)

17th February 2010, 10:38 PM

(* like with a handpicked jury and have them discuss, before casting the vote, so in many ways Cannes and Palm d'or is the ultimate award to hope for, and also the universal concept of it)

17th February 2010, 10:44 PM
A memorable improv by Scorsese in "Goodfellas", "I'm here to f-in amuse you", "Funny how? what's funny about it", different cameras capturing Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta (but in real-time, almost like an act of theater) to catch the full moment, getting by the balls ( the seriousness), and ends being taking-the-piss (I almost had him! :lol: )!

Similarly, Tarantino not opting to use calabash after the first chapter, actually he brings it up in second and third acts (not chapters) of the final draft. But in process of collaboration, they don't bring it on screen. This helps us concede Landa had used it as interrogative technique to catch the french farmer off-guard. (that first chapter is like a one-act play as Waltz says in an interview, it was so much of a Leone-style filmmaking, it was shot in 3-4 days, and the work really shows)

At other times, a genius writer with a real sense of poetry and sense of rhythm, like Woody Allen, presents a difficulty of improv or ad-lib. Most of the actors who have admitted this, "how could one change those lines!" ). But sometimes, they do tend to help him out in portraying philistines and cretins (I'm led to think :lol: ). For example, Mira Sorvino playing a hooker, helped improvise the scene in her apartment with Woody in "Might Aphrodite", turning it sensual, believable, and all the more funny. She reveals this in an interview.

17th February 2010, 11:01 PM
That is a fantastic scene. :cool2: One could feel the tension in the scene. Pesci did it well. Ray Liotta manages it well till the dialog "Get outta here".

A memorable improv by Scorsese in "Goodfellas", "I'm here to f-in amuse you", "Funny how? what's funny about it", different cameras capturing Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta (but in real-time, almost like an act of theater) to catch the full moment, getting by the balls ( the seriousness), and ends being taking-the-piss (I almost had him! :lol: )!

Christoph Waltz acted so well in this scene. However the credits should be equall divided between Tarantino the writer and waltz the actor. I though the best written chapter is the meeting of the British officer with Diane Kruger in the Tavern.

Similarly, Tarantino not opting to use calabash after the first chapter, actually he brings it up in second and third acts (not chapters) of the final draft. But in process of collaboration, they don't bring it on screen. This helps us concede Landa had used it as interrogative technique to catch the french farmer off-guard. (that first chapter is like a one-act play as Waltz says in an interview, it was so much of a Leone-style filmmaking, it was shot in 3-4 days, and the work really shows)

I have seen only one film of Woody Allen. Don't know what to say.

At other times, a genius writer with a real sense of poetry and sense of rhythm, like Woody Allen, presents a difficulty of improv or ad-lib. Most of the actors who have admitted this, "how could one change those lines!" ). But sometimes, they do tend to help him out in portraying philistines and cretins (I'm led to think :lol: ). For example, Mira Sorvino playing a hooker, helped improvise the scene in her apartment with Woody in "Might Aphrodite", turning it sensual, believable, and all the more funny. She reveals this in an interview.

17th February 2010, 11:09 PM
However the credits should be equall divided between Tarantino the writer and waltz the actor.
The director too ! Because it was collaborated on set.

I though the best written chapter is the meeting of the British officer with Diane Kruger in the Tavern.

I read the leaked script before watching the film, I thought the whole ride up until the under-table Gun-sie (:lol:) is driven by extremely well-wriien dialogue, and preplanned camera movements, that it becomes increasingly difficult to separate the writer and director. But what sets it apart is that the scene on the page requires so much from sculpting, and aesthetic point of view. There is a dialectical marriage between the writer and director. You see what I mean.

17th February 2010, 11:19 PM
(which will definitely trouble P_R a bit)
I'm not troubled by the existence of such but by the joy that the creator seems to have in acknowledging it as part of "his" process. And only more surprised that Scorsese fans* are not troubled by this acknowledgement.

I will restate/elaborate a thannilai viLakkam through an example:

Even Master of Control Kurosawa - has some pleasant surprises. In throne of blood, when the warlord is coming to Mifune's house, he is out in the courtyard watching his men. One of them is trying to tame a horse in the background and the horse knocks him down, breaks a small barricade and prances. This happens in the background - almost imperceptible. A passing moment. It was thoroughly incidental. Kurosawa didn't pull a Rama.Narayanan. The animal just acted up and the way the actor in the background falls is proof of that. It was a lovely moment.

If you are eager for interpretation - like me - then one can draw parallel between that and Mifune's state of mind. A powerful man completely within his boundaries, is going to break bariers now.

These are pleasurable fancies. They will never be the important reasons why I will like the film or Kurosawa.

* of which I don't count myself as one. With the possible exception of King of Comedy I didn't find the other 2-3 I watched very impressive. As Brusiloff said of Wodehouse: not good, but not bad.

PS: I assume the rest of the discussion is about the film, which I haven't watched, so I didn't read.

17th February 2010, 11:54 PM
It was tongue-in-cheek too, because I do see why it is discomforting and where you're coming from :P

These are pleasurable fancies. They will never be the important reasons why I will like the film or Kurosawa.
Neither do I, actually. :) Scorsese wasn't referring to himself, but every director there ever has been in history of cinema.

Some of the great technical inventions in filmmaking (As in science) have been from accidents and unconsciously tried-out techniques. There is a continual experimentation over last century of filmmaking, we constantly discover and rediscover (very much a just-born) art form. Most of what we take for granted have been made both conscious and unconscious discoveries. Scorsese says that in context of say a scratch on film, or overexposed film, or missing frames in the reels (the actual invention of jump cuts :lol: ), accidental distortion of the image, to a positive effect. In fact, stylized editing techniques are most times accidents. That very progression on different levels help revolutionize & shape the art-form.

And could very much be poetical and aesthetically beautiful.

This is definitely part of the process. But not one of the most "important", however.

18th February 2010, 11:41 AM
Once I have established it is not the most important, next point in my agenda is to establish they are the least important. :P

madhdhiyaanamA varEn

18th February 2010, 02:29 PM
But it is important in evolution of the art form. That's undeniable.

You might try making a case for least importance, in context of director's process, and credit-sharing.

18th February 2010, 02:35 PM
Basically, my point being that nuances, of director's craft and process, is a different ballpark to writer's, and that's something the academy struggle to differentiate and deliberate.

18th February 2010, 02:37 PM
Jokes apart, no doubt that through accidents we stumble upon processes. And they may catch our fancy. But the conscious use of them after that is what we usually appreciate, right ?
So accidental aesthetics need to be given a nod for its charm, but not much beyond that IMO.

18th February 2010, 02:39 PM
Fair enough.

18th February 2010, 02:40 PM
Basically, my point being that nuances, of director's craft and process, is a different ballpark to writer's, and that's something the academy struggle to differentiate and deliberate. Oh okay. But the difference still is not large enough to warrant that being a principal ought-not-to-be-missed point in the academy's deliberations.

18th February 2010, 02:49 PM
Basically, my point being that nuances, of director's craft and process, is a different ballpark to writer's, and that's something the academy struggle to differentiate and deliberate. Oh okay. But the difference still is not large enough to warrant that being a principal ought-not-to-be-missed point in the academy's deliberations.

Oh, It is large enough.

We may have to tread the age-old debate of new criticism against Auteur theory. And nature of the art form itself.

This is a much different medium, and in this debate, the proponents miss the point.

Bala (Karthik)
18th February 2010, 05:10 PM

1 Quentin Tarantino / “Inglourious Basterds”

“You know somethin' Utivich, this might just be my masterpiece.” Of course, it is, sir. You have been a maverick all your life, defied conventions, had the audacity to misspell your movie title and rewrite history, but your biggest achievement, Sir Quentin, is how you have turned a handful of scenes into a two-and-a-half-hour long film with sparkling wit, delicious pop culture references and that dynamite tension. Your film is as explosive as film used to be with silver nitrate and all. You just made a scene involving a character drinking milk look like the most dangerous thing in the world. What cheek to construct a film as a series of encounters between the hunter and the hunted, letting us, the audience, in on what the characters don't know and make us sit on the edge of our seats! Clearly, the best directed film of the year. Cameron had technology, millions of dollars, 3D and what not to make his epic. You, sir, had just a few smart lines and brutal savage action. Oh, what joy to watch Hitler's face pumped with bullets and see a Nazi beaten to pulp with a baseball bat! If cinema is about gratification, escape, catharsis and celebration, you've made the single most wickedly entertaining film of the year. It may not be the best film this year, but it bears the distinct stamp of an auteur.[/tscii:2351de5985]

18th February 2010, 06:12 PM
As I replied to him in twitter, knowing how the academy operates, I don't think QT's got a chance in best film or direction this year. But he will win one eventually.

8th March 2010, 07:01 PM
Ah! finally, Hans Landa managed to bag all the top honours. Kudos.

24th April 2010, 06:26 PM
Hans Landa: "Ooooo! That's a BINGO!!....Is that how you say it?"

Aldo: .......u just say bingo......

Hans Landa: BINGO!!!

:lol: :lol:

Hans Landa and Monsieur LaPaditte in the beggining:

Hans Landa: If a rat (the rat is a symbol for jews in nazi propaganda. So in this story, the jews are being represented as the rat) ran in here now...what would u do? Would you greet it with some of your delicious milk? (Points at the glass of milk LaPaditte offered him a few mins before.) But you would if it was a squirrel wouldn't you? Rats and Squirrels are similar, they look alike if not for the tails. but you wouldn't kill a squirille if it came into your house...why? You don't know...you don't like the rats, u don't know why you don't like them...you just don't like them.

LaPaditte: ......but rats bite, they spread diseases...

Hans Landa: I'm willing to bet with you that 99% of the bacteria a rat carries can also be carried by a squirrel.

Lapaditte: ...That's an Interesting Thought....

:shock: That was one of the best scenes in the movie. Very good acting as well needless to say.

12th May 2010, 01:05 AM
I love the following scenes from Inglourious Basterds..

1. Intro Scene with Hans Landa and LaPadite..
2. Aldo Rayne welcoming Hugo Stiglitz to the Basterds camp.
3. Legendary Strudel Scene with Hans Landa and Shoshanna..
4. Hans Landa investigating Aldo Raine, Bear Jew and Little Man... especially Arrivederci from Aldo Raine.
5. The table talk with Hans Landa and Aldo Raine discussing to stop the world war... :lol: :lol:

I eagerly wait this kind of movies to be produced in India.

27th May 2010, 12:06 AM

Inglourious Bastards Extended Bar Scene HD

27th May 2010, 05:06 PM
3. Legendary Strudel Scene with Hans Landa and Shoshanna..
4. Hans Landa investigating Aldo Raine, Bear Jew and Little Man... especially Arrivederci from Aldo Raine.

I love both those scenes! Legendary Stude Scene:

Hans: Expresso for me..... Milk for the young lady.

I can't find an emoticon to show Shoshanna's expression. :( But it's a combination of " :x :idontgetit: :? :roll: " All into one. :lol2:

Ah, the arrivederci scene! Pay attention to brad pitt, he's got the same stupid face throughout the scene.

Aldo: Ariva Derchy! :lol:

Inglourious Bastards Extended Bar Scene HD

This is actually a flawless scene! There are so many good things about it.

For one: I love how they give SO MUCH Importance to the status of eachother.

Stiglitz dressed as "Oberstrumfuhrer Frankfurt" aka Lieutenant Frankfurt: Maximilain...that's a great Name!

Wilhelm: Thank you! Oberstrumfuhrer!


John: May I remind you Sargent Wilhelm that you are an Enlisted Man...THIS IS AN OFFICER"S TABLE!!!


Gestapo Major: I agree, Officer's must never Fratenize with Enlisted Men.


Gestapo Major: I'm not talking to you Oberstrumfuhrer Munich! Neither am I talking to you Oberstrumfuhrer Frankfurt...I am however talking to Hapstrumfuhrer (Captain) I-Don't-Know-What....


John: Why do you have a Walter pointed at my Testicles?

Gestapo Major: Because You've Given Yourself Up HAP-STRUM-FUHRER...


John: So What's Going To Happen STRUM-BAHN-FUHRER?


John: Welll if this is it old boy.....I hope you don't mind if I go out speakin the Kings...8-)

Gestapo Major: By all means Captain. 8-)


Michael Fassbender has done an incredible job as John the British Secret Agent!! He milks it pretty well!

"Welll if this is it old boy.....I hope you don't mind if I go out speakin the Kings..."

"There a Special Rung In Hell reserved for people who Waste Good Scotch....Seeing as I maybe Rapping around the door momentarily....(Drinks the scotch)...Must Say...Damn Good Stuff Sir..." 8-)

Why isn't Inglorious Basterds in the Poll? :?

27th May 2010, 09:06 PM
I think that Bar scene is far more difficult to "direct" than any other scene. It's just me. I think QT the filmmaker excels as much as the scriptwriter.

27th May 2010, 10:47 PM
Yeah, one reason I love Tarantino, like many others is he can show normal mundane things with such gripping and realistic Suspence. And there are so many minute details in many scenes like the bar scene, which are worth a second, and third watch. 8-)

28th May 2010, 04:31 AM
Watching the extended scenes in IB in the original dvd :thumbsup:

29th May 2010, 08:55 AM
I was breezing through the movie today, and I noticed:

Hans Landa doesn't really smoke.... :? In the first scene:

LaPaditte lights his pipe and smokes, then Hans Landa lights up his Extravagant Pipe but doesn't smoke from it.

In the Famous Strudel Scene, Hans Landa Lights a Cigg in the end, but doesn't smoke it. :P

29th May 2010, 09:04 AM
It was an investigation piece, the calabash that Landa used, to intimidate the dairy farmer.

29th May 2010, 09:38 AM
It was an investigation piece, the calabash that Landa used, to intimidate the dairy farmer.

That's why i thought too. That's why the pipe was unnecessarily extravagant when compared to LaPaditte's Modest one. :P

29th May 2010, 09:40 AM
Watching the extended scenes in IB in the original dvd :thumbsup:

has the original dvd released in India, ajithfederer?

29th May 2010, 09:42 AM
U can get the pirated version of the original in India. that's what I have, it has all the features, and it's only 40 bucks. :lol2: I love this country!

29th May 2010, 09:53 AM
You're asking the wrong person jinju. KG should be the right guy to answer this.

Watching the extended scenes in IB in the original dvd :thumbsup:

has the original dvd released in India, ajithfederer?

29th May 2010, 09:54 AM
I download most (if not all) of the films through Torrent. :D

29th May 2010, 10:11 AM
hey stiglitz, i got a pirated version for the same price but no extra features :( ...but past 2 months strict raids in cbe dvd shops, they've stopped selling those! the funniest part is, this raid was mainly done to curb the piracy of tamil films (drive initiated on behalf of sun/red giant etc it seems) but tamil new dvds awesome prints for all films till Sura are available under the counter whereas english ones r completely off the shelf :banghead: !

seri, naalekku music galleryla poyi paakka vendiyathu thaan...

Appu s
16th June 2010, 11:55 AM
Death proof- Have not seen Jackie brown,but the first no nonlinear QT film..liked it..as usual Tarantino style of characters.. :D :bow: dont know how to describe those characters but its really fun to watch them.. few characters given over reaction in few scenes....chasing scene in the climax is really good,and those songs in the Background,not sure it was composed for this movie or from other albums, too good songs used in the movie. :cool2: :thumbsup:

5th December 2010, 03:50 AM

Reservoir dogs Introduction Scene

Quentin quantin kontin you beauty 8-)

12th January 2011, 09:30 PM
Watched IB and PF (first time on blu-ray) last week. Nolan/Fincher/Coens etc. two steps back. Tarantino is the best living filmmaker in the world.

Absolutely engrossing, thoroughly rewarding, supremely entertaining films :bow:

12th January 2011, 09:33 PM
adikkadi use panra word... 'meta-' rembavE porundhum Tarantino'ku..

Coens'kum, PT Anderson'kum.

Can't pick between the three.

And yeah, Kaufman too. :)

12th January 2011, 09:44 PM
Hmm :?

Nolar - overexplain, wordy'nnu neengaLLAm oththukka maatteenga. vidunga.
But CoenergaL vida ellAm ... :huh:

KB 1 is one of my favorite films of all time. KB2 is pretty interesting too.

mathapadi enakku avvaLavA pudichadhu illai. PF reNdu thadavai paakkalaam.

I have not seen IB. I saw one intree of his about how he was writing. 'creating moments' etc. oru maadhiri kaduppAyiruchu.

12th January 2011, 09:46 PM
Also I don't get his references (niRaiya irukkumaamE, Homage-fromage ellAm).

12th January 2011, 09:48 PM
ippa enna prachanai saar ungalukku? :P

12th January 2011, 09:51 PM
But CoenergaL vida ellAm ... :huh:

Avinga form seriyillai. Actually I like NCFOM a lot and it was you who said it was underwhelming (correct-aa). And I think you said BAR is good but not great. I am positive you have not seen True Grit and I dont know if you have seen 'A serious man'. ASM was a mokkai to me and TG was OK-good.

The only unimpressive Tarantino film is Jackie Brown.

12th January 2011, 09:53 PM
Coenargal are as wordy as Kaufman. They don't indulge in over-exposition, no?

12th January 2011, 09:55 PM
But Nolan's strike rate is high compared to all these filmmakers :P.

Very original films, Multiple Genres and probably one of the few directors who have mixed serious cinema with blockbuster action in my memory. This guy can only can get better.

12th January 2011, 10:09 PM
The only unimpressive Tarantino film is Jackie Brown.Oh adhu vERaiyA. :lol2:
Naan innum pArkkalai.

The first QT film I have watched is KB1. It has been downhill from there for me.

Coens yes uneven.
But even BAR is so damn good. Meta-nA idhu meta. Perhaps I confuse content and making etc. Much respect comes for people who have such a conception of absurdity, characters etc.

QT's character quirks, famous dialocks, cinematic moments - have never blown my socks off.

12th January 2011, 10:12 PM
Word 'action' might be misleading. But if you're referring to what I think you are. Nolan is extremely derivative and relatively drab at such sequences. There are exceptions: the zero gravity sequence - though derivative - in Inception, the chase sequence in Insomnia, and the highway confrontation in Dark Knight while the bank sequence is again extremely derivative of Michael Mann, one of Nolan's touchstone references in 'action' choreography and visual sense (along with Ridley Scott).

OTOH, I find Coens and Tarantino far more inventive, exciting & subversive in action sequences. NCFOM, and Kill Bill are perfect and the filmmakers are so much more careful in both cases. No sloppiness. Car chase towards end of Death Proof and Finney's Thompson submach fight back in Miller's Crossing'lam 'vAippillAmai'-nga.

12th January 2011, 10:18 PM
while the bank sequence is again extremely derivative of Michael Mann I don't think I have seen any Mann films to comment but it was easily the most impressive opening scenes I've ever seen.

The much reviled snow fight in Inception was something I found breathtaking.

12th January 2011, 10:21 PM
The Big Lebowski, The Man Who Wasn't there, A Serious Man, Barton Fink, Fargo are all 'meta-'.

And in case of Tarantino, Inglorious, Pulp Fiction'lam rembavE meta-, phorical, estra ecstra-nga. Even Kill Bill is 'meta-' for its genre. itha pathi ippa solra alavukku theramaiyO porumaiyO illa, maybe later.

12th January 2011, 10:22 PM
The snow fight is what I'd call 'sloppy'. Even low grade filmmakers of Bond series have done better.

6th September 2011, 11:47 AM

6th September 2011, 11:56 AM
Btw, how unsurprising would it be if QT's idea of 'photo booth' in the house came from Godard's "Masculin Feminin"

6th September 2011, 12:16 PM
:lol: I belief Charlie Sheen got similar "weakness". Stanley will confirm this :razz:

21st July 2012, 01:19 AM
Django Unchained.. Releasing 25-Dec-2012..


21st July 2012, 06:04 PM
Not that impressive compared to "The Master"..

14th August 2015, 04:45 PM

(credits : www.denofgeek.us)

1. The Bounty Hunter (Samuel L. Jackson as Major Marquis Warren)

2. The Hangman (Kurt Russell as John Ruth)

3. The Prisoner (Jennifer Jason Leigh as Daisy Domergue)

4. The Sheriff (Walton Goggins as Chris Mannix)

5. The Mexican (Demian Bichir as Bob)

6. The Little Man (Tim Roth as Oswaldo Mobray)

7. The Cow Puncher (Michael Madsen as Joe Gage)

8. The Confederate (Bruce Dern as General Sanford Smithers)

14th August 2015, 04:51 PM
Hateful Eight, The 8th film by Quentin Tarantino



One of them fellas, is not what he says he is.


14th August 2015, 04:59 PM
Hateful Eight Stills


http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjAzODUyMzU4M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzA5MDM1NjE@._ V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg


14th August 2015, 04:59 PM
Hateful Eight Character Posters

2 & 3 : The Hangman & The Prisoner

4 : The Sheriff

5 : The Mexican

21st October 2015, 11:20 AM
QT's the man and H8 is the big one to wait for.