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11th January 2005, 04:36 PM
Hi all,

If any of you here do regular workouts at the gym, or fitness clubs, I think it would be great, if we can share the different types of exercises, so that every one can benefit from them.

Exercises, for Pecks, Biceps, Triceps, Traps and the abs would be really use full, if any one in is interested, please post some useful exercise here, so we can have healthy discussion leading to a healthy life, it would be great if some Doctors participate here as well. 8) 8) 8)

11th January 2005, 09:28 PM
aha, eight ppl have already viewed this page, but not a single post

11th January 2005, 10:42 PM
hey. im a fitness fanatic too. yoga(for spiritual excersize :P), and in general working out, i am fanatic about. i hit the gym everyday. what kind of abs strengthening excersize do you do? i usually do the plank, then do some pilates stuff (for abs, i usually hate pilates. shameful i know). and then crunches, 'climbing the rop' stuff.
my motto in life(among other), which i try hard to live by, is mens sana in corpore sano, a healthy mind exists only in a healthy body. im a health fanatic as you might have guessed. this is such a nice topic :D

12th January 2005, 09:40 PM
Thanks for replying dude, :D yes, I love to do Yoga, but don’t have the time or convenience to do L , now if u want to exercise your mind, take up meditation AND read the Bhavad Gita.

Now coming, coming back to training the body, the best exercise for abs are two different one, if you want strengthen your abs, then do crunchies with weights attached to your legs ,as u know every one has abs, but if u want them to visible, then u got to burn the fat dude, that is the ONLY way.

If u don’t mind me asking, r u a female or male, cos exercises vary a lot from men to ladies :D :D

Now, if you want bulk muscle mass (if u r a guy :D :D ) , then you will need to do heavy weights with few reps, but if u want to tone up, then u do lighter weights with higher reps, I belong to the first category 8) 8)

Do reply back thanks

13th January 2005, 08:22 AM
i actually do meditation and read form either the vedas, upanishads, or the gita. depends on my mood. i mostly do karyotsarg, wonderful form of combining yoga with meditation imo. totally makes me peaceful

and yeah im female

and i find that pilates, however much i HATE it(did i mention i find it totally boring and how much i hated it?), does WONDERS for my abs, i get em very defined with a combination of old fashioned crunshes, plank poses, yoga(suryanamaska is wonderful, as well as ustrasana), pilates etcetc. u get the picture.
ahhhh its so frustrating though. i went to my aunts house for a week and i put on like 5 lbs. :( so sad. but im working it off(have been saying so for the past umm let's see, i lost count of how many weeks ive been saying this.). i do insane amount of cardio. btw my orthopedic surgeon and my physical therapist told me to not put individual weights on my legs because it can tear the miniscus/ligaments. i would know since i tore quite a few(thanx to 16 years of karate with my brother as my usual opponent when free fighting, and mistaken judgement)

let me know ur fitness routine. itll be fun to compare. yes i am a fitness geek as u can very well tell

13th January 2005, 10:06 AM
It's really funny that very fit people are termed 'freaks' and 'fanatics'!!

I have been a long distance runner from college days and I have made it a routine to jog 6 to 8 kms every morning starting at 5.30 AM. After coming back I do Surya Namaskar. And there ends my fitness programme. And I am sure Iam very fit, staying at 67-68 kgs at 5'9" height.
But I feel what is equally important along with physical fitness routine, is the mental make up. If you are happy, peaceful, light hearted, considereate, philosophical and smiling, devoid of meanness, jealousy.. then you look young and stay young.

13th January 2005, 06:51 PM
Hi kanumma,

I thought you might be a girl :D .

now, coming back to exercises, ladies exercises vary a great deal from men, men mainly work on the upper body(like me 8) 8) )
such as chest, shoulders and arms, but miss out on the legs(like me :cry: :cry: ), which left with a big upper body and skinny legs, I hate working my legs.

but the girls concentrate much on legs and abs, I work out 5 days a week, some days, I have great workouts, the other days, just tired and not much. I used to be 14.2 stones and I lost 4 stones in 6 weeks, I am now, 10.2 stones. I felt great out of this world, when I lost 4 stones, I ran most of the times, I hardly walk, I run up the escalators :D :D

But Now I am trying to concentrate on Building Huge muscles, had about 60% success, hope fully & by the grace of almighty, within the next 6 months, I will achieve my goal J. I had to do all these as I act in Films(hero) 8) 8) :D :D

Now regarding the Mind, I imagine a picture of ‘Shivalingam’ in my mind, my mind gets immediate relief!!!!


U jog for 5 miles, amazing man, u must be super fit!!!, but fitness & strength is different issue :D :D

13th January 2005, 10:11 PM
wow shekar, i totally aree with you. very nicely put:). i make it a point on one day to increase my cardio. i jog like 6 miles too. but on one day of the week, i like to challenge myself, and make it 8, or ten. i dont usually get to ten coz i get bored, nut you know what i mean.
but you put it really beautifully

13th January 2005, 10:31 PM
pls don't be offended by me asking u if u r from canada, I did not want to ask anything personal, but I really did have friend in Canada Called 'Kannama', but I lost in touch hence I asked you .
now coming back to that 5lbs u gained, did u manage to get rid of it, if so how did u do it?, were u paying particular attention to your diet and how many minutes do u run a day on treadmill?

Shekar ji,
did u loose any weight by running like Ninja ?
Do you guys know about the BMI?

13th January 2005, 10:52 PM
pls don't be offended by me asking u if u r from canada, I did not want to ask anything personal, but I really did have friend in Canada Called 'Kannama', but I lost in touch hence I asked you .
now coming back to that 5lbs u gained, did u manage to get rid of it, if so how did u do it?, were u paying particular attention to your diet and how many minutes do u run a day on treadmill?

Shekar ji,
did u loose any weight by running like Ninja ?
Do you guys know about the BMI?

ehehhe im not offended at all. my name's not kannuma, its anu. kannuma is me when im all gushy mushy and missing my bf. his name's kanna. i live in the us(for 3 years, well going on 4), before i used to live in holland(12-13 years).
ok those 5 lbs, seem to be stuck to me with superglue. those 5 lbs are the source, of many things including a part time nervous breakdown(god bless taht one, got me out of a bpring class), yelling at my brother for having the constitution that i want(the one where u can eat whtever u want), and most of all: times where i have declared war on diets and eaten 3 slices of cheesecake one after the other. ok im just making fun of myself here, but u get the idea. id dint lose weight. i usually do 45 mins of cardio. but i lift a lot of weights too(after 20, ur musclemass declinesssssss), maybe thats hindering my weight loss. i dunno

14th January 2005, 05:31 PM
HI kanuma :),

Thanks for the reply, I would like to keep this thread going 8) .

Yes, I agree you loos a bit of Muscle mass, after 20 :( , but did you know, you burn off more calories doing weights than Cardio, the reason being, in Cardio, you only loose calories while running, but when you do weight training, you are burning calories as you are lifting and when you are sleeping / resting as well, this is due to new muscle fibres growing :D .

Ok, I have question for you, you being a lady may know the answer for this :) , I really have this bad habits of washing my hands many times, this is now being declared as OCD :cry: , my hands are terribly dry, and even the skin started cracking, I tried many hand creams, like Cocoa butter, E45, ..etc. but nothing seems to work, I will be seeing a doctor, but do you have any suggestions.

Happy pongal :) let's pray to the lord, for a peace full, world, where ppl are not arrogant, ignorant towards the lord.

14th January 2005, 11:14 PM
HI kanuma :),

Thanks for the reply, I would like to keep this thread going 8) .

Yes, I agree you loos a bit of Muscle mass, after 20 :( , but did you know, you burn off more calories doing weights than Cardio, the reason being, in Cardio, you only loose calories while running, but when you do weight training, you are burning calories as you are lifting and when you are sleeping / resting as well, this is due to new muscle fibres growing :D .

Ok, I have question for you, you being a lady may know the answer for this :) , I really have this bad habits of washing my hands many times, this is now being declared as OCD :cry: , my hands are terribly dry, and even the skin started cracking, I tried many hand creams, like Cocoa butter, E45, ..etc. but nothing seems to work, I will be seeing a doctor, but do you have any suggestions.

Happy pongal :) let's pray to the lord, for a peace full, world, where ppl are not arrogant, ignorant towards the lord.

happy pongal/ugadi/sankaranti etc etc :)
well this might sound weird, but put some vaselin on your hands before sleeping(thick layer) and some cotton gloves. the next morning, your hands will be petal soft. i promise(i do this after my ceramics class, esp when its winter. the clay dries my skin very badly and add to that the biting wind and snow. it works wonders)

15th January 2005, 09:50 AM
..but fitness & strength is different issue :D :D

Raghu you are very right. Strength is not in the muscles.. it is in the mind.

Shekar ji,
did u loose any weight by running like Ninja ?
Do you guys know about the BMI?

I have been jogging for more than a decade and a half now seven days a week round the year. My calories in and calories out must have got balanced long back. So there is no weight loss. On the other hand I have gained 2-3 kgs in the past ten years.

Raghu, I donot know what is BMI. Can you please tell us?

15th January 2005, 09:55 AM
wow shekar, i totally aree with you. very nicely put:). i make it a point on one day to increase my cardio. i jog like 6 miles too. but on one day of the week, i like to challenge myself, and make it 8, or ten. i dont usually get to ten coz i get bored, nut you know what i mean.
but you put it really beautifully

Nice to know you are a jogger too. Jogging becomes addictive after some time and becomes a part of your routine. It exerts your body but relaxes your mind, I really enjoy it!
I used to run 8-10 Kms in my college because I competed 5000 Mtrs event. But afterwards it is limited to 6-7 kms. But I don't understand the boring part. . I switch off my mind..it is like trance or more like meditation .. difficult to explain. 4kms or 6 or 10 makes no difference.

16th January 2005, 04:40 PM
Does BMI mean Body Mass Indix? What is it??

17th January 2005, 07:20 AM
Shekhar, yes, it refers to that.
BMI equals a person's weight in kgs over height in metre2.
Eg, you are 70kgs, 1.80m tall
Your BMI will be: 70/1.8squared
: 21.6
Based on the BMI table below, you would fall at normal/ideal weight for your height.

BMI Weight Status
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal
25.0 – 29.9 Overweight
30.0 and Above Obese

17th January 2005, 03:46 PM

Thanks for the info.
But a little doubt. In your example the body wt. is 60 Kg.In the formula it is 70. What is the changing equation?

And is this BMI true for all races and regions??

17th January 2005, 04:18 PM
Shekar ji :)

Yes, A.ratchasi is right abooy BMI,

try this link to work it out



Thanks for the suggestion, I will try that :)

17th January 2005, 06:14 PM

How did you upload that Picture in that link, provided, please provide the info very clearly so that I can understand the procedure :D

18th January 2005, 06:16 AM
Shekhar, thanks for pointing that out.
It's a typo. Weight should read as 70kgs.

Have revised the actual posting for the benefit of others.

Though I doubt on the accuracy for Asians, it is good enough an indicator.

18th January 2005, 10:14 AM
Raghu, thanx for the link.
I thought I should put a bit of what I picked up from the link here.

"IMPORTANT: Please note that BMI is not as accurate if you are an athlete or very muscled (muscle weighs more than fat), as it can push you into a higher BMI category despite having a healthy level of body fat. It is also not accurate for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or people who are frail."

Nevertheless as ratchasi said, it is good enough indicator.

18th January 2005, 11:06 AM
Got this from yahoo news.
May give an idea or two for would be health freaks :D

Best Fitness Routine May Depend on Personality


18th January 2005, 05:06 PM

It is a very nice article you gave.
I think after one tries this and that type of exercise, he/she will settle down to the type that suits his/her personality. For me my morning run, and workout afterwards, is very personal. I use that private hour for a lot of interospection. So it is very sacred to me. I feel disturbed when some one intrudes upon it, like an acquintance stopping me in the middle of my jogging to have a chat. (unless ofcourse it is a cute girl in shorts and t-shirt. :D :D )

19th January 2005, 08:19 AM
I feel disturbed when some one intrudes upon it, like an acquintance stopping me in the middle of my jogging to have a chat. (unless ofcourse it is a cute girl in shorts and t-shirt. :D :D )

I feel the same, Shekhar.
People at times feel that it is their birth right to update the poor soul who is workingout about the happenings in their day to day life.

I workout alone and will be sticking to it as I feel it adds serenity. Besides, it is those one of the rare moments where I get spend quality time with me, me and me with full concentration.

Likewise, I do have exceptions.
I wouldnt say no to a hunk, would I? :lol: :wink:

20th January 2005, 01:53 AM

How did you upload that Picture in that link, provided, please provide the info very clearly so that I can understand the procedure :D

in the signature box i just used pasted the url of the image.
hope that helps :)

24th January 2005, 04:48 PM

You said.
'I wouldnt say no to a hunk, would I? '

Er I thought you were too much in love with your BF, hence you have included his name in your name :? :D

24th January 2005, 05:00 PM

You said.
'I wouldnt say no to a hunk, would I? '

Er I thought you were too much in love with your BF, hence you have included his name in your name :? :D

This is the problem with marrying twins.The husband won't know whether its his wife or her sis.

But an outsider who is not involved recognises instantly.What do you say Raghu? 8) :wink:

24th January 2005, 05:15 PM
Blah Blah Blah

Ithu Konjam overa illa :D

24th January 2005, 05:19 PM
Blah Blah Blah

Ithu Konjam overa illa :D

:D :D :wink: You know better!

25th January 2005, 11:06 AM

You said.
'I wouldnt say no to a hunk, would I? '

Er I thought you were too much in love with your BF, hence you have included his name in your name :? :D

where did i say 'i wouldnt say no to a hunk would i?' sorry dont remember typing it. i really cant find where i typed it, and i know i didnt... is there another kannuma on this board maybe :P

25th January 2005, 11:19 AM
Kannuma,you evidently haven't seen or didn't grasp my post and Raghu's reply.It was Ratchasi who wrote that and as your Avatars are similar,Raghu thought its you. :D

25th January 2005, 04:10 PM

I am terribly sorry, I got mixed up with u and a.ratchasi :( :(


Itha munadiye soli irrukalame pa :x :lol: :lol:

26th January 2005, 09:26 AM

I am terribly sorry, I got mixed up with u and a.ratchasi :( :(

Raghu.. are you married?!! If you are, better be careful. Such mixups will land you in big time trouble !!! :D :D

27th January 2005, 08:10 PM
Shekar ji,

The wife issue was funny

:lol2: :lol:

Any way, I want to ask something, is there any specific exercise that will eliminate that little bit of flabby fat on the side of your abs, known as oblique :?

27th January 2005, 09:16 PM
Shekar ji,

The wife issue was funny

:lol2: :lol:

Any way, I want to ask something, is there any specific exercise that will eliminate that little bit of flabby fat on the side of your abs, known as oblique :?
try the plank pose on your side. it's a very simple but effective way imo to get rid of love handles.

27th January 2005, 09:36 PM

what is a plank pose :? , can u provude anu urls.

and do reply to my email, thanks :)

thank you very much

28th January 2005, 09:43 AM
Any way, I want to ask something, is there any specific exercise that will eliminate that little bit of flabby fat on the side of your abs, known as oblique :?

To my knowledge, that is most difficult thing to get rid off. The best exercise for that is rope climbing. It just works wonders on you!!

28th January 2005, 03:40 PM

and where am I suppose to go Rope Climbing in london? :D :D :D

2nd February 2005, 10:07 PM
Dear Freaks :)

Is there any way Formula, which can work out the rate of your metabolism, while resting and lifting weights, :? , if so can some one post that here please.


10th February 2005, 09:24 PM
when you are hungry, does it mean that have burnt more calories than you have consumed?

17th February 2005, 06:44 PM
Humm... i work out in Gym for 2 hrs a day... But I am not consistant...
I will give gaps often... but usually i try to cope up...
Raghu, let me tell you some thing, i heard people say, when we are hungry
the digestive system takes out our fat & Burn it for Energy, but there are
tons of side effects, the first thing is ULSER... you can never get rid of it
if you stay hungry... and yr brain cells get weaken...

Then Ground Exercise burns more calories than Machine exercises... its ratio is
to 3:1... Calories burn when your body sweats, not becz of yr Muscle moments.
Then Regarding Building Muscles, we can discuss our Daily Routines in a cycle.

18th February 2005, 01:05 PM
Hi Raghu.

You might have found out what a plank pose is afterall.
Anyways, here is an URL for yoga buffs:


18th February 2005, 02:35 PM

and where am I suppose to go Rope Climbing in london? :D :D :D

Try London Bridge or West Minister.

Anyway one easy way is to eat slow and chew well. This way the food will be digested faster letting your stomach contract and at the same time giving you faster energy.

Otherway is to take more liquidy food. Drink lot of water.

when you are hungry, does it mean that have burnt more calories than you have consumed?

Then I must be burning a lot of calories.

18th February 2005, 02:46 PM
Strategy says "Restless" people are think always!!

18th February 2005, 05:40 PM
I will tell u all ONE SINGLE tip, which increases ur metobolism rate.


Do not take lifts, instead take STAIRS. The higher u stay, (in ur flat/office) better it is.

Simple steps(steps it is) which ALL CAN FOLLOW. Just TRY for atleast 6 months. U WOULD FIND DIFF. (atleast 100 steps a day)

21st February 2005, 07:52 PM
Raghu, let me tell you some thing, i heard people say, when we are hungry
the digestive system takes out our fat & Burn it for Energy, but there are
tons of side effects, the first thing is ULSER... you can never get rid of it
if you stay hungry... and yr brain cells get weaken...

Then Ground Exercise burns more calories than Machine exercises... its ratio is
to 3:1... Calories burn when your body sweats, not becz of yr Muscle moments.
Then Regarding Building Muscles, we can discuss our Daily Routines in a cycle.

Hello :D
Yes, it is very bad to starve to get slim, the best way to loose weight is to burn more calories than you consume, by a 5 days a week exercise routine & Calorie control diet, the diet should have high contents of Protein! alcohol & smoking are other factor that makes you put on weight!

Been going to gym 5 days a week, mainly doing weights, to put on muscle mass, an instructor told me to get big muscles, do really heavy weights but fewer reps, I have done that in the last 2 months, and I have noticed a big difference in my chest & arms, it has gone bulky 8) :D .

But the problem is I have very thin legs, and they are weak, even though I always run to work, run up the escalators, because I am always late for work :( , still my legs are thin and weak, esp. the part below the knee, don't know what exercise to do to make them big and strong :cry:, which makes me end a with a huge upper body and skinny legs :( . any ideas

21st February 2005, 07:55 PM
Hi Raghu.

You might have found out what a plank pose is afterall.
Anyways, here is an URL for yoga buffs:


hello A.Ratchasi

thanks for the info :D , here in Oxford Street, they have 'Rada Krishna' temple, where they teach Meditation, I am going to give a it a go and post my experience here :D

21st February 2005, 07:58 PM

and where am I suppose to go Rope Climbing in london? :D :D :D

Try London Bridge or West Minister.

r u kidding dude, I am terrified of heights :D

21st February 2005, 08:00 PM
Do not take lifts, instead take STAIRS. The higher u stay, (in ur flat/office) better it is.

Simple steps(steps it is) which ALL CAN FOLLOW. Just TRY for atleast 6 months. U WOULD FIND DIFF. (atleast 100 steps a day)

welcome to the freak zone :)

er, I run up the staires rather than walking 8) :lol:

21st February 2005, 09:49 PM
uh oh okei raghu,


22nd February 2005, 04:20 PM
uh oh okei raghu,


Purinchukonda Sarithan :lol: , Only joking Shakthi

22nd February 2005, 04:46 PM
Hi Raghu, You r really struck with the place where most of the guys get in to!!
You have to concentrate enuff for yr legs too, as much as you bother about your cheast and Bisceps!!
Three Muscles to bother in legs are...

1. Thighs
you can do Quad, legpress, leg extension Excersises

2. Glutes,
you have to do the Leg Extension by lying by facing downwards.. there's one more excersise, i forgot the name..

3. Then the third and the one you bother is Calves..
for this do Calve rise, seated calve rise!! on doing this Increase the counts per SET, like 25 to 30!! try to run in yr toe, to get it better.... Don't try runnin in yr toes in Machine, it will hurt yr ankle..

22nd February 2005, 05:01 PM
Hi Raghu, You r really struck with the place where most of the guys get in to!!
You have to concentrate enuff for yr legs too, as much as you bother about your cheast and Bisceps!!
Three Muscles to bother in legs are...

So true, typical Guy's work out :D 8)

3. Then the third and the one you bother is Calves..
for this do Calve rise, seated calve rise!! on doing this Increase the counts per SET, like 25 to 30!! try to run in yr toe, to get it better.... Don't try runnin in yr toes in Machine, it will hurt yr ankle..

Ok, I shall give it a go dude, and get back to you, I guess I will have to train & build the legs as well, even though it is highly boring :( .

thank you very much for your Info Akash :D

22nd February 2005, 05:04 PM
:thumbsup: you r welcome all the time!!

22nd February 2005, 05:46 PM
Hi Akash!

What are you aiming to become? - Schwarzenegar? :lol:

I think what is attractive in a man is the athletic looking body, relaxed and tempting.. (Well that's the feedback from my girl friends :wink:) Where as a body builder's body is very stiff.

The real attraction comes from a pleasant personality which oozes confidence, but not obtrusive; respectful but not submissive; humurous but not vulgar; elegant but not gaudy..
You just do what you are doing in your avtar.. you will be doing fine!! :)

22nd February 2005, 05:58 PM
Shekar, just becz you r tiny, don't pull your gal friends for support!!
c, to get gals you needed'nt put these much efforts... :wink:

22nd February 2005, 06:18 PM
Shekar, just becz you r tiny, don't pull your gal friends for support!!
c, to get gals you needed'nt put these much efforts... :wink:

Who is tiny buddy? I am 5'9".and well built.
Girlfriends to MY support!! What a joke!!! :shock: :lol:
There is a lot of sense in what I have said, especially about personality Akash, take it or leave it.. :|

22nd February 2005, 06:22 PM
I ment to say, Doing Exercise is not for Profession, or to attract some one... its for our own happiness...
If i like Heavy exercise, i do!! if yoga some days.. that's fine!! So far we do some thing, lets follow the proper procedure... that's it!!
Then regarding you Personality Tips... :clap:

22nd February 2005, 08:02 PM
I ment to say, Doing Exercise is not for Profession, or to attract some one... its for our own happiness...

yes, exactly right, :thumbsup:

Now coming back to the topic, regarding biceps, when I started doing weights, my Biceps were 13 inches and now they are 16.5 inches, same size as my neck, but I want it to be alleast 18inches,
I have tried 'Barbell curls', 'Dumbell curls', 'EZ curls','Preacher curls' and they are not helping much, now any other suggestions, plz, Mind you I am a Vegetarian, so my protien intakes are limited :(

23rd February 2005, 06:01 PM
16.5 is Good Enuf Raghu, If you want more... then let me give the tips, its upto you to decide if you want 18 or not.....

think you know this basics, Heavy weights with 10+ counts will give bulgy size and quite less weight with 20+ counts will give good shape with the same size... So you decide what will fit your need.

Then regarding work outs, Preacher Curls will really help, that is other wise called Machine Curls... try with that with Dumbells & BarBells as well. Try Concentration curls, that is equally good (you can't put more weights in this work out) !!

Remember when ever you do Other Biceps in standing position, especially during SUPER Sets, some of yr effort will be shared with Shoulders on lifting, bit on Chest and while you drop down your triceps will get some gains... So prefer doing Sitting work outs... especially Concentration Curls...

Then regarding the protein content in Veg, i exactly dont know,as i am Non-Veg... if you take egg that's Good, fish and Mutton will do great

23rd February 2005, 07:36 PM
think you know this basics, Heavy weights with 10+ counts will give bulgy size and quite less weight with 20+ counts will give good shape with the same size... So you decide what will fit your need.

Then regarding work outs, Preacher Curls will really help, that is other wise called Machine Curls... try with that with Dumbells & BarBells as well. Try Concentration curls, that is equally good (you can't put more weights in this work out) !!

Remember when ever you do Other Biceps in standing position, especially during SUPER Sets, some of yr effort will be shared with Shoulders on lifting, bit on Chest and while you drop down your triceps will get some gains... So prefer doing Sitting work outs... especially Concentration Curls...

Yes, thanks for the tips, I knew that doing Biceps exercise, while standing up, involves, lot of cheating, like swinging your back while doing barbell curls, but the problem with seated biceps exercise is that, except concentration curl, ur movements area are restricted :( :( , other thing is that, when you do heavier weights with fewer reps, your arms don't hurt, so u don't get that nice feeling, but then again, if it is going to add bulk, I shall give it a go for couple of weeks and get back to you.

thanks again dude :D

4th March 2005, 06:22 PM

dude, how are you?

I am Ok, any way, listen just like younsaid, I have incresed my weights a lot when doing the Concentration curl, it did not hurt the following morning, but my Biceps look bigger than b4, plus it feels like a rock! 8) 8) 8) :thumbsup:

I think I am going to go heavier, next time, say 22.5kg of dumbell in each hand and c the results :wink:

5th March 2005, 07:14 PM
Dude, cool!! it will work well....

But again i am saying the same if you put effort you can make size bigger.!! make sure if you really want that kind. ok!!

7th March 2005, 08:16 PM

how are you dude?

Right, yes I am going to keep on increasing the weights till July, so that I will be really Big, then I want to get defined, so I will use lighter weights and increase my reps, that would give me the best Definition right?

How much & often do you train?

8th March 2005, 09:55 AM
how are you dude?

Good, Shekar has closed his thread or else he wud have nominated this thread for "Most misusing for Personal Messaging" nnu :lol: :lol:

Then regarding yr work-out plan... great to hear... Good to know, you can schedule good time for yr fitness....

About me, as i said earlier, i am not consistant!! you know... i am still not that good in scheduling my time. As discussed in thread "Working late hours"... I have give more importance to my personal desires too.. :cry: :cry:

You keep going :P :P , i will catch up soon :oops:

8th March 2005, 09:57 AM
You keep going , i will catch up soon

Aakash...with your constant running, you still haven't caught up???

8th March 2005, 10:07 AM
Man its almost like, i am running in a treadmill!! i have'nt moved an inch further :roll:

8th March 2005, 10:26 AM
As Obelix would say, "These running Sonics are crazy!"

That is the name of your avatar, isnt it? Sonic???

8th March 2005, 10:31 AM
yea, you are perfect!!

8th March 2005, 10:33 AM
I endeavour to satisy!! :wink:

9th March 2005, 09:00 AM
Does anyone know anything abt Taichi ?

12th March 2005, 09:03 PM
Does anyone know anything abt Taichi ?

Try Google :D

Akash Ji

Whilst trying some silly movement in the gym, I managed to dis locate my right hand, man the pain was like hell on earth!!! :cry: :cry: , no more training for a while now :cry: :cry: :(

But My Mantra Om namashivaya keeps me going 8)

15th March 2005, 03:39 PM
Man, thats really bad!! How do you feel now.. pls take care..

Pls do the arm moments as per Physio advises!! when i was kid, once i had a fracture in my arm wrist.. and once the band-aid was removed... physio advised me to apply some gel on my wrist and to do Regular wrist moments...

I have'nt did it playfully.. now i can't bend my wrist backwords as other hand.... so you know... i cant take push ups with my palm down, since then i am using Push up stands :(...

So pls make sure yr hand recovers completely and don't try any thing in Enthu or in careless

15th March 2005, 04:03 PM
Pls do the arm moments as per Physio advises!! when i was kid, once i had a fracture in my arm wrist.. and once the band-aid was removed... physio advised me to apply some gel on my wrist and to do Regular wrist moments...

I have'nt did it playfully.. now i can't bend my wrist backwords as other hand.... so you know... i cant take push ups with my palm down, since then i am using Push up stands :(...

So pls make sure yr hand recovers completely and don't try any thing in Enthu or in careless

Really sad about your wrist, are you still :( seeing a physio about that?

yes, I am going to c a physio soon, I still have num above my triceps, it has no feelings, the dr said, it will take about 6 weeks to heal completely, I am off fromwork for a while.I guess I have to avoid chest and shoulder excercises for a while :cry: :cry:

take care friend,

Om Namashivaya

5th April 2005, 05:57 PM
Akask Ji,

It has been 4 weeks since I have dis located my Arms from the shoulder, the littele pain is still there, but I did not do any Bench presses or chest Flys (Both Machine ones and dumbell ones) for the last week, I used to do 70 kg Bench press on an Flat Bench and a 30 degrees inclined bench, more than my body weight :shock: , but now, obviosuly I can not do that, shall I start bench presses with a very light weights, what do you suggest, I still have not seen my physio, as I have not book an appointment yet

6th April 2005, 12:35 PM
A Late entrant into the famous fitness parlour of the hub.
I have started to work out and for a monster like me it is extremely painful and I am loving it. One different thing I am doing this time from the previous times I worked out (and left it half way) is to stop looking at my weight every week. I am enjoying the sweat and that makes me feel great!!! As far as jogging is concerned, lack of proper tracks or roads around my house make it difficult for me to jog/walk, so I treadmill 15-20 mins. I hope to get in some good shape b4 my marriage.

6th April 2005, 03:54 PM

Welcome to the freaks land, if you want tips on loosing weights, fire away with questions :)

6th April 2005, 08:21 PM
my only problem is a pot belly and i can't jog a lot also as the terrain is rough and the gym doesn't have a tread mill where i can run. only a tread mill where i can walk. it has a stepper and then a cycle where u can exercise arms as well. Then there is an instrument where u can raise ur self as if rowng in a boat. Which one should i put more effort to lose abdominal fat?

6th April 2005, 10:07 PM
my only problem is a pot belly and i can't jog a lot also as the terrain is rough and the gym doesn't have a tread mill where i can run. only a tread mill where i can walk. it has a stepper and then a cycle where u can exercise arms as well. Then there is an instrument where u can raise ur self as if rowng in a boat. Which one should i put more effort to lose abdominal fat?

Treadmill is the best, to loose your pot belly, u need to burn a hell of a lot fat, if you burn about 400 calories a day you can loose about 2 kg per month

1g of Fat = 10 Cal

so you can work out the maths, but no point in burning 400 calories a day and eating like devil. Every one has six packs(abs Muscles) but a big layer of fat is covering it, so the bset way to get rid of it do enough Cardio ex. then use crunches or sit ups to tone the muscle, belly chest and obliques (side of the belly) are the difficult places to tone, as you don't use any of these muscles, compared to your arms(biceps) and legs (quads/Calfs).

7th April 2005, 10:52 AM
hmmm That was good deal of info.
thanks raghu!
I have already cut down on rice. So my cal intake is lesser than what it used to be. more juices and fruits in the diet. I am getting loads of mail which say do this or do that after lunch. u have any idea on dos and dont's just after lunch?

7th April 2005, 10:57 AM

Glad I got married before I went all to pot!!!

Tread away, Thambi JG, tread away...and why don't you look in on the Healthy Lifestyle thread while you tread?

Dev has done an admirable job with loads of nutritional info...

7th April 2005, 11:13 AM
hello badri!
Thanks for the info. I will look into that thread as well.
It is not for marriage, just that gym opened in my apartment only recently and i have run out of excuses to my brother not to do some exercises... he he he he

7th April 2005, 03:01 PM
enna oru samallippu prairie?? Had you told this a couple of weeks before, your roasting would've been that much more effective. :wink:

Jokes apart, appreciate the way you have shrugged your procrastination on gymming. Better you enroll yourself in a well-equipped gym for faster and better results.

7th April 2005, 03:09 PM
Most of the hi fi gyms in Bangalore are in Indira Nagar and other areas far from my house. Most of the gyms in Bangalore do not a have a tread mill where you can run. It means that I have to walk painfully slow fearing when I might fall down. And considering my weight, it would be catastrophic for fellow gymmers too. And BTW, u haven't shown up in roasting thread.. this weeks flavour is our long distance runner Shri. Shekhar. Go feast yourself. akka.. :thumbsup:

7th April 2005, 03:19 PM

I suggest you find your self a Personal Trainer, and stick to the routine, it is costly but highly worth it, you can avoid injuries as well.

wish I had done this, before dis locating my arm :cry: :cry: :cry:

7th April 2005, 04:03 PM
Is it a must for the set of exercises to be done every day or lets say 4 days a week.
If let us say that there is a break in training, what should we do?

7th April 2005, 04:17 PM
Is it a must for the set of exercises to be done every day or lets say 4 days a week.
If let us say that there is a break in training, what should we do?

NO, as u r a begginer, I would suggest you do 4 days a week, take a day rest amongst session, ang u must change your exercise routine every 4 weeks, else ur body will get used to it and will not burn as much as cal as you would hope for.

you MUST do some weight training as well cardio, doing cardio alone will not get rid of your fat

7th April 2005, 04:18 PM
Hi JG,
Pot belly?!! How many barrenls of beer you guzzle per week?! And tread mill.. if it is not in your home, it will burn your pocket more than your fat. :) :) So put on your tracks and get on the road before the sun lashes on your belly. Any road good enough to walk is good enough to jog. And you should jog for atleast an hour..or walk and jog.
Just a piece of info. Fast walking burns as much calories as jogging, but consumes more time. Jogging/fast walking is the most efficient way to burn calories and fastest to flatten your belly.
Take plenty of tips from Raghu!! :) :wink: ..a weight trainer who has dislocated his joint!! :wink: ) :lol:
Once I had an instructor for my Hang gliding course, who had crashed, broken his right arm and leg and had become permenantly disabled!! I also ended up in hospital with broken forearm. in the first week of the course! :) :)
Btw, why are you giving a pointer to my roasting in every thread?!!! :evil: :evil:

7th April 2005, 04:26 PM
Take plenty of tips from Raghu!! :) :wink: ..a weight trainer who has dislocated his joint!! :wink: ) :lol:

ada Pavee Manusha, do you find it funny :x :evil: :twisted:

7th April 2005, 04:30 PM
:rotfl: :rotfl:

7th April 2005, 04:31 PM
:rotfl: :rotfl:

7th April 2005, 04:44 PM
:rotfl: :rotfl:

Not you as well :banghead: , I don't think any of you lot realise the pain, I nearly fainted and I was loosing my sight for a while after that happened, it was my right arm. and inconveniences this causes one, any sensible friend or even a child will not laugh at such things :x :evil: :twisted:

what kept me alive was by saying OM NamaShivaya Mantar!!!!!!!, I thought I was going to die, Only thought that was in my mind was of Maha Iswar, not my family or anything else!

Remember you lot would not laugh like idiots, if this happened to any of you.

7th April 2005, 04:45 PM
hey, will join you sooonnnnnn............

7th April 2005, 04:52 PM
Akask Ji,

It has been 4 weeks since I have dis located my Arms from the shoulder, the littele pain is still there, but I did not do any Bench presses or chest Flys (Both Machine ones and dumbell ones) for the last week, I used to do 70 kg Bench press on an Flat Bench and a 30 degrees inclined bench, more than my body weight , but now, obviosuly I can not do that, shall I start bench presses with a very light weights, what do you suggest, I still have not seen my physio, as I have not book an appointment yet

7th April 2005, 05:12 PM
Hey!! Raghu,

Sorry you have got it wrong !! :cry: I was laughing at Shekhar's comments on JG's pot belly - the first part of the post. Sorry I should have quoted it instead of only posting the icon ROTFL.

I'm sorry again !! I never intend laughing at your pain. I know how painful it is coz, I have the experience of dislocating my knee cap few times and have suffered a lot. :cry:

Take care and get well soon :)

7th April 2005, 05:20 PM
Hey!! Raghu,

Sorry you have got it wrong !! :cry: I was laughing at Shekhar's comments on JG's pot belly - the first part of the post. Sorry I should have quoted it instead of only posting the icon ROTFL.

I'm sorry again !! I never intend laughing at your pain. I know how painful it is coz, I have the experience of dislocating my knee cap few times and have suffered a lot. :cry:

Take care and get well soon :)

Ok, cool, I thought I may have jumped the gun, sorry :D

7th April 2005, 08:24 PM
shekhar .
jogging point noted. the roads around my place are like very bad so jogging is a bit risky. There is a hill nearby, this weekend I am going to trekk that. If it is safer, I am thinking of doing that regularly. And shekhar, the pointer is just some harmless fun, like the one roshan is having at the cost of my pot belly. :cry: :wink:

14th April 2005, 07:53 PM
Hows your dieting going JG?

14th April 2005, 09:56 PM
dieting is going fine. After some abs exercises, I am not able to eat a lot . I have avoided fatty food and eating leaves and green vegetables. (thanks to office canteen) The exercise and dieting is showing in my weekend cricket performances too.

15th April 2005, 04:44 PM
dieting is going fine. After some abs exercises, I am not able to eat a lot . I have avoided fatty food and eating leaves and green vegetables. (thanks to office canteen) The exercise and dieting is showing in my weekend cricket performances too.

Glad to hear that, if you burn about 500 Calories a day and consume 2,000 Calories, by the end of a calender month, there is a chance that you will loose at least 5kg!

Do they sell Chinese Dieting Tea, near where you life, the are excellent in loosing fat man! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

16th April 2005, 09:31 AM
Hey Raghu,
I will check out for the chinese dieting tea.
My friend says that there is a channel called "Aastha" in which somebody teaches yoga aimed at reducing weight and he says that the results are amazing. Anyone here who can confirm that

16th April 2005, 06:00 PM
Hello Jaiganesh,
I would stick to sensible diet and reg exercice if I were u.

Chinese slimming tea??
Raghu, r u sure it is completely safe? No offence intended, just want to know.

18th April 2005, 10:10 AM
JG, I think tomato is right.

All those medicinal herbs and preparations for slimming have very bad and extreme side effects. I advise you not to go for them.
Just avoid fat and sweat out, you will get to shape.

18th April 2005, 05:42 PM
Chinese slimming tea??
Raghu, r u sure it is completely safe? No offence intended, just want to know.


I took their (Chinese Doctors) word for granted, and did wonders for me, all it does let you excrete your waste at least 2-3 a day, it reduces your cholestrol, and I did loose 4 stonnes in about 2 months, with a combination of Cardio exercises & this tea!

have a look at this site


22nd April 2005, 01:53 PM
Does any one if you loose lean muscle mass, if you do extensive Cardio 5 days a week, say you burn 500 calories a day? :?

23rd April 2005, 05:38 PM
It depends on total calorie intake, your protein intake, your fat percentage in the body.
Normally athletes fat percentage is quite low. An intense aerobic exercises, or games like foot ball, basket ball concentrated on shorter intervals tend to burnout muscle mass.
I do long distance running seven days a week. I have very lean muscles. But I am not losing weight. I think it has balanced out.

25th April 2005, 09:40 PM
It depends on total calorie intake, your protein intake, your fat percentage in the body.
Normally athletes fat percentage is quite low. An intense aerobic exercises, or games like foot ball, basket ball concentrated on shorter intervals tend to burnout muscle mass.
I do long distance running seven days a week. I have very lean muscles. But I am not losing weight. I think it has balanced out.

Do you really jog 7 days a week, or just pretend by jogging behind the ladukees in the park :lol: :lol:

there is a saying 'Perusuhalai nambakoodathenu' :lol: :lol:

by the way, if you burn 500 cal a day, that is fine according to fitness freaks, anything beyond that you may be loosing muscle mass or even bone mass :shock:

26th April 2005, 10:08 AM
Do you really jog 7 days a week, or just pretend by jogging behind the ladukees in the park :lol: :lol:

Ofcourse I do!! It has become a habit. If don't run I feel lethargic the whole day. And it is wonderful for the eye sight too, as early morning is the only time you can see young cuties in shorts and t-shirt.!! :lol: :lol:
Ask Scorpio, she will say I run only becasue of that! :wink:

there is a saying 'Perusuhalai nambakoodathenu' :lol: :lol:


by the way, if you burn 500 cal a day, that is fine according to fitness freaks, anything beyond that you may be loosing muscle mass or even bone mass :shock:

May be you are right. But how to estimate how much I burn?

26th April 2005, 10:20 AM
Ofcourse I do!! It has become a habit. If don't run I feel lethargic the whole day. And it is wonderful for the eye sight too, as early morning is the only time you can see young cuties in shorts and t-shirt.!! :lol: :lol:
Ask Scorpio, she will say I run only becasue of that! :wink:

[quote=Raghu] there is a saying 'Perusuhalai nambakoodathenu' :lol: :lol:




You speak truth at times and this is one such rare occasion :wink:

BTW, 'Perusuhalai nambakoodathu' means ' Do not trust elderly men'. :D

26th April 2005, 10:32 AM
If you jog a mile in ten minutes you burn about 600 calories! :)

26th April 2005, 03:03 PM
If you jog a mile in ten minutes you burn about 600 calories! :)

No way, may be a maximum of 250 Cal,


You are not a tamilian , sorry :oops:

26th April 2005, 03:15 PM
To decrease your backside, try hitting it against a hard wall daily repeatedly :lol:...I read that somewhere and the writer promised satisfactory results.

26th April 2005, 03:27 PM
satisfactory results for who?? Hitter or the wall?

26th April 2005, 03:31 PM
satisfactory results for who?? Hitter or the wall?Scorpio... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

28th April 2005, 01:11 PM

I jog 6-7 kms which includes 2 km jogging on the beach on the soft sand. (I love jogging on the beach!! :lol: :lol: ). The distance comes to about 4 miles plus. So am I burning more than 1000 cals a day just in the morning jog!!!? :o :o And afterwards I do some exercises too including Surya Namaskar. Then how come my weight has stabilised?
:o :o

28th April 2005, 01:47 PM

I jog 6-7 kms which includes 2 km jogging on the beach on the soft sand. (I love jogging on the beach!! :lol: :lol: ). The distance comes to about 4 miles plus. So am I burning more than 1000 cals a day just in the morning jog!!!? :o :o And afterwards I do some exercises too including Surya Namaskar. Then how come my weight has stabilised?
:o :o

6-7 kms of jogging followed by yoga!!! I'm impressed....
Today after a long time I went for my morning jog, if u can call it that, coz most of the time I brisk walk with a few jog in between.
And 'Yoga' : the trouble I took to learn it !!! I'm not at all able to do it on a reg basis. Guess i just need to visit the fitness thread more often, just to get inspired by guys like you.

28th April 2005, 02:07 PM

I jog 6-7 kms which includes 2 km jogging on the beach on the soft sand. (I love jogging on the beach!! :lol: :lol: ). The distance comes to about 4 miles plus. So am I burning more than 1000 cals a day just in the morning jog!!!? :o :o And afterwards I do some exercises too including Surya Namaskar. Then how come my weight has stabilised?
:o :o

Wondering in which city in India you are living to be able to jog so long without being chased by street dogs!!

As far as the beach running is concerned, your posts now a days are too tempting for me to start another quiz on you. :wink:

28th April 2005, 02:34 PM

I jog 6-7 kms which includes 2 km jogging on the beach on the soft sand. (I love jogging on the beach!! :lol: :lol: ). The distance comes to about 4 miles plus. So am I burning more than 1000 cals a day just in the morning jog!!!? :o :o And afterwards I do some exercises too including Surya Namaskar. Then how come my weight has stabilised?
:o :o

Nah, don't believe it, loosing 1000 calories a day on jogging is madness, if you carry on like this dude, you will end like a skeleten, which means no ladukees will give a look even :lol: :lol:
Joking pal.

on a serious note, You should not burn more 500 calories on cardio, if you do, u are loosing muscle mass and bone mass, so please be careful with this.

28th April 2005, 02:36 PM

I jog 6-7 kms which includes 2 km jogging on the beach on the soft sand. (I love jogging on the beach!! :lol: :lol: ). The distance comes to about 4 miles plus. So am I burning more than 1000 cals a day just in the morning jog!!!? :o :o And afterwards I do some exercises too including Surya Namaskar. Then how come my weight has stabilised?
:o :o

Wondering in which city in India you are living to be able to jog so long without being chased by street dogs!!

:lol: :lol:
That's one thing that scares me in the street, If I see dog coming way, I cross over the road and walk the other way :lol:

28th April 2005, 09:15 PM
[tscii:d15a8987ae]Vanakkam to all and Belated New Year greetings.

Its been quiet a while since I visited forumhub...infact its been more than 3 years now! :wink:

Anyways, nice to see many enthuasticVanakkam to all and Belated New Year greetings.

Its been quiet a while since I visited forumhub...infact its been more than 3 years now! :wink:

Anyways, nice to see many enthusiastic fitness lovers here. I will right more later as time is short now. OK…coming to point… Shekar wrote that he runs about 4 miles a day, at 10 minute per mile, which equal to 6mph…that is fast. DO you could keep up at that speed for the entire 4 miles?!

Anyway, generally calories lost during jogging depends on the speed that travel takes place. Distance is only the second factor.

Running at 6mph you loose about 95calories and running at 12 mph yu loose about 170 calories. Again how much you could loose depends on your body weight and your daily food intake…

Mindum santhopim


28th April 2005, 09:45 PM

Welcome to the freaks land, you were here 3 years ago, I don't remember it, did you use to post as someone else?

28th April 2005, 11:19 PM
satisfactory results for who?? Hitter or the wall?

In Badri's case it'll be the wall :lol: .

30th April 2005, 01:40 PM
Good Lord! The diet & tredmill hasn't worked for me. I would like to take up Yoga. Anyone here, who has been practicing Yoga?

30th April 2005, 02:30 PM
If diet and threadmill hasn't helped you reduce weight, I doubt yoga will. Yoga is not a cardio-vascular excercise, so it will not burn as many cal as would jogging, threadmill ect. Yoga is for complete body and mind fitness. Yoga affects the functioning of your internal body parts as well, so it improve metabolism, which in turn will help reduce weight. But this may not be enough to achieve your target weight. So pls continue with ur diet and threadmill and use yoga in addition to it.
Btw how long have u been following the diet and threadmill, and r u religiously sticking to it?
If your really interested in Yoga look for a good teacher and learn it. I tried to learn it from books coz a teacher was not available to me. But when I went on a holiday to India I was fortunate enough to learn under a good teacher, and I was able to do even the difficult asanas which I had never attempted to do before. Only a teacher will be able to give u feedback and will also suggest which asanas suit u best. Goodluck.

30th April 2005, 03:42 PM
Wondering in which city in India you are living to be able to jog so long without being chased by street dogs!!

As far as the beach running is concerned, your posts now a days are too tempting for me to start another quiz on you. :wink:
I am a die hard dog lover. So I am not really scared of dogs. It is a bit of knack handling street dogs in India. Any new place I start running early in the morning, a hundred dogs start barking and a dozen start chasing. What I do is just slow down to a trot or even a walk, and proceed as though the dogs don't exist. And one very important thing is not to look into the eyes of a dog. They follow you for a while and drop off. And by third or forth day, forget chasing, the dogs sleeping won't even lift their head, when you pass by!!

And starting an other quiz?! Why do you want to harass a simple person like me, who just wants to keep his mind and body fit? :) :wink:

30th April 2005, 03:44 PM
I have a simple rule for reducing weight. Excersice and eat. DONT HOG! :lol:

2nd May 2005, 11:35 AM
It is a bit of knack handling street dogs in India. Any new place I start running early in the morning, a hundred dogs start barking and a dozen start chasing. What I do is just slow down to a trot or even a walk, and proceed as though the dogs don't exist. And one very important thing is not to look into the eyes of a dog. They follow you for a while and drop off. And by third or forth day, forget chasing, the dogs sleeping won't even lift their head, when you pass by!!

My dad had told the same thing several times coz, I am very much scared of dogs and become nervous when I see them - especially the stray dogs. (As I told elsewhere in the hub it's kind of a phobia I've got) . I have not gathered the required courage and guts to follow these advice so far. :cry: :cry:

2nd May 2005, 11:39 AM
I found this interesting article on MSN. I think it would be useful for all those 'pot belly' guys. :lol:

Just 3 Weeks to a Flat Belly

Tackle that stubborn bulge with these new moves


2nd May 2005, 05:21 PM

If you burn 500 calories on excess to normal 2000(ladies) calories you burn a day, you loose about 50 g of fat , if u do that 7 days a week, you can loose about 1- 2kg a month. but if you do weights as well cardio, your metabolism increses as your muscles will be buring calories as you are sleeping as well.

the best way to get rid of pot bellies, is to burn around 500 calories a day, and say NO to the following

1) No bear
2) No smoking
3) Cut down on Rice

2nd May 2005, 06:13 PM
ennanga Raghu,

"No Bear' nnu potirukkeenga, karadi-ellam yaravathu sappiduvaangala, che, che.

2nd May 2005, 06:16 PM
ennanga Raghu,

"No Bear' nnu potirukkeenga, karadi-ellam yaravathu sappiduvaangala, che, che.

Sari Aunty, I meant beer, avasara avasaramai type panna ipadi thaan :D

2nd May 2005, 06:25 PM
aunty-aa? ennapa dhideer-nu promotion kuduthutte? Neenga Indian food-section-la Dev-a ippadi thaan aunty aakineenga, avanga udane ungala 'uncle'nnu sonnanga, naanum repeat panna vendame-nnu pakkaren! :wink:

2nd May 2005, 06:43 PM
aunty-aa? ennapa dhideer-nu promotion kuduthutte? Neenga Indian food-section-la Dev-a ippadi thaan aunty aakineenga, avanga udane ungala 'uncle'nnu sonnanga, naanum repeat panna vendame-nnu pakkaren! :wink:

aiyo aiyo, intha pombalainghale ippadi thaan, thanga vayasa othukave maatangha-pa, any way, I am in my 20's , so obviously you are an Aunty-ji to me :wink: , some ppl think that based on my 'Spiritual Related posts', naan oru 'Perisu' -nu :x :evil: :lol:

any way, you will see whether I am an uncle or thambi nu once my movie is released, wait couple of more months aunty ji :lol:

3rd May 2005, 08:00 AM
I found this interesting article on MSN. I think it would be useful for all those 'pot belly' guys. :lol:

Roshan...pls visit the "Roast......." thread....this article suits the "item" being roasted there.... :lol: :lol:

3rd May 2005, 03:02 PM

If you burn 500 calories on excess to normal 2000(ladies) calories you burn a day, you loose about 50 g of fat , if u do that 7 days a week, you can loose about 1- 2kg a month. but if you do weights as well cardio, your metabolism increses as your muscles will be buring calories as you are sleeping as well.

the best way to get rid of pot bellies, is to burn around 500 calories a day, and say NO to the following

1) No bear
2) No smoking
3) Cut down on Rice

That means 2500 Calories a day? Good Lord! Is that humanely possible? I get so tired by the time I've burnt 200 Cal!

I'm going to take up Yoga seriously. Wait & see!

3rd May 2005, 03:46 PM

You got it wrong, you normaly would burn up 2000 cal a day, you just have to burn an extra 500 cal, that's all

4th May 2005, 03:27 PM
2000 cal?
That's impossible, Raghu.

4th May 2005, 03:59 PM
2000 cal?
That's impossible, Raghu.

No No, on average Men burn 2500 cal in 24 hours, while women burn 2000, this is true!!!

No matter how fat you are, or how skinny u r , I will provide you links on this very soon.

4th May 2005, 10:16 PM
Women burn 2000 cal in a day????
oooooh! But how much cal is intaken? Sigh! :-(

5th May 2005, 09:02 PM
Women burn 2000 cal in a day????
oooooh! But how much cal is intaken? Sigh! :-(

That varies from Specimen to Specimen

:wink: :lol:


If you want to maintain your shape, do not consume more than 2000 calories, if you do burn them off, if you want to loose weight, consume less than 2000 Cal and burn more.

16th May 2005, 04:57 PM
Check yr work outs with respect to yr body weight!!

Basics on burning Calories....

16th May 2005, 05:25 PM

Wel come back dude, after a longggggggggg time :lol: ,

any way I always wanted to is there any way you can work out how much calories are burnt while lifting weights?


23rd May 2005, 09:51 PM
Hi All,

When you are hungry, does it mean that all calories consumed have been burnt and the stored fat is being burnt to give out energy?

29th May 2005, 03:30 PM
When you are hungry, does it mean that all calories consumed have been burnt and the stored fat is being burnt to give out energy?

When we are hungry, digestive system has to take the FAT for processing into energy, but it will overstrain the digestive system and it will cause ulcer and it may cause head ache, the sure thing is yr eye power will get dropped!!

one more link!!

29th May 2005, 04:12 PM
this is my very first post in forumhub.so really pleased to contribute to this topic. i would like to start with exercises prescribed by ROYAL SWEDISH DIET AND WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM.


spot control for shoulders

goals : to trim down dowager's hump at the back of the neck and shoulders

start: start with legs shoulders' width apart.Arms are bent and raised above shoulder level. Exhale as you thrust shoulders back as hard as you can. hold the position for five counts. then inhale,slowly bringing elbows forward to return to starting position. repeat entire sequence 10 times.

29th May 2005, 04:20 PM
spot control for Pectoral muscles

goals: to firm and strengthen pectoral muscles

start: this exercise may be done lying on the floor ,sitting or standing

whether lying on the back ,sitting or standing ,contract abdomen ,and lift hands above your head.Flex elbows slightly and touch fingertips of both right and left hands to each other.,steeplechase fashion. Inhale,and press fingertips gainst each other as firmly as you can,with almost a pushing motion.exhale as you release finger tip pressure.repeat 12 times as often during the day as you can.

Rama Yanava
29th May 2005, 04:37 PM
No Sports! - Winston Churchill

30th May 2005, 08:53 AM
spot control for arms

goals :
to tighten sag in arms and armpits ,train arm and shoulder muscles,improve nutrition of articular cartilage

1. lift arms,and cross wrists above head, elbows rounded.
2.uncross wrists , and swing arms down to shoulder level;bounce extended arms as far back as you can without strain , three times.
3. continue to swing arms down and cross wrists in front of you and swing arms again to position 1. relax tension in arms as you return to starting position ,and rst for six counts. repeat complete exercise five times.

30th May 2005, 09:00 AM
spot control for waists

goals: to firm waistline and hips

start : stand legs wide , arms relaxed at sides.

1. Bend right knee slightly, with weight on right leg. twist at the waist to the right as you swing both arms to the right, above shoulder level
2. swing arms down ,from right,across body to the left , simultaneously, twist body from waist to left straightening the right knee and bending the left as you turn. as both arms come up the left side, shift body weight to the left knee. repat half circle pendulum arm swing from one side to other, ten times.

31st May 2005, 03:25 PM
spot control for waists

goals: to firm waistline and hips

start : stand legs wide , arms relaxed at sides.

1. Bend right knee slightly, with weight on right leg. twist at the waist to the right as you swing both arms to the right, above shoulder level
2. swing arms down ,from right,across body to the left , simultaneously, twist body from waist to left straightening the right knee and bending the left as you turn. as both arms come up the left side, shift body weight to the left knee. repat half circle pendulum arm swing from one side to other, ten times.

Good tips dude, keep up the pace, do you know any similar excercises for the obliques(side of your abs)?


31st May 2005, 03:33 PM
[ do you know any similar excercises for the obliques(side of your abs)?

Typical guys problem :) !!
Do side bend, with dumb-bells in both the hands.. as to touch yr ankle..
place the rod alone on yr shoulders and bent sidewards untll the rod end goes behind yr legs.
Do Side leg rise.. hold any stand/machine in yr hand... lift yr legs sidewards as much as possible.

31st May 2005, 03:43 PM
[ do you know any similar excercises for the obliques(side of your abs)?

Typical guys problem :) !!
Do side bend, with dumb-bells in both the hands.. as to touch yr ankle..
place the rod alone on yr shoulders and bent sidewards untll the rod end goes behind yr legs.
Do Side leg rise.. hold any stand/machine in yr hand... lift yr legs sidewards as much as possible.

Thanks dude, but you still need to burn a lot Cal though, I hate running :banghead: :banghead: :cry:

31st May 2005, 03:54 PM

Welcome to the freaks land, you were here 3 years ago, I don't remember it, did you use to post as someone else?

Hi there again...sorry for going MIA...had to do some travelling..

Nop I normally post under my name as Vijay Tharma or VeeJay

If you do a google search you would find most of my postings, mainly in history, cooking.

Since I was gone for some time now....I guess I have alot of cathing up to do here....

let me digest whats new here...and then post

Valgha Valargha


31st May 2005, 05:11 PM
spot control for abdomens

goals: to trim hips,strengthen abdominal muscles,back

Start:lie on the back of the floor
1. alternatively raise right leg and left leg as you bring upper torso forward to meet knee with the forehead. Feel the contraction of your abdominal muscles.continue for 15 seconds.rest for 30 seconds after each 15 seconds stint. repeat until slightly tired.

LATER,after abdominal muscles have strengthened:
1.raise both legs and arms balancing yourself. then vertebra by vertebra ,slowly lower your body until you press lower back against floor.

31st May 2005, 05:21 PM
spot control for hip and waists

goals: to trim and tone hips and waistline

start:lie with your lower back pressed against the floor. arms are outstretched on the floor either side, at shoulder level,palms up.legs are about more than a foot apart.

1.extend right leg straight up and over,across left leg,pointing toe to the left. keep palms up,arms extended,shoulders flattened against the floor. return right leg across left leg to starting position,keeping knee straight,then repeat exercise with left leg.return to starting position.repeat entire exercise eight times.

31st May 2005, 06:59 PM
Thanks a lot dudes :D

8th June 2005, 09:23 PM
Is there any way I can get rid of my tummy in 3 weeks? My coll starts on July 3rd. I need to lose my tummy before that. What exercise is best for this? Help! I'm losing my confidence.......

9th June 2005, 02:13 AM
Is there any way I can get rid of my tummy in 3 weeks? My coll starts on July 3rd. I need to lose my tummy before that. What exercise is best for this? Help! I'm losing my confidence.......

run run and run, burn about 750 cal a day on tread mill, it will help, but 3 weeks is too short :cry:

17th June 2005, 12:58 PM
Is there any way I can get rid of my tummy in 3 weeks? My coll starts on July 3rd. I need to lose my tummy before that. What exercise is best for this? Help! I'm losing my confidence.......

This is a special routine exercise guaranteed to reduce the tummy, but as Ragu said, 3 weeks a bit short...but you may try it...two or three times a day.

First start with crunch (12 X), as you move upwards, rest for 2-3 seconds, and do it slowly....
upon completing (no resting) immediately continue with

Situp (12 X), raise your leg up bend at 90 degrees, not raise your body, with your hands behind your head, and touch your elbow to the crossed knee (left elbow to right knee, vice versa)...12 X times 12 , on both knee

upon completin immediately continue with by

laying falt on the ground raise both leg up pointing to ceiling, now touch your toes with your fingers by raising your body (12 X)

immediately after than continue with

leg raise...lay down flat, with hands behind your head , make sure dont bend your knees, bth leg must be straight while raising up and down... and do it slowly

The whole 4 routines should not take more than 5 minutes....after each routine rest for a minute or so and then continue for 3 sets...

You will DEFINATELY see results!!! ;-)


17th June 2005, 02:22 PM
Is there any way I can get rid of my tummy in 3 weeks? My coll starts on July 3rd. I need to lose my tummy before that. What exercise is best for this? Help! I'm losing my confidence.......

This is a special routine exercise guaranteed to reduce the tummy, but as Ragu said, 3 weeks a bit short...but you may try it...two or three times a day.

First start with crunch (12 X), as you move upwards, rest for 2-3 seconds, and do it slowly....
upon completing (no resting) immediately continue with

Situp (12 X), raise your leg up bend at 90 degrees, not raise your body, with your hands behind your head, and touch your elbow to the crossed knee (left elbow to right knee, vice versa)...12 X times 12 , on both knee

upon completin immediately continue with by

laying falt on the ground raise both leg up pointing to ceiling, now touch your toes with your fingers by raising your body (12 X)

immediately after than continue with

leg raise...lay down flat, with hands behind your head , make sure dont bend your knees, bth leg must be straight while raising up and down... and do it slowly

The whole 4 routines should not take more than 5 minutes....after each routine rest for a minute or so and then continue for 3 sets...

You will DEFINATELY see results!!! ;-)


Dude, welcome back :D

What u have said above will only strengthen abs, but it won't burn fat, to get toned for girls, is very difficult compared to us guys, that's why there is a saying 'Curves for girls' & 'Cuts for guys', u will need to burn an extra 750 cal a day, for atleast 6 weeks, 750 cal means 75 g of fat.

27th June 2005, 02:21 PM
Dudes good news

increased biceps size from 16inch to 16.5 inches and chest from 42 inch to 44 inches in the last 2-3 months, I have changed my work out routine and increased the weights i do by 30% and the results are good :o :D :D

12th August 2005, 05:21 PM
More tips, if u want to get a V-shape, and ur lats are wide enough, reducing ur obliques / waist will give u the perfect V shape, just burn 700 calories per day for about 4-5 months and do really heavy Wide grip, pull downs or chin ups(ur own body weight, this should do it)

any better ideas, dudes?

15th August 2005, 09:34 AM
Hi Raghu..Well I have been trying to lose weight for the past few mths..It has been very difficult in US ..I am not sure is it bec of the climate or the food..In India..whenever I tried exercising, I have even lost upto 10kgs in 3mths.I dunno whats the reason here...Well I limit rice only once a day & very less sugar in coffee too..I exercise for over one hour..but really doesn't help...I am losing inches , but not really losing weight ..Is it that I am developing muscles..Pls help.. :(

15th August 2005, 03:49 PM
Hi Raghu..Well I have been trying to lose weight for the past few mths..It has been very difficult in US ..I am not sure is it bec of the climate or the food..In India..whenever I tried exercising, I have even lost upto 10kgs in 3mths.I dunno whats the reason here...Well I limit rice only once a day & very less sugar in coffee too..I exercise for over one hour..but really doesn't help...I am losing inches , but not really losing weight ..Is it that I am developing muscles..Pls help.. :(

Hi there,

What is ur height and weight?, do u know ur BMI, ie ur body mass index ?, this gives the ideal weight for ur height!, I will post the link here,

when u say exercise, what exactly do u do?, cardio or weights?, tell me exactly what excercises u do and for how long?, for a girl developing muscle is highly impossible , very unlikley , unless of course , u take lethal stuff like steroids!

15th August 2005, 11:35 PM
Hi raghu,

Actually as per my height..I need to lose around 10 kgs...
I do lot of cardio like around 30 mins of walking & then running ..20 mins of cycling..of course some weights for thighs and hands too..then crunches of course...I do it aggressively for atleast 5 days in a week...I have a sedentary lifestyle here...

16th August 2005, 07:01 AM
Hi laxmi,

If u r losing inches but not weight,it means U r building up lean body mass in place of the fat you burn...This is good for you coz u r becoming really stronger...:)

If you want to lose weght,my suggestion would be to cut back on calorie intake & continue with ur exercise schedule...It's not just the rice & sugar that counts...each & every food stuff has it's own calorific value... So,try to take just the min calories that would be required to maintain ur ideal body weight(not the current weight)....

For ex: if ur current weight(assume 65kgs) demands 1500kcals(for maintaining the same weight) but ur ideal weight is say a few kgs lesser (assume 55 kgs) & needs 1300kcals for it to be maintained,take just 1300 kcals...now as ur weight is 65kgs & calorie demanded is 1500kcals,there's a shortage in supply(200kcals shortage)... so the body will start buring the accumulated fat in ur body to supply the req calories,thereby making u lose weight...

16th August 2005, 06:14 PM
Yea, dev is right.

Many times, if your body has lots of fat and you start exercising, initially you lose weight and then you start gaining weight. This is because you burn out your fat and lose weight but later on you start building muscle tissues and bone mass. But your shape will be completely different, slim and athletic. So don't go by weight alone. Check for fat percentage in your body. If it is normal or below average you are fine.

16th August 2005, 08:47 PM
aiyo aiyo, both of u r only right to a certain extent, yes muscle is heavier than fat, so as bone, and for a girl, it is extrmley impossibe to build muscle mass, no way,unless u take steroids and workout like a donkey,still it would be difficult

Hi Laxmi

Burn atleast 700cal a day, and cut 700cal intake, if u do this for 6 months, u r likely to loose 6-8kg, but being 10kg over weight is no way muscle/bone mass, sorry but this is the truth

16th August 2005, 09:19 PM
Thanx dev, shekhar, Raghu ...
but burning 700 calories is too much , don't u feel ...I at present burn around 400 calories with exercise...May be i didn't follow the restriction on food intake with respect to calories...Well surely i will follow this instructions ...

16th August 2005, 09:31 PM
Thanx dev, shekhar, Raghu ...
but burning 700 calories is too much , don't u feel ...I at present burn around 400 calories with exercise...May be i didn't follow the restriction on food intake with respect to calories...Well surely i will follow this instructions ...


This has worked for me, believe me that is why , I am telling u, I am, I lost 4 stonnes in 2 months initialy, through intensive work outs, though mainly heavy weights and very less cardio, but I had Chinese Dieting Tea, YOU MUST TRY THIS, BELIEVE ME IT WORKS, WITHOUT IT, it is virtualy impossible to loose 4 stones in 2 months without the tea, try this link

www.drherbs.co.uk, I am sure they will have branches in USA as well, good look, last but not STRONG determination is VITAL

17th August 2005, 12:17 AM
yep raghu, I have also heard a lot about this green tea thing..but i thinks it tastes bitter..like a kashayam...
I will also try to increase cardio so that I burn more calories...
But increasing weights will not work for girls..I hope thats right..
thanx anyway..

17th August 2005, 07:54 AM
Hi Laxmi

Burn atleast 700cal a day, and cut 700cal intake, if u do this for 6 months, u r likely to loose 6-8kg, but being 10kg over weight is no way muscle/bone mass, sorry but this is the truth

Raghu,sorry pa...I don't agree with you... If you can burn 700 cals & if ur calorie intake is just sufficient to maintain ue ideal weight,U can definitely loose more than what you have said...& the best & safe exercise for weight loss I would suggest is walking & cycling... Jogging too if u r comfortable with it... :)

17th August 2005, 04:25 PM
Hi, Raghu, dev, Laxmi..
I think I asked this question once earlier.

I jog/run 6 kms daily and do workout for about 45 minutes which is mainly non aerobic like surya namaskar etc. Can you please tell me how much calories do I burn daily?

17th August 2005, 06:29 PM
Hi, Raghu, dev, Laxmi..
I think I asked this question once earlier.

I jog/run 6 kms daily and do workout for about 45 minutes which is mainly non aerobic like surya namaskar etc. Can you please tell me how much calories do I burn daily?

ArRe Shekarji

6kms at what incline ?on a flat surface, u would not be buring that much ji, if you do that, try 6kms on an 15 degress incline at 7kmp(tread mill) for 45 minutes, u can burn about 700 calories

17th August 2005, 10:19 PM
Hi Laxmi

Burn atleast 700cal a day, and cut 700cal intake, if u do this for 6 months, u r likely to loose 6-8kg, but being 10kg over weight is no way muscle/bone mass, sorry but this is the truth

Raghu,sorry pa...I don't agree with you... If you can burn 700 cals & if ur calorie intake is just sufficient to maintain ue ideal weight,U can definitely loose more than what you have said...& the best & safe exercise for weight loss I would suggest is walking & cycling... Jogging too if u r comfortable with it... :)

Yep I also agree with dev..ofcourse when you burn more calories , and eat less..definitely we will lose more weight...may be atleast an average of 3-4 kgs per mth..But as per your figures raghu..u say we will lose 6-8 kgs in 6 mths ..thats only a average of one kg per mth...

30th August 2005, 06:31 PM
any good exercises for Anterior shoulder???

Lateral Rise?? Military press ups!, help plssssssssss

27th September 2005, 11:50 AM

Hi raghu,

Got ur mail . Thanks for the same. How are things at ur end?

Wow... so... fitness discussion is still on.

U can open up a consulting centre. I am sure
it would be beneficial to u and others. :D

27th September 2005, 01:45 PM

Hi raghu,

Got ur mail . Thanks for the same. How are things at ur end?

Wow... so... fitness discussion is still on.

U can open up a consulting centre. I am sure
it would be beneficial to u and others. :D

welcome back madam :D

8th December 2005, 07:22 PM
Can any one suggest me nice excercise for the side, anterior deltoids(side shoulder/ rear shoulder) muscles, basicaly, I am trying to broaden my shoulder a bit, so i do side deltoid dumbell raise, basicaly stand straight , hold a dumbel in ur hand, and raise it sideways, so ur arm becomes parallel to the floor, and raise it till ur arm reaches ur shoulder height.

Now is there any more effective work out than this??

9th December 2005, 07:14 PM
Best exercise for building/broadening shoulders is the
Pull ups.
If you've never tried it start doing becos it is the best.

There are two different kinds of exercises here:
1.Keep your grip just wider than shoulders( not more than that though most gym guys will tell you to keep it as wide as possible,don't do it is useless)
then lift your body using the upper side muscles .Don't use your shoulder .
Of course, you jerk, or kick your body or use any other momentum just smoothly lift your body up

2.second one is use a narrower grip , two hands close together, palms facing you(different from previous grip)do pull ups.
They work on different muscles.

9th December 2005, 09:01 PM
Best exercise for building/broadening shoulders is the
Pull ups.
If you've never tried it start doing becos it is the best.

There are two different kinds of exercises here:
1.Keep your grip just wider than shoulders( not more than that though most gym guys will tell you to keep it as wide as possible,don't do it is useless)
then lift your body using the upper side muscles .Don't use your shoulder .
Of course, you jerk, or kick your body or use any other momentum just smoothly lift your body up

2.second one is use a narrower grip , two hands close together, palms facing you(different from previous grip)do pull ups.
They work on different muscles.

Hello, abbydoss1969

No, No the one u have described is for side lats, back muscle, wing muscles, it will work ur shoulders also, but the major muscle group targeted is lats not shoulders, pls advice

10th December 2005, 07:59 PM
I am trying to broaden my shoulder


I thought you mentioned broadening shoulders. Pull ups is the best exercise for it.
It is prescribed in Arnold Schwarznegger "body building book". Basically Arnold will do the pull ups first up to ten sets of ten rep each. then go to other exercises.

But if you want more exercises one is what your doing

Another one is bend your arm at ninety degrees so that arm is parallel to the ground and then lift up.

The main thing is to use the paticular muscle for the particular exercise

Have you tried these sitestry this google search page;<a href="http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&q=+bodybuilding+exercises&spell=1" target="blank"><http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&q=+bodybuilding+exercises&spell=1 /a>

12th December 2005, 04:48 PM
Another one is bend your arm at ninety degrees so that arm is parallel to the ground and then lift up.

, hello, yes this is good for ur shoulders, I know, but this works ur back shoulder(Anterior Deltoids), which would give a round bulky shape, rather than extending my side shoulder muscles.

other thing is I had shoulder dis-location abt 9 months ago, si I am very cautious abt any shoulder exercise, pls advice.


11th January 2006, 10:33 PM

Can any one tell me good exercise for wrists? apart from resting ur elbows on a flat bench, and curling a barbell or dumbell, this is great, but i need 2 change it, else my body gets used 2 it.

11th January 2006, 10:43 PM
Hi Raghu :D
tat reminds me.....since ur into Yoga as well, perhaps u cud suggest how even certain 'asanas' in Yoga contributes to physical fitness......?

12th January 2006, 08:38 PM
Hi Raghu :D
tat reminds me.....since ur into Yoga as well, perhaps u cud suggest how even certain 'asanas' in Yoga contributes to physical fitness......?

hello sir :D ,

Ennaku Yoga patri onum theriyathu saamiyov, I just listen and watch programms about yoga here and there, that's all.

will post here soon, if i find any related article,

oh by the way, thanks for poping in :D

12th January 2006, 08:46 PM
Ennaku Yoga patri onum theriyathu saamiyov, I just listen and watch programms about yoga here and there, that's all.
will post here soon, if i find any related article,
Ok! :) jus thot u knew a lot abt it as u'd opened a thread abt it in the Ind. History secn......:)

oh by the way, thanks for poping in :D
Not at all, twas my pleasure! :wink: :D

24th January 2006, 06:58 PM
Dear all,

Some one help me pls

If I burn around 700 Cal a day and try to put Muscle lean mass , will it work?, I mean do, are these things contradictory things, cos in gym, I have seen guys who try to put on bulk muscle mass, dont do much Cardio at all, they have big muscles, at the same time, they have huge belly as well, which i dont want to have, hence, I am doing lots of cardio a day, but am I doing two completely different things??

25th January 2006, 01:54 PM
search BMI on google shekar ......

it is some index that tells whether u r wght is proportionate to ur height and age ...etc. ..

it tells whether u r actually obese or not ..it is not just the weight that decides it ..

u shud ask an nutritionist actually

25th January 2006, 01:54 PM
by the way ....

i am a freak too ...

do u knw ..if u d ospot jogging for 5minutes it is equivalent to one hour of walking exercise .....

25th January 2006, 01:59 PM
i dunt work out soo much ..

i am gul and i dunt want all muscles or any abs sproutin ...

i work out almost an hour each day ...

spot jog for half an hour ( with breaks of curse )
do sudarshan kriya .for about 20 minutes ( depends actually)

and i play tennis thrice a week ......

i am also known as a water tank ...at
skool ...i drink my own 2 litre bottle of water and finish up my frnds' bottles as welll

i hog a lot ..and imanage to be reasonable slim with this ....

25th January 2006, 02:33 PM
i hog a lot ..and imanage to be reasonable slim with this ....
Yes same w/ me (altho in my case skinny is the more approp. word to use! :P)......there r many ppl. w/ this unique characteristic! No matter how much more than average they eat, they don't put on fat! :)

25th January 2006, 03:43 PM

naa ena keaten inga enna nadakuthupa??

25th January 2006, 03:47 PM

naa ena keaten inga enna nadakuthupa??
Enaku topic digression-le oru puthu talent iruku-nu ippo thaan theriythu! :mrgreen: :lol:

25th January 2006, 04:37 PM
:lol: :lol:

25th January 2006, 05:34 PM
:lol: :lol:


naa ena keaten inga enna nadakuthupa??
Enaku topic digression-le oru puthu talent iruku-nu ippo thaan theriythu! :mrgreen: :lol:

aha vanthutangaiya vanthutaanga :lol: :lol:

25th January 2006, 05:36 PM
:lol: :lol:


naa ena keaten inga enna nadakuthupa??
Enaku topic digression-le oru puthu talent iruku-nu ippo thaan theriythu! :mrgreen: :lol:

aha vanthutangaiya vanthutaanga :lol: :lol:

26th January 2006, 10:36 AM
enathu topic degression ?lambretta....
by the way lamby are u a male or female ...
my guess is male ..but ur name sounds female ..
wat are u and wat is topic degression

26th January 2006, 10:40 AM
enathu topic degression ?lambretta....
by the way lamby are u a male or female ...
my guess is male ..but ur name sounds female ..
wat are u and wat is topic degression :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

26th January 2006, 12:30 PM
enathu topic degression ?lambretta....
by the way lamby are u a male or female ...
my guess is male ..but ur name sounds female ..
wat are u and wat is topic degression :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

ennathu great ....enna siripu?

give an answer ya ....

26th January 2006, 12:43 PM
enathu topic degression ?lambretta....
by the way lamby are u a male or female ...
my guess is male ..but ur name sounds female ..
wat are u and wat is topic degression :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

ennathu great ....enna siripu?

give an answer ya ....

pooja, when u deviate from the topic...... ppl here would say end degression 8-)

26th January 2006, 01:03 PM
enathu topic degression ?lambretta....
by the way lamby are u a male or female ...
my guess is male ..but ur name sounds female ..
wat are u and wat is topic degression :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

ennathu great ....enna siripu?

give an answer ya ....

pooja, when u deviate from the topic...... ppl here would say end degression 8-)

thank you great

29th January 2006, 07:41 PM
by the way lamby are u a male or female ...
my guess is male ..but ur name sounds female ..wat are u
:shock: :lol: Dear, dear.........pooja, wat is this?? R u wreaking out revenge on us here ('cos one of the hubbers asked U the same question in another thread! :P) :rotfl:
Well, I'm frankly surprised u ask me abt my gender as I thot u'd hav figured it out urself having read my posts/interacted w/ me in various other threads! :? :P
'hope this's cleared ur doubts abt wat I am! :lol:
As for my username....um, yea u cud say tat its female- atleast it is to me! :wink: :D
Considering u donno wat a Lambretta is, I guess ur from post gen. X! But if u really wanna know abt Lambretta (Lamby for short), u can read the link I've given in my signature! :D

and wat is topic degression
Again, surprised u ask this! :D Atleast this post of mine shud answer ur question! :wink: :lol:
Man, I'm now really scared of facing Raghu here now! My apologies to him again! :notworthy: :P :lol:

30th January 2006, 12:27 AM
lambretta :twisted: :lol: :lol:

Sari pa, enough degression ok, lets talk abt some thing use full

tikke? :D

15th February 2006, 07:20 PM
any good excercises for ur back and legs?

15th February 2006, 07:35 PM
any good excercises for ur back and legs?
Well, I've done these ones in yoga.....'hope they will be useful! :)
Very simple, raise ur arms & bend a bit backwards...then w/ ur arms raised bend down in a 'U' & try touching ur toes (or atleast holding around ur ankles) w/ ur hands......stay in each position for atleast 3 mins.
U cud also try bending down in the position as in running race (on ur mark), where u stretch one of ur legs backwards, the other leg bent forward w/ ur hands on the ground too (get wat i'm saying? :))......
I feel tat if u require to stand for long periods everyday, excercises where u hav to bend/fold ur legs will be helpful....

16th February 2006, 05:05 PM
any good excercises for ur back and legs?
Well, I've done these ones in yoga.....'hope they will be useful! :)
Very simple, raise ur arms & bend a bit backwards...then w/ ur arms raised bend down in a 'U' & try touching ur toes (or atleast holding around ur ankles) w/ ur hands......stay in each position for atleast 3 mins.
U cud also try bending down in the position as in running race (on ur mark), where u stretch one of ur legs backwards, the other leg bent forward w/ ur hands on the ground too (get wat i'm saying? :))......
I feel tat if u require to stand for long periods everyday, excercises where u hav to bend/fold ur legs will be helpful....

hey lamby ur first ever topic related post in this thread, :lol:

Ok, I shall try that, but I have a feeling it tone ur body , rather than building muscles, I am only insterested in building muscles, any way thanks for the effort, I shall try it :D .

16th February 2006, 06:30 PM
Yea happy tat I cud post sumthing relevant for a change here! :P
Neways, I still suggest u try it.....it'll surely be good for u even if not for biulding muscles! :D

14th March 2006, 10:02 PM
OK....time for a query from me! :)
Cud u suggest ne exercises to improve the posture of the back, esp. while sitting??
I hav a hunchback since a long time & try as I might I'm not able to sit up straight!
So......ne solutions plse?

15th March 2006, 05:03 PM
OK....time for a query from me! :)
Cud u suggest ne exercises to improve the posture of the back, esp. while sitting??
I hav a hunchback since a long time & try as I might I'm not able to sit up straight!
So......ne solutions plse?,

Lamby Good one,

let me explain:

Most guys, lke me, want to have BIG arms and BIG chest, and simply ignore the back, i have very big arms and chest, so my chest is heavy, so it leans forward, leaving the back, slightly bend, this is the case with MOST body builders!

1) Do rowing

2) Do Wide Grip chin ups- hold on to a bar with a wide grip about your shoulder width, and pull ur self up till ur chin touches the bar, this is the BEST excercise for back, it would give u that awsome V shape!

15th March 2006, 06:04 PM
Can someone suggest some exercise for quick loss of tummy - within a month- I've started doing 'Pavana mukthaasana" a few days ago.
Pls help, my marriage is next month!

15th March 2006, 06:25 PM
Can someone suggest some exercise for quick loss of tummy - within a month- I've started doing 'Pavana mukthaasana" a few days ago.
Pls help, my marriage is next month!

what has marriage got to do with tummy :? :shock: :D :lol:

any ways, burn 700-800 Calories a day , u would losse around 2-3 kg in a month, and do around 30 situps a day,

15th March 2006, 07:38 PM
1) Do rowing
Hmm.......'wonder if tats poss' here....maybe I shud've done it wen we were at Hyd. as ther is a lake over there! :D

2) Do Wide Grip chin ups- hold on to a bar with a wide grip about your shoulder width, and pull ur self up till ur chin touches the bar, this is the BEST excercise for back, it would give u that awsome V shape!
Ohh rite....got tat! Hmm.....will hav to see how to get the equip. for tat tho.....!
Tks neways for the advice, Raghu! :D

15th March 2006, 08:18 PM

Aiyo, i was not talking abt that rowing pa, u get a rowing machine in the gym :)

15th March 2006, 08:27 PM
Can someone suggest some exercise for quick loss of tummy - within a month- I've started doing 'Pavana mukthaasana" a few days ago.
Pls help, my marriage is next month!

what has marriage got to do with tummy :? :shock: :D :lol:

any ways, burn 700-800 Calories a day , u would losse around 2-3 kg in a month, and do around 30 situps a day,

Well a sherwani may not look too smart with a bulging tummy, right? :D

Well, I blame only myself for this- sometimes I really overeat & finish up all that I've cooked in a jiffy! Sigh! :cry:

15th March 2006, 08:56 PM
Well a sherwani may not look too smart with a bulging tummy, right? :D
Well, I blame only myself for this- sometimes I really overeat & finish up all that I've cooked in a jiffy! Sigh! :cry:
Well, atleast be glad tat u find wat u cook irresistable! :wink: (altho no idea if ur the only one who finds it so! kidding!! :lol:)
Neways, I've the feeling tat a sherwani can conceal a bulging tummy really well comp'd to a pant w/ shirt tucked in.....I've the same problem (& I'm otherwise quite THIN! :)) wich is one of the reasons y I prefer to wear my shirt w/out being tucked in, wen I wear shirt/pant....! :oops:

15th March 2006, 09:41 PM
Well, no, I'm a good cook among the bachelors! And I love it-so yeah, I've blown up myself! Infact, my mom was surprised to see me put on more weight, eating the food I've cooked than what she has ever cooked all these years!

15th March 2006, 09:43 PM
Hmm....ok tats good for u! :D Still, better hope ur wife wudnt fall too much for ur cooking as surely u wudnt wan2 see her turn out the way u hav, rite?! :lol:

16th March 2006, 08:02 AM

gorgeous gaayini
18th March 2006, 07:07 PM
Any tips how to make girls thighs skinnier? :roll: :lol:

anyone know any type of excercise that will make u loose weight bt not form abs?

one good excercise is dancing :D

2 and 1/2 hours daily after coming from school really helps. :D

18th March 2006, 10:26 PM
Can someone suggest some exercise for quick loss of tummy - within a month- I've started doing 'Pavana mukthaasana" a few days ago.
Pls help, my marriage is next month!

Read and follow
"The Breath of Life"by George Ellis:A Penguin Publication.

Loosing weight is all in "The Mind" :roll:

18th March 2006, 10:27 PM
Pls help, my marriage is next month!

Hope the hubbers are invited........and hope ur not cooking :lol: :lol: :lol:

gorgeous gaayini
19th March 2006, 04:51 AM
Shall i send u 1001 beauty tips website? u have to register...i'v registered so i have lots of weight loosing tips....its a girly thing but works for boyz and girlz.....want them?


I thought i drink more than 8 glasses per day but when i started i realized in only drank about 2. :lol: 8 glasses of water is the best and easiest and quickest way i can think of :thumbsup:

i had to do it cos i had to be a flower girl in a wedding. :lol:
i was surfing google like mad....8 glasses top the list! every website for weight loosing says 8 glasses of water

8 glasses of water per day also gets rid of oily skin...acne...and pimples...its the best! it gives a SUPERBBB fresh look on ur face and u fell 1000 times more active and energetic!

Can someone suggest some exercise for quick loss of tummy - within a month- I've started doing 'Pavana mukthaasana" a few days ago.
Pls help, my marriage is next month!

12th April 2006, 02:55 PM

I sometimes Notice that my Muscles looks big and awsome, then there are occasions when it does not, can some one shed some light on this?

13th December 2006, 03:55 PM
Dear Raghu,

Thank once again! Kindly guide me to reduce my wight and keep it at the reduced level.

13th December 2006, 04:10 PM
Dear Raghu,

Thank once again! Kindly guide me to reduce my wight and keep it at the reduced level.

Pls provide me the following info

1) Height

2) weight

14th December 2006, 08:25 AM
I have a question...

I've gotten into this Weight Training Program lately due to Hrithik Mania, just kidding, I just wanna get buff......and it's a lot of work, takes a lot out of me.

Diet wise, I think I have a good one....but my friends are taking this thing called Creatine...now some ppl say that it's not a problem.

What Creatine does is takes the water you drink out of the bladder and makes it flow into ur muscles so it looks like you have these huge bulky muslces, obviously one has to increase their intake of water tremondously. I haven't started taking it yet, because I don't know enough about it. I don't want to take my frnd's word for it because these are guys who once pumped themselves up with Steroids, one of them still does....

So anywayz, I went on the net, and it's tough, because some say that it's gud, and others say that it's bad (Claim that it could lead to Kidney Failure :omg: ) I went to some fitness forums, but to my surprice didn't get much help there. :roll:

So I was wondering if anyone here has or knows someone who used to or still takes Creatine....and is it okay or is it just like steroids?

14th December 2006, 04:23 PM
What Creatine does is takes the water you drink out of the bladder and makes it flow into ur muscles so it looks like you have these huge bulky muslces, obviously one has to increase their intake of water tremondously. I haven't started taking it yet, because I don't know enough about it. I don't want to take my frnd's word for it because these are guys who once pumped themselves up with Steroids, one of them still does....

So anywayz, I went on the net, and it's tough, because some say

Surya machi

Creatine is good, it would give u intensive energy to lift but short term energy to lift weights, there is loading phase and maintenance phase, if u have kidney / liver problems, u should not take it, regarding this pumbed up look, u will only look like it for the first 1 month, then eventually u will shred all the water, for muscle growth u need Protein and AMino acis, Iron and Vitamin b12.

CREATINE will give u STRENGTH to lifet but IT WILL NOT GIVE U BULK MUSCLE, u need whey protien for that

14th December 2006, 04:35 PM
Surya machi

No man, Creatine is naturally found in ur liver, and NO it is never like Anabolic steroids at all!

15th December 2006, 01:20 AM
Raghu machi! :D

Thanks!! :D :D So now my doubt is cleared! 8-)

Yeah, I'm a vege so Protien is very vital even if I don't lift. I'm taking 2-3 Protien Shakes a day to suppy my muscles with the essential protien intake for weight lifting. 8-)

Thanks again!! :D

15th December 2006, 02:38 PM
Dear mr. Raghuji,

I am 5'10 ht and wt 90 kgs, kindly guide me.

15th December 2006, 04:06 PM
Surya machi,

I am also a pakka vegie, I am also on Whey Protien shake, I weigh 70kg(154ibs), so ideally i should consume around 154g of protien, u should consume protein, which eqaul to your body weight (in pounds), but if u consume this amount of protien and do not work out, u will become fat or chubby.

15th December 2006, 04:10 PM
Dear mr. Raghuji,

I am 5'10 ht and wt 90 kgs, kindly guide me.

Dear Snrajan

Ur ideal weight should be around 70kg, pls run at 7kmp for 60 mins a day, on average a man need 2500 cal to do the normal tassks, so decrease your calories intake and increase your excercise, in co-orporate weights into your excercise, this will tone your body , if u dont u will end like skeleton.

try this for 30 days, and u should loose around 4-5 lbs, ie nearly 2kg.

16th December 2006, 12:18 PM
i do jogging in walker for 12mins in the morning with bit of yoga, Pranayams etc. won't it do.

Thanks anyway.


16th December 2006, 03:03 PM
raghu machi

:yes: I'm lifting a lot and doing repititions...Gotta get ripped!! 8-)

18th December 2006, 05:44 PM
i do jogging in walker for 12mins in the morning with bit of yoga, Pranayams etc. won't it do.

Thanks anyway.


No It is not enough, u must burn around 700 -1000 calories a day, and consume less than 2,500 calories.

18th December 2006, 05:47 PM
raghu machi

:yes: I'm lifting a lot and doing repititions...Gotta get ripped!! 8-)

that would tone u up (doing lot of repition) than bulk u up, it is better to bulk up and then tone up after ward, that is what I am doing, My biceps are around 16.5 Inches, my aim is to get it to 18inch, and then do more reptition to get the cuts,

Machi, i have feeling that u may be slim, or skinny, it is better u bulk up by doing heavy weights, less reps, say around 8 reps, till u get big, then do more repitation to get the cuts!

20th December 2006, 01:08 PM
I weighed 180 lbs when I first started @ the end of summer holz. now i weigh 195 lbs after starting this weight training thing, it's been like 3 months.

18 incs...:shock: yebaaaa...:shock:

so far mine are 13 inches :cry: (Just measured :P) my frns who started this thing just a couple months b'fore i did look like gorillas, but they're also pumping steroids...so I stopped competing with them. :oops: :P

oh 1 more question..

when i first started, my hands grew like a creeper, but then lately, it's slowed down. it still gets bigger, but not as fast as it used to...the growth rate is slower. what should i do?

take more whey protien, or increase the weight i'm lifting?

thanks again. :D

21st December 2006, 04:13 PM
when i first started, my hands grew like a creeper, but then lately, it's slowed down. it still gets bigger, but not as fast as it used to...the growth rate is slower. what should i do?

take more whey protien, or increase the weight i'm lifting?

thanks again. :D


U need 2 change ur exercise, cos ur body will get used to it, u need to change it every 1-2 months, and yes increase the weight, and reduce the reps, and give at least 72 hrs rest b4 u work ur ars again, muscles need at east 72 hrs to recover and regrow!

29th December 2006, 03:00 AM
hi everybody
AM a male 20 year old.any chances of growing taller after 20?
i am short basically and if i do weightlifting kinda thing will it affect my further growth??
i would be extremely glad if anybody can reply for this pls..

29th December 2006, 12:20 PM

hi gorgeous gaayini
just read ur post and ur tip was interesting.but should 8 glasses of water be drunk at a stroke or can we have gaps??cos i knoww there is something called water therapy where u have to drink 10 glasses of water at a stroke and vomit it.it has to done immily after getting up in the morning before taking any food .it cleanses ur body completely keeping u fit and fresh for the whole day even helping in reducing weight. but for me vomiting is the worst part so i stopped doing it these days :(
but if ur tip works its just great.lets see

2nd January 2007, 03:45 PM
hi everybody
AM a male 20 year old.any chances of growing taller after 20?
i am short basically and if i do weightlifting kinda thing will it affect my further growth??
i would be extremely glad if anybody can reply for this pls..

dude, give me some time, i will tell u what 2 do :-)

2nd January 2007, 10:17 PM

what is ur weight and height?

18th January 2007, 01:41 AM
thanks raghu for ur reply. my height is 5 foot 5 inches and weight is 70 kgs

18th January 2007, 11:17 AM
Dear Raghujee,

I have reduced 2 kg wt. Thanks to your advice. I have increased my jogging time to 30 minutes daily and intake of calorie is less. Do one has to drink 8 glasses of water in the night, is it before meals or after meals, or should not one take any meal at night. It is not very clear, Pl. advice.


25th January 2007, 03:52 PM
Dear Raghujee,

I have reduced 2 kg wt. Thanks to your advice. I have increased my jogging time to 30 minutes daily and intake of calorie is less. Do one has to drink 8 glasses of water in the night, is it before meals or after meals, or should not one take any meal at night. It is not very clear, Pl. advice.


Hi Pls stop calling me Raghu JI, i am not old enough or intelligent enough to be called one.

Regarding Water, yes * glasses of water is a MUST, the more u drink water the better, if u drink 1 Big glass say 500ml of water b4 u eat, u will eat less , hence ur calorie intake will be less, hence u will loose more wait, and drink one glass directly after meal!

Pls do some weight training as well, else u will become weak once u start 2 loose weight and u will become skinny rather than toned, don’t hesitate to ask for more tips


21st February 2007, 11:19 AM
Dear Raghuji,

What's BMI. As I told u i had reduced 2 kg, but it has come back. anyway I am doing jogging daily atleast to keep fit as i have to sit in office infront of computer for longer hours and at home also i sit and do lots of reading, watching TV etc. I do little stretching exercises as you suggested. Plz. keep on encouraging me more. Thanx.

21st February 2007, 11:23 AM
Dear Mr.Raghu, Ji is form of respect, whether one is young or old does not matter, since i have lots of respect for ur guidance and good wishes, I call u ji, plz. do not mind.

22nd February 2007, 03:53 PM

BMI means Body Mass Index, pls c this link


22nd February 2007, 03:54 PM
Dear Mr.Raghu, Ji is form of respect, whether one is young or old does not matter, since i have lots of respect for ur guidance and good wishes, I call u ji, plz. do not mind.

Ok, If you insist