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21st January 2009, 12:16 PM
This thread discussed new singers/MD's/lyricists in TFM.. Go to last post for latest ones.

இசையமைப்பாளர் ஆகிறார் நடிகர் கருணாஸ்

லாரன்ஸ் ராகவேந்திரா நடிக்கும் ‘ராஜாதிராஜா' படத்தின் மூலம் நடிகர் கருணாஸ் இசையமைப்பாளர் ஆகிறார். இந்தப் படத்துக்கு இசையமைப்பாளர் பால்ஜேயுடன் இணைந்து இசையமைக்கிறார் கருணாஸ்.

இதுகுறித்து கருணாஸிடம் கேட்டபோது...

‘‘இசையமைப்பாளராக வேண்டும் என்ற லட்சியத்தோடுதான் நான் சென்னைக்கு வந்தேன். 1987-ம் ஆண்டு முதல் நூற்றுக்கணக்கான இன்னிசை நிகழ்ச்சிகளை நடத்தியுள்ளேன். ரீமீக்ஸ் பாடல்கள், இசை ஆல்பங்கள், கானா பாடல்கள் போன்றவற்றை சொந்தமாகத் தயாரித்து கேசட்டுகளாகவும் சி.டி.க்களாகவும் வெளியிட்டுள்ளேன். ஆனால் இயக்குநர் பாலா மூலம் ‘நந்தா' படத்தில் திடீரென நடிகனாக அறிமுகமானேன். அதன்பிறகு 50-க்கும் மேற்பட்ட படங்களில் நடித்து தற்போது பிஸியாகவுள்ளேன். இருந்தாலும் இசையமைப்பாளர் ஆக வேண்டும் என்ற எண்ணம் மாறவில்லை. ‘ராஜாதிராஜா' படத்திற்கு ஆரம்பத்தில் தினாதான் இசையமைப்பதாக இருந்தது. ஆனால் அவர் பல படங்களில் தொடர்ந்து பிஸியாக இருந்தார். இதற்கிடையில் படப்பிடிப்பின்போது நான் பாடிக் காட்டுவதைப் பார்த்த நடிகர் லாரன்ஸும் இயக்குநர் ஷக்தி சிதம்பரமும் என்னையே இசையமைக்கக் கூறினர். அதனால் தினாவின் ஒப்புதலோடு இந்தப் படத்தில் நானும் இசையமைப்பாளர் பால்ஜேவும் இணைந்து இசையமைக்கிறோம்.

பால்ஜே ஏற்கெனவே பல இசை ஆல்பங்களை வெளியிட்டவர்; ‘தலைமகன்', ‘கிழக்கு கடற்கரை சாலை' போன்ற படங்களுக்கு இசையமைத்தவர். எங்கள் இருவருக்கும் நீண்ட கால இசை அனுபவம் இருப்பதால் இசையமைப்பதில் எந்த சிரமமும் ஏற்படவில்லை. இந்தப் படத்தில் இயக்குநர் பேரரசு எழுதிய அனைத்துப் பாடல்களும் எங்களுடைய இசையில் சூப்பர் ஹிட் ஆகும்'' என்றார் கருணாஸ்.


23rd January 2009, 10:39 AM
[tscii:bdf626bd3f]'Rajadhi Raja' Press Meet
[Tuesday, January 20, 2009]

Karunaas is one busy man in the Tamil film industry now. He started off as a comedian in films and then graduated to playing hero in the film ‘Dindugal Sarathy’. The actor is all set to exhibit yet another talent of his now. Karunaas has been appointed the music director of the film ‘Rajadhi Raja’ starring Ragava Larencce.

Karunaas is no stranger to the world of music. He had been an avid stage singer before his cinema debut. This multi-faceted personality is teaming up with Paul J for ‘Rajathi Raja’.

Sakthi Chidambaram (producer and director of ‘Rajathiraja’), Ragava Larencce and Karunaas met the press recently. Check out the stills.


30th January 2009, 01:19 PM
[tscii:9248fa3e0c]Grill mill

You were basically a musician. How come you ended up as a comedian?

Correct. I can play the harmonium, piano, tavil and other percussion instruments. I’ve composed music for 22 albums. My aim is to become a music director. But when I got a chance to act as ‘lodukku Pandi’ I was happy. Now after a gap of nearly 22 years, I’ve got a chance to do music direction for Rajathiraja along with my friend Paul J, who is a master of many instruments. I just want to prove that I’m capable of scoring good numbers.

Does that mean acting will take a backseat?

No. I am acting in two shifts in more than a dozen films, including Endiran and Rajathiraja. I’ve joined hands with Paul J as I don’t want my producers to suffer. Both of us will certainly deliver the music tracks on time.
Following Dindugal Sarathi, does acting mean playing hero alone?

Look, I’m donning comic roles as usual. When the chance to play hero under an able director comes my way, I will surely make use of it.
After being musician, comedian, hero, music director and distributor (for some films), do you plan to take up direction or production next?

I’m doing whatever comes my way. I don’t intend directing films as it’s complicated and I wouldn’t be able to pull it off. Neither am I interested in producing films. As of now, I want to continue to act and do a bit of music direction.
Will your wife Grace object if you dance with a female star in films as hero?

My wife knows about cinema and even, in my first film, as hero in Dindugal Sarathi my performance was controlled. So it won’t be a problem for me.


2nd March 2009, 01:26 PM
[tscii:9daa867cf2]இசையமைப்பாளர் ஸ்ருதி

இந்தியின் ‘எ வெட்னஸ் டே' படம் தமிழில் ‘தலைவன் இருக்கின்றான்' என்ற பெயரில் ரீமேக் ஆகிறது.

சக்ரி இயக்குகிறார். கமல்ஹாசன், மோகன்லால் இணைந்து நடிக்கின்றனர். இதில் கமலின் மூத்த மகள் ஸ்ருதி இசையமைப்பாளராக அறிமுகம் ஆகலாம் என தெரிகிறது. இந்தியில் ஹீரோயினாக நடிக்கும் ஸ்ருதி ஏற்கனவே ‘வாரணம் ஆயிரம்' படத்தில் பாடகியானார் என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.


11th March 2009, 01:56 PM
மனுஷ்யபுத்திரன் பாடலுக்கு..
ஸ்ருதி மீட்டிய இசை!
"ஒரு தலைவன் இருக்கி
றான்' பட வேலையில் படு தீவி
ரமாக இருக்கிறார் கமல்.
படத்தை இயக்குவது கமல்,
அதற்கு இசையமைப்பது
ஸ்ருதி கமல்ஹாசன், காஸ்ட்
யூம் டிசைனிங் கெüதமி...
படத்தில் ஒரு பாடலுக்குப் பின்
னணி பாடியிருப்பது கமலும்
ஸ்ருதியும். ஒரு குடும்பப் பட
மாகத் தயாராகும் இப் படத்துக்கு "ஒரு குடும்பத்தலைவன்
இருக்கிறான்' என்றே சொல்லலாம் போல தோன்றுகிறதா?
கமலும் ஸ்ருதியும் சேர்ந்து பாடியிருக்கும் இப்
பாடலை எழுதியிருப்பது யார் தெரியுமா? கவிஞர்


11th March 2009, 02:36 PM
ச மீபத்தில் வெளியான "பெருமாள்' படத்தில் இடம் பெற்றுள்ள,
"காதல் வைபோகமே...' என்ற பாடலை பாடியிருப்பவர் டாக்டர்
மு.க.மு. அறிவுநிதி. இவர் கலைஞர் கருணாநிதியின் மகன் மு.க.முத்து
வின் மகன் என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.
மருத்துவத்துறையில் பட்டம் பெற்றுள்ள அறிவுநிதி தன் தந்தையைப்
போலவே இனிய குரலுக்கு சொந்தக்காரர். அவர் பாடியுள்ள இந்தப்
பாட்டு இப்போது பட்டித் தொட்டி எங்கும் ஒலித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கி
றது. இதனால் மிகுந்த சந்தோஷத்தில் இருக்கிறார் அறிவுநிதி.
அறிவுநிதி பொது வாழ்க்கையில் அன்பு, அடக்கம், ஆன்மீகம், அறிவு,
அரவணைப்பு, பொறுமை என எல்லாவற்றிலும் நல்லொழுக்கத்துடன்
திகழ்ந்து வருபவர். இப்போது பின்னணி பாடகராகவும் திரையுலகில்
வலம் வர ஆரம்பித்திருக்கிறார்.
இவர் பாடியுள்ள, "காதல் வைபோகமே...' பாடலைக் கேட்டு வியந்து
போன தமிழக முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி, தானே முன் வந்து இப்படத்தின்
ஒலிநாடாவை வெளியிட்டு சிறப்பித்தார் என்பதும் குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.
அறிவுநிதியின் தந்தை மு.க.முத்து, "பிள்ளையோ பிள்ளை', "பூக்காரி',
"சமையல்காரன்' போன்ற படங்களில் ஹீரோவாக நடித்து ரசிகர்களி
டையே புகழ் பெற்றவர். இப்போது அவரது மகன் பாடகராகியிருக்கி

16th March 2009, 01:26 PM
[tscii:aee091b821]கல்லூரியே சாட்சி'

‘பந்தயம்' படத்தின் சுராங்கனி..., சின்ன மாமியே... பாடல்களை பாடி தமிழ் இசை உலகத்துக்கு அறிமுகமாகியுள்ளார் பாடகர் பாலாஜி.

அவரின் இசையுலகம் பற்றி கேட்டபோது:

‘‘எல்லோருடைய வாழ்க்கையிலும் கல்லூரி வாழ்க்கை முக்கியமான பகுதி என நினைக்கிறேன். அந்த வாழ்க்கையில் வரக் கூடிய மாற்றங்கள், வாழ்வு முழுவதும் பின் தொடர்ந்து வந்து கொண்டே இருக்கின்றன. என்னில் உருவான அனைத்து மாற்றங்களுக்கும் அந்த கல்லூரியே சாட்சி.

இசையறிவு கொஞ்சம் கூட இல்லாதவனை அந்தக் கல்லூரி எப்படித்தான் மாற்றி அமைத்தது என்பது வியப்பாக இருக்கிறது. சென்னை எஸ்.எஸ்.என். கல்லூரியில் என்ஜினீயரிங் படித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தபோது தான் இசை உலகம் என்னை இழுத்துக் கொண்டது.

எங்கு பார்த்தாலும் வயலின், பியானோ என தலைமுடிகளை விரித்து பாடிக் கொண்டிருந்த மாணவர்களை பார்த்து நானும் அது மாதிரியே ஆகிவிட்டேன். முறையாக வகுப்புகளுக்கு போகாமல் கேள்வி ஞானத்தாலேயே பாடக் கற்றுக் கொண்டேன்.

பின்பு எந்த நேரம் பார்த்தாலும் கல்லூரி ஆடிட்டோரியம்தான். ‘ராகமாலிகா', ‘சூப்பர் சிங்கர்' உள்ளிட்ட பல டி.வி. நிகழ்ச்சிகளில் கலந்துகொண்டு பாடி வந்தேன். அப்போது என்னை பார்த்த இசையமைப்பாளர் விஜய் ஆண்டனிதான் ‘பந்தயம்' படத்தில் பாட வாய்ப்பு தந்தார்.

சுராங்கனி..., சின்ன மாமியே... என பாடிய இரு பாடல்களும் ஹிட் ஆகிவிட்டது. தொடர்ந்து நிறைய வாய்ப்புகள் வந்த வண்ணம் உள்ளன. தற்போது வெளியாக உள்ள ‘ரசிக்கும் சீமானே', ‘இந்திர விழா', ‘நினைத்தாலே இனிக்கும்', ‘அங்காடி தெரு' உள்ளிட்ட படங்களிலும் பாடியுள்ளேன்.

தமிழ் திரையுலகில் சிறந்த பாடகராக வர வேண்டும் என்பதே என் லட்சியம். அதற்காக நிறைய பயிற்சிகள் செய்து வருகிறேன்'' என்றார்.


19th March 2009, 11:06 AM
[tscii:a01ff6f7b4]Shruthi Haasan’s foray with Kamal Haasan
IndiaGlitz [Monday, March 16, 2009]

With his esteemed ‘Dasavatharam’ fetching him laurels across far-flung corners of the globe, Universal Hero Kamal Haasan has commenced his remake version of ‘A Wednesday’. Titled ‘Thalaivan Irukiran’ in Tamil, the Telugu version has been named as ‘Ee Nadu’. The shooting had hit the floors before couple of days in Hyderabad and would be simultaneously filmed in Telugu and Tamil.

When fathers are treading elatedly launching their heirs into tinsel town on respective panoramas,Kamal Haasan is introducing his daughter Shruthi Haasan with this magnum opus. Don’t expect the young lass making her onscreen appearance in lead role. Uh-huh! Shruthi who has been churning out many musical albums makes her debut as music director with ‘Thalaivan Irukiran’. Though her part goes inclusive of scoring signature song, she’s involved in deep discussions with her crew in spelling the best.

Once Shruthi had represented her dad for collecting Filmfare Awards where she uttered, ‘Hope, One day I would erase my father’s records and bag them on my own records’.

Of course, the girl is on for the hotfooted task.


6th April 2009, 02:13 PM
[tscii:d9febd0bd5]கரண் ‘காத்தவராயன்' படத்தை இயக்கிய சலங்கைதுரை அடுத்து இயக்கும் புதிய படம் ‘காந்தர்வன்'.

மலையாள நடிகரும் இயக்குநருமான லால் சகோதரர் அலெக்ஸ் பால் இந்தப் படத்தின் மூலம் தமிழில் இசையமைப்பாளராக அறிமுகமாகிறார்'[/tscii:d9febd0bd5]

6th April 2009, 02:21 PM
ஆர்யா கதாநாயகனாகவும் ஸ்ரேயா கதாநாயகியாகவும் நடிக்கும் படம் சிக்கு புக்கு

இசை அமைப்பாளர் கலோனியல் கஸின்ஸ்' லூயிஸ், ஹரிஹரன்.

6th April 2009, 03:13 PM
[tscii:28016a3c29]Shruthi Haasan’s handicap is her name
IndiaGlitz [Friday, April 06, 2009]

Kamal Haasan is a proud father, but one who thinks that the famous Haasan name is a disadvantage to his daughter, Shruthi. Kamal Haasan believes that his name is a burden that Shruthi will have to carry and live it. On a more positive note, he feels his daughter has all the makings of being an extraordinary actress and singer, if she chooses to be both or either.

The lass is being paired opposite Imran Khan, whose successful 'Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na' has earned him many offers. The movie, titled 'Luck', is a raw action flick and will mark Shruthi’s debut in Bollywood.

The actress learned music at the Musicians Institute in California, and is also well-versed in North Indian classical music. She started of with “Potri Paadadi” in her father's film 'Devar Magan' then went on to sing for the bilingual versions of the 'Hey Ram' title track and her latest was for Gautham Menon's 'Varanam Aayiram'.


6th April 2009, 03:23 PM
[tscii:9173f31bf1]Making Of 'Ho Jaane De' With Shruti Hasan
[Friday, April 06, 2009]
Singer Raghav Sachar and gorgeous Shruti Hasan share their working experience in the title track of their recent album 'Ho Jaane De'. The album has a very youthful feel to it. The young duo were quite happy with the other's work and dedication. Shruthi thinks there is a very young, modern and fun element in the song. So if you are a little down or sad just watch the video ‘Ho Jaane De’ and “just be cool”!

Video is here



8th April 2009, 01:03 PM
[tscii:a8ea9a14cd]Shruhti Haasan to work for Thalaivan Irukkinran?
IndiaGlitz [Wednes day, April 08, 2009]

Here’s news that been around for sometime. Shruthi Haasan, who has just launched a music album, is also likely to compose music for her dad’s next, ‘Thalaivan Irukkinran’.

Shruthi Haasan’s talents from poetry, to modeling to singing are well known. It was only recently that she lent her voice for Goutham Menon’s ‘Varanam Aayiram’ for the song “Adiye Kolludhey”. She is also making her debut opposite Imran Khan in the Bollywood film Luck.

Now, it is said that ‘Thalaivan Irukkinran’, which is a remake of A Wednesday, will have its musical score by Shruthi Haasan.

Mohanlal and Kamal Haasan team up for the first time for this film, which will be directed by a debutant NRI. The film is being produced by Raj Kamal International and the rest of the crew is yet to be announced. The film is a bilingual, made in Tamil and Telugu, with Venkatesh replacing Mohanlal for the Telugu version. The movie is called ‘Eenadu’ in Telugu.


27th April 2009, 12:49 PM
[tscii:5c952ad434]Kavithai Gundar kicks off Tamil rock
April 27, 2009

In what seems to be a bit delayed undertaking, the Kavithai Gundar rap group will soon be launching their first Tamil rap album. Having already become popular with their novel styles and a few singles, this album which will have 11 songs is expected to create a few waves in the audio circuit. In an event at the Green Park hotel attended by Sun TV CEO Mr. Saxena and Shruthi Haasan, it was announced that the album was all ready for a commercial release to take place on 1st of May.

The event was a colorful one with Emcee Jesz MC Loga turning in performances. Two songs from the album were performed by Jesz and Neha Bhasin. Later Neha sang the hit song “Pesugiren Pesugiren” from Sattham Podathey with the rappers doing a beatbox in place of the instruments.

Speaking at the function, Mr. Saxena praised the producer of the album Saravanan for his efforts in making the venture a successful one. Shruthi Haasan too expressed her faith that the album would be worth the expectations and would live up to the troupe’s reputation.


4th May 2009, 04:02 PM
ஞாயிறு கொண்டாட்டம்
பாப் பாடகி ஷகீரா

04 May 2009

சிம்புவுடன் சரத்குமாரின் மகள் வரலட்சுமி நடிக்கும் ‘போடா போடி' படத்தின் முழு படப்பிடிப்பும் கனடாவில் நடைபெறவுள்ளது. விக்னேஷ் சிவா இயக்கும் இந்தப் படத்தின் ஒரு முக்கிய வேடத்தில் பிரபல பாப் பாடகி ஷகீராவை நடிக்க வைக்க முயற்சிகள் நடைபெறுகின்றன. ஏற்கெனவே பல முன்னணி நடிகர்களுடன் நடிக்க வந்த அழைப்பை லொக்கேஷன், கால்ஷீட் காரணமாக மறுத்த ஷகீரா, ‘போடா போடி' படத்தின் முழு படப்பிடிப்பும் கனடாவிலேயே நடப்பதால் இதில் நடிக்கச் சம்மதிப்பார் என்ற நம்பிக்கையில் இருக்கிறது பட வட்டாரம். ஷகீரா லத்தின் அமெரிக்காவைச் சேர்ந்தவர். கொஞ்சம் பக்கம்தானே?![/tscii:a6c3419a63]

11th May 2009, 11:27 AM
[tscii:63e413178a]அடுத்த வாரிசு?
வைரமுத்து மகன் மதன் கார்க்கி ‘கண்டேன் காதலை' படத்தின் மூலம் சினிமா பாடலாசிரியர் ஆகியுள்ளார். மோசர்பேர் நிறுவனம் தயாரிப்பில் ‘ஜெயம் கொண்டான்' கண்ணன் இயக்கி வரும் புதிய படம் ‘கண்டேன் காதலை'. பரத், தமன்னா நடிக்கும் இந்தப் படத்தில் ‘ஓடோ ஓடோ ஓடோடிப்போறேன் காதல் பாதி தேடோடிப்போறேன்' என்ற பாடலை எழுதியுள்ளார் மதன் கார்க்கி. இந்தப் படத்துக்கு வித்யாசாகர் இசையமைக்கிறார்.

24th August 2009, 01:52 PM
இசைகளின் பரிணாமம்!

இசையமைப்பாளர்கள் எம்.எஸ்.விஸ்வநாதன், இளையராஜா, சங்கர் கணேஷ், தேவா, எஸ்.ஏ.ராஜ்குமார், சந்திரபோஸ், ஸ்ரீகாந்த் தேவா, பிரேம்ஜி உள்ளிட்ட பல இசையமைப்பாளர்கள் பல படங்களில் சில காட்சிகளில் நடித்துள்ளனர். இவர்களைத் தவிர ஏ.ஆர்.ரஹ்மான், யுவன்ஷங்கர்ராஜா, சிற்பி, கங்கை அமரன் போன்றவர்களும் தோன்றியுள்ளனர். இவர்கள் வரிசையில் தேவி ஸ்ரீபிரசாத் நாயகனாக நடிக்க உள்ளார். ஜி.வி. பிரகாஷுக்கு (படம்) சினிமா வாய்ப்பு வந்தும் மறுத்து விட்டார். மணிசர்மா, வித்யாசாகர் ஆகியோருக்கு சில இயக்குநர்கள் வலை விரித்து இருக்கிறார்கள்.


30th October 2009, 01:03 PM
முக்குலத்தோர் முகவரி

First Published : 30 Oct 2009 10:00:00 PM IST

Last Updated :

திரைப்படத்துறைக்கு வருவதற்கு முன்பு, இசைக்குழு நடத்திய கருணாஸ் ஏராளமான இசை ஆல்பங்களை வெளியிட்டவர். பாலாவின் "நந்தா' படத்தின் மூலம் நடிகரான கருணாஸ் அதன்பிறகு நடிப்பில் பிஸியாகிவிட்டார். நீண்ட இடைவெளிக்குப் பிறகு ரீமேக் "ராஜாதிராஜா' படத்தில் இசையமைப்பாளராகத் தனது திறமையை நிரூபித்தார்.

இப்போது பசும்பொன் இலக்கியப் பேரவை வெளியிட்டுள்ள "முக்குலத்தோர் முகவரி' என்ற ஆல்பத்துக்கு இசை அமைத்து பாடியுள்ளார். பசும்பொன் முத்துராமலிங்கத் தேவரின் புகழ்பாடும் இந்த ஆல்பத்தில் வைரமுத்து, புலமைப்பித்தன், முருகன் ஆகியோர் பாடல்களை எழுதியுள்ளனர்.

இந்த இசை ஆல்பத்தை, அண்மையில் நடைபெற்ற விழாவில் சன் பிக்சர்ஸ் தலைமை செயல் அதிகாரி ஹன்ஸ்ராஜ் சக்சேனா வெளியிட தேவர் பேரவை தலைவர் டாக்டர் ராஜகோபால் பெற்றுக்கொண்டார்.

18th March 2010, 01:46 PM
[tscii:bfa45bb669]Livingston turns music director
IndiaGlitz [Wednesday, March 17, 2010]

At a time when many directors have become actors, here is an actor who has taken the avatar of a music composer. He is Livingston, who will sit in front of the keyboard for a film titled ‘Thandachoru’.

Apart from scoring the music, the actor will take care of story, screenplay and dialogues departments of this comedy movie, which will be directed by Irudhayaraj, a newcomer. Besides, he will also play an important role in it.

“I was initially a singer. I had performed in many stage shows before becoming an actor. I am scoring music for ‘Thandachoru’ with this experience and hopeful that my songs would be liked by one and all,” says Livingston.

On the film, he says, “the story will convey a message that beauty of the heart is more important than beauty of the face. Newcomers are playing the lead roles. The shooting will start by May and plans are on to release the film by this year end.”


12th October 2011, 08:40 PM
Playback singing in Tamil cinema is getting younger and spunkier by the day. But that is in no way upsetting veteran singers! Karuna Amarnath does a voice check…

"There's nothing wrong with change… if it is in the right direction," said Winston Churchill, and we can't agree more. But even if change is inevitable, it isn't always sweet. Especially when it is forced and not by choice; when you have to make way for a younger lot to take over the mantle…

Of late, we've seen this kind of change take over the playback singing industry in Tamil cinema. A host of regular, notable voices are now being replaced by younger, spunkier and more enthusiastic singers - a trend that has introduced the industry to a whole new genre of music and a generation of newer talent.

In fact, most among the renowned singers have been relegated to judging TV reality and talent hunt shows and making appearances as celebrity guests on talk shows, while the youngsters are crooning their way to success.

But award-winning singer Sujatha Menon is not perturbed. "I think change is always good. In fact, I feel that bringing in new talented singers is great because they have the energy and enthusiasm to get the best out of a song. I'll be happy if my daughter (Swetha Menon) replaces me for a song. As far as judging goes, only if you bring an experienced singer will the competition hold any value, right?"

What's interesting is that thanks to this change, the sound and quality of music that's being rendered has also changed tremendously over the years. Oscar award-winner, Tanvi Shah analyses, "Playback singing has changed because directors are open to diff erent tones and voices. The singer who comes in doesn't only have the usual 'husky' or 'high-pitched' tone. There is also more scope for world music, and that's because the public wants that kind of thing."

Sujatha goes on to add, laughing, "Can you imagine me singing Kodaana Kodi (from Saroja)? It won't sound good at all! I was off ered Kaatrin Mozhi' (from Mozhi) because that song needed a more mature voice. It's nothing to feel bad about. Everyone needs to move ahead graciously."

Could this change be because younger music directors feel insecure about working with experienced singers? Twenty two year old music director, GV Prakash denies it instantly, "In fact, it makes our job much easier to have experienced singers. It's just that most fi lms today require more 'attitude' and a 'freestyle' kind of singing. And the younger singers are willing to play around and experiment. For us, it is about the voice matching the song and not the person."

However, Suchitra Karthik, who was one of the fi rst few to make an entry with an unconventional voice is realistic. "There's no competition when it comes to experience!" she smiles, "Let's just say that the music trend right now is leaning more towards young and spirited voices because the fi lms demand that. When it changes back to mature and 'real,' everything is going to go back to the way it was."

While competition between the younger and older breed of musicians still remains stiff , singing sensation, Benny Dayal feels that replacing more experienced singers is very optimistic. It in no way means we are losing respect for anyone. "We won't be here if we didn't grow up listening to their songs or singing them at competitions! At the end of the day, we are all making music, not war. We don't have ego clashes because everyone is happy for each other. I hope it remains that way." Great camaraderie, oodles of respect for each other's space and encouragement means there's no room for insecurity. And, that's what makes the playback singing industry soar ahead – young and experienced working together like clockwork…

13th October 2011, 08:12 PM
"Maalai Mangum Neram" singer Ranina Reddy

.. a Telugu girl, born and brought up in Bangalore and now settled in Chennai. Veera, Rangam, Sarai Veerraju, U & I, Engeyum Kaadhal and more, the lady has 26 Tamil and 8 Telugu songs in her kitty and is now looking to spread her wings in the Telugu music field.

"Singing is in my gene, appa is into theatre and amma is into light music," says the effervescent young lady who became a thorough professional at the age of three when she sang for a Kannada tele serial Nanaganada Hero.

She started performing on stage regularly when she was 14 years old and became the first Minus Track singer in Bangalore. She explains the word Karaoke is wrong, it is actually termed a Minus Track where there is no live band on stage, the music is played on CD and there is live singing. At that point of time she couldn't afford a live band, wasn't that famous so she took up dances as a back up. Very passionate about a career in singing, she was busy 365 days and doesn't lament neglecting her studies; did not complete her graduation.

While her first break as a playback singer came through Silanthi, she became a celebrity overnight through Kodana Kodi, a hit number from Saroja. She followed it up with Devisri's number in Current and the 'Ola Olaala Ala' helped her get a zillion followers on Facebook.

She recollects, "I was at the gym when Harris Jayaraj called and asked me to be there in half an hour. I thought it was a prank call and disconnected but again my phone buzzed and it was for real. I was asked to write the rap." Ranina Reddy's forte is hip hop. She says pop is more girly, our films are more based on R & B (Rhythm and Blues) plain compositions without too many percussions. Hip hop has a rap, singing is less. There is more importance on rthym though the tempo is less. It is groovy.

On the personal front she freaks out Sufi music and adds, "I love the rawness, the message it carries, the original and divine feel." The singer is glad at the number of opportunities being given to youngsters and gives the entire credit to the parents, she says earlier they would stress only on studies, would be narrow-minded and they now understand that their kids are far more mature, expressive and have their priorities right which is very good."

13th October 2011, 08:16 PM
Aalap Raju

For those wondering who the refreshing new voice behind the chartbusters, Ennamo Edho... from Ko and the title track in Engeyum Kadhal is, then it is time you got to know Aalap Raju, a singer and a leading bass guitar player in town.

The success story...

I began with playing bass for the song Vaarayo Vaarayo... in Aadhavan. I decided to record a voice demo with an English song and a few Tamil songs. That's when Harris sir was composing Ennamo Edho.... When I got a call from him, I was sure it was for playing bass. But when the manager clarified that it was for voice, I was both excited and nervous. Soon after, I got a call for Engeyum Kadhal and I was on cloud nine. After recording, he said, 'Stop playing bass. Just sing.'

The Harris magic...

Harris sir knows the pulse of his audience. He keeps his tunes simple so everyone can connect with them. He trusts his singers and tunes. Harris sir knows how to extract the best from his singers.

Overwhelming response...

Thanks to Harris sir, praises have been pouring in. There was one fan who wrote to me, "Twenty-four hours back, I didn't know who you were, but now, I'm a huge fan of yours." I will always be thankful to Harris sir for giving me this break.

Juggling act...

Playing the bass guitar is something that is closest to my heart. I will never give that up for anything. I have to practise both simultaneously.

Plans ahead...

Rahlaap, an album that Rahul Nambiar and I are working on, is set to release soon. I'm excited about that. I have sung two songs in that. I always look forward to performing live as there is nothing like the adrenaline rush that it gives you.


14th October 2011, 10:33 PM
Prakash nikki - md of rowthiram

Video interview - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oiFGll7_Ak

song link - http://www.raaga.com/channels/tamil/album/T0003083.html

17th October 2011, 02:36 PM
megha - singer of mun andhi - 7aam arivu

Megha is a blessed great grand daughter of Late Papanasam Sivan, a legendary Carnatic composer. She is fortunate to have music running in her genes,Born in Chennai, she relocated to Bangalore where she did her most of her schooling. She was also at Hyderabad for a brief while between the ages 4-7,She did her Bachelors in Commerce in Chennai and pursued her Masters in Human Resources whilst making an active foray into the field of playback singing in 2007,She has been pursuing Carnatic Music since childhood and then took to other genres in the course of her musical journey,Megha has completed Grade 8 from Trinity College London in Western Classical music under the guidance of one of the most renowned musician Augustine Paul from Chennai. She actively performs in western classical concerts in Chennai, Megha has also learnt Hindustani classical music. She has also been associated with the legendary Madras Music Association choir for the last few years

Her mother Gowri Ramachandran and father S. Ramachandran, spotted her talent early on just as became her schools and college’s favorite pick for anything related to music – being representing her school/college in various competitions to concerts in house.


20th October 2011, 08:49 AM
who is singer malaysia shaila??? sings in mambattiyan

23rd October 2011, 12:23 PM
engeyum eppothum MD sathya

i was doing jingles and was a keyboard programmer with vidyasagar. my debut
was in 'aadugiran kannan' serial. then got md chance in 'yen ippadi mayakkinai'.
but 'engeyum eppothum' became my first break.

27th October 2011, 10:42 AM
Marina Md krishji

Pandiraj who had hit a sixer with small kids in the films Pasanga is now directing a film titled Marina. This film is also about the kids who sell peanuts and chick peas in the Marina beach in Chennai. Pandiraj has now flown to London. He has gone there to meet the music composer Krishji who also looks like a school boy.

When asked Pandiraj that whether going to London would make the producers budget escalate, he said, "Though I am making the film in Marina, I felt that the music should be focal point in this film. The reason for this is the story is filled with comedy and at the same time it will narrate the emotional side of the kids.

So the back ground score is important for this film. I was in search of a suitable music composer. It is very difficult to extract work from the present day leading music composers. I needed a new music composer who could compose music as per my requirement. I got Krishji while I was searching for a music composer. He was the protégé of Lalgudi Jayaraman. Actor Shiva Karthikeyan only introduced me to him. He has learnt music from the age of 8. Now he is staying in London and composing music for albums. All the songs and back ground score of Marina will be recorded in London. Krish has already composed music for English stage plays in London. He has also composed music for short films and documentaries. After seeing his music composition in one of his short film, I gave him the opportunity to compose music for Marina."

16th November 2011, 08:40 PM
"3" Music director Anirudh

Anirudh Ravichander, a 21-year-old Chennai lad, is one of the youngest music directors to enter films. Reportedly Anirudh has composed some brilliant tracks for his debut film 3.

He studied at PSBB and graduated from Loyola College. This brilliant young musician’s journey began when A.R. Rahman presented him with an award for the best instrumentalist in a reality show, Ooh la la la.

Now this youngster is chasing bigger dreams. He says, “I have composed music for Aishwarya Dhanush’s short films. We worked together for 12 short films. When she came up with her debut film, she wanted me to compose music for her film project as well. Aishwarya as a director is doing well. I am really excited about my debut film songs.”

Why this Kolaveri di is a song from 3 to be released today. The single-track release will exhibit a sample of Anirudh’s talent.
Related Articles

Dhanush's song leaked online

He says of the audio of 3, “Dhanush and Shruti Haasan have rendered a duet, which will be good to watch as they will be in the visuals as well. Mohit Chauhan of Rockstar fame has sung a song for the very first time in a South Indian film. Dhanush wrote the lyrics for six songs. The Kolaveri song happened in 10 minutes. It was effortless, we just casually worked on the song. The surprising part is that even Aishwarya has written a song in the film!”

On his working style, he says, “I follow an emotion-centric style of working. I compose emotions in my songs. I don’t sit and compose tunes. I believe certain songs just happen by themselves. As I have been born and brought up in Rahman’s era, I have learnt music with his songs. I just want to compose simple, soulful numbers.”

Anirudh’s musical roots stem from a music band in his school days.

He says, “I was a part of a school band called Zinx. I used to be the piano player in my band. The band inspired me to take up my musical journey. Now my dear friends are working with me as my music team. So it is amazing fun at work.”

His fingers are crossed as his debut music track hits the stores. His prediction: “I am confident and I hope I’ll rock!”


24th November 2011, 11:40 AM
Mejjo Josseph

Composer Mejjo Josseph recently won hearts with his songs and background score for the film Traffic. He is now working on the background score of its Hindi version, too, the shoot of which will begin on November 24. Catch him next in Mollywood with the music of the Prithviraj-starrer Louis VI. "I'm now working on the five songs for the film," Mejjo says. Besides, there is a Tamil film as well. "It is actress Rohini's directorial which has a folk subject as its theme. Obviously, the tunes are going to be essentially tribal and folkish," he asserts. The shoot of the yet-to-be-titled film will begin in January.


27th November 2011, 12:06 PM
vijay prakash turns composer

The award-winning voice behind the Tamil hit Hossana, Vijay Prakash, gets up close and personal with DNA just before his concert in the city on December 2…

Performing in Bangalore…
Bangalore is my city, my home. Performing here will always be like performing at home. The response I’ve received from this city has been overwhelming in the past.

Encounter with Bollywood
I started off small. When AR sir (A R Rahman) gave me a break in Swades, it boosted my confidence. I have recorded songs for the Tamil, Telugu and Kannada industries but with the national reach of Hindi songs, I had a good platform to begin with.

The classical connect
I have been really privileged to have had Carnatic music training from within my family itself. I believe any classical form of training goes a long way in helping one analyse absolutely any genre of music to understand and therefore render it better. With my foundations, I am able to sing across genres. It also makes singing easier and more fun.

Projects on hand
I will be travelling to and performing in Dubai with AR Rahman. I will also be composing for a Kannada film Andar Bahar starring Shivrajkumar. I have some projects in Tamil and Telugu as well.

The concert
There have been some songs that have had a great impact on me while growing up. I will be performing these personal favourites at the concert. It is going to be a casual one-to-one evening with music that is both my own compositions as well as that of others.

27th November 2011, 12:16 PM
First tamil film featuring the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra

Music director Sundar C.Babu:Poraali is my first film with director Sasikumar as producer and my second with director Samudirakani. When I saw it I felt the background score needed more work and asked both the producer and director to work with a foreign orchestra. It took me two months to write the background score. During that period, I communicated with various foreign orchestras and the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra agreed to play for me. I presented them with a bound score. This is the first Tamil film featuring the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and both of us were delighted with the outcome. Usually, a film has around six songs with a background score running for around half-an-hour. But Porali has a 45-minute score and only two of the songs are long. On the whole, the music has come out well.

27th November 2011, 12:19 PM
Kamban Kazhagam

Another associate of director A.R.Murugadoss wields the megaphone for the first time inKamban Kazhagam.Directed, written and produced by Ashokan (Q Cinemas has produced the film), the cast includes Kishore, Jayaprakash, Delhi Ganesh, Singamuthu and ‘Ganja' Karuppu. New faces Prabhu, Rayson, Naveen, Rathin Raj, Murali and Krithika play the lead roles. The music has been scored by Shyam, Prasan and Praveen and the lyrics are by Sarathi. Anbu Dennis has handled the camera and the editing is by Paramesh Krishna. The audio of the film was recently released.

Music director Prasan:When we started composing tunes some 10 years ago, we never thought we would compose for films, but thanks to Ashokan's support, our dream has been fulfilled. Initially Shyam and Praveen met at jam sessions. After listening to our demo, Ashokan asked us to compose tunes for two situations he had in mind. He was impressed with our effort and gave me the opportunity to work in hisKamban Kazhagam.

Music director Shyam:Working on the music score forKamban Kazhagamwas a challenge. Earlier, the songs we composed were an expression of our mood. But composing for a film has been a life-changing experience. One of the biggest challenges was to write music that gelled with the storyline and the director's vision. Ashokan's storyline is practical, with deeply thought-out characters and complex situations. We composed around 25 to 30 tunes, out of which director selected 6.

Music director Praveen:Another challenge was the fact that the three of us were located in three different places — Chennai, San Diego and Houston. Director Ashokan was very patient, and allowed us to take our time to finish the songs and the background score. We collaborate a lot over the Internet, sharing files over FTP. Praveen and I made several trips to India while we were composing and recording. We recorded the songs in studios in Chennai and the U.S. We have been receiving positive feedback on the songs and this makes us happy.

Music highlights

The album features a pleasant mix of tunes — ‘Un Kangal' sung by Karthik, Krishna Iyer and Maya; ‘Podu Sakka Podu' sung by Vijay Narain and Krishna Iyer; and ‘Nee Naan' sung by Harish Ragavendra and Harini are good. ‘Yaaro' in the voice of Haricharan and Al Ruifan is again well-rendered. So are ‘Kaadhal Kadalaai' by Shyam and ‘Gada Gada' by Benny Dayal and Swetha Mohan.

9th January 2012, 03:40 PM
Alaap Raju

He lives in Chennai and created waves in Kollywood with ‘Enamo aedho’ from Ko and the ‘Engeyum kaadhal’ title track. But the Kochi-born singer with his peppy and melodic voice likes to be called ‘a Mallu boy’ rather than a Tamil lad. “Music is in my genes, I never had to put in any extra effort,” says Aalaap Raju.

No one can argue with that. Son of J.M. Raju, a Tamil music director, and Lata Raju, a Malayalam playback singer of the late 60s, Aalaap also has the famous Malayalam singer of the 50s, Shanta P. Nair, as his maternal grandmother. The pull of music was so strong that he gave up his job to pursue it. “July 16, 2009, was the day when I decided to follow my heart and switch over from a career in software to music,” says Aalaap, who is also an electric bass player.

In fact, he started his musical innings by playing bass for the song ‘Vaarayo Vaarayo’ in Aadhavan while ‘Kuthu kuthu’ song from Iyyenar was his debut performance as a vocalist. It’s then that Harris Jayaraj invited him to lend his vocal charm to a track in the movie Ko which pitchforked him to the top singer’s hit. “Later when I got the ‘Engeyum Kadhal’ call, I was truly on cloud nine,” he says. Over a year after he took the plunge into playback singing, Aalaap Raju has two hits under his belt and is waiting for the release of a couple of films he has sung for, besides a combined album with Rahul Nambiar titled ‘Rahlaap.’ “My wife definitely contributes by not contributing much. She does not make it a big deal that I am a singer. That’s what I like about her. There are many occasions when I go through an emotional roller coaster but she is my leveler. She is firmly grounded and brings me down to terra firma,” says Aalaap about Dimple. Of course, however busy his recording schedule maybe, he finds time to play with his one-year-old daughter Dia.


16th January 2012, 11:18 AM
Vijay prakash

Vijay Prakash has been a part of the Oscar-winning ‘Jai Ho!’ He also has several other accomplishments to his credit. Bindu Gopal Rao speaks to the singer on his musical journey so far.

Vijay Prakash dropped out of engineering after his first semester to pursue a career in music. He then moved to Mumbai and joined Suresh Wadkar’s music school and started training in Hindustani classical and light music like ghazals. It was here that Sonu Nigam spotted him and asked him to participate in Sa Re Ga Ma Pa. To sustain himself, he started doing voice-overs for advertisements and singing jingles.

His vocals impressed A R Rehman, who offered him a chance to sing in Swades. The journey has continued since then and he has sung songs in several Indian and even foreign languages.


18th January 2012, 12:55 PM
Shweta Pandit

Shweta Pandit has only been credited with having sung one song in Kollywood, but insists that Chennai’s music fans are some of the best that she has ever seen. And that’s not just because the last time she performed here was alongside A R Rahman to kickstart the Jai Ho Tour. Not many might remember, but when she was all of five years old, she had to come down to namma Chennai to work with Ilayaraja on Mani Ratnam’s Anjali.
It was 1991, when the runaway success of Anjali, prompted the ace director to dub and release the film in Hindi, and that’s where Shweta came in. Now, two decades after she spoke as the endearing Anjali, across screens in North India, the exciting young singer is prepped to set the stage on fire at IIT-Madras, “College crowds are like one big party,” she gushes, “There is so much energy, it’s incredible!”
And she couldn’t have come at a better time. Shweta had her first song in Tamil in the Arya-Madhavan starrer Vettai, that released last weekend, and the reviews have kept her cheerful, “I was very excited after I sang Kattipudi, because working with Yuvan Shankar Raja was such an experience,” she says

18th January 2012, 01:00 PM
Suchith Sureshan

En friendah pola yaaru macha! This chartbuster song from Vijay’s latest film 'Nanban' has been rocking the charts ever since the film’s audio was launched. Let us meet the voice behind the song, Suchith Sureshan who shot to fame with ‘Karikalan’ from Vettaikaran, which was incidentally, another Vijay film. However, that wasn’t his first song as a playback singer.

More recently he sang ‘Innum Enna Thozha’ with Naresh Iyer and Balram for 7am Arivu. The voice behind the award-winning jingle for Radio Mango belongs to Suchith with composition by Deepak Dev. He even made his presence felt in Mollywood through the soothing number ‘Pularumo’ from the movie Rithu.

It was quite lately that Suchith realised his passion for music. “My grandfather was a singer and a theatre artist as well. My dad’s siblings and cousins were trained in vocals and instruments. My dad was also a good singer but his focus was always on fine arts. So my brothers and I took classes in music. Later my brother Sooraj became a seasoned drummer and made a band of his own in college, while he was a student of medicine. I took up singing quite seriously as I realised that music was what I wanted to pursue,” says Suchith.

24th January 2012, 08:55 PM
Kolaveri Di was a sensational hit in youtube winning the Golden Award for maximum hits.Going the same way is the promo song Vanakkam Vaazhavaikkum Chennai in the movie Marina.It features several prominent actors from the Tamil film industry. It is uploaded in YouTube and is already proving to be a big hit .

'The only female voice is that of Shilpa. The other two singers are Mukesh and Ramshankar. Marina is actually the second film I signed up as music director; the first one is yet to be released,' informs Girish, who was till recently an associate conductor with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain (NYOBG).

30th January 2012, 08:50 PM
Clinton Cerejo

Meet Clinton Cerejo, known for his contribution to various facets of the Indian film music industry. He is also the voice behind hit numbers like Kya Karoon from Wake Up Sid and I Love You from Bodyguard. With all these achievements, he stands out all the more for his charming, down-to-earth demeanor, as he explains, “I have never actively gone out and promoted myself and I don’t wish to be in the limelight.”

Born into an academically inclined family of no musical background, Cerejo was all set to pursue his MBA after completing his graduation in Commerce from Poddar College in Mumbai. Egged on by his friends, as well as being unable to imagine himself in a desk job for the rest of his life, he decided to pursue a career in the music industry.

he has lent his voice to over 1,500 jingles to date and has worked with the likes of A R Rahman, Shankar Mahadevan, Ehsaan Noorani and Loy Mendonsa, Lezz Lewis, Ranjit Barot, Vishal Bharadwaj, and Louis Banks among others. In fact, it was A R Rahman who offered Cerejo an opportunity to work with him. He has also sung several songs in Tamil for films such as Alaipayuthey and Kandukondain Kandukondain.

15th January 2014, 03:12 PM
pooja from super singer , sang 'paakatha paakaatha' in vvs


10th April 2014, 02:57 PM
vadacurry music has many new faces

The audio of Jai and Swathi starrer Vadacurry that has been directed by debutante Saravana Rajan and produced by Meeka Entertainments of Dayanidhi Alagiri is going to be launched tomorrow.

As we all know, music for the film has been composed by new comer Vivek Siva and Mervin Solomon barring one song that has been composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja who backed out of the project owing to prior commitments.

The song composed and arranged by YSR is 'Uyir Meloru Uyir Vandhu' and it has been sung by Priya Hemesh and Sathyan. Lyrics for the song has been written Niranjan Bharathi

Vivek and Mervin have composed four songs for the film in four different genres. 'Nenjukkulle Nee' has been sung by Vijay Prakash, Diwakar and Ajees Ashok. Diwakar is the title winner in the latest edition of a popular singing competition aired in a private channel. The lyrics for the song have been written by Ponraj.

'Love Ana Life' is an item number in which Sunny Leone will appear. The expectation for Vadacurry has multiplied ever since the news broke out of hot actress Sunny Leone entering Tamil film industry by dancing to this number. The song has been sung by Anirudh and Andrea Jeramiah. It is to be remembered that Anirudh is the one who introduced the young composers to Dayanidhi Alagiri. Vivek and Mervin assure that 'Love Ana' will not be a normal item number. It is a dream fantasy song. Lyrics for the song have been written by newcomer Harish who is the close friend of the young composers. This is also the first song composed by Vivek and Mervin for their debut film.

New faces galore in 'Vadacurry' tracklist

'Keluganna Kelunga' has been sung by Gana Bala. The composers have said that Gana Bala liked the tune and improvised the song while crooning it. This will be a song that will not resemble any other song sung by Gana Bala as promised by the composer.

Popular singer Shankar Mahadevan's son Sidhdharth Mahadevan who has already sung in Bollywood films, debuts in Tamil with 'Ullankaiyil Ennai'. This will be the important song in the film that will come at the crucial juncture of the film. Hence the verses were written by popular lyricist Snehan. It will be a 'Rock' kind of song and the composer duo has revealed that it is a highly experimental song. They were doubtful about its success while composing but are happy with the outcome.

Vivek and Mervin are making their foray into Tamil film industry as a music director duo after Viswanathan-Ramamurthy and Shankar-Ganesh. The songs releasing tomorrow will be the litmus test to assess whether they will match the legends.

10th April 2014, 03:06 PM
drums sivamani's debut as music director

The official teaser of IDHAYAM song from the tamil movie ARIMA NAMBI, sung by Javed Ali, and shot in virgin locations of South East Asia. The music is by Drums Sivamani. Certain areas in this song have never been shot on film before. The cast and crew had to reach the locations on foot, after few hours of trek.

Video Credits :

Song : Idhayam
Movie : Arima Nambi
Singer : Javed Ali
Music Director : Sivamani
Directed By : Anand Shankar

Movie Credits :

Movie : Arima Nambi
Genre : Suspense Thriller
Produced By : Kalaippuli. S. Thanu
Directed By : Anand Shankar
Starring : Vikram Prabhu, Priya Anand
Music : Drums Sivamani
Cinematography : R.D. Rajasekhar
Art Direction : Muthuraj
Editing : Bhuvan Srinivasan
Action : Dhilip Subbarayan
Choreography : Shobi
Audiography : A.S. Lakshminarayanan
