View Full Version : The "Hub Portal"
16th January 2005, 09:20 AM
*** Launching the HUB PORTAL ***
The Hub Portal is a new frontend to the hub (which encompasses the Forum Hub and the TFM DF). Here you'll see that the newest topics,posts,polls,etc are presented in a more easily accessible fashion than before. If anytime you had found it was tedious to explore many sections to check the latest updates, then you'll like this. Check it out:
This is just an alterate interface. If you are comfortable with the curent mode, you may continue to use that. But pls give the portal a try. It will be the Hub frontpage eventually.
If you are only interested in 'Forum Hub related' forums&topics, use this:
Forum Hub specific portal:
Similarly, TFM Page visitors can use this:
TFM Page specific portal:
These two will soon replace the frontpages of ForumHub.Com and respectively.
Your comments/suggestions are welcome.
17th January 2005, 01:18 PM
A news section has been added. It will be updated daily to highlight 'what's hot' around the Hub (Forum Hub & TFM Page).
18th January 2005, 01:03 AM
Hi RR,
Aahaa ! .... WELCOME !!!.... but one thing NOT CLEAR....
The Message or News ... You mean... about... EXTERNAL ?... or .... INTERNAL ?... or... BOTH ?
So to say...
External :----
All the RARE- NEWS & VIEWS.... which we are normally unable to get or have the access (especially for people like me... in overseas) .... or in case even if we get access, ... our tastes are different... on the HAPPENINGS & THOUGHTS around.... Internationally..... especially on Science & Events.... We may get interest to know... on hearing from you.
Internal :---
Within this Forum HUB.... by Drawing our attention towards some Useful Informations or some Interesting Message postings in some other Thread... which the Reader may not normally open.... since his interest is different.... And our attention drawn by your such info..... may enthuse us to peep into..... and thus gain the hidden benefit.
Which ONE ... you mean.... my dear RR..?
If you mean BOTH.. Well.. QUITE WELCOME... Since...DOUBLY HAPPY !!!
Thanking With Best Wishes,
R. Srinivasan.
18th January 2005, 06:15 AM
Dear Mr.Srinivasan,
It's 'Internal' news. You have explained the motive perfectly!
External news is beyond our scope (& capabilities), sorry.
28th January 2005, 04:48 AM
I am interested in the siddhar way of life and would be grateful if you recommend some books and yoga establishment in London U.K for me. I am interested to find a Siddhar Guru in India as i am planning to visit India as soon as possible.
28th January 2005, 10:29 AM
the hub portal is really convienient and helps the hub addict get their doses in a quick and organized manner :P Thanx :D
28th January 2005, 10:31 AM
Hi !
Its better to ask the ONLY member who feels that portal is not upto the mark ! And if really there is any need for modification / updation.. that can be taken care of..
23rd March 2005, 10:58 PM
Dear Administrators,
Yes... Radically I agree with Mr. Madhu...
We the Old-Hubbers... still continuing in your NEW-HOME too... are EASILY and Remarkably... able to discern between the Sun and the Shade...
The sincere Endeavour of one and all of You the Administrators towards shaping this New-Hub,.... has really delivered its due Degree of Processes for Posting and Viewing... alongside your laudable Mode of Software- Presentation... apart from the stuff delivered... which is our concern.
Indeed .. The New-Hub is.... SPLENDID.
But Urgent Corrections and Improvements are quite IMPERATIVE in two areas.
(1) Similar to the Old-Hub provision... we want the facility of Tamil-Font posting directly on to the page... instead of the present provision of copy & Paste-up.... even for minor corrections and petty editions... which problem ixists only for Tamil-Font....
Why you are Partial towards Tamil.... IGNORING it IN THIS TAMIL- FORUM ...preferential to English?
(2) We the Cow-Hubbers have assembled in this Fertile-Meadow... for grazing for our needs as well as to gain nutritition for ourselves and for Milk- feeding to our children alongside the other needy...
Whereas... in the midst of we the cows.. you have allowed some unmatching creatures . who feel FREE to irrelevantly .post anything at their LIBERTY ... by dragging and diverting our attention towards some dirty also Provocative...and Cheap-thoughts.
Day by day we are getting FED-UP with their ONSLAUGHTS of Dirty- thoughts.... coming round and round the same Dry-topic... like a GOLTI ...reminding the irritative "Vaazhaippazha-joke" by Sendhil- Koundamani.
What is Your Reaction?.. How long you are going to tolerate.. these unfit and unmatching company for the Elite-Assembly here.?
24th March 2005, 08:04 AM
Dear Sudhaama,
1. I'm sure you are aware that tamil typing is currently supported with eKalappai. You can edit/delete just like English typing. Pls try that. There are some technical issues in supporting Murasu.
2. Everyone is having hands full here, and NOV is away. (I hope you read the Notice thread in History forum.) As soon as he is back, things should improve. Meanwhile, need your help in reporting abuses. Pls pm me.
24th March 2005, 04:45 PM
Thanks. Please do your best. ... at your earliest convenience.
Further I clarify on my latest posting... that by my mention as Donkeys and Pigs.. I did not attribute on any Individuals... but a simile of the Situation
I have compared a situation where we the Readers are Cows assembled for grazing in a meadow.. while stealthily... some Donkeys and Pigs enter in between... and upset the whole purpose of the Cow-assembly at the meadow....
The scope was only to emphatically and FORCEFULLY convey the sense of high contrast ....That is all.... Nothing beyond.
My intention was not to hurt anybody... even if he be the unwelcome participant.
However, I have edited the posting suitably .
17th October 2007, 02:26 PM
The portal is temporarily disabled to speed up the access. For now, the portal links will redirect to and respectively. Sorry for any inconvenience.
21st August 2008, 12:25 PM has been mentioned in this week's Kumudam :clap:
22nd August 2008, 02:47 PM
Thanks, Mr.Judge for the great news.
For those interested in the full news item:
தமிழ் சினிமா பாடல்களை விரும்பி கேட்பவர்கள், கண்டிப்பாக ஒரு முறையாவது பார்க்க வேண்டிய இணைய தளம் . இது தமிழ் சினிமாக்களில் இடம் பெறுகிற பாடல்களை அலசி ஆராய்கிற வெப்சைட்.
தகவல்களை வழங்குவதோடு மட்டுமல்லாமல், ரசிகர்கள் தங்கள் கருத்துகளை தயக்கமின்றி பகிர்ந்து கொள்கிற மேடையாகவும் இருக்கிறது.
Thanks Murali.
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