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16th January 2005, 10:54 AM
hi all
i have heard that music is good for pregnant women. does any of you know what kind of music is it. please let me know...
thanxs in advance

16th January 2005, 03:58 PM
Carnatic music or stotrams like aditya hridhayam, vishnu / lalitha sahasranamam etc. either you can chant or hear all of them every day in the morning and evening which is really good.

16th January 2005, 09:30 PM

You get an audio cd/cassette called garbh sanskaar.It was designed for pregnant womens.It has music and mantras from vedas.When i was pregnant i used to hear it daily.If u are in US u get it in indian music shops.I bought the cd from raaga music shop in newjersey. hope this helps

happy pregnancy
:D from

23rd January 2005, 03:25 PM
Hello Gayathri,

Recite this mantras/slokas everyday till the day of delivery.

Mathru boodeswaro devo
Bakthanaa mishta thayaka
Sukanthi kunthala naavaha
Suka prasava Mrichchanthuhu

Hima vathyuththarey parthavey
Surathaa nama yakshini
Tasyaha smarana mathrena
Visalya karpini paveth

Hey sankara smarahara
Bramahathathi natha
Mannatha samba sasisooda
Harathri soolin
Sambo sukaprasavakrutha
Pavame thayalo
shri mathrubootha
siva balayamam namasthey


23rd January 2005, 11:03 PM

// Hello Gayathri,... Recite this mantras/slokas everyday till the day of delivery .... .//

Dear Mr. R

Hats off to you... for your HEALTHY - INTENTION of Helping the Needy...

No doubt it is good for the PREGNANT LADIES to recite this Maathru-Bhoothaeswara Sthuthi ..

But I am sorry to point out... that there are lot of PRONUNCIATION- MISTAKES in your English-Transliteration of this Sanskrit Sthothram...

For Example...

....Mathru boodeswaro devo Bakthanaa mishta thayaka....

... it should be read as....

"Maathru Bhoothaeswaroa Dhaevoa . Bhakthaanaam Ishta Dhaayakaa...."

I believe you know... in Sanskrit... the Phonetics... Pronunciations are very Important. Otherwise the same word will mean different.

So please refer the Moola-paatam and Transliterate it with the help of anybody who knows Sanskrit.... may be even any Sasthri Purohitha

24th January 2005, 12:20 AM
Hello sudhaama,

First of all, I am not Mr!!

Then, it it not my version. Saw in some site, so thought of copying the same, that is all. I did not see the full slokams at all since I chanted this a long time back in tamil; dont remember anything now to correct on my own.

Hope you understand!!

28th January 2005, 08:25 PM
hi R & sudhaama

thanxs a lot for ur response. i will search for that slokam in some sites. what's the name of the slokam. can you post the name, so that it will be easy for me to search the audio version also.

hi kals

thanxs. i will search for the CD when i go to devon avenue.


12th February 2005, 10:26 AM
can you tell me the name of the slokam

22nd February 2005, 09:19 PM
You can also listen to instrumental music like relaxation cds.
Some of them are Piano by Vivaldi, Piano by Mozart etc.
Also there is a music collection called Reflections of Nature.In this series,there are many CDs like Walking in the Woods,Piano by the Sea etc.The sounds of nature like waterfall,sea waves,birds chirping,rustle of leaves on a trail etc are combined with soothing strings giving a peaceful harmonious state of mind.
I used to hear these Cds right from when I was pregnant,and my baby likes the music a lot.whenever I put the music,he stays calm and listens and becomes less fussy.It was also very relaxing for me.These Cds can also be heard during labor pains and delivery to relax your mind,tensions,and your muscles during labor.It is very effective.To buy these,you can go to Amazon.com or any store like Barnes and Nobles.
Some other Cds I found very relaxing are Infinity , Eternity by Real Music,Piano by the Sea,Guitar by the sea,Flute by the Sea.
Some of these CDs are available in Walmart in the section where they keep Kid's music collection.

To know more about music and pregnancy,I reccomend reading Secret Life of the Unborn Child.A very good book every pregnant woman should read.Hope this helps.If u have more qns pls feel free to ask.

24th February 2005, 12:21 AM

// can you tell me the name of the slokam//

That is the MAATHRU- BHOOTHAESWARA STHOTHRAM ... on the Maathru-Bhoothaeswarar Swamy

... alias... THAAYUMAANAVAR Swamy at... Thiruchi ... Malai-Koattai

Where it is available... ???????

Anybody can help you if they know where you are ...

... and... at least... in which Country you are..!!!.

We cannot expect all such rare Religious informations from the Online.

However... I suggest you to try... Bookstalls ... for the Book...

... as well as Tape-Record Stores... for the Audio-tape.

... especially in and around Thiruchi.

Besides... Music does a lot towards the best Advantage of the Pregnant Mother as well as the Baby... right from the Embryo stage itself... as has been Scientifically proved

But please avoid hearing JARRING MUSIC or Heavy-Sounds... including the Jaz, Rock-n-Roll ... type loud Drum-beats.

Even Internationally it has been accepted and medically approved... that the Carnatic Music tunes are the most befitting Sound-waves.

....Preferably Instrumental... Flute, Jala-tharangam, Harmonium, Piano, Violin, Guitar, Mandolin etc.

If you want to have a ... Beautiful ... Calm-natured ...Healthy... Wise... Child...

Then during the Pregnancy.....the Pregnant Mother must be...

... deeply God-devoted... any God ...of any Religion of MOTHER'S Choice and Faith. !!!.

Yes....It is a Proven Fact !!!

2nd April 2005, 03:49 PM
reading sundrakandham ramayanam is good for child.and also heraing good carnatic music and shlokas make the child brainy and with good character.most important think is to listen to music relax with no tension.

3rd May 2005, 11:15 PM
Hope this link might be useful to you.


4th May 2005, 12:29 AM
Thanks for the link.

Can anyone tell if the gender selection of the baby works?

4th May 2005, 01:06 AM
our experience, yes it works but we did not follow intentionally, but there is proof that it works.

6th May 2005, 05:10 AM
i saw the web site . it was very useful. you have given some recommended days for getting pregnant if u want baby of a particular sex. thats assuming the person has regular cycle. but i have irregular cycle. do u have any way recommendation for that

6th May 2005, 11:56 PM
yes you can regulate your cycles through natural means. i would need some details. do you want to discuss here or you want to e-mail at gethealed@sakthifoundation.org

7th May 2005, 12:45 AM
We Can discuss here so if anyone else has the same problem they might be benefitted too?
What do u think?

7th May 2005, 03:36 AM
There are many reasons for the cycles to be irregular. it is certainly hormonal. But hormones are affected by various reasons. the simplest way to correct cycles is to eat every day a handful of black sesame seeds with palm jaggery. But in a blender and powder as much as you can and eat in from the 7th day of menstruation till the begining of the next cycle. This may not workk in just one trial. it may have to be done for a few months, lets say 2 to 4 months. Some women immediately respond others take time.

Most of the women who did reported to be in regualted the cycle very well. But this should be done by women who have delayed cycles. But for soem one who has early cycles , should eat amaranth seeds. They can get flour (in health stores or grocery stores) and make like a porridge and eat. This is very good to prolong menstruation. My wife couple of times wanted to extend and experimented this and maximum 10 to 15 days can be delayed.

7th May 2005, 06:08 AM
i saw the web site . it was very useful. you have given some recommended days for getting pregnant if u want baby of a particular sex. thats assuming the person has regular cycle. but i have irregular cycle. do u have any way recommendation for that


If you have irregular cycles, most likely that you are not ovulating properly, hence chances of becoming pregnant is lesser than someone with regular cycles. First step wold be to correct your cycles. You can start with weight reduction if you weigh more. Most common causes are PCOS, hypothyroidism and hyperprolactinemia. These words might sound like greek and latin to you. But, if you have irregular cycles and have been trying to become pregnant for more than a year, you must have a Gynecologist check your hormones. It is correctable to some extend. If you are more the 35 years, then 6 months of trying is enough to go to Gynaecologist. Good luck. :)

10th May 2005, 09:08 PM
Going to a gyne is not wrong, but taking hormone supplement is dangerous to correct ovulation. You women do not have any idea how much you damge your body by playing with hormones. The birth control pills and all the other hormonal pills cause you irrepairable damage your soft femine body. You have no clue about it unless you pay attention to it. I would talk of my personal experience. When young my mother to attend religious functions would use to take pills either to get the mestruation soon or post pon it. She was ignorant and listened to her gyne for these instructions. Now in her menospuase she is undergoing hell. She has these hot flashes which is severe than all other women. Hot flash is suffered more by western women who has in many ways introuced these hormones into their bodies.
So women folks be aware of introducing hormones into your body. Dont take it for granted whatever your gyne prescribes.. Go for all natural means. Well if you want to taste hell , please lay the foundation for it , right now.

10th May 2005, 10:33 PM
Going to a gyne is not wrong, but taking hormone supplement is dangerous to correct ovulation. You women do not have any idea how much you damge your body by playing with hormones. The birth control pills and all the other hormonal pills cause you irrepairable damage your soft femine body. You have no clue about it unless you pay attention to it. I would talk of my personal experience. When young my mother to attend religious functions would use to take pills either to get the mestruation soon or post pon it. She was ignorant and listened to her gyne for these instructions. Now in her menospuase she is undergoing hell. She has these hot flashes which is severe than all other women. Hot flash is suffered more by western women who has in many ways introuced these hormones into their bodies.
So women folks be aware of introducing hormones into your body. Dont take it for granted whatever your gyne prescribes.. Go for all natural means. Well if you want to taste hell , please lay the foundation for it , right now.


Hot flash will occur in every women who attains menopause. When ovaries stops functioning, there is no estrogen which a women had enjoyed until then. Since you have seen your mom suffer, you blame it on the doctors. But, believe me, every single women undergoes this during menopause. As such menopause is hell. I am really surprised to see such a wrong propaganda, that too from a man who doen't knows what a women really undergoes during various stages of her life. I am glad that you love your mom, though. But, that doesn't make your statement right. Believe me, I know what I am talking about.

10th May 2005, 11:39 PM
Dear friend
I am studying different women, who at menopause and undergo hot flash. Most women undergo, but I see the severity or the intensity and I see a strong correlation between the use of hormones and hot flash. Of curse there are many factors. But these being predominant in my study. I like to make it clear that my conclusion is not just based on my mom only.

11th May 2005, 12:27 AM
Hi Pradeep,

There is no human being without hormones. We don't prescribe hormones for everyone. Only those who develop symptoms due to lack of or excess of a particular hormone are treated. There are so many hormones and hence we have a separate Speciality called Endocrinology.

Women may not become pregnant if they have hormonal imbalance. You didn't even know that hormones that leads to infertility are many and different from hormones given to post menopausal women. Advising an 25year old infertile women not to go to a gynecologist and have her hormone problem corrected just because women who took HRT (hormone replacement Therapy) had more hot flashes, itself shows that your knowledge about hormones is not good enough to advise someone. I am sorry to say this, but it is the truth.

I would have accept if someone who is a female or a Allopathic medical doctor advises about hormones.

When I looked into your mother's problem, this is what I thought. I don't think any doctor would have suggested that women should not go to temple when they have periods. Doctors know that menstruation is the most inconvenient and painful situation and know that women need moral and spiritual support at that time. So to blame a doctor that they prescribed medication and that is why it is like this, is not fare.

I wouldn't blame your mom either. I don't think she would have come up with idea of not going to temple when she has her periods. Poor mother.

Should we blame God then. No, because, as far as I know, no God would say, hey women don't come to me when you have lot of pain and when you really need me.

I think the basic problem lies in religious practises and screwing up a women cycle and health in the name of religion and I am really angry at men who created these unnecessary rules. I am talking here on behalf of women who cannot express their feelings.

Kakai kukkara panambazham vizhuntha gathaya, we cannot blame the hormones and doctors for that, please.

11th May 2005, 12:59 AM
based on my experience i can say the Doctors in USA know zilch, zero, nothing about medicine. I have been to several doctors(not hormone related problem) here and they do not know as much as i know :shock:
I am not a doctor but i have so much common sense that for a hormonal imbalance problem u can get it corrected by introducing artificial hormones ...even though u do not see any side effects at that time u will see the side/ill effects after years of treatment. I agree for fertility- woman will take any risk of ill effects later compared to not be able to have a child. Its not the matter of seriousness of problem but the priority of having a child makes a woman to go thro' those ill effects later..she sacrifices..her health for baby..
I'm sure there will be a lot of ways to treat the infertility problem in natural ways, but people do not have faith and patience for such kind of treatment.

Allopathic doctors (when i say allopathy doc. i talk about doc who prescibes medicines and not who performs surgery) always see a way to supress or solve the problem temporarily, this may be because they get business from that patient as long as they have that problem...why will they give permanent solution to patients when by giving temp. solution everytime they can earn more but they can never cure a person of that illness permanently.
Allopathic doc just wants business not the well being of society.
U go 2 a allopathy doc with a normal headache problem he will prescribe a medine for that too.....why on earth can't he tell the patient that such small things happen and will go by itself and that they should not take medicines...
for any stupid simple prob.. an allopathy doc prescribes a medicine(poison in long run) ...


13th May 2005, 03:17 AM
Dear Ilavenil
I understand your feelings. Please excuse me if I hurt your profession (if it is). You told about HRT (hormone replacement Therapy)is good and blamed me that i dont information on that. This is the other way around. please check few months back Time magazines report of HRT. The report is analyzing whether women made of mistake of using hormones.
so illavenil, I am not against medical treatment, but against use of hormones because medical industry has not learnt enough about it. Knowing Endocrinology as the science of hormones is not enough, one has to understand that hormones are relased based on cross communicaiton betwen all the body organs. So popping pills containing hormones dos more harm than good because one does not know how much damage it causes.

I can quote many incidences, but for you i will do one. One patient aged 16 wrote to me having got paralytic attack. Inspite of doing all scans in the top hospitals in usa, they could nto figure it out. Later the patients parents did exhausting research and got one report that taking oral birth control pills causes depletion of B complex vitamins.They got the connection then. Their daughter was prescribed by an endocrinologists to use birth control pills for this 16 year old girl. After one month of taking the pills she got this nervous breakdown. Immediatelty they stopped pills and put her in vitamin supplements and she overcame the problem.

Like this I can give you many incidents. Conclusion is that hormonal use does more harm than good. The good we see is only in the short time but in the long run?. I am not interested in temporary solutions but long lasting.

About women and religious custom I will discuss it elsewhere.

13th May 2005, 05:56 AM
Dear Ilavenil
I understand your feelings. Please excuse me if I hurt your profession (if it is). You told about HRT (hormone replacement Therapy)is good and blamed me that i dont information on that. This is the other way around. please check few months back Time magazines report of HRT. The report is analyzing whether women made of mistake of using hormones.
so illavenil, I am not against medical treatment, but against use of hormones because medical industry has not learnt enough about it. Knowing Endocrinology as the science of hormones is not enough, one has to understand that hormones are relased based on cross communicaiton betwen all the body organs. So popping pills containing hormones dos more harm than good because one does not know how much damage it causes.

I can quote many incidences, but for you i will do one. One patient aged 16 wrote to me having got paralytic attack. Inspite of doing all scans in the top hospitals in usa, they could nto figure it out. Later the patients parents did exhausting research and got one report that taking oral birth control pills causes depletion of B complex vitamins.They got the connection then. Their daughter was prescribed by an endocrinologists to use birth control pills for this 16 year old girl. After one month of taking the pills she got this nervous breakdown. Immediatelty they stopped pills and put her in vitamin supplements and she overcame the problem.

Like this I can give you many incidents. Conclusion is that hormonal use does more harm than good. The good we see is only in the short time but in the long run?. I am not interested in temporary solutions but long lasting.

About women and religious custom I will discuss it elsewhere.

So, what is your point? Let the 16 year old have a baby or bleed to death by stopping the Birth control bill or just add Thiamine and avoid alcohol. BTW, these have to be dealth with by doctors. Why do you worry and unnecessary confuse the already confused patients. If your only intension is to save the man kind from hormones, you don't need a web-site, you don't need any advertisement. I am sorry, but I couldn't avoid asking, what is the difference between people like you and all Samiyars cheating innocent people in the name of religion? Don't tell me you want to help people. You have wonderful education, why don't you do something that is related only to your degree, you still could help people, for God sake. This is just a humble request.

Let me ask you one single question, how many patients at the age of 16, prescribed birth control pills have had these problems? Do you have any data? Can you show me articles from journals like pubmed that hormones should be banned because of such and such effects seen in these many patients. I don't say that hormones like vitamines and can be taken by all. All medications have adverse effects. It is doctors job to weigh the risk againt the benifit and treat the patient. Even if something goes wrong, doctors know how to correct the problem. Why do you have to break your head without a motive behind? Yelikku payathu veeta kozhuththa kodathu.

I agree that there are many herbs with good medicinal effects. But, why don't you just leave it to qualified Siddha doctors and M.D in Ayurveda deal with herbs :D.

My only intention is to protect innocent suffering people from falling into trap built by unqualified persons. And I am sorry if I have hurt you. But, please don't complicate things but continuing your wrong propaganda.

I know people are smart enough to differentiate Good from evil. Attukkuttikku Onaai kavalaa?I have made my views clear. So, I don't think I need to answer to this post anymore.

13th May 2005, 05:06 PM
Dear illavenil
It was my mistake for not writing the clearlythe caseofthe 16 year old kid. she was given birth control pills just for acne. This is what I wanted to convey and I missed that point. Using hormones is like burning one's own home for killing a rat. This is one of many cases unknown when the great endocrinologist teated a girl for acne.

You asked about the dangersofHRT.Just typein google searchyouwill find alot. I am giving a sample below.


Next, why I am bothered and do I have any qualification?. I am not licensed to treat. But I have common sense which is really needed than a qualification. One does not need qualification or a college degree to have common sense. Knowledge is different from wisdom. Any tom and harry can read and gain Knowledge , but wisdom is different.I rely on a system that is based on wisdom. I am still an infant in tapping that source of wisdom on treating diseases. Wisdom in not based on bits and pieces of isolated studies. It is holistic. It is complete and fullness.

As a human I am concerned when people go and blindly fall into ignorance. My intentison is to make people think and to make their own conclusions and shape their own fate. I not only pin point errors but also offer solutions. To criticize is easy but to offer solutions is not so.

Hope we are not going away from the topic of this thread. The thread is about music and pregnancy. 20 or 30 years back doctors didnot beleive that music has any influence on pregnancy. Now they understand it has a huge impact.But look at illeterate women folks who are "unqualified doctors" sing songs to babies. These illeterate "unqualified , no-college educated doctors" would give masaage to new born babies which modern doctors past few decades banned as harmful. Untill some premie babies when touched with hands showed that massage is great for growth, the ancient practice was considered non-sense.
A women's body is like a universe, which creates life. using hormones for whatever reasons might will give immediate relief but long lasting health hazard. So lets not burn our house to get rid of a mouseand to know this fact no one needs even a college degree.

22nd May 2005, 09:58 AM
Hi Pradheep,
What is Amaranth seeds(in tamil)?Do we get it in all Indian stores? When and how much chud we take it-should we take in empty stomach??

Thanks a lot.

24th May 2005, 12:08 AM
Amaranth seeds(in tamil)

Mulai keerai vithai, or Thandu keerai vithai. Very tiny (smaller than kadugu) black seeds. Eat as much as you want! Harmless stuff!

24th May 2005, 10:07 PM
Where in US do we get this amaranth-any idea??

25th May 2005, 10:06 PM
No idea, ma'am! The botanical name being amaranthus blitum, or amaranthus paniculatus.

Sirukeerai, pungi keerai, pannai keerai, thuyili keerai, mullu keerai, aruk keerai, kuppai keerai are some species of the same genus 'amarunthus' cultivated for their greens. Their seeds have similar appearance.

I don't know if you can buy the seeds as a food grain, but you may get them as seeds for growing - but it would cost more.

Perhaps, you should search the web for 'amaranthus seeds'. You may get a few hits from the US.

25th May 2005, 11:42 PM

// Where in US do we get this amaranth-any idea??//

In some of the leading Indian-shops... in US too... these "Vegetable- Keerais" .... are AVAILABLE..

If not available in your Region... you can ask the Indian-Shopkeepers.. who can guide you..... on its availability in your nearest Vegetable- Shops of US.

Even otherwise... several Keerai-like Leavy- Vegetables are available in US Shops to cater to the Chinese and Vietnamese- American needs.

You can try.such ones... on medical-advice... which are good for the purpose.

7th June 2005, 09:34 PM
Dear Anandi
In Tamil, it is siru-keerai. Native Americans used amaranth a lot. It is avialble in whole food stores like wild oats or in health stores. We use regularly for breakfast as idli, dosai or koozh (either mixed with idli batter or as such). Mahatrasrians use this after delivery to control bleeding. My wife tested by eating a lot before menstruation and amazingly it delays menstruation.

Now my dear friends, look at the science is in the infant stage of learning that toxins can cause hereditary changes without mutations in the genes.

This has so much to do with pregnancy and so i posted here.


Startling study on toxins' - WSU findings show that disorders can be passed on without genetic mutations - 3rd June 2005.

It's just a study involving a few rats with fertility problems in Pullman, but the findings could lead to fundamental changes in how we look at environmental toxins, cancer, heritable diseases, genetics and the basics of evolutionary biology.

If a pregnant woman is exposed to a pesticide at the wrong time, the study suggests, her children, grandchildren and the rest of her descendants could inherit the damage and diseases caused by the toxin -- even if it doesn't involve a genetic mutation.

Skinner's team at WSU and colleagues from several other universities report in today's Science magazine on what they believe is the first demonstration and explanation of how a toxin-induced disorder in a pregnant female can be passed on to children and succeeding generations without changes in her genetic code, or DNA.

The report in Science, entitled "Epigenetic Transgenerational Actions of Endocrine Disruptors and Male Fertility," also sounds like an attempt to avoid attention. That's unlikely to work. The findings prompt serious and, in some cases, disturbing questions about a number of basic assumptions in biology.

The standard view of heritable disease is that for any disorder or disease to be inherited, a gene must go bad (mutate) and that gene must get passed on to the offspring.

What Skinner and his colleagues did is show that exposing a pregnant rat to high doses of a class of pesticides known as "endocrine disruptors" causes an inherited reproductive disorder in male rats that is passed on without any genetic mutation.

It's not genetic change; it's an "epigenetic" change. Epigenetics is a relatively new field of science that refers to modifying DNA without mutations in the genes.

"It's not a change in the DNA sequence," Skinner explained. "It's a chemical modification of the DNA."

Scientists have known for years about these changes to DNA that can modify genes' behavior without directly altering them.

The experiment got its start four years ago by accident. His lab was studying testes development in fetal rats, using a fungicide used in vineyards (vinclozin) and a common pesticide (methoxychlor) to disrupt the process. A researcher inadvertently allowed two of the exposed rats to breed, so the scientists figured they'd just see what happened.

The male in the breeding pair was born with a low sperm count and other disorders because of the mother's exposure to toxins. No surprise. But the male offspring of the pair also had these problems, as did the next two generations of male rats.

"In human terms, this would mean if your great grandmother was exposed to an environmental toxin at a critical point in her pregnancy, you may have inherited the disease," Skinner said.

While the study was focused on a heritable disorder of reproduction in rats, he said there's every reason to believe this can happen for other diseases -- such as cancer.

"There has been this speculation that the increased rates of some cancers may be due to environmental factors, but they've never been able to describe a mechanism to explain this," Skinner said.

The findings also suggest a reconsideration of one of the basic tenets of evolutionary biology -- that evolution proceeds by random genetic change.

The WSU study, Skinner said, suggests the possibility that environmental factors such as toxins may also directly cause heritable changes in creatures. "Epigenetics may be just as important as genetics in evolution," he said

8th June 2005, 03:38 AM
Nice Link.
Can you suggest what are the foods that need to be avoided during pregnancy. foods/spices/fruits/vegetables.
Also if eating too much saunf,jeera,honey would cause any harm


9th June 2005, 05:54 PM
Dear GV
probably this link might be helpful


15th June 2005, 12:18 AM
Hi Pradheep,
Can u tell me if radish greens, the white radish type( mullangi) is it good? i read that the mullangi greens are not good for health.
and only the root part should be taken. is that true?

15th June 2005, 01:42 AM
Thanks Pradheep
Do u think milk should be avoided since its not vegetarian?
That will curtail the intake of calcium rite?


15th June 2005, 05:13 AM
Dear GZ
I found some people got less incidence of asthma attack when took white mullangi 9root) in raw salad form. I do not know anything bad about the greens of it.

Dear GV
Milk and vegetarianism.....throws a whole lot of debate. Though people think Milk is only for calves and not for adults especially human...I consider it like honey or any other non-human product (but not meat). There are some health benefits using milk according to ayurveda. But I consume un-homogenized milk, not the homogenized unhealthy one.

15th June 2005, 09:05 AM
There are some health benefits using milk according to ayurveda. But I consume un-homogenized milk, not the homogenized unhealthy one.

Hello Pradeep,
Why do u say that homogenized milk is unhealthy? This is the first time I'm hearing of it. Would u pls expain more?

15th June 2005, 05:25 PM
Homogenisation of milk is bad for health

For more than 20 years Kurt A. Oster, MD, chief of cardiology emeritus at Park City Hospital, Bridgeport, Connecticut, has gathered evidence that provides a conclusive biochemical explanation for atherosclerosis (a form of arteriosclerosis, plaque clogging arteries). The culprit turns out to be the process of homogenisation, introduced to the dairy industry in 1932 as a means of improving marketing for products.

Homogenisation merely prevents the cream from separating from the milk. This is primarily cosmetic. It does nothing to enhance the quality of the milk. But according to Dr. Oster's findings, it does a great deal to improve marketability - at the expense of human life.

Through homogenization, fat molecules in milk become smaller and become "capsules" for substances that bypass digestion. Proteins that would normally be digested in the stomach or gut are not broken down, and are absorbed into the bloodstream. With homogenization, milk becomes a very powerful and efficient way of bypassing normal digestive processes and delivering steroid and protein hormones to the human body.

The homogenization process breaks up an enzyme in milk (xanthine oxidase), which in its altered (smaller) state can enter the bloodstream and react against arterial walls causing the body to protect the area with a layer of cholesterol. The Connecticut cardiologists discovered that Bovine Xanthene Oxidase (BXO) survived long enough to compromise every one of three hundred heart attack victims over a five-year period.Their findings were confirmed, and published in 1981 in the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (vol. 163:1981):

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) had not been discovered when Oster and Ross made their magnificent observations and conclusions. IGF-I has been identified as the key factor in the growth of every human cancer. Homogenized milk, with its added hormones, is rocket fuel for cancer.

15th June 2005, 06:51 PM
Well Pradeep, thank u for all that info. But I don't think I'll find un homogenised milk in Singapore(where I'm residing). So what do u suggest would be the best alternative? Also what would u say regaurding UHT(ultra heat treated) milk, which most people here prefer coz of the convienence of storage. Though I must say I'm still sticking to drinking fresh milk that is imported from Australia and packed in malaysia and kept refrigerated through out its journey. Well thats not exactly fresh but the nearest to fresh that is available to me. Pls do post any info on UHT milk vs Fresh Milk is possible.