View Full Version : Only WISDOM can Solve.!... NOT EMOTIONS.!!!

19th October 2009, 12:14 AM

Only WISDOM Can Solve.!... NOT EMOTIONS.!!!....!!.

Humanitarian Quest on... SRI-LANKA Tamilian's woes.

We... the Neutral COMMON-MEN... of UNIVERSAL OUTLOOK...

...backed by HUMAN-VALUES....

.. are NOT INTERESTED... to take SIDES...

..nor intend to ADVOCATE for anyone of several Sides involved... by the National Governments, Several National Political Parties... and so on.

However.... FORCIBLY driven by the SPUR of OUR INNER URGE.... of HUMANITARIAN-SPIRIT...

...We are unable to either control our Thirsty CURIOSITY to know the Facts...


What is happening there.?.. in Sri-Lanka.. now.?

..The FACTUAL Post-War Situation.?

..Any News... Behind News.... Credible.?

.And YOUR.... GENTLEMANLY Comments.... Please.?

19th October 2009, 06:50 PM
Updates from various sources are posted in this thread :

There are also discussions once in a while.

22nd October 2009, 12:04 AM
.This Thread Discussions... In a BROAD PERSPECTIVE....

....by HUMANITAREAN aspect.... in the COMMONMEN'S View-points

This Thread also will PARALLELLY CONTINUE... on different angle and aspect.... on the SAME SUBJECT...


Thank You... My dear "aap".

Sorry I don't want to call you as.... JUST AN ENGINE. !

I value you.... more than an ENGINE...

....which is driven by some EXTRANEOUS Energy....

...and Operated by... some other OPERATOR.!.... Extraneous ANOTHER FORCE.!!!

ஸ்ரீலங்கா ஈழ-தமிழர்களின் இன்றைய அவல-நிலைக்கு காரணம் என்ன.?

(1) தலைவன் ஒருவனது பெரும் தவறால்... பின்பு பாதிகப்படுவோர்... அவனை நம்பி பின்பற்றிய கூட்டமே.!

(2) எந்தவொரு மக்கள் இயக்கத்திற்கும் வன்முறை தீர்வு-வழி ஆகாது. துவக்கத்திலே ஒரு வேளை அம்முறை தவிர்க்க இயலாததாக இருக்கலாம்.

ஆனால் அத்தகைய மிருக-நெறியால் மட்டுமே எல்லை இலக்கை வெற்றிகரமாக எட்ட இயலாது... என்பதே சரித்திரமும் பாரம்பரியங்களும் நமக்கு உணர்த்தும் உண்மை

(3) தற்கால பரிதாப நிலைக்கு மேலும் ஓர் முக்கிய காரணம்... இதில் சம்பந்தப்பட்டோர் ஒவ்வொரு பங்காளருமே... தத்தம் சுயநல கண்ணோட்டத்திலே மட்டுமே அணுகுவது தான்.

...எப்படி.? இதற்கு உலக மானிட இனத்தின். தீர்வு என்ன.?

உலக-அரங்கு ஐ. நா. சபை வழங்கும். நிரந்தர-தீர்ப்பு என்ன.?

.அறிவார்ந்து இதய-நெறி மிக்க உலக மானிட இனம் வாய்மூடி மௌனிகளா.?

....பெரும் கூட்டக்கொடுமையை வேடிக்கை பார்ப்பவர்களா.?


8th November 2009, 08:28 PM
மனித உரிமை மீறல், போர்க் குற்றம்.. .நடந்துள்ளது:

...சிறிலங்க அரசு ஒப்புதல்



10th November 2009, 01:09 AM


வரவிருக்கும் சிறிலங்க அதிபர் தேர்தலில் போட்டியிடுவோர் இருவர்....

...ஒருவர் தற்போதைய அதிபர்... மகிந்த ராஜபக்ச...

..மற்றொருவர் தற்போதைய முப்படை தளபதி... சரத் பொன்சேகா..!

சிறிலங்கா’வின் இனவெறி அரசியல் .!!!

சிறிலங்க தமிழர்கள்... இவ்விருவரில் யாருக்கு ஓட்டுப்போடுவதூ.?



12th November 2009, 11:07 PM

ஒண்ணுமே புரியல்லே ஸ்ரீலங்காவிலே.!... என்னமோ நடக்குது.!!!

...மர்மமா இருக்குது.!!!.???

இருதலை-கொள்ளி எறும்புகளே இலங்கை தமிழர்களே.!.

உங்களுக்கு ஏற்ற வருங்கால தலைவர் யார்.? யாருக்கு உங்கள் ஓட்டு.?

உங்களை கொன்ற கொலைகாரனுக்கா.?....

....அல்லது கொலை செய்ய ஆணையிட்ட கொடுங்கோலனுக்கா.?

யாரை தான் நம்புவதோ ஏழை நெஞ்சம்.!

....அம்மம்மா பூமியிலே யாரே தஞ்சம்.?.... இறைவா.????...!!!

22nd November 2009, 06:11 AM

- ஸ்ரீலங்கா தமிழர் அகதி-முகாமின் உண்மை நிலை... இதோ.!


.இராணுவ முகாம் நிரந்தரமாக அமைக்க கான்கிரீட் கட்டடங்கள் எழுப்பும் வேலை நடைபெற்று வருகிறது!


5th December 2009, 06:28 AM

நல்லோர் உலகத்தீரே.!... எடுத்துச் சொல்வீரா... ஈழ-தமிழர்களுக்கு.?

பகுத்தறிவு-ஆற்றலே வெல்லும்.! உணர்ச்சி வெறி அல்ல.!!

.Let the World Know the Truth...


Who is the REAL NATIVE.?... Who the DOMICILES.?

Sri-Lankan Tamilians Vote as the next PRESIDENT... TO WHOM.?

Dear TAMILIAN Brethren...

....the INNOCENT VICTIMS of Oppression... by YOUR DOMICILES.!


You Tamilians of Sri-Lanka... ONE SMALL LAND... are divided... into FOUR Categories.!.....

...which Factor is EXPLOITED by Your Enemies.!

How You are divided as Four... within this Small Land.?

(1) Ezham Tamilians.... the REAL-NATIVES of the WHOLE OF SRI-LANKA...

...since born and brought up by the entire Sri-Lanka Land since the THIRD CENTURY... i.e. more than 1700 years back... as the First generation

[So all the present Sinhalese so called Majority... are the DOMICILES... since LARGE-HEARTEDLY accomodated by you... for those Refugees from Kalinga country (Present Orissa of India)

The Kalingan Refugeees from the then India got mixed up with another Racial Group of subsequent Refugees of African Natives domiciled into Southern Sri-Lanka... became Sinhalese.]

(2) The later generation of Tamilian Forefathers imported by the British from Tamilnadu... as Tea-plantation workers... prsently spread over the whole land... mostly in the East and South.... as the Second generation.

(3) Tamilian posterity of Employees of British fIrms/Organisations from several British colony lands nearby.. Burma, Malaya, Singapore, India etc... as the Fourth generation

(4) Tamil speaking Muslims domiciled as the 3rd generation.

The subsequent Three categories of Tamilians of Your same Motherland Nation.... so called Sri-Lanka... are...

.... more of THOPPULH-KODI URHAVU... than any other Tamilians..

....for You the Eezham Tamilians, the WORST SUFFERERS... so far.!

So PLEASE FORGET THE PAST WOUNDS... COME OUT of EMOTIONAL OUTLOOK... although backed by Truth and Justice.. hencebefore.


Please think over how Mr. Annadurai TOTALLY REVERSED HIS STRATEGY.!...

...and eventually became Successful in ACHIEVING HIS GOAL.!


Boycotting this Election will be SUCIDAL for you.!....

....an Indirect support for the present Oppressors.

The Best Solution for you... now can be as follows.

(1) All the Good-hearted Leaders of Eezham sit together... ignoring the pasr... DEVELOP UNITY OF BROTHER-HOOD.

(2) Search and locate One GOOD-HEARTED SINHALESE Candidate for PRESIDENCY....

... preferably a Retired Judge or of any Social-Service Society.... like Red-Cross background.

(3) Amongst the 42 Bouddha Sanghas of Sri-Lanka... Three are said to be the MOST VIOLENT (according to Neutral press)...

....Strong Antagonists to Tamilians... They are the most VOCIFEROUS now in Sri-Lankan Politics....

..while the balance 39 Sanghas are said to be Saathweekas... true followers of Buddhism... preaching Peace and Non-Violence... PRACTICALLY.

You must develop good relations with those 39 Sangha Bikshus and GAIN THEIR MORAL SUPPORT...

...for YOUR HUMANITARIAN CAUSE... Well conforming to Buddhism of Human-Values and Universal-Love.

(4) With the support and rapport from the Neutral Press and Antagonists to the present CALLOUS REGEME of NEPOTISM...

...You can EASILY MUSTER the support of the Vast Majority of Sri-Lankans of all Hues and Categories..



...TO REJECT... and DETHRONE both the Cruel Leaders...

...Who are EXPLOITING YOUR WEAKNESSES.!... although Your Cause is GENUINE.!


No More Emotions and INTERNAL ENMITY...

....Even amngst Your TAMILIAN BRETHREN... please.!

If You Sri-Lankan Tamilians miss this GREAT OPPORTUNITY...

...the Sympathetic World, supporting you so far... will not Excuse you.!


6th December 2009, 01:28 AM

.Oh.! SRI-LANKA TAMILIANS... Arise.! Awake to REALITIES..!!




7th December 2009, 04:13 AM

நல்லோர் உலகத்தீரே.!... எடுத்துச் சொல்வீரா... ஈழ-தமிழர்களுக்கு.?

தமிழ்-தாயே போற்றி.!! கதிர்காம கந்தா போற்றி.! நூவரெலியா சீதா தேவியே போற்றி.!!!

பகுத்தறிவு-ஆற்றலே வெல்லும்.! உணர்ச்சி வெறி அல்ல.!!

நல்லோரே ஓங்கி வாழ்வர்.!. நீதியே வெல்லும்.!!!

மிருக வாழ்-நெறியை எதிர்க்கும்....தரணி அன்பு தமிழ்-நெறியே உலக முன்னோடி மானிட நெறியாம்.!!!

அன்பார்ந்த சகோதர சிறிலங்கா-தமிழர்களே,

வரவிருக்கும் அதிபர் தேர்தலில் உங்கள் வாக்குச்சீட்டு யாருக்கு.?

...உங்களது குழப்ப-நிலைக்கு விடை தரும் சிறந்த தீர்வு இதோ.!!.!

தற்போது தமிழ்-ஈழ பிரதேசத்தில் வாழ்ந்துவரும் தமிழ்- தலைவர்கள் திறமையும் நேர்மையும் தமிழ்-சால்பும் மேலோங்கிய தகைமையாளர்களின் கவனத்திற்கும் இதை விரைந்து தெரிவிக்க வேண்டுகிறேன்.

மேலும் தமிழ்—ஈழ பிரச்சினையில் முன்னின்று தலைமை தாங்கி உலகளாவிய முறையில் குரல் கொடுத்து பெரும் பாடுபட்டு வரும் மாண்புறு தமிழ்-தலைவர்களது உடனடியான கவனத்திற்கும் எனது இந்த வேண்டுகோளை தெரிவிப்பது நலமாகும்..

நீங்கள் நீண்ட காலமாக ஆறாத ரணங்களுடனும், தீராத மனக்குமுறலுடனும் ஒரு புறம் போராடியும், மறுபுறம் இறைவனை வேண்டி மன்றாடியும் வரும் உங்களுக்கு இறைவன் நல்லதோர் வாய்ப்பை தற்போது நல்கியுள்ளான்ஸ சிறிலங்கா அதிபர் தேர்தலை இரண்டு ஆண்டுகள் முன்னதாகவே அறிவிக்க செய்து.!

இந்த அரிய நல்வாய்ப்பை நழுவ விடாதீர். அலட்சியம் செய்யாதீர். எனது இனிய தமிழ்- சகோதர அன்பர்காள்.!

உணர்ச்சி வசப்பட்டு தவறான முடிவு எடுக்காதுஸ புத்திசாலித்தனமாக முடிவு-எடுப்பீர் என நம்புகிறேன்.

உங்களுக்கு எனது வேண்டுகோள் இதோஸ

(1)நிர்வாகத்திலும் போர்-முறையிலும் ராஜ-தந்திரமும் அணுகியலையும் (Strategy) அவ்வப்போது மாற்றிக்கொள்வது இன்றியமையாதது என்பதை நீங்கள் அறிவீர். எனவே சில தருணங்களில் ஏறுக்கு மாறாக நமது அணுகியலை மாற்றிக்கொள்ள வேண்டி வரலாம் அன்றோ.?

திரு அன்ணாதுரை அவர்கள் தனது முக்கியமான கொள்கையையே இடையில் மாற்றிக்கொண்டதால் தானே அவரது இலக்கை வெற்றிகரமாக எட்ட முடிந்தது.?

எனவே அத்தகைய அணுகியல் தற்போது எது உங்களுக்கு சிறந்தது.?

(2)இந்த தேர்தலை புறக்கணியாதீர். !!....

...புறக்கணித்தால் உங்கள் பகைவர்களான இரு கொடியோர்களுக்கு மறைமுக ஆதரவாக விளையும்..

(3)கடந்த கால நினைவுகளிலிருந்து பாடம் கற்றுக்கொண்டது மட்டும் போதும். அந்த வேதனை நினைவு இனியும் வேண்டாம். மீண்டு வாருங்கள்.

தற்போது கையில் உள்ளது நிகழ்காலம். வரப்போவது வருங்கால தேவையை மனதில் கொண்டு இன்றைய சூழலுக்கு ஏற்ற முடிவு எடுங்கள்.

அதற்கு பெரிதும் தேவைஸ புண்பட்ட தமிழர்கள் பல்வகையோரிடையே ஒற்றுமையும் ஒருமித்த கூட்டு நன்னல சிந்தனையுமே அன்றோ.? எனவே சிறிலங்கா நாட்டின் பழைய நிகழ்வுகளையும் புண்களையும் சற்று மறந்து உங்கள் நாட்டில் நால்வகையாய் பிரிந்து கிடக்கும் தமிழர்களை ஒன்று-கூட்டுங்கள். ஒவ்வொரு பிரிவின தலைவர்களையும் சந்தித்துஸ.. “ஒன்றுபட்டால் உண்டு வாழ்வே நம்மில் ஒற்றுமை நீங்கிடில் அனைவர்க்கும் தாழ்வே”ஸஸ என்னும் உண்மையை விளக்கி புரிய வையுங்கள். விளைவாக சிறிலங்கா நாட்டின் அனைத்து பிரிவின தமிழர்களும் ஒருமித்து... மூன்றாவதான... ஒரே நபருக்கே வாக்களியுங்கள். அத்தகைய அணுகியல் ஏன்.?

அந்த மூன்றாவது நபர் யார்.? அது தான் தற்போதைய உங்களது கேள்வி. அல்லவா.?

(3)வாழ்க்கையில் சில தருணங்களில் நமது இலக்கை ஒரே தடவை-படியில் (Single Phase) அடைய முடிவது இல்லை. சூழ்நிலைக்கு ஏற்றவாறு, ஏனையோரது எதிர்ப்புக்களையும்ஸ. இடையே உள்ள பலாபலங்களையும், அனுபவ சாத்திய கூறுகளையும் கருத்தில் கொண்டு தான் நமது இலக்கை படிப்படியாகவும் (Step by Step), பல தடவைப்படிகளாலும் (Phases) நாம் வெல்ல முடிகிறது என்பது நமக்கு வாழ்க்கை-இயல்பு காட்டிய அனுபவ பாடம். எனவே பெரும்பான்மையை எவ்வகையிலேனும் எட்டியே ஆக வேண்டிய கட்டாயத்தை நாம் மறக்கலாகாது.

(4)ஆகவே சிறுபான்மையினரான உங்களுக்கு ஏனைய பெரும்பான்மையினரான சிங்களரின் ஒரு பகுதியினரது ஆதரவையாவது நீங்கள் திரட்டியாக வேண்டும். ஏனெனில் பெரும்பான்மை பலத்தாலே கொக்கரித்துக்கொண்டிருக்கும் உங்களது பகைவர்களுக்கு அதுவே உங்களது முதலாவது சம்மட்டி அடி.!

(5) ஆனால் அத்தகைய சாதனை எளிது அல்லவே.? இயலுமா.?

இயலும். அதற்கு முதல் வழி ஒரு பகுதி பத்திரிகையாளர்களும், ஏனைய சிங்களவர்களுள் பலம் வாய்ந்த நடுநிலையாளர்களின் ஆதரவு.ம் தான்.

(6) உங்கள் நாட்டில் புத்த-பிக்குக்களின் அருள்-வாக்குக்கு சிங்களர் பெரிதும் மதிப்பு அளிக்கிறார்கள் அல்லவா.? அத்தகைய பௌத்த சங்கங்கள் 42-இல், அரசியலில் தலையிட்டு வரும் மூன்று சங்கத்து பிக்குக்கள் மட்டுமே உங்களுக்கு கடும் எதிரானவர் அன்றோ.?

எனவே சாத்வீகர்களான ஏனைய 39 பௌத்த சங்க தலைமை பிக்குக்களின் ஆதரவை நல்லுள்ள மானிட இதயம் படைத்தோர் இடையார், பத்திரிகையாளர்களின் துணை கொண்டு அணுகி அவர்களது நல்லாசியை வேண்டி பெறுங்கள். அத்தகையோரது ஆசி உங்களுக்கு கிட்டியதாக நடுநிலை பத்திரிகையில் விரிவாக செய்தி வெளியிட செய்யுங்கள்.

அத்தகைய அணுகுமுறை மூலம் நீங்கள் ஒட்டுமொத்த சிங்களவர்களின் எதிரியும் அல்லர் போட்டியாளரும் அல்லர் என மக்கள் நம்ப தொடங்குவர் அல்லவா.?

(7)நல்லிதயம் கொண்ட சிங்களவர் அதிபர்-போட்டிக்கு ஏற்ற தகைமையாளர் ஒருவரை தேடுங்கள். ஓய்வு பெற்ற நீதிபதி, பொதுநல சங்கங்களின், (செஞ்சிலுவை சங்கம் போன்றவை) நிர்வாகியரரிடையே உங்களது மனதிற்கும் நம்பிக்கைக்கும் உரிய நபரைஸ மூன்றாவது போட்டியாளராக அறிவித்து பதிவு செய்யுங்கள்.

ஏற்கனவே சிங்களவர் இடையே ஒரு கொந்தளிப்பு நிலவுகிறதுஸ ராஜ-பக்சாவின் குடும்ப ஆதிக்க ஆட்சி (Nepotism) ஆகிவிட்டதே என்றும்ஸ. தவிர எதிர்க்கட்சியினரின் பல்வகை எதிர்ப்புக்களும்

விளைவாக வெற்றி உங்கள் பக்கமே.!

வாழ்க நற்றமிழர்.!... வெல்க மானிட நீதி.!!!

8th December 2009, 06:36 PM

உள்ளதை சொல்லி நல்லதை செய்தால்.. உலகம் உன்னிடம் மயங்கும்.!!!

.Comments,Criticisms and OPPOSITE VIEWS... Welcome.!

Kind Attention: SRI-LANKA TAMILIANS.!!!

This Only the BEST Alternative before You now.

...which alone Can Fetch PERMANENT SOLUTION for Long time...

....by WEAKENING all Your Opponents.... and...


....from amongst the PRESENT OPPOSITION.!...

....TURNING in Your Favour by HUMAN-VALUES.!

Yes. YOU CAN... if YOU HAVE A WILL to act promptly IN TIME.!!!

Third Candiate.. SINHALESE GENTLEMAN... of You Tamilians' Choice.!!

..as the Next President... Can Only Solve all Your Problems.!

Sri-Lankan Tamilians Vote as the next PRESIDENT... TO WHOM.?

Dear TAMILIAN Brethren...

....the INNOCENT VICTIMS of Oppression... by YOUR DOMICILES.!


You Tamilians of Sri-Lanka... ONE SMALL LAND... are divided... into FOUR Categories.!.....

...which Factor is EXPLOITED by Your Enemies.!

How You are divided as Four... within this Small Land.?

(1) Ezham Tamilians.... the REAL-NATIVES of the WHOLE OF SRI-LANKA...

...since born and brought up by the entire Sri-Lanka Land since the THIRD CENTURY... i.e. more than 1700 years back... as the First generation

[So all the present Sinhalese so called Majority... are the DOMICILES... since LARGE-HEARTEDLY accomodated by you... for those Refugees from Kalinga country (Present Orissa of India)

The Kalingan Refugees from the then India got mixed up with another Racial Group of subsequent Refugees of African Natives domiciled into Southern Sri-Lanka... became Sinhalese.]

(2) The later generation of Tamilian Forefathers imported by the British from Tamilnadu... as Tea-plantation workers... prsently spread over the whole land... mostly in the East and South.... as the Second generation.

(3) Tamilian posterity of Employees of British fIrms/Organisations from several British colony lands nearby.. Burma, Malaya, Singapore, India etc... as the Fourth generation

(4) Tamil speaking Muslims domiciled as the 3rd generation.

The subsequent Three categories of Tamilians of Your same Motherland Nation.... so called Sri-Lanka... are...

.... more of THOPPULH-KODI URHAVU... than any other Tamilians..

....for You the Eezham Tamilians, the WORST SUFFERERS... so far.!

So PLEASE FORGET THE PAST WOUNDS... COME OUT of EMOTIONAL OUTLOOK... although backed by Truth and Justice.. hencebefore.


Please think over how Mr. Annadurai TOTALLY REVERSED HIS STRATEGY.!...

...and eventually became Successful in ACHIEVING HIS GOAL.!


Boycotting this Election will be SUCIDAL for you.!....

....an Indirect support for the present Oppressors.

The Best Solution for you... now can be as follows.

(1) All the Good-hearted Leaders of Eezham sit together... ignoring the pasr... DEVELOP UNITY OF BROTHER-HOOD.

(2) Search and locate One GOOD-HEARTED SINHALESE Candidate for PRESIDENCY....

... preferably a Retired Judge or of any Social-Service Society.... like Red-Cross background.

(3) Amongst the 42 Bouddha Sanghas of Sri-Lanka... Three are said to be the MOST VIOLENT (according to Neutral press)...

....Strong Antagonists to Tamilians... They are the most VOCIFEROUS now in Sri-Lankan Politics....

..while the balance 39 Sanghas are said to be Saathweekas... true followers of Buddhism... preaching Peace and Non-Violence... PRACTICALLY.

You must develop good relations with those 39 Sangha Bikshus and GAIN THEIR MORAL SUPPORT...

...for YOUR HUMANITARIAN CAUSE... Well conforming to Buddhism of Human-Values and Universal-Love.

(4) With the support and rapport from the Neutral Press and Antagonists to the present CALLOUS REGEME of NEPOTISM...

...You can EASILY MUSTER the support of the Vast Majority of Sri-Lankans of all Hues and Categories..



...TO REJECT... and DETHRONE both the Cruel Leaders...

...Who are EXPLOITING YOUR WEAKNESSES.!... although Your Cause is GENUINE.!


No More Emotions and INTERNAL ENMITY...

....Even amngst Your TAMILIAN BRETHREN... please.!

If You Sri-Lankan Tamilians miss this GREAT OPPORTUNITY...

...the Sympathetic World, supporting you so far... will not Excuse you.!

My Dear Sri-Lankan Tamilian Brethren,

Let us remember that your Opponents are EQUALLY WISE... and MIGHTY... as much... YOU ARE.!....

...and PERHAPS even MORE TOO... than you.!

So the PAST ANTAGONISTIC APPROACH by Violent Invasive Methods can NO MORE.... and NO LONGER be useful to You.

Your Responsibility towards Your TAMILIAN Society .. STILL .DEPENDING ON YOU... is VERY MUCH IMPORTANT NOW.!

Now Your immediate Problem and Need are...

.... NOT EEZHAM...!

...But REHABILATION OF YOUR SOCIETY... who have been humbled and crumbled.... for more than 40 long years.

...especially Your Children... have LOST THEIR EDUCATION and YOUTHFUL ADVANCEMENT in Life.!!!


....but only Your WISDOM-BASED Approach.!!!...

....SUITING TO THE REALITY of Situation.! .

Then What is the BEST SOLUTION NOW.?

You know that our Culture has taught us the FOUR TYPES of STRATEGIES...

..while dealing with Others.

They are... SAAMA, DHAANA, BAEDHA, DHANDA..! ... What do they mean.?

(1) SAAMA: Trying to convince the Opponent in all the Positive approach methods by justifying your Claims and DUE Rights.

(2) DHAANA : Partly Accomodating with the Opponents, yielding to others Counter-claims and their Reciprocal Rights and due Claims

...Foregoing any part of your genuine Dues.

...Offering something as Compensation...

.. or Reward in some form as your Symbolic Gratitude.

(3) BHAEDHA Tactfully: Break the Unity of the Opponent Groups... by creating divisions amongst themselves....

..such that their mass Unity strength of Opposition will be lost... as also their individual Factional claims will become DIVERGENT...

...SIMPLIFYING YOUR TASK... to handle one by one easily... luring the Faction after Factions to Your side... by means of application of different Tactics suiting to each sort of Faction.
DHANDA : Antagonise the Opponent FORCEFULLY... EXHIBITING Your super-might over the Opponent...

...CAUSING A THREAT AND FEAR in the minds of your Opponent... FORCING HIM... to yield to your Genuine Rights.

Lord Rama has already DEMONSTRATED by applying these Four MEANINGFUL STRATEGIES....

...as applicable for ANYONE of Mankind in Life.... TO BE APLLIED STEP BY STEP....

... from One to Four in SEQUENCE... without SKIPPING OFF any middle step in between.

Now my dear Brethren,

You have tried so far... the FIRST AND THE FOURTH... and you have MISERABLY FAILED.!...

...because you have NOT FOLLOWED THE SEQUENCE... without JUMPING UP.... on a RASH step.!

So NO MORE... SAAMA and DHANDA will work... we have understood.

So, now let us behold on the LOST STEPS... Number Two and Three.

....and You can Try to achieve Your Goal.... Step by steps in PHASES...

...By means of GIVE AND TAKE POLICY... dealing with just Few Factions of the Opponents...

....who are REALLY OPEN-MINDED Buddhists...

....Imbued with RECIPROCAL HUMAN-VALUES.!... on BOTH SIDES.!!!

8th December 2009, 07:56 PM

This Only the BEST Alternative before You now.

...which alone Can Fetch PERMANENT SOLUTION for Long time...

....by WEAKENING all Your Opponents.... and...


....from amongst the PRESENT OPPOSITION.!...

....TURNING in Your Favour by HUMAN-VALUES.!

Third Candiate.. SINHALESE GENTLEMAN... of You Tamilians' Choice.!!

..as the Next President... Can Only Solve all Your Problems.!


With all due deep respect to your intentions, Sudhaama Sir, I will say a few things after admitting to the fact I know close to zero about the issue at hand, and that I haven't even read your posts here completely.

"A permanent solution, for a long time"?? Meaning? Is X or Y or Z going to solve our problems? I seriously doubt it. Are Indians living together in peace being led by an Indian? Do Tamils all live in glory under a Tamil leader?

Perhaps our situation is quite better than those trapped in this crisis, and I must be accused of comparing our lives to their rather sad and grueling lives; however, still fundamentally the problems of our lives too remain unsolved.

What is a society without problems? Surely, it is one where there is compassion. All the rest (of our hollow-by-themselves indications of a good society) will merely follow. Now, I wonder, is man compassionate to his neighbour, to even the members of his own family? If not, then how can anyone in this world talk about being 'free of all problems' because of a 'good leader'? That seems rather illogical to me.

After all, we hardly know what compassion means truly. No leader, no teacher, no Guru, no system, no religion can teach us what it means, can they? History gives us ample evidence for that. None of the systems or the cults have really been truly successful in creating a compassionate society.

So, why a leader? Let man understand compassion, and in that understanding naturally one becomes compassionate to the other. That is, IMHO, the only 'permanent' solution. This is not to say that a good compassionate leader cannot be helpful in the cause. But he/she can never change the fundamental nature of a person. Compassion cannot be taught, but it can/must be learned. For that learning, of course, there can be no 'role-model', no one to follow, for following creates mere imitation and not real, living compassion.

For whatever its worth, this is what I think an honest Buddhist approach to the problem would be.

Love and Light.

8th December 2009, 09:30 PM

.தனி-ஒருவனுக்கு உணவு இல்லை எனில் ஜகத்தினை அழித்திடுவோம்.!

Tamil Culture & Indian Heritage show us BEST PATH towards GLORIOUS Human-Values.!

...applicable to EVERY AND ALL Mankind... Globally.!... ETERNALLY....

..By means of TRUE WISDOM... backed by HUMAN-HEART as Man.!

We do NOT Need nor Seak... COMPASSION from others.!... but..

..Only EMPATHY...by imagining Yourselves in the Others Shoes.!..

...in a Human-Family Spirit.!

There is NO OTHER GO... for Humanity to SURVIVE..!!

We urgently need SOCIAL OUTLOOK in Political matters...

..NOT the POLITICAL OUTLOOK... on Social Issues.!

Current India and Sri-Lankan POLITICIANS have taught us enough NEGATIVE LESSONS.!

Oh.! My Dear Buddhist SINHALESE...!

Is there ANYONE AMONGST you.... to lead your Sacred Nation... SRI-LANKA...

...following TRULY the bright Path of Buddhist Human-Values.????


This Only the BEST Alternative before You now.

...which alone Can Fetch PERMANENT SOLUTION for Long time...

....by WEAKENING all Your Opponents.... and...


....from amongst the PRESENT OPPOSITION.!...

....TURNING in Your Favour by HUMAN-VALUES.!

Third Candiate.. SINHALESE GENTLEMAN... of You Tamilians' Choice.!!

..as the Next President... Can Only Solve all Your Problems.!


With all due deep respect to your intentions, Sudhaama Sir, I will say a few things after admitting to the fact I know close to zero about the issue at hand, and that I haven't even read your posts here completely.

"A permanent solution, for a long time"?? Meaning? Is X or Y or Z going to solve our problems? I seriously doubt it. Are Indians living together in peace being led by an Indian? Do Tamils all live in glory under a Tamil leader?

Perhaps our situation is quite better than those trapped in this crisis, and I must be accused of comparing our lives to their rather sad and grueling lives; however, still fundamentally the problems of our lives too remain unsolved.

What is a society without problems? Surely, it is one where there is compassion. All the rest (of our hollow-by-themselves indications of a good society) will merely follow. Now, I wonder, is man compassionate to his neighbour, to even the members of his own family? If not, then how can anyone in this world talk about being 'free of all problems' because of a 'good leader'? That seems rather illogical to me.

After all, we hardly know what compassion means truly. No leader, no teacher, no Guru, no system, no religion can teach us what it means, can they? History gives us ample evidence for that. None of the systems or the cults have really been truly successful in creating a compassionate society.

So, why a leader? Let man understand compassion, and in that understanding naturally one becomes compassionate to the other. That is, IMHO, the only 'permanent' solution. This is not to say that a good compassionate leader cannot be helpful in the cause. But he/she can never change the fundamental nature of a person. Compassion cannot be taught, but it can/must be learned. For that learning, of course, there can be no 'role-model', no one to follow, for following creates mere imitation and not real, living compassion.

For whatever its worth, this is what I think an honest Buddhist approach to the problem would be.

Love and Light.

Welcome My Dear "Anbu"

All your stand is centering around One Spirit of COMPASSION.! ..Pity.! MERCY from Others towards the innocent Victims.!

..We do NOT SEEK COMPASSION or MERCY towards us from the Opponents...

Because ...THEY ARE NOT GODS.!

The present day Indian Politics is a BAD EXAMPLE... NOT AT ALL EXEMPLARY to the World Humanity...

...since drifted far way from its Great Indian Heritage... the EMULATIVE HUJMAN CULTURE.

The Indian situation is TOTALLY A DIFFERENT SUBJECT... which cannot be considered under this Sr-Lanka Context.

Sri-Lanka Tamilians can show to the World...INCLUDING INDIA....

...what Tamil-Culture means towards HUMANITY.!... as YAAVARUM KAELHIR.!

.Yes. That is the EVER-RELEVANT... TAMIL GOSPEL addressing Mankind eternally.!

May or May Not be successful at One Stage...


...Immediately making those Tamilian Crusaders WALK ABREAST amongst various sorts of OPPONENTS ONLY all around.!



....from Onslaughts of Miseries endlessly.!


9th December 2009, 02:15 PM

Oh.! My Dear Buddhist SINHALESE...!

Is there ANYONE AMONGST you.... to lead your Sacred Nation... SRI-LANKA...

...following TRULY the bright Path of Buddhist Human-Values.????

Welcome My Dear "Anbu"

All your stand is centering around One Spirit of COMPASSION.! ..Pity.! MERCY from Others towards the innocent Victims.!

..We do NOT SEEK COMPASSION or MERCY towards us from the Opponents...

Because ...THEY ARE NOT GODS.!

The present day Indian Politics is a BAD EXAMPLE... NOT AT ALL EXEMPLARY to the World Humanity...

...since drifted far way from its Great Indian Heritage... the EMULATIVE HUJMAN CULTURE.

The Indian situation is TOTALLY A DIFFERENT SUBJECT... which cannot be considered under this Sr-Lanka Context.

Sri-Lanka Tamilians can show to the World...INCLUDING INDIA....

...what Tamil-Culture means towards HUMANITY.!... as YAAVARUM KAELHIR.!

.Yes. That is the EVER-RELEVANT... TAMIL GOSPEL addressing Mankind eternally.!

May or May Not be successful at One Stage...


...Immediately making those Tamilian Crusaders WALK ABREAST amongst various sorts of OPPONENTS ONLY all around.!



....from Onslaughts of Miseries endlessly.!


Sudhaama Sir,

I don't think you quite got what I meant. First of all, compassion has nothing to do with 'pity' or 'mercy'. Pity and mercy imply that one is conscious of the 'better' position of oneself and the 'worse' condition of another. And therefore, anything done out of pity or mercy is merely a reaction to division which can produce only more division and never everlasting peace.

Compassion, on the other hand, is the instantaneous recognition of the suffering of another as one's own suffering. The 'will' to remove this suffering is not even a will (in the normal sense), it is not an ambition, it is not an exercise, not a goal to be achieved by doing something. It is as immediate and natural as the turning of a leaf of a plant towards the sun to stay alive, or (to give a more closer picture) like the removal of one's hand when one touches a hot surface.

I did not 'ask' for compassion from the Srilankans. Compassion cannot be called for from a group, just like nationalism, or adherence to some religion or some rule or some societal framework can be. Compassion has to be cultivated in one like a plant, which feeds and grows naturally by its own practice in the day to day activities of oneself.

Such a nature is to be cultivated not only in the Srilankans, but also in all the people who have been hurt in this issue, most important of all, the Tamils. I look at what the Dalai Lama and Co. did when they were chased out of their country several decades back, and I see a real living example of this.

Moreover, I also don't see how this is limited to the (ancient or modern) approach of the Tamilians or the Indians or the Buddhists or any other X Y or Z. IMHO, the bequeathal of compassion to any one of these systems fogs the nature of compassion itself, unless one is intelligent enough to look through the system.

Love and Light.

10th December 2009, 02:14 AM
I don't think you quite got what I meant. First of all, compassion has nothing to do with 'pity' or 'mercy'. Pity and mercy imply that one is conscious of the 'better' position of oneself and the 'worse' condition of another. And therefore, anything done out of pity or mercy is merely a reaction to division which can produce only more division and never everlasting peace.

Compassion, on the other hand, is the instantaneous recognition of the suffering of another as one's own suffering. The 'will' to remove this suffering is not even a will (in the normal sense), it is not an ambition, it is not an exercise, not a goal to be achieved by doing something. It is as immediate and natural as the turning of a leaf of a plant towards the sun to stay alive, or (to give a more closer picture) like the removal of one's hand when one touches a hot surface.

I did not 'ask' for compassion from the Srilankans. Compassion cannot be called for from a group, just like nationalism, or adherence to some religion or some rule or some societal framework can be. Compassion has to be cultivated in one like a plant, which feeds and grows naturally by its own practice in the day to day activities of oneself.

Such a nature is to be cultivated not only in the Srilankans, but also in all the people who have been hurt in this issue, most important of all, the Tamils. I look at what the Dalai Lama and Co. did when they were chased out of their country several decades back, and I see a real living example of this.

Moreover, I also don't see how this is limited to the (ancient or modern) approach of the Tamilians or the Indians or the Buddhists or any other X Y or Z. IMHO, the bequeathal of compassion to any one of these systems fogs the nature of compassion itself, unless one is intelligent enough to look through the system.

As a matter of principle, I do no not indulge in arguments with anybody...

...nor point out to others as... YOU ARE WRONG.... even if the other is REALLY WRONG.

Because Arguments take us NOWHERE Ultimtely... other than PRESTIGE ISSUE.

This is a DISCUSSION FORUM... and I am interested ONLY IN DISCUSSIONS.

However I will clarify briefly... leaving it for your discretion... either to agree or disagree.

The words COMPASSION, PITY, SYMPATHY and MERCY... are Synonymous terminologies...

...conveying almost the same sense... but slightly varying subtle meanings... specifically applicable to discern, under different contexts.

However they all broadly mean SYMPATHY only.

In any case these HEARTY SPIRITS are stipulated as HUMAN-VALUES...

...one should possess and cherish... of ones own... as a matter of SELF-DISCIPLINE or PRINCIPLE....

...to be VOLUNTARILY exhibited towards the deserving others


Yes. Similar to MAGNANIMITY OR GENOROSITY... COMPASSION and the likes are...

.... the PERSONAL PROPENSITIES to be offered... NOT DEMANDED....

28th December 2009, 07:33 PM


- News behind ...News.!.. EVER-RELEVANT for the Global Society.!

Life is a DENSE TRAFFIC...

....on One Common Road... towards ONE GOAL...

...by All Mosaic Society.!...

...although VARIED by their Individual MODE OF TRANSPORT...

...or even as PEDESTRIANS.!

Why PREFERENTIAL- QUOTA for Sinhalese in Sri-Lanka.?..

..discriminating Tamilian people.?... of the Same Country.?

India Government's Advice for PARITY amongst All People.!

Sri-Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa retorts... Quoting...

...India's QUOTA-SYSTEM of Reservations for Backwards.

... although JUSTIFIED by Reasoning... But .?

India is UNABLE to Answer.


...Better / BEST Alternative.!...

...if approached.... "Non-Politically"... but SOCIALLY.!...

...by Ground Reality.!!!


Let Sinhalese of Sri-Lanka... Indians in India... Malays of Malaysia..... Americans of USA...

...UNDERSTAND and Learn... the UNDENIABLE Common Reality...

...from Such meaningful German-History... of UNDISPUTABLE JUSTIFICATION... for Emanation...

...in HUMANETARIAN Common interests of the German-People ...then.!

Cause of SOCIAL ADVENT of Adolf Hitler... by GOOD INTENTION at the Start.!

Well-relevent under To-day's...

...Perplexive Contexts in India, Sri-Lanka, Malaysia, USA and elsewhere too.!

Whether WE LIKE IT ...OR NOT.!...

...The REALITY.... We must ACCEPT... and UNDERSTAND... that..

Life is a DENSE TRAFFIC...

....on One Common Road... towards ONE GOAL...

...by All Mosaic Society.!...

...although VARIED by their Individual MODE OF TRANSPORT...

...or even as PEDESTRIANS.!

So to mean the Realities...

(1) We have to move along with others... without INTERFERING in their Individual Tracks, Direction of Steering and Varied Speeds.

(2) If we compete to occupy or encroach on others track... It causes COLLISION... Accident PROBLEM FOR ALL.

(3) If You try to OVERTAKE OTHERS... by Faster Speed... OTHERS GIVE WAY... for You.!

..But.... If You go Slow...Others will OVERTAKE YOU.!

....NOT WAIT FOR YOU... Nor Move along... Nor STAGNANT... Sluggishly.!

No use of BLAMING OTHERS.. Nor Blocking their Way...

...for Your Incompetence to Advance together.!... UNITEDLY.!
