View Full Version : Specific Problems/Issues
22nd January 2005, 03:46 AM
Apologies if this is the wrong place for this, but it seemed the most appropriate forum. I have been unable to access the hub for the past couple of days from the UK - essentially, DNS lookups for "" are failing.
As you see from this query ( on, an "ALL" lookup refers the query to,, and The problem appears to be that ns4 and ns5 report that no records exist for I've checked with my ISPs, and they say that this is a problem with lunarpages' servers, which lunarpages will need to fix.
At the moment, I'm accessing the hub through a's proxy server, which is rather inconvenient, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one having problems with access. Do you think you can take this up with lunarpages? Migavum nanri!
22nd January 2005, 07:55 AM
moderator ! moderator !
is there any way by which I can keep my favourite forums as one group so that I can post without clicking and clicking and clicking my mouse button.. :D ( I am a novice .. so help me :( )
22nd January 2005, 08:44 AM
At the moment, I'm accessing the hub through a's proxy server, which is rather inconvenient, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one having problems with access. Do you think you can take this up with lunarpages? Migavum nanri
aravindhan: We are aware of this problem and already in touch with lunarpages. Yes indeed they faced a technical glitch and had to reboot nameservers, which led this DNS problem. However this is a temporary problem and DNS should start resolving automatically. Till then you may use one of the proxy's. Sorry for the inconvenience.
22nd January 2005, 08:53 AM
moderator ! moderator !
is there any way by which I can keep my favourite forums as one group so that I can post without clicking and clicking and clicking my mouse button.. :D ( I am a novice .. so help me :( )
madhu: Yes, we are working on this feature (used to be known as myHub at the old forumhub). Pls wait for it to get ready.
Are you using the Portal? It should save you lot of clicks already. Keep using it as myHub gets ready.
22nd January 2005, 11:05 PM
Dear RR,
Instead of my Real-Name R.Srinivasan, I am mentioning here as R.Srinivasan (USA), just to identify me different from other Srinivasans, especially those carrying the same INITIAL:-- "R".
For example there is a popular Leading Writer... still living... who has exhaustively written rich on Tamil-Literature including Thiruppaavai.
Let not the Readers mistake me...... that....
... that "Great- "he".... is this small .... "i"
By continuing here as R.Srinivasan(USA), I feel that it gives the Readers... a wrong and unrealistic negative image on me, which has been expressed by some of my friends especially Mr. Hari-Krishnan.
So I want to change my name in this Forum as "Sudhaama" ... the currently existing Pen-Name for me ... which I am already using as a Writer in the Magazines like Vikatan-Groups.
So in future, I will mention here about myself as... Sudhaama... only.
Please arrange for the necessary CORRECTION... in this Hub.... including my PROFILE
Thanking You,
R.Srinivasan (alias... Sudhaama)
23rd January 2005, 09:04 AM
Dear Mr.R.Srinivasan(USA), can change it, no problem. I'll pm you when done.
23rd January 2005, 09:06 AM
Updates on the DNS problem: LunarPages is moving some of their servers (physically) to a new location. So this trouble is expected to last over the weekend. They've assured us that it'll be fine from Monday.
you can use this if you still have problem:
Pls inform your friends facing this problem.
25th January 2005, 01:52 PM
Lunarpages has reported that their technical problems are fixed. So access should be improving (for those affected), though intermittent initially. We expect to be back to normalcy by Tuesday (EST).
We are taking some measures so that this doesn't occur in future.
4th February 2005, 04:50 PM
I had authored a thread called 'kanchi Mutt Vs jayalalitha'which was around till yesterday&had attracted about 55 posts.There were the usual fights but AS FAR AS I KNOW nothing offensive/vulgar/demeaning was posted by anyone.I am unable to find the thread today,has it been deleted,if yes why?If at all you were justified in deleting it,the least that could have been done was to notify me about it as a private message or E-mail.Don't you think that much courtesy at least should be followed. :cry: If a thread is getting offensive,you have the right to delete it but plz notify the author about it.
5th February 2005, 12:14 AM
Dear RR
Yes... I agree ... Radically... with Cinefan...
I have already put forth a detailed posting ... addressed to the that .... Section..... on Indian-Culture.
I am much UPSET to see the Luke-warm ...
... and ------ Response !!!... I got.. from the... Judge... Moderator ???...!!!
Why should you be allergic ... to any discussion ... when it turns into an Argument... It is the Reality of Life ... my Dear Administarators.
Why there are Courts of Laws... existing in each and every Country ?
... To allow for the fair chances... of Arguments from all the Relevant Corners...
... Accused and the Defendants... the Deadly Opponents as well...!!!
... Why?... what for ?... Only Arguments show light on the Truth...
Because ... it is the Scientific Approach... of what?.. Why?...and How?
You administrators... will not even pre-inform or Caution, or Warn or Advise ...
... the Persons Concerned... enabling them to Re-think, Realise, or even ....
... perhaps .. Repeant ....and Note it .... as a Blow... for Future Guidance..
.... For.. anybody.... in any Thread.... at any time... in Future..
My .... Dear... RR... RR... RR... Is it Fair?
5th February 2005, 09:02 AM
Cinefan & Sudhaama,
The thread is not deleted. We have temporarily taken it down for moderation purposes. Moderator NOV will say more on this.
5th February 2005, 09:09 AM
Oh ok, eventually it will be back on? That good. :) But what was wrong with it in the first place?
5th February 2005, 03:58 PM
That particular thread was once withdrawn when it ran into controversies. At the author's request, it was brought back again, but unfortunately, discussions again went awry. This was brought to our attention by a few Hubbers.
We had promised everyone a Hub without gub and are committed towards providing it. As such, we had no choice but to withdraw it again.
At your request, we have put the thread up again, after having edited out some provocative statements. We are unable to do much editing, keeping in mind that the flow of the discussions must not be affected. We really hope that the Hubbers - or at least the author - can control the flow of discussion and ensure that discussions do not deviate very much from the topic at hand. Periodic editing is very time-consuming.
In the meantime, we are convinced that the days of mud-slinging are slowly coming to an end - the revival of the History section is testimony to that. You have to bear with us as we set up boundaries which actually enables Hubbers to be comfortable with holding their discussions here.
6th February 2005, 02:27 AM
What happened to the Indian/tamil history section?
6th February 2005, 02:39 AM
Administrators ........... Kind attention :--- "NOV"
//... At your request, we have put the thread up again, after having edited out some provocative statements.//
Thanks for your giving Life for this..... Important , Useful, Informative, Educative and Interesting Thread.
//We are unable to do much editing, keeping in mind that the flow of the discussions must not be affected.//
Well. I appreciate. Please keep it up.
// We really hope that the Hubbers - or at least the author - can control the flow of discussion and ensure that discussions do not deviate very much from the topic at hand. Periodic editing is very time-consuming.//
Yes. I agree.... but.... by means of ... "Your" ... performing in conjunction with the ... Gentlemanly "Elite-Readers"... who are .... One with you... Sincerely and Earnestly out of Mutual-Interests with a Family-Spirit.... in the matter of Scope, Purpose, Intention and Governing this Forum in a radically Healthy Function, Direction, Standard and Richness.
I have repeatedly thanked one and all of you... for all the pains you have taken to re-shape this Forum from a Small Hut... the Old-Hub... into a well-built Bungalow ... Rather a Tourist-Colony called New-Hub... comprising of several Bungalows... with a Fence and Gates .... well-guarded too.... but Situated in the midst of a Forest .... which Rich performance and location will not only attaract the Tourists but also the ... jealous... avaricious Animals and Snakes too. There is No other go ... than to Confront ... the Realities... instead of closing any One or more of the Bungalows... or driving away the Residents, fearing for the Undue Encroaching Animals and Surreptitious crawling in of Snakes.....
Such is the Reality of Life... I am confident... You all are capable of Facing the Realities.
//In the meantime, we are convinced that the days of mud-slinging are slowly coming to an end - the revival of the History section is testimony to that...//
Please see... Now.. .the present trend of Valuable postings in a healthy direction towards its Rich purpose ... on which I am happy .... What about you?
// You have to bear with us as we set up boundaries which actually enables Hubbers to be comfortable with holding their discussions here//
If you value my Feedback... I will categorically assert... that your Stipulations in geneeral are quite Fine and acceptable to all cncerned towards its healthy function and purpose. But at the same it also necessities certain corrective steps on your Stipulation itself... so as to ensure... that it is Neither One-sided Nor Dominative... Nor unrealistic... but Sensible towards its Genuine purpose....of Mutual-Interests coupled with Fairness.
And furthermore... some additional steps are needed to ensure your successful implementation. So to say.....
In brief ... some Medication.... is necessary...
.... and some ... Surgery also ... is Necessary....
But under No circumstances... the Patient should be Denied of Treatment ...
... Nor Killed ! .... but Cured Successfully !!....
Wish you the Best of Luck !!!
6th February 2005, 11:47 AM
Dear Sudhaama,
thanks for the comments.
But under No circumstances... the Patient should be Denied of Treatment ...
Our clinic states clearly that some patients are out of our purview. Sometimes we allow borderline cases but that is totally at the risk of patients.
The Hub clinic is more important to us because we want to be able to serve many more patients, and don't want to be known as an irresponsible entity . Hope you see our point.
6th February 2005, 01:07 PM
One thing about the thread.
Please don't shut it down. :( If I did it in a wrong way, then I'm sorry, please don't delete the thread. But I doubt I did anything wrong. :)
PS: What happened to the English/tamil history section?
Regards. 8)
7th February 2005, 10:29 AM
Dear RR/NOV ,
I notice that in the last 3 days sice i visited the Hub,the
thread 'kanchi math Vs jayalalitha'has been taken down&put up quite a few times but a couple of hubbers have filled it with so much filth,that i myself do not see any sense in continuing with it.I request you to delete all offensive posts&let the thread remain in locked position for some more days.There can be another review about it later.With reference to my earlier post,I still maintain that if for some reason you have to edit/delete a thread,plz notify atleast the author before doing it.I really hope people like Mad Max&bad Boy tone down the filth in their posts.Thank you.
12th February 2005, 10:20 AM
'Thilagam on the head' & 'hindi promoted by non-tamil' are temporarily down.
12th February 2005, 01:58 PM
OK, both are back.
Former has been moved to Indian History & Culture section, for better coordination.
13th February 2005, 04:54 AM
// Dear Sudhaama,.... thanks for the comments.//
//.. But under No circumstances... the Patient should be Denied of Treatment ... //
// Our clinic states clearly that some patients are out of our purview. Sometimes we allow borderline cases but that is totally at the risk of patients....//
So my dear RR... you Consider all of us as YOUR PATIENTS....!!!
... And... Your Forum is a Clinic ... we have come for TREATMENT !!
Wonderful...!!! ... I never said nor meant so... But you are saying so.
For your information Sir, I consider your Hub as a... Forest-Tourist-colony... whereto WE are the Visiting-Tourists... as your GUESTS...and you are our Honourable Host-Friends......
But some amongst us.... the Visitors... there are some SICKLY... PATIENTS TOO... who have entered along with us... surreptiously... about whom we are TOTALLY UNAWARE OF....
Since these patients too ... have been ACCEPTED BY YOU... as your Guests... well we have No objection.. to be hosted along with us... but please give them the DUE MEDICAL-TREATMENT ALSO... before you treat them at par with us...
Otherwise... the Sickness may be contagious... and poison all others who are your Genuine Guest-Visitors... HEALTHY IN ALL RESPECTS.
So both the Groups...the Sick and Healthy ...have ... to be given the due consideration as the INDIVIDUALS DESERVE by means of due co-operation with you as well as with us... the other part of Visitors... who are healthy... and ... are
.. Very much Interested to see your Organisation thrive well and Advance further towards the SUCCESS of its Positive and Healthy Objective...
. On which ... I am one amongst your Sincere Well-wishers.
In briedf my points are....
(1) Please don't treat all alike... but in RECIPROCATION to the DEGREE of the Individual's Co-operation with you towards the Healthy Direction.
(2) Your Bye-laws and Regulations are One-sided... needing Re-analysis. It has to be Realistic commensurate with the Field-demands of your ELITE PARTICIPANTS.
(3) You can PUNCH some Symbols to indicate against the Postings... IMMEDIATELY... Within 24 hours.... to INDICATE your CRITICISM beside the words are terms your moderator feels....
(a) DELETION: Defamative... Hence Deleted... will not be tolerated anymore.
(b) CAUTION: Deviating from the Main topic too far.
(c) Warning : Since Provocative towards a Impertinent Controversy.. Your Views called for, prior to our action.
(d)Portions to be deleted since Not Relished by the participants. So blocked for further postings by that Participant... subject to EDITING... in future.
// The Hub clinic is more important to us because we want to be able to serve many more patients, and don't want to be known as an irresponsible entity . Hope you see our point.//
Yes... We wish you all to be RESPONSIBLE towards the Realities... by weeding out the unhealthy growth... but NOT AXE THE VERY ROOT... a Retardatory action deleterious towards the Objective and Healthy Purpose of Your Hub. itself
I reiterate... Your Hub is NOT A CLINIC... But a Healthy Tourist Colony...
... all.... have come here...... to... COLLECTIVELY ... ENJOY....
..So... Let us approach the matter RATIONALLY AND REALISTICALLY...
... Towards both the Sides... INTERESTS AND OBJECTIVE..
Wish you the Best of Luck in your Endeavour.
13th February 2005, 08:07 AM
I used the same patients analogy as in your previous post. (I hope you didn't mean users as patients there!)
13th February 2005, 08:52 AM
Dear RR,
No...There is NO INCONSISTENCY in my Statements Then and Now.... I say and mean always ONE SENSE IN ONE VOICE...
Only point is .. I have further clarified on my previous statements.
Please verify my past postings and satisfy yourselves... that I am clear in my words.... including Analogs.
Mad Max
20th February 2005, 03:57 AM
Mod msg: Pls take your arguments/fights elsewhere..
25th February 2005, 11:11 AM
Hi moderators!
Going by the popularity of this action...
can u add this image also to the list of emoticons...
25th February 2005, 03:38 PM
Hi moderators!
Going by the popularity of this action...
can u add this image also to the list of emoticons...
We'll include it during the next update..
28th February 2005, 10:36 AM
11th March 2005, 12:23 PM
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changes to the Hub
We are growing so fast that our hosting company has complained that The Hub is hogging resources :!: (That was the reason our site was shut down forcibly day before y'day.. ) They have given us two options
1. Upgrade the hosting plan
2. Trim down the site & scripts
(1) is too expensive and not affordable at present. So we'll have to go with option (2). During the next few days, you'll see some changes like
i) The Portal page being stripped down to a lite version. Some seldom-used features being removed.
ii) Really old threads being pruned/archived, etc.
Don't be alarmed. We'll try to do it without causing much inconvenience to you.
12th March 2005, 01:02 AM
Mr. RR,
Such a problem for YOU .. I anticipated long back, .... basing on my experience... with the Old Hub... and I was repeatedly pressing you... to be strict right from the initiation of this new "The-Hub".
How it can be made possible... I had detailed also.... And I even offered my Voluntary Services... as your Moderator for a short time... just to show you the Transformation of my words into proven action....
Stitch in Time saves Nine.
For my such suggestion... what I got in Return .. was.... Two BLOWS of Injury... which is yet to heal up..
At least from now onwards... please pay heed to my sincere Suggestions ... by the following measures...
(1) I am happy to find that some Gems of Exemplary Contributor- participants possessing rich knowledge on various Subjects... backed by high Wisdom ... have joined in this New Hub. Consequently the Material- Stuff gathered in this new The Hub.. is more valuable and Richer than the previous one the Old-Hub... in general. It is a Great asset for your Hub. So I wish...that in future... every stroke of your Pen and each Streak of your Thoughts... should be.. keeping them in mind. .
(a) WORTHY - CONTRIBUTORS & Healthy Participants :-- Not to DISCOURAGE .. any of such Contributors or other Elite-Participants... by means of your one-sided action.... keeping in mind ONLY THE MISCREANTS AND DEFAULTERS ... in a Negative Direction.. (Your present Approach.. ..frankly speaking is a Governmental or the Police-approach... which is irrelevant and inapplicable in this case).
Please remember... that the Elite participant- Gentlemen (including such Ladies) are and will be always with you in Thoughts and Action... in the Administrative process and Management conduct.. So please carry all such positive-minded Elites close with you hand in hand... by which approach you can become easily Successful... by simplifying your task.
... In brief... the people not upto your expectations should be discouraged as far as possible... while the other section of people of Healthy intentions and knowledge should be encouraged by all the means as you feel proper time to time.. At least they should not be discouraged... due to your one-sided action taken at your own WILL.
2) DEFAULTERS :--- I reiterate... by your daily observation... you can easily discern the unworthy Contributors... having no knowledge to deserve joining in this Hub... but are upto some extent gain pleasure by hurting others in some way or other.. and so are... in the habit of sullying the purpose... hitting at others unduly... provoking unnecessarily... thus Generasting Filthy stuff... Dry-talks... Arattais.. and Useless Gossips... Such peope should be identified by you by your close observation ... DAILY... and must be discouraged step by step... giving frequent warnings to them. Finally to be weeded out. This sort of action will keep minimise the Rubbish stuff occupying your valuable space
Such stuff should be DELETED immediately and Daily.
(3) I am unable to appreciate your Taboo on Religion and Castes... I strongly advocate... that in our present Democratic Set-up... let everybody give Vent to his Real thoughts or opinions... Let all of us Know of others Contentions. The past Sicjknesses of the Society... being brought to open-ground... will give an oportunity... to counter the undue blames and wrong Contentions and Surmises. Lest such sick-mindedness and undue Mutual hatred will further grow and escalate.... But it should be under close watch and check... to ensure it as a healthy discussion with gentlemanly manners.
(4) Major part of the stuff posted here may be treated as temporary... under Three categories (a) 3 months (b) One Month (c) One wekk... after which they should be deleted making space for the future posting of worthy addition for you. A team of your Adminisrators have to be engaged on it. for Monitoring and compliance with your Bye-laws.
By such rational approach... you will be able to conduct with a Restricted space... at minimum working cost.. ensuring wide participation and high Viewership..
.... As a Great Pride to our THE HUB.!! ... All rests in Your Hands.!
With Best Wishes,
13th March 2005, 10:32 AM
Dear Sudhaama,
As I think I have already replied to you, the current stance is based on some critical issues that as site owners we had to give serious attention to. That's why the 'taboo'. I can explain it again, but some other time.
On 'being strict', when the new Hub was started, our first goal was to get the traffic, since it was a major change then. Now that we are there, we'll work on it. Pruning out really old threads is also in the process. Should we need any help, we'll get in touch with you. Thanks.
30th March 2005, 07:38 PM
POLL -Correction ...
Thread :-- "Your SELF-EVALUATION of Yourself."
Please CORRECT the Poll wordings as below DELETING Percentage- marks..
__________________________________________________ __________
__________________________________________________ __________
(3) LION.
(5) COW :
(6) DOVE
6th April 2005, 09:42 AM
As we are unable to effectively moderate the 'Indian History' forum at present, it has been closed temporarily. Pls check back later.
6th April 2005, 05:11 PM
As we are unable to effectively moderate the 'Indian History' forum at present, it has been closed temporarily. Pls check back later.
There were some excellent bits of information posted there which had been circulated on a few mailing lists. Could you please at least bring the forum back now with posting disabled, so those remain available to the wider internet community?
6th April 2005, 09:24 PM
Sure, aravindhan.
6th April 2005, 09:31 PM
Sure, aravindhan.
Thank you!
7th April 2005, 12:05 PM
how to post in the indian cluture/history thread.
I assure you that i would not put forward any racist/abusive comments in that section.
8th April 2005, 07:39 AM
how to post in the indian cluture/history thread.
I assure you that i would not put forward any racist/abusive comments in that section.
Sorry, you will have to wait. Posting will remain disabled for a while.
14th April 2005, 04:00 AM
Hi RR. Have you been getting pms from me recently? I ask this because you haven't replied and I was wondering if that is because you have not recieved them. I am trying to pm another hubber and he says that he is not getting any messages from me. Is anyone else having that problem?
14th April 2005, 06:02 AM
No, haven't recd any recently. I don't think anyone is facing this problem. This is the first time I'm getting such a complaint.
14th April 2005, 11:58 AM
No, haven't recd any recently. I don't think anyone is facing this problem. This is the first time I'm getting such a complaint.
Ok I replied, hope it works this time...
Editing: Thanks RR, I'll try sending it to the person and will let you know whether it works with him or not.
14th April 2005, 01:12 PM
It doesn't then...either he doesn't know how to check his mail :P or something's wrong with his account.
1st June 2005, 04:52 PM
I wonder why pirayaani's thread 'Vedic roots of early tamil culture' has been locked :? When threads like 'Tamil is elder to Sanskrit','Tamil-Sanskrit myth' can be allowed why not this?If it's because the likes of Idiaapam,geno&others will come up with their 'Poda naayi'posts that cannot be a excuse.Does it mean if someone doesn't like a thread all he/she has to do is to vomit filth&ensure it's closure?Or is it because the mods themselves are biased.I hope not.
Tailpiece:Don't say it was the wrong forum for starting this thread because that is not the author's fault.The 'history forum'is disabled for more than a month now.
1st June 2005, 09:15 PM
//...If it's...." because the likes of"......"others"....//
Yes.. Yes .. Yes and Yesesessssssssssss.... That is what is going on here.. in this so called ... OUR HUB...
My Enthusiastic initiation of a HIGHLY MEANINFUL THREAD on India's Greatness....
.. by means of its ANCIENT-HERITAGE... based on Indian-History, Tradition, Culture and the like... in all respects.. mentioned in its Introduction unambiguously on the Secular- spirit...
... on which I am DEEPLY HURT... as an INJURY TO MY ENTHUSIASM in Your Hub...
.. A severe Kick-on my Face... as a Reward in the Shape of Grave- Punishment .. !!!
... for my past Rich- Participation here since more than 3 years as the Old- Hubber.
(1) Does this deserve to be deemed as "Our-Hub" anymore... when there is no sense of "V"... here?... A Complex of U & I... of MUTUAL- CONCERN... alongside taking care of the INTERESTS of both the sides.
It is a high time... our REQUESTS AND APPEALS.. be duly considered by the Administrators.
And as a Senior-citizen well-experienced... APT and QUALIFIED ENOUGH to put forth...
... HEALTHY-CRITICISMS ... IN YOUR INTERESTS... Only... not Autocratic nor Self-willed...
If my Deep-thought over objections and suggestions HAVE ANY MEANINGFUL SENSE... Please RE-CONSIDER... and get Convinced ...otherwise please convince us as to how we are Wrong?...... I being...
(not only an acclaimed Result-oriented Professional Executive... but also as the Ex. Director ofa Ltd . Company faced all sorts of crisis... as well as the Ex. Founder Secretary of a Public- Associatyed (Regd)... well- advancing even now... because of the FIRM-FOOTING I installed there... confronting all sorts of worst oppositions... even more than the ones you people are facing here...)
How many people oppose or support a Topic-Head here SHOULD BE DEEMED as the IMMATERIAL FACTOR...
.. but how far it is relevant to YOUR PURPOSE... according to YOUR UNBIASED Spirit
.. and how much enthusiastic participation from the other Hubbers...
.. alongside the Extent of Global-Viewership... and appreciation you get.
//.. will come up with their 'Poda naayi'posts.... that cannot be a excuse...//
Such GLORIOUS- WORDING (??? !!!) as... "You-idiot"...Poada-Naaye... Sala-Periyar... --- You the Group Murders's of Indian-President(!!! ???)... and even vulgour words... have been allowed to exist as the Bright- Hoardings for a long time... even months together.. until some Hubbers point out....
... And one Sudden-Entrant Krishna... threw Vulgour-Rubbish coupled with shockingly Obscene- photo too... seriosly PROVOCATVE... on one Thread after another Thread as a serial- blow after severe blow for several pages... a few days back... taking OVER-LIBERTY by a mischivous Criminal
.. BLOCKING all the Due-postings of the GENUINE Hubbers.. for the WHOLE-DAY... UNQUESTIONABLY !!!
... On which there was NO TIMELY ACTION... either Preventive or Precautionary nor ARRESTRIVE. !!!.
... until somebody points out... and action taken on the next-day... after my vociferous knocking of one and all the doors on the previous day. !!!
... whereas if some Healthy-postings are SOWN HERE towards the Good- purpose...
... One GREAT GENTLEMAN here... constantly awake... with an AXE to FELLS IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY
... the Fruity- Trees... naming it Contrary ?... who is to judge it Fruity or Not? ... How?.
//.. Does it mean if someone doesn't like a thread all he/she has to do is to vomit filth&ensure it's closure?//
Should your decisions and Policy... BE SIMPLY BASED... on the objections from those....
...who are bent upon... ..Shaping and Converting OUR HUB...a Common- Healthy Forum
... into THEIR VOICE-DAIS..!!!. Exclusively... and Unquestionably...
... Thrusting FORCIBLY... their Suicidal- SURMISES..and Self-willed Thoughts within others Gullets.???
//Or is it because the mods themselves are biased?....I hope not//.
Yes.... YES... YESESSSSSSSSSS.... If one Night-watchman grumbles for his loss of Sleep... due to his Job... will others NOT LAUGH at him?
// Tailpiece:Don't say it was the wrong forum for starting this thread because that is not the author's fault.The 'history forum'is disabled for more than a month now.//
Dear Friend... Do you know.. The Administarators are waiting for the Voice from their GENUINE ADVISORS... on the opposite side of ours.
How Genuine they are and will be?.. we don't know. God alone knows...
But God has given us all the Wisdom to DISCERN THE RIGHT AND WRONG.. Genuine and the Hypocritic
Dear Our-Hub- Administrators.... We assure you ... we are Not Selfish nor One-sided... Nor IRRESPONSIBLE TOWARDS THE OTHER SIDE.
... But we are your whole-hearted WELL- WISHERS... towards further Success and Advancement on your Noble-purpose
... So I earnestly Hope and BELIEVE... My dear Administrators... least now PLEASE PLEASE RECONSIDER...IN YOUR INTERESTS ALONG WITH.... OURS. TOO...
... before it goes Out-of-hands... or becomes UNSURMOUNTABLE... or .. turns INCORRIGIBLE.
With Best Wishes for Your Success and PROSPERITY. !!!
Truly, Sincerely and Affectionately,
Yours.. Sudhaama
1st June 2005, 10:08 PM
Tailpiece:Don't say it was the wrong forum for starting this thread because that is not the author's fault.The 'history forum'is disabled for more than a month now.
That's not an excuse. We've already explained why 'History & culture' related topics have to wait. Why don't you hang on a while more..
2nd June 2005, 10:38 AM
It's not a question of me hanging on for a while.If you have noticed I don't post at all in the history/Tamil literature thread but limit myself to the Tamil films,Misc section.But I do browse some of the other sections&have noticed that fanaticism rules.If anyone opens a thread or writes a post referring to the Vedas,Sanskrit,Brahmins- a barrage of verbal abuse starts.Most of these start as discussions but very soon degenerates into filth.Result-the thread has to be closed.Why can't something be done about this?Why is it that a section of hubbers successfully close down threads which do not tally with their view points&get away with it.This 'pirayaani'thread is just an example.I don't come to the hub to prove I am superior or someone is inferior.But if an interesting discussion is happening I would def take part ot atleast read what others have to say but that hardly seems to be happening.Rigidity rules.
2nd June 2005, 02:56 PM
If anyone opens a thread or writes a post referring to the Vedas,Sanskrit,Brahmins- a barrage of verbal abuse starts.Most of these start as discussions but very soon degenerates into filth.Result-the thread has to be closed.Why can't something be done about this?
This has to be a curse of public forums. We would like to encourage such topics and sincerely moderate. But you know, it is simply not possible to do a good job, unless we sit here 24 hours and monitor every one of these threads. Sorry we don't have that much time. Moreover, some of the sensitive topics are prone to libel lawsuits. So some restrictions have to be imposed. At least that's our policy for now.
One way is to create a private forum for such 'interesting but delicate' topics. Read & post access will be given only to 'mature' members with a condition that access will be revoked if limits are crossed. But I doubt how many will survive in this setup.. Soon we may only have a handful, and the forum will start ee Ottufying.
2nd June 2005, 04:09 PM
What you are telling is true.But it's very unfortunate that only one side of the story gets to be told. :( The chances of the fanatics suddenly becoming moderates is non-existant,so I think the alternative is to ban any topic which tries to prove its superiority(with or without evidences)esp with regard to religion&language.Someone saying Rajni is better than Kamal or Vijay is better than Ajit is insignificant.There are fights but it's basically fun.But religion,religious books,language are very sensitive&provoke people very easily.So when one side doesn't get an opportunity to express their view point&are drowned in a whole baggage of filth, why should the other side get a free run?Just because the opponents are decent enough not to indulge in abuse?In that respect I believe that threads like 'Tamil-Sanskrit myth','Tamil is elder to Sanskrit'should also have no place in the forum.How are these threads related to literature?Are they not sensitive?
3rd June 2005, 08:37 AM
Thanks. On 'Tamil (vs) Sanskrit' topic, it's related to tamil language, right? :) Do you mean we have separate forum on 'Tamil language' and discuss there? I don't think it's necessary, Cinefan. TL forum is ok.
The discussions, though tempestuous at times, I believe are not offensive like religious/casteist threads do, so this topic is fine. But this thread is being moderated and posts have been deleted. Er.. You are not going to nitpick on a 'bad' phrase that still hanging in there, are you? Rather if you (like many of the well-wishers) can help by pm-ing the Mods of such things, then the hub will be cleaner and more fun - benefitting all of us.
3rd June 2005, 11:05 AM
Sure it's a language issue but I feel that somewhere down the line a few hubbers are displaying utter contempt towards people who don't agree with their line of thought&a "We are superior,our language IS THE BEST"attitude is being displayed.The language might not be filth but that kind of an attitude is def irritating.I guess it's left to the opponents to counter that without involving you guys. :D
Good day.
5th June 2005, 11:19 PM
Dear Mr. RR,
For the past ... MORE THAN TWO MONTHS.. I am waiting for your action on my Request as below.(Vide my below-mentioned Posting dated 30th March 05 in this Thread)
In the absence of your such due action, my next Posting ..READY FOR POSTING ...
... in that relevant Thread:--- "Quiz: SELF-EVALUATION"...
.. is..HELD-UP INDEFINITELY... since the past more than TWO MONTHS.
Will you please do the needful... WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY?
I will be thankful.. if you can PROVIDE ME ACCESS to Edit of my Own.. in future.. .
. without unnecessarily worrying you....(Now I don't have this Facility in this Polls section)
With Best Wishes,
PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:08 am Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
POLL -Correction ...
Thread :-- "Your SELF-EVALUATION of Yourself."
Please CORRECT the Poll wordings as below DELETING Percentage- marks..
__________________________________________________ __________
__________________________________________________ __________
(3) LION.
(5) COW :
(6) DOVE
6th June 2005, 07:51 AM
I think I wrote to you that you can edit this yourself. I don't understand the problem you are facing in editing. If you really need help, you can approach the mods.
11th June 2005, 01:38 AM
Dear Administrators,
Please consider...
SECTIONS TO BE GROUPED... matching with the Typical-Needs of Viewers.
(1) The present Heading as .. MISCALLANEOUS-SECTION ... be changed as .. "GENERAL- SECTION.."... which will be better and and APT.. I feel.
(2) The Present LITERATURE-SECTION ... be regrouped and named as,,,
... LITERATURE AND CULTURE...since the Subject of Culture .. even though related both to History as well as Literature....
..a Historian is not invited to primarily participate..
but the Experts on Literature.. who only are capable of defining the Culture of the people based on the Literatures of the respective people.
... rather it is more closer and better linked with Literature. Whenever any Lecture or Essay is called for...
For example... the intricacies and greatness of the Tamilian-Culture of "Yaadhum-Oorae-Yaavarum-Kelhir"... and the like, we are able to get mainly from Literature.
Moreover the Viewers of Literature-taste would prefer to go through the relevant link of Cultural topics too.. under the same section
(3) The new Section .. on RELIGIONS... under contemplation... be named as...
..HUMAN-EMANCIPATION... to induce the viewers to think on the healthy lines...
... instead of INADVERTENTLY inviting them to apply their minds onto Religious-conflicts and Disparities in between..
Let us not make this Section of Forum as one more BATTLEFIELD...
.. which we have seen enough in other sections... even by irrelevantly dragging the Religions and Castes..
In brief... the apt fragrance emanated will attract the right hearts.
(4) History Section.. be totally separate... unconnected with other Subjects.
(5) A separate Section named CLASSICS cater to the Elite's tastes... be opened to cover other Rich-subjects... which otherwise may get drowned within the din of Ordinary topis.
11th June 2005, 12:40 PM
Sudhamaa said:
(2) The Present LITERATURE-SECTION ... be regrouped and named as,,,
... LITERATURE AND CULTURE...since the Subject of Culture .. even though related both to History as well as Literature....
..a Historian is not invited to primarily participate..
but the Experts on Literature.. who only are capable of defining the Culture of the people based on the Literatures of the respective people.
Historian is not invited to participate???? Why?? He tells too much of the truth there is in the Literature. Historical perspective of those Literature is very important for understanding the culutre. Else everyone will be taken for a ride by those propagandists here.
[quote](3) The new Section .. on RELIGIONS... under contemplation... be named as...
..HUMAN-EMANCIPATION... to induce the viewers to think on the healthy lines... [/quote
Then we will have a chance to give them a sugar-coated version of the otherwise 'unhealthy religion'.
On the whole, I object to Sudhamaa proposal as I foresee that it could just lead to the Hub being infested with vedics and their stooges singing 'all are one, but I am better'. 'Tamil and Sanskrit are one, but sanskrit better' etc etc.
Yes, I object! Don't waste time on this, Administrators!
13th June 2005, 07:56 AM
Sudhaama, at present we don't have any plans for altering the existing forum structure, but we'll keep your suggestions in mind for future.
13th June 2005, 07:57 AM
Hi all,
Happy to tell you that the history and culture section is up again! This is our second trial and I hope you'll help us keep it a place for cleaner and enlightening discussions. We have some Do's and Don'ts, pls go through them:
Have fun!
16th June 2005, 01:06 PM
RR, having problems posting today.
This is the message that I am getting.
General Error
Could not insert new word matches
SQL Error : 1196 Warning: Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back
INSERT INTO phpbb_search_wordmatch (post_id, word_id, title_match) SELECT 145003, word_id, 0 FROM phpbb_search_wordlist WHERE word_text IN ('siragillai', 'naan', 'kili', 'illai', 'ada', 'vaanam', 'onnum', 'tholaivillai', 'awef', 'vanakkam', 'vani', 'scorpio', 'nov', 'karthik', 'mani', 'raj', 'innum', 'thoonga', 'pogalai')
Line : 251
File : functions_search.php
12th July 2005, 07:17 PM
Why does it take so long to get an account activated? In my case I created an account on the 6th July and today on the 12th it is activated. What is the reason for your exaggerated reservation?
13th July 2005, 08:37 AM
Why does it take so long to get an account activated? In my case I created an account on the 6th July and today on the 12th it is activated. What is the reason for your exaggerated reservation?
It's because some people create multiple id's like Mini Midi Maxi, Maraththadi,etc and need to be looked into. Some still get away with it, but their id's are being promptly closed.
15th July 2005, 09:26 AM
RR, There's a 'REPORT' feature available in some of the forums, where you can report offensive posts or abusive language to the moderator... Are you planning to have something like that.
This feature is now available. If you see any abusive post, just click the :!: button at the top right corner of the post and report it. It will be sent to the Mods immediately and they'll act on it ASAP.
24th August 2005, 02:20 PM
Hub connection problems
(If any of your friends is having this problem, pls pass this message. Thanks.)
If you are having problem connecting to the Hub since Monday, this is for you: Currently there are many in India facing this problem. AFAIK, connection from rest of the world and even from some ISP's in India, is ok. We have been investigating this problem. We did a traceroute from VSNL and it reveals:
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 ( 0.848 ms 1.180 ms 0.420 ms
2 ( 0.659 ms 0.708 ms 0.461 ms
3 ( 0.802 ms 1.036 ms 1.127 ms
4 ( 0.950 ms 1.035 ms 1.446 ms
5 ( 3.085 ms 2.682 ms 2.918 ms
6 * * *
7 * * *
That is, it shows that everything times out after the 5th hop from VSNL. This is not part of the network (or even our upstream providers) on which the Hub is hosted on. It looks like an ISP across the ocean from us is having issues routing. Unfortunately we can't do much about this. You can send a mail to your ISP, describe the problem and ask for their advice. Or, if you can give your ISP's address to us, we can do ask on your behalf.
Meanwhile, if you are desperate, you can connect to the Hub via proxies. Mr.Privacy is one:
I'll post if there are any further updates on this.
25th August 2005, 09:56 PM
I am having problems with my Emoticons...everytime i try to click on one, the whole page goes blank, deleting everything i typed...
is this part of the current problem, or something with my settings??..
26th August 2005, 07:35 AM
This sounds like a different problem. Give me more details: does it happen always? Do you visit any other phpbb forums, and does it work fine there? How long do you have this problem?
You may want to try cleaning up your cache,cookies,etc. and login afresh.
28th August 2005, 03:51 PM
Using the proxy to browse this site has affected the speed.It's very taxing waiting for each page to open.
Also whenever I try to 'Quote'someone&post a reply,i get automatically logged out&the 'Index'page gets displayed.But my Id continues to show in the 'No of user's online'.Why???
28th August 2005, 07:41 PM
one of my friends from chennai is having problems accessing the hub. when ever he tries to access the hub it gives an error "operation timed out". it's been like this for more than a week now.
wat do u think is the problem????
is it somthing to do with the server o problem with his side (client).
pls help SOS
29th August 2005, 07:57 AM
Using the proxy to browse this site has affected the speed.It's very taxing waiting for each page to open.
Also whenever I try to 'Quote'someone&post a reply,i get automatically logged out&the 'Index'page gets displayed.But my Id continues to show in the 'No of user's online'.Why???
Because 'Users online' is for the last 5 mins.
Mt.Privacy has only limited cookies handling capabilities (Cookies are needed to hold your login session). So it may log you out unexpectedly sometimes. As I said, this is only an interim solution. You may have to contact your ISP to find a fix. Or, talk to the Indian hubbers who are able to access, and try to mimic their setup.
We are monitoring the situation, and will give you tips (if we find any) to get back 100% fuss-free access.
29th August 2005, 07:57 AM
one of my friends from chennai is having problems accessing the hub. when ever he tries to access the hub it gives an error "operation timed out". it's been like this for more than a week now.
wat do u think is the problem????
is it somthing to do with the server o problem with his side (client).
pls help SOS
See my msg in the previous page.
3rd September 2005, 06:06 PM
-----------------------help help help--------------------
i had over 800 posts to my self in the morning today..... now i have only about 550... y is that?????
i normaly dont sign out. but no one else uses my PC.... can anyone else from outside access my account????? may b thats how my posts got reduced......
tell me how to get them back
4th September 2005, 06:51 AM
lancelot. it happened to me and to everyone. the reason is very simple. the tamil chat thread is now dumped so the posts you made there are deleted therefore your number of posts decreased.
-----------------------help help help--------------------
i had over 800 posts to my self in the morning today..... now i have only about 550... y is that?????
i normaly dont sign out. but no one else uses my PC.... can anyone else from outside access my account????? may b thats how my posts got reduced......
tell me how to get them back
4th September 2005, 10:12 AM
There you have the answer. All is not lost, you still have so many threads (and forums) to post and catch up. :P
5th September 2005, 12:54 PM
10th September 2005, 10:58 AM
Update on the recent Hub access problems from India
Good news first. It's solved! With some technical jugglery, we've managed to re-route the Indian traffic and fixed this problem. It may not reflect immediately throughout India, but it will.. slowly. By monday, everyone should be able to access without any problems. If you still cannot access, please report (with details) here.
The bad news is: we learn from trusted sources that the Hub was blocked by a DOT ruling. Yes, the worst we feared has happened! That was the reason behind all the access problems. We have found a way to bypass the block for now, but this too may get banned. IF we don't take precautions... We need your help. Please don't get into controversial topics or make offensive remarks. No more abuses. Moderation is also going to be stricter If you find any posts that requires moderation, please use the 'Report Post' feature (the "!" button) and let the Mods know. Looking forward to your cooperation..
12th September 2005, 06:19 AM
Congratulations, RR! Good work! Finally, our Indian Hubbers will be back, and we will see more action on the Hub.
And yes, the cautionary note of your message is indeed valid. As I had discovered a few days ago, there is a legal statute in the Indian Constitution wherein deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage feelings of any class by insulting its beliefs is an offence under the Indian Penal Code, be it written articles, speeches or any other methods of propaganda. I am inclined to think the Hub would be included as "any other methods".
Therefore we cannot afford to have any post that is inflammatory in nature, aimed at any particular religion, region or cultural background. Better a strict Hub than no Hub!!
12th September 2005, 07:14 PM
Update on the recent Hub access problems from India
Good news first. It's solved! With some technical jugglery, we've managed to re-route the Indian traffic and fixed this problem. It may not reflect immediately throughout India, but it will.. slowly. By monday, everyone should be able to access without any problems. If you still cannot access, please report (with details) here.
The bad news is: we learn from trusted sources that the Hub was blocked by a DOT ruling. Yes, the worst we feared has happened! That was the reason behind all the access problems. We have found a way to bypass the block for now, but this too may get banned. IF we don't take precautions... We need your help. Please don't get into controversial topics or make offensive remarks. No more abuses. Moderation is also going to be stricter If you find any posts that requires moderation, please use the 'Report Post' feature (the "!" button) and let the Mods know. Looking forward to your cooperation..
Can you explain exactly what posts in this forum, could have caused this Dot blocking? Just curious.
12th September 2005, 11:13 PM
Mister RR,
I have still problems while accessing the forum. I could not access directly but I am using mr.privacy.
I am using Reliance connection. I think, that is the problem?.
13th September 2005, 07:46 AM
Can you explain exactly what posts in this forum, could have caused this Dot blocking? Just curious.
We don't know exactly what caused the ban. We are still trying to get an official statement from DOT.
13th September 2005, 07:49 AM
Mister RR,
I have still problems while accessing the forum. I could not access directly but I am using mr.privacy.
I am using Reliance connection. I think, that is the problem?.
Maybe you can wait for 1 more day and see if it works on Wed morning. Try these URLs too: and .
15th September 2005, 08:32 AM
Mister RR,
I have still problems while accessing the forum. I could not access directly but I am using mr.privacy.
I am using Reliance connection. I think, that is the problem?.
Maybe you can wait for 1 more day and see if it works on Wed morning. Try these URLs too: and .
ya, it works
Sudarshan C R
18th September 2005, 10:09 PM
Hello friends
Now I can easily access The problem is solved.
20th September 2005, 02:47 AM
I am not able to logout from forumhub..I have been trying for past few hours..
20th September 2005, 03:01 AM
I am not able to logout from forumhub..I have been trying for past few hours..
try to un-check the box that says "Remember me" on the Login screen.
20th September 2005, 03:42 AM
I am not able to logout from forumhub..I have been trying for past few hours..
try to un-check the box that says "Remember me" on the Login screen.
thanx it really worked..
27th October 2005, 11:38 PM
care to tell me (or direct me) to where you tell us about what quick reply is about please? :)
28th October 2005, 07:44 AM
care to tell me (or direct me) to where you tell us about what quick reply is about please? :)
Just see above the reply box ... :D I wrote about it in the Hub newsletter sent couple days ago, but it is self-explanatory.. Quick reply is just a quick way to reply.. :P Try it in 'Testing' forum..
19th November 2005, 11:28 AM
phpBB Upgrade
We have done an upgrade to our forum backend to fix problems with password reset, and other bugs. We have taken care to make it as soon as possible. Should there be any problems/errors, pls post here.
30th November 2005, 08:36 PM
Dear Moderators,
For the past couple of weeks Ive been noticing an issue which suddenly popped up.When I log in the first time into the hub,nothing happens! The page just goes to the hub index page without me logged in.I relogin to get into the hub.Ofcourse this is nothing but an nagging glitch and I can log in twice but the web developer in me just wants to figure out whats happening.
Also Ive noticed that my session ends very fast.Has the session timeouts been changed?
30th November 2005, 09:29 PM
Dear Moderators,
For the past couple of weeks Ive been noticing an issue which suddenly popped up.When I log in the first time into the hub,nothing happens! The page just goes to the hub index page without me logged in.I relogin to get into the hub.Ofcourse this is nothing but an nagging glitch and I can log in twice but the web developer in me just wants to figure out whats happening.
Also Ive noticed that my session ends very fast.Has the session timeouts been changed?
We didn't change any session timeouts. But this could be due to the upgrade. I'll look into it.
2nd December 2005, 02:30 AM
Another detail I noticed today..the timeouts occur only when I close the browser(I dont usually log out coz no one else touches this comp).When I close the browser twice the third time I try to enter into the hub I need to login.Dosent happen the second time.Hope this helps in solving this issue.
2nd December 2005, 11:40 AM
This should fix the login problems:
1. log out (if still logged in)
2. If you are using IE, go to Tools->Internet Options->Delete cookies (say Yes to delete cookies. Don't worry it just resets cookies.) Press OK to exit options.
If using Firefox: go to Tools->Options->Privacy, click 'Clear' against Cookies. Press OK to exit options.
3. Now login to Hub.
For those reading this but cannot login/post, you can email me if there any issues: rrprivate-hubadmin AT (replace AT with '@'.)
5th December 2005, 09:53 AM
Dear RR
I am facing problem in logging in to hub. I use IE. I even tried after deleting cookies. Please help me to sort out my problem
5th December 2005, 10:56 AM
I am facing problem in logging in to hub. I use IE. I even tried after deleting cookies. Please help me to sort out my problem
I didn't have problems with IE , so don't know abt that, but maybe u can try logging in through "log in to check your private messages".
I had problems logging in, when using mozilla-firefox . I overcame by logging in to "check new messages" and then come to the hub. But once I did what RR suggested, I am able to login the normal way.
6th December 2005, 06:22 PM
I have problem in Tags. I couldn't use any tags. For example for Quotes I have tried with the Quotes button on the right, quote button that appears while composing message and also manually typing [quote].
7th December 2005, 09:43 AM
I have problem in Tags. I couldn't use any tags. For example for Quotes I have tried with the Quotes button on the right, quote button that appears while composing message and also manually typing.
Pls check your profile and see if BBcode is enabled.
7th December 2005, 11:04 AM
I have problem in Tags. I couldn't use any tags. For example for Quotes I have tried with the Quotes button on the right, quote button that appears while composing message and also manually typing.
Pls check your profile and see if BBcode is enabled.
Thank you.
Now it's working fine.
20th December 2005, 09:38 PM
Dear Moderators
Is there any section devoted to discussing policitics or are such discussions to be held in the Miscellaneous section?
27th December 2005, 05:34 AM
I was gone a couple days, so I don't know that happened...what happened to the Manu Smrithi thread from the Ind Hist section?
27th December 2005, 09:48 AM
I was gone a couple days, so I don't know that happened...what happened to the Manu Smrithi thread from the Ind Hist section?
MANU SMRITHI Thread is qute vitally imperative to alleviate several misconceptions on it. It is no wonder... some people still believe that it is legitimated by the Hindu law at any time... based on Hindu Religion....
It was never so advocated by the Hindu cultural norms to discriminate anybody on the basis of birth. Nor the Hindu Scriptures ever stipulate so.
Even the Great Scholar Dr Ambedkar had been given a wrong impression CONTRARY TO FACTS....
... on which he got well-convinced ultimately, after Rajaji clarified through long discussions and correspondence with him.
Where can I speak out these facts of their interesting points quite relevant to the present generation in view of better mutual understanding culminating in Social-unity without any disparity in Futue India?
27th December 2005, 02:47 PM
Since there were no more "misconceptions" about Manu, probably the moderators removed it!!
Well done moderators!!
27th December 2005, 04:17 PM
Since there were no more "misconceptions" about Manu, probably the moderators removed it!!
Well done moderators!!
It will do the world a lot good if it was removed from its existence!
27th December 2005, 05:59 PM
Since there were no more "misconceptions" about Manu, probably the moderators removed it!!
Well done moderators!!
It will do the world a lot good if it was removed from its existence!
If "manu" were never born in this world at all.......................?
..................the wonder that was India (the words of Basham) wld've been??
27th December 2005, 10:39 PM
Since there were no more "misconceptions" about Manu, probably the moderators removed it!!
Well done moderators!!
It will do the world a lot good if it was removed from its existence!
If "manu" were never born in this world at all.......................?
..................the wonder that was India (the words of Basham) wld've been??
Let not anybody mistake my posting... that I advocate in support of the so called MANU-SMRITHI ....
Never... even the least... I, EVEN THINK TO justify on its Tryrannical Partiality and Oppression of the Ignorant and Innocent.... just on the DISCRIMINATORY-BASIS BY BIRTH..
That Man-made Code, transformed into Law... in a few Regions of India in those days of Monarchy... is AN UTTER SHAME... NOT ONLY TO INDIA.... BUT ALSO to the HUMANITY.
It was condemned by the Vedic-Scholars as inhuman and ungranted by any Scriptures.
Social-counsellors too vehemently opposed on its continuation, and so that senseless Laws became extinct even during those Dictatory days. It lead to some confusions and embarassment too in segregating and categorising people by its criteria, before passing on judgement.
I have already analysed briefly on its History behind... under the Thread YAAVARUM-KAELHIR.
My only interest is... to communicate the as to nullify the persistent UNDUE blame on the present generation, based on SURMISE... and unbased assumptions... since mislead by some politicians.
Wholeheartedly let us all...LEARN LESSONS FROM THE PAST... and..
...for the FUTURE ... vociferously propogate on the true sense of the...
... Large-Hearted Tamil Gospel : YAADHUM OORAE YAAVARUM KAELHIR....
Culminating in the Emancipation of Humanity by Global-Family-Spirit...
...towards United advancement .. ensuring NIL-DISCRIMINATION either on the basis of birth or any such segmentation or Vivi-section...
...ultimately resulting in Global-Peace and Prosperity for one and all of the World-Society.!!!
28th December 2005, 05:04 AM
Since there were no more "misconceptions" about Manu, probably the moderators removed it!!
Well done moderators!!
I'm glad to see that all the misconceptions about the Smrithi are cleared! There are obviously plenty of misconceptions, due to some individuals. There are cunning foxes that try to defame the vedas which are of godly origin, so it's inevitable that theese foxes were @ work again. But atleast all the misconceptions are cleared now! 8-) Well Done Mods indeed!! Thanks for taking it off before the foxes went at it again! :clap:
It will do the world a lot good if it was removed from its existence!
:rotfl: We all wish for the moon now don't we! :lol:
28th December 2005, 06:10 AM
Since there were no more "misconceptions" about Manu, probably the moderators removed it!!
Well done moderators!!
There are cunning foxes that try to defame the vedas which are of godly origin, so it's inevitable that theese foxes were @ work again. But atleast all the misconceptions are cleared now! 8-) Well Done Mods indeed!! Thanks for taking it off before the foxes went at it again! :clap:
All that's well ends well. Btw, the one that was taken down was about Manu a subsidiary text and not part of Vedas, as you taught us. So you mean Manu and not the Vedas? Right?
28th December 2005, 06:21 AM
Since there were no more "misconceptions" about Manu, probably the moderators removed it!!
Well done moderators!!
There are cunning foxes that try to defame the vedas which are of godly origin, so it's inevitable that theese foxes were @ work again. But atleast all the misconceptions are cleared now! 8-) Well Done Mods indeed!! Thanks for taking it off before the foxes went at it again! :clap:
All that's well ends well. Btw, the one that was taken down was about Manu a subsidiary text and not part of Vedas, as you taught us. So you mean Manu and not the Vedas? Right?
All ends well indeed! :D
Isn't that an easy inference? :P
28th December 2005, 11:35 AM
[tscii:6896dd11d2] // Let not anybody mistake my posting... that I advocate in support of the so called MANU-SMRITHI ...//.
Áì¸û ¸Å¢»ý, «Áà ¸Å¢¿¡¾ý À¡Ã¾¢¨Â ¯ûéà ¯½÷ó¾ ±ÅÕõ ±ó¾ ¯Â¢¨ÃÔõ ¾ý ¦º¡ó¾ ¯Â¢¦ÃýÚ Á¾¢ìÌõ ¦¿È¢¿¢ýÚ À¢ÈÆÁ¡ð¼¡÷ ±ýÀÐ ±ÉìÌ Á¢¸ ¿ýÈ¡¸§Å ¦¾Ã¢ó¾ ´ýÚ. À¡Ã¾¢ §¿ÂÕìÌ ±ý ¿ýÈ¢.
29th December 2005, 08:05 AM
[tscii:97ce0225f2] // Let not anybody mistake my posting... that I advocate in support of the so called MANU-SMRITHI ...//.
Áì¸û ¸Å¢»ý, «Áà ¸Å¢¿¡¾ý À¡Ã¾¢¨Â ¯ûéà ¯½÷ó¾ ±ÅÕõ ±ó¾ ¯Â¢¨ÃÔõ ¾ý ¦º¡ó¾ ¯Â¢¦ÃýÚ Á¾¢ìÌõ ¦¿È¢¿¢ýÚ À¢ÈÆÁ¡ð¼¡÷ ±ýÀÐ ±ÉìÌ Á¢¸ ¿ýÈ¡¸§Å ¦¾Ã¢ó¾ ´Ú. À¡Ã¾¢ §¿ÂÕìÌ ±ý ¿ýÈ¢.
Many Thanks Ms. Bis_mala,
This subject of MANU-SMRITHI had long long ago dead... How it was unduly raked up and a section of oneforward community was instigated and cunningly patronised.... during the British period.... just to DIVIDE AND RULE over the enslaved Indians... and how Bharathi, Rajaji and other Leaders vehemently fought against such mischief of those days ...
...I have narrated in detail... under the Thread BHARATHI AMUDHAM
Further this dirty Adharma Saasthram... has been given THIRD LEASE OF LIFE... by the present day politicians... just to create divisive mentality amongst the innocent Tamilian commonman... resulting in persistent hatred towards one Community unduly.
Wise people can easily understand the Truth behind...
Let not any of our friends get trapped under such divisive-motives.
29th December 2005, 08:49 AM
Many thanks uncle.
samatharmam thazaikkap paadupaduvOm.
vaazka bhaarathi pukaz!!
2nd February 2006, 09:56 AM
:notworthy: I thank the moderators whole heartedly for deleting the posts :thumbsup:
5th February 2006, 11:21 AM
RR can you plz add one or teo more skins :roll:
Sub-Silver is borin :sad:
9th February 2006, 09:23 AM
While posting, we end up in TSCII style. Is there any way to make UNICODE as the default one? Please help. :D
9th February 2006, 03:09 PM
While posting, we end up in TSCII style. Is there any way to make UNICODE as the default one? Please help. :D
The majority here wants TSCII, so it will stay as the default.
We'll try to see if this can be implemented as a skin. As I replied to Arthas, skins may take sometime since we have modded the board a lot.
9th February 2006, 04:33 PM
Thanx RR.. Waiting for the skin!! :D
9th February 2006, 06:25 PM
while using UNICODE, the scroll bar is not getting updated automatically? Please check the same.. I am not able to type beyond the page displayed..
scroll bar works.. but the text is displayed at the bottom which we cannot see. :roll:
12th February 2006, 09:54 AM
* deleted * :evil:
RR nallavaru,vallavaru hell bring me back...Illayaa RR :huh:
What do you think I'll do after such a post from you..
Guys please.. sort out the ban issues with the Mods. Let this thread be for other problem reports.
12th February 2006, 10:02 AM
while using UNICODE, the scroll bar is not getting updated automatically? Please check the same.. I am not able to type beyond the page displayed..
scroll bar works.. but the text is displayed at the bottom which we cannot see. :roll:
Scorll bar not getting updated, but it works..?? Can you be clearer?
12th February 2006, 04:41 PM
Sry that was meant as a comedy :rotfl:
* deleted * :evil:
RR nallavaru,vallavaru hell bring me back...Illayaa RR :huh:
What do you think I'll do after such a post from you..
Guys please.. sort out the ban issues with the Mods. Let this thread be for other problem reports.
27th February 2006, 08:14 PM
We had a thread exclusively for AJITH in the past. (which ran successfully in the past one year)
But now that thread title has been changed..
I don't understand what is wrong in that thread title.(previous one)
If MODS are so obsessed with AJITH - THE REAL SUPERSTAR TITLE, then better ask them to rename it as
sorry.. for bringing the issue here...:D
27th February 2006, 10:19 PM
why is it that the post counts of the hubbers are pruned occasionally :huh:
28th February 2006, 04:56 AM
Navin: When threads grow really huge with many posts, some of them are pruned. If this is not done, the server load increases, resulting in larger page load times. Everytime a thread is trimmed, and older posts deleted, your post count is also trimmed.
Many threads like Film Chat, Pattukku Pattu etc are pruned regularly, so if bulk of your postings are in threads such as these, your post count may show significant reduction all of a sudden.
28th February 2006, 10:31 AM
Mods are here to support and streamline the forums. Not to get obsessed with crowning or decrowning specific actors. The reason for the change in topic titles, I believe, has already been conveyed to you. In case you didn't get that: The recent debacle of incessant opening of new threads for every activity of actors such as Ajit and Vijay, saw many duplicate threads and locked topics. Hence, we have decided to streamline ALL actors' threads as "New Releases of ... "
7th March 2006, 04:54 PM
I am seeing a message waiting for me in my INBOX. But when I tried to open my INBOX, it displays the following error
Please look into it :roll:
Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (11) in /home/forumh3/public_html/hub/db/mysql4.php on line 48
Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/forumh3/public_html/hub/db/mysql4.php on line 331
Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/forumh3/public_html/hub/db/mysql4.php on line 332
phpBB : Critical Error
Could not connect to the database
7th March 2006, 05:07 PM
Before few months, we had connectivity problems from some parts of India. At that time, I was not able to access the hub from my regular SIFY account. So, I used an anonymous browsing site for accessing the hub.
Then we got a mail from u stating that all the problems are over. After that, I was able to access the hub directly from my SIFY account.
But when I went to sivakasi (a few days back), the same problem occurred when I used my SIFY A/C to access the hub. But I was able to access the hub directly in all other browsing centres except SIFY.
Why I am getting problems like this? The problems are indeed looking very strange for me.
I want u to clarify more on this. Is this a problem with the SIFY A/C or the hub :roll:
what method should I follow to clear these issues? Being a SIFY A/C user for the past couple of years, I am much satisfied with their service. But I am not sure why I am getting problems with the hub.
8th March 2006, 12:42 AM
The same is happening with Reliance connection also. But we can access the hub by instead of
8th March 2006, 07:54 AM
1. The mysql db connect errors could be some temporary giltch due to server overload. If this error is permanent, do post the link that is giving the error.
2. Some indian ISP's like SIFY have '' in their blocklist (instead of IP which we have switched), so you have to try or instead.
12th March 2006, 02:44 PM
Thanks a lot for that :D
A suggestion :
Just like, how the hub s/w displays the TIME details etc in every post, Can't we have the IP ADDRESS displayed too? I heard that in the old forum IP ADDRESSES were also displayed.
I think this will help us for obvious reasons. Expecting your reply :)
12th March 2006, 02:52 PM
Many have objected to the IP address being revealed as privacy issue, so it's hidden from public (but visible to the Mods).
6th April 2006, 11:41 AM
This one good modification which I feel is much needed in the PROFILE UPDATE PAGE, Taking into consideration of the problems I faced with my ACCOUNT
Just like the username option, please disable the EDITING OPTION AVAILABLE FOR MAILIDs. This generates lot of issues. Even if I have not changed the mailid, it is giving problems to the account (due to some careless key strokes)
You can make this mailid editing option as one which should be submitted to the MODS and the eventual activativation of the account.
13th April 2006, 10:43 AM
Sorry for the delay.. (I missed your post).
Can you explain more on the problems/issues? We don't disable features unless it creates serious problems for many users.
14th April 2006, 06:49 PM
Sorry for the delay.. (I missed your post).
Its o.k RR. :D
Can you explain more on the problems/issues? We don't disable features unless it creates serious problems for many users.[/quote]
Nope RR. IN my case, I never edited my MAILID. (not sure whether I accidently deleted some content and retyped it).
But after that I was not able to login. I think for changing the MAILID, we have to give the password. But without giving it, I was not able to LOGIN after the SUBMIT (after changing my avatar)
So, My humble suggestion is:
If a hubber wants to change his MAILID, they can MAIL / PM you or one of the MODS for that rather than editing it and then waiting for the activation( I donno the procedure - whether MODS ll b automatically activating the same once an email ID change is submitted)
So, inorder to save people like us, you can change that feature. :D
Again, It depends on what you think also ! A suggestion ! :D
14th April 2006, 09:36 PM
My Dear Mr. RR and Moderators,
Mr. Selvakumar is one of the Great Assets of our Hub... along with Mr. Aravindan, Vijaya-rajendran, viggop,and such other Elite Hubbers...
...who are taking much pains plus PERSONAL INVOLVEMENT... to ENRICH OUR HUB... by their Valuable Contributions
So I wish and earnestly request you to keep such of those Asset-Hubbers... in GOOD-HUMOUR and High Enthusiasm to continue their Impetus and drive towards the Well-being, and ADVANCEMENT of OUR HUB.
Why I state so?... Because already we have LOST GOOD NUMBER OF SCHOLAR HUBBERS of Gentlemanly-Calibre and high Knowledge in their respective fields. They were predominantly conducting and initiating New Threads of rare knowledge too... by the dint of their conspicuously worthy postings and active participation in a healthy manner and Conduct, sincerely adhering to our Regulations and Stipulations.
But.. IN RETURN... What we have done to them?... If not appreciation and Encouragement.... at least No Discouragement.... Have we done?
Eventually.. one by one ...they have left the Hub once for all...under UTTER DESPARATION.... By such a Sick-development who are the losers?.. They? Or We, THE HUB. ?
The pity is...They were unduly DEMOTIVATED...rather by RUBBING ON THE WRONG SIDE.... due to the mishandling of the Moderators...
...JUST YIELDING to a few miscreants.... who are in NO WAY THE ASSETS for us. ...but only the Self-centered IMPEDIMENTS.
I am sorry to pinpoint the BITTER-FACT... that Our Moderators are yet to IDENTIFY and DISCERN the Personal Worth of the Hubbers... to Who are the Real-Assets and Who are the Dead-weights, DETRIMENTS and Liabilities..... for our purpose
At least now....BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE...Let us learn the lessons from the past History of Our Hub.
And should we not make use of the Rich-knowledged Hubbers... to the BEST ADVANTAGE towards the Purpose and Scope of Our Hub..?.
..... For our Own sake and ...the Healthy-Existence of OUR HUB... more than the task of Advancement.
..AT LEAST IN FUTURE....!!!...???
20th May 2006, 01:34 AM
The hub is terribly slow these days. Also I get this annyoing MySQL error message(just today)
phpBB : Critical Error
Error clearing sessions table
SQL Error : 1034 Incorrect key file for table: 'phpbb_sessions'. Try to repair it
DELETE FROM phpbb_sessions WHERE session_time < 1148065120 AND session_id <> 'b37c7b45a204ecce46b74661a56a1241'
Line : 494
File : sessions.php
Sanguine Sridhar
20th May 2006, 02:09 AM
I second Nerd! Hub was too slow yesterday and i am getting session error!
phpBB : Critical Error
Error clearing sessions table
SQL Error : 1034 Incorrect key file for table: 'phpbb_sessions'. Try to repair it
DELETE FROM phpbb_sessions WHERE session_time < 1148067487 AND session_id <> '599155e010d67e41df9a0665fa549888'
Line : 494
File : sessions.php
20th May 2006, 03:39 AM
phpBB : Critical Error
Error clearing sessions table
SQL Error : 1034 Incorrect key file for table: 'phpbb_sessions'. Try to repair it
DELETE FROM phpbb_sessions WHERE session_time < 1148072938 AND session_id <> '6f486d22fb7d4e10cdc677f0acf3da07'
Line : 494
File : sessions.php
I am also getting some error. One has to click each button again ( after getting the error ) to go to any section or topic.
20th May 2006, 04:01 AM
[quote="ramky"]phpBB : Critical Error
Error clearing sessions table
SQL Error : 1034 Incorrect key file for table: 'phpbb_sessions'. Try to repair it
DELETE FROM phpbb_sessions WHERE session_time < 1148072938 AND session_id <> '6f486d22fb7d4e10cdc677f0acf3da07'
Line : 494
File : sessions.php
I too am getting similar report.... as PASTED BELOW.
Unable to Enter.
phpBB : Critical Error
Error clearing sessions table
SQL Error : 1034 Incorrect key file for table: 'phpbb_sessions'. Try to repair it
DELETE FROM phpbb_sessions WHERE session_time < 1148073953 AND session_id <> '11b385f0cb7e5b7a2c13a70985ac00fc'
Line : 494
File : sessions.php
20th May 2006, 11:39 AM
Database crashed due to, possibly, server overload. Fixed the database for now. I will have to confirm the real reasons behind the crash. Will keep you posted.
30th May 2006, 06:56 AM
Hi RR,
I find The Hub quite a unique forum on the web, which instead of just offering Tamil songs for download, also has numerous activities like debates & discussions in which one can participate in. Another salient feature I noticed it is that the Hub has members of all age groups, and likewise suitable topics for them to contribute to. Kudos to you & your team for the conceptualisation & execution !
But, after visiting here regularly, I happened to notice that a few "veterans" & "seasoned hubbers" ( obviously youngsters ) seem to find satisfaction in criticising & hurting others. They already indulge in such activities in the chat threads among themselves, but should not be allowed to do so in sections where serious topics or discussions are going on. Though other veterans & seasoned hubbers warn these persons, it seems to have had no corrective effect on them; on the contrary they turn their barbs towards these very members itself !
As I couldnt find a Suggestion topic, I am posting my suggestions here : If a member continues to act in an indecorus manner even after warnings by the Moderator of that section, that person can be demoted to a lower rank for some months, or, in severe cases, the unrepentant member can even be banned from accessing the Hub for some months. I accept that online forums are not formal places where strict discipline should be enforced, but some form of decorum must be observed by the members. I witnessed similar happenings in another forum and after stringent action was taken, the erring members were brought on track.
I am aware that in such a forum, it is not possible to keep tabs on each & every thread / topic for improper posts, so maybe a Complaints thread can be started where other members can give the links to such unwanted posts. So the concerned Moderator need only to monitor the Complaints thread / topic ( and not all sections ) regularly and take action as and when complaints are posted.
Another suggestion : The ranks given to members - senior, seasoned, veteran, etc can be based on the Quality of posts, rather than the Quantity. The Admin & Moderators of The Hub can form a panel to decide which rank can be given to whom and also whether a particular member's rank must be upgraded, say after the rank of Regular Hubber. This can prevent members from spamming just to increase their rank, and also ensure against members posting unwanted messages.
These are just a few suggestions from me, as I felt The Hub's quality and uniqueness should not be eroded. However I wish to add that no member has behaved rudely or indecently towards me and hence I have no personal reason for my complaint.
30th May 2006, 10:19 AM
But, after visiting here regularly, I happened to notice that a few "veterans" & "seasoned hubbers" ( obviously youngsters ) seem to find satisfaction in criticising & hurting others.
exactly..everybody thinks i'm a little girl without shows their arrogance. even older married people write some ridiculous seems so stupid... :lol2:
As I couldnt find a Suggestion topic, I am posting my suggestions here : .
you couldn't find a suggestion topic..then why bother? :lol2:
Another suggestion : The ranks given to members - senior, seasoned, veteran, etc can be based on the Quality of posts, rather than the Quantity. .
somebody thinks if they write a big paragraph, they are smart... :roll:
These are just a few suggestions from me, as I felt The Hub's quality and uniqueness should not be eroded. However I wish to add that no member has behaved rudely or indecently towards me and hence I have no personal reason for my complaint.
then why this big build up :roll: :roll: :roll:
30th May 2006, 02:37 PM
Thanks for the comments and compliments.
In case you are not aware,
1. We have a banning policy in place. You can read about in the 'Hub policies'. (see top banner)
2. We also have a 'Abuse Report' facility which is already being used widely. (Just see the top right corner of each post. )
Right now phpBB doesn't support any quality-based ranking, AFAIK. But we'll keep your suggestion in mind.
You can post suggestions in the 'Comments' thread. Or just pm me.
Thanks for taking time to give feedback.
30th May 2006, 05:27 PM
Hi RR,
Thnx for your reply and for clarifying my questions reg these aspects.
3rd June 2006, 08:07 AM
Are there any plans to provide RSS feed?
3rd June 2006, 09:21 AM
Are there any plans to provide RSS feed?
Yes, definitely.
4th June 2006, 11:40 AM
Plans materialised :)
24th July 2006, 07:22 PM
Hub was very slow in the past few days. Most often I am getting HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR OR SQL EXCEPTIONS.
One out of 10 Page requests are getting served.
Please act upon this immediately :D
25th July 2006, 12:01 AM
Its happened for me too today..I assumed that it was due to some maintenance issues being taken care of.Is that correct?
25th July 2006, 12:14 AM
Hub was very slow in the past few days. Most often I am getting HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR OR SQL EXCEPTIONS.
One out of 10 Page requests are getting served.
Please act upon this immediately :D
Same Problem ... for me at America (U.S.A) too... even on different Computers.
NOT ONLY VERY SLOW... at times... But also I am UNABLE TO GET ENTRY at all....
... most of the times, since the past THREE DAYS...
.. but getting a Window at times... with Advice :
Please Help.
25th July 2006, 12:14 AM
Hub was very slow in the past few days. Most often I am getting HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR OR SQL EXCEPTIONS.
One out of 10 Page requests are getting served.
Please act upon this immediately :D
Same Problem ... for me at America (U.S.A) too... even on different Computers.
NOT ONLY VERY SLOW in a few times ... But also I am UNABLE TO GET ENTRY at all....
... most of the times, since the past THREE DAYS...
.. but getting a Window at times... with Advice :
Please Help.
25th July 2006, 12:14 AM
Hub was very slow in the past few days. Most often I am getting HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR OR SQL EXCEPTIONS.
One out of 10 Page requests are getting served.
Please act upon this immediately :D
Same Problem ... for me at America (U.S.A) too... even on different Computers.
NOT ONLY VERY SLOW in a few times ... But also I am UNABLE TO GET ENTRY at all....
... most of the times, since the past THREE DAYS...
.. but getting a Window at times... with Advice :
Please Help.
25th July 2006, 12:14 AM
Hub was very slow in the past few days. Most often I am getting HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR OR SQL EXCEPTIONS.
One out of 10 Page requests are getting served.
Please act upon this immediately :D
Same Problem ... for me at America (U.S.A) too... even on different Computers.
NOT ONLY VERY SLOW in a few times ... But also I am UNABLE TO GET ENTRY at all....
... most of the times, since the past THREE DAYS...
.. but getting a Window at times... with Advice :
Please Help.
25th July 2006, 12:20 AM
Hub was very slow in the past few days. Most often I am getting HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR OR SQL EXCEPTIONS.
One out of 10 Page requests are getting served.
Please act upon this immediately :D
Same Problem ... for me at America (U.S.A) too... even on different Computers.
NOT ONLY VERY SLOW in a few times ... But also I am UNABLE TO GET ENTRY at all....
... most of the times, since the past THREE DAYS...
.. but getting a Window at times... with Advice :
... :roll: I am UNABLE TO POST too.
Please Help.
25th July 2006, 12:21 AM
Hub was very slow in the past few days. Most often I am getting HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR OR SQL EXCEPTIONS.
One out of 10 Page requests are getting served.
Please act upon this immediately :D
Same Problem ... for me at America (U.S.A) too... even on different Computers.
NOT ONLY VERY SLOW in a few times ... But also I am UNABLE TO GET ENTRY at all....
... most of the times, since the past THREE DAYS...
.. but getting a Window at times... with Advice :
..."Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/forumh3/public_html/hub/db/mysql4.php on line 48
Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/forumh3/public_html/hub/db/mysql4.php on line 331
Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/forumh3/public_html/hub/db/mysql4.php on line 332 phpBB : Critical Error
Could not connect to the database "
... :roll: I am UNABLE TO POST too.
Please Help.
25th July 2006, 12:21 AM
Hub was very slow in the past few days. Most often I am getting HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR OR SQL EXCEPTIONS.
One out of 10 Page requests are getting served.
Please act upon this immediately :D
Same Problem ... for me at America (U.S.A) too... even on different Computers.
NOT ONLY VERY SLOW in a few times ... But also I am UNABLE TO GET ENTRY at all....
... most of the times, since the past THREE DAYS...
.. but getting a Window at times... with Advice :
..."Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/forumh3/public_html/hub/db/mysql4.php on line 48
Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/forumh3/public_html/hub/db/mysql4.php on line 331
Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/forumh3/public_html/hub/db/mysql4.php on line 332 phpBB : Critical Error
Could not connect to the database "
... :roll: I am UNABLE TO POST too.
Please Help.
25th July 2006, 01:40 AM
To all hubbers experiencing difficulty in accessing the site:
Some maintenance work was done a few days back. Since then it has been very slow . RR is looking into the problem. The service provider has been informed of the situation.
25th July 2006, 09:51 AM
Its happened for me too today..I assumed that it was due to some maintenance issues being taken care of.Is that correct?
If it is with Maintenance, then I am not sure what will happen if it is a REPAIR :shock:
Just kidding
RajRaj and NOV
Thanks for the update :D
26th July 2006, 10:01 AM
Raj : :-) thnx for the info :ty:
RR : :-) thnx for restoring Hub's speed :notworthy: :clap:
Selva : :notthatway: maintenance is a must otherwise there'll be major problems :-).
btw such instances of the forum being slow has happened in other sites too :exactly:
pavalamani pragasam
26th July 2006, 03:37 PM
The present predicament by the way has revealed the dangerous, hopeless level of "Hub addiction" :skull: :frightened: The fact will be agreed with by many fellow Hubacholics! :lol:
27th July 2006, 05:19 AM
thanks.. :clap: but still sometimes its slow.. :(
27th July 2006, 05:32 AM
The present predicament by the way has revealed the dangerous, hopeless level of "Hub addiction" :skull: :frightened: The fact will be agreed with by many fellow Hubacholics! :lol:To me, it was an indication of how much I had taken the Hub for granted. The past few days have just made me appreciate the Hub more. :oops:
Sanguine Sridhar
28th July 2006, 12:30 AM
Thanks Hub is better :)
Nov if you visit all the thread you can find 50's to 100's of redundant messages(Including mine ;) ) :lol: because of this problem.
4th August 2006, 02:51 AM
Just to bring to your notice RR, off and on I get this error "No posts exist for this topic"
This doesnt happen normally but happens only when the number of posts for a page has reached the limit and the new post should go to the next page.Some small bug in pagination I guess :P.
Not a big issue..but just wanted to let you know.
4th August 2006, 09:12 AM
I noticed this problem too. I'll take a look. Thanks for the note.
pavalamani pragasam
9th August 2006, 04:07 PM
This option, "Notify me when a reply is posted" in the 'post a reply' page cannot be disabled!!! :( What a deluge in my inbox!!! :cry:
10th August 2006, 05:46 AM
This option, "Notify me when a reply is posted" in the 'post a reply' page cannot be disabled!!! :( What a deluge in my inbox!!! :cry:
Mrs PP: Go to your Profile. You will find an option "Always notify me of replies to my post" with choices Yes and No.
Select No there and it will globally ensure you do not get any notifications.
If you do want any for a specific post, then you can check the option in the "Post in a reply" page.
pavalamani pragasam
10th August 2006, 08:05 AM
Thanx,Badri! :D
pavalamani pragasam
10th August 2006, 09:21 AM
Badri, I selected 'No' in my profile. But it has relapsed to 'Yes' choice & the mail deluge problem continues! :(
pavalamani pragasam
10th August 2006, 09:23 AM
Now I succeeded! :D
26th November 2006, 05:07 AM
MOD annaas...
avatar size-ai konjam jaasthi seyyappadadha ?
12th February 2007, 02:20 AM
Could this thread please be deleted:
6th March 2007, 06:08 PM
You sometimes get a "No posts exist for this topic" message when you click on the link that is supposed to take you to the latest post in a thread.
This seems to happen when the topic list reports more pages in the thread than there actually are - for example, it will say that a thread has 91 pages when the last post is still on page 90. If you click on the penultimate page in the thread list, it takes you to the topic.
I'm not sure why this happens, and it's not a major problem, but I thought I'd report it in case there's an easy fix.
10th March 2007, 11:45 AM
This is a known bug (discussed a few pages above). It'll be fixed in future upgrades.
12th March 2007, 10:18 PM
Hindu Rituals and Customs.. Why we do these?
The above-named Thread... of Rich values and Message of general interests... was actively participated by the Hubbers...
...under Indian History and Culture Section...
...with the HEALTHY TREND suddenly...MISSING.!!
Has it been DELETED?. May I know the justification?
13th March 2007, 04:26 AM
Sudhama ayya, the thread is still there:
Because of the database problems, many topics do not show up in the list. I hope the moderators will be able to fix them soon.
13th March 2007, 05:04 AM
Hindu Rituals and Customs.. Why we do these?
The above-named Thread... of Rich values and Message of general interests... was actively participated by the Hubbers...
...under Indian History and Culture Section...
...with the HEALTHY TREND suddenly...MISSING.!!
Has it been DELETED?. May I know the justification?
Thanks... Now it is AVAILABLE.
But I am unable to EDIT it... incorporating the due corrections...
... especially the MULTIPLICITY of the same posting... which I don't know... how it occurred.
Everytime I am getting one of the Two Window-messages as below...
(1) You cannot DELETE / EDIT others postings.
(2) Debug Error.
13th March 2007, 05:05 AM
Hindu Rituals and Customs.. Why we do these?
The above-named Thread... of Rich values and Message of general interests... was actively participated by the Hubbers...
...under Indian History and Culture Section...
...with the HEALTHY TREND suddenly...MISSING.!!
Has it been DELETED?. May I know the justification?
Thanks... Now it is AVAILABLE.
But I am unable to EDIT it... incorporating the due corrections...
... especially the MULTIPLICITY of the same posting... which I don't know... how it occurred.
Everytime I am getting one of the Two Window-messages as below...
(1) You cannot DELETE / EDIT others postings.
(2) Could not insert new word matches
SQL Error : 1196 Warning: Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back
INSERT INTO phpbb_search_wordmatch (post_id, word_id, title_match) SELECT 948816, word_id, 0 FROM phpbb_search_wordlist WHERE word_text IN ('hindu', 'rituals', 'customs', 'abovenamed', 'rich', 'values', 'message', 'general', 'interests', 'actively', 'participated', 'hubbers', 'indian', 'history', 'culture', 'section', 'healthy', 'trend', 'suddenly', 'missing', 'deleted', 'justification', 'sudhaama', 'available', 'unable', 'edit', 'incorporating', 'due', 'corrections', 'especially', 'multiplicity', 'posting', 'occurred', 'everytime', 'getting', 'windowmessages', 'below', 'cannot', 'delete', 'others', 'postings', 'debug', 'error')
Line : 252
File : functions_search.php
13th March 2007, 09:14 AM
We are facing some technical glitches of late with the database. Pls bear with me as we are fixing them one at a time.
27th April 2007, 01:40 AM
Don't know if anyone has posted this before:
If I paste a copied text and hit submit, the hub's server appends the tscii tags for some reason and the text becomes less readable. Why this?
27th April 2007, 01:45 AM
Don't know if anyone has posted this before:
If I paste a copied text and hit submit, the hub's server appends the tscii tags for some reason and the text becomes less readable. Why this?
Yes, Even I faced it. Did you try removing that tscii tag and then submitted? Or after pasting the text, selecting all and manually select the font size to normal. Or else you need to preview first and then remove the eventual tscii tag added automatically!
2nd May 2007, 01:19 AM
Even if I remove the tscii tags it appends to the message when I hit submit. So I change the font to Arial and now it forgets the tscii. Weird though :oops:
Don't know if anyone has posted this before:
If I paste a copied text and hit submit, the hub's server appends the tscii tags for some reason and the text becomes less readable. Why this?
This is a known issue. See the last Q here:
3rd May 2007, 10:39 PM
Oh, thanks RR :oops:
5th June 2007, 11:54 AM
Please fine tune the SEARCH functionality so that we will get accurate results while searching for exact topic titles. The current one lists all the posts and their titles aswell. Quite large results makes navigation painful.
The results should return only the THREAD TITLES that match the given criteria. Hope I am clear
5th June 2007, 01:44 PM
Please fine tune the SEARCH functionality so that we will get accurate results while searching for exact topic titles. The current one lists all the posts and their titles aswell. Quite large results makes navigation painful.
The results should return only the THREAD TITLES that match the given criteria. Hope I am clear
I agree with Selva 100%. When ever I tried the 'search' facilitly - I have ended up with frustration. 'vaazhkai veruthudum' and I have now given up on it totally. RR, please do something.
5th June 2007, 01:59 PM
I agree with Selva 100%. When ever I tried the 'search' facilitly - I have ended up with frustration. 'vaazhkai veruthudum' and I have now given up on it totally. RR, please do something.
Adding to that :
Even the google search provided at the top of the MAYYAM Search index fails here :shock:
For e.g., I searched for my old thread "KAADHAL IN TAMIL CINEMA". I received very large results in which I was able to see everything else except the one that I entered. :cry:
5th June 2007, 08:56 PM
Please fine tune the SEARCH functionality so that we will get accurate results while searching for exact topic titles. The current one lists all the posts and their titles aswell. Quite large results makes navigation painful.
The results should return only the THREAD TITLES that match the given criteria. Hope I am clear
This is precisely what I want to provide too, but due to technical problems with phpbb2, I had to disable it :-(
All is not lost though. Hang on.. phpbb3 is coming.. Here is a set of new features (non-exhaustive) you'll get to enjoy:
Private Messages
* Send to multiple recipients
* Send to groups
* Send Blind Carbon Copies (BCC)
* Forward messages
* Friends list works as address book
* Attach files to PMs
* PM Drafts
* Conversation view
* PM folders
* PM filters
* Export Messages
* Search inside topics
* Select multiple forums and categories to search
* Search within topic titles only
* Search within first post of a topic only
Attachments (Note: This feature may be restricted)
* Attachments in posts and PMs
* Automatic image thumbnails
* Attach images, documents, video streams, archives
* Multiple attachments allowed
* Display attachments inline
User Control Panel
* Manage subscribed topics & forums
* Manage bookmarked topics
* Manage saved drafts
* Manage private messages
* Manage usergroups
* Manage friends and foes
* Manage attachments
Don't ask me when.. "soon" :P
Sanguine Sridhar
7th June 2007, 11:19 PM
I am unable to read "Find all Posts by" in the profile, for the hubbers, whose id is of two characters(hi,kb,zz). Is it purposeful or bug?
8th June 2007, 07:56 AM
I am unable to read "Find all Posts by" in the profile, for the hubbers, whose id is of two characters(hi,kb,zz). Is it purposeful or bug?
No, phpbb started preventing it from one of their recent upgrades.
10th June 2007, 12:14 AM
.Quote in TAMIL
Dear RR,
Similar to Quote and Post in English...
... we have Not got the facility to quote... any Tamil posting by another Hubber.
Is it possible to add up such a facility?
19th September 2007, 09:14 PM
You might've faced access problems during the last few days. It's due to some unforeseen technical issues at our hosting company side. We are working with them to fix it. Pls bear with us.
20th September 2007, 08:52 AM
Dear RR,
Thanks for the info.Prob enside la irukumo nu konjam kuzhambiten..... :evil:
With Love,
Usha Sankar.
28th September 2007, 08:57 PM
we understand and with u
28th September 2007, 10:55 PM
TFM page il mail paarkarhaum, adharku reply seivahdum enbadhil prob enru oru varthaiyil solla mudiyadhu.....
Vikramadhithan kadhai yil varum one line -
"Satrum manam thalara Vikraman" - Indha varthaiku artham - TFM Page il Thread open avadhil unargiren.
Oru velaiyai nallabadiyaga seivadharku - niraiya muyarachi seiya vendi vandhal oru varthai solvanga
"Bageeradha praiythanam " - Idhai - oru post seivadhail unargiren.
Kajini Mahmmad - 18 murai padai eduthadhai pola, thread ai parpadharkum, post seivadharum - niraiya time muyarchi seiyum podhu unargiren. Kajini yai.... Ha Ha ha Ha..
Analum - I LOVE TFMPAGE.COM... INdha oru post ai yum indha unarvudan dhan post seiya mudindhadhu......
With Love,
Usha Sankar.
3rd October 2007, 09:25 AM
Updates on Slow Access:
We have fixed some problems, and the access is improving as you may have seen already. I understand it's far from normal but please be patient. We will be doing more fixes this week and hope to restore it completely during the coming weeks. Thanks for still being with us..!
To lessen your pain waiting, you can try the hub 'lite view' sites:
Both sites have the latest topics right on the frontpage.
3rd October 2007, 10:18 AM
Thanks for the efforts RR :)
3rd October 2007, 12:26 PM
hayya.. seekiram sariyAyidum.. :redjump:
thanks RR :bow:
pavalamani pragasam
3rd October 2007, 12:36 PM
naanaay eduththathu oru vaara leavu, Hub kuduththathu mElum oru vaara leavu! poRuththaar boomi aaLvaar enRu nambi poRumai kaaththu 'boomi'yai aaLa vanthuvittEn!!!
3rd October 2007, 04:13 PM
Updates on Slow Access:
We have fixed some problems, and the access is improving as you may have seen already. I understand it's far from normal but please be patient. We will be doing more fixes this week and hope to restore it completely during the coming weeks. Thanks for still being with us..!
To lessen your pain waiting, you can try the hub 'lite view' sites:
Both sites have the latest topics right on the frontpage.
TFM PAGE ai parpadharkum, Post seivadharkum kashtam enru solgirom.(Nanraga irundha podhu - aha enru ninaithoma - illaiyae - Veiyiln arumai Nizhalilae )
With Love,
Usha Sankar.
3rd October 2007, 05:41 PM
RR, admins,
A humble suggestion!
Many hubbers have problem locating a SPECIFIC page in a thread. (say a page inbetween the whole bunch of pages)
If we can have
go to (then page number box as input) (then click button)
this way they can go to the required page without much waste of time.
3rd October 2007, 07:53 PM
Dear Admins
Naangal porumayudan kaathiruppom.
Ungal kashtangalai arihirOm.
3rd October 2007, 07:54 PM
Dear Admins
Naangal porumayudan kaathiruppom.
Ungal kashtangalai arihirOm.
4th October 2007, 01:40 AM
RR, admins,
A humble suggestion!
Many hubbers have problem locating a SPECIFIC page in a thread. (say a page inbetween the whole bunch of pages)
If we can have
go to (then page number box as input) (then click button)
this way they can go to the required page without much waste of time.
same concern
4th October 2007, 08:16 AM
RR, admins,
A humble suggestion!
Many hubbers have problem locating a SPECIFIC page in a thread. (say a page inbetween the whole bunch of pages)
If we can have
go to (then page number box as input) (then click button)
this way they can go to the required page without much waste of time.
Just follow these steps:
1. On any thread, click the 'Printer' icon on top right (at the of the posts). Now you are in Lite view.
2. Click on 'Full Thread'. Now you can view ALL posts of the thread.
No more flipping thru pages.
4th October 2007, 08:25 AM
Thanks all for the support. We are planning to trim the database to reduce the load and hence speed up the access. But don't worry, we are not going to completely delete all old threads. Posts from good/memorable threads will be archived and kept open for access anytime. However, your post count will drop. Can't help it, sorry!
4th October 2007, 10:47 AM
Thanks all for the support. We are planning to trim the database to reduce the load and hence speed up the access. But don't worry, we are not going to completely delete all old threads. Posts from good/memorable threads will be archived and kept open for access anytime. However, your post count will drop. Can't help it, sorry!
Yes. Appreciable decision.
Unnecessary Arattais... Unpleasant comments... Dry Arguments... Unpalatable criticisms of delicacies... Prestige-issue Attacks and Counter-Attacks personally..
... are presently occupying substantial space...
If they are deleted ...not only it can save a good amount of our Hub space for the future...
...but also can result in Residual VALUABLE reading materials of interest...
...without any future necessity for wading through the unwanted dry stuff... to pick up just one worthy grain buried in the midst.
Only the worthwhile postings deserving for Archives... may be retained and stored for future reference for any Hubbers... especially the newcomers.
Pertaining to the Forum... You are at FULL LIBERTY to discern and decide which are the worthy stuff for the Archive...
...and which ones deserve to be deleted.
Consequently... let us resume with a clean slate... ensuring better performance in future.
Thanks Mr. RR for your HEALTHY APPROACH in our mutual interests.
5th October 2007, 12:30 AM
Just follow these steps:
1. On any thread, click the 'Printer' icon on top right (at the of the posts). Now you are in Lite view.
2. Click on 'Full Thread'. Now you can view ALL posts of the thread.
No more flipping thru pages.
thanks again RR
5th October 2007, 02:04 PM
RR, admins,
A humble suggestion!
Many hubbers have problem locating a SPECIFIC page in a thread. (say a page inbetween the whole bunch of pages)
If we can have
go to (then page number box as input) (then click button)
this way they can go to the required page without much waste of time.
same concern same!!!
8th October 2007, 06:02 PM
Thanks all for the support. We are planning to trim the database to reduce the load and hence speed up the access. But don't worry, we are not going to completely delete all old threads. Posts from good/memorable threads will be archived and kept open for access anytime. However, your post count will drop. Can't help it, sorry!
I agree. I'm not sure which SQL implementation the server uses, but some of them have a known issue with handling large databases of the format which phpBB uses. There are tweaks you can use to make it work better, but it really requires an expert knowledge of PHP and mySQL.
If I may make a few suggestions:
Reduce the maximum thread size drastically - instead of trimming the serial threads (Coffee corner, pattukku pattu) when they reach 100 pages, trim them when they reach 50 pages (I'd suggest 30 pages, but CC sometimes does more than that in a single afternoon!
Archive mercilessly. Any thread which hasn't been replied to in three months (or even four weeks) should be kicked to the archive.
Maintain a text-only archive. What I'm suggesting is, in effect, to save the "lite view" page for a topic that's going to be archived as an html file, upload it to the server in a special archives directory (for example,, and maintain a manual index of archived threads there, for example at Since we're using google to search the site anyway, a search will automatically include anything in the archive. And it will really drastically reduce the database size.
Just a few thoughts which, I think, will ensure we have a lean, mean database most of the time. If you need extra hands to actually do any of this, I'm very happy to volunteer my time. The hub has been giving me great pleasure for over six years now, so I have plenty to pay back.
8th October 2007, 06:50 PM
:ty: very much mister podalangai. your suggestions are :thumbsup:
8th October 2007, 08:04 PM
Thanks all for the support. We are planning to trim the database to reduce the load and hence speed up the access. But don't worry, we are not going to completely delete all old threads. Posts from good/memorable threads will be archived and kept open for access anytime. However, your post count will drop. Can't help it, sorry!
Dear RR,
On your Guidelines... I will be happy to share with your burden of task to Edit the old postings... if you can permit me.
My residing at USA West coast can help me by way of timing.
9th October 2007, 08:21 AM
Thanks for your constructive suggestions. In fact we've already been working on some of them, e.g. the lite html pages are already being dumped into . But yes we would need some help in the process. Will get in touch with you.
As for MySQL, we are still using ver 4.* as phpBB2 has some incompatibility issues with ver 5. When we upgrade to phpbb3, we'll move on to mysql5 as well, and things should be much faster. But, db trimming will continue to be our plan for the longer term.
Thanks for your willingness to help too. Will keep it in mind.
12th October 2007, 06:12 AM
. Hub Access Problem.!!
Dear RR,
I find MUCH IMPROVEMENT now, as I observe from USA West coast.. Thanks a lot.
17th October 2007, 07:10 PM
Inayathalathil indru miga elithaaha neenthichella mudigirathae!
Idarpaadugal neengivittathaa?
Idayoorugal ahandruvittathaa?
RR avargaluku Nandri!
10th November 2007, 11:00 PM
You sometimes get a "No posts exist for this topic" message when you click on the link that is supposed to take you to the latest post in a thread.
We've done some fixes today. Let me know if you are still getting it.
11th November 2007, 03:07 AM
Not any more. I like this shiny, new, problem-free hub :D
pavalamani pragasam
11th November 2007, 09:08 AM
:yes: :swinghead: :musicsmile: :D
sudha india
29th November 2007, 04:09 PM
You sometimes get a "No posts exist for this topic" message when you click on the link that is supposed to take you to the latest post in a thread.
We've done some fixes today. Let me know if you are still getting it.
I get this most of the time, and am able to view only in lite mode.
Manytimes when I try to submit a post, it does not work and say This page does not exist and then --- out of the hub.
Can anyone help please ? (with a pm, as I may miss your reply)
29th November 2007, 09:09 PM
This problem seems to recur in a few high traffic threads like PP, coffee corner. This is a technical issue with phpBB and it still beats me. Fortunately there's a patch which I'll run periodically to fix it.
26th March 2008, 03:54 PM
Hi RR,
Is it possible to navigate in the archives ?
For instance I landed up here ( but I don't know how to get to the page before or after. There is a way to go back by clicking 'older posts' -which is how I think I landed on this page ! But it makes wierd reading.
4th April 2008, 05:34 PM
........and the Tamil fonts in the archives are irreadable. Even though I have the Murasu with which I am able to read TSC in the Hub and elsewhere.
4th April 2008, 07:07 PM
old archives are in murasu -anjal. To read need some homework.
easy way is
go here
w w w . reader.htm
then copy & paste the article
then select anjal button.
Is that help you?
4th April 2008, 07:59 PM
old archives are in murasu -anjal. To read need some homework.
easy way is
go here
w w w . reader.htm
then copy & paste the article
then select anjal button.
Is that help you?
Thank You aanaa. In fact I am using exactly the same converter now. While it is fine for individual posts, it is not the best way to read say a series of conversations.
I do have Murasu Anjal. As I said, I am able to read TSC posts in the new Hub because of that. However archives remain inscrutable.
Are you able to read the archives fine ?
4th April 2008, 08:25 PM
The Tamil in the archives doesn't work for me either. However, if you're using Firefox as your browser, the Padma add-on makes life easier. All you need to do is highlight the tamil text , right click, select "Transform TSCII to Tamil" from the context menu - and bingo, you're all set. It works just fine for me.
The add-on is available here:
4th April 2008, 09:01 PM
Thank You podalangai.
Now I am able to read them. Tamil fonts in my Firefox browser read funny though (separate thuNaiyezhuththu for u, oo etc.
For instance "pay" is displayed as pa-E).
Reads like a darling in IE, though.
Any others who face this problem ? I am reasonably sure I have the latest version of Firefox.
4th April 2008, 09:32 PM
Are you using Win 98? It's a problem with that OS. It should work fine on XP and Linux.
10th April 2008, 06:56 AM
Thank You podalangai.
Now I am able to read them. Tamil fonts in my Firefox browser read funny though (separate thuNaiyezhuththu for u, oo etc.
For instance "pay" is displayed as pa-E).
Reads like a darling in IE, though.
Any others who face this problem ? I am reasonably sure I have the latest version of Firefox.
I used to have the same problem when Firefox came up with 2.0. I was not able to solve that then and I used to switch to IE whenever I had to read unicode tamil. But there is an easy way out, if your OS is XP. I am not sure about 98 and Vista :roll:
Control Panel > Regional Language and Options > Languages > Supplemental Language support. Check both the checkboxes there and I guess you will be asked to restart the machine. And after all this you should be able to read Tamil (proper!) in Firefox. Say goodbye to IE :twisted:
7th May 2008, 05:26 PM
Recently, the proxy server that I was using for accessing the hub got changed. With that, after logging into the hub, I immediately get logged out after the first refresh. :evil: :x This is the case, no matter how many times I log in.
While I do get sometime to use the old proxy server, the new one is here to stay for ever :( . With the old one, I was not facing this problem.
Can someone provide any clue to avoid this problem ? I couldn't post anything in office due to this. :roll:
Recently, the proxy server that I was using for accessing the hub got changed. With that, after logging into the hub, I immediately get logged out after the first refresh. :evil: :x This is the case, no matter how many times I log in.
Have yu tried clearing cookies/cache?
9th May 2008, 02:36 PM
I tried but of no use :( Any other suggestions ?
11th May 2008, 10:09 AM
I tried but of no use :( Any other suggestions ?
Try this:
If still not working, you have to give me more info. What is your browser, versions, OS, etc? Have you tried from another browser (clearing cookies completely)? Try installing another browser (lynx, opera) and see it works.
13th May 2008, 07:49 PM
Try this:
If still not working, you have to give me more info. What is your browser, versions, OS, etc? Have you tried from another browser (clearing cookies completely)? Try installing another browser (lynx, opera) and see it works.
I am using mozilla. OS : Windows XP SP 2.
After clearing the cookies, it seems to be working fine even with multiple threads opened in several tabs. Thanks a lot. I will get back to you if I face the problem again. :wink: :ty:
21st May 2008, 07:33 AM
.NOT GETTING - Paadalgalh Pala Vidham
I am unable to get this Thread at all totally...
..for the past about One Month.!
Please Help.
21st May 2008, 10:11 AM
.NOT GETTING - Paadalgalh Pala Vidham
I am unable to get this Thread at all totally...
..for the past about One Month.!
Please Help.
What link are you using?
Try this..
Paadalgal Palavidham (
On Apr 29, 2008, the original Paadalal Palavitham Thread was lost due to unknown technical reasons. This thread now takes over.
21st May 2008, 12:33 PM
On Apr 29, 2008, the original Paadalal Palavitham Thread was lost due to unknown technical reasons. This thread now takes over.
I think one of the Yuvan Shankar Raja threads also disappeared all of a sudden. I wish hub team takes this seriously.
We are bringing most of the information available in the net and we are posting them here. Many threads have almost become a central repository for all the related information. The loss of these threads can easily indicate the loss of information.
I think exporting the thread content into a HTML or a PDF file is the safe option. :roll:
21st May 2008, 12:48 PM
I guess you haven't checked the YSR thread carefully. The lost posts have already been recovered. (See the first post of the thread. )
We do take the lost-threads issue seriously, but such incidents are rare. In any case, we take complete backup of the forum twice daily, so lost posts won't be lost forever
21st May 2008, 01:03 PM
Yup. It is rare. Glad to hear that it has been recovered. I didn't check it after that. :ty:
22nd May 2008, 10:23 PM
.NOT GETTING - Paadalgalh Pala Vidham
I am unable to get this Thread at all totally...
..for the past about One Month.!
Please Help.
What link are you using?
Try this..
Paadalgal Palavidham (
On Apr 29, 2008, the original Paadalal Palavitham Thread was lost due to unknown technical reasons. This thread now takes over.
Very many Thanks Mr Badri... Yes. I got now.
25th May 2008, 02:56 PM
Conversion of TSC Font to UNICODE... Unable.
dear sudhamaaji...
you have written a long article, which we hope must be an interesting one.
but it is unfortunate and we are unlucky, that we are not able to read even a single word, because of the fond.
can anybody do any alternate way, to read it..?.
Sorry. As usual, I had typed in TSC FONT... and tried toConvert into UNICODE FONT...
..But could not... because of some Server-problem.
So I request the Moderators to HELP ME... CONVERT my posting of my response to "app_engine" on MKT dated May 24.
...under the PAADALGAL PALA VIDHAM Thread
presently in TSC FONT... to UNICODE FONT.
26th May 2008, 08:01 PM
For now, you can use this:
11th June 2008, 04:56 PM
whenever I click login, in the username column many hubbers ID will appear...
Many times, 1st ID will NOV annaa's :shock: and mostly the hubbers ID whom I am chatting with... :roll:
I am using mozilla firefox... pls help me...
12th June 2008, 02:50 PM
It's very strange. I suspect it's because of some firefox extension that you've installed. Does it show on IE also? Can you post a screenshot?
12th June 2008, 03:07 PM
Dear RR, pls check the following link...
in IE there is no problem... only in Mozilla firefox
NOV anna, every time ur ID is in top(1st) :roll:
12th June 2008, 06:56 PM
it must be because of the auto-complete feature.. There is an option under tools > options to disable it.. It caches the names of people you PM and shows the list on all the mayyam textboxes...
12th June 2008, 08:24 PM
Dear RR, pls check the following link...
in IE there is no problem... only in Mozilla firefox
Go to Tools->Options->Privacy, uncheck 'Remember what I enter in forms' and tell me if u still get it.
13th June 2008, 05:42 AM
:shock: enna kodumai saravanan idhu :cry:
13th June 2008, 09:08 AM
it must be because of the auto-complete feature.. There is an option under tools > options to disable it.. It caches the names of people you PM and shows the list on all the mayyam textboxes...
:ty: I have disabled...
13th June 2008, 09:09 AM
Dear RR, pls check the following link...
in IE there is no problem... only in Mozilla firefox
Go to Tools->Options->Privacy, uncheck 'Remember what I enter in forms' and tell me if u still get it.
:ty: RR...
29th July 2008, 11:41 PM
Some PMs remain in the outbox for a long time - days sometimes - before they get sent.
Why ?
29th July 2008, 11:45 PM
Some PMs remain in the outbox for a long time - days sometimes - before they get sent.
Why ?
May be the person's inbox (the person you've sent the PM to) is full! :idea:
30th July 2008, 12:02 AM
Some PMs remain in the outbox for a long time - days sometimes - before they get sent.
Why ?
My understanding is that the sent message goes from out-box to sent-box when it is read by the addressee. (But then, I've not used PM that much. So, I might be wrong.)
30th July 2008, 12:07 AM
equanimus...your statement makes a lot of sense too!
30th July 2008, 06:38 AM
Some PMs remain in the outbox for a long time - days sometimes - before they get sent.
Why ?messages will remain in outbox till they are read by the receipient. If it is there, then you know your msg has not been read. :)
30th July 2008, 01:52 PM
After logging into the hub, the updated threads and sections are marked in Yellow. But after couple of PAGE REFRESH, the color disappears. any reason for this :? Any settings that I should turn OFF / ON :?:
FYI, I am using FireFox 3 Beta
12th August 2008, 08:56 AM
Guys for some reason .. my posts was 399 now its 355 will I ever cross 500? :(
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