View Full Version : Forum Hub Migration FAQ
20th October 2004, 12:02 PM
Frequently Asked Questions about the Hub migration
20th October 2004, 12:06 PM
What is the migration all about?
We are retiring the flat, no-login style forums and moving to a new feature-rich Hub.
20th October 2004, 12:13 PM
Why are you doing it?
The Hub currently has no registration or login, and so the forum moderation was very difficult. The migration is done mainly to handle this, and keep the Hub a clean place for fun. The new Hub will also be feature-rich which means hubbing will be a new experience!
20th October 2004, 12:25 PM
How do you plan to do it
We'll be doing it over the next few weeks.
Step 1. you'll be able to see an experimental forum to test the new setup and get used to it.
Step 2. Miscellaneous forum will be moved. Initially we'll transfer some topics that have good discussions going. NO text will be lost. (well, that includes the non-sense text also. they will be deleted manually later.) Of course, you can also request topics to be transfered if we miss any.
Step 3. Culture forums will be transfered next, as in Step 2. All other forums will follow later in stages.
20th October 2004, 12:56 PM
How will this affect the Forum users?
We are trying to keep the migration as smooth as possible. But intermittent troubles are to be expected. When a forum is being migrated, posting will be disabled for that specific forum. (other forums will be ok.) And, some topics may not be available for viewing.
You have to get used to the new style of posting and viewing the Hub. But the effort shouldn't be much.
First and foremost, you have to register to create topics or post replies. Pl do it ASAP (link on top). It is FREE, just takes a few secs.
Topic list view
In addition to the new phpBB style of topic list view, we are trying to keep the old style of viewing topics: 1) myHub 2) allHub aka 'Hot Topics' 3) default 'current topics' list. We know a lot of people like (1) and (2) styles, so we try to retain them. But the urls will automatically redirect to the topic in new Hub. So you have the option of staying with current Hub topic browsing style, while also having phpBB features, etc. Best of both worlds!
As mentioned above, all good topics will be transfered. Every post will be transferred too. If your post had the right tamil font, it will appear correctly. Otherwise it may appear as jibberish.
Poster details
Unfortunately, the names and emails cannot be linked your ids. So your 'No. of posts' in the new Hub will not include your old posts. All the transferred posts will appear as posted by HUB Oldposts.
The post details can be found in the subject of corresponding post, including time of post. Some details may have been truncated due to subject length limits.
There are some changes. See 'Welcome to the new Hub' thread. Specifically, posting in tamil is slightly different. See the 'Posting in TAMIL' thread.
These are the fundamental ones. Others will be posted in due course.
20th October 2004, 01:08 PM
What can I do to help you?
By being patient :) There may be some hiccups initially, please bear with us.
Also help us do a stress test during the experimental phase by trying out all the features of the new Hub and give us feedback.
20th October 2004, 01:11 PM
What if I have some other question?
Post here. Or 'pm' me (click button at the bottom of this post).
21st October 2004, 06:32 AM
I like the new Hub. Nice Going, Mr. Rajaram. 8)
21st October 2004, 02:49 PM
This new format is pretty exciting!
I would like to suggest that there are certain options available in the "Post Reply" page - which may not be understood may all who visit this forum.
Espescially options like List and all.
Do we have a comprhensive HELP file - which would give us all the info about every option available in the reply box?
And we can have a general Help kind of documentation - which would present certain basic information at a single location - about the plethora feautures available in this new site( I see a whole loottt of them!!!).
Cool design! might be great if we have a concise documentation to go with it!
:) [/list][/code]
21st October 2004, 10:33 PM
geno, phpBB is a very popular forum, so there should be detailed documentation already on the web. why don't you do you a search. If you find a good link, tell me. We'll link it.
25th October 2004, 10:00 AM
I have bookmarked a thread from the old forum hub. How do I find it on the new Hub?
You don't have to do anything. You will be automatically redirected to the new thread.
25th October 2004, 01:14 PM
that wud be great. i was thinking of all those thread links i have saved :)
thanx :)
And regarding the phbBB documentation - thanks for enlightening me on that one!
i wasnt aware of this fact before. I went thru their website and was amazed.
I wud definitely try and dig out any info reg. this - thanx for ur post :)
26th October 2004, 09:42 AM
Any updates on the migration of Misc forum?
Miscellaneous Forum will be moved at Oct 26 2004, 5AM EST. After the migration, topics on the old forum will automatically redirect to the corresponding topic in the new Hub.
26th October 2004, 11:11 AM
Great to know that! I saw the announcement in the old hub too. Thanks for your efforts :)
26th October 2004, 08:45 PM
More updates
Due to some problems, the migration is only half done. Will be completed tomorrow. Note that this doesn't cause any disruption in accessing topics, both in old and new hub.
Some points,
1. We have decided not to transfer ANY of the religion/caste related topics, due to our prior bad experience.
2. Huge topics will not be moved fully, but will point to old responses.
27th October 2004, 02:48 AM
can u tell us when the Kavidhaigal section will be moved here??
27th October 2004, 01:41 PM
Final update on migratin of Miscellaneous Forum
The migration has finished. At the old forum, you'll now see a list of topics reflected from the new forum.
If you find any good topic missing, post the url in the 'Topics to move' thread in the Misc forum.
27th October 2004, 03:57 PM
Hello RR,
I am not able to see this thread in the old hub (even in the old threads page) but can access it directly. Could you please include this in the migration.
Many Thanks
28th October 2004, 08:57 AM
Final update on migratin of Miscellaneous Forum
The migration has finished. At the old Hub, you'll now see a list of topics reflected from the new Hub.
If you find any good topic missing, post the url in the 'Topics to move' thread in the Misc forum.
I didn't get you exactly. You had only asked to specify the threads that are in the miscellaneous section of the old hub. And we thought that you are going to create various other sections like Poetry, Films, History, Food, Sports etc.. and transfer the threads little -by- little, section vise. But your post says that the migration has been completed. Could you please clarify on this. We feel, neither here nor there now :(
28th October 2004, 09:21 AM
ts, sure when the Classical music forum is taken up.
Roshan, just look at my post carefully. It only talks about 'Miscellaneous forum'. Of course, other forums would follow soon..
28th October 2004, 10:05 AM
I got it. Thanks :)
31st October 2004, 12:02 AM
i cant access the OLD HUB since this it down for some reason??
31st October 2004, 01:28 AM
- cant be accessed as such
But when you try : - thamizh kavithaikal section - Miscellaneous section - tamil literature main
et al
- it opens up :)
31st October 2004, 04:52 AM
Geno Avargale,
one more thing...ur avatar is really cooooll, but who is that 'spooky' character anyways??
nirosha sen
31st October 2004, 06:12 AM
Yeah Geno! Your avatar looks real cool! Is it Malcolm X?!!
31st October 2004, 09:34 AM
heyyy, how come some of u have been promoted to JUNIOR hubbers, and i am a NEWBIE hubber??....
nooooo fair!!!!
:( :(
2nd November 2004, 01:06 PM
one more thing...ur avatar is really cooooll, but who is that 'spooky' character anyways??
Hey Malligai! That's Aalavanthaan Nandakumar - kadavuL paathi mirugam paathi :)
2nd November 2004, 01:16 PM
Access to the forumhub main page is denied. We can only access the sections separately as per the links given by geno above. But most of the hubbers are not aware of it. Besides, most of the hubbers were routed to the new hub through the old forumhub. Since the access to the main page of forumhub is denied, I believe that most of them are stuck out there.
Kindly do the needful in this regard.
2nd November 2004, 03:50 PM
Roshan, thx. It's fixed now.
2nd November 2004, 04:12 PM
Thanks for the speedy response :)
3rd November 2004, 12:54 AM
Hey Malligai! That's Aalavanthaan Nandakumar - kadavuL paathi mirugam paathi :)[/quote]
OOO, OK... :D ...i thought that it was Geno's picture... :lol: :lol:
3rd November 2004, 03:17 PM
yEnga "ALavanthAn"-a pOyi enn kooda Oppidaringa?!!
I actualy look like "anbE sivam" nalla sivam - after that accident!
:D :D :D :D
Bdolf Hilter
3rd November 2004, 05:57 PM
3rd November 2004, 09:02 PM
Yeah Geno! Your avatar looks real cool! Is it Malcolm X?!!
Malcolm x?!
Wow! that wud have been a cool choice too! :)
but Nope Nirosha! That's "nandakumar" from "ALavanthAn"! :D
Don't tell me u dont know "AlavanthAn"!!!!!! :wink:
Why do i get this "strange" feeling that you guys are pulling my leg?!!
:D :D
7th November 2004, 07:56 AM
Migration of Poems forum
Poems Forum will be migrated at Nov 7 2004, 9AM EST. After the migration, topics on the old forum will automatically redirect to the corresponding topic in the new Hub. The old pages will remain in the archives.
Update: Completed at 11:30am (partially).
7th November 2004, 10:01 AM
Why are the first posts (& a few more) in new poems forum not viewable as tamil script?
We are aware of this problem. It'll be fixed soon.
16th November 2004, 01:10 PM
Migration of Poems forum - II
Final Update: Missing post problems fixed, and the migration of Poems is complete.
16th November 2004, 10:30 PM
//migration of Poems is complete.//
complete??..already??... :( :(
22nd November 2004, 10:09 AM
//migration of Poems is complete.//
complete??..already??... :( :(
malligai, I'm not ruling out trasfer of more topics. (I'll move the topics you asked for.) You can request more topics in the sticky topic under Poems forum.
22nd November 2004, 10:11 AM
Migration of Indian Food forum
Indian Food Forum will be migrated at Nov 21 2004, midnight EST. After the migration, topics on the old forum will automatically redirect to the corresponding topic in the new Hub. The old pages will remain in the archives.
Update: completed at 1:40am EST.
25th November 2004, 04:21 AM
Hi ,everything looks cool but I am a little confused like its my first day in college and I am already losing my sense of direction. :? When I post a reply in the old forum,it redirects me here,but I cannot find that thread here.How do I know whether it was removed or not?When I used the search function,it gives me the results of posts which has nothing to do with the keyword I typed.Am I doing something wrong?
Are all the threads in food section migrated here?
Then how come I cannot view all of them?
Is there any criteria for removing any threads?
I would request not to delete any thread unless there is a specific reason,because many of us are not done with reading them all. :D
25th November 2004, 07:49 AM
Hi ,everything looks cool but I am a little confused like its my first day in college and I am already losing my sense of direction. :?
Don't worry. We are here to help you to make the transition easy. That's why we are doing the migration so slow.
When I post a reply in the old forum,it redirects me here,but I cannot find that thread here.How do I know whether it was removed or not?
If you cannot find the thread in the 'Indian food' forum, it probably was not moved here. :) So you have to request for it in the 'Topics to move' thread.
When I used the search function,it gives me the results of posts which has nothing to do with the keyword I typed.Am I doing something wrong?
You have to select the search options properly, or else you are bound to get many results with some of them irrelevant.
Are all the threads in food section migrated here?
Then how come I cannot view all of them?
No, only requested threads have been migrated. We are short of space here, so didn't move all.
But you can still request for threads to move.
Is there any criteria for removing any threads?
I would request not to delete any thread unless there is a specific reason,because many of us are not done with reading them all. :D
None of the old pages are deleted, so no worries :)
'pm' me if you need any more help.
29th November 2004, 11:52 PM
There used to be a thread "Return to India" which had many good suggestions and an excellent article by Prof.Vidyasagar. Wanted to know if it is possible to retrieve that thread. That thread was quite active almost till the end of 2001. Not sure if it was active on later stages.
29th November 2004, 11:53 PM
OOps. Forgot to add that it was in Misc section
30th November 2004, 02:55 PM
There used to be a thread "Return to India" which had many good suggestions and an excellent article by Prof.Vidyasagar. Wanted to know if it is possible to retrieve that thread. That thread was quite active almost till the end of 2001. Not sure if it was active on later stages.
Can't retrieve it off-hand. I'll look for it, and move as soon as I find it.
6th December 2004, 10:44 AM
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6th December 2004, 11:37 AM
sure, all perm topics will be transferred by default.
7th December 2004, 08:01 PM
Migration of Tamil Literature forum
Tamil Literature Forum will be migrated on Friday Dec 10 2004 EST.
Do you want any old topics to be transferred here? Request for them: .
After the migration, topics on the old forum will automatically redirect to the corresponding topic in the new Hub. The old pages will remain in the archives.
Update: completed and minor problems fixed.
kiran naidu
8th December 2004, 09:12 PM
Hi how can i post a new message in tamil history section or indian history section.
17th December 2004, 08:11 AM
Hi how can i post a new message in tamil history section or indian history section.
Pls wait for them to be migrated to the new Hub.
For the time being, you can use the 'Miscellaneous' forum.
17th December 2004, 08:21 AM
Migration of Tamil Films and Indian Films
Tamil Films and Indian Films will both be 'migrated' in a day or two. They will start afresh with possibly some old topics picked by us (from the huge junk).
All old topics & responses will remain in the archives for sometime.
Update: completed.
2nd January 2005, 12:25 PM
'English Literature' migrated on Jan 2, 2005.
23rd January 2005, 11:07 AM
After a long delay, 'Stories' & 'Indian Classical Music' forums have been migrated.
2nd February 2005, 12:30 PM
The two "History & Culture" sections from the old site have been merged into one forum called 'Indian History & Culture'. We are trying this on experimental basis (due to our previous bad experience). We look forward to your cooperation and support.
2nd February 2005, 11:55 PM
My Dear Administrators,
Glad... Many Thanks... for this... Resurrection.... of a Lively, Interesting Topic, on which...
... Every Reader of this Great... "Democratic"... Forum has...
... Something to Say... Something to Know... Something to Differ... Something to Oppose.... Something to Criticise... Something to Argue ... Something to Exchange.... Something to Correct... Something to Introspect... Something to Add-up ... Something to Improve ! ...
... But... But... But... Many-things to Learn!! ... and A Lot Lot Lot-Things to Enjoy too....!!!
From the Diversified Thoughts poured out in your various Threads of your Old-Forum, continuing here too... I find.... several dignified Personages ... like Mr. Geno... who possess a vast Knowledge of Culture, History and Social-Issues. I wish them continue here too enthusiastically...
... but... in an Unfailingly... Healthy Healthy Healthy manner Only... as you have duly Stipulated.
The Old-Bandicoots like me....who are Living with you ... my Dear Administrators .... Right from your Old-Hub.... and have Climbed up to this New-Hub too... had Enough and Enough of Unpalatability too... in such Threads... coupled with hidden Delicacies and Open-Embarassments ... for You... as well as ... We... the Innocent Readers.
So as to Nullify ... the Possibilty... or even... Probability..... Towards such...
... Undue Hatred, Unfair Mud-slingings, Unjust Fanaticism and In-Human Venom-Spitting...
... either... on any Individual or Group of People... Anywhere in the Globe... Present or Past...
I request you to implement the following ....
... Preventive-Measures... in furtherance of your... Wise... Far-sighted....
... Precautionary Measures... you have... already implemented.... Hats off to You All.
(1) Please Give Full Freedom of Expression... to One and All the Vibgyor-Readers of various Hues of Thoughts, Diverse opinions, Contra-distinctory Principles, Combative factors of Reality, Outburst of Destitutes.... and so on.
One may say... there exists God... Another may Say No... One may Say... Tamil is a Great Language ... Another may say No.... One may Say the Indian Culture is the Best and of high heritage and Eternal Humanism... Another may say No.... and so on... and so forth.
... But Under NO Circumstances... "You will take"... ------ lly ....----- lly..... ----- lly
... a Whip .... in your Hands .... and... Wipe-out... Anybody's Statements here ....
... "Unless" ... and... "Until"... You find... anything Derogatary, Defamative, Insulting... or the like...
.. Targeted towards any Individual or Group or Culture or Customs or Faiths or Beliefs ...
... Pertaining... to those ... here in this Forum ... or even an alien... past or the Present.
In other cases, you feel... that some malicious trend does not deserve to continue... or feared to lead to.... or something deserve to be deleted....
Please Give us a chance... to Speak... Re-think... Introspect... and... Retrace the Steps ...
.... And .... Nobody... should become ... Stalins... Neither You.... Nor / And... We... T(w)o..o.
Well... I am glad and Proud to Comment that ...Aleady you have taken some...
... Sound .. Precautionary Measures .. by Fencing the Hub...providing a Gate with a Gate-Keeper...
... But ... Let the Gate-keeper perform ... his Duty within... His.... Limits ... Only...
.... and .... Not beyond ... by forcible Occupation as .... the Judge !!!
Because... This... Forum ... "The Hub"..... is ... "No-more".... Your-Forum....
... but.... "Our-Forum" .. Comprising of.. U & I...
... Resulting in.... V ... for both's..... Healthy !...&... Great !!... Interests !!!
Dear Reader-Friends,
Let us all Co-operate... Not only... with the Administrators...
... but also... amongst ourselves.... Mutually... without Spitting.... on Others...
... because... We are all ... Well-cultured... Born-Gentlemen... and... (Innate-Gentle) Ladies !!!
... and... Thus Enjoy at this... Good opportunity... of... "Healthy Gobal-Assembly !!!
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