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View Full Version : Syntax Error prevents the normal page view

8th February 2011, 09:13 PM
I am getting following Error if I go to any mayyam hub page. For any links within the mayyam forumhub page, I am seeing following Error and pages are displayed as a simple links and I could not see the normal page view.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in ..... on line 130

Is it something happening to me only or it's happening for everybody. I am using Firefox 3.2.13 on Mac-OS.

It used to come normal until this Error that started happening from today morning. Thanks.

8th February 2011, 10:19 PM
It's ok now

24th January 2012, 11:27 PM
I am getting this on my mobile now. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in.. Its been like this for the last 2-3 days.

I tried with both an iPhone and an android phone. I am not using any app, just hit the index or any of the forum pages using the browser.

24th January 2012, 11:51 PM
for me, if i use opera for mobile, once i click the new hub link in the www.mayyam.com, its starts loading, goes blank, then shows 'Hub RSS Feed', then stops loading.
refresh stays in the same way.

not sure if its an issue with my phone or anything with hub. but sure i didn change anything with my phone.
so RR, i think u can wait until u receive a second complaint on this :)

25th January 2012, 12:29 AM
i also got the parse error when i tried to browse through android browser

25th January 2012, 06:11 PM
I am getting this on my mobile now. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in.. Its been like this for the last 2-3 days.

I tried with both an iPhone and an android phone. I am not using any app, just hit the index or any of the forum pages using the browser.

Same kind of error on my Iphone as well. I google for 'hub'in safari, follow the link and the page goes blank, does not display anything at all!

Bala (Karthik)
25th January 2012, 06:41 PM
Naanum. I'm not able to access the hub from my IPhone/Android

25th January 2012, 06:45 PM
Ellarum phone-ae call panrardhukku mattum use pannunga :lol:

25th January 2012, 07:26 PM
Ellarum phone-ae call panrardhukku mattum use pannunga :lol:
:lol: :lol:

25th January 2012, 08:32 PM
Seems ok on my iphone. If you are still having the problem, pls post the full URL that's giving the error.

25th January 2012, 08:58 PM
Still does not work on iPhone. And as Priya mentioned, the screen goes completely blank in the iPhone. I d have to go home to capture the exact error message in an android phone.

URL I m trying to hit - http://www.mayyam.com/talk/forum.php

iPhone 4 with iOS 4.xx

26th January 2012, 11:09 AM
Seems ok on my iphone. If you are still having the problem, pls post the full URL that's giving the error.

Till yesterday night the probem was there.. Havent checked it yet today...
Googled for mayyam and any links I click from there [ Tamil Films, Index, current affairs etc] lands in the same problem.. Iam using Android browser.

26th January 2012, 05:29 PM
Ellarum phone-ae call panrardhukku mattum use pannunga :lol:

call panradhukku dhaan laptop use panrome... skype, yahoo'nu...
phone browsing'ku mattum dhaan...

26th January 2012, 05:30 PM
any maintenance going?
i am getting database error often... and pages doesn load properly...

2nd February 2012, 08:09 AM
Dear RR,

These are the two pictures I took using my Iphone when I tried to access hub from a googled/cached page. I really miss logging onto the hub on my phone. I hope the pictures give some idea to figure out the problem, hopefully gets fixed soon! :)



2nd February 2012, 12:21 PM

Do you mean that you are able to get the mayyam.com/talk/ forums index, but not get into any forum/thread? It'll be useful to indicate what's the URL in the first screenshot.

BTW, are you not using Tapatalk?

2nd February 2012, 07:25 PM

I don't use Tapatalk. I use the internet browser (safari) to directly go to http://www.mayyam.com/talk/index.php

Nothing displays anymore to go to forum's index page. I ran into those cached screen shot (the 2nd pic) when I googled for 'pattukku pattu' thread. When I followed that URL, it gave me that 1st screen shot's error message. Otherwise nothing comes up on screen when you try to get to hub index page, it goes blank! :(

2nd February 2012, 09:44 PM
I can't go to any of the forum pages with my iPhone. I miss browsing the hub on my iPhone, during early morning / office meetings etc. :oops:

3rd February 2012, 02:36 AM
Same here. I can't browse Hub on my Android phone. I used to just access http://mayyam.com/talk. Now, I get a parse error initially and then a blank page. Tried on 3 different browsers on Android - Stock, Dolphin & Firefox.

3rd February 2012, 09:30 PM
Hmm, can't replicate the problem on my iphone. Seems to work fine.

Anyway I urge you to get Tapatalk (for android, there's a free app) while I debug it. For hub addicts, tapatalk is a must.

21st February 2012, 03:58 PM
priya & all,

I think the problem is fixed. Can you try again?

21st February 2012, 06:26 PM
Thanks RR, it works fine now! :bluejump:

21st February 2012, 06:28 PM
I am seeing vertical and horizontal scroll bars for even one liner posts...
i remember experiencing it a couple months before..

22nd February 2012, 07:20 PM
மிக்க நன்றி RR அவர்களே :-)

SS issue is not happening with me

6th March 2012, 02:22 AM
I am seeing vertical and horizontal scroll bars for even one liner posts...
i remember experiencing it a couple months before..
Are you at 100% zoom level? I reduced the zoom level accidentally (ctrl + mouse scroll) and started seeing scrollbars. I am on IE 9.0

6th March 2012, 04:10 PM
normal view only.. but mostly i don hav a maximised window as its a 24 inch screen