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5th May 2011, 08:10 PM
Tarantino's next project is titled "Django Unchained". If anyone gets their hands on the script's softcopy please send me a PM. I would be really grateful. Thanks.

And hope we can all share some world movie news and updates in this topic.

5th May 2011, 08:36 PM
Script Review (http://www.obsessedwithfilm.com/movie-news/quentin-tarantinos-django-unchained-script-review-thoughts.php)

This review is really depressing. My excitement is wearing off already. :(

12th June 2011, 01:54 AM
You can download tarantino's Django Unchained script from here (http://www.filestube.com/6c811036f74dba0d03e9/go.html).

3rd June 2012, 11:43 PM
“The Owner”

"The film follows a backpack on a journey around the world, intersecting the lives of dozens of fascinating characters along the way. Written and directed by 25 different directors on 5 continents in an unprecedented online collaboration, the film brings together a variety of cultures, languages and film styles into a singular narrative plot. As the story progresses, we learn details about the mysterious man to whom the bag belongs".


"Breaking barriers in 4 minutes"


2nd December 2012, 10:41 PM
Midnight’s Children to have Indian premier in IFFK


27th March 2013, 07:03 PM

3rd June 2013, 09:39 AM
'After Earth' review: M. Night Shyamalan, Will Smith and son team up for sci-fi clunker

"It’s tempting to blame M. Night Shyamalan, once hailed as a savior of popular cinema, but is now the director of tone-deaf junk such as “The Happening” and “The Last Airbender.” “After Earth” smacks of his worst tendencies – performances hamstrung by awkward and stiff dialogue, a bloated sense of self-importance. But the story was conceptualized by Smith as a vehicle for himself and his 14-year-old son Jaden Smith, and scripted by “The Book of Eli” writer Gary Whitta, before Shyamalan came on board, and took a pass at the screenplay. So most everyone is implicated in the cinematic failures of “After Earth,” which is sometimes pretty to look at, but more often slow, dull, overly melodramatic and painfully predictable."


20th September 2013, 02:10 AM
Hyde and seek (The story of Ashok Amritraj)


Ashok's Hollywood Filmography

As Producer:

Life of Crime (2013)
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012)
The Double (2011)
Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2011)
Killer (2010)[3]
Risen: The Story of the First Easter (2009)
Dark Country (2009)
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009)
The Other End of the Line (2008)
Asylum (2008)
Death Sentence (2007)
Premonition (2007)
Raising Helen (2004)
Walking Tall (2004)
Bringing Down the House (2003)
Bandits (2001)
What's the Worst That Could Happen? (2001)
The White Raven (1998)
A Murder of Crows (1998)
Billy Frankenstein (1998)
Black Thunder (1998)
Jeans (1998)
Strategic Command (1997)
Inferno (1997)
Night Hunter (1996)
Illicit Dreams (1995)
Night Eyes 3 (1993)
Snapdragon (1993)
Tropical Heat (1993)
Sexual Response (1992)
Illicit Behavior (1992)
Night Eyes 2 (1992)
Double Impact (1991)
Eyewitness to Murder (1991)
Popcorn (1991)
Night Eyes (1990)
Bloodstone (1988) (co-producer)
School Spirit (1985)
Nine Deaths of the Ninja (1985)

As Executive Producer:

Machete (2010)
Traitor (2008)
Dead of Night (2009)
Battle in Seattle (2007)
Trade (2007)
Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (2005)
Moonlight Mile (2002)
Original Sin (2001)
Antitrust (2001)
Get Carter (2000)
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (2000)
The White River Kid (1999)
The Boondock Saints (1999)
Five Aces (1999)
The Confession (1999)
Scorned 2 (1997)
Electra (1996)
Victim of Desire (1995)
Red Sun Rising (1994)
Scorned (1994)
The Killing Machine (1994)
Last Call (1991)
The Jigsaw Murders (1988)
Smart Alec (1986)
Fleshburn (1984)

12th October 2013, 08:12 PM
Gravity: What Newton didn’t mention


21st December 2013, 08:58 PM
The best from the West

Parvathi Nayar takes a look at the best of Hollywood films released here in 2013


25th January 2014, 07:30 PM
And the loser is...

-Bhardwaj Rangan, The Hindu

"Looking at the Oscar nominations every year, you have to wonder if, in the Best Actress category, they basically check if Meryl Streep has had a movie that year, and if she has, then they only have to worry about choosing the other four nominees. I have never been a great fan of the actress, whom I find too mannered and fussy to fully inhabit a part — we are never allowed to forget that MERYL STREEP IS ACTING, OH SHE IS ACTING — and even when she cuts loose in her comic roles, there’s this feeling I get of watching someone work very, very hard at something, like a dog determined to digest a rubber bone."


Arvind Srinivasan
3rd February 2014, 12:46 AM
Philip Seymour Hoffman....Another case of a wonderful talent succumbing to drug abuse. The guy's just 46, has all the talent in the world and is widely acknowledged as one of the best around and all we get is this.....

5th February 2014, 02:58 AM
Goodbye, Hoffman


8th February 2014, 08:50 PM
howz the LEGO movie?

3rd March 2014, 02:13 PM
The Oscars - 2014

And the winner is...


3rd March 2014, 07:20 PM

3rd March 2014, 07:43 PM
Acting oscar for M.McConaughey.. :roll:

3rd March 2014, 08:46 PM
The movie Dallas Buyers Club was based on the real life story of AIDS patient Ron Woodroof’s fight with the US Food & Drug Administration for using an unapproved/illegal drug for treatment of the condition. Matthew McConaughey lived a reclusive life for over 6 months losing about 50 lbs and becoming really ill, in order to do justice to the role. This is considered to be his best role so far, and he has received acclaim from critics as well as the audience for his performance. By the way, Jared Leto won the best supporting actor Oscar for the same movie. McConaughey and Leto also won the best actor/supporting actor awards this year from the Screen Actors Guild as well as at the Golden Globe.

12th March 2014, 04:38 AM
howz the LEGO movie?

I did not see it; but here is a review (The Hindu):


19th March 2014, 09:26 PM

Watched it with my son, on NOV's recommendation. Came back completely entertained..!

Plot: Bill Marks (Liam Neeson) is a former cop who after dealing with his daughter's death by drinking, is now an air marshal. While on a flight from London to New York, Marks gets a text telling him that unless 150 million dollars is deposited to an off shore account within 20 minutes someone will die. Whats more, the sender is inside the plane..! Isn't it easy to identify the person by looking at who's texting.. Bill tries hard but he can't! Worse, the killings do happen.. Thus, the story builds up, yes non-stop, to an action-packed climax which - I tell you - you won't be able to guess. Watch it on big screen :mrgreen:

Don't look for logic holes though. Because you don't have to, they are all over! Come on, what do you expect in such an outlandish plot. Just go and enjoy.. !

28th March 2014, 06:13 PM
Reviews for "Noah" by Darren Aronofsky starring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins & Emma Watson are out. Came across some good percentage of favorable ones, but the tickling part is that it looks like the reviewers are taking precautious steps not to slash the movie down, fearing it could turn into all time master piece film work like The Fountain when indepth views start to folow in (LoL).

And the funniest was a straight forward one, which I liked very much, that says "Noah is better than the book".
Another one even goes to an extent to cover all the scales, just to be sure : "Noah floods the screen and mind" (but inside the "mind" particle was missing). Now they can go either side, whichever way the stone is turned (LoL).

Releasing here in France on 09/04. Check the trailer if you have not yet done it.

28th March 2014, 06:53 PM
howz the LEGO movie?

Excuses for the late reply (think you would have watched the movie by this time ... anyway) :

Lego was pretty decent, given the group of audiences it addresses. It takes much care for the adults who are still struck with Lego nostaligia. I am not, as I never played with Lego. Consulted with few around, and they told me that it was not like what they played during the 80's, but a very mordern version. I would never know. Lego-The Movie, begs and borrows its story from almost every single animation movie out there, but what makes it interesting is that it can be funny in most parts, the whole Lego set up was kind of different and few "you-already-know-me" characters sprinkle their charm in their Lego Getups.

Lego-The Movie - Amusing but misses the Awesome factor

28th March 2014, 07:19 PM
Watched Devil wears Prada - what a performance by Streep!

Also watched The Call - :thumbsup: thrilling to the end with psycho kind of ending

31st March 2014, 04:26 PM
Popular Forthcoming Attractions 2014 (my wish list) :
[Check the trailers on youtube if you are interested too]

Godzilla (My favorite monster is back, this time much bigger and more fierce)

Sin City: A Dame To Kill For (the wait was long, finally arrives this August)

Blood Ties (Clive Owen, YES !)

Noah (Darren Aronofsky film)

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (this would be just awesome)

Under the Skin (Scarlett Johansson, another YES !)

Lucy (Scarlett Johansson, a film by Luc Besson)

Deliver Us From Evil aka Beware the Night

Dom Hemingway (Jude Law, adore his accent)

Transcendence (Jhonny Deep & other interesting cast ; time to make a soup out of your brians)

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Chirs Pine)

Interstellar (Christopher Nolan film)

Jane Got a Gun (Natalie Portman)

Open Grave

Guardians of the Galaxy (can't miss it if you are a comic freek)

X-Men: Days of Future Past (hope there are signs for X-men vs Avengers)

Maleficent (Madame Jolie)

Edge of Tomorrow (yet another "come back" film for Tom Cruise (LoL))

3 Days to Kill

Non-English / Indie movie :

The Raid 2: Berandal (Indonesia)

Big Bad Wolves (Isrel)

Il ragazzo invisibile aka The Invisible Boy (Italy)

iNumber, Number (South African)

The Crossing (Chinese, John Woo Film)

The Pirates (Korean)

Tony Jaa's Skin Trade (Thailand) [maybe this year, not sure]

Already Released :

RoboCop (quite OK, but still prefer the drama parts from the original)

Snowpiercer (Excellent)

Lego (Amusing)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier ("hey! what else did you expect" feeling)

Monuments Men (tries hard to convince us, but fails miserably)

Cheap Thrills (Weird and clumpsily violent => +18 for some gruesome self tortures, violence, nudity & language)

300:Rise of an Empire (Gore Festival (+18). A good percentage of production cost was spent on red color liquid. Eva Green surprises you)

Non-Stop (Daddy takes the baddies yet another time, this time, does some laundry on the plane. Quite engaging.)

And ofcoarse many others on the way ... !

4th April 2014, 05:22 AM
Expendables 3 trailer released today.
[Action Heroes joining Expendables III are Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, Wesley Snipes, Antonio Banderas & Others]

And well, as world movies discussions are a bit silent these days, let me give the teaser link for those who have not yet watched it. The teaser is a BOSS.
[The music used in the teaser is the theme from 'The Bridge on the River Kwai' originaly composed by Sir Malcolm Henry Arnold and adapted (hardcore 'awesome' remix) for the trailer by Brian Tyler]


[And if you had hit the repeat button on the teaser, then you are a FAN just like me, welcome to the club of Expendables)

And now for the 1 min Trailer :
[The song in the trailer is 'The Stroke' by Billy Squier]


Expendables 3 - Lots to digest !

25th April 2014, 04:40 AM
Remeber the cult Spanish series on found footage REC !?!
Here is the volume 4 : [REC] Apocalypse
[+18 for few distrubing scenes]


A bit disappointed how the series is shaping up. Eventhough it retains the principle characters from 1&2, the found footage ambience is missing. Liked the way it was editted and presented, but part 4 looks like a cheesy zombie slasher movie. Well, got to wait and watch !

7th May 2014, 03:50 PM
Coherence - Movie Trailer

The basic idea itself freeks me out, watch the trailer to know more :


@1m43s : that was creepy !

9th May 2014, 02:47 PM
Dawn of the Planet Of the Apes - (awesome) Trailer

Caesar you have to go! Go !
Caesar : Where ? => Epic


They have worked a lot on Caesar's facial motions, found it really amazing.

9th May 2014, 03:01 PM
Wait ! The war begins only on 11/JULY/2014


19th August 2014, 05:24 PM
The Hundred Foot Journey

"Older couples too can have a love story": Om Puri


10th September 2014, 06:29 PM
With 2 new films, Pacino keeps experimenting

At 74, Pacino debuted his latest batch of work at the festival, both films that find him exploring the regrets, ambitions and ruts of old age.


20th September 2014, 05:46 PM
The movie behind the Mahatma

By S. Kulandaisamy - The Hindu; Updated on September 20, 2014

"Richard Attenborough’s death brings to mind the fact that we, as a people, and the Indian Government, have failed to appreciate him for making a movie on Gandhi. Conferring an award is not enough. We should have done something for the Englishman who dared to show the atrocities committed by the British on the Indians. But more importantly what the movie did was to tell the world about a sustainable means for building peace across borders. Though he did not use the word ‘non-violence’, Attenborough conveyed it through the movie."


15th August 2015, 12:02 AM
Priyanka Chopra starring in the forthcoming American television thriller series "QUANTICO" on ABC network...

Season 1 TRAILER:


7th October 2017, 05:33 AM
3 of Steven Spielberg’s Biggest Failures, According to Steven Spielberg


11th May 2018, 06:55 PM
John Wick 3


The previous chapter, simply titled 'John Wick Chapter 2', has an emotional climax. Not that a tragedy must be forced or a heavy loss of an adorable character must be brought or music directors bending their violins and cellos to arise an intense feeling, is necessary to get the audience excited. The impactful characterisation illustrated in the transcript taken to the screen should produce an involvement between the audience and the character, making them feel what the character itself is feeling. In John Wick, I consider it to be an achievement for Chad Stahelski & Derek Kolstad.

John Wick, the most under rated hitman character, is forced to commit a murder where the crime is acceptable but the place where he carried out his contract is intolerable - at the Continental, thus, breaking the pact and this action of his forces Winston, the Continental’s manager, to declare John Wick 'excommunicado', a legal word for suspension in the Continental universe.

Winston meets up with John Wick in the city square to express his discomfort, but yet the crime committed is unforgivable. Talking about the unpardonable mistake, Winston provides John Wick an hour’s grace time before issuing a global contract on his head.

John Wick is quickly signalled that he is surrounded by assassins. The contract to take him down is being received, as their cell phones start to chirp, all at the same time.

John Wick along with his dog walks fast past the crowd of assassins whose pairs of eye set fixed on him. He starts to sprint as he is short of time. When the collective noises of cell phone rings increases, John Wick runs away from the screen and the end credits starts to conquer the blackness.

Winston, Tell them. Tell them all. Whoever comes, whoever it is, I'll kill them. I'll kill them all.
- Ofcourse you will. Jonathan.

11th May 2018, 07:00 PM
And Rambo V, Mechanic 3, Expendables 4 are few action films expected in 2019.