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17th July 2011, 11:05 PM
Author: Virarajendra

The Medieval Chola Empire and it's relations with Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore & Thailand - Part 5

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Emergence of Airlangga as the king of Java

During the first expedition of Rajendra Chola-1 Java didnot draw the attention of aggressive Cholas. This paved way to the rise of a new royal personality in East Java by the name Sri Lokeswara Dharmawangsa Airlangga Anantawikramotungadeva (A.D.1019-1042) who commenced his reign in the year A.D.1019.

Marriage of Airlangga and his supremacy over whole of Java

In the year A.D.1030 Airlangga married the Sumatran pricess Sangirama Vijaya Dharmaprasadotungadevi the daughter of the Sangirama Vijayoutungavarman of Sri Vijaya, who was earlier captured by Cholas. She was the 'mahamantri' (chief minister) to the king and was second in her power and authority only to the king. Over a period of time Airlangga captured all territories within Java and in the A.D.1036 he became the overlord of the whole island of Java. To comemorate this event Airlangga built a hermitage named as "Sri Vijayasrama" (Sri Vijaya + Asrama) indicating his connection to the royal family of the Sri Vijaya empire of Sumatra, by he marrying the Sri Vijaya Princess Sri Sangiramawijaya Dharmaprasadottungadevi.

Airlangga divides his kingdom among his two sons

With Airlangga becoming the king of the entire island of Java, Sri Samarawijaya Dharmasuparnnawahana Tguh Uttungadeva(A.D.1042-1068) the son of Airlangga by his first queen - the princess from Sri Vijaya, was made the next 'mahamantri' of the Javan kingdom. However there had been some dissention over same with his second (step) son Sri Maharaja Mapanji Garasakan - son of Airlangga by his second queen - the princess from Bali island.

This lead king Airlangga to divide his Javan kingdom into two in the year A.D.1042, with the western half being the kingdom of Panjalu (subsequently known as the kingdom of Kediri) given to his elder son Samarawijaya Tguh Uttungadeva and the eastern half being Janggala to his younger son Garasakan, and chose to abidicate his throne in preference to a hermit life. He after seven years of his life as a hermit died in the year A.D.1049.

Chola trade with Java

However there had been good relations between Java and Chola empire during the rule of Airlanga. Tamil traders flocked to the Javan ports which were located in the vicinity of the present Surabaya and Tuban, and they were from the Chola country, Paandiya country and the Dravida which was the Thondai mandalam, all being regions of Tamil districts under Chola empire.

(2) The period of Rajadhiraja Chola - 1 (A.D.1018-1054)

In the year A.D.1044 Rajendra Chola - 1 demised and was suceeded by his son Rajadhiraja - 1 (A.D.1018-1054) on the Chola throne. Duing his rule the extent of Chola empire virtually remained same with Purvadesam in the present Pakistan in the North, Makothai in the present Kerala of India in the east island of Sri Lanka in the south and Kadaram in the present peninsular Malaysia as it's eastern limit.

(3) The period of Rajendra Chola - 2 (A.D.1051-1063)

In the year A.D.1051 Rajadhiraja Chola - 1 died in a battle field in the Indian mainland while on war with westen Chalukiyas in the Indian mainland, where his younger brother Rajendra Chola - 2 (A.D.1051-1063) immediately proclaimed himself as the successor to the Chola throne ans lead the war to a victory.

Honorary appointment for the Chola Prince who captured Kadaram

During his rule he appointed his son who conquered Kadarem earier on behalf of the Rajendra Chola - 1 as the viceroy of Mitilanagar a part of the present Bihar in North India with the title Chola Janakarajan.

Ambitious expedition of the son of Airlangga

After the death of Airlanga in A.D.1048 one of his ambitious son who ruled West Java from Panjulu alias Daha (the present Kediri) planned to conquer the former territories of the Sri Vijaya empire. He had a legitimate claim over Sri Vijaya through his maternal grandfather Sangirama Vijayotungavarman who was the previous king of the empire.

His strategy of capturing the lost territories of the former Sri Vijaya went on unhampered, as during this period Rajadhiraja Chola - 1 and his younger brother Rajendra Chola - 2 diverted most of their attention on internal wars in the Indian mainland and in Sri Lanka to prevent the Chola empire from disintegrating.

The king of Kediri kingdom in Java the Samarawijaya Tguh Uttungadeva sent an expedition shortly after A.D.1059 to Sri Vijaya which was captured, and the other Sumatran kingdoms too submitted to the new Javan conquerer. He further penetrated into peninsular Malaysia where some kingdoms fell and Kadaram too was captured and it's king escaped to Chola country.

Chinese recognise Cholas as vassels of Sri Vijaya

The successful expedition of the Airlanga's son and his claim to the Sri Vijaya throne could have possibly made him to declare himself as the emperor of Sri Vijaya, but with his seat of reign still at Panjalu (Kediri) in Java. This probably made the Chinese to recognise the Cholas as vassels of the Sri Vijaya thereafter.

(5) The period of Virarajendra Chola - 2 (A.D.1063-1070)

In the year A.D.1063 Rajendra Chola - 1 demised and his brother Virarajendra Chola (A.D.1063-1070) ascended on the Chola throne as the next successor to the Chola empire.

King of Kadarem seeks military aid from the Chola country

The king of Kadarem who escaped to Chola country with the fall of his kingdom requested the Emperor Virarajendra Chola to provide military assistance in his efforts to regain his kingdom. It appears this king of Kadarem would have been Raja Suran Padshah who married Chendani Wasis, the daughter of the Chola Prince who lead the Kadarem expedition and the Princes Onang Kiu.

Virarajendra Chola sends an expedition to South-East Asia

Emperor Virarajendra Chola also known as Buwanaasirayan (Buwanawati) after bringing the homefront in the Indian mainland under complete control, with a view of re-stablishing the lost Chola authority over Sri Vijaya empire and also assisting the king of Kadaarem to gain back his throne, sent a naval expedition to South-East Asia under the command of his nephew (sister's son) prince Rajendra (Chola viceroy of Vengi kingdom - present Orrisa, and heir apparent of the Chola empire) in the year A.D.1068.

The expedition was under the command of prince Rajendra who also known as Jeyadharan (Jeyalankara) who lead the mighty Chola fleet and accompanied by the princes ruling Manchapattinam, Nagapattinam, Thanjavur, Thondaiandalam, ..???.......(present Golkonda), Vangaladesam (present Bengal), Kutcharam (present Gujarat), raided Sri Vijaya, Pannai, and Ilamuridesam which sumitted themselves preventing war and accepted the Chola suzerainty in preference to the Javan spremacy.

However the king of Malaiyur in Sumatra refused to accept the Chola supremacy initially and was defeated and his kingdom captured, but was handed back to him on hi recognition of the Chola overlordhip. At Sri Vijaya the viceroy of the Javan king was too wa defeated and captured Sri Vijaya.

Thereafter the Chola forces crossed over to West Java. The Pajajaran kingdom (presnt Bogor) in the west Java sumitted to Chola forces. In the meantime the king of Kediri in Eat Java who was the overlord of Pajajaran was informed that a Tamil king has landed in West Java with forces.


prince Rajendra procliamed himself as the emperor of Sri Vijaya with his new royaln title Kulotunga falling in line with the royal title of the previous Emperors of Sri Vijaya namely Mara Vijayotunga, Sangirama Vijayotunga etc and became the emperor of Sri Vijaya from A.D.1068. This made the Chinese of this period refer to Kulotunga as one ruling both the Chola empire and Sri Vijaya empire.


18th July 2011, 05:54 PM
Dear virarajendra

Wasn't Malaysia part of "Java" and "sumatra" in that time period ?

7th August 2011, 05:49 PM
brought forward