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View Full Version : You award winning bunch of jokers !

30th January 2005, 09:53 PM
You award winning bunch of jokers ! For your info, you are the laughing
stock of the entire World. 40% of the world's poverty stricken people are
in India. 1 in every 2.5 people in poverty in the world is from India, and
the number is rising drastically:


but you seem to you spend all of your time & energy producing & watching
innumerable trash films & beauty paegents ???


A full 1/3 of the population lives in slums, the largest city & commercial
center Bombay (home to the mediocre and self-aggrandized Boollywood)
is composed of 60% slums and has the unique distinction of being the only
city on the planet with more slums than regular housing. There are over
350 million people in absolute poverty - more than the entire population of
the USA. Over 32 international AID and charity organizations are trying
to alleviate the conditions, but the people are content to wallow in poverty
and get mesmerized by the flashy lifestyles of the beauty queens and film-stars
& seem to forget their own abject misery & squalor ! Get off your backs, the
world can't keep on giving you aid and charity for ever. Chuck out the film
stars, film directors & beauty queens and do some real work for a change
before the entire country descends into starvation and poverty.

11th February 2005, 09:38 AM
Ignoramus Hamster,
Are u aware of the population of the computer Engineers and Doctors working here? So I guess that India isn't just a poor trashy country huh? We produce more Comp Eng than u do. Look at our education!!! So please don't shoot ur mouth off like some big tough prick if u don't know that the hell ur talking about!! :lol:

Well since ur sooo keen on pointing out negative points,
let me ask u this? America, being the richest country in the world, has the highest rate of Depression!! As well as the highest amount of murders, highest amount crazy whackjob seriel killers killing mainly defenceless women and children mind u! Talk about mentally screwd people huh? I'd rather be poor than be mentally ill man!! :lol:
Stats show that 1/3 poppulation of the country is Obese! (Dangerously overweight) America is the fattest country in the world!!! :lol:
U're run by a leader who's insanly chasing after innocents like Iraq, when his first priority should be Bin laden! So I guess that America just shows it's power to the powerless people huh? :roll:

India might be poor now, but remember, if it wasn't for India, Columbus wouldn't even have found ur AMERICA!!! Also remember this, without the labor of poor countries like India,
America wouldn't be able to survive. :evil:
So keep ur, "I'm superior than u!" attitude to urself! :evil:

I would point out more negative points, but hey if I had to point out all of the neg points, I"d have to stay here typing all night!

I'm sorry, please do not erase this message, everyone will continue with the normal discussion. This post will not deviate the discussion. Thanks.

11th February 2005, 04:27 PM
Hai pigster. Sure you are an Indian.

12th February 2005, 08:46 AM
I don't think he is. To me he seems like some fat white guy, with worts on his face, munching down donuts and coffee, who is bored out of his mind.

6th May 2005, 02:26 AM
I don't think he is. To me he seems like some fat white guy, with worts on his face, munching down donuts and coffee, who is bored out of his mind.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Surya remember Krypton? The toilet talk and all? I think it's the same guy :?

chaotic whisperz
7th May 2005, 01:36 AM
i aint even gonna read all dat

7th May 2005, 01:37 AM
I don't think he is. To me he seems like some fat white guy, with worts on his face, munching down donuts and coffee, who is bored out of his mind.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Surya remember Krypton? The toilet talk and all? I think it's the same guy :?

I"ll bet he is. :lol: :rotfl:

chaotic whisperz
18th May 2005, 09:28 PM
yall arent even replyin to the topic

stop drinkin haterade

19th May 2005, 12:51 AM
My reply: Hamster is an ignorant redneck that does not know what it is talking about.

19th May 2005, 06:13 PM
Since I am forced to reply to the topic by another 'love all' who spreads chaotic whispers all around:

'Ham'ster, I would like you to come out with your identity first and talk about it.I don't want to find myself arguing with a Paki hamster after a lot of time spent on the web.I don't think any self respecting Indian would be speaking with such contempt towards Indians in general.

Other guys who know about this pigster,please let me know who this great friend is. :D

chaotic whisperz
19th May 2005, 11:26 PM
i think the man wants his dumb a$$ kicked

22nd May 2005, 09:34 AM
yall arent even replyin to the topic
stop drinkin haterade

Umm.....ok my reply....abt the last word in ur comment: I think its actually spelt HATRED?? :D

chaotic whisperz
27th May 2005, 10:58 PM
yall arent even replyin to the topic
stop drinkin haterade

Umm.....ok my reply....abt the last word in ur comment: I think its actually spelt HATRED?? :D

no, i dont mean 'hatred'

i know how to spell

i said haterade... get with the language

28th May 2005, 09:02 AM
i know how to spell

Oh, do u really?? I thot u said in another thread tat u can't read....? Wow its remarkable u know how to spell despite tat! I thot only blind ppl. r capable of doin tat! :lol2:

i said haterade... get with the language

Tats wat I wud advise u, my dear chaotic ignoramus.... :D
Go look into ne dictionary on current English....there aint ne such word as 'haterade'.....unless maybe u want to invent sum new cool phrases in English vocabulary? If so, I daresay u cud try for admission in Oxford Univ.......they'd luv to hav u! :wink: :lol:

chaotic whisperz
31st May 2005, 10:40 PM
i know how to spell

Oh, do u really?? I thot u said in another thread tat u can't read....? Wow its remarkable u know how to spell despite tat! I thot only blind ppl. r capable of doin tat! :lol2:

i said haterade... get with the language

Tats wat I wud advise u, my dear chaotic ignoramus.... :D
Go look into ne dictionary on current English....there aint ne such word as 'haterade'.....unless maybe u want to invent sum new cool phrases in English vocabulary? If so, I daresay u cud try for admission in Oxford Univ.......they'd luv to hav u! :wink: :lol:

you are such a dumb a$$... firstly, when i said i couldnt read in another thread, i was being SARCASTIC!!!!! damn, you freshies are slow....

and if you werent such a fob, maybe you would have heard the word 'haterade', its called slang... and whats even more funny is that you point out my slang, when youre using chatspeak...

i feel sorry for you, i bet you are one sad loner dude who has nothing to do but point out others flaws because you are unhappy with yourself... maybe you should get off of the computer and see whats going on outside...

and you wanna be all picky... go to the dictionary and see if the word "aint" is there... i can guarantee you that it is not

btw, why do you remember what i post in other threads?!?!?

can you say LOSER??

31st May 2005, 10:55 PM
i feel sorry for you, i bet you are one sad loner dude who has nothing to do but point out others flaws because you are unhappy with yourself... maybe you should get off of the computer and see whats going on outside...

Ohh....tks a lot for ur genuine concern! I'm touched! :D
Also impressed by ur accurate analysis of my mental state! Why, u must be a psychologist! :mrgreen:
yea 'guess I shud get out and see wats going on outside.....maybe I'd realise tat fascinating ppl. like u exist out there! :D

and you wanna be all picky... go to the dictionary and see if the word "aint" is there... i can guarantee you that it is not

Wow, yet another accurate discovery! 'bet no-one else in this forum knew tat! :D

can you say LOSER??

Want me to say tat to u?? Sure no probs. buddy....anytime!! :wink: :lol:

chaotic whisperz
31st May 2005, 10:58 PM
i feel sorry for you, i bet you are one sad loner dude who has nothing to do but point out others flaws because you are unhappy with yourself... maybe you should get off of the computer and see whats going on outside...

Ohh....tks a lot for ur genuine concern! I'm touched! :D
Also impressed by ur accurate analysis of my mental state! Why, u must be a psychologist! :mrgreen:
yea 'guess I shud get out and see wats going on outside.....maybe I'd realise tat fascinating ppl. like u exist out there! :D

and you wanna be all picky... go to the dictionary and see if the word "aint" is there... i can guarantee you that it is not

Wow, yet another accurate discovery! 'bet no-one else in this forum knew tat! :D

can you say LOSER??

Want me to say tat to u?? Sure no probs. buddy....anytime!! :wink: :lol:

*yawn* sad pathetic attempt at trying to reply to my post

1st June 2005, 12:06 AM
Chaotic Wisperz........u've got a wierd.....I don't know what the hell it is that u have.

chaotic whisperz
1st June 2005, 01:36 AM
Chaotic Wisperz........u've got a wierd.....I don't know what the hell it is that u have.

Surya... did some ask you something?? keep your 2 cents to yourself...

now i know why you used to get blazed when this forum was in its old format...

2nd June 2005, 10:48 PM
:shock: WOW!! Don't u have me all figured out!! :roll:

chaotic whisperz
3rd June 2005, 11:43 PM
:shock: WOW!! Don't u have me all figured out!! :roll:

i dont want to figure you out... i dont think ANYONE would want to figure you out

enjoy your sad, lonely life...

4th June 2005, 12:51 AM

Sad lonely life.....and u would know because.....ur some sort of wierd psychotic stalker!? :rotfl: Who's the sad one now? :lol2:

chaotic whisperz
8th June 2005, 08:19 PM

Sad lonely life.....and u would know because.....ur some sort of wierd psychotic stalker!? :rotfl: Who's the sad one now? :lol2:

stalker?! why the hell would i want to do that?!?! do you think things through before you post them...

and saying that im a stalker more or less confirmed your sad lonely life... as if to say "how did you know??"

tata.............................................. .......

8th June 2005, 11:01 PM
Yup. Ur high! :rotfl:

chaotic whisperz
9th June 2005, 11:11 PM
Yup. Ur high! :rotfl:

yes im high :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

i bun anything i could get my hands on...

i have a ganja growing operation coming out of my garage

10th June 2005, 07:28 AM
Thanks for the acceptance!!! I hear high ppl don't resist too much!! :rotfl:

chaotic whisperz
15th June 2005, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the acceptance!!! I hear high ppl don't resist too much!! :rotfl:

you should try it sometime, maybe then you wont be such a *****

16th June 2005, 01:00 AM
I don't think that is ture, considering the fact that u've tried it, and ur still a *****. :twisted: :lol:

chaotic whisperz
16th June 2005, 10:07 PM
but nothing compares to your b****iness..............