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View Full Version : Music has no lanugage barrier

1st February 2005, 09:17 AM
Other than TFM there are many great compositions in all the lanaugages particularly in hindi,begali,Telugu,Malayalam,Kannada etc.

I thought every week such great compositions can be discussed by sharing a song from those languages.

I truly understand this would be deviating from TFM but just wanted to throw this thought . If all are ok and Admin permits then we can go ahead!!

1st February 2005, 09:41 AM
Rajesh: Very few of the participants understand languages other than Tamil. They might know Hindi. Therefore, the discussion will be limited to a few. I am not sure it is worth the time and space.

1st February 2005, 03:17 PM
Rajesh: Why don't you visit the 'Indian Films' section? There are some good threads on Malayalam,Telugu,Old hindi music,etc.

http://forumhub.com/indfilms/ (lite view)