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Thread: The Hub Returns 2021!

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  1. #1
    Administrator Diamond Hubber RR's Avatar
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    The Hub Returns 2021!

    Hello Hubbers!

    After a long hiatus, we are trying to bring our favorite 'Hub' up again.. Please hang on as we are slowly fixing all sections!

    It will probably take a while to be fully up, but all accounts have already been migrated successfully, so you should be able to post and interact as before. Please go explore: ! Yes we have moved to a new domain. Please bookmark it...!


    1. Cannot login, having an issue. What to do?

    • Try clearing cookies in your browser. Restart it and try login again.
    • Try login from different browser: Chrome, firefox, Edge, Safari, etc
    • Report via email: rrprivate-hubadmin AT yahoo DOT com (mention your username / email to help us locate your account. )

    2. Do you have a mobile app for the Hub?

    Yes. Both iOS and Android are supported. See here.

    3. How do I check for the most recent posts?

    • Simple answer is: use the TapATalk mobile app (see previous question ). It can auto-send notifications whenever there is a new post in your favorite thread(s).
    • On desktop / laptop, go to: This page auto refreshes and shows new posts, if you keep it open.

    4. Can I help?

    Yes please check out all functions and tell us if there are any issues.
    Everything is an Experience! | Recent posts | Mobile App

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