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Thread: Will the old 'Hubbers come back?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Regular Hubber Bipolar's Avatar
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    Will the old 'Hubbers come back?


    I've been visiting this discussion forum since the year 2000 - when they actually had the web addresses of "" and "". So yes, seems hard to believe, but I've been here nearly a quarter-century!!

    In fact, I started another thread to talk about the 'history' of 'Hub, I don't know why that thread appears to be blocked off completely!!

    Used to be a lively place. These days, the "Paattukku Paattu" and "Relay Songs" threads appear to be the only threads with any regular activity, and even there, it appears to be only NOV sir and PP ma'am who are posting anything regularly.

    I understand was started in 1997 (correct me if I'm wrong on that one), which would mean, this discussion forum actually was started before Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, Blogspot, Wordpress, etc.

    I miss the old days! I would like to see 'Hub becoming a lively, vibrant place again... Is there any way to bring the old 'Hubbers back? Any thoughts?

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  4. #2
    Senior Member Senior Hubber rajeshkrv's Avatar
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    yup good old days. It was in full swing then .now Social media is in a different level with insta etc but still TFMPAGE/HUB times are memorable forever.


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