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Thread: Shocking Dreams and Sudden Deaths

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    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    Shocking Dreams and Sudden Deaths


    Rina suddenly got up from her bed getting socked. It was not the first time, but so many times in the past 3 months……
    She felt a horrible dream... that’s some two people are holding a little 2 month baby in their hands….
    A third man came and suddenly cut the baby off into pieces…. Ooh really terrible, the blood spilled every where…. Still Rina’s heart is beating fast…. She just took her Jesus cross and prayed to God, Ooh Jesus let everyone be save………But still her hands are shivering and his whole body seemed to be wet in sweat.

    The reason Rina feared that much is, she can’t leave it as a simple bad dream and leave… Whatever she is getting as dream is becoming true in some part of the world….

    That too she was not aware for so many days… But one day she happened to discuss about her terrible dreams to her fathers friend John… After two days John came to her and showed her, a newspaper … But Rina can’t understand anything from that as it’s written in some unknown language…She simply blinked and asked John what it is…

    John explained her… It’s a Tamil magazine which is some one month older… It says about the death of 45 young teenage girls on a single day….. Rina really got shocked as because it’s the same one she got as in her dreams for the first time…..When she asked about this to John…

    John said I know that Rina, tell me one thing: have u ever read this news before? Or have u heard it from anyone? Because that news might have affected you much and because of that you would have got that dream…..”No uncle, but when did that incident happened?” Rina asked with eagerness…

    It was on Jan 7th…replied John... Rina scrambled… No how is it possible, because I got that dream on my 20th birthday exactly on Jan 6th…. It means have I predicted that before it self, that terrible incident…. What is happening uncle I can’t understand…?

    Really John too got confused… any way he said to Rina… It sometimes happens there is some coincidence between what we dream and happen… Don’t get worry ….

    John asked Rina to write all her dreams in a note book, with everything happening as it is…and told her not to get fear and he would come and meet her by the next day….

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    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    John is reading the diary given by Rina, explaining about all her dreams… Let we enter into Rina’s diary for sometime….
    From Rina’s Diary:
    Dream on Jan 6Th 2006:

    It was a place fully covered by rocks… It doesn’t seemed to be a mountain nor a plain surface.. But fully covered by rocks and some rough surface….
    From somewhere else, deep roaring of the sea was heard… But that place is very dark and every where there is darkness and fear only… It seemed that night has been handed over to Sathan’s hands..

    From somewhere some girls crying voice came and those sounds beat those tides sound… There was some huge drums beat also coming …….There was suddenly dark for 3 minutes, but still that terrible noises are piercing through my years…
    Even I felt like my heart stopped beating…. Suddenly a light spread everywhere as if the moon released from clouds and exposed itself….

    I could have closed my eyes if I was opening them… It was a cruel scence.. But what can I do in my dreams…. The entire place seemed to be changed into a red river… No it was a blood river… With the Body’s of some 50 young girls floating in them… All of their body’s have cuts….. Now that entire place was covered with a heavy silence which itself made it look like a grave yard… What Looking like grave yard it was really ? oh no I can’t explain that any more…..

    Dream on Jan 7Th 2006:

    I am happy because yesterday jan 7th I got a very nice dream unlike the one I got during my Birth day… There was a huge Restaurant, no I can’t even say it as such, it was going longer as such bigger as my little village where I was living…..

    Everywhere is filled up with huge lights and costly items… I even don’t know their names… Such suppressible things are there… So many beautiful guys and girls wearing so neatly and genuinely dancing with each other…

    There was one among them, a Smart guy looking at me with a sweet smile in his lips….I don’t know why but I was really attracted towards him… Actually I was a very shy girl, I wouldn’t have talked with boys much… But something pushed me towards him… I just went near him, kissed him… What I was doing, but everything happened even without my control…. That smart boy hugged me and holding one of my hands, whispered in my ears, Honey, come let me introduce my friends…. I was walking behind him… He took me to a place where the environment is totally different… It seemed that we have entered into a natural garden from that artificial bungalow.. He introduced me to 7 guys there… I really don’t know but I liked all the 7 guys appearance… We all spend there time together speaking and laughing for long time and it seemed all of them have become my best friends… I remember those guys faces, activities everything and wished to share my time with them chat and joking everynight…

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    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    John finished reading the diary, without turning the next few pages he just started reading that Tamil News Paper once again.. It contained the following news:


    On Jan 8th morning there was a huge round of eagles shouting and flying wandering around a single place in the down hills of pachamalai…The narikuravas who went there noticed and informed the forest department…

    Really the entire Tamil Nadu might have opened its eyes on a Devil… The place turned to be red and there was 45 teen age girls, cruelly killed by some one and left in that place..
    There seemed to be severe cuts and wounds in their body….

    It seemed they were all school going and college going girls belonging to high caste and having good appearance… It is really terrible that all those girls belong to different parts of Tamil Nadu and many of them are not linked to each other in any of the ways….

    The Police Commissioner Mr.Abdul Fazil has said, that this was a planned incident.. Not planned in a single day, but might be by many persons on many days… Still medical reports haven’t arrived regarding whether those girls are rapped or not?

    John really got shocked but he does not want to confuse that little girl Rina… She already is an Orphan.. No one knows who her parents are …she was brought up by an Old man George and he only used to say that she was her grand daughter…. If anybody started enquiring about Rina, he would get very much angry and would start behaving awkward…

    He never left Rina to study after her High school, though she was very intelligent… He won’t usually let the girl also outside.. He has brought up her as if inside his hands…

    He died some 5 months back and submitting all his property to the hands of his little grand daughter Rina, putting John as her Guardian.. In fact John itself don’t know who was Rina’s father.. But John was introduced to others as Rina’s father’s friend….That old man George always left some surprises to others…

    But John could not leave this matter as such… He was thinking as this girl Rina was left alone now, do she getting such bad dreams… John decided to call his son Relix from London… Relix is such a peculiar come active character… he usually passes some nice comments ... But he is response less guy, who will never care about money or doing work… So only John has left him alone in London asking him to study some short term Journalism courses…

    But now in this typical situation John himself needed a helping hand and jovial person for himself and Rina. He called out for Relix..

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    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    In the mean while, John thought of reading Rina’s next dreams…So he was opening her diary again.
    From Rina’s Diary
    I was very satisfied and come for the past 20 days as I am not getting any dreams and I was enjoying my days with the new TV brought to me by my uncle John….
    He also brought me some nice love birds… Now my life is enriched and I am really happy…

    Dream on Feb 1st

    This was another horrible dream, I was just taken to a place which Is really very nice and it seemed to be some Mango garden…Every where there are huge trees and not even a single spark of sun is entering into it…. I was just playing there alone…. Suddenly some heavy wind blown with a heavy noise, which made me dwarf for a second…

    Some hundred and hundreds of bulls were coming rushing towards me… They are all moving away from me faster… But if I was really there I would have been smashed under their heals… Those hundreds and hundreds of bulls are growing know as thousands and thousands…

    There was some 3 minutes of darkness and after that suddenly it seemed as if all the tree branches have been cut off and the sun light is penetrating… I seen those bulls all were shot death with no body there and even some of them having little life are shouting in horror…God I am praying Don’t let it to happen like my first dream…

    John stopped reading as there is some galata in the front entrance….
    It is because his son Relix has come… he is pouring some ice cream over the drivers head and is laughing at it… Really said John felt relaxed when he seen Relix… He thought he got a solution for all his problems….But how come a father tolerates his 25 year old son playing like a child without any response…..

    So he shouted at Relix, what r u doing? Is this the way you behave to our old driver…He is like my brother…What will happen if some thing happens to his health?
    But Relix is so cool. This is what John likes in Relix more. He will never get tensed for anything unlike John… So only John thought Relix will handle the problem so gently, and find a soft and cool solution without any hurdles….

    Relix is laughing himself, picking up his towel from car and giving it to the driver Peter…. He said daddy, See this old Peter wants to go to London to enjoy its chillness and good climate… So only I said why you have to wait, has it here itself and poured the ice cream which I bought from there….

    But John got irritated more… U r not only wasting the money by pouring that costly ice cream on him, but also giving him trouble and harm to his health… But Relix is laughing and saying see Dad in this hot India even that ice cream has become water after putting on him.. So I made your employ took bath after so many days... Because I know u r a miser won’t spend even money for water to your employees….

    John himself started laughing because it’s true that he won’t spend much… That too once upon a time there was a huge fear of a disease which spread through water in the ponds there… SO he doesn’t even allowed his employees to take bath for one week … John Knows that he is pointing that only and started laughing himself….

    Relix said who is going to spend all the properties u has earned Dad!! Me only na… Then if I am spending it for your laughing then what is wrong in it… John himself has got touched and that too his fatherliness become awake and he has taken his son inside his home, with a heart full of hope of finding a solution to Rina’s problems….

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    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    PART –V
    John took Relix to Rina, but he doesn’t tell anything about her dream or anything… Because John knows that if Relix asks anything about that to Rina she might got upset… So he wants everything to be known by himself…. So John introduces Relix to Rima… But Rima doesn’t like Relix at his first appearance itself… Rima belongs to a village and her never even gone outside… But Relix is more than modern… He has worn a rugged dirty jean with lot many pockets and tear at many places… He has worn a transparent shirt showing everything… Relix is laughing at her with his unordered teeth line … If there is something which she has hated in her 20 years of life is—that is such a guy’s look… That too Rina won’t always let her Love birds inside its net house... She will always leave them free, and will keep only some grains and food inside their nest…If Relix is also having a poetry mind and love to nature, he would have seen that as beautiful, those birds wandering every where…

    But Relix commented, see here this girl has kept a locked net house for keeping the food for birds and let them outward… He also started laughing as if he has said a good joke… Really Rina got disappointed to the extent. When uncle yesterday said his son is going to come to her house, she is imagining that she is going to meet one of the good guys she met in her dream… But now she is praying to God to move Relix from there as soon as possible….

    But Relix he really got involved with Rima’s look and innocence… He cannot say that Rima is a beautiful girl... She is just simple and polite without any external make-ups… Relix has seen so many girls and even many of them came and proposed to him when he is in London… But he finds a kind of relaxation and enlightenment from her face... It said him to take everything he wants from her face… That spirit and light he has seen in her face cannot be getting from anywhere… He has seen faces which are childish, which are showing Godliness, which are temptation and those which have even been most beauties in the world….

    But his face made him to feel as if he has attained what he is searching from the past births…He felt like taking her face near to him and giving a gentle kiss… But at the same time a voice heard in his heart which is his fathers… The voice said... Relix she is like our Master’s daughter... We are just guardians to them... Its our responsibility to take care of them... u have to always look at her as if she is God to you….

    But Relix is really struggling as because his heart started dancing and his mind is saying she is your mate... She is going to make you the greatest man in the world... She is going to share your entire life...
    I really liked the way she wants the birds to be let free without putting them into jail… I want her to open her mouth and talk something… I thought if I tease at her and pass some comments kidding her, she might open and tell…. But she doesn’t show any interest towards me, she hasn’t even looked at me…. It seems she is standing there without even her will… Why she dislikes me? I am just her guardians son and she can at least say a hello to me…She said uncle I am not feeling well, going to bed and went off from there

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    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    As usual i need your comments to proceed. At this time i tried to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes to some extent with the help of MSWord...Comments please...

  8. #7
    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    John also somewhat felt sorry in his son’s behavior. He thought he and Rina will become friends soon as both of them are in their twenties and there by Rina can spend much of her time forgetting her sorrows and may not get such terrible dreams… He also thought if Relix becomes friend to Rina he can better know her problem and solutions… But as useful his play son has spoiled all his plans. Further John also got confused as he knows Rina very well. She will easily treat every guy as her brother and friends. She will never look at Guys at any other point of view. That too going for kissing and all, although in dreams, then what type of guys will be he. He thought let me read her next dreams and come to a conclusion.

    From Rina’s Diary:

    Dream on Feb 2nd

    This time I was inside a school playing with children … But this school was not so bad as ours. It seems to be very rich and all the children here are very neat and wearing costly things. The school bell rang off and the children started moving towards the gate. I am also going with them. A black car came, black means fully black everything from glass to door. No one can see what’s there inside. A black man opened the door and came outside.
    I liked him too though he is black he I so gentle in his dressing sense so neat in everything he is doing and he is stylish too. I myself approached him. He started talking to me, if I too came there to take my child. I smiled to him in shy and said that I haven’t got yet married. He got surprised and asked me whether I came there to take some of my friends or relatives child. I myself don’t know for what I am standing there. I just blinked at him and in the mean while a cute child came there. It tied its hands to his fathers’ legs and said, I like this aunty very much notifying me… That father said, Ok mam you tell where you want to go, I will drop you. I just landed inside his car and going with him…

    Now John totally got confused. He started thinking that Rina is getting all kinds of dreams and sometimes terrible dreams also. Why should I get worried among myself...? But his inner heart is telling to him that there is some link between all her dreams and there is some secret in her birth itself. She might have got some ESP (Extra Sensory Power)... He is somewhat orthodox also so he thought that Rina might not have born for human beings. She might be someone like Jesus as God’s girl. So only he even alerted Relix to see her as if she is their God. He decided to get the help of his deductive friend Vimal who is in Chennai for any thing. But John knows that Vimal will laugh if he says about dream and all. So he decided to enquire about the relation between Rina's dangerous dreams and real happenings.

  9. #8
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  10. #9
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    this resembles an old tamil film starred by mohan, vijayakanth and reka isuppose

  11. #10
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    u r making a tamil movie in hollywood range

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