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    Senior Member Veteran Hubber rajraj's Avatar
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    Lyrics,queries and meaning- Kannada

    We are opening this new topic to bring all kannada compositions posted in this section under one thread.
    Please make your requests in this thread.

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    Senior Member Veteran Hubber rajraj's Avatar
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    yamanelli kaaNenendhu(purandharadasa)

    Composition 1.

    Composer: purandaradasa
    Ragam: sivaranjani

    yamanelli kaaNenendhu hELa bEdaa
    yamanE sri raamanu sandheha bEdaa

    nambidha vibeeshanage raamanaatha
    nambadhitha raavaNage yamanaadha

    nambidha arjunagE mithranaatha
    nambadhitha dhuryOdhanagE sathruvaadha

    nambidha prahlaadhanigE hariyaadha
    nambadhitha hiraNyakE ariyaadha (kuriyaadha?)

    nambidha ukrasenakE brudhyanaadha
    nambadhitha kamsanikE sathruvaadha

    nambik koLLi bEga sri krishNa dhEvana
    kambu chakradhaari sri purandhara vittala

    (This is a transliteration from Kannada to Tamil to English. Some words seem to be different in different sources or in audio. For example, some sing it as 'hELa bEdaa'. Some others sing it as kELa bEdaa' . hELu = tell, kELu= ask !)

    To hear renditions by MLV and Krishna Kumar Varma
    " I think there is a world market for may be five computers". IBM Chairman Thomas Watson in 1943.

  4. #3
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    ICM-Lyrics, meanings, queries- Kannada

    Kannada literature became wealthy by the valuable contributions from ‘Haridasa’s like Purandaradasa, Kanakadasa, Kamalesha Vittaladasa, Vadiraja, Mahipathidasa and many others. They have selected Carnatic music to teach/guide common people and divert their attention towards almighty god. They composed their song lyrics with simple words, easy to understand and rendered them through music with relevant Raga. This type of tradition was started by Shri Purandaradasa who is also called as Founder of Carnatic music.
    Though exact words are not available in English for Kannada words, I am trying to provide equivalent/relevant words which gives similar/nearest meaning to the lyric.

    Hello Rajraj,

    There is a prelude (ugAbhoga) to the lyric ‘yamanelli kANeMdu keLabEDa’ which follows next to this description. The same prelude was sung by MLV before singing ‘innu dayabArade dAsana mEle’

    The prelude lyric follows:

    Aneyu karedare AdimUla baMdaMte,
    ajAmiLanu karedare nArAyaNa baMdaMte,
    aDaviyalli dhRuvarAya karedare vAsudEva baMdaMte,
    saBeyalli draupati karedare shrIkRuShNa baMdaMte,
    ninna dAsara dAsanu nA karedare enna pAlisabEku puraMdara viThala

    Meaning of the song lyric:

    When gajendra called he came like AdimUla(Supreme power)
    (Remember the episode of gajendra moksha-elephant & crocodile)
    When ajAmiLa called he came like Narayana
    Dhruva called him in forest he came as Vasudeva
    When Draupadi called him in Assembly, came like Shrikrishna
    I am a slave of your servants, calling you to protect me purandara vittala

    Meaning of the song ‘yamanelli kANeneMdu’:

    Don’t say (or ask) Yama (god of death) is not to be seen
    Sreerama himself is Yama, no doubt about that

    Vibheeshana – Rama,Ravana – Yama
    Arjuna - Friend, Dhuryodhana – Enemy
    Prahlada - Hari, Hiranyaka - Rope (It is huriyada or pAsha of Yama – not kuri which means sheep)
    Ugrasena – servant, kamsa – enemy
    Have faith/believe in ShriKrishna as early as possible
    Possessing Conch (kambu) and Wheel(Sudarshana) Shri purandara vittala
    Sudarshan Jeeyar

  5. #4
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    ICM-Lyrics, meaning & quiries-Kannada

    Missing description:

    Vibheeshana, Arjuna, Prahlada, and Ugrasena have faith and
    believed him, so he came to their resque as Rama, Friend, Hari and
    Servant respectively.
    But Ravana, Dhuryodhana, Hiranyaksha (Hiranyaka) and Kamsa
    did't believe him, so he became Yama, Enemy, Huri (Pasha of Yama)
    and enemy respectively.
    Sudarshan Jeeyar

  6. #5
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    sakala graha (purandharadasa)


    Thanks for dropping by. Could you post the meaning for this evergreen kriti?

    sakala graha baala
    raagam: aTaaNaa

    taaLam: khaNDa caapu
    Composer: Purandara Daasar
    Language: KannaDa


    sakala graha bala nInE sarasijAkSa nikhila rakSaka nInE vishva vyApaghanE


    ravicandra budha nInE rAhu kEtuvu nInE kavi guru shaniyu mangaLamu nInE

    caraNam 1

    diva rAtriyu nInE nava dhAnyavu nInE bhavarOga hara nInE bhESajanu nInE
    pakSa mAsavu nInE parva kAlavu nInE nakSatra yOga tithi karaNagaLu nInE

    caraNam 2

    rtu vatsaravu brduvyugAdiyu nInE kratu hOma sadbhaktiyu nInEMbr< nutanAgi ennoDeya purandara viThalanE shrutigE silukada apratima mahima nInE

  7. #6
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    ICM-Lyrics, meanings, queries- Kannada

    Please click the link below for meaning of the song
    'sakala graha bala nIne sarasijAkSha'

    Listen to this group song here: (you have to select 15th song)
    Sudarshan Jeeyar

  8. #7

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    Re: yamanelli kaaNenendhu(purandharadasa)

    Quote Originally Posted by rajraj
    Composition 1.

    Composer: purandaradasa
    Ragam: sivaranjani

    Aaneyu karadare Aadhi moola bandhanthe..
    Ajaamilanu karadare Naraayana bandhanthe.
    Adaviyalli Dhruvaraya karadare
    Vasudeva bandhathe
    Sabhaiyalli Draupadi karadare
    Sri krishna bandhanthe
    Ninna daasanu daasana naa karadare
    ena paalisa beku Purandara Vittalaa

    This Viruttham is usually sung by Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari as a prelude to the main song..

    yamanelli kaaNenendhu hELa bEdaa
    yamanE sri raamanu sandheha bEdaa

    nambidha vibeeshanage raamanaatha
    nambadhitha raavaNage yamanaadha

    nambidha arjunagE mithranaatha
    nambadhitha dhuryOdhanagE sathruvaadha

    nambidha prahlaadhanigE hariyaadha
    nambadhitha hiraNyakE ariyaadha (kuriyaadha?)

    nambidha ukrasenakE brudhyanaadha
    nambadhitha kamsanikE sathruvaadha

    nambik koLLi bEga sri krishNa dhEvana
    kambu chakradhaari sri purandhara vittala

    (This is a transliteration from Kannada to Tamil to English. Some words seem to be different in different sources or in audio. For example, some sing it as 'hELa bEdaa'. Some others sing it as kELa bEdaa' . hELu = tell, kELu= ask !)

    To hear renditions by MLV and Krishna Kumar Varma
    Chithra Ramakrishnan

  9. #8
    Senior Member Devoted Hubber
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    Lyrics, queries and meaning-Kannada

    Here is another lyric by Shri Purandara dasaru which expresses the supreme reality about the people who are in the habit of back biting.

    Composer: Purandara dasaru
    Raga: Mohana

    AcAravillada nAlige ninna nIca buddiya biDu nAlige
    vicAravillade parara dUShisuvudake
    cAcikoMDiruvaMta nAlige /caraNa/

    prAtaHkAladoLeddu nAlige siri pati ennabArade nAlige
    patita pAvana namma ratipati janakana
    satatavu nuDi kaMDya nAlige /1/

    cADi hELalu bEDa nAlige ninna bEDikoMbenu nAlige
    rUDigoDeya shrIrAmana nAmava pADutaliru kaMDya nAlige

    hariya smaraNe mADu nAlige nara hariya bhajisu kaMDya nAlige
    varada puraMdara viThalarAyana caraNa kamalava nene nAlige /2/

    Listen to this song here:
    Goto search and type ‘aacharavillada’
    You will find two options.

    1. By Dr. Rajkumar(devotional)
    2. By S Janaki from the film ‘Upasane’.

    The last stranza is used as film song which is sung
    By S Janaki for the film ‘Upasane’. Tune by Vijayabhaskar.

    Another link: By Vidyabhushana

    Meaning of the song ‘acharavillada nalige’:

    Here‘nAlige’means 'tongue' which causes ‘spoken words’

    Tongue which is not having right behavior (good conduct)
    Leave your wicked thinking
    Always stretching out to blame others without any reason

    Hey tongue, why don’t you call Shri Hari (siri-lakshmi
    pati-husband) in the early morning after got up?

    Do call him continuously one who capable of removing all
    Sins and father of Manmatha

    (Patita pAvana-one who capable of removing all sins
    Ratipati-Manmatha, janaka–father
    Satata-continuous, nuDi-tell/remember)

    Request you tongue don’t make back biting
    Chant the name of Shri Rama who is the lord of universe
    (rUDi-custome/tradition (universe), oDeya-Lord)

    Chant the name of shri hari and sing hymns of shri Vishnu (nara hari) always remember the lotus feet of shri purandhara vithala
    Sudarshan Jeeyar

  10. #9

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    Arathi songs

    Do anyone have Arati Songs and Padhathi songs in Kannada. I would like to have the lyrics and the related website to hear the songs.


  11. #10
    Administrator Diamond Hubber RR's Avatar
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    Respected sir,
    It would be of great help if i could have the word to word meaning of the song Bagyada lakshmi baramma-- purandara dasa Raga madyamavati ,TAlam Adi

    kunjamma <>

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