2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
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Buvans (@ 203.*) on: Thu Sep 6 06:14:27
Can somebody help in getting the prose version copy of Swamy and friends, Malgudi Days, Astrologers Day in the net.
2nd January 2005 11:53 AM
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2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
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sahar hussain naqvi (@ host*) on: Fri Oct 12 19:58:24
hiya,im reading 'The Man Eater Of Malgudi' for my A level course,ITS A GREAT BOOK, my class love it, they laugh soooo much. Soon im gonna have to do essays so please if anyone has information about this book just email me pak_e786@hotmail.com, thanks,take care
2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
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raj (@ occe*) on: Tue Oct 16 04:55:44
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2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
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Silent_Observer (@ 129.*) on: Wed Oct 17 02:15:17
Please do not post obscene posts in this thread. Moderators could you please remove the above vulgar post.
2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
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jayesh & elesh (@ 210.*) on: Thu Nov 1 07:02:39
he is a very good writer.we are proud that he is an indian
2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
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stan (@ uran*) on: Sun Dec 2 08:48:29
RK Narayan is a master illusionist, he weaves places and characters into life. Absolutely magical is his writing. Malgudi days in it's splendid irony bold statement is a world favourite I believe. A great writer, whom the world will miss greatly. I hope more youngsters can get to read his literature.
2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
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Isabella Sya Li Yin (@ ce3.*) on: Mon Dec 17 05:45:34
Hello everyone! I'm currently studying The Bachelor of Arts for literature and I'm going to need some help with it. Below's what I posted on a message board at askme.com . If there's anyone at all who can help me relate ( with examples ) the phrase, 'Literature is a mirror of life' to R.K. Narayan's 'The Bachelor of Arts', please reply! I really need help on that. Skip the Macbeth part of my question...I've figured out my way to that...now I'm stuck with the novel's revelence to 'the mirror of life'. Thanks for reading everyone!!!
It's nice to know...
I'll be taking English Literature in the final year at secondary level ( or known as high school )...and I am currently in my first year studying Eng. Lit. so it's a bit difficult to cope with some of the assignments ( that's why I'm here ).
I'm given an option to answer either one of the questions below and if possible, please include/provide suitable sites for me to refer to ( to double-check my answer and to add-in stuff ). Also, if you can, please include YOUR own personal response ( or sample answer ) so I might have an idea how to prepare an appropriate structure for my final answer to one of the 2 questions.
1. 'The study of literature makes us aware that we have to be responsible for the choices we make in life'. Show how this is true of any two (2) characters from any two text of your choice. The two characters you choose must be from two different text.
2.Literature is a mirror of life. To what extent is this statement true? Discuss withy any reference to any two text which you have studied.
Now, both the questions require me to base my answer on TWO DIFFERENT CHARACTERS from TWO TEXT. My pick would be of a play ( Macbeth; by Shakespeare ), and a short story ( The Bachelor of Arts; by R.K. Narayan ). So the two characters should be from the two text I had just mentioned.
I personally prefer to go with question #2, though if you decide to answer question #1, it would still be very much appreciated. But of course, if you can answer both the questions. then that would be of tremendous help. As I have said before, good sites related to the answers with tons of example/sample answers ( or where I could find 'em easily ) is as helpful.
ALSO, very important; I need EXAMPLES for question #2. I'm supposed to explain the 'mirror of life' trhough literature so I'm going to need as many examples possible to choose from. Any example on how the mirror of life reflects into NOW ( whether it is Madonna's life biography that is similar to ..say, Macbeth's or some sort of Mandela to Chandran's ). But PLEASE remember; the examples should NOT include any negetive side of a political party.
By the end of this whole thing, if you realise you can't contribute an answer...well, at least you read this damn thing ...nice to know
- thanks for reading!!!
Many thanks,
p/s: All answers will be rated ( but according to how relevent your answer is to the question(s) ).
2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
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Sambhavi (@ 202.*) on: Wed Dec 19 07:14:42
R. K. Narayan is one of my favourite writers.
He makes me feel proud to be a south Indian. Not because he was one but because that's who I am. I'm no longet embaressed to be a 'khatti' who eats rasam and curd rice, goes to a temple of Lord Venkateswara and who might have an arranged marriage.
What I really like about his work is that it is so easy to associate with his world. Anywhere you go, you'll find a malgudi.
And all his characters seem so familiar. Be it The guide, The English teacher, The Vendor of sweets, the astrologer or anyone else. They're familiar, loveable and - in most cases - rogues.
What makes his work so amazing is that there's something new to see each time you read the piece. It's not a one time deal. And the subtelity with which he operates and the fact that he never seems to condemn anyone only strengthens my admiration.
The way in which he ends his pieces is amazing. At first I think the ending was too abrupt. But the more I think about it, I feel to say any more is to undermine the readers' intelligence. And that is one thing R.K.Narayan never did.
2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
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franf gert (@ ny-g*) on: Thu Dec 20 18:55:11
2nd January 2005, 11:53 AM
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Sujatha (@ 203.*) on: Thu Dec 27 00:20:51
I wish i was born and lived in the Malgudi village..I would have been a very great friend of Narayan.