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    - STRANGER -

    In my office, the not-so-attractive phone close to me rang up, hinting some urgency. I picked up the receiver and up came the known (sweet???) voice. It was my wife. She was vehemently trying to convey some message. She told me that ‘there is a strange visitor’ waiting at home and if I could reach there immediately. Her voice was very low for some reason, intimating various meanings. Bewildering is the correct word ?

    It was around 1 pm, Lunch time. I gave some reasonable shape to the work I was handling. Sensing that some (bad) thing is in store for me at home, I walked into my boss’s chamber after knocking the door.

    ‘Yes” said my Superior, calling me inside through his not-so-busy hand. His other hand was attending to a phone call. He had already realized about some request that was to be put by me. He signalled me to sit on one of the chairs paraded before him. The cabin was cool enough, though I was only sweating.

    I had to wait for his conversation to finish, looking here and there to avoid his direct sigh(t). And it did… after sometime, testing my patience (I was biting my nails, the only famous way to show 10sion). Now I literally pulled up myself courageously (!!!) to tell him why I was there at that hour, interrupting his ‘favourite’ phone conversion. With his usual face-changing resistance (he is predecessor to Anniyan), he asked me to proceed. I assured him, I would be back in office, if the situation permits or I would apply for half-a-day leave.

    I could not take food… ‘Food for thoughts’ had registered its presence, by way of the ‘suddenly cropped up’ problem.

    I drove my car towards my house. Chain of things came and went forcefully, displaying known and unknown parameters, throughout my journey, hardly 20 minutes drive. Normally, my wife does not disturb me like this, unless … Let me not think wildly.

    Curious though, my car also was trying to compete with my mind 's speed. I reached my house faster and the grill got opened by the ‘just-woke-up’ guy (blessed is he .. sleeps any time, anywhere). Prating, I let the car into the shed.

    On hearing my car parking sound, Vaidya - my three year young (not at all old, mind you) son hurriedly came closer to the car. Appa” he said, looking at me, while I was parking my ‘lovely’ car.

    He continued further and said ‘ A new Grand paa' is waiting for you in the hall, he shouted without noticing my facial expressions (no snaps please). O God ! my son is happy for wrong reason

    My thoughts went on and on… My forehead created many curved lanes, as if it was readying to host a ‘Running race’. Who could it be?

    I said to myself ‘face it Subbu”.

    I entered the main hall of my house, where I could see a fat 'old' man was sitting. From the back, I could see his bald head, giving space for some little hairs to grow, resembling like a small pond in the middle, surrounded with thin and growthless bushes. I could not help smiling a bit, even at that (d)anger hour.

    I went near him where he was sitting comfortably. He cautiously stood up and welcomed me(!!) and said ‘How are U velu?. I wondered as to how come he knows my house pet name, pronouning with such confidence. With spellbound silence, I gave a thorough look at him.

    He should be in his early 60s, with clear protruding eyes without spectacles, long nose resting majestically on his broad face. He was looking like an ordinary man. T-shirt atop, and loose pant which was denying to fit his wider belly. Only good thing was he belted the pant (somehow). Again I could not help laughing but controlled.

    ‘Yes, velu, you won’t have expected me here’, he with his strong voice. ‘Very true, I said to myself.

    My wife joined the scene and she, on her part, informed me that he was waiting for me for the last one hour. Both were saying something or the other. I could not get the magic as to why and how my wife got trapped by the ‘old’ man. I was hearing them partly and from that I gathered that he belongs to my native place; he and my father were like brothers and he has planned to visit some places in Chennai within one day for which he needs shelter as well as my car for moving around the city. The crux of the matter was he is going to stay at my home free of cost and utilize my ’only-two-months-young’ car. Damn it.

    My wife continued … she was recommending openly to give him whatever he needed. What the hell is this? An unknown person ordering for some thing through my ‘absent minded’ wife. I was left alone in the battle to only say ‘ Go ahead’. He is such a ‘Fatherly’ figure, I could not say NO. To fuel further, my son came running towards me and merrily said that the ‘Grand Paa’ gave him lot of toys and chocklets (as if he had won many Olympic gold medals for the country). Uhh… who will come to my rescue.

    While all these were happening as destined, my wife invited three of us for lunch. Now the lunch, for the first time in my life, was looking like a dangerous poison and I really felt both the ‘Old’ man and the known devil (my wife … ha ha ha) were fixing me up … Obviously, the ‘winner’ with his still more broaden face started eating bit by bit .. Good eater any way. I could not relish anything. Hey... he can write a book on ‘How to eat tastefully”, but am I interested ?

    After the ‘fillings’ were over, ‘old’ man (yes he has a name .. Varadarajan) was ready to proceed right away, without bothering the hot weather outside. (My wife must have told her about my new A/C car). I wanted to pack him up unceremoniously. I gave the car key but asked him to drop me at my office on way to his destination. He did. I was in office but not mentally.

    Unaware of the developments, my wife welcomed me at home when I came back after finishing (!!!) some official work around 7 pm that evening. I asked her about him and the car. She slowly stated that there was no NEWS. I sensed something worst was going to happen. Immediately, I tried to contact police. (Un)Luckily, I heard my car getting parked at the shed. My blood started circulating as the way before.

    The 'old man' came inside, thanked us and requested for the dinner. The Actor (here is a nominee for Oscar Award) started helping my wife in kitchen activities. Needless to say, my wife was very very happy. The dinner was served to him with full honours. He got whatever he wanted, without much of efforts. My BP, sugar levels were raising even up to Himalayas.

    He played with my son sometime and slept on one of the sofas. His snoring sound made me go wild and wild. I just started reckoning the expenses on account of his arrival. Surely, I must have been indebted. My poor-good father also received my ‘new type of worships’.

    That night, I did not sleep. My wife and son were sleeping peacefully.

    Next day morning the ‘old’ man wished us with a great smile and started playing with my son, whose joy was unnecessarily boundless.

    My wife, experimented all the cooking items (she was hinting on her ‘new’ abilities) and served him, treating him as her own father who had come back to Earth after 5 years on vacation.

    Three/four times, I asked Meena (my wife) as to when he was leaving us. That was the limit, I thought. He religiously used my car that day (unfortunately a Sunday) also. I was not aware about his car-handling and the entailed fuel/maintenance expenses. What next ... I asked myself. I have become a real ‘mean’ fellow now(Is it wrong?)..

    He had break-fast (very slow), lunch and what not that day. The fellow (let me say it) is living only for eating. Around 5 pm, he finally (hope not a quarter/semi final) he gave me the car key and packed up his belongings. I presume, it was only his… He, at last, for God’s sake once more thanked sincerely and asked me to drop at the Railway station. Now, I am back to my original life again and responded very energetically. Dropped him (without any injury though I wished to ensure) at the Station and came back home, whistling some of my favourite songs loudly. My wife was glad to see my 'changed' face.

    Along with my wife, we started doing 'stock-taking' at home and found out nothing was missing, except some blank sheets, possibly used by him for writing. My wife suddenly yelled that the ‘Gentleman’ did make one overseas phone call with her permission. Even now she was continuing to give Him the royal treatment. Fortunately, the car had no damages, except the mileage was up by 250 kms. It had some ‘muddy patches’ (Chennai is having rains???) Good heavens. I can afford.

    Days passed by. In fact we forgot those tensionful, dramatic hours.

    On a Thursday, my office peon gave me a thick envelope. On the left side corner, it was written ‘ From … Your younger father’. The hand-writing was good. (I also appreciate things). I could guess that it was from that 'old man'.

    Because of my office work pressure, I did not open and took it home. In front of my wife and son, I opened that and we saw a letter … attached with that was one smaller envelope. True to my nature, I became impatient.

    The letter, written by him started with tons (Cricketers’ favourite thing) of thanks for the courtesy we extended and mentioned that he can not forget ‘those lively & lovely moments’ any time. He further said he was sending his sincere blessings for prosperity in our life, through that letter.

    When I opened the small envelope attached, I found a note ‘With Love” and 3 Gift Vouchers – One each for us, totalling to Rs.10,000/-.

    I felt that the land beneath my feet started to elude, making me sunk down and down. My wife was also pin-pointing my ill-treatment, internally. It was good that I did not openly burst at him.

    Now I began to feel very bad about me, apologizing for the unmindful scolding. Moved by his touchy behaviour, I started weeping sincerely.

    Money, irrespective of the quantum, does not matter here, but the love and approach of that Great Man really mattered. He must be equally having good wealth with him, but above all His broad-kind-heart stood distinctly apart.

    Personality and other crieterias are not very essential. He is really a down-to-earth human being.

    There is a Sanskrit saying 'Athiti Devo bhavah" - means guests are to be treated as representatives of God.

    My evil portion had got over the good side of mine and I repent for my own shameful actions.

    I took a vow not to repeat such mistakes in rest of my life. I should also make sure that my son does not become a victim like me.

    Evidently, He became a go(o)d father to all of us. We are now in touch with him on phone and through letters. We also visit him and his grand son (vaidya) is enjoying a lot. He is really our ‘God-sent’ man with good human qualities. He has at least three followers…

    - By V.Annasamy

    etthanai kOti inbam vaithAi iraivA.

    Seven wonders are the very basic notes.

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Fantastic! A real thriller effect! I was reading with a palpitating heart fearing some wicked fraud or worse! Happily nothing untoward happened and the story has ended on a very positive note. But it must have taken a lot of courage to stand such a stranger!!!
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  4. #3
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    Thanks for the continued appreciation through out.

    In fact, I had one more ending for this Story, whereby after the hero's realisation, he tries to contact the God Sent Man and he is no more. This makes him guilty and lession throughout his life and family.
    etthanai kOti inbam vaithAi iraivA.

    Seven wonders are the very basic notes.

  5. #4
    Senior Member Senior Hubber chevy's Avatar
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    Nice read.

  6. #5
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber Querida's Avatar
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    nice read, nice witty wordplay in descriptions, you have a unique way of writing.

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