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Thread: Hinduism, Initial concept of Shiva, Trinity...

  1. #21
    Senior Member Seasoned Hubber Sunil_M88's Avatar
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    Anbu Sir,

    Yes, I'm from London, one of the worlds multicultural melting pots

    Sanatana Dharma (The eternal law) as read on Wiki (A site open to edit) states that amongst polytheism, monotheism and pantheism even atheism is encompassed as a set of a belief.

    I've got a friend, from India (Also Hindu) who came to study here in the UK. He asked me a VALID question, to which I became hesitant to reply and this has had some effect in shaping me. He saw a prayer book in my dorm and asked, "Do you know the meaning of every prayer you read or do you just recite it for the sake of praying?" I paused and he asked me again, "What's the point in praying, if you don't understand the prayer?"

    For e.g. Gayatri Mantra - The most universal chant amongst Hinduism and different people from different sects chant this on a day to day basis. I did not know how to translate it and hence couldn't answer his question at that time. I took that scenario as a stepping stone and realized that it's only worth reciting a hymn/chant etc. if you understand it. Hence where possible I try to find translations, otherwise honestly it does seem pretty pointless.

    Instead of doing the conventional prayers, he used to directly ask for guidance and express his gratitude via the means of not praying to god. This is better than reciting a prayer which you don’t understand, right? Or does a prayer have more effect, even if you don’t know what you’re reciting? Another notion he put forward, was that all different religious books are manmade. It’s not really the word of God!

    Digression - I used to read Hanuman Chalisa every night and started noticing a pattern in my dreams. After chanting this prayer for Hanuman Ji (considered a remover of fear), I used to see myself reminiscing fun times with my junior school friends, who I hardly chat now. Strange but true! – End digression!

    Recently, after reading many articles on Sufism and Buddhism I’ve come to an agreement that there is God inside each and every one of us and some of us are enlightened to know this directly this and some aren’t. But after visiting holy places, e.g. mosque, churches and mandir’s I do feel there is God beyond our body. When visiting these places of worship, generally there are herds of people who share and are surrounded by the same divine energy. I too feel this energy and don’t think it’s just a contagious feeling that everyone does just to fit in the scene.

    BTW, my granddad belongs to the Arya Samaj sect of Hinduism, who prohibit the of idol worshiping and worship “Aum” instead, but after my mum joined the family, he became a devotee of Shiv Ji. Having faith is “Aum” is a great idea for
    Monotheist Hindus.

    I asked a Muslim friend, who like me isn’t religious but spiritual. He also question’s the idea of religion but does believe in God. I told him that I don’t see the idea of worshiping a stone to which he replied, “Did you know that idol worshiping exists in Islam?” Down the convo he said the main reciting they do is “a Ilaha Illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah” translated to “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God”

    Hence, when Muslims go to dargahs and pray to a grave/tomb of a saint or peer it is considered idol worshiping. To make me feel better about Hinduism, he said idol worshiping is only seen as a focal point.

    Sorry to drag the convo into many digressions, but sometimes I really do not know where I stand with religion.

    Nov, WRT to our convo on FB, the day we meet, before doing anything else, we should deffo go for a phat meal

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  3. #22
    Senior Member Seasoned Hubber Sunil_M88's Avatar
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    Forgot to ask, what's the reasoning behind certain people getting possessed by God during religions ceremonies and functions. I've witnessed this during Gujarati Garba outings during Navratri. My granddad, who was a monothiest Hindu before only worshiping shiv ji (yet he had his friend read him the bhagvad gita before passing away), used to shun these people as being pakhandis (attention seekers)

  4. #23
    Administrator Platinum Hubber NOV's Avatar
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    different ppl have different ways of finding god

    being judgmental takes you away from real spirituality

    imagine hinduism as a complete education system from kindergarden to multi-phd's and doctorates.
    ppl are at different levels of spirituality
    only the arrogant high school kid will look down on the kindergarden kid
    our purpose in life is to advance ourselves... so lets worry only abt our progress

    there is really nothing wrong or right
    Never argue with a fool or he will drag you down to his level and beat you at it through sheer experience!

  5. #24
    Senior Member Diamond Hubber PARAMASHIVAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunil_M88 View Post
    Isckon subsidiary,.

    I used to work in oxford circus, this is where their main chanting/march used to be, they also have Radha Krishna mandir in Soho, which I have attended at tender age I was really moved by such movement! But I have realised that this movement has no rational/logical answers regarding the supreme! They are simply a fanatical movement founded in 1960's and were a cult like movement, it started off in USA! I would stay away from such movement and start the realisation of divine within you.
    Om Namaste astu Bhagavan Vishveshvaraya Mahadevaya Triambakaya Tripurantakaya Trikalagni kalaya kalagnirudraya Neelakanthaya Mrutyunjayaya Sarveshvaraya Sadashivaya Shriman Mahadevaya Namah Om Namah Shivaye Om Om Namah Shivaye Om Om Namah Shivaye

  6. #25
    Senior Member Seasoned Hubber Sunil_M88's Avatar
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    Though I may not follow a certain sect, I still respect every sect. In relation to Isckon, if its followers are reaping personal benefits from the chants, then who are we to question whether this sect is fanatical or not?

  7. #26
    Administrator Platinum Hubber NOV's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunil_M88 View Post
    Though I may not follow a certain sect, I still respect every sect.
    thats one positive step forward in spirituality
    Never argue with a fool or he will drag you down to his level and beat you at it through sheer experience!

  8. #27
    Senior Member Diamond Hubber PARAMASHIVAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunil_M88 View Post
    Though I may not follow a certain sect, I still respect every sect. In relation to Isckon, if its followers are reaping personal benefits from the chants, then who are we to question whether this sect is fanatical or not?
    What I am saying is it is no use following any faiths, as faiths and reality are two different things! Start the jounery from within
    Om Namaste astu Bhagavan Vishveshvaraya Mahadevaya Triambakaya Tripurantakaya Trikalagni kalaya kalagnirudraya Neelakanthaya Mrutyunjayaya Sarveshvaraya Sadashivaya Shriman Mahadevaya Namah Om Namah Shivaye Om Om Namah Shivaye Om Om Namah Shivaye

  9. #28
    Senior Member Diamond Hubber PARAMASHIVAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunil_M88 View Post
    Though I may not follow a certain sect, I still respect every sect. In relation to Isckon, if its followers are reaping personal benefits from the chants, then who are we to question whether this sect is fanatical or not?
    Sects and Faiths are man made, of course you have to respect every sects, cultures, religion (man made), etc etc this is just the "human thing" it has nothing to do with spirituality
    Om Namaste astu Bhagavan Vishveshvaraya Mahadevaya Triambakaya Tripurantakaya Trikalagni kalaya kalagnirudraya Neelakanthaya Mrutyunjayaya Sarveshvaraya Sadashivaya Shriman Mahadevaya Namah Om Namah Shivaye Om Om Namah Shivaye Om Om Namah Shivaye

  10. #29
    Senior Member Seasoned Hubber Sunil_M88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NOV View Post
    different ppl have different ways of finding god

    being judgmental takes you away from real spirituality

    imagine hinduism as a complete education system from kindergarden to multi-phd's and doctorates.
    ppl are at different levels of spirituality
    only the arrogant high school kid will look down on the kindergarden kid
    our purpose in life is to advance ourselves... so lets worry only abt our progress

    there is really nothing wrong or right

    My motto is, as long as you're true to yourself then you don't need to worry about following religious practices e.g. giving up meat, fasting, performing penchants like an ascetic etc. God is there and if you acknowledge him, you automatically get self satisfaction! (No need for atheists to pounce on me, this is just my belief and if anyone disagrees then let's just agree to disagree)

  11. #30
    Senior Member Diamond Hubber PARAMASHIVAN's Avatar
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    There is no point in talking trying to understand the "Cosmic energy" as we will never understand it. Just understand that fact we are part of this "divine cosmic energy" within us! The rest are just Maya!
    Om Namaste astu Bhagavan Vishveshvaraya Mahadevaya Triambakaya Tripurantakaya Trikalagni kalaya kalagnirudraya Neelakanthaya Mrutyunjayaya Sarveshvaraya Sadashivaya Shriman Mahadevaya Namah Om Namah Shivaye Om Om Namah Shivaye Om Om Namah Shivaye

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