EGUSI SOUP (Algerian)

egusi seeds - 1/2 cup
(egusi is a type of melon seed; pumpkin seeds or pine seeds can be used in place of egusi)

meat cubes - 500gms
peanut oil - 5 tbsp

tomatoes - 2 large, chopped
onion - 1, chopped
2 or more habanero peppers (green chillis can be used as needed)

tomato paste - 3 tbsp
fresh shrimps - 1/2 cup, cleaned
fresh spinach - 1 bunch, chopped
salt to taste

1. powder the egusi/pumpkin/pine seeds.
2. heat oil and fry the meat with a tsp of salt, till well browned.
3. grind tomatoes, onions, and pepper/chilli.
4. add tomato mixture to meat and cook till meat is done(add water as necessary).
5. add tomato paste, and shrimp and simmer for 10 minutes.
6. Add spinach and ground pumpkin seeds and cook till spinach is cooked.