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Thread: A Time-line History of Tamil Nadu since the Fall of Paandiyan Empire

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    Author - Virarajendra

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    A Time-line History of Tamil Nadu since the Fall of Post-Medieval Paandiyan Empire

    (1) A.D.1309 - The Emperor Kulasekara Paandiyan appointed his "illegitimate" son Virapaandiya as his successor on the Chola throne.

    (2) A.D.1310 - In the same year Sundera Paandiyan the "legitimate" son murderd his own father Kulasekara Paandiyan, and crowned himself as the king on Paandiyan throne. Virapaandiyan with the assistance of his sisters son ruling from Karuvur region (in Thirutchirappalli) battled with Sundera Paandiyan but was injured and defeated and escaped capture.

    (3) A.D.1311 - Sundera Paandiyan seeked the assistance of the Malik Kafur the general of the Muslim Emperor Allauddin Khilji of Delhi, stationed temporarily in the region of Warangal in the Karnataka state during this time.

    (4) A.D.1311 - The Muslim Invasion of Tamil Nadu by general Malik Kafur and his forces lead by Sundera Paandiyan. The expedition was successful with Sundera Paandiyan regaining the Pandiyan throne. Malik Kafur in the meantine left a garrison of Muslim soldiers to protect Sundara Paandiyan, and returned to Delhi with his amassed heavy booty from Madhura and presented same to his master - Emperor Allauddin Kilji.

    (5) A.D.1313 - Taking opportunity of much disarray in Tamil Nadu after Malik Kafur's invasion king of Kerala Ravivarman Kulasekara with his capital at Mahodai of Kerala invaded regions of Chola country and went as for as Kanchipuram and commemorated his acheivement crowining himself as the king of the region on the banks of Vehavathi river in Kanchipuram.

    (6) A.D.1315 - The Muslim Emperor Allauddin Khilji ruling from Delhi demised and was succeeded by Emperor Mubarak Shah.

    (7) A.D.1316 - Virapaandiyan with the assistance of Khakattiya king of Andhra waged war and defeated Sundera Paandiyan who escaped capture, and ruled from Madurai.

    (8) A.D.1316 - Efforts of Muslim Warriors remaining after first invasion trying to capture the kingdom of Madurai on behalf of Sundera Pandiyan met stiff resistance from the people Madurai with Vira Paandiyan on throne.

    (9) A.D.1328 - The Hoysala king Ballala (Vallaladevan) from Karnataka with unsettled conditions in north Tamil Nadu invaded this region and stationed his captal at Thiruvannamalai, which made the king Ravivarman Kulasekaran of Kerala to relax his hold on Chola country and retire to his own region in Kerala.

    (10) A.D.1333 - Emperor Muhammed Bin Tugluk after he came to power with a view of regaining Delhi's control of Madurai sent an expedition to South India which captured Madurai and brought it under his rule. In this war while ruling king Virapaandiyan escaped capture, and the Emperor Muhammed Bin Tuglak appointed Salauddin Asan Sha as his Viceroy in Madurai and stationed a large garrison of Muslim Warriors to assist him.

    (11) A.D.1336 - However Viceroy Salauddin Asan Sha declared himself independent of the control from Delhi kingdom and became the first Sultan (Muslim king) of Madurai.

    Thereafter eight Sultans ruled from Madurai and they were namely:

    A.D.1336-1340 Salauddin Asan Sha
    A.D.1340-1341 Allaudin Udensi
    A.D.1341-1341 Kuthbudeen Pirudge Sha
    A.D.1341-1344 Kiyaadeen
    A.D.1344-1356 Nasimudeen
    A.D.1356-1358 Adil Sha
    A.D.1358-1368 Bakrudeen Mubarak Sha
    A.D.1368-1377 Allaudin Sikkander Sha

    During this period these Sultans persecuted the Hindus of Madurai - with stoppage of Hindu Worship, and Practices and closure of Hindu Temples for Worship including the famous Madurai Meenakshi Temple. The religious atrocities by these Sultans sent waves of uneasiness among many Hindus in Madurai and far beyond in other regions in Tamil Nadu. These happenings in the city of Madura are described in the Literary Work titled "Madura Vijayam" by Ganga Devi and in the "Travels of Ibn-Batuta" of the contemporary period.

    During this period in Karnaataka too the Muslim Emperors from Delhi successfully captured many regions. These incidences made two great Kannada warriors named Harihara and Bukka emerge with determination to put a stop to the domination of the Muslim Emperors of Delhi over the regions in Karnaataka, banded themselves together with many other Kannada warriors and formed a new kingdom at Hampi in Karnaataka. These kings of Hampi gradually re-captured all the lost territories in Karnaataka and formed an empire known as the "Vijayanagara empire" of Hampi.

    Towards this time Emperor Harihara and Bukka heard of the religious atrocities of these Sultans that took place in the city of Madurai in Tamil Nadu, and with determination to save the Hindus of Madurai, their practice of Hinduism and functioning of Hindu Temples, sent a large expedition to the city of Madurai in Tamil Nadu in the year A.D.1377 to relieve it from the clutches of it's Sultans.

    The above are confirmed by the following References:

    O King! That city, which was called "madhurapurI" for its sweet beauty, has now become the city of wild animals, making true its older name "vyAghrapurI", the city of tigers, for humans dwell there no longer. (1) The famed temple of shrI-ra~Ngapattana has fallen to decay, and its structure being reduced to rubble. So much that viShNu who famously slept there in his deep yoga-nidrA, has now literal protection only of the hood of sheSha-nAga who has to be ever cautious from the falling bricks of the debris. (2) How do I describe the condition of the abode of the slayer of gajAsura! In the bygone days after slaying gajAsura, lord shiva had taken its skin for his garment. And now being stripped, he has gone back to being digambara. Wild elephants have now made the shivali~Nga their plaything, and all but spider-webs are the decorations of his abode. (3) (when such is the state of those famous temples - ) how would other deva-sthAna be any better! Moth have eaten away the once-beautiful wooden structures, the maNDapa-s have developed cracks in which now grass grows, and garbha-gR^iha-s of many others are dilapidated and crumbling. My Lord, my heart is crying as I describe to you the situation of our beloved devatA-kula. (4) Those deva-mandira-s which used to resound with the joyous and pious beats of mR^ida~Nga, today only the echo of fearful howls of jackals. (5) That ga~NgA of South, mighty kAverI, which used to earlier flow in proper channels curbed with dams created by our noble rulers of past – she now flows like a vagabond without discipline like her new lords these turuShka-s, her dams being breached beyond repair. (6)

    In our agrahAra-s mighty columns of sacred yaj~na smoke used to curl up and reach the skies in mid of sonorous chants of vedic mantra-s. Alas! On this day from those same agrahAra-s emit only the despicable odours of animal meat being roasted by musalmaans, and the vedic chants have been replaced by harsh noises of drunk goons. (7) The gardens of madurA were once famous for its nAlikera-trees. The turuShka-s have chopped down the nAlikera-s and replaced these with terrible iron-shUla-s upon which are adorned the garlands of human skulls to terrify the people. (8) Those our streets which used to once echo with the pleasing sounds from the anklets of our young ladies playfully walking, those are now filled with the noises from iron shackle in which our brAhmaNa-s are these days bound, sounds that pierce into our hearts like iron-thorns. (9) Spiders have taken over all our gopura-s, and the beautiful sculptures of roof decorations now only support their cobwebs. (10)

    My Lord, The yards of the houses of nobles earlier used to be awash with the waters perfumed by sandal and camphor. My heart is filled with sorrow, seeing those very verandahs now being cursed by the streams of tears of shackle-bound dvija-s. (11) It is hard to say my King, whether we get more troubled by hearing the ill-ominous noises emitted by owls that now live in our abandoned gardens, or get more perturbed by the Persian language uttered by the pet-parrots from the houses of those musalmans. (12) Earlier during the times of pANDya-s, our ladies used to bathe in tAmraparNI, and her waters used to become white from the sandal-paste of their breasts. But now, my lord, she only wears the colour of red, from the streams of blood flowing into her, from the cows slaughtered all over the country by the sinful occupiers! (13) There is no agriculture left, as Lord Indra being angered has stopped sending rains. Those then, who escape the misery from turuShka hands, prematurely meet yamarAja through starvation. (14)

    My King! I am unable to bear the looks of those draviDa ladies who used to be once richly gifted in beauty. Raped by the ravaging turuShka-s, those tender women now have dry lips and warm breaths, and their long undone hair is terrible to look at. I can not describe the dishonour and suffering always painted on their faces, knowing no hope of protection. (15) With Shrotriya-s gone, the veda-s have disappeared. With dharma-kathA gone, character has also departed. With Dharma and puNya-s gone, all nobleness has disappeared. Only in gain seems to be the person of kali, the promoter of vice. (16)

    Relating this way all the condition of madhurApurI to kampana, the lady then made to appear a divine sword, and approached the king. This lady petitioner now reveals that she is no other than the presiding devI of madurA. (17)

    From 18th to 25th, she would now relate a mythology of the sword of how it originally belonged to shiva, who gave it to the pANDya-s, and by the virtue of which lakshamI always playfully resided in the houses of chola-s and pANDya-s. Now, seeing pANDya-s become unable to wield the mighty sword of shiva any longer, sage agastya has decided to take it away from them and instead invest it into the kShatriya grips of vijayanagara. From 26th to 29th she describes the qualities of this divine sword, and blesses kampana for victory.

    My king, this sword being unable to be wielded by other kings even in imagination, is now being invested into your lotus-hands by the providence. (30) Take this and go forth, chop down the heads of turuShka-s of lengthy hair, red eyes and terrible voice. Go, quickly cover the earth with their skulls. (31) Let the rising sun of your bravery diminish the moon-smiles of the drunken women of turuShka-s. (32) This earth is tired of continuously oozing with the sweats of adharma burning from the fires of the ill-deeds of turuShka. Now quickly cool her down by showering over her the blood of these miscreants! (33) My dear King, Go forth then and let this sword of yours help the pishAcha-s and DAkinI-s satisfy their thirsts to fullest from the wine that flows in the veins of those vidharmI tyrants. (34)

    O mighty and brave king! Go forth then, and without further delay uproot from my lands this Kingdom of turuShka-s, pain to the three worlds. Go forth my dear Lord, and securing your victory, establish One Hundred Victory Pillars in middle of the famed rAma-setu! (35)

    "Madura Vijayam" by Ganga Devi

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    Last edited by virarajendra; 16th July 2015 at 08:33 AM.

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