Quote Originally Posted by Sunil_M88 View Post
I remember in Mayyam, I had only just joined the forum and thought I'd interact with IR fans to discuss music in general. The mistake I made was that I didn't clock on to their nature straight away despite getting many hints and I remained calm and went with the flow. Their uniform thought was reeking as if they've all been assembled for the same purpose. General hubbers in Mayyam realised I was an ARR Fan but that a neutral one but IR fans were trying to expose me as fake neutral supporter but I stuck to my guns and carried on being unbiased. I don't know why they couldn't digest the fact that some ARR fans can be unbiased and appreciate HJ, YSR and GVP. Their double standards slowly becoming prevalent when I started favouring the music from the latest crop of composers. They were putting words into my mouth by implying I've put all these newbies on the same pedestal as ARR. For me ARR is number 1 and the rest are secondary but I had to erupt when some stupid fool had a go at me for appreciating newbies and saying how a music fan can't be unbiased but when I was pouring praise for ARR he indicated that I was too bias to ARR. They have a problem if you're unbiased and they have a problem when you're biased. You can never satisfy them and the bottom line is if you don't have the same wavelength as them then they don't want to know you. I've reached a stage where I don't associate myself with 99% of them anymore. Majority of them haber all left Mayyam for the good anyway!
yeah, i could remember very well..particularly the years 2002 - 2004 or 2005 were the worst...when rahman devoted most of the time for bombay dreams and was very choosy in tamil and hindi.....vantha sila tamil padam um flop aayikittu irunthathu......... from parthaale paravasam to Aayitha ezhuthu .........at that time rahman was called names........... that were provocative.......