Not sure if its good for either .... a little apart may do the trick. Anyways.

It's official - Vikram's I to clash with Yennai Arindhaal

What a delightful Saturday it has turned out to be for the film lovers, just when the film buffs are super excited on hearing that Thala Ajith’s Yennai Arindhaal will be releasing for Pongal 2015, here comes another delightful surprise from the producer of Shankar’s magnum opus ‘I’. We have official reports from team ‘I’ that the movie will hit the screens for Pongal 2015.

It must be noted that ‘I’ was initially speculated to be released for Diwali 2014 along with Kaththi but with look of things it might clash with Yennai Arindhaal now.