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GVM exclusive interview to BBC

From 01hr:15min:30sec


"I have just taken break for this show, otherwise i don't think i have slept more than 4hrs for past 4 days. Its worth it."

"Its a special film for me. I am working like it is my first film. This film is as important as my first film."

"I'd love to work with Ajith again. This whole association has been really interesting and exciting and he is really a fine human being and a great gentleman to work with. It has been absolutely easy and pleasing for me."

"This film is a nice blend of action, thriller and love. I will not call it a violent film at all, we completely toned down the violence but there is action, thriller and lots of love n romance."

"I had done a cameo in this film also. Its necessarily not a blink and miss."

"This whole Yennai Arindhaal has been me discovering Ajith and Ajith discovering me."

"It is really pleasant and he made it so comfortable for me. He agreeing to do this film with me or calling me on board itself a huge support and help for me in my career itself. When Dhruva Natchathiram was shelved, i was really lost and don't know what to do next and got in to some financial issue stuffs like that because of the film got shelved."