Quote Originally Posted by PARAMASHIVAN View Post

from what I know Rajni's films have "always " been the top grosser in N.America, followed by Kamal. Having said that I think Kathhi and thuppaki did better than Linga in UK, AFAIK Vijay has a bit more fans than Rajni in UK ( Based on my observation) and Vijay fans are mainly under 30's and are of Lankan background.. But for Rajni and Kamal it is mainly the IT crowd..
sounds reasonable.. there's a trend in hollywood that bunch of movie plants always troll the blockbuster materials be it hero or a director or a movie.. it has become quite a fashion to badmouth most successful people and the trend is catching up now back home. we try to imitate be it in fashion industry or culture we're slow to absorb but once we do that we do it in full steam. what you're witnessing these twitter fights etc are the samples and scenes only will get worser going forward. a week or two ago salman khan openly warned fans that he'll leave twitter if his fans bad mouth SRK or amir khan fans honesly do any of the tamil stars have the big stomach to say such things? ajith is the only responsible gounded actor. rest are all made up stars in the current generation and need fans fight and die to be on the spot light and for many of the fans it's the hobby now a days to go to twitter and wage wars against other stars and fans. i was arguing with ajay on a different matter but his statement is true partially, stars only warrant good opening now a days and the sustainablity depends on the content. but in my opinion at least in US both rajni and kamal have default number of attendance regardless of the content and to some degree it's applicable to many parts in india. younger generation actors make money by their fans doing repeated viewings which the family audience typically dont do. also most actors are being very hushy pushy that when their films don't do well they work on settlemens behind the scenes and put an ad for blockbuster outside. it's not true many times but made it look like true to true to their fans..