I’ve given life to two people’s memories in BF” – S.J.Suryah

After striking a hat trick with Vaali, Kushi and New, S.J.Suryah is ready with his BF. Now don’t get ideas, BF is the acronym for Best Friend. Well who is his Best Friend? Let’s hear it straight from the director turned actor who talks to Galatta.com

Your BF has created a lot of curiosity …
Yes, my BF (Best Friend) is Kushi part II. The BF title is not to shock the audience and they will understand when they see the film. Best Friend is a humorous love story. Normally in a love story the lovers are united by either their friends or an action hero but in my BF I’ve told it is a different manner. For the first time, the two lovers’ fond memories together unite them. I’ve given life to two people’s memories.

Can we expect a generous dosage of sex in this movie also?
Definitely, otherwise the audience will be upset but similar to my earlier movies, BF also has a message.

It’s a New Year, New movie, new heroine… How does it feel?
Yeah. After seeing the likes of Simran and Jothika I’m introducing the audience to an atom bomb. After hunting for the right girl in Mumbai and Bangalore, I zeroed down on Nila in Delhi. She resembles Simran.

AR Rahman seems to be SJ Suryah’s Best Friend. How did you manage to get him to compose for your movie?
Rahman is very busy and is doing a Hollywood film. The secret of his success is his commitment. He does not make a commitment easily but when he does, he does not quit without giving his best. We spent a week in Kodaikanal composing the music.

When does BF go on the floors?
We are going to start the fun in the New Year.
