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Thread: Important Notice to Hubbers of this Section

  1. #21
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber
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    My Dear Administrators,

    Glad... Many Thanks... for this... Resurrection.... of... a Lively, Interesting

    ... Topic of Indian History & Culture... on which...

    ... Every Reader of this Grerat... "Democratic"... Forum has...

    ... Something to Say... Something to Know... Something to Differ... Something to Oppose.... Something to Criticise... Something to Argue ... Something to Exchange.... Something to Correct... Something to Introspect... Something to Add-up ... Something to Improve ! ...

    ... But... But... But... Many-things to Learn!! ... and A Lot Lot Lot-Things to Enjoy too....!!!

    From the Diversified Thoughts poured out in your various Threads of your Old-Forum, continuing here too... I find.... several dignified Personages ... like Mr. Geno... who possess a vast Knowledge of Culture, History and Social-Issues. I wish them continue here too enthusiastically...

    ... but... in an Unfailingly... Healthy Healthy Healthy manner Only... as you have duly Stipulated.

    The Old-Bandicoots like me....who are Living with you ... my Dear Administrators .... Right from your Old-Hub.... and have Climbed up to this New-Hub too... had Enough and Enough of Unpalatability too... in such Threads... coupled with hidden Delicacies and Open-Embarassments ... for You... as well as ... We... the Innocent Readers.

    So as to Nullify ... the Possibilty... or even... Probability..... Towards such...

    ... Undue Hatred, Unfair Mud-slingings, Unjust Fanaticism and In-Human Venom-Spitting...

    ... either... on any Individual or Group of People... Anywhere in the Globe... Present or Past...

    I request you to implement the following ....

    ... Preventive-Measures... in furtherance of your... Wise... Far-sighted....

    ... Precautionary Measures... you have... already implemented.... Hats off to You All.

    (1) Please Give Full Freedom of Expression... to One and All the Vibgyor-Readers of various Hues of Thoughts, Diverse opinions, Contra-distinctory Principles, Combative factors of Reality, Outburst of Destitutes.... and so on.

    One may say... there exists God... Another may Say No... One may Say... Tamil is a Great Language ... Another may say No.... One may Say the Indian Culture is the Best and of high heritage and Eternal Humanism... Another may say No.... and so on... and so forth.

    ... But Under NO Circumstances... "You will take"... ------ lly ....----- lly..... ----- lly

    ... a Whip .... in your Hands .... and... Wipe-out... Anybody's Statements here ....

    ... "Unless" ... and... "Until"... You find... anything Derogatary, Defamative, Insulting... or the like...

    .. Targeted towards any Individual or Group or Culture or Customs or Faiths or Beliefs ...

    ... Pertaining... to those ... here in this Forum ... or even an alien... past or the Present.

    In other cases, you feel... that some malicious trend does not deserve to continue... or feared to lead to.... or something deserve to be deleted....

    Please Give us a chance... to Speak... Re-think... Introspect... and... Retrace the Steps ...

    .... And .... Nobody... should become ... Stalins... Neither You.... Nor / And... We... T(w)o..o.

    Well... I am glad and Proud to Comment that ...Aleady you have taken some...

    ... Sound .. Precautionary Measures .. by Fencing the Hub...providing a Gate with a Gate-Keeper...

    ... But ... Let the Gate-keeper perform ... his Duty within... His.... Limits ... Only...

    .... and .... Not beyond ... by forcible Occupation as .... the Judge !!!

    Because... This... Forum ... "The Hub"..... is ... "No-more".... Your-Forum....

    ... but.... "Our-Forum" .. Comprising of.. U & I...

    ... Resulting in.... V ... for both's..... Healthy !...&... Great !!... Interests !!!

    Dear Reader-Friends,

    We ... T(w)o...oo !!! ..Let us all Co-operate... Not only... with the Administrators...

    ... but also... amongst Ourselves.... Mutually... without Spitting.... on Others...

    ... because... We are all ... Well-cultured... Born-Gentlemen... and... (Innate-Gentle) Ladies !!!

    ... and... Thus Enjoy at this... Good opportunity... of... "Healthy Gobal-Assembly !!!
    "Life-Experience" is a .... GOLDEN-COMB.. Presented by GOD ... To the BALD-HEADED MAN.

    BEST HAPPINESS comes from... The QUALITY of Life ...
    ... ensuring a... ROYAL-WALK.... KEEPING THE HEAD HIGH !!!

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  3. #22
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber
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    Dear Administrators

    I agree ... Radically... with Cinefan...

    On Deletion ... of... the Thread... "JJ Vs Jayendra".

    I have already put forth a detailed posting ... addressed to the that .... Section..... on Indian-Culture.

    I am much UPSET to see the Luke-warm ...

    ... and ------ Response !!!... I got.. from the... Judge... Moderator ???...!!!

    Why should you be allergic ... to any discussion ... when it turns into an Argument... It is the Reality of Life ... my Dear Administarators.

    Why there are Courts of Laws... existing in each and every Country ?

    ... To allow for the fair chances... of Arguments from all the Relevant Corners...

    ... Accused and the Defendants... the Deadly Opponents as well...!!!

    ... Why?... what for ?... Only Arguments show light on the Truth...

    Because ... it is the Scientific Approach... of what?.. Why?...and How?

    You administrators... will not even pre-inform or Caution, or Warn or Advise ...

    ... the Persons Concerned... enabling them to Re-think, Realise, or even ....

    ... perhaps .. Repeant ....and Note it .... as a Blow... for Future Guidance..

    .... For.. anybody.... in any Thread.... at any time... in Future..

  4. #23
    Senior Member Regular Hubber aravindhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idiappam
    When we eat Sambar Idli or Idiappam
    You're a cannibal???

  5. #24
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber Surya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aravindhan
    Ur a cannibal?
    Good one!!

    Why was the JJ vs Jeyendrar deleted anyway? People were maintaining decorum right?
    Back after a while...

  6. #25
    Administrator Platinum Hubber NOV's Avatar
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    Why are matters outside the scope of this Section, being discussed here? Please go here: for further discussions on Kanchi Mutt thread issues.
    Never argue with a fool or he will drag you down to his level and beat you at it through sheer experience!

  7. #26
    Senior Member Regular Hubber Guyana's Avatar
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    Sudhaama - post from Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:54 pm

    >>... and Not the Cooked-up history ... Concocted by the British...

    .... To suit their Colonial Rule ... by Divide and Rule Policy.! <<

    Yea, they believe people from Guyana should not be here, but they can, coming here disguised. Now tell me who is the .... etc. They will stop to any length to get what they want. It should be known why they did not want “me” here.

  8. #27
    Senior Member Regular Hubber Guyana's Avatar
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    I mean disuised English telling me not to come here, but they can.

  9. #28
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber
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    Dear Moderator,
    You have referred in your Thread above as follows.

    "....we have no choice but to disallow discussions on caste and religion, <u>unless such discussions are purely academic, and for the benefit of all</u>...."

    I have two threads to be opened on Savite Religion which I feel "could be classified as academic" without injuring the feelings of the followers of other religions.

    Do you approve such propositions ??? Please advice.

  10. #29
    Administrator Platinum Hubber NOV's Avatar
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    virarajendra, pls observe the following rules:

    1. No propagation.
    2. No comparing or bashing of other beliefs.

    As long as discussions are held academically, there is no reason why we should disallow that. Pls go ahead. And pls take responsibility for your thread. TQ.
    Never argue with a fool or he will drag you down to his level and beat you at it through sheer experience!

  11. #30
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber
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    Dear Moderator,

    We find it difficult to edit our own postings since of late.

    When you Log in with your own User Name & Password go to your own post, for editing and then when you "submit" - the reading displayed always says "you can only edit you own post" and we thereby find it difficult to see the editing taking effect in our own posts.

    The system is not working properly I presume

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