Portion measure is not an accurate measure for most kind of food coz most of the portion measures are for a 2000 Kilo calorie diet... A 2000 kcal diet doesn't suit everybody... So,if U want to know how much of rice,dhal,fruits,veg etc U can eat per day,it's better to devise a diet plan based on ur height,weight,activity level ,age etc.... Use a weiging scale & measuring cup to measure things(raw/uncooked) accurately... Then cook it & the resultant dish can be shared proportionately based on the diet plan...measuring cooked food will not be accurate because cooking style differs from person to person & thus the resultant dish too varies... So portion measure doesn't hold good in tht case...So always measure before cooking & not after cooking...

Here is how homecooked food can be portioned:
For ex,Suppose tht 2 persons live together & person one needs a
1800kcal diet & person two needs a 1200 k cal diet... They can measure & cook ,then share the food on a 3:2 ratio...ie,If person two takes two spoons of curry,person one can take 3 spoons of the same curry...

Visit this link http://forumhub.lunarpages.com/hub/v...ostdays=0&post

In that link U can see a detailed diet plan that I have charted for a
hubber named Guy...Look into it & if U r intersted in reducing weight
or in eating healthy & maintaining ur weight let me know...I'll help U out as much as i can...