Finally listened to it! Here’s my initial thoughts:

Firstly, the whole piece is GREAT for a first attempt.


- The opening with the alaap/ Hindustani (/whatever it’s called, I don’t know the technical name!) bit was nice.
- The rap is pretty decent too. Liked the bomb effect that you added when he says “bomb, bomb, bomb”
- The additional instrumentation you used after the rap bit is good. Especially the bass guitar (is that bass guitar?) The mrithangam is also good but I thought you could maybe do a different kinda rhythm(?) (not sure of the exact terminology! You’ve done an arangetram right? )

Things you could improve (I guess its easier to criticise than praise! ) :

- The main vocals. I think they’re done by you Thinesh? Have you had formal vocal training? There seems to be some pitching problems. I think you’re different intrumentations layers may also be in different keys. I’m no expert, but this is just my opinion.
- Maybe you could change the “aahing” sounds and “orchestral hits” with actual vocals, it’d make it sound more professional I think.
- At some places the music seems to overpower the vocals.

Overall, definitely a good attempt. Great lyrics for a good cause.

Keep up the good work Thinesh. All the best to TK Productions.