
I think the basic difference is that 'Sadma' was a remade movie while 'Roja' was a dubbed movie. While 'Poonkatru' is a definite classic, do you think it was such a major blunder to include 'Ye Zindagi' instead? I thought people liked that as well. Infact I heard Naresh Iyer tell in one show that it was his all time favorite and he can keep on listening to that song any number of times!!

To be very honest, dubbed movie's music success from South India to Hindi has been very less. Rahman's films have been exceptions. I haven't heard the songs of Hindi 'Mudalvan'. Where the songs the same as in Tamil? Somehow the songs of that film didn't catch fire in Hindi. Neither did the film. But music of films like 'Roja' and 'Kadalan' were great hits up North.