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22nd February 2005, 10:01 AM
There is a game we used to play where we would write one line and only one line to continue the story...usually turned out to be a crazy adventure story...anyways what we would do is that we would fold the paper so that only the line we wrote was seen instead of the previous ones...but then in the ending we would unfold the paper and read the whole story through....do try it sometime! :D Anyways let's try this...remember any line and go nuts with the plot...try not to have conclusive sentences:

Phil now totally flustered looked to his partner for some help...next?

22nd February 2005, 10:15 AM
Jack backed up a step.
"You got yourself in this mess, you get you're self out." he said and sprinted away.

Next. :)

22nd February 2005, 10:26 AM
God had it come to this???...Phil looked around to see if anyone else was looking...next?

nirosha sen
22nd February 2005, 12:10 PM
There was blood everywhere, but somebody has to clean up the mess, before anyone else turns up!!


22nd February 2005, 01:58 PM
As Phil started to set things right, the telephone rang. Who could it be??


nirosha sen
22nd February 2005, 07:23 PM
As he picked up the phone, he forgot he shouldn't have done it without gloves or at least a hanky!

22nd February 2005, 07:32 PM
He picked up a tissue paper and wiped the phone clean using some peroxide from a bottle nearby...

22nd February 2005, 09:20 PM
......and realising that her transsexual identity crisis was leading her to confuse pronouns , (s)he consumed the rest of the peroxide in one gulp.

pavalamani pragasam
22nd February 2005, 09:28 PM
Totally inexperienced, Phil should have refrained from cutting the potato before his wife arrived. His little finger continued to bleed..

23rd February 2005, 12:35 AM
I think Madame PP and Prabhu Ram have replied to the same line...what to do now....all i can ask is for one of you to reply the first that replies will be the first to continue the story...whoever's doesn't get chosen...please do not in any way digress from replying...

any suggestions what to do in future dilemmas such as this???...a vote would take too long and to choose the first one would be sacrificing other one...so what to do :? :huh:

pavalamani pragasam
23rd February 2005, 07:19 AM
Oh! A real tricky situation. I think to solve this delicate problem whoever comes next & notices the simultaneous posts may take the liberty to continue with either one of the 2 leads- but of course giving a note whose lead he is taking. Anybody please offer a better idea!

nirosha sen
23rd February 2005, 08:15 AM
Well I hate to be the wet blanket but I think Prabhu's liner does not quite gell with the rest of the narration, Pa!! So, if he deletes his post, we'd be back on track!

So, how abt it Prabhu???? No harm in trying again, right???? :D

23rd February 2005, 10:07 AM
am more than willing to step off the line. I was just trying to take a dig at TS who had written 'she' instead of 'he'. It has been subsequently changed I guess. (how ?)
We can ignore mine and continue from the potato line. Cheers.

23rd February 2005, 01:49 PM
The yelling in the phone continued, and as he tried to answer, suddenly it occured to him... the voice..! Could it really be HER...?!

pavalamani pragasam
23rd February 2005, 02:06 PM
"My God! Mother-in-law is the last person I want to see now...a fine mess I am in!"

23rd February 2005, 08:45 PM
PP, I meant the voice on the phone.. Which voice are you referring to? :) Anyway, it can go on..

pavalamani pragasam
23rd February 2005, 09:25 PM
Of course I refer to the same- the mother-in-law(yelling) presumably announces her immediate visit to his place! :lol:

23rd February 2005, 11:08 PM
"he-he-hello? I'm sorry, my mot- i mean i have an unexpected problem that has just come up" replied Phil as he sent imaginary daggers toward his MIL :twisted:

Prabhu Ram hope to hear a line from you soon :D

24th February 2005, 07:25 AM
Phil cursed as he slammed down the telephone and began swearing loudly and violently chopping his potato, not caring if he chopped the potato or his hand...

24th February 2005, 08:09 AM
One of the potato pieces fell, started rolling down to one corner of the room and hit that shiny thing before stopping..

pavalamani pragasam
24th February 2005, 08:50 AM
Even as his hands were busy his mind was racing fast to find some way to escape an encounter with the MIL.

24th February 2005, 09:53 AM
But that was not to be, for hadn't Jessie warned him not to leave the house till she got back?

nirosha sen
24th February 2005, 12:59 PM
In the meanwhile, he might as well cook dinner for three if the old Brigadier-General does arrive to plonk her imperious derriere about!!!

pavalamani pragasam
24th February 2005, 03:34 PM
He could hear in his inward ears his imperious MIL's repeated mantra,"Where on earth did you get me this son-in-law from?"

nirosha sen
24th February 2005, 07:16 PM
As he continued stirring the Bechamel sauce for the steak, he realised that the cut on his finger had yet to clot!!

nirosha sen
24th February 2005, 07:20 PM
The cut continued to drip, drip, drip!!!!

pavalamani pragasam
24th February 2005, 08:26 PM
Phil was too enraged at the imminent tornado that he missed noticing a storm brewing right under his nose- a bleeding finger, the baby walking into the kitchen after a rolling ball(God knows how he crawled out of his pen!), so many assignments yet to be finished before his returned.

25th February 2005, 02:03 AM
There was also the sensitive issue of asking his 'partner' Jack to leave before things got worse.

25th February 2005, 04:26 AM
"Jack, you gotta go," Phil said and watched Jack turn to leave when Phil said "No Jack. You gotta go." and pulled out a 9mm and shot Jack in the face. "Time to blow this popsicle stand," Phil said before grabbing his potato and running towards the door...

25th February 2005, 04:30 AM
And that was what finally woke him up, and he realized what a curious dream it had all been!!!

Sorry for being such a spoil sport, but honestly, the story didnt seem to make any sense at all!! Maybe we should try starting another one?

Or if everyone is still in the mood of carrying on, I will delete my line, and you can go on...

25th February 2005, 05:00 AM
Ohhhh....Badri, U ruined it! :lol:

25th February 2005, 05:06 AM
I know...I am sorry...but come on...the MIL and the guy's partner and the baby that crawled into the kitchen???

You might have thrown in Alex, the nerdy psycho, and no one would've known!

25th February 2005, 05:36 AM
The psycho convention! Well, the wierder it gets, the better right? :D

25th February 2005, 05:57 AM
Phil was a spy. There was a microchip in the potato which he was trying to cut out. The baby was a remote control spy monitor built to look like a baby as a disguise. And the Mother in law was a code name for a CIA agent. Phil's a rogue agent from the CIA and they're trying to get him. It all made perfect sense! :lol:

25th February 2005, 06:10 AM
Phil was a spy. There was a microchip in the potato which he was trying to cut out. The baby was a remote control spy monitor built to look like a baby as a disguise. And the Mother in law was a code name for a CIA agent. Phil's a rogue agent from the CIA and they're trying to get him. It all made perfect sense! :lol:

:lol: :lol:
C-Man! Perrrrrrrfect!!
It makes perfect sense. The Govt is behind all of this!!!! The government is lying!! About the backstep program, about the aliens! about everything. All Janitors we know are cyborg govt spies, sent by the FBI!!! (Hey that rhymed :D )

Really sorry for getting way off of the topic guys. :)

Regards! 8)

25th February 2005, 06:11 AM

The Flute of the Wendigo made better sense...the Charge of the Light Brigade made better sense...even Jack the Ripper made more sense...but this????

25th February 2005, 06:16 AM
What was wrong with Widego or JTR???

Wendigo what a flute, which caused the death of O'Riley!!!! We will know more as C-Man writes more!!!! C-Man!!! Write MORE!!!!
JTR was perfect!!!! An Insane man who kills prostitues!!! A perfect story!!!! What was wrong!!!!!

Man!!!! I'm really yelling!!!! I'm hyper!!!!! I need some water!!! C-man!!! u need some water!!!!????? I'mma leave u two to it man!!!!!!

25th February 2005, 06:24 AM
Hey that got me going...did you hear this one about the Jack The Ripper being a political conspiracy of some sort, aimed at protecting the identity of a Royal in England who had committed a series of indiscretions? The guy was just invented by the Royals, in cahoots with the police force of the time...

I read about that somewhere, just can't put my finger to it...the Duke of Clarence or some such thing!

Oh, and sorry Querida, for having taken this thread so far and away from where it began...

25th February 2005, 06:26 AM
SEE!!!!!! LIKE I SAID!!!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING IS A GOVT CONSPIRACY!!!!!!! AHHHh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BACKSTEP PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!
SORRY!!!!!!!! I HAVE NOT GONE KAHOOTZ!!!!!!!!!!!! I'LL START TO ACT NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!.........HOPEFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :rotfl:

25th February 2005, 06:32 AM

Surya...are you sure?

Perhaps you should go and lie down for just a while? You might feel better. :lol:

Just goes to show too many posts in a day can do this to you...someone ought to include that in that post for newcomers!

25th February 2005, 06:56 AM
No, It's ok. I think it was the 3 bars of snikers and a red bull that brought me to this. Too hyper. I'm gonna go hit the gym now.

Later. 8)

nirosha sen
25th February 2005, 08:21 AM
You guys are what I call as mean souls!!!

Querida started this thread - and who had to spoil it all by turning it into your personal ball court, hah???? :evil:


25th February 2005, 08:22 AM
whoa well i don't know what to say :) ...sbadri99 that wasn't ruining...start another one :D ...Surya are you sure it's only water you need to chill? :wink: Coltsith wicked lines....and guys let's remember one line if max three...as for twists, turns and weirdness go nuts! Madame PP you are very skilled in pulling out shocker twists, Niro great homey touch...

alright this time another hubber start a line...first come first serve

25th February 2005, 08:24 AM
You guys are what I call as mean souls!!!

Querida started this thread - and who had to spoil it all by turning it into your personal ball court, hah???? :evil:


awww thanx niro...but it was pretty cool...especially coltsith's wrapup where all of it got connected...let's just watch that we keep chocolate and energy drinks away from Surya! :D

25th February 2005, 08:52 AM
.......... :oops:

I'm really sorry. I'll try to stay away from the energy drinks. :D

Ok, I'll go, don't worry, this post is sane. :D

Badri just made everything mean nothing. Ok, I've got an idea...

We can totally restart the story line with this one.....

Badri's Post:
And that was what finally woke him up, and he realized what a curious dream it had all been!!!

Mine! Mine! Mine!....finding nemo....nevermind. Here it goes.

Phil moved over and fell flat on the cold wooden floor. He looked up and saw Jack. Phil now totally flustered looked to his partner for some help... (What's going on!!) Next. :D Hopefully we can make it better this time. :D

Or we could start another story.

She increased her pace, her body was sweating like an animal now. She turned around. They were still there, still on her tail.


Which ever one U'all like. :D

Regards. 8)

25th February 2005, 08:59 AM
Fine, fine...blame me, all! :(

Ok, I will try and make amends....

She increased her pace, her body was sweating like an animal now. She turned around. They were still there, still on her tail.

The castle loomed up ahead, larger than it had ever seemed. Would she find refuge there? But the stories she had heard about the count...never mind, those were only stories, and this was real...

25th February 2005, 09:02 AM
Sweet idea Surya 8)

Phil moved over and fell flat on the cold wooden floor. He looked up and saw Jack. Phil now totally flustered looked to his partner for some help... (What's going on!!) Next. Hopefully we can make it better this time.

argh Jack man i told to lay down a bit more of the green and get the good stuff, but you always stingy...now how am i supposed to fly?

25th February 2005, 09:03 AM
No No. Badri, I wasn't blaming anyone for me being ....wierd. :)

Thanks Q!

So....which one r we using here? :?

25th February 2005, 09:10 AM
Mine...maybe...please please please? :roll:

25th February 2005, 03:28 PM
"Never mind that. We have bigger problems," said Jack as he walked over to the bedroom window,
"Some lady is running up to the castle gates. Should we let her in?"

25th February 2005, 10:45 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:
C-MAN!! Bravo!!!!! :clap:

26th February 2005, 11:53 PM
Phil: what is she crazy? Didn't i send out enough nasty rumours throughout the village..alright might as well get the traps set...


good start badri...hey chill no one's blaming didn't i say so before? :)

coltsith nice skillz

Surya how good to see you off the stimulants...but weird..weren't we calling you weird? :poke: summa joking :D

27th February 2005, 03:09 AM
I'm off of the stimulants, but of course, the hangover of the 'wierdness' is still only slowly wearing off. :lol:

Jack: "Traps are no good. If she finds out that they were just romors, were done for." He said and reached for his shotgun. "Rock and Roll baby." he said as he cocked it. :D

27th February 2005, 03:31 AM
Phil: Hey Jack come on we're murderous hitman disguising ourselves as counts in this backward town, if we blow our cover the boss will surely skin us alive


27th February 2005, 05:19 AM
Jack: U ARE UNDER ME! DO NOT QUESTION MY AUTHORITAY!!Alright, i won't blast her with this." he puts the shotgun down and opens a guitar case.

hint: Desparado! 8) Just kidding.


27th February 2005, 05:48 AM
Jack took an electric guitar out of the case. "Heh, I did say Rock and Roll, baby," as he began to plug it into his amplifier.

27th February 2005, 08:27 AM
C-MAN!! UR MESSING IT UP!!! :evil: :evil:

27th February 2005, 11:14 AM
Fine. :x
Jack pulled a .50 caliber M82A1A scoped rifle out of the guitar case and said, "Sorry Phil, the girls gotta go."

nirosha sen
27th February 2005, 12:34 PM
Obviously, you blood thirsty-hounds have never heard of GUN CONTROL????? :x

27th February 2005, 12:39 PM
Gun Control??? :? :?

It's all greek to me. :lol2:

you blood thirsty-hounds.

C-MAN!! :lol: It takes a hound to kill a hound u know that right? OWWWOOOO! OWWW OWWWW OWWWWWOOOOO!!! Come on try it! :lol:

Sorry guys inside joke.

C-Man! Nisssssse!!! 8) But don't u think that gun is a bit too powerful for a little girl. That's something u use to kill someone like Arnold with. :lol:

Ok, here goes.....

Jack pushed the .50 caliber bullet into the compartment and cocked the M82A1A sniper. "That's right, the dot goes on the forehead." he said as he looked through the sinper lense.

Next..... :D

27th February 2005, 01:42 PM
As the girl approached the castle gates, she noticed sunlight shine off a piece of glass from one of the tower windows. Sniper, she thought to herself before throwing herself down behind a boulder.

27th February 2005, 01:47 PM
She pulled her skirt up all the way to find an automatic machine pistol stuffed in-between her silky, beautiful thigh, and her cotton pantyhoes. Jack lost her.

Next Sil vous plait! :D

27th February 2005, 04:28 PM
He cursed as his scope panned over the grassy field trying to find the girl, as below she took aim...

27th February 2005, 04:32 PM
She had found him. "YOU" she tried to sqare his forehead. "OBVIOUSLY" She kept her aim. "DON'T KNOW" She cocked the piston in place. "WHO UR" She put her hands on the trigger. "FUC*ING WITH!!!!!" She pulled it.

Next.... :D

27th February 2005, 04:34 PM
Phil sat in his chair and lit his cigarette.
"This girl's pretty good I hear. Better watch yourself." Jack looked back at him over his shoulder. "I think I can handle one little girl," he said before his head burst into a spray of crimson.

27th February 2005, 04:37 PM
Phil ducked, and ran for cover as more bullets sprayed through the window. Jack dropped to his knees. Another wave of bullets penetrated his chest as his corpse fell flat on the cold floor.

I think that we're getting too violent to the ladies. :shock:

27th February 2005, 05:59 PM


27th February 2005, 06:01 PM
Phil reached in his jacket and pulled out a .38 police special revolver and waved it at Surya, "I think you better continue this story before someone gets hurt." He turned around and crouched next to the window looking for the woman. punk he said under his breath.

27th February 2005, 06:03 PM
S.......U.......R........HEY!!!!!!!!!! :x :lol:

Come on guys, Ignore this and the previous one. :D

nirosha sen
27th February 2005, 08:33 PM
Yeah Dudes, the Dudettes are staying out of this, okay!! Blood and gore is not my cup of tea Pa!! I prefer something more sedate like a hemophiliac dripping to death or something!! :wink:

27th February 2005, 11:30 PM
Girl: awww come on Phil don't play tough...you know one of us is gonna end up dead and it ain't me! She aimed at the window again looking for a hint of his shadow...next?

hmmm sorry guys i didn't know so much already happened in the story...Niro sorry alright alright i admit im a bit desensitized but can you blame not only do i appreciate Shakespeare i love action movies :thumbsup: Eh Surya don't be so fast to stereotype! :P

27th February 2005, 11:40 PM
I prefer something more sedate like a hemophiliac dripping to death or something!!

Let's see what does that involve....Blood.....Death....awwww, but no guns spraying bullets though. :lol2:

Q! Excelent!! :D

Phil shot down the stairs, he spotted his suitcase on the bed. He was trying this best to not think about Jack for the moment. The top of the suitcase flew open. In it was his lifesaver. Two fully loaded Uzis. "Ma Niggahs" he smiled to himself. :D :D

Next Porfavor.

DOn't be so fast to sterotype

I sit corrected. :D

28th February 2005, 12:07 AM
As Phil approached the lower window he caught her running to the next set of bushes...you just made the biggest mistake of your life...i told you Capello's mine!

28th February 2005, 12:52 AM
He vaguely pointed the uzies in her direction and start to spray.


28th February 2005, 01:22 AM
Phil slowly lowered his uzis...silence...he slowly rounded his shoulders and saw out the corner of his eye a slight movement before he could fully turn he felt blinding pain and heard a sickening crack


hmmm i think everyone's dead? except for Surya who's still up there with bits of Jack

28th February 2005, 10:36 AM
The girl was behind him, this time with a louisville slugger in her hands. He tried to raise the gun when he realized the crack was the sound of his spine snapping. He slouched to the ground.

28th February 2005, 12:57 PM
As Phil fell to the ground, there was a loud bang, followed by a feminine scream. Phil tried to see, he couldn't. his vision started to blur, agonizing pain shot up and down his spine. he saw a black figuer walk towards him. "Phil!" "Boss......." Phil smiled as he went out.

28th February 2005, 10:09 PM
"this is why you never mix pleasure with business" muttered Antonio as he shook his head at the bloody mess...but Capello was still out there...

28th February 2005, 11:44 PM
It was still his job to see that no one gets in.

1st March 2005, 01:24 AM
please clarify Surya who's job Antonio or Capello's :? :D

1st March 2005, 03:58 AM
Antonio, The Boss. :D

The girl's shot bad, but still alive, she manage to escape I guess.

1st March 2005, 06:07 AM
Gianni despised his uncle Capello, all he wanted the old man to do was curl up and die, but he had done great service to their family by letting his father live, and now he had to return the favour...next

1st March 2005, 06:28 AM
I know that it's kinda late to ask this ?. But who's Gianni, and Capello? :oops: Antonio is the boss right?


1st March 2005, 06:43 AM
Nothing at all to be sorry about Surya :D Always good to clarify :wink: so far Antonio is the boss of the hitmen (Phil and Jack and/not the gurl?) anyways Capello is the guy they are all against...and Gianni is Capello's nephew sent off to do Capello's dirty work...hence to get Antonio....whew k back on track now? 8)

1st March 2005, 10:19 AM
Crystal clear now. :D
Antonio shook his head gravely at Phil's slouched body. He looked at his watch. His train left in 20 minutes. Gianni was still after him. He'd better leave.

2nd March 2005, 12:44 AM
Thanks Q! All clear. :D
Antonio ran upstairs to take his guns before anyone else does. As he enters the room, he trips over Jack corpse.

2nd March 2005, 01:13 AM
"Look here you find Antonio, and you don't lay a finger on him, I want him alive, I want to be the one to see his face before i blow it off" snarled Capello as Gianni somberly nodded... next?

eh Surya looks like Antonio should have looked A-Head :twisted:

2nd March 2005, 01:44 AM
The storyline is better when he doesn't look, and someone gets their head blown off. :twisted:

Antonio, shocked, searches Jack's body, nothing. He continues to get his guns, when he hears footsteps downstairs.

WOW!! Looks like Niro has completly abandoned the thread due to excess violence! :twisted: :lol2:

2nd March 2005, 02:18 AM
He cursed to himself as he recognized Gianni's footsteps. The open window was appealing so he made his exit.

2nd March 2005, 02:22 AM
Grabbing the Sniper on his way out, Antonio realized that he was on the second floor!!!! (remember?) :lol: He landed hard on his side, splitting a bush in 2, and maybe a broken rib. :D

2nd March 2005, 02:36 PM
Two stories above him, Gianni's silhouette appeared in the window. Antonio raised his rifle and fired a quick shot before limping off into the woods. The train station was in a small village located in a clearing in the forest. He'd better be there or be dead...

2nd March 2005, 09:53 PM
Antonio tied his bandana around his ribs, waited hearing silence, cautiously limped down the worn forest path, while Gianni stared at his brother's headless body...

guess he recognized Jackie by the dragon tattoos on both his arms :wink:

3rd March 2005, 08:30 AM
He knealt down. A drop of tear squeezed it's way out of the sides of his eyes. Mistaking that it was Antonio who beheaded his brother, Gianni sprints down drawing his mini-gun from his coat. :D

3rd March 2005, 11:11 AM
Antonio sprinted through the trees; branches scraping his face. Someone behind him. He whirled around raising his rifle. CRACK. CRACK. KLIK. Damn he thought as he threw it to the ground.

4th March 2005, 02:18 AM
Following his instinct, Antonio jumps to the ground. Pieces of lead breeze by where he once stood. "Come on out Tony!! Oh where, oh where has my little tony gone?" Gianni's voice was insanly stable.
Next. :D

4th March 2005, 05:38 AM
Antonio now crawled on the ground frantically not noticing the sounds of the crunchy leaves were making as he crushed them...'Like catching fish in a barrel'...Gianni smirked as he took aim...

next 8)

4th March 2005, 06:55 AM
Gianni's finger wrapped itself around the trigger; he had Antonio dead in his sites. A hand clamped down on his shoulder. He turned just in time to receive a hard cross to the face, sending him to the leafy ground.

The girl's shot bad, but still alive, she manage to escape I guess.

4th March 2005, 07:42 AM
What the hell was that for? You again? What the hell is wrong with you? Why don't you go live off your father's filthy money somewhere! I dont think Cappello would want to know his little princess is playing rough... :lol: *blam* this time she managed to knock him out cold...

4th March 2005, 02:33 PM
Antonio picked himself off the ground. Something had happened, but he didn't care. Just so long as Gianni was occupied. He started again for the village. In the distance a train whistle could be heard...

4th March 2005, 11:43 PM
:lol2: Cool!!!

Antonio now limping towards the train heard a gun gun go off behind him. Who was shooting who? He didn't care. He continued for the train.

5th March 2005, 02:17 AM
Antonio limped past a sign reading, "Village 1000 ft." A last burst of energy surged through him and he began sprinting. The trees began to thin as he got closer.

5th March 2005, 03:00 AM
C-Man!! Vincent! Nice Avatar!! :D U MADE JUNIOR HUBBER! :D

As Antonio got to the Village, he noticed a few familiar faces. One of the men drew his gun and fired in Antonio's direction. Antonio froze, he was alive. Each second that went by felt like an hour. He was still breathing.
Next. :D

5th March 2005, 05:22 AM
--Huzzah! Only 975 posts to get to seasoned! :x

Antonio pulled a .25 target pistol out of his ankle holster and shot the man in the chest, CRACK!, sending him stumbling back into a newspaper stand. Somebody screamed at the gunshot. Where was the train platform?!

5th March 2005, 05:26 AM
Three other men drew their pistols. Antonio had realized what he had done. He turned around. Gianni was Shot. He took another look at the man he killed. It was Raj. His own Bodyguard. :D

5th March 2005, 06:02 AM
He spotted the platform a hundred meters and a ten foot chain linked fence away. He leaped up and clambered over the top. The three men opened fire. Dirt and gravel began shooting up from the ground around him. Something bit into his calf. He stumbled to the train tracks but continued running...

--This is pretty cool We should do something like this where everyone controls a single character and follows a storyline or something--

5th March 2005, 06:06 AM
Wait...Cman, Anotiono shot HIS own bodyguard.....who shot gianni who was trying to kill Antonio. The other guys are also part of Antonio's crew.....

5th March 2005, 07:33 AM
*Flashback* Louie, the head of his bodyguard, faced Antonio.
"You're fired Lou, take a walk." Louie's face flushed with anger.
"You washed up man! You gonna die, man!" Louie screamed as he stormed out of the room. Antonio continued running to the platform. He regretted firing Louie now. For a lot of reasons. One of them was in his leg.

5th March 2005, 07:36 AM
Bravo!!!!! Excelante!!! Tres Bien!!! Super!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :thumbsup:

The three men stated to pull. Antonio took cover behind small wall, he was just a couple feet away from the train. "MOTHAARFAAKAASSS!!" He randomly pointed his .25 over the wall and started to pull as well.

Talk about insane!!! :?

5th March 2005, 08:24 AM
*TOOOOOOT* Antonio's train blew its horn as it chugged into the station. At the same time his gun stopped kicking in his hand when he pulled the trigger. He threw it over the wall and dashed for the train, sharp teeth digging into his calf every time he raised it. Another man ran to catch the train as well. He looked back. His ex bodyguards were shooting it out with the arriving police. He was going to make it. The train blew its horn once more signaling that it was about to leave. Antonio grabbed ahold of the railing and breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly someone behind him said,
"Hey, remember me? Benny Capello from the bronx?" He turned around. BLAM! BLAM! Antonio shuddered as two .45 rounds cut through his abdomen. His hand reached out to the railing to keep him from falling. BLAM! He collapsed to the concrete, blood trailing from his mouth. His eyes moved for Cappello but he was already gone. Blood gushered from Antonio's mouth. He tried closing it to keep it from coming but it forced its way out. His moved his hands to his chest and brought them back to his face. They were covered in blood. He tried to breathe but choked instead. Was this the end?...

--sorry for the violent post. And I know this is a lot more than one line. :?

5th March 2005, 09:01 AM
You want Violence, I'll give u violence!! :lol: Ok lets see what u think of this..

Capello started sprinting towards the bushes. "Uncle?" He stopped, and turned to see his neice Mary. He looked around. No one. "Mary...You're still alive!" he walked towards his beautiful neice. "Uncle..." She hugged him. "It's nice to see you again." Capello pulled away, so did mary, but she had his .45 now. She backed up. "Uncle...who's idea was it to....send thugs to kill me?"
"What?" Capello backed up.
"you know, sending Tony, and Tony hiring Jack and Phil, and all." She clasped the pistol tight in right palm.
"I don't know...what..." He stopped. He was looking down the barrel of his .45.
"Why?" She started to cry. Capello started towards her slowly. "WHY!!???" She pulled the trigger, and pushed lead into capello's left thigh. Capello colapses on the ground. He started to cry. He knew they were his final tears. "I told you that I wouldn't tell anyone about Steve!!" She kicked him in his solar plexus. Capello screamed and gasped for air. She kicked again. This time Capello tasted something sour in his mouth. Mary knelt down, and grabbed his hair. Capello screamed. They were both crying. "How could YOU!!!!???" She brought his head up off of the ground, and slammed it back hard on the gravel covered earth. Capello felt a vibrating pain go through his body. He was cry too hard to scream. "Now, u pay the price." She pushed the .45 against his dangerously bleeding head. Capello tightly closed his eyes still crying. CLICK. The .45 was empty. Capello looked at her. Mary was stil crying. "Well, it's your lucky day isn't it?" She said, and tossed the gun into a bush. Tears stopped from Capello's eyes for a second. His vision was getting blurred. "NO! NO! NO!" Mary realized that he was loosing concience. "I want you to feel your death!!" She pulled out a pocket knife from her pocket. "This is for killing Steve!" She jammed the sharp 5 inch knife into his chest. Capello coughed. "This is for hiring Tony!!!" she brought the knife back and jammed it into his solarplexus again. With each penetraion, Capello was spraying blood into the air through his mouth. "This is for saying that I can't go into MY caslte!!" She jammed the knife into his dying body again, and agian. Capello's blue shirt was in the shade of black now. And THIS IS FOR SENDING GIANNI TO KILL ME!!!" Mary brought her knife to his neck and started sawing. Blood squirted into her face. She kept loosing the grip of the blood soaked knife. "AHHH!" she continued to saw his neck. Capello's concience was fading. Mary Continued to saw.
"BLEED BIT*H BLEEED!!!!" Capello's head rolled away from it's body. Capello's left arm started to twitch. "BLEEEEDDDD!!!!!" Mary pulled herself away. "Jack.....Phil.....Gianni...." She looked at down. "Capello." She said, and started towards the castle. She had killed everyon who had gotten in her way. No one could stop her now.

What about this for Violence!! :twisted: :twisted:

The Seasoned Psycho!! :twisted: Just Kidding. I'm not crazy! :lol:

Sorry guys. I just had to do this. I'm sorry, I know the writing is horrible, the flow, the facts, etc. I'm not feeling very writery today. :D

Later. 8)

nirosha sen
5th March 2005, 11:45 AM
I believe I've watched enough of Godfather to last me a lifetime, guys!!

For all this violence, you call me back for a re-cap of more of your hatchet job????

Coltsith - you ought to be ashamed!! Getting me out of retirement, for nothing!!!!! :x

And Surya - Since you are full adrenalin here, why don't you bring down your primal vibrations a notch or two, and come into Annamalai at least to write something worthwhile! I've already invited Radhika et al, to take a peek by the way! :wink:

5th March 2005, 03:41 PM
:o Niro, I take it that u don't like violence? :lol2:

Annamalai? I went there today, it was over me. But after I catch up, I'm there. :D

7th March 2005, 10:21 AM
WOW!!! :shock: I guess we scrared Querida away. :oops: :lol:

7th March 2005, 10:25 AM
I think I did the world a favour when I wrote an early finis to this story...pity you've all revived it with such fervour only to absolutely wade through blood!!!


7th March 2005, 10:29 AM
Yes, Sorry abt that. I promise that Coltsith and I will not flip out of control again. :lol2:

Querida please return!! Ungal Sevai intha threadukku thevai. :D

7th March 2005, 01:07 PM
Speak for yourself! :x My part of the story was a fairy tale compared to yours:

With each penetraion, Capello was spraying blood into the air through his mouth. "This is for saying that I can't go into MY caslte!!" She jammed the knife into his dying body again, and agian. Capello's blue shirt was in the shade of black now. And THIS IS FOR SENDING GIANNI TO KILL ME!!!" Mary brought her knife to his neck and started sawing. Blood squirted into her face. She kept loosing the grip of the blood soaked knife. "AHHH!" she continued to saw his neck...
-Nirosha, just wanted you to see how far the story had come along.
-Querida, hope you aren't scared off by all this.
-sbadri99, maybe you can start off the next one after this post.
-surya, :shock:

7th March 2005, 11:00 PM
Ayyo what has happened here???? :lol: Scaring me away? when will you guys learn :roll: :P ....ok ok first Surya yela didn't i tell you red bull and choco not good for you...Coltsith who cares how many posts it takes it matters how good your posts are....sorry i don't know what's wrong with me but i actually enjoyed being captured up in the action you two wrote....:D sigh my poor mother :lol:
but Surya towards the end ya that was like :shock: ...more skill less kill...
hmmm i think it is time to start a new topic or if you'd like a good transition (1-3 line guys remember :P )
Niro, Badri perhaps this is to your advantage?
I will check tomorrow if no line is posted will start one of my own ok? :D

8th March 2005, 02:43 AM
C-Man! I was stayin away from all the blood until ur "Hey! It's me Capello from the Bronx.

Blood gushered from Antonio's mouth. He tried closing it to keep it from coming but it forced its way out. His moved his hands to his chest and brought them back to his face. They were covered in blood. He tried to breathe but choked instead.

This passage triggered me. :lol: :oops:

Not much skill in that passage. I was just going for goary, violence in taht passage to counter colt's. :lol2: I guess ur fierce when it comes to violence. :D
Since I started the last one, I'll let someone else do it this time. :D

8th March 2005, 04:10 AM
Alright, one advantage of being down under is my day starts earlier than most of you out there...so let me try my hand at the one to three liner...

And Colt and Surya - you are absolutely forbidden from making this into another blood bath, no matter how much Querida encourages you...

She looked up into the mirror, her fingers tracing lines on the weathered face that stared up at her. She hadn't always been like this - there had been days when she had been pretty- yes, with a string of young men, trying to win her attention

So, who's next?

8th March 2005, 05:42 AM
Ok, well some fighting and violence is inevitable, depending on how the story goes. It will go along with the story. But I promise, I will not post anymore uneeded graphic explit violence. :D
....Ok.......I'm going blank. I'm gonna wait for someone else to continue. :D

8th March 2005, 07:03 AM
When suddenly a ninja burst through the bathroom window and...
Wait a minute...
And Colt and Surya - you are absolutely forbidden from making this into another blood bath, no matter how much Querida encourages you... WHAT?! :shock: *sigh*...

"there had been days when she had been pretty- yes, with a string of young men, trying to win her attention."
But today was not one of those days. The mornings after it happened were not kind to her. The mornings after she became a MAN EATING WEREWOLF were hard on her body. She'd better rest.

8th March 2005, 07:10 AM

<heaves a big sigh>

Just can't cure some people!!! Oh well, if you can't beat them, I guess the only thing left for me to do is to join 'em!!! So here goes

As she lay on the bed, she suddenly recollected the strange smell that had assaulted her nostrils as she had hunted. Her senses, she knew were sharp when she became a wolf, but this smell persisted even now, after she had become a woman again. Was it..could it be...another werewolf she had smelt?

8th March 2005, 07:14 AM
She jumped out of her bed. Someone, or something was in her house. Who could it be? She thought of Peter. Peter, her boy...well her ex now. This was the only time she desperatly wished he was here.

Aww....C-man fell off of the wagon. :lol2:

8th March 2005, 07:48 AM
ugh! where was this going? a werewolf...hah! Wish my life was that interesting. She sighed and lay her pen down. This autobiography isn't going nowhere...all she could think of was having to face Peter again... Next?

You know Badri more and more im convinced i'll have to call you my big brother...always schooling me :D really i was encouraging them??? (innocent look) :P hmm question what's that thing beside Obelix in your avatar?

8th March 2005, 07:55 AM
Peter and her had a natier breakup than she had imagined. They were barly friends anymore. Friends. When do exs ever become friends.

Am I thinking too hard, or is this going to be a....romantic, vanilla coated love-story type?

Yeah Badri, I wanted to ask u that too. What is that thing?

8th March 2005, 07:58 AM
Yeah Badri, I wanted to ask u that too. What is that thing?

hmm question what's that thing beside Obelix in your avatar?

Did you creatures really grow up without ever reading Asterix comics?? I am shocked, you hear me, shocked!!

And a good part of your growing up you've missed too! :lol:

That thing as you allude to it, is cute little Dogmatix, Obelix's beloved pet dog.

8th March 2005, 08:01 AM
Am I thinking too hard, or is this going to be a....romantic, vanilla coated love-story type?

Well, what do you expect, when you bring in her ex and make her into a goddamm werewolf??????

Here I was, thinking of this old woman, looking into the mirror, thinking back of the days when she ruled the roost, as the famous Aishwarya Rai...now all withered and wizened, a fragile thing that hobbles along in the afternoons, with nothing purposeful to do...guess I better stop or Niro will kill me, I am sure...

8th March 2005, 08:02 AM
I'm not a big fan of azteks, but C-Man and I were, and still are huge fans of TINTIN. :D :D :D

8th March 2005, 09:06 AM
Tintin rules but Asterix isn't far behind. Poor Cacofonix.

--All thoughts of Peter vanished when she heard a door close downstairs. She tried sucking in air to breathe but couldn't. Her hand slowly moved under her pillow and when it came out again she held a .357 magnum in it. Whoever was coming up the stairs was in for the surprise of a lifetime...

8th March 2005, 09:14 AM
Querida et al,

I think the rest of us can sit back and watch (?) another massacre about to begin. Colt has brought out his colt...er his .357 magnum...


give it a break, will ya, Colt???

nirosha sen
8th March 2005, 09:21 AM
yeah, a nice piece of tin it was too! But hey, which intruder is going to suspect it's a water gun, huh??? As long as they back off, she'd wake up to another day.......

8th March 2005, 09:40 AM
Here comes Aish with another change again! Seriously, Niro, you change your avatar quicker than Telugu heroines change their clothes during a single song sequence, pa.

8th March 2005, 02:43 PM
I'll try one more time...
She shook her head. This wasn't it. She put the water pistol down and reached back under her pillow. This time she came out with a .44 magnum. Hope this punk is feeling lucky tonight she thought to herself.

--If you guys really want to keep it PG today then I won't change it after this. I guess it is a little more suspenseful when the girl isn't packing a hand cannon. :?

nirosha sen
8th March 2005, 08:59 PM
As she waited with her gun gripped in her sweaty palms, there was a sudden scurrying across the bedroom and she saw who it was!! It was Oliver, the house-cat back on his prowl again on the war path with yet another mouse-keteer!!

9th March 2005, 01:22 AM
Hey Badri seriously why is it my fault...don't be so harsh ya! Even if i would like to read Asterisk here we mostly have the french version...though i studied french i don't know enough to read it through.... :( How cute that's a doggie i couldn't see it clearly....just like Scorpio i too had to squint and rub my eyes :P

anyways i really don't know how this is going...it seems at two extremes violent bloodbath or the stereotypical "vanilla-coated?" love story it doesn't have to be either yet it can be so much more...

Oh Oliver,I think I am truly becoming paranoid. She had kept a gun under her pillow ever since she had been robbed. She hated feeling helpless and old. Too bad she never got aroud to learning how to use it.

(sorry guys four lines broke my own rule...)

9th March 2005, 03:54 AM
Oh no, Q...I didnt blame you...I said, let us sit back and watch the deadly duo - Colt and Surya take the story on again to great, greater, greatest heights!!

9th March 2005, 06:14 AM
HEY! I haven't written any violent metieral in a while! :(

Colt has brought out his colt...er

Were u going for a Colt .45, the only gun that matches his name?

Love the Avatar!! :thumbsup:

She shoved the pistol back under her pillow. The scare from the paranoia had made her thirsty. She walked to the sink for some water. "Hey Kate." A very masculine, calm but scary voice came from the darkness. "Love the new toy u got under your pillow." Was it Peter? She went for the lights. A tight painful grip grabbed her arm.


9th March 2005, 06:46 AM
Were u going for a Colt .45, the only gun that matches his

Yup...very much

9th March 2005, 06:54 AM
Care to contribute to the thread? :D

9th March 2005, 07:15 AM
Oh no...not to this one....have learnt my lesson...

9th March 2005, 07:34 AM
:cry: :cry:

nirosha sen
9th March 2005, 11:08 AM
"Still very much insomniac I see"!!! Peter said as he grabbed her shoulders to whirl her around to face him.

As she eyed him thru wide eyes, and her tousled hair, he couldn't resist the urge to home in on her luscious, slightly parted lips to still her fear with his searching lips .......

10th March 2005, 12:52 AM
He pulled out what seemed like a gun in the faint light that creeped in through the window, from the streets. "NO! PLEASE!!" She cried. It wasn't Peter. Peter would never do something like this."YES! Now." He said and pulled.
...She regained her concience. her mouth tasted sour, she realized that her feet were tied to her wrists. Where was she?
Next. :D

10th March 2005, 06:41 AM
I think she's stuck somewhere in Surya's story....oh wait what's that i hear? It's Officer Hoit to the rescue! :P

Actually guys im all for action and gore when it makes sense....i really liked the beginning of Badri's tale (don't let that get to your head now :P ) and thought it could be developed into something more substantial but not necessarily a yucky love story :? so that means i'll have to think harder on this one...
Badri after reading of your devotion i was wondering what the title is to the first asterisk book/comic is...maybe i can look for an english copy somewhere...after all seeing that im still living out my childhood might as well enjoy it some more :D
Surya where's another episode you really got us all excited about the big shakedown...just asking....don't worry appreciate quality anytime :D

10th March 2005, 07:06 AM
There's isnt any first book actually - but try Asterix the Gaul. There is no particular need to read the books in any order. They are all independently amazing!!

10th March 2005, 07:44 AM
aww...I was looking forward to another lead. :D

Yes, I've just been a bit busy lately. I'll probably have some time on Friday to write the next couple chaps. :D

Regards. 8)

nirosha sen
10th March 2005, 08:09 AM
So no more love on the run, huh???? It's back to blood and gore???? You got it!! I'm outta here!!!!!! :evil:

10th March 2005, 08:13 AM
I told you, pa

10th March 2005, 08:14 AM
There is no blood and gore! Niro, the gun was not a real gun. If it was, she wouldn't be alive. There is no blood and gore so far. I promise, there won't be any graphic blood and gore! :D Please Come BACK!! :cry:

Badri, :D
Come one PA!!! Post! No blood or gore so far. :D

11th March 2005, 12:43 AM
Awww such nice persuasion and that with a innocent looking Maddy face.... :D well since you didn't ask me i guess i'll just leave as well :x ( :lol: kidding,kidding)(Say in Kwiki Mart Apu's fashion)

ok Surya after the number of instances 1-3 but MAX 5 lines!
hmmm let's see:

I'm being robbed again!?! What the hell?!? I knew it, he's back for the safe, that's why last time he took nothing. He is still looking for it...she wished she never promised to keep it..well damned if i tell him. I'd rather die.

11th March 2005, 08:12 AM
One side of her hoped it was him. One side of her hoped with all her heart that it was him, and not someone worse. "Hello Kate." That voice again. She turned around. Where was he? It was all dark. :D

11th March 2005, 08:16 AM
She had hoped it was him and not someone worse. Hearing his voice again she remembered; there was no one worse...

--Surya, cool new avatar. Like it better than the last one. 8)

11th March 2005, 08:22 AM
Thanks C-Man! This is a great Indian King.

....lets see....

"Don't worry Kate....you're with Bosanoca." He said.
"Bosanoca?" Kate thought. "The great lover in Somalian Literiture." :wink:

11th March 2005, 08:27 AM
She had hoped it was him and not someone worse. Hearing his voice again she remembered; there was no one worse...

oooh nice lines hard to follow up though hmmm :

she could hear his voice wandering in and out of the rooms, "Where is it Kate? Come on Kate, you know that it was mine to begin with, you know it's just a matter of time before i find it" she felt her heart beating faster. She initially left Peter for his too short fuse now she found his calmness just as scary... Next?

11th March 2005, 02:49 PM
She had to buy some time.
"Find what?" she asked...

12th March 2005, 12:56 AM
"Oh Come on Kate. U know what I"m talkin about." His voice was very calm. "Ohhh....Bosanoca, u don't want to mess with Bosanoca." He said in a thick hispanic accent. It wasn't Peter.

12th March 2005, 02:15 AM
"How about letting me go so i could show me?" His rumbling laughter filled the house "Kate, you must not think much of me" He now entered her room to continue his search, she could feel the vibrations of his footsteps. Click. "Ahhh what's this cherie?" Damn.

12th March 2005, 04:39 AM
She heard the sound of movement upstairs in her room. He'd found what he'd been looking for. Suddenly she felt something in her back pocket. Her cell phone...

nirosha sen
12th March 2005, 10:17 AM
Quickly, she whipped out her cell phone and SMSed Peter, "SOS"!!!!

12th March 2005, 11:24 AM
Peter was sitting on the couch and watching television when his cell phone beeped. It was across the room on the kitchen table. BEEP BEEP. Peter waited. He didn't want to get up. BEEP BEEP. "C'mon, stop beeping already." he yelled. Beep Beep...

nirosha sen
12th March 2005, 02:17 PM
It stopped beeping the second he reached it, and read on the display face, 1 message........

12th March 2005, 11:42 PM
Peter stared at the lit up screen of his cell phone, too stunned to know what to do, after all he and Kate made sure Bosa's car went over the cliff...with him in it. next :D

nirosha sen
13th March 2005, 06:50 AM
He hurriedly dressed up, and left for Kate's place, aware of the clear and present danger that Bosa presented ..............

15th March 2005, 04:01 AM
How many times did he have to kill this animal?? On his way out, Peter grabbed his silver sword just in case his guns ran out of silver ammo. It would be hard to finsih him now since it was dark, Peter needed all the help he can get. 8)

15th March 2005, 04:33 AM
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :!: :!: I just went back and read everything again........wow! The story is wierd when read all at once. :shock:

15th March 2005, 10:20 AM
Peter needed all the help he can get.
So he took out his cellphone and autodialed a number. "Joe," a voice answered.
"Get down here. I got a problem." Joe hung up. Help was on the way...

15th March 2005, 11:12 AM
It was Joe. Joe Pike. The strongest man that Peter knew. The strongest man that Bosanoca knew. Man? Well, everyone knew him as "day-walker." :)

15th March 2005, 11:20 AM
Kate cursed when her cell phone stopped ringing. Peter wasn't there. Suddenly she heard footsteps approaching behind her.
"Cell phone, Kate? no no no no. You don't understand." The cell phone was ripped from her grip and flung across the room. "You...don't...UNDERSTAND!!"

15th March 2005, 11:28 AM
Will Peter get there in time, with Joe Pike, the strongest man everyone knew? Or would it be left to Kate to whip out her sub-woozi or whateever it is and fill this thread with blood, guts and hair?

Kaana thavaratheergal...One liner.... :lol:

16th March 2005, 01:22 AM
oh no what's happening again :roll:

Cherie, must always think anew not rely on the old things...Pete and Joe useless fellows who are only respected because they learned how to pull a trigger...don't worry Cherie we will teach the old dogs some new tricks...

16th March 2005, 01:51 AM
Pete pulled in front of Capello's. Joe had just got there too. He managed to get all of his 300lbs of muscle out of the Firebird. He wore a long black trenchcoat. What was hidden inside? Bad news for Bosa. Peter grinned.

16th March 2005, 02:57 AM
He was rummaging in Kate's desk. Looking for something else. "Kate...I've found your passport." He said in the dark. "But what's this? It says your name is Mary...Were you thinking of going to the castle later today?....without....ME?!" She felt the passport slap against her head. "Kate...Mary...Whoever the f**K you are...You're going to learn... why I'm called Bosanoca..."

16th March 2005, 07:37 AM
Joe and Pete walked towards Capello's house. As Joe got closer Peter could hear metal dangling inside Joe's coat.

Check PM.

PS: What is wrong with ur phone!!!!! :? :evil:

17th March 2005, 02:16 AM
Joe swaggered his way over to Bosanoca only to choke and fall to the ground writhing and foaming at the mouth "Gracias Santa Ria" Bosanoca looked over to Pete all the while chanting under his breath, he closed his eyes and exhaled and whispered "Feel the Fuego ese?" as Pete realized how his hands seemed to be on fire
Next... :D

Gracias Santa Ria - thank you Santa Ria, a form of south american black arts
Fuego - fire
Ese- slang for close friend

17th March 2005, 05:04 AM
Bosa spotted a small red circle on his left sholder from the corner of his eye. Suddenly scorching heat ran up his veins in left sholder. It was a dart. What was it? Who was it? Bosa looked up. It was Joe. The same, but another Joe!

17th March 2005, 08:39 AM
awww come on Surya :? :roll:
please have another go at it :)

18th March 2005, 01:57 AM
aww. Ok. Lets see......

Bosa turned around to find nothing. Kate was gone. SHe must have slipped away during the fight. Where? "KAAATE!!!!!"


nirosha sen
18th March 2005, 10:13 AM
Kate was back in the bedroom, rummaging thru the calico wrapped silver daggers with their precious stones, encrusted on the handle. She picked one out, to read the old Hebrew inscriptions on it...........

18th March 2005, 02:09 PM
"Kate! This isn't how its supposed to go!" Bosanoca screamed as he began moving to the bedroom. Somewhere behind him he heard someone whisper, "Trick shot motherf**ker," and a loud BLAMM! echoed throughout the apartment. Bosanoca whirled around in time to see Pete collapse with a glock in his hand. He growled before he noticed that his shirt was now turning dark red...

19th March 2005, 03:12 AM
Pete was leaning against the door. Bosanoca was furious! The pain didn't matter to him now. "How many times do I have to kill you boy??!!!" He yelled and started at Pete. CHOK! CHOK! CHOK! Bosa flew across the room. Joeseph Pike. An AK.

19th March 2005, 06:15 AM
CHOK CHOK CHOK! Pike's Ak47 went off again and Bosanoca's chest spat out blood. His legs buckled and he fell to the ground. "You okay Pete?" Pike asked...

19th March 2005, 07:10 AM
C-Man!! That's seriously crossing the line! :lol:

nirosha sen
19th March 2005, 07:11 AM
"Think he's gonna come around again,"?, looking at the still body of Bosa in a blood spattered pool, flesh and other body matter scattered around, like a child's badly painted canvas.......

19th March 2005, 07:22 AM
:o Niro!!! NICE AVATAR!!!! :P

"Think he's gonna come around again,"?, looking at the still body of Bosa in a blood spattered pool, flesh and other body matter scattered around, like a child's badly painted canvas.......

:shock: :shock: I think we've sucessfully converted Niro!! :lol:

Ok...As long as it's ok with u! :lol2:

Joe scanned the room looking for Kate. Nada. He jogged out of the room looking for his ex-wife. Peter walked forward to get a look at the bloddy carnage. "Just Once." he said and headed for the door. Peter turned one last time. A move he would regret. "Only Human." Bosa said sprung up to Peter's neck with his sharp canines. :twisted:

nirosha sen
20th March 2005, 07:44 PM
Beyond the shadows of the bathroom, Kate emerged, the mythical dagger that Bosa had frantically searched all this while, tightly clutched between both hands. With Bosa intent on his prey, he didn't notice the glint of the sharp dagger that spliced into the base of his skull........

Gee, you guys had better make this merciful, Pa!! I ain't staying long enough for the carnage, no more!! :oops:

22nd March 2005, 01:33 AM
Nothing happened. Kate backed away. Nothing. Peter's twitching body fell out of Bosa's grip, and twitched some more as it hit the wooden floor. Bosa just stood there, didn't turn around, didn't speak. :D
Where is Querida?

22nd March 2005, 08:02 AM
When suddenly Bosa screamed and jumped up and down. Then he whirled to face Kate. GROWWLL He roared! Kate looked at him and picked up a nearby bat. She began to swing it around when suddenly Querida burst through the door and grabbed the bat away from her. Querida screamed,

"YOU WANNA......FIGHT????!!" Kate was shocked. Querida was screaming at her!

22nd March 2005, 09:08 AM
When suddenly Bosa screamed and jumped up and down. Then he whirled to face Kate. GROWWLL He roared! Kate looked at him and picked up a nearby bat. She began to swing it around when suddenly Querida burst through the door and grabbed the bat away from her. Querida screamed,

"YOU WANNA......FIGHT????!!" Kate was shocked. Querida was screaming at her!

ha ha ha so funny i forgot to laff :roll:
awww if you needed help was just to post not include me in the tale!....Me and Mistress Santa Ria have had our differences :wink: :P

"WTF!" Kate couldn't get over her shock...she realized her shock had turned to numbness as she felt needles pricking her all over....she watched helplessly as Querida approached her. "just watch the pendant Kate" Kate felt herself leave her body and watched herself below handing over the dagger to Bosa...next

24th March 2005, 04:46 AM
hmmm i see this story has hit rock bottom....hmmm should we scrap it and start a new one? Who hasn't posted up a line up yet and would like to do so? :? :D

24th March 2005, 04:55 AM
I'll try to give it a jumpstart. :)

Joe the daywalker storms into the room and pins querida to the wall with his palm. Bosa leaps when Joe grabs his neck and violently throws him out the window. "Queridaaaaaa!!!" Bosa screamed as he hit the cold, painfully numbing water in the lake below. "Die!! Bosanoca IPS!! Encounter Specialist!!!" Bosa sank to the ground and lost concience. :D :D

Hint: Uyirin Uyire. 8) Take it whre u'd like! :D


nirosha sen
25th March 2005, 12:24 PM
Like an effervescent aspirin dissipating in coke, the fountain pool where Bosa fell into, soon was a frothy, foamy mess!!

The guy was coming apart literally, I mean literally, just like the Biblical Rebecca who was turned into a pillar of salt!! Bosa was simply unravelling, dissolving as sodium chloride in water........

* :x This is it, guys!! Don't try to revive this foamy mess again okay???? He's not the Terminator, Pa!! :evil:

26th March 2005, 02:57 AM
I agree with Niro Pa! Bosanoca, 'the Great Lover' is gone for good! :)

Joe Pike looked at Pete who was now lying in a pool of blood, still twitching like a fish struggling on land. "Lets go Kate." He said grabing the gurth of Querida's body with his right palm. Querida had lost her consience. Kate, totally petrified stared at Peter's last moments as a human being. "Don't worry, he will be mutated by dawn." Joe walked out of the room, leaving the stench of blood behind.

Next. 8)

Badri?!?! Return!! :D

nirosha sen
26th March 2005, 10:52 AM
And together they walked into the sunset, to face yet another day!

The End? :D

26th March 2005, 11:09 AM
WHat?? What happens to Querida, and the mutating Peter? :twisted:

nirosha sen
26th March 2005, 07:47 PM
How abt another chapter in the lives of Querida and the Mutant Pete????!!! :D They live to continue their lives, Pa!! :wink:

26th March 2005, 11:03 PM
oh the cruely of it all....Poor beloved not beloved at all....end it already....my reputation is already uhhh mutated? :lol:

so who's starting a new line?
Badri may write fantasy...but fanaticasy i don't think so....

26th March 2005, 11:45 PM
Who has started on already. Me, Querida, Badri. So it's up to Niro or C-Man! :D

27th March 2005, 12:12 AM
hey Surya i love that movie!
I liked Ray Liotta in Goodfellas :D
I had such respect for Pesci until Home Alone :x

Yep C-man seeing how you felt sorry to have even included me in the story and my messing it up...here's your chance

And of course Niro shown you too have skills in the gore and action parts but love to hear a beginning from you :D

27th March 2005, 02:04 AM
yeah it was great! One of my favs. I'm a fan of all mob movies. Godfather, Goodfelles, Casino, The Untouchables etc.
Ray Liotta is great in goodfellas! He's great in pretty much most movies! :D

//////I had such respect for Pesci until Home Alone.////
Did Lethal Weapon come before or after Home alone? I thought it was pathetic for him to act in a role like that!

27th March 2005, 06:28 AM
Ok... I'll try my hand at starting a one liner. Ahem. ...
............. :x darn it I can't think of anything.

Jack delt the cards around the table. The players were all gamblers; of the dangerous type. All carrrying six shooters in their holsters. If he was gonna cheat this game, he'd better be careful... :mrgreen:

nirosha sen
27th March 2005, 04:11 PM
:x Oh no!!!!!!!

Anyways, Pesci was loveable in that movie with Brendan Fraser et el.? Was called, "With Honours"????

He was a homeless a man who taught a Harvard group of students abt humanity, the essence of life, etc before he died of a terminal illness. I thought it was a superb movie with a nice message, Pa!!

29th March 2005, 02:54 AM
really? That sounds good! I"ve never seen it. but...a homeless guy teaching in one of the best uni's in the world? :?

The Casino was screaming, attractive, well equipped blonds were stroaking Jack's hair. Jack felt a 2 small twitches coming from the little gadget strapped to his thigh, signalling him to favor small cards. 8)

29th March 2005, 02:57 AM
Jack knew what he was getting into already he knew of their expressions when they were losing or winning. "At this rate w'ell be playing till sun up!" that was Randy's subtle threat to dare anyone to up him on his bet...it also meant that he had gone breaking up debts...and debtors for that fact...

29th March 2005, 06:51 AM
The next hand was delt. He had two pair; aces and eights. Randy raised. When the bet came to him, he raised as well. Eyebrows shot up and hands became folded. It was him and Randy now. Randy smiled.
"Since you think so much of your hand, why not up the stakes?" he asked.
"Why not?" Jack replied, trying to keep back a grin. His hand dropped casually beneath the table and an ace of spades slid out of his sleeve...

nirosha sen
29th March 2005, 08:56 AM
:oops: Uhm guys? I'm afraid I have to sit this one out! I don't know anything abt cards except the fact that there are 52 of them in a pack???? That too I learned it in Maths class, during Probabilities lesson!!!

Surya - The homeless man was not teaching in "With Honours"!! He was the one who held on to the thesis of one of the students which had fallen thru the gutter. Pesci's character in fact was reading the papers when Brendan Fraser's character was hunting for the lost manuscript! Talk abt making friends in low places, Pa!!

29th March 2005, 09:14 AM
:oops: Uhm guys? I'm afraid I have to sit this one out! I don't know anything abt cards except the fact that there are 52 of them in a pack???? That too I learned it in Maths class, during Probabilities lesson!!!

Ditto Pa...I also know just that much about cards, and thanks to Probabilities lesson in Maths!!!

Glad to find a kindred soul!

29th March 2005, 11:45 PM
awww come on Badri and Niro....me neither...i was so dead in probability class :( everyone else said it was the easiest class (sigh)...i'll let the card dealing to coltsith but the story i can still contribute to...of course Surya too...those shooters are going to be shot sooner or later... :lol:

30th March 2005, 03:25 AM
If someone else wants to start a new story its coo. :mrgreen: I've just been reading Lonesome Dove in the past week or so. (The best western literature ever written. :clap: )

30th March 2005, 06:06 AM
Niro: Absolutly love the New Avatar. Are u going to keep this one for more than 30 mins? :lol2:

aww....:cry: No one is participating!! Ok ok....I'll try my best to keep my guns empty on this one, I hope that C-Man will too. Notice how we never write these stories in first person format?

Here goes:
I was doing push-ups in my room when the phone rang on the day that started it all. I didn't answer, that was my mistake. I missed the warning. The last notice for me to pay my rent.

Next. 8)

1st April 2005, 12:57 AM
uh.... :? Yeah, U guys can start another one if u want! :)

1st April 2005, 04:35 AM
what's going on? :? :shock:
I make one joke and that's it...Surya i don't care it would make perfect sense for those shooters to shoot!
Alright i expressed nothing wrong with the one coltsith began nor do i have a problem with this one...

why dont coltsith and surya decide amongst themselves so we can get on with the story! :D

2nd April 2005, 07:24 AM
U guys choose. It's coo with us!! :D

4th April 2005, 05:44 AM
Randy looked at Jimmy his partner, Jimmy got up from his table and sauntered to the bar where with a slight nod signalled Randy's goons to surround the table...the other players were beginning to sweat. They would rather forfeit the game rather than forfeit the use of their limbs

Surya care to enlighten me who your avatar is? :D

4th April 2005, 05:57 AM
..... I'm going blank at the moment. I can only think of shootouts right now. But I'm gonna refrain from that. :wink: I'll wait for someone to post before I do. :)

Surya care to enlighten me who your avatar is?

It's the great Rajagopala Chari aka Rajaji. :) Freedom Fighter, the first Governer General of India, Ex-Chief Minister of TN, A great Nyani, Very spiritual, Knolegeble. Gave one of the best Regiems for TN, the only CM of TN that ever had the guts to say that Hindhi is very usefull and good to learn, translated the Holy Bagavad Gita into Tamiz for the Tamiz ppl and called it "Kanna Kaatiya Vazhi"

In a nut-shell,
One of the best Indians that ever lived. :D

Regards. 8)

6th April 2005, 05:56 AM
wassup yall?!

6th April 2005, 06:40 AM
C-Man! Why don't u continue?? :?

7th April 2005, 12:40 AM
ARGH!! Has the thread hit rock bottom?? :evil:

Ok, I"ll go.

ROger tossed his hand of cards. "I"m out." He said, and brought relief to the others. One by one each one of them did the same, inside smiling like the happy gamblers they were.

Next! :x

8th April 2005, 06:42 AM
ARRGH!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

Note: I am now viciously breaking things in my room!!

8th April 2005, 08:27 AM
Ayyo Surya calm down i doubt you mom will like having to clean up a bigger mess than you usually leave behind :P

Jack left the bar, still grinning. Jack was back again the next day. Randy sauntered over to him, ordered a drink and fixed his steely gaze upon Jack "I don't know what you're up to but I don't like it"

8th April 2005, 02:59 PM
"You're up to something, aren't you?" Randy asked. Jack looked at him.
"I am a cowboy looking for anything heavy," he replied.

8th April 2005, 11:04 PM
FInally!! :D

"Heavy enough?" Randy moved his coat letting jack see his bit*h in the holster.

17th April 2005, 07:12 AM
FInally!! :D

"Heavy enough?" Randy moved his coat letting jack see his bit*h in the holster.

Jack stepped back "damn me what the hell am i doing with an unloaded gun, shooting off my mouth?" Randy smirked his fingers itching to reach and show off he how good a shot he was "what's wrong with you kid? Why you sweating away like swine?"

19th April 2005, 07:39 AM
"haha" Jack cowered. "U're funny." Randy came closer smiling. "Funny like what? Funny like I ammuse u? I'm here to fuc*ing amuse u? Funny how?" Randy's wrinkled forehead reminded Jack of scrambled eggs.

19th April 2005, 07:48 AM
"haha" Jack cowered. "U're funny." Randy came closer smiling. "Funny like what? Funny like I ammuse u? I'm here to fuc*ing amuse u? Funny how?" Randy's wrinkled forehead reminded Jack of scrambled eggs.

hmmmm why do i get a clear pic of pesci when i read those lines? :wink:

"Randy..." glared the bartender "take it outside" Jack saw this was his chance "yeah Randy let's go outside...I got to go check up on my horse anyways...left my money in the saddle" not to mention my precious lucky shooter Jack though to himself

PS: lakalakalakalakalakalak!!! :x that was the most annoying sound to hear!

19th April 2005, 07:54 AM
lol, yes, i'm listening to the movie wavs right now. :lol2:

Jack doubled timed it to the horse. He lifted the sattle, to find the gun gone. "looking for this?" .....

Really? I thought it was the good touch, when Jo said it when she burned the doll. Also, Super Star, Thalaivar Rajini didn't have a punch line in the movie. My friends and I were yelling this when we walked outta the theater. Gotta love watchin Rajni movies in the theater!!!!

19th April 2005, 09:47 AM
PS: Congrats on the seasoning!! :wink:

nirosha sen
21st April 2005, 07:11 PM
Hey guys - Is your story heading anywhere at all????!!!! :roll:

22nd April 2005, 05:18 AM
Well...no where rally, because it's not really very active. :cry:

PS: Nice Avatar!! :thumbsup:

22nd April 2005, 05:57 AM
wassup yall

22nd April 2005, 06:15 AM
C-Man!!! Freakin write somthin homes!!!! Come on Ese, we ain't gonna shoot nobody!! Que no? Give it a shot eh! 8)

26th April 2005, 06:42 AM
Jack went nuts and grabbed a pay phone receiver from off the way.
"You wanna mess with me?!" He asked before he cracked it across Randy's face. " Blood spurted out of a cut on his forehead and Randy screamed, throwing his arms in front of his face. Jack started beating Randy to the ground with the telephone.
"Mess with me with you!? Maybe I'll just beat you with this telephone!" Jack screamed as he continued swinging, each blow hitting harder and louder. After a few seconds Randy's arms began to drop and he was defenseless. CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK. Jack shoved Randy down and sat on his chest, beating his face in with the phone. The cord stopped his hand and Jack zipped his head to look at it. The cord wasn't long enough. He took out a knife and screamed as he started cutting the cord. Once he cut through it he resumed beating Randy's face with the telephone in one hand and stabbing with the knife in the other. The bartender stepped from around the bar holding a 12 gauge shotgun in front of him.
"Hey you! We don't allow that here! Get out!" Without hesitating Jack whirled around and charged the bartender with the knife and telephone. The bartender was caught off guard at this and got one shot off into the ceiling before Jack fell upon him stabbing and beating. He fell backwards and a wooden stool broke beneath him. Jack stood over the bartender breathing loudly and looking around at the other patrons, daring anyone to return his stare. When no one did he let go of his weapons and they clattered to the ground, their sound amplified by the surrounding silence. No one moved when Jack began walking back out to the street and to his horse. He mounted it and was about to start off when he turned around in his saddle. A smile broke out on his face and he said,
"Wait a minute, they didn't have pay phones in the wild west!" Then he laughed and rode off.

nirosha sen
26th April 2005, 04:38 PM
Woh!! What a blood-bath!! Please tell me that it was part of some wild,wild, west filming, people!! :shock:

26th April 2005, 11:38 PM
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: .................................................. ...........................................AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :clap: :clap: 8) 8) 8)

27th April 2005, 01:17 AM
I guess we start a new one now?? :?

nirosha sen
27th April 2005, 09:23 AM
Yup!! How abt a ghostly tale that trails into the Occult???? Wanna try???? :D

27th April 2005, 01:49 PM
I told you!! All the stories here wallow in blood!!!!!

Hey, a ghost story is a wonderful idea, Niro!!! Let me give it a shot..

There was nothing different about her...she just looked like the girl-next-door, only the next door in Joe's case was the cemetry. But that hadn't been on Joe's mind when he had bought the house. It was what they called a 'period' house, and it had come real cheap.

Ok, who's next?

27th April 2005, 01:56 PM
As joe looked at her standing in the door step clad all in white, his eyes caught the fact that her feet could not be clearly seen beneath. It looked as a swirl of mist going well with the colour of her white satin gown.
Just then....

27th April 2005, 01:58 PM
"Hi, my name is May," she said, with a smile that lit up her face.

Joe stared at her, his mind a complete blank as always when a woman spoke to him, and then hurriedly said, "I...I..I'm Joe."

27th April 2005, 02:11 PM
"Ah, Joe is a name I could never forget. My lover was also called Joe" sighed May. "Isn't the breeze too cold?", she continued seeing Joe's puzzled face growing darker.

"y.. yes.. yes", Joe replied hurriedly. He would have called May inside but was shaking in fear as he had just spotted a newly constructed tombstone in the grave with the name - May Kingston.

nirosha sen
27th April 2005, 03:09 PM
Caught in a bind, where he could neither invite her in nor tell her to leave outright, he stammered, "May, huh? Took a walk earlier next door, and saw a May Kingston resting in peace there, too!!" He finished his sentence lamely, with a hollow laugh......

27th April 2005, 03:39 PM
"Hey, listen, Joe....I wonder if I could use your phone......
I came here in a hurry, forgot to let my dear Joe know i'm here..."

"oh! Oh!...here comes trouble......" thought Joe.....uncertain what to do....


27th April 2005, 03:53 PM
Joe quickly composed himself in a second and stammered again ' Yes, you can', though he was hoping in his heart that May would opt otherwise. To his luck, May smiled gently, walked in, picked up the phone,dialled the number and said in a sweet voice - "Is that Joe? Hey, May kingston here".

28th April 2005, 05:48 AM
Suddenly something struck joe hard. There was no sign of life for miles. This town made up of few people made it's living off of the cemetery. Who comes to this god-forsaken-place 'in a hurry'? As he finished his last words in his head. May's head snapped in his direction.

Scorpio, NM, Badri. Welcome Back! :D :D :D

28th April 2005, 06:27 AM
Seeing she had replaced the receiver, Joe asked her uncertainly, "May Kingston? Rather funny that, isn't it? I mean, there is a marker that says..."

"My Aunt May. I was named after her," replied the girl, with a smile that at once seemed sweet and sinister. "She died young, the poor thing. Was about my age when she died."

28th April 2005, 06:45 AM
"Oh.......bummer" Joe started sweating. "So, how's ur uncle?" 'Random question' he thought, but he had already asked.

"Uncle Joe....actually, I don't know where he is? Where is he??" Signs of panic emerged on her face now.

28th April 2005, 06:47 AM
Hey Surya!!! Aunt May died young...she hadn't married, buddy..so who's Uncle Joe?

28th April 2005, 06:52 AM
She married young. :D

Or if u wanna change it:

"Oh.......bummer" Joe started sweating. "So, how's ur uncle?" 'Random question' he thought, but he had already asked.
May slowly looked around the room, acting as if Joe hadn't said anything. :D

28th April 2005, 06:57 AM
Ok, that sounds better....

"Nice place you have here. Of course, you have changed almost everything. This was not how I remembered Aunt May had decorated the mantel."

"This was your Aunt May's house?" Joe asked.

28th April 2005, 07:03 AM
She continued to ignore his words. "I liked Aunt may's decorations better though." Joe was now praying for this beautiful thing to leave.

"U want me to leave?" She asked looking at him with her big blue eyes.

28th April 2005, 07:21 AM
"That is not like a gentleman, at all!" she continued. "Why, in my times, men were so much more better...but I will leave, Joe, if that is what you want. But of course, since you have invited me once, I can come in again anytime!"