4th February 2017, 01:06 PM
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Abstinence from taking Liquor by the Younger and Elder Generation of Tamilians
Abstinence from taking Liquor by the Younger and Elder Generation of Tamilians of Tamil Nadu
Taking Foreign Liquor is not a 'symbol' of Social Status, Business Status, Professional Status, Financial Status or Political Status of the Elite (High Class) group of Tamilians of Tamil Nadu. It is a grievous act resulting in their ruination health-wise both Physically and Mentally, eventually unable to release themselves from complete addiction to Liquor - as their nerves become very weak and nervousness sets in without having same, and loosing their senses of Clear Thinking and Reasoning Power, their Ethical and Disiplined Life, disturbing the General Peace and Order of their Families, and their great - Name and Fame in the Society.
Taking Local Liquor is not a Drink for Rejoicing - Family or Public Social Functions, or celebrating the Achievements made by an Individual or a Group of People in the Society, a Health Medicine or a Body System Rejuvinator, or a Solution to all the Social Problems met by the Middle Class and Lower Class Tamilians of Tamil Nadu in their day to day Life. It is only a grievous act resulting in their ruination health-wise both Physically and Mentaly, eventually unable to release themselves from complete addiction to Liquor - as their nerves become very weak and nervousness sets in without having same, and also loosing their senses of Clear Thinking and Reasoning Power, their Ethical and Disiplined Life, disturbing the General Peace and Order of their Families, causing much Unhappiness, Economic Ruination, and Mental Peace - in their Families, with an Uncertain Future of their Children and Digrace to their Families in the Society. In 'fair number of instances' they become a symbol of 'acute mental agony' in their respective families, and a 'laughing stock' in the eyes of the Public - leading to Unruliness, Kidnapping, Rape, Arson and Murder resulting as "Criminals in the Society" outside
The Young Girls and elderly Women from any of the above groups who take to Liquor cannot be counted as Great Females of "high Intellectual capacity" and of much "Virtue and Integrity".
The Young Boys and elderly Men from any of the above groups who take to Liquor cannot be counted as Great Males of "high Intellectual capacity" and of much "Vigor, Ability and Integrity".
It is prudent at this juncture to peruse the sayings in the ten couplets (couplet = a two line verse) from "Thirukkural" the greatest "Tamil Code of Ethics" composed by the "Tamil Sage-Poet Thiruvalluvar" of Tamil Nadu, South India of the first century B.C. (B.C.30)

As food for thought to those "who may find" them of some interest, I have translated these ten couplets from their poetic form in Tamil into simple English.
(1) Those who desire for Liquor (and consume) will always not be feared by their enemies (as they are not in their minds), and (also they) lose their fame (in the society).
(2) Consume not the Liquor, but should you consume - then consume those who wish "not to be respected" by the Intellectuals (in the society). (Intellectual - a person with cultivated mind)
(3) When it is (very) grievous (to consume Liquor) in front of your (own) Mother, how will it be (consuming Liquor and) rejoicing in the presense of the Intellectuals (who tend to condemn the wrong).
(4) the great dame known as "shame" will move away from (all) those who are (possessed) of the great evil (habit) looked down upon (by the Society i.e. the consuming of) - the Liquor.
(5) Paying money (for consuming Liquor) and not realising his "own self' (i.e. being in improper senses), is (the result) that stems from not realising his "own acts" (of foolishness)
(6) Those who are at sleep are not (considered) different from a dead (corpse), (likewise) those who consume Liquor (will not be considered different from) - the persons taking poison everyday.
(7) Those who hide and consume Liquor and lose their senses (being in mental delusion will come to be known0 by the Neighbours (and) will be laughed at everyday.
(8) Give up saying "I donot consume Liquor" (when you are in good sense without Liquor), as the hidden (truth) within your heart (of what you actually do in the sly) will come out in great measure (after) Liquor).
(9) To one who is already rejoicing (in Liquor) saying reasons for him to refrain from it is like searching a Person under water with a (hand) lamp. (i.e. will not enlighten his mind)
(10) When a (person has) not consumed Liquor (and in good senses), he seeing another under Liquor will he not realise the effects (of mental delusion and silliness) on consuming Liquor.
Last edited by virarajendra; 21st August 2018 at 05:50 PM.
4th February 2017 01:06 PM
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