5th September 2019, 05:20 PM
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A Brief Historical Study of the "Tamil Saiva Saint Karuvur Thevar of Tamil Nadu"
A Brief Historical Study of the "Tamil Saiva Saint Karuvur Thevar of Tamil Nadu" UNDER CONSTRUCTION
The Karuvur Thevar was a Tamil Saiva Saint of the Medieval Chola Period from the region of Karuvur near Uraiyur in the present Thirutchiraappalli District. He has composed ten Tamil Pathikams on Sacred four Chola Shrines at Kalanthai (nannilam) Athitheswarem, Trililoki Sundaram (Thiruvidaimaruthur,) Thanjavur Rajarajeswarem and Gangaikonda Choliswarem al connected with Chola Royal Family of Rajaraja Chola - 1. Athitheswarem associated with Aathitha Cholan the elder step brother of Rajaraja Chola, Trilokiyamadevi one of the Queens of Aathitha Chola, and Rajaraja Chola - 1 and Rajendra Chola - 1. Leaving these for Temple Shrines associated with Rajaraja Chola's family he has also composed hyms on six other Temple shrines of this period. these fouth pathikangal indicates karuvurthevar was lived during the period approximately between A.D. to A.D1044 for three generations from parthivendravarman alias Adiththakarikalan. This was the reason
Last edited by virarajendra; 30th January 2020 at 11:31 PM.
5th September 2019 05:20 PM
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