yeah but why aren't you guys making any claims like SANSKRIT can?

according to the NEASDEN temple they quote that SANSKRIT has 70 words for water which then amalgamate into 280 different words when added with a pre-fix..........

these 70 words have not been derived from anyother language........

so then how can TAMIL have HAD ANY influence over SANSKRIT and the north?

you have to remember that the BRODERS of ARYA-VARTHA reached up to SIBERIA and across most of INDO-CHINA.........

the old lands not the recent ones like ANGOR WAT etc......MOHENJO DARO and the INDUS are all new sites.....

the SARASWATI site shows a continous momentum of life from 5000 bc all the way back to 2 million years ago.....

which coincides with the time KRSNA was called RAANCHOD when he left the battlefield to warn his people of the civilisation due to melting ice caps and the flooding off the rivers........

and even that site isn't part of the old land so you can imgaine how big ARYA VARTHA really was...

can TAMIL make any claims like that?

if so please enlighten the world, if not be humbled by the power of SANSKRIT and stop fighting it and go with the flow.............

i am sure TaMIL is just as beautifully refined...

SANSKRIT has 70 words for water and 65 words for Earth.

when added with a prefix these words for water then amalgamate to 280 words !!!!

no language in the world has such qualities!!!!

jai hind

om chanted through tonoscope produces Sri Yantra!!!

the seven chakras alligned together give the same pattern as the spark that ignites life into a computer......................

see articles on OM through tonoscope listed below.....

now do you guys understand why the NAZIS and the west want to keep Aryanism downtrodden and hidden away as theirs?

it is the coolest and most laid back religion, and way of life there is available amalgamating as many realms as possible as one............

green comes from blue and yellow

yellow and pink make orange......

welcome to the Geometric hallucination......
