12th December 2004, 08:34 AM
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Is tamil derived from Sanskrit
Topic started by vinay (@ adsl-67-39-3-180.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net) on Wed Oct 22 22:07:56 .
I strongly believe that tamil language has its own roots and is independent from any other language in the world. But I now have a doubt. Is the word "kamam" in tamil is derived from Sanskrit or not. Because in sanskrit too we have "kama".
12th December 2004 08:34 AM
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12th December 2004, 08:34 AM
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12th December 2004, 08:34 AM
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Nedunchezhiyan (@ cach*) on: Tue Nov 30 15:17:38 EST 2004
The Japanese Islands name, 'Izu' and 'kuril Islands' the word 'Izu' and 'kuril' what do they mean in Japanese? Do they have connection with the Thamizh words 'Izhu' and 'kuril?'
12th December 2004, 08:34 AM
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A P MASILAMANI (@ cach*) on: Wed Dec 1 05:20:21 EST 2004
Thiru Neduncheziyan avargale!!
Vanakkam. The word "thaLapathi" is derived as follows:
The root is thaL, which means that which is at the base and increased in size or in other ways.
thaL > thaaL - foot, feet, base.
"eNkuNaththaan thaaLai vaNangkaath thalai" (kuraL).
"thaaLunda niiraith thaalayaale than tharuthalaal" (Avvai).
thaaL > thaaLam: beats as synchronised by the movement of the feet; now, generally, any beat of drum or as measured by the movement of hands.
thaL > thaLam : base, something like feet, from which all movement takes place. Organisational base.
thaLam + pathi = thaLapathi. (the leader of a base; a base commander.)
pathi-thal: pathinthu iruththal. ( entrenched or well secured in a place. ) (other meanings are not relevant here at this moment).
pathi = a ruler or official or commander, entrenched or well-secured in a place; one who rules the place; a leader.
From the above, "thaLapathi" meaning is clear.
12th December 2004, 08:34 AM
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AP MasilaMani (@ cach*) on: Wed Dec 1 05:34:48 EST 2004
"naayakan" naayar (plural).
Meaning as above.
Also, the word naagan corrupts to "naayan", which is a different derivation from the above naayan, thus giving the word "naayan" two meanings.
Naayan = padaiththalaivan; this, together with naagan> naayan, became a caste later. We need not go beyond word derivation here.
12th December 2004, 08:34 AM
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A P MASILAMANI (@ cach*) on: Wed Dec 1 05:39:53 EST 2004
Thiru Neduncheziyan,
There is some bug in this thread and some of the things I wrote went missing.
naya + aka(m) + an = naayakan.
naya (verb) > nayaththal = virumbuthal, pinchelluthal.
Look at the phrase: piRanmanai nayaththal.
12th December 2004, 08:34 AM
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A P MASILAMANI (@ cach*) on: Wed Dec 1 05:45:26 EST 2004
naayakan - one who is liked; one who is followed; a leader; a general.
naya + an = naayan, (singular). naayar (plural)
meaning as above.
Since naagan also derived to "naayan", the word naayan has two births and two meanings. It eventually evolved into a caste. We need not go beyond derivation of words.
12th December 2004, 08:34 AM
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A P MASILAMANI (@ cach*) on: Wed Dec 1 05:56:27 EST 2004
The word sengunthan also denotes a position in the military, like the word "lance corporal".
Senguntham = a lance or stave, that is carried by the person who marches ahead of his force of men or platoon.
muthal> muthali: one who marches ahead of his force. This word is found in stone inscriptions as "padaimuthali", as per researchers. It shortened to "muthali" . Meaning is clear from the word: it means the first person. (not a general, but a right marker or left marker in marching.)
We are here only concerned with word derivation. We set aside the social aspects etc such as what connotations the word attained as it progressed through time.
12th December 2004, 08:34 AM
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A P MASILAMANI (@ cach*) on: Wed Dec 1 06:04:10 EST 2004
akam + padi + ar = akaththup padinthu iruppavar. Internal (palace) workers or guards.
maRavan = a soldier.
Military workers have evolved into castes in many instances and therefore, these ranks cannot be neatly set against current Western military ranks most of the time.
12th December 2004, 08:34 AM
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A P MASILAMANI (@ cach*) on: Wed Dec 1 06:07:06 EST 2004
As between Japanese and Tamil, researches are going on. I shall rever to them in due course and let you know, thiru Neduncheziyan avargale!!