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Thread: Adolf Hitler - A Facinating Criminal Mind

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    Senior Member Veteran Hubber Surya's Avatar
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    Adolf Hitler - A Facinating Criminal Mind

    It's weird how I go through certain phases. And I become obcessed with the phase that I'm in for as long as I'm in it.... As older hubbers would know, some phases are: Hindu Nationalism, Hinduism, Indian History, American Nationalism, Veer Savarkar, Michael Jackson, Rastafarianism (that was a very fun phase if u know what I mean.) and my newest : ADOLF HITLER. I can't stop reading about him. I'm fascinated by his life as of late. So...if anyone else is interested in Hitler of any of the WWII stuff please contribute to this thread. I'd love to read it.

    I'll start it all off: In order to understand the origins of Herr Hitler, we much first look at the recent history of Germany before the Rise of Insanity.

    It all basically started during the First World War.

    Cause Of The First World War:
    The Assasination of The Arch Duke ‘Francis Ferenand by a Serb. The Duke was the Heir of the Austro-Hungarian Throne. Austro-Hungary Wages war on Serbia in 1914 after Serbia refuses to agree to the Terms of the the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Allies of both Parties get involved leading to the involvement of the Superpowers of Europe.

    Hitler Before Herr Hitler:
    · Born to Alois and Klara Hitler in Austria.
    · Grows up to be a Mediocre Painter who fails to get into Art Institutions in Vienna.
    · Is Intensly interested in racist theories of Aryanism, and Aryan Supremacy.
    · Drops Painting Career after the start of WW-I in 1914 to join the Army.

    This was a fun thing I stumbled upon just now, check it out:
    Adolf Hitler attends a rally in the Munich Odeonsplatz to celebrate the declaration of war in 1914 :::

    · Is Awarded the Iron Cross First Class for Valor for his acts of Bravery when in Battle.
    · In 1918, he is critically injured and temporarily looses his sight., when sight returns and he recovers, he is enraged to hear of the Armistice, an agreement between the Allies (France, England, Russia etc) and Germany, which effectively ends the War despite Germany still having hopes of winning it.
    · While in Munich, Hitler is furious at the site of Jews and Communists asking for the End of the War.
    · The Versailles Treaty is Signed which causes wide spread anger and hatred throughout Germany.

    In order to fully understand the rise of Nazism and Hitler, we've gotta put ourselves in the shoes of the German People after the Treaty of Versailles was signed.

    The Versailles Treaty and it’s Content:
    · It is the treaty which Germany was forced to Sign by the Allies after Germany’s Surrender. It is known to be unfair, Oppertunitistic, and one of the basic causes for THE RISE OF THE THIRD REICH and WWII.
    - Former German Emperor, Wilhelm II is Charged with Supreme Offence against International Morality, and is to be Tried as a War Criminal.
    - Many Other Germans are Tried as War Criminals as well.
    - ‘The War Guilt Clause’ lays sole responsibility for the war on Germany, making it responcible for all the damages done to civilian properties and populations of the Allies during the War.
    - Germany was Forbidden to unite with Austria to Form a Larger nation to make up for the lost land.
    - The Rhineland will become a Demilitarized Zone administered by Great Britain and France jointly.
    - German Armed Forces will numeber no more than a 100,000 Troops.
    - German Naval forces will be limited to 15,000 men, 6 Battleships, 6 Cruisers, 6 Destroyers, and 12 Torpedo Boats. No Submarines are to be Included.
    - The manufacture, import, and export of Weapons and Poison Gas is Prohibited.
    - Armed Aircraft, tanks, armoured cars are prohibited.
    - Blockades on ships are prohibited.
    - Restrictions on Manufacture of machine Guns, and Rifles.
    - Germany’s Borders in 1919 had been established 45 years ealier in the country’s creation in 1871. Territory and cities had exchanged hands repetedly over centuries.
    - However Germany laid claim to lands and cities that it viewed as historically “germanic” centuries before Germany’s establishment as a country in 1871.
    - In the Treaty, Germany had to return disputed lands and cities to various countries. Germany was compelled to yield control of all of it’s colonies (When the United Kingdom had colonies all over the globe) and Germany would also loose and Obscene number of it’s European Territories.
    - Austria was Forbidden from merging with Germany.
    - And German Colonies were Divided between Belgium and the United Kingdom.
    - Much of the rest of the Treaty was assigned to set out the reparations that Germany would have to pay it’s Allies.
    - Skipping all the Technical Details, all that is relevant to the reason for the Rise Of Insanity at a Time of Desperation in Post WW-1 Germany, is this:
    · Including the Victor’s Fee (Money that Germany was made to pay ‘The Allies’ because they were the victors of the WAR) and other reparations, it would have taken Germany until 1988 to pay the whole amount if it had started to pay them in 1919.

    That's what I've got time for now, I'll check in later.

    C ya guys! PS: It feels awesome to be back!!
    Back after a while...

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