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Thread: LOVE after marriage

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    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    LOVE after marriage

    Ramya speaking:

    yeah today I came to my mammas house, feeling relaxed from my daily works and tortures from my sadist husband.....

    In fact I and raghu loved for nearly 7 years and it was not this much or that much......

    For him I have opposed everybody from my poor mama, my handicapped father and all my dear frds.... But now i am just looking in these relatives and friends console..... Is this the same Raghu who loved me from my school days, who won't go for school when I feel ill. who understands me much...... y he has turned this much cruel... that too in my present situation being pregnant.... how can I do all the jobs on my own going for office too....

    I still remember the day when I felt little much headache he finished my record notes ...... what happened to that guy..... Now even his duties he is not able to do......

    He is not believing me.... even if I was working in the kitchen, he often visits me and asks whom am I looking thru the window? Is it the apposite house boy? Why god this man has become this much doubtful..... He is even asking will u like to have a child like that cute guy......ohm hell I can't tolerate.....

    I can't even tell this to my mom and pa, as I have already hurt their hearts enough, i am not eligible even to rest in my parents home.... but those great hearts have forgotten everything and came for my rescue during my pregnancy.......

    I haven't made even a single call to Raghu these days..... y I should if I he is not interested in me, if he doesn't believe only I am not contacting him... let him eat in hotel and let him be least then will he realize my presence and my importance...

    Raghu Speaking:
    y this ramya has become like this?
    Won't she know that how much I like her?
    When she was in our home she is not doing any physical activates saying as pregnant.... But without doing any work, it will be difficult for her only to give birth to a child.....

    Now-a-days she has become very sensitivity, she gets irritated for silly matters, she is not at all talking to me, she only shouts always....

    See some one week before it was a Sunday.... I called her for going to a movie, but she said she can't move any where and hided herself inside our kitchen.....

    But I needed her as my ramya whom I loved and loving, that girl who left everybody for me and who loves me...... I want those naughty and silly talks we used to share for hours during our college days .........

    So I just went inside the kitchen, but she asked me to go out as I am disturbing her...... But I started helping her, taking an onion in my hand cutting..... I just want to talk to her..... So I simply noticed what she was doing? She is watching a 2 year boy with my neighbors and involved in his mischievous things......

    Then that 2 year boy’s mom came and took him inside..... I waited until this as I don't want to lose the light and brightness I have seen from my wife’s face when she was watching that small boy.....
    Really I have never seen such a beauty in her face during any of our loving days, even when we got married I haven't seen such a beauty in her face............. I am really surprised with such a natural brightness coming form her face..... So once when the child has been taken by her mother, I asked her my sweet heart what she is looking thru the window.... that boy? Does she like to have such a boy......................

    But I don't know y my sweet heart has developed that much hatred towards me and she shouted at me, "WON"T I HAVE THE RIGHT EVEN TO LOOK THRU THE WINDOW?"......

    All the beauty I was sucking from her face thru my eyes has suddenly vanished and it has become dark........
    Y mine hates me that much? Even when she shouted at me, I felt very pity about her..... I really don't know what her problem is and why she is avoiding me that much...........

    Then when I thought of this deep I realized she might have remembered about her parents and may be I became one of the reasons for her leaving them she might be hating me........

    Ramya speaking:
    thank god I have realized at least this raghu's worst characters now, otherwise I wouldn’t have met even my beloved parents..... So only I even left my home(sorry his house) without informing him when my parents called me.......

    Raghu who waited for me in beach and resorts from 5O' clock during our loving days, now coming daily after 8 or 9........
    It’s for only him and his request I have even taken loss of pay leave as soon as I was pregnant......

    But doesn’t he even know that I will be alone and I needed his caring this time.... he is always coming late and saying that he is busy with his job..... I ask won't he don't have that much work before marriage?

    Yes he have to feel for my absence, so only even when he called to my mammas house I behaved as if I was sleeping, or else I can't hear it or else as wrong number used to cut the calls.....

    He is the one who have separated me from my dear parents for the past one year..... God if he is not in my life how happy I would be?

    Raghu speaking:
    I myself realized ramya feeling very tired working both in office and home, I too don't have any relatives.... both my father and mother have died at my early age itself... the uncle who bought me up to this level also died some 15 months before......

    Yeah it’s at that stage where I felt very lonely in my life.... Living in a single house as a single person...seeing the 4 walls always......
    How can I forget my angel ramya who consoled me during my loneliness, who is the only person cared whether I slept, I ate and I am happy or not.................. She has even done all the cooking for me even during her semester exams as I felt ill......

    How can I tolerate when she is finding that much difficult in doing jobs at both places....
    So only I asked her to take leave even it’s losing of pay....... But she will be alone in home..... for that only I asked her to get permission from her parents before marriage itself..... But she feared a lot and she said they won't allow us to join....... Me as an orphan thought her parents as mine, but at that situation I had my only relation in the world my ramya I don't want to lose her for anything.... so I married her as per her wish and left even that city......

    But now when i am seeing her struggling alone how can I tolerate, that too as its my income only now and there is lot of expenses due to visiting hospitals everything I am doing overtime and returning very late.......

    I know my ramya will feel very much guilty when she knows that i am doing overtime for her and she will say that she will go for work without taking only I haven't even said to her that.....

    I thought of calling her parents even if they won't forgive me, I am ready even to fell of in their legs for my beloved shake.....

    Ramya's mother speaking

    I even don't know y this ramya is behaving like this.... she never understands those who love her , those who truly wish for her...... In the beginning she left us alone leaving ....... how dark days they were? how much I have brought her up putting all our efforts, our work, all our love towards her.....

    But she left us, she has thrown off everything within a day and went off in a day...... That too with Raghu whom we were seeing as our son , with him really terrible days........

    Ok it may be because of agley feelings and all she might have gone, but after that won't she remember us.... with my husband who can't even walk without his one of the legs, I am waiting to see her everyday, at least hearing a single word from her...... but she never even sent us a single letter or even a phone call........

    At last our son whom even I haven't carried in my stomach only came for my rescue and it’s my happiest day in my life......
    Raghu came to me and said that he and my daughter have got married and r going to give birth to a beautiful child.......

    But this ramya, he is not at all even considering raghu, she is not even seem to be showing interest towards him, she is not at all even attending his calls.... she seems to be always irritated with everyone.........

    I thought of just relax her..... so only I called some of my neighbors who were her dear ones from her early ages to cum and talk to her.......... But this girl, y she has become this much arrogant, even in front of them she shouted that she hates everyone.......

    God we are thinking wherever my beloved girl, she is happy..... But it doesn't seem to be so.......... God please give me my little girl who knows only to love, who knows only to soft gently and smile return to me .....

    Ramya Speaking
    won't this raghu come and visit me tallest in this situation... even if my mother said when he called I was sleeping and though I myself has told it to be wrong number, according to him its wrong number only..... then y he is not at all coming to see me..... God how many dreams I had when we both came to know we r going to become parents? But what happened to all that?
    I am now alone in a stage where a wife requires a husbands beloved...................... has he decided to let my child also to grow as a fatherless child as him...... Oh god one of the reasons I married him was as he was an orphan and he needed somebody to take care of him and he will realize better about the relationships and will give a good life......

    But what’s happening, as he is an orphan he does not know the importance of relationship..... doesn’t he know to meet a pregnant wife? y he has become this much rude? have he got any new girl friend, so only avoiding me.... No it won't be like that he is my raghu and he will love me only..........

    But then y he is coming always late from his office? y he is avoiding me? y he is finding doubt with me and another guy? ooh it may be because as he is having another girl’s friendship, is he doubting me also..... OOOh GOD where can I solve my doubts.... I already suffering from both my physical burden and mental burdens like that, my moms love disturbance is too much......

    Today I even shouted at her when she called me to do make up and come and meet some of our neighbors....

    Current situation:
    The pity thing is when raghu came to know thru his neighbor that ramya has left alone, he rushed with his bike..........

    He was so nervous and tensed and he doesn’t want to lose the only relation in his life, his beloved wife......... so he was rushing and met with an accident........

    Ouch God y u r behaving so harsh sometimes........ He got injured severely in his head and legs ....
    He has been admitted in the hospital...... Now he needs his wife to console him but he is ready to console her.......
    Because he knows how those poor parents will feel when their only daughter was suffering and was returning home without living with her husband..........

    In fact Raghu himself has gone to her parents and asked them to come and meet her..... But y this girl is behaving like this......

    Raghu speaking:
    I even thought of going and meeting ramya but doctors and my dear friend chandru are not allowing me to leave the hospital......... That too will she tolerate hearing my stage?

    But I know she will feel for me not meeting her.....
    Ramya is always like a child , she will be angry for silly matters, but once when I go down to her by one step, she will come down by 100 times.......... But what can I do when she even not attending my call.......I know that this is not good for even our baby within her....... But she is so depressed and needs some council ling.... But will she accept it?

    My friend is scolding me my wife what a pitch she is if her husband is suffering with this much injuries, she is not meeting him.........

    But chandru don't know that even I haven't informed her.... According to him, she has gone to meet her parents.... Let it be like that........... Will he know that the thought my ramya is avoiding me pains more than these wounds.... Will the medicines these doctors give will cure my external wounds, will they cure my life’s wound.........

    Only happy thing, she has gone to her parents, without going to any hell.....

    Ramya Speaking
    I am feeling very lonely, as if no one is there for me...really I don't know y no body is caring for me.......
    Ok let me go for a walk at least, otherwise I will become a mad......

    Hi who is sitting there with a bunch of flower girls around him, is it my dearest father..... How could I forget him? yeah I remember as soon as I came here I asked him how he is. that’s it when he came to talk with me, I locked myself in my room........

    Talk between father and daughter:
    R: Dad!! what r u doing with these much little girls and boys?(How my father is this much young in both speech and thoughts...thinking myself...)
    F: Come on my dear child..... After u left me these are my children.... I am taking tuition for these children...... As its half-yearly leave we r spending the time together by playing... come let u also join with us....

    R: I felt like somebody has pierced some cruel Knife into my heart..... How I have forgotten everything.... He is the one who have spent everything for my studies and welfare and when I came to a stage where I can earn, I have forgotten them? Really I am very selfish.......

    Yet how much positive my father in his life, he has lost his leg and yet confident, earning for him and his wife even in these 55 years....Making his life useful for himself and others..... But me?
    I was sitting near him for long time, forgetting myself in the play of those innocent children........ I felt like my heart is full of happiness and some small butterflies are flying around.....

    I felt like jumping and dancing...... Is this world this much beauty and enjoyable.... Where has all these enjoyments gone until now?
    I just cried in my fathers shoulder after those children left the place...... I told everything to my father, my sorrows or sufferings which I thought I was enriched with......

    He again found me as a child once again, he left me for crying for sometime and afterwards consoled me with his sweet gentle words...... His words came like a fountain and it made me to enter into a new world, new life.......

    AND this is my father’s speech:

    Hear my child, what’s your problem.... y r u crying.... do u think crying will solve your problems, then cry and wash your problems with that.....

    U have got a wonderful life, the one who can do anything for u and for u only as your husband... then y r u worrying?

    But I cried to him, he is not considering me, he is leaving me alone in the home and spending the whole day in the office......

    But he is so experienced, he understood what my problem is quickly, he said " u first of all avoids things imagining by yourself and cursing ".... though I get angry at that time, it doesn't last long....

    My father took me to our pooja room, moving front of me in his wheel chair... I just switched off the battery operating the chair and moved it in my hands......

    I realized the difference and the enrichment in every activity my father does.... Our pooja room won't be like others, it’s never filled with any Gods photos or statues......

    Its just a room with four walls and lot many windows and the light coming from those windows won't reach directly, it will be filtered with some blue slotted glass and so that room is always filled with some short of pleasant light and smell.....

    My mom will always keep the room clean and once u enters into the room itself, u will feel a spirit spreading across your whole body.......

    I am thinking myself how its possible for me to forget these spiritual places, where I used to do my meditations, yoga’s and got the spirit to win in every part of my life........

    It’s after getting into the college and when my father’s health was not good, and Raghu's only guardian Uncle also died, I hated GOD, I hated worship and all..... I stopped even doing these meditations and Yoga’s.... Now I realize the importance of them..........

    SO I myself got cleared in my mind and went for bathing immediately........... I just entered that room(sorry temple) and went inside and sat in the centre where all the lights and breezes coming and cycling , I just sat there, closed my eyes and my father started chanting Ohm.... from his Mouth...........

    Is that single words sound has that much power..... I myself had forgotten doing my meditation.... In the beginning all my confusions were crossing inside my thoughts, I even felt like head ache......... But I don't how long I was sitting like that, but I myself realized my mind is getting calm and I am entering into a world of calmness, softness, gentleness, the world of happiness.........

    Can u believe me or not , it seems I was sitting like that for nearly a day, forgetting everything........ When I woke everything was clear in my mind.... Now I have no confusions in my mind regarding any thing..... I realized how much my mom and pa loves me.... How much affection Raghu is showing to me and I understood I was surrounded by only those who r loving me, who am interested in my welfare only... now I am very clears.... I just went and felled down in the feet of my parents and cried to forgive me......

    My mother shed tears of joy, she said will I felt trouble when u kicked off me inside my stomach when I carried u ten months... No I felt joy only as u r learning to move your lags.... Now only I am feeling happy only as u have learned a new lesson to love life and understand people.... Everything is for good only........

    My father he is cool now also , he is saying me, ramya don't get excited.... Whatever u realized is only very little thing, there is much to be known in life.... I can't do anything except just joining my hands and wishing him to bless me........

    That day itself I want to meet Raghu, but how come in that mid night, so I made a call to him........ But no-body has attended.... OOh he might be in deep sleep as he will return form office very tired.... I realized how much he helped me in doing household jobs even after 10 clock if he returns tired.... I thought of myself let him sleep... let me won't disturb, let me go there and meet him directly and give him a pleasant surprise.....

    I said to my father I am going to meet him the next day....
    But my parents don't want me to allow alone, but my father also can't come traveling and he needs my mother for help.......

    So they arranged my aunt’s son Guhan to come with me, to meet my husband....We started together and went to our house..... But it was locked, but I always have got one of the keys with me, so opened..... It was really filled with dust... It seems no body was there from the day I left the house...... Suddenly a big fear came into my mind, what happened to my husband.... OOh god let him be safe.... Y should I think wrong like that... he might have went for some office tour, he might have called me to inform that.... It was really my mistake, if he is in tour how cum he come and meets me in mammas house.... He can't even take me too in this situation for long tour.... He was saying it for the past some months, so he might have went there.......

    In the mean while Guhan went to enquire in our neighboring houses, and came with the news that he hasn't came to house....
    It seemed neighbors thought both ramya and Raghu stayed in their parent’s house....

    Now I confirmed myself that he might have gone to some office tour and called to his office... But no body attended, so I thought of calling in the morning.... Guhan also stayed with me as he also feared a little much about what happened to my husband.... I even asked him that let we call our husbands friends... But he said let us won't disturb in this night time, let we call them in the morning...

    I slept that day too much , I think... In the morning guhan called me up and asked me to get up and get ready.....

    I asked for what he said my husband got some surprise for me and asked me to come to some park...... Really I got confused, but in the news that I am going to meet my raghu after 2 or 3 weeks , everything vanished....

    I wore one of the nice saree's presented to me by my raghu, I done everything thinking how much Raghu will like them....
    I first pasted a sticker in my forehead, then realizing that Raghu will like placing a big kumkum in my face I replaced.... Everything I done for my Raghu.....

    Guhan took an auto for me and came with me.... Guhan asked me ramya what type of girl u r ? Is u a bold one? can u tolerate everything? He is my best friend from my child hood and I don't know y he is asking like that too me in this happy situation.....

    But my eyes stopped closing when I see the auto entering one of the town’s famous hospitals.... I just want to ask him whether he wants to see anyone there... But my heart filled with some short of fear and I don't want to face anything bad............

    Raghu Speaking:
    Hey where is my cell chandru, have u seen it anywhere? He said--Yours--- it might be under your pillow, wait I will take and give..... hey u has received some 5 missed calls da... But I am much less interested as I know it might be from some of my office colloquies or from my cell agency kind of things......

    Chandru shouted in horror... He said hey it’s your wife called u.....
    U knows I have never felt such excitement in my life... But still I had a doubt it might be my mother in law called me.....

    God my ramya is entering my room? is it really she or am I dreaming? No is she only she is crying Raghu, u cheated me da.... What happened to u? y haven't u informed me? Leaving u in this stage I am enjoying in my house.... She went and started shaking chandru's collar asking him, y hasn’t u informed me... what happened to him?

    That poor chandru got stunned and he started consoling her," Sister Don't worry... Nothing is for him... Some simple fracture... Raghu don't want to disturb only haven't informed u......

    She came to me, sit near me, took my hands in her and said Sorry Raghu I am really sorry..... I have done some blunders.... I shouldn't have left u alone......And I said to her actually it’s not only your mistake.... Mine also I shouldn't have hidden any thing form u....

    I was doing overtime in my office and so only left u all the time alone.... Money is important for life for everything, but love, affection, sharing and spending time together with family also important.... Now I realized everything........... I won't hide any matters from u and let there won't be any secrets between us........


    We spend that whole day I am staying near to him, doing all the helps to him and the night came.... Raghu asked Guhan to take me to home and take care of me, as I am very week and staying in the hospital without sleeping is bad for my health.... He also asked him to bring my parents there arranging some good transport for them...

    I once again felt like going down as because the faith Raghu is having on me, because its from our childhood talk that me and Guhan will be married by our family and street..... Raghu too know that and even in our beginning stage of love he got jealous of Guhan.... But now he has become enough old in his thoughts, he understood that me and Guhan were just friends and we never got any such thoughts between us....Raghu is asking Guhan to stay with me, but I am thinking that he is connecting me with an unknown guy.... Y my mind has been dipped in such a drainage thoughts at that time....

    Thank God, my father gave me life once again.....

    Now me, my mamma and my pa with our little child living happily..... So girls don't confuse yourself with silly thoughts and spoil your beautiful life.....


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  3. #2
    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    Comments please so that i can know whether i am boring or not? and can decide to proceed further or not?

  4. #3
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    The heroine is a classic example of shortsighted, selfish, shallow girls found in too many numbers in the society today. Not an interesting type to admire or sympathise with. Irritation is the result of reading such stories. No offence meant, please!
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  5. #4
    Moderator Platinum Hubber P_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramyap
    Comments please so that i can know whether i am boring or not? and can decide to proceed further or not?
    This has been very nice till now. The idea is good but I feel some places sound repetitive.

    I don't understand why you wait for our responses to proceed. Don't you write the story out completely and edit it ? That may help improve the storytelling.
    மூவா? முதல்வா! இனியெம்மைச் சோரேலே

  6. #5
    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prabhu Ram
    Quote Originally Posted by ramyap
    Comments please so that i can know whether i am boring or not? and can decide to proceed further or not?
    This has been very nice till now. The idea is good but I feel some places sound repetitive.

    I don't understand why you wait for our responses to proceed. Don't you write the story out completely and edit it ? That may help improve the storytelling.
    thank you..... But i am writing it at a stretch whatever comes from my mind and i am new to these things so only....

  7. #6
    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavalamani pragasam
    The heroine is a classic example of shortsighted, selfish, shallow girls found in too many numbers in the society today. Not an interesting type to admire or sympathise with. Irritation is the result of reading such stories. No offence meant, please!

    y r u always seeing the negative side.... See there are so many guys like our hero who have true affection towards their wife but will be suffering in the mid of inability......

  8. #7
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Exactly! My heart goes out to such guys doomed to live with such ignorant girls!
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  9. #8
    Senior Member Seasoned Hubber ssanjinika's Avatar
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    Well..Ramya even if you are just writing the story out as you go ,I suggest you write it out in MS Word,do a spell and grammer check and then post it here.It would def make it easier for us to read the story and get what you are saying.You will also get more reviews that way!

  10. #9
    Senior Member Regular Hubber ramyap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssanjinika
    Well..Ramya even if you are just writing the story out as you go ,I suggest you write it out in MS Word,do a spell and grammer check and then post it here.It would def make it easier for us to read the story and get what you are saying.You will also get more reviews that way!
    thank you... i just edited out here once again... From now onwards i will follow your idea... Thank you for your nice suggestion....

  11. #10
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber Lambretta's Avatar
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    Sorry Ramya, we don't mean to be picky w/ u but cud u plse try reducing the size of ur font b4 pasting here?
    Too big font makes it diff. to read & also take longer to scroll offence I hope!

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