Petta : A Touch of Excellence
'The arrival of Kaali' is shot similar to the opening sequence from Hateful Eight, just that Quentin Tarantino projects the squence for about 4 minutes, while Karthik turns it off in a blink.
Petta : Angel + Truck + Mist <=> Hateful Eight : Chirst on the Cross + Stagecoach + Snow
From Hateful Eight :
How many doors did Rajini open in the movie Petta ?
I don't have the answer for that at this moment (I am watching a show in a couple of hours, as yesterday I lost the count half way through, thanks to the awesome distractions Karthik has sprinkled throughout the film). 'Opening and closing door' is a symbolic representation of 'transition', which I would be discussing about sometime later. In one of my works, I had designed a Palace floor with doors like a maze. Opening and closing them transforms the interrior as well. The characters walk between phases while entering rooms and towards the end, they rush through the door while been chased by deadly hounds. Its a metaphorical representation of transition while descending into different realms of mind (how a thought opens to close the existing thought and the whole picture changes in accordence with the new thought). In Petta, Kali enters through the bright light behind the door and when he opens the door the bright light appears along with him.