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Thread: The path we tread

  1. #1
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    The path we tread

    Thread is all about

    "The path we are treading"

    Lets reflect upon the path we are walking today, its curves, bumps, u-turns, experiences and where it may lead beyond.

    In crux, I am keen on sharing my thoughts, "quotes of what I read", posts, memes, sharing from other media just anything which may be of use or perusal for onlookers or seekers or anyone who wants to be careful where they go.
    Last edited by AscendingTunes; 1st June 2023 at 07:47 PM.

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  4. #2
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    What is the first requisite to tread in a path?

    To choose 'the path'?
    To have determination?
    To choose the destination?
    To have the 'will, talent' and focussed mind?

    All these are MUST, whether the goal is materialistic i.e. worldly wise and otherwise (spiritual). Incase u have reached the pinnacle of satisfaction, then where to go? Now what?

    When there is nothing more to aspire, nothing more to desire, no regrets, .... now what?

    It is then, that 'the quest' starts. The biggest question which RamaNa Maharishi has asked us to reflect again and again

    "நான் யார்?"

    With this thought in our mind, atleast with a sober, mild, timid, remote-tone naively questioning your deeper self - "Who am I" ? , we start the journey. To start the journey we should choose not to ignore the question, but FACE the biggest question. "Who am I" ?
    Last edited by AscendingTunes; 4th June 2023 at 05:54 PM.

  5. #3
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    Ever wondered what makes you "unique"?
    What makes you different from another living being, say a plant or an animal?

    It is the sixth sense. Extra sense gifted for human birth.

    Interestingly Each one of us possess the same set of
    Pancha indriyas
    Gyana indriyas
    Karma indriyas

    Our physical body is made up of same set of elements. Then, what makes you different from A or B or C

    Why was Shakespeare, shakespeare
    and why was Galileo, Galileo
    Why is Rahul Gandhi Rahul Gandhi
    Why is Narendra Modi, Narendra Modi
    Why is your neighbour, what he is
    why am I?, me
    why are you, YOU?

    Relax, I wont always be going on and on with such short writing notes, from tommorrow, I will also post interesting memes, "quotes worthy remembering" or some interesting passages from what I read etc..

  6. #4
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    Question comes back,

    What makes you, YOU?
    You are different because, YOUR MIND is different.
    Because your mind is different,
    you act different
    you react different
    Your mind is madeup of "Desires" .
    Everything else is just another avthar or version of desire.

    Basically "gross" or physical body is "the desire body"

    You are thus unique because your needs and desires are unique.

    Your action and reaction based on YOUR desires, brings KARMA.

    You are 'YOU' because of your - 'Desires' and the resultant Karma.


  7. #5
    Administrator Platinum Hubber NOV's Avatar
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    Thank you AT for sharing your thoughts.... a great way to celebrate one's birthday
    Never argue with a fool or he will drag you down to his level and beat you at it through sheer experience!

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  9. #6
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    Once again let us look at the picture below: that portrays "How Karma works".


    Doesn't that clearly explains the effects of Karma !?

    The answer to "who creates Karma?" is simple.

    YOU, create your karma.
    You, thus create your own destiny.
    Your thoughts do.
    Your desires creates Karma
    When you add more desires, your Karmic results keep modifying.
    Your actions and reactions enhances and directs your own destiny and Karma.

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  11. #7
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    Nov, Thankyou

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  13. #8
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    Matter and Energy in its various permutation - combination is said to have pervaded this Universe and is presenting us all what it has to offer. These forms and shapes and colors, all what is, what can be seen, what can be felt, what can be intuitively sensed is all jugglery of Matter and Energy

    And then there is "Time"... which makes this universe tick cyclically.

    We have many roads which leads us to the "Original truth" which we call it by any name, that we associate fondly or for the purpose of study.

    These roads offer us variety of guidelines, maps and pointers for us to reach or discover the 'original truth'. These roads are laid for us to tread safely, happily, comfortably and its very purpose is our peaceful journey here and hereafter.

    Every road is beautiful, their journey meaningful, the treaders who tread that are equally earnest in their search.

    I, am a person who has chosen to tread in the path which "hinduism" is taking me. I will be sharing or quoting which grabs my mind and soul as very interesting or informative from my area of study.

    Sometimes there would be beautiful general guidelines or quotes which I picked up from anywhere, and which can be inspiring for any traveller irrespective of the road u travel.

    Let us travel slowly, one step at a time and let us travel with much love and peace in our heart.

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