Quote Originally Posted by bis_mala
//On what basis are you saying PaavaaNar revised his Tolkaappiyam dating? Pl give us the citations, name of books, page numbers and dates of publication.
Who is L Raasamaanickanaar? (Is the initial correct?) What fresh evidence do the present day researchers on whom you are relying have before them that the older ones did not have? Why do you say "much objective research"? Why "much objective?"//

Quote Originally Posted by devapriya
I am sorry that you want me to repeat after APPROPRIATE REPLIES TO YOUR LIES, given in respective Threads- You repeat them in another thread to show your Position is totally without Proofs. L Raasamaanickanaar- is of same status as Mu.Va and Tho.po.Mi, on those days and Author of many Tamil Historical books
You never had explained this:On your claim that the present day researches are much objective research: What fresh evidence do the present day researchers on whom you are relying have before them that the older ones did not have? Make a comprehensive comparative study and post the details. I do not find anything in your old posts answering my new question raised above.

Rasamaanickanaar: He is M Raasamanickanaar, not L. Please check.