A friend of mine told me this dream 14 years ago, its a hilarious one

There was a cable running over his house to his neighbor's home. he had always wanted to walk on that cable Blondin-style and reach his neighbor's place

So one day he had this dream - he had started walking on this cable and was halfway through when he looked down and had a big shock. Directly underneath him was a huge cauldron, with boiling water, it was seething with steam. he got alarmed and wondered what would happen if he fell. Which is what precisely happened!
But he managed to grab the cable with one hand and was suspended in mid air, holding for dear life. At that moment, he got a shock from the cable(hey, this is unscientific, you cant be electrocuted unless you're touching something on the ground but its only a dream!). So he let go of the cable and was plunging headlong into the boiling cauldron.

At that moment he realised he had fallen off the bed long back and now was lying awake under the cot