7th November 2004, 09:36 AM
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Topic started by Pavalamani Pragasam (@ on Mon Aug 30 22:07:25 EDT 2004.
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7th November 2004 09:36 AM
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7th November 2004, 09:36 AM
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7th November 2004, 09:36 AM
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ukw (@ 128.*) on: Thu Oct 14 19:16:02 EDT 2004
This is basically another Jack and Rose Titanic situation, where the audience is deliberately kept from the reality of what would happen if these two shmucks really did get together. Namely, Clint would dump Meryl when he got tired of having sex with her or Meryl would dump Clint when she finally figured out what a twit he was. Well, it's nice to know that they will be stuck with each other for eternity - under a bridge of Madison County*
7th November 2004, 09:36 AM
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geno (@ 61.2*) on: Thu Oct 14 19:34:18 EDT 2004
I'd love to read the kind of reviews that "avargaL" and "aboorva raagangaL" and "avaL appadiththaan" got too!!!
and oh!
"kalki" too!!
Even "indecent Proposal" and "Unfaithful" and "disclosure" out together can't hold a candle to KB's works!!!
So KB is some short green from mars or some other parallel universe??!! huh!!!
7th November 2004, 09:36 AM
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Pavalamani Pragasam (@ 220.*) on: Thu Oct 14 22:16:23 EDT 20
Thanks, ukw for your quote! In spite of all the troubles the tribe of KB's sort take to make our women "post modern" still semblance of sense is seen around our daily life!
7th November 2004, 09:36 AM
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Pavalamani Pragasam (@ 220.*) on: Fri Oct 15 00:34:15 EDT 20
Some deft definitions:
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7th November 2004, 09:36 AM
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7th November 2004, 09:36 AM
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malligai (@ 63-2*) on: Fri Oct 15 01:45:25 EDT 2004
who cares about what Matthew Duren thinks about the film...anyone can write a film review and be 'hi-fi' biased in their view...and what was depicted in that film was not just sex, but love in a very mellowed form...cant we just look a little beyond the apparent??
now i wonder what u would think about Mr & Mrs Iyer!!
7th November 2004, 09:36 AM
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geno (@ 61.1*) on: Fri Oct 15 05:16:11 EDT 2004
>> now i wonder what u would think about Mr & Mrs Iyer!! >>
Oh yeah! that was a poignant film!
7th November 2004, 09:36 AM
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Pavalamani Pragasam (@ 220.*) on: Fri Oct 15 06:30:14 EDT 20
"Òýɨ¸" ±ýÈ Ò¼õ §À¡ð¼ ¦À¡ý §À¡ýÈ À¼õ, "¯ýÉ¡ø ÓÊÔõ ¾õÀ¢" §À¡ýÈ ¯ýɾÁ¡É À¼õ, ±ý ¸½Å÷ À¡÷¨Å¢ø º¢Ä À¨Æ ¿¡¼¸ô À¼í¸û ÀüÈ¢¦ÂøÄ¡õ ¡ÕìÌõ ¿¢¨É× ÅÃÅ¢ø¨Ä¡?
"¾Á¢Æ¸òÐ ¦ÅÌÉ ¦Àñ¸û"????????